Why I Tricked My Brother With Optical Illusions

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this is an optical illusion in Minecraft these are builds that literally break your mind and look like they're impossible so today I challenge my younger brother to a Minecraft build battle to see who could build the best optical illusion what he doesn't know is that I'm gonna cheat to make sure that I beat him today and blow his mind let's push this and see what our first round is it is a confusing optical illusion I'm getting started right away firstly I'm gonna make a giant hole right here and then above it I'm going to outline it in a cyan color no that's not I need a I need a bright color yeah I'm gonna do light blue all right guys I still don't know how to build a single optical illusion except this one I did some research today guys but first we need to stack a bunch of cakes on top of each other and this is gonna blow your mind when I'm done with this then I'm gonna surround this entire thing with a light blue concrete all right now that we have all of our cakes stacked up in a pillar like this we just have to slowly eat the cakes one more as we go up guys I'm really scared I'm literally freaking out right now that I'm gonna lose to Isaac okay so this is the this is it now what we have to do is actually fly up really tall and it's super it just kind of looks really stupid when you get straight above this it looks like it's a completed cake right there but in reality guys it is a bunch of cakes this is not enough for me so I'm actually gonna add a second illusion into this pit down here and get a double illusion this is such a confusing building it's actually confusing me what I need to do is create a lava wall on the side here then right in front of this lava wall so that way it doesn't actually flood out like it's doing right here a Minecraft Structure void is a special block that looks like this and it just prevents any sort of liquid from flowing through it okay we're gonna do a slight little shift here this is going to turn into Cobblestone what I'd like to do here is create an insane illusion that creates this image that you're looking straight but you're actually looking down so the idea is I'm gonna have my brother stand here and he's gonna think there's a bunch of lava in front of him and he's not gonna realize that he's somehow looking down instead of like you know straight so we've got this now I just need to build like a realistic cave scene below him I think we're gonna add a few more cakes just around here to really sell the illusion even more it's just going to look like it's right in the middle of all these all right we still have 486 seconds remaining I mean I don't think I've ever been done with a build battle so quickly in my entire life it's really for this to work you got to be standing like like something like this which means we need to be able to give you a barrier and so you're going to be able to stand on a barrier here we're going to change all this to Stone then when you look down and you stand here it literally does not look like you're looking down so if I can get my brother in this position he's gonna get here and be so confused and he's probably even gonna get dizzy then the second part is going to be over here to this thing which still doesn't feel exactly that great to me so I'm still trying to work on how to make this thing look a little bit better because I'm not really sure what it's supposed to be now when we go up to the top let's get the grand reveal of the final product I mean guys this is actually an incredible illusion I mean it looks like there's nine cakes right now but in reality there's like 15 because there are so many down there I finally get it if you stand in the right location there it is finally if you stand in the right location it looks like it connects to the other side now it literally looks like a giant like secret bridge but my problem is the weird build I made in the corner kinda takes away from it so I'm gonna see if I can go out here and re-line this again with some blue hide some of the lava that I don't need and then maybe it'll look a little bit more natural here in the last couple seconds I have in the first round all right so I went ahead and encased the entire structure and a giant gray concrete pillar right here so that way there's no way to see the illusion until the reveal and now I really do think it sells it a little bit better I think we're done guys we just have to wait for loverfela to come over here and judge it all right guys round one the timer is officially up let's go look at Isaac's illusion first all right Zach welcome to my first illusion unlike last time I came prepared today how many cakes are there yeah what do you think oh no I'm worried I would say there's nine oh baby let's go down and check something's weird about that last cake what the heck is this what dude I've never seen this you actually are innovating every single episode with cakes guys this is like his third K convention that is a sick cake illusion isn't it I don't even know that's so crazy for this one Isaac you have to stand in a very specific spot for mine okay look at that bridge you see that bridge the blue Bridge yes I'll fly over here wait where