MY FIRST TIME FLYING THE VISION JET! - Flight to Heaven's Landing!

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I've been waiting for this opportunity today for a long time we're gonna fly the vision Jet and we're gonna be flying with my friends at Richie Aviation let me introduce you to them hey everyone I'm Julia Stallone and all of my ratings here at berichi with Chief flight instructor Charlie barichi and now I work here full-time as a CFI and a cfwi I'm Ashley Peterson and I completed my instrument writing here preaching NBA last week of my commercial pilot training and my flight instructor's Julius trolley breachi Chief flight instructor and I like flying I think [Music] walk by I think it's all angels all right welcome aboard everybody that's aboard the vision jet when I start the engine up here and get on our way no battery one [Music] gen 1 Gen 2 checklist push this button here it's going to make a second and I'm going to put a bunch of brake pressure right there there's a brake handle put that brake handle on yeah and start tapping enter enter we have done these things we're checking them off we've done them next one yep strobe lights on [Music] enter enter thrust lever is idle enter now right there the engