Abandoned Airplane Will It Start? 10 Years in the Dark

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That thing started easier after 10 years sitting than some I've seen sit hot for 30 minutes.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/vote100binary 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] here well okay i'm sad right now but we gotta go find another project so uh i've i've got a line on something in a hangar over there let's go check it out here open that thing all the way up [Music] hmm could this be the next project maybe oh yeah there's some flat tires [Music] i wonder when the last time somebody was even in this hangar good morning my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world if you're new here hit that subscribe and that bell icon so you can get all these latest weirdest craziest videos of me doing financially suicidal things with airplanes and sometimes cars this is a 19 i frankly have no idea what year this is but it's a 172 m which has a little lycoming 360 engine in it this one's been sitting here at least five years i just now opened the door for the first time in five years and it was a pain and i'm tired now but today we're gonna see if we can get this thing to fire up so uh kind of excited about that it's always fun to see an airplane or anything that's been sitting for a while have some life come back to it maybe because i have no idea about the condition of this or anything so what we're going to find out if it fires up and if it does then maybe i'll go ahead and buy it because the guy got a hold of me and they said basically you got to get rid of this thing one way or the other and it's either going for parts or we're going to see if we can't get it back in the air all right let's uh let's get closer and let's get cracking yeah it uh kind of taken apart a little bit just just a little all right well this is uh not very funny it's not gonna tell you any yolks hmm that's terrible looks like a plastic and stuff is all right we got door panels here the seats those all look fairly new you got your instrument panel down there okay okay biggest thing i'm looking for is corrosion because i do know that there is a whole bunch of corrosion up here look at all that all along that entire seam and i just want to make sure that the corrosion hasn't gotten into really bad places that's going to kill it yeah you can see over there too it's lifting the paint up all kinds of different places and back here right there lots lots of spots the paint itself and the doesn't seem to be any denser or anything like that i can see on this watch your head high wingers knock my head on that stinking again all right let's see well oh hey look that's already still loose okay well we'll take that thing off all right all right let's see what we got down in here there is a battery still in i'm sure that's dead fuel strainer drain definitely going to be draining some fuel out of it it's got all the cylinders and spark plugs are still in it so felt's still on it probably that thing's trash okay all right not too bad all the magnetos i mean everything is here so okay let's see does it turn yeah it's not seized up i don't know how much impression oh that thing turns pretty easy oh there's some compression okay all right let's check the oil let's see what we got there [Applause] oh that's a lot of oil eight eight quarts but it is clean as can be okay all right and fuel we'll go sump the fuel and see how nasty that is all right well i'll be back i want to know what everybody uh thinks that if we're gonna be able to get that 172 started devin he knows the plane so he's the one who uh that just told me a little bit about it devin do you think we're gonna be able to get that thing started it'll be a little bit it'll be a little bit it'll take some finagling yeah do you do you think it will uh it will ever be back in air-worthy condition maybe ooh he's doubting it and he's the one who knows the plane the best all right phil what do you think he knows the plane a little bit do you think we'll get a startup basically um but it's gonna be enough build battles over there okay all right all right all right no comment no comment no comment what do you think i want to hurt your feelings man it ain't my plan yet i haven't seen it so i don't even know oh yeah he he doesn't know anything about it but set for five years and i just opened the hangar today for all the way the first time in five years and it was taken apart during an annual and the mechanic died and that's pretty much where it's at it's my understanding mechanic i don't think i want to do that all right well we'll we'll see now we got to go find some uh gas and then find a battery we got to put air in the tire to drag it out while we attempt to do all this stuff so let's do that next let's throw some air in those tires right there oh there we go hey look at that oh that's frozen out to the ground ew bugs we just found the uh the the chart in here and it says august of 2009 five years was five years ago so it might be closer to 10 years this thing has been defunct all right now we gotta sump the fuel i'm kind of curious to know how nasty this stuff is and by nasty i mean there's nothing in it which is good and bad because that means that there's nothing in it that could be rust and other things in the fuel system which is bad however if there was stuff in it and it got old and varnished that's also bad so you're kind of screwed either way you go let's check the other side all right let's check this side i'm not even going to wash it oh nothing all right now we got the fuel strainer drain let's see if anything comes out of this this is dry and dry can get okay [Music] all right i've already discovered one thing i don't like about high wings you need a ladder to get up there and check the fuel i couldn't even climb on the strut bar there so i could walk all the way back and get a ladder to get up there to check the fuel high wings really so the front lower cowling is not not on either i'm gonna go ahead and pop those screws off and take that thing off while we're working on it give us more access to everything and to make sure plastic parts don't go flying assuming fingers crossed this thing takes a spark lights a fire okay there's just two screws barely holding it on all right carburetors in there into the air box air filter exhaust i mean those boots there dry rotted pretty bad yeah okay all right so