are you what's the direction is that down or up okay that one works a little bit better I think this should have been the only thing you built got him I went for a double whammy dude I had to do two because I felt like I wanted to one-up you what I think really happened though is you built the blue one you're like this isn't very good and then you built the cape I don't know what you're talking about it definitely didn't happen on to the voting guys as you guys know uh five four three two one points respectively he did two different things that is a gold I'm giving you a diamond just because that is so Innovative to see something like a cake like that thank you guys it's now time for round two let's see what we got here we're coming out with a 3D I don't even know what that means so what I'm about to build here is genuinely like the most difficult thing I've ever made in Minecraft history and I'm not even sure if I can pull it off what it looks like I'm building is something kind of like this which is a cross that kind of extends up I think I think what I'm gonna do is create a build where I literally just go around like this all the way around the edge you go up by two layers and then you switch colors and go up by another two all right I have no idea what I'm doing today but you know what I've realized that when you put things at like an angle like this you usually get a cool effect so that's what we're gonna do today you're gonna be able to fall down the middle and it's is going to be able to create this ridiculous optical illusion this one to me is very experimental very risky I might get steamrolled on this because of my three-dimensional build doesn't work here I'm gonna get like a Clopper I am panicking I thought this was gonna work better than it did I mean I don't know why I thought it would work I have no idea what I'm doing but this really doesn't give any effect at all oh guys I think I did something wrong and I'm not sure how to fix it it's such a confusing optical illusion that it's even hard for me to like actually build but that's okay we're gonna do it and we're gonna see what we can pull off oh my gosh guys this is not working at all I have no idea what to do now guys I literally feel like I'm letting you all down with this one I'm just gonna take it in my own hands and just start winging it I don't know we don't have a lot of time left and uh I gotta get something here okay I just got the dumbest idea I've ever got guys but does this not kind of look like a beacon I mean if I put this here does that not kind of look like the same thing so we're just gonna act like this is a full-size Beacon down there and completely lie to them all right let's give mine in test so the idea is if Isaac stands all the way up here when you give yourself slow falling it looks like it's flat but then as you come down it starts to get this weird three-dimensional feel and you fall into it but I really feel like like I missed the ball on this so I have 200 seconds left which is like three minutes so I'm gonna see what else I can do here Point your eyes really hard you might think that's a beacon so what we're gonna do is bring old lover fella into our little base here and tell him that we made the beacon 3D ladies and gentlemen I just had a last second brain flash if I combine this with another really interesting optical illusion I can make it look like this thing wasn't totally a flop and the way I'm gonna do that is like finishing this outside wall theoretically this is gonna look good then when you get in the center we're gonna actually hit you with a secondary optical illusion we're gonna bring it down like this okay 124 seconds left I have to move absolutely as fast as possible right here to be able to pull this off come on baby come on baby you can do this act Focus so now you're gonna fall into this dark little hole right here and then uh you're going to stop give myself a barrier than the entire floor is going to turn into this like concrete okay guys our illusion is officially complete I think we did all right guys tell me that does not look like a 3D Beacon we are 100 gonna make this sale I am ready to start the next round right now let's I'm gonna see if I actually trick you guys with the illusion that I just created to see if it's actually good or not you're gonna fall all the way down and you're gonna stop and if you didn't see me highlighting a block you'd think this is the floor but really there's an entire room below it and my idea is I want it to feel like you're actually falling into a three-dimensional block are you ready yep let me check out your spur sack all right here we go fall away buddy right in the center of the three-dimensional optical illusion wow look at that it's so that is pretty good I'll give you that wow and there's more do I break down yeah oh look at that you're inside the block that did get me I'm not gonna lie I didn't know what was happening there that's pretty good I mean Zach trust me that is way better than what I have done today I have made a 3D Beacon Zach oh oh you gotta stay oh and let me tell you what right now that's actually just one of these blocks in there that's all that is uh but what do you mean like in what you're looking at in there is just a beacon block that's