$17,500 Abandoned Airplane Auction "Deal"

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we are here looking at a another potential project and yes I know we've got too many projects as it is but that's okay it is kind of need some work it's on auction right now and I may or may not have already put a bid in on it just throwing it out there to you but we decided since it's next door here in Lakeland we'll come take a look at it before I buy it totally side unseen let's go take a look all right I have earned a hundred and twenty four dollars and 53 cents from using the upside app only in a few months every time I fill up and sometimes when I go out to eat I am claiming the offers and getting me some cash back so download the free upside app and use the code Jimmy's world and save yourself 25 cents off your first tank of gas the upside app it's free to sign up You're Gonna Save lots of money like I do everything from gas to eating out and then when you're ready you can either have that cash deposited straight into your account or you can do what I do and I get gift cards and go spend it take the old wife out for a date and have a special time out so again check out the free upside app the link is in the description below and it's on the screen right now use the code Jimmy's world when you sign up I I have that's the first time I've actually seen it it's bad this is a 1975 Cessna 414 it's pressurized which means we can go a lot higher it's got turb skis on it which means we can go a lot faster and like my shirt it'll probably take a million dollars to get it flying again however it's on auction right now 17 500 bucks and I did notice that those propellers that are on here the ends are bent on purpose on this one just those if they were in good condition would be worth about seventeen thousand dollars by themselves so we're gonna see you check this thing out and see if we want to buy it and then try to get it buying it again part it out I don't know see if we can make some money on this thing so let's uh let's see what we got ourselves into so right away come around here you see the foam uh that's that's where an alternator is supposed to go oh that that's that's been in there a minute oh I also see there are no spark plugs in this engine you know is this Frozen I wonder if it's Frozen no it's not frozen all right so easy you know if that thing's got to come apart done it's painted though it's got a nice paint on it on that part and these uh black boots right here you see the electrical connection that heats it up so ice doesn't build up on here which is nice because when you're up high even when it's 95 degrees down here it's still like negative 20 up there which is kind of crazy turbo so we got a turbo over there let's see if that thing is frozen make sure there's no Critters living in it first oh that is okay that's frozen yep okay fantastic all right so this engine roughly sixty thousand dollars because it's a big bore big stuff all through it uh the turb ski on the back there yeah it was probably talking six grand ish roughly uh this prop to go through this you're looking at a minimum 3 500 bucks so 60 66 and 6 70 000 and we haven't even made it to to the actual airplane yet and these airplanes a good one flying 150 to 200 000 that's already half of the value on this side let's go see the other half of the value up we're at alternator missing over here as well that's fantastic spark plugs out of this side too this is some Frozen no what about the turbo on this side okay well there's a burden I don't even see the bird oh it must have flown out nope oh there he goes we took off all right yeah he's over there now all right solid as a rock yes oh he is ticked off he's going over to call his buddies look at that tail he's like he's all wigging on his tail same story here 70 000 bucks poof so right there on two engines we're looking at 140 000 dollars just to get started on this thing all right let's let's take a look on the inside any Critters in there yeah I see no standing water an eventful in there oh wow that is a huge pile of ooh fancy these steps work better than the Elvis jet steps holy crap at the pile of stuff [Music] what do you think is in the gym bag drugs drugs and close enough books all right here you go oh that's not good Avionics that's toasted Avionics [Music] so this is what we wanted to put into the Silver Bullet so Aspen if anybody there is is watching and you just have a couple extra laying around that you're going to donate to the cause hey we'll take your fancy stuff it's good stuff well all right what is that okay that is not a 5 30. this is just a because it didn't have all the other buttons on it so it is the what seven oh it's a 750. I broke another 15000 no this is more than that I think this is twenty twenty five thousand dollars [Music] and what we got it says Garmin clear internet OBS what the crap is that oh it's a 255 it's a is this just like a second nav or something on these I don't know you guys in the comments you're already hard at work go ahead and enlighten me on this one holy crap an ADF this is gonna get sent straight to the Museum of Natural History and then we've got audio panel Garmin 340 audio panel which by the way a PS engineering 8000 will slide right into this better audio guessing 2500 bucks 2 000 bucks probably there's 2 000 that audio panel is maybe a thousand there's three thousand then we've got uh the 750 which if this actually works is actually it's a pretty expensive unit so there's what another 12 000 ish or so on the on the eBay market and then we got these units right here which this actually looks brand new how much are these things yeah 2017. so we're looking at roughly twenty thousand dollars in avionics on the used Market if it all works that's right if it works check that out come on we got a little we got a little the table yeah now these were the beginning of the cabin class type of airplanes because most of them will have table on both sides and have more Club seating where you're facing people and then they even have most of them will have a seat that's also like a porta potty type thing I would love to actually have one of these for my family because when you have a wife and small kids that have the bladder the size of that bird that was just over here makes hitting those longer stretches much much more durable well we'll need let's just go around and look at corrosion and look at the wings and see if they're going to fall off we're looking for crunchy bam that didn't take long let's lift up on this see what we hear oh [Music] so they're supposed to flex a little bit and have some oil canning my guess is this is probably okay because I'm pushing on it pretty decent okay that is what I don't like it's like a pop they also say never buy an airplane from Florida they're not lying there's a lot of Truth to that this is the world home of