300mph Airplane Barn Find!

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there's gear speed air coming down and that was good all right we are pulling up here to an old run down hanger now I get asked a bunch of times over and over and over again Jimmy how do you find all these crazy cool deals well you're in for a treat I'm gonna share with you my exact method of how I hunt and find cool deals on airplanes and all the websites and everything else I use here's the sites that I go to trade a plane Barnstormers Hangar 67 the evil Bay face page Marketplace and the classic Craigslist so today let's just see what we got and I'm looking for a faster airplane low to high let's see what kind of deals we can find Grumman Arrow Commander 60 Grand there you go an Aztec 75 that's not a bad deal buy that one I've got the extra one at my house a 310 r75 wow and Apache there you go hey I know where you can get one of them three through seven these are just funny they got a motor in the front and in the back it's weird and look at all the stuff what I like about this one it shows you the specs so you can look up some of the just basic now they're not totally accurate all the time but it gives you a fun way to look at that and then you go to Barnstormers search the ads ooh you know what let's put in uh yes let's see what we can find who doesn't want an Aerostar messenger just awesome that is a sexy beast yeah yeah um yes please Hangar 67 this one's kind of neat because it pulls from a lot of the other uh different sites it just kind of skims everything else and pulls it all together so let's see what we got here he'll find different airplanes on here yeah like these Arrow Stars all right there you go there you go pretty cool airplanes there and then you eat the old uh e evil Bay as some people call it how about a bonanza these are pretty cool airplanes Buy It Now 15 grand what in the heck Gear Up you see somebody else needs one of those t-shirts that say Gump's check uh you can see it's bent right there on that side right there and that side look at that yep he's got those new fancy Q-tip props and we got uh face page Marketplace lots of fun stuff on this Cessna 150 210. home built twin engine what the heck is that what the heck is that thing yep that's definitely an experimental what the heck this is how I find my deals you just look through a lot of a whole bunch of ads I I usually say one percent only about 10 of that is even possible good deal and then of those you know maybe one or two turn out so for every thousand airplanes I look at maybe five of them are potential deals that's just how it goes you look through a bunch of these things basically your whole life is spent looking at airplanes trying to find the right one and the right price with the right can you know background in history all that kind of stuff that fits what we you know we do with trying to get them back in the air worthy condition get them flying again it's not just any of them will will work I did find a very special airplane that we need to go look at I'm gonna go change we're gonna head out to the airport and we're gonna go look at a freaking awesome airplane one that I've been searching for for about two years ever ever since I found out that it existed yep let's go that thing on the interweb and now we're gonna hop into old hot Tater here buzz on down there and the reason you may ask I want to get there faster in the lancerre I would however do you see all that right now it's not too bad but that has been building like crazy and I imagine in about two hours three hours when I'm coming back it's just gonna be all kind of crazy so we want something that's IFR and we'll get us through some of the rougher stuff a little better than Cameron who's our like sports bike Our Cafe Racer if you will and this is like the station wagon the pickup truck that's yep let's get on the road well you may or may not be able to tell us how much I'm sweating right now according to this it's 105 degrees outside and then that not including the inside so we need to get some uh air conditioner turned on [Music] and everybody's favorites [Music] crop can I get a clear prop a little bit of Breeze okay if I don't like anything we're pulling it back Landing straight ahead as soon as we got a positive rate No More Runway we're going to commit if anything goes wrong we're gonna stay in lift traffic and just work our way around here we go AirSpeed is alive everything is looking good feeling good there's rotate we are out of Runway here coming up about a thousand foot a minute we are now at 2000 for 7 500. everything's looks good let's just hope for a boring flight for the rest of it now that we're cruising we're still gonna climb up to 9500 just to get above all this Cloud players the airplane we're going to look at is something I've been trying to find for a couple years now and I may have found a pretty good deal on one and it's the only thing that's well besides the big piston propeller powered it's the only thing faster than the Lance air then Cameron yeah I can't wait and you're gonna you guys