not actually like other blocks dude that is a beacon in there you just don't know it because it's so 3D this is kind of interesting I think if you actually took these beacons out and just put it like that I think it'd be even cooler I like that I like that I really do I think it's good all right I'm gonna give you a uh a fair iron I liked it I didn't love it I think you get another gold for that moving on to the next guys clear the inventory hit the button what's coming up it is freestyle anything that literally doesn't help me at all dang it helps me though good luck the first thing we're gonna do is create a wooden entrance and this is going to be where the player is going to look I'll come back later and make this entrance look a little bit nicer but I'll just go ahead and make a little bit of a roof for now something pretty simple I'm going to grab both ends of the floor here and we are going to make it amazing looking with black and white checkerboard all right guys now we have a QR code floor I don't exactly know how that helps us or how that's an illusion so this is our window with which you'll be looking through to see an extremely large build so I'm going to Mark what you can see from here to that green thing and that is which one right there so one in the corner sorry it's gonna go from here all the way to the corner now the idea is these Gold Blocks should not be visible from where I stand as long as I do it right and they're not so that's kind of like my border to build within and then on this side we'll do the same thing okay hold on a minute I just remembered we can summon a giant zombie let's just get a giant out here I think there's some in a giant so I don't know what he's doing so I'm gonna bring this one right back in and ideally I do this perfectly so that you won't see the gold again and that creates an outline for where we're going to be building our house in the distance like that let's see all right so as long as you stand right here in this window and you don't look too far over you're gonna be able to see this illusion okay guys completely off topic but I just realized that you can get a perfect circle in Minecraft by summoning a giant zombie that's kind of an illusion in itself a circle in Minecraft guys that could be our entire build right there okay so here's what we're at right now if you stand in this exact spot and you look in you can see that you can see this wall and that's all you're able to see right now so we need to make that wall bigger go a little bit more to the side here and this is going to appear to be your back wall as you move back and forth and the wall is going to look so much bigger than it is so clearly it's not tall enough and clearly it's not quite wide enough so we're gonna have to do just a little bit of Maintenance here to make this thing actually do what it needs to do we have 200 seconds left and we are going to make a complete 180. we are going to lean into the circle Shadow off of these Giants but I think it looks a lot better with a white floor now for the difficult part we actually have to start making the optical illusion I don't know I'll put in like some some glowstone or like some like just like giant windows or something back here thank God I know how to use a roll that I'm gonna copy and paste that all right quick check on the illusion from back here as you look through you see giant Windows all right now we got to get a little bit of a staircase on the side and I want that staircase to be like right here this is so difficult I don't know if I'm gonna pull it off come on all right let's check out that staircase look does it look real hey that's that's not bad the staircase looks real the thing is I need all of this gold to be like invisible so all of this all the way up to here set to air it's not just back to Grass guys I'm so worried about this one we cannot have all the dark Oaks spilling out because that ruins the illusion see now it looks a little bit better as you look back and forth the staircase needs to be filled in a little bit Isaac's making a lot of giants there's a lot of tension going on right now guys and I hope that I do not disappoint you with what I'm trying to make here okay there we go that one's in a good spot we just need to get one more in here now so by using iron bars and end rods we're going to try to create a little chandelier right here that just kind of hangs down okay these ones are perfect now we just need to push this front Guy back to the right a little bit one minute left guys I really think that I'm gonna be able to pull this off let's get this chandelier looking good here I'll tell you nobody has ever seen these colors in Minecraft that shade of gray is only caused by two giant Shadows overlapping I think the chandelier should be tall enough now so when you stand here you see the chandelier and you're like oh that's really cool looking the problem is our back wall kind of gets in the way of the chandelier but it's not that bad all right Zach I'm ready all right guys going over to Isaac's we have to be in spectator mode so uh that's interesting TP to me and look straight down I'm down I see Shadows okay have you ever seen a shape like that in Minecraft Zack uh actually you're right I have you have not and