corrosion this is where it all starts yeah see this one feels okay so I can see it on this side a little canning but okay these are toast sitting outside you can take yep [Music] oh I got our checklist hey there's one of the starter what the baby why would you have alcohol anti oh this is where the bottle was for the anti-icin okay that's weird this is all no bueno I mean every single ribbit yeah and so this is the pressurized side up here and it's probably the bulkhead is right here you can [Music] they took out all the screws from this I wonder because these all had a wingspar ad all the 400 series Cessnas you had to that you had to do a wing Spar 80 based on a few criteria and I wonder if they were doing it on this and found a cracked Wing or something like that or they were doing this and then discovered that there was more issues yeah this one is officially a parts donor airplane front struts collapsed every struts collapsed back struts or clap yep I'm surprised it has air in the tires although I bet they've been moving this thing around so they keep air in the tires just so they can get it out of the way wow those are some cooked bees what else about the airplane are people going to want to know out there you just put in the comments tell me other kind of stuff you're curious about this right here is your rampedo this is what tells your speedometer how fast you're going it's heated so you don't build ice up on it and same with that one one of these is probably used for backup or if it has co-pilot gauges on it that's a light you know wheel oh that that one's up that strut is up that is dry as a bone oh yeah here's a fun fact that little deal right there is where your tie downs are and when you're untied bloop for more speed man this thing is really trashed I sure hope I don't win the auction I mean outside of a little bit of money on those Avionics and these props might be salvageable that's it Jesse what are you thinking yeah it's it's hands down Parts playing no questions asked and it would make a good price point because the engines are they're toast you're right they've been exposed and open for however long and those are not Chrome cylinders so you know there's probably pitting and rust inside there this had a license plate it would say Financial mistake hey that's kind of Jimmy's world mod over here so what you're telling me is this is the perfect airplane buy it will it start oh here here we go this is what I was looking for we got separation we got some powder white powder substance right there and that's just starting up top and then it bulges right here you can although I think that's the cabin pressure Bondo stuff 2016 was its last annual and an elt battery if you ever want to see the inside of an elt hey an elt whenever you crash it has a momentum switch in there a g-switch that whenever it has so many G's hit to it it goes Boop and sends off a beacon to tell people where you crashed and that's where the inside of it looks like there you go basically a bunch of D batteries did you ever see that movie um Hatchet or read the book when you were a kid negative it was awesome it was about this like 12 year old kid that was flying in a little airplane going to Alaska or somewhere and it crashed in Canada and he had to spend like two months surviving and he ended up going it hit in the lake and he was surviving around like eating bugs and stuff like that and he had a hatchet with him hence the name but what saved him is he went back to the airplane found that little thing and flipped it on and then didn't think about it and like two days later they came and got him nice there you go so if you're ever in a plane crash flip that sucker on right away I think I found the toilet seat yeah look at that that's what it is it's right there oh yeah huh that is what is inside of a pooped seat but it's it's fine because it's vanilla and artificial vanilla flavor it was a first aid kit expiration date 12 31.98 99. how many of you were even alive watching this that's a little puffy that cold pack I don't know if that's still any good there you go and you got everything you need right there what the heck let's do some quick math here how many do you count on that four right come here how many cylinders are on this engine one two three three more on the other side that's six so we right away know that this part did not belong to this airplane No Joke Man 600 bucks add the 600 to the list yeah for real actually uh you know what else I just noticed what's that where's the floor you don't need a floor check out how nice the interior is that looks like brand new interior though have you all have been all the way up in there yet negative I hear you're really nice [Applause] there is really nice I mean you got a little shoot this interior is really nice privacy empty panel that's probably where all the avionics came from you have your is the control lock in it it is okay yes there we go here let's see can you turn it oh the controls move standard instrument Jesse see that little black knob right there yeah lift it up [Applause] as you're gonna see if you would emergency oxygen pool there are a lot of switches in there yeah there's a lot of neat stuff here I wish I knew what any of it did just because I'm just curious we'll see if this smoke happens there's no batteries even in this thing is there I assume there's not because I just turned it on uh dude it's got like ventilated arm rests oh wow what I've never seen that before so if I just go like this I can pull my armpit it works yeah I just want to see you get back oh there's our bird still right there he is still not happy with us even for me this one is on the Rough Side just throwing that out there to you so that tells you just how bad it actually is honestly I think if somebody if somebody gave it to me for free I would take it only because of the avionics and the props but past that I'm out we do need to go look at some other planes though I think we can find some other really cool planes to go look at what do you think do we are setting up an email list because anybody on that email list is going to know when we're going to drop the rest of these first and they're going to know days ahead of time if you're not on the email list then you're going to find out with the rest of the world so click in the link in the description below or go to savethe310.com and put your information on that mailing list and you'll be the first people to find out not just when these are going to drop you'll be the first people to be able to buy these
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 301,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned airplane, airplane auction, airplane, abandoned, will it start, will it run, jimmys world, rebuild rescue, vice grip garage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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