are gonna die when you see this thing 700 horse twin turbocharged that's all I'm gonna say yeah eight thousand five hundred four nine thousand five hundred I decided to go ahead and climb on up here to eleven five because we got a ridge of clouds happening right before where we need to go and there's pretty much clouds and storms all around where we're going and for this very moment it says that it's clear yes it's hot and we got lots of thunderstorm action it's normal July day in Florida and I'm hoping we'll be able just to get on the other side of this little Ridge of looks like popcorn clouds and it'll be clear like it is here over there though you got all that okay got it we're gonna be cruising at 11 500 feet trying to dodge all these clouds and puppy things now in the battle worlds we're gonna get down here we're gonna look at the airplane maybe close the deal on it and then turn around and Boogie forward before this stuff gets where I just can't even apply until like nine o'clock tonight and we may have to do a loop down there [Music] yeah we'll just do a long straight in Air Gear speed here coming down one two and three we always like that no mirror on this one and now that's good all right we are pulling up here to an old run down hanger and we're here hey Jimmy how are you hello it's finally meet you let's be Greg I'm great nice to meet you yeah so was this 15 or 17 17 and what's the differences between the 17 and the 15 if UTI the 15 UTI okay obviously UTI has two seats most of them were converted from single seat after the 15 they built the 17 and they Linked In the fuselage about three feet because a 15 had a waggle in it that's right this is a lot longer yeah and they swept the wings back it has a double sweep wing on it as you can see it comes back here 25 degrees to here and then it comes out to 43. and it has three fences instead of two it builds uh more speed more stable because of 15 it's maximum speed would tend to warp a wing and it would go into a roll so they had to come in with a 17 it's a thousand pounds heavier and a lot stronger Wing wow well as cool as this is and not eventually here for the Mig I'm here for the Aerostar baby and that's not a normal Aerostar that is a superstar 700 the fastest one they make [Music] [Music] check this out and the short crops so year four is down there yes on some of them they had the intercoolers and the wing rooms but this one has it here I kind of like it like this it looks like a hot red car with a Scoops hanging out the bottom yeah oh yeah and the short props yeah if you've had the long props on this engine conversion it'd be a 680 instead of a 700. interesting okay and it removes the vibration they're a lot quieter takes away all your torque I can tell you a night and day difference between a non-profit a short prop a long prop Aerostar has a lot of torque it feels like you're going down the runway you nail this one you're going down the runway you keep going like when's that torque coming because if you've ever flew a different model than a 700 you're used to that torque and putting you back in the seat this this isn't quite like that I've noticed even though they got more power they tend to take about another thousand feet of Runway how long have you had I had this about three four years okay again I have to go back a little bit of paperwork because I had so many aircraft and I know I usually pick them up and I don't even know when the bill sale goes through I have no idea I just come and go over there but I like you yeah it is a disease and it's an expensive disease yes it is so I gotta know after just a quick lens I've never seen paint this bad on an airplane how what what's the story behind the thing you know the only thing I can figure out I've never seen like this either but I've seen it on cars cars that sit outside in the ice and then people come by and scrape the ice off that's what that looks like it's like you have ice off you scraped it off now it's only on the nose in good shape so I have to assume that it was done by Megan how many hours are on this airplane I think it's right here I think it's 3 000 it's like three thousand ten three thousand twelve but something it's kind of dark and this you have seeds at home this is not this seat does not go to this aircraft this comes out of another project aircraft I have a 601 a model it's your short Wing Turbo Charge what's the fastest model until they come out with this one um yeah I sent the seats out I had them reupholstered and they're now have covers on them so you've got risked everything heat wise the fastest piston join ever made what what speed are we talking you're talking about 279 knots yeah and it's true after being obviously we have what else to do I believe it's something that low 20s how much gas well that's that's the thing this is the thirstiest hero star I on tablet I see 52 gallons an hour whoa whoa do you think we can fire these up and see what it sounds like yep [Music] thank you what do you think you guys should we get a definitely a project I don't know if you've heard me but this tug is built