have you ever even seen those colors in Minecraft it's like a little spiral thing that overlaps it's very interesting looking now fly up deck this is gonna blow your mind oh my God how did you come up with this idea to create this just started summoning things and I realized he's had a circular Shadow this is literally like a cursed shape in Minecraft please open up my tiny little house oh it does look pretty big oh that one's pretty good oh I feel like the background of this place actually worked good for you it looks like a window I know I know I put that in last second put a window there you got a chandelier a bookshelf it literally looks like a castle inside of a small little door yeah that's pretty good I like that one favorite one so far from you diamond oh Double Diamond up next dimensional what does that even mean dude it just isn't what it means all right this one's gonna be interesting because I actually have to go to the nether to pull this one off so I'm gonna actually be leaving the build battle arena step one go to the nether first thing I'm gonna do is just set the entire floor to end portals why I don't know I just like the way End Portals look now that you're in the nether break your portal I need something with a little bit of lava next to it all right guys we're setting the entire floor to end portals oh my gosh look at the floor right now guys that is breaking my mind oh my do we even need to build anything else make your new nether portal right here you're not gonna obviously light this bad boy on fire then once you do is you create this illusion of having a base inside the nether portal all right this is a weird dimensional illusion that allows you to look through and be very confused about what you're actually seeing I may have to make this a little bit bigger I'm not sure that this is quite big enough yet but we're going to look through and see so if you stand right here now you're essentially looking in you have to get the right exact spot right there so now all we have to do is turn this into an actual Minecraft base we'll go ahead and put a Minecraft bed down we'll get some lanterns because it's a little bit dark in here we'll put a crafting table out all right so we're just going through right now guys and adding black concrete to all of the edges and the ceiling because I think it's really going to make the illusion even more jarring when there's no other light except the end portal look how good that looks that is a dimensional build that'll absolutely blow your mind when you play this all right look at that it's just so good it's literally the best illusion ever I'm gonna add an armor stand I'm gonna put some armor on it because that gives us a little bit more blue to utilize in here and uh I think I could just put that maybe like right here all right that has done something for us here folks I don't know what it did but it has done something I went out of here right now I'm going crazy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I got an idea I got an idea what if I make an optical illusion outside that looks like grass it looks like there's actually like a little bit of a yard out here I don't even know what the optical illusion that we build here today is but that is definitely an illusion of some sort all right this is meant to replicate a mine shaft so that way it doesn't look like the nether so you're mining down in the mine shaft here and there should wouldn't be like any sort of like hobble I'm gonna do all Stone okay well that's what what well I'll be honest with you I could not have anticipated something like that happening oh my gosh guys you can set the walls to Nether Portals this is single-handedly going to be the most cursed room in Minecraft that has ever been built all right so now we have this uh if you stand right here you're good so I need to mark this as like the spot to stand with stone then you can go in you can have this you can walk over here you have your own little Oasis out here you only have five seconds left this is as good as we can make it today we are officially done all right stand on this Stone okay I'm on the stone check out the dimensional nether portal look at that man you did this in the last one Zach Take a walk on the inside it gets better okay is this gonna blow me away yeah go ahead get in there go ahead go ahead okay walk through the room look at that it feels like you're inside a mine shaft doesn't it okay is this it no hang out in there a little bit chill for a second okay I see what you're doing okay yeah how's it looking you don't see nothing all right don't leave don't leave stay in there get back in there no we're still in the nether I wonder how long oh my bad one second don't don't move stay in there stand there stand there got a whole loading screen here go ahead get out go ahead oh the grass color has changed wow how did he do that folks I will never know how that would just hold on just incredible I don't even know what he did Zach how are we in the Overworld now was that good or are you joking to me no it was not dude I got a whole loading screen you think I fell for that all right let's see yours uh yeah it's better than mine I feel like dude I don't know what I was doing let's see what the whoa whoa whoa whoa tell me