still still looking pretty solid all right we got a fuel truck here we're gonna throw three gallons in each side and see what that does that's uh devin's best side all right it's not leaking anywhere yet is it oh hey we got some down here already sweet that's a good sign all right there's fifty dollars i don't see any fuel leaks yet that's good now let's see just how nasty this tank is oh well i don't even see any chunks [Music] no no leaks here leave that open all right let's from this side [Music] oh well all right shoot there's no chunks now we just got to get a battery to get some power or you can hand prop it you want to hand prop it come on all right i got the battery back in there cleaned off the terminals put some uh water in it what do you call it not dielectric distilled water in the battery it was dry as a bone it was ezekiel valley of bones here people so now let's throw this charger on it and see if things come alive you see any fire smoke i don't hear anything okay that's good i would be absolutely astonished if this actually worked go doesn't seem to be go there we go okay all right let's see there's the battery all right let's check throttle okay that seems to do what it's supposed to okay yeah okay carb heat we don't need that video master what's here oh i don't want to blow any fuses here okay prime prime yes i already primed it four times so we'll leave that there and let's go ahead and hit the key why not can i get a clear brush let's see what we got what nothing i mean it's possible something can be disconnected you know it is it is possible now we just got to find out what that is all right so i got the amp gauge hooked up when that's not hooked up nothing will work i didn't realize that so let's see what we got oh okay there's more noise check this clear prop oh that's the starter spinning it's just not throwing it out okay that's a good sign all right all right for uh this type of operation it takes a highly precise tool called a bfh yep that right there little tap tap tape come on bendix yes let's try it okay let's just see if it engages [Music] ah let's see if anything works try the flaps oh yeah those work nice and even does it automatically [Music] whoa don't do that oh yeah that's a bad idea well the uh bin mix if you can see that down in there came out and it's at least engaged on the flywheel now let's see if we can't get any juice throw the full juice to that let's go in here and see if we can get it to turn all right clear prop oh yeah that thing goes down to like three volts that's 9.0 all right we need battery okay i got another battery i found another one and that one tests a lot better than the other two did so let's see what we got i'm feeling optimistic let's pry it okay go ahead and pitch on clear prop here we go for all the money [Applause] wow 80 rpm games work ah it's alive pressure i like it holy crap [Music] [Music] hey let's go flying i need a yolk [Music] wow all it took was a battery all right [Music] let's try a mag drop there we go i am shaking i'm so nervous this freaking thing actually idles that's ridiculous all right let's see if it oh oh it's time for a dance i'm feeling a dance hahaha [Music] [Music] okay [Music] well we just did a compression check and the results are not good number one got up to 36 over 80. number two got even better at 18 over 80. that's not good by the way and number three that one was good i hit above 70 and number four was about 65 and this is cold right after it set for a while so we were just trying to get a baseline uh we're gonna bore scope it now to see if there's pitting rust or anything else inside these cylinders because they are regular old metal there's no chroming or no nickel none of that stuff on these so we'll see and i did just call and a new to get a rebuilt engine is about 27 000 and it's going to take them every bit of 12 weeks cylinders run about 1500 apiece for the cylinders that's assuming that the camshaft is good and knowing this i think the guys said the engine had about 1300 hours on it so you know at that point you would probably just move forward with rebuilding it honestly just because of the total hours how long it's set and everything else and because we've already got some issues with these two cylinders here so let's do a boar scope on it and see what that shows us sit rep this isn't the one that engine up front there's just too much wrong with it even though we were able to get it started kind of a miracle that it did start uh you you essentially buy an engine and get an airplane for free well that engine is junk so even though the rest of the airplane is salvageable because of that that's 30 000 bucks sitting up front and then you add in i think the guy said he you know wanted 20 grand for the airplane the way it is that's 50 grand and then it's going to take me at least 10 grand just to get the old stuff used back into where it is and if you're gonna go through all the effort and energy of all the other stuff well might as well spin and get just this tiniest bit better of avionics to put in it which was going to be another 30 000 or 40 000 so you're looking at 70 80 90 you'd be into this thing for more than a hundred thousand dollars when you can go out right now and find these all day long for a lot less than that you know somewhere in that 60 to 75 80 000 for a nice one so the dollars don't add up on this one unfortunately well we are going to keep our eye out keep looking for the next project if you know of a good solid barn find or hanger find in this situation let me know throw me a comment down in this video or shoot me an email and that contact information is in the description below thank you my name is jimmy this is jimmy's world we'll keep searching keep on rolling
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 1,375,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cessna 172 abandoned, Jimmys World, abandoned, abandoned airplane, abandoned airplane will it start, abandoned airplane will it start?, abandoned airplanes, abandoned airplanes for sale, abandoned plane, airplane, airplanes, aviation, cessna 172, first start of abandoned airplane, jimmy's world, jimmys world youtube, mike patey, scrappy, trent palmer, will it start, will it start after 20 years, will it start old cars, will it start old trucks, will it start videos
Id: 0tUMBAYUy5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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