by DeLorean that's a DeLorean it's a DeLorean it's a DeLorean t40 the DeLorean had a government contract and built tug before he built his car and this is a DeLorean so obviously I own a DeLorean that's where do you need a convertible it is Masters here turn on alternators okay these these engines tend to flood really really simple so what I do is I I put it up here like this and we go through a normal check you can you can check the fuel on or off but we're just going to start up on the ground we're not going for a flight so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna Prime this one and I'm gonna look at the the fuel pressure here one two three about as soon as it I hit three and it starts to grab it goes up I stop I pull everything back down I do the other engine same thing watch it again one two three I'll take that one about four right there come back pull down we always start the outside engine go about half you go up just about a quarter just pretty much like anything and then here boost pumps off for an hour for start we leave it off because I like to have my mixture on otherwise I'd be flooding itself right now so it starts a lot quicker than that wow that started up a lot easier than I thought it was going good oh it starts usually it catches on a third fourth blade but I haven't started for probably original Mouse hasn't been started wow and I'm surprised because I am about as close as you can get to the propeller and it's honestly pretty quiet right here yeah and because of the short props and I just put the boost on so now it has to run with the boost on okay so we're gonna do this one I got a little bit more fuel into it I don't have to shut the door or anything but I would always tell you to close your door to start it and just out of a habit so that you won't get a bad habit we'll go ahead and shut the door and you absolutely no matter what happens you never ever put your hand out here because the prop will take it off because you'll get your hand cut off that's right you can reach up here you can grab this and close the door but we're not going to fly so I'm not going to close the door okay and here we go we're ready for the next one and you gotta can I get a clue since we're out in the middle of nowhere and there's nobody around we can all go through clear prop [Music] [Applause] het now these you don't experience all right and there's an optional steering up here which I've had aircraft with this steering this is natural this is very unnatural so I prefer the one here that I haven't convert it again you know what's nice about that is that you can actually taxi on one engine because you have electric no steering you don't need differential you don't go anywhere tomorrow one engine a lot of times shut down one engine on a long taxi I'm going on one engine they say not to it wears out your bushings but I'm never wore out of bushing yet still just surprised how quiet it is in here we have short props and an Aerostar at uh about 2200 RPM has a resonance it's called Aerostar resonance and it goes wrong wrong one and it cured that with short props so there's a lot of benefits to the conversion and the short crops and now this is my favorite part of this airplane [Applause] Works you're charging on both alternators now this is the lights went out everything's charging everything's good we're sitting at um I like to run the RPM higher than on a non-turbo plane because it keeps the turbos oil to keep them cool Char balls were so expensive that you want to baby the turbos the same as you want to baby the engines because it's a crazy amount of money if you don't and you notice the Boost pops wrong they'll stay on now they'll stay on indefinitely until you come in to shut the engine down ha not not like the others puffer takeoff and Landing you don't do a boost pump check and all that stuff weird yeah and just like in Florida it's raining we've not struck a deal on Eurostar yet I'm still waiting for title search to come back if that comes back clean and I gotta do some number crunching for some paintwork and some other stuff here if we can get all those numbers to work out we don't get us an Aerostar 300 miles an hour okay doggy that's awesome what do you guys think put in the comments you guys crazy enough is this crazier than the other stuff that I've done it kind of looks that way sweet pops around all that stuff is good and get it on the roll AirSpeed is alive oh we got quite a crosswind there we go had to get off the ground before that stuff oh big Gomer now I see blue sky but I also see a crap load of clouds see that that is just terrible that's what that is just look at that wall nice boom Overland look at that wow Plant City traffic is apache131 Delta Papa on an extended left base for Runway 2-8 Plant City [Music]
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 514,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmys world, rebuild rescue, abandoned airplane, will it start, will it run
Id: UppTqE7CF2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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