that that's not an illusion dude I'm not gonna lie that's pretty trippy that's pretty trippy that's pretty weird looking yeah I mean you never know what to expect from Isaac it's very cool to be honest with you I gotta give him a gold I think it's worth it that's what you got too guys it's now time for the final round we're all tied up here so Winner Takes all and uh I don't know about you Isaac but I say we pick option A is creepy option b is miniature which one would you like miniature all right you do miniature and I'll do creepy okay guys last round we don't actually have a way to clear our plot right here because somehow I don't know how it happened I accidentally deleted the button that would have reset my clock step one create a skeleton you guys are going to want to use this one all right make sure you do give a little bit of nose Souls right there for my skeleton I'm gonna try to make him extraordinarily creepy like that's something that I feel like I do have a skill with is just creating like disturbing things and this is going to be our little bit of a skeleton head here let's fill this in for now with all the blocks make some eyeballs in this bad boy I think I know what we're gonna do I've always wanted to do this basically there is a beehive we're gonna have him walk into the Beehive and then we're gonna teleport him into a giant beehive and we're gonna act like he's inside of the block all right there we go we got two little eye holes here and then inside the back of the eye holes all you want to do is hit it with a black concrete and a little bit of a glowing block this is going to be part of where the illusion comes from is a death trick behind the guy's eyeballs now I want to make this extraordinarily creepy but I think the illusion should already actually be ready so if I put this in the back it should be set up now so the thing looks at you no matter where you are so if I come over here okay well that's wrong all right guys I now have to construct an entire beehive in 400 seconds and then furnish the inside I mean this is a massive undertaking okay we don't really need noses here in our giant creepy gas monster and uh this I think we can take off to give them a little bit longer of tentacles here that's a little bit better for the dimensions then we'll take it all the way back to about here we have 300 seconds left and we have something that vaguely resembles a beehive I mean that's as much detail as we could possibly go with the amount of time that we have so now the only thing we have to do now is just furnish the inside of this with a bunch of honey I'm thinking and it's gonna look incredible okay so this is what we're at now it's actually a three-dimensional ghast it's got a very interesting design to it uh it needs a little bit more concrete over here though to flush this side out so go ahead and get that filled in really quick because I did that very wrong on my design there's no Rhyme or Reason to my placements right now guys I'm literally just clicking as fast as I can because I want to get as much honey down as physically possible before this timer ends I think to dig this up to the next level it needs an absolutely horrifying mouth down here so I would say something kind of like joker-like would do us really well here all right we're gonna make a royal throne for the queen bee right here guys and we'll make it just a little taller oh yeah definitely a throne now now that is creepy what else can I do I've got a little bit of time left up the illusion up the creepy Factor but guys we only have 144 seconds left this is getting very intense wow that is interesting okay I think we've done a pretty good job here today guys this actually does look like a beehive there's really not a lot else I would do time's up in 30 seconds let's just let it run out are you ready I am ready let's start with mine first all right let's see it welcome to the world's scariest ghast taking a look at this Beast now move around fly around look at it and notice that it also looks at you uh I feel like it kind of does do it it kind of does what do you mean kind of it exactly follows like right here I can't even see its eyes well you did you're just next to it you're too far I'm not really sure how it's working but I I think it is working I gotta give it to you is that the only thing I need you to do for mine is to click F1 okay done all right Zach now I want you to walk up and click on the behind okay it's gone boom you just went inside the beehive oh my god wow if you time that about a millisecond quicker it would have matched up to my click and then perfect I tried so hard to guess when you were gonna click this was pretty creative too all right I like that that is cool that is cool I got I gotta give it to you guys I'm gonna go ahead and hand Isaac another right wow I'm gonna do another right too Zach let's just you know what we just deserved a tie a day we did we deserve a tie like we have every single week guys but if you enjoyed this creative optical illusion build battle you're gonna enjoy this one just as much guys so I'll see you guys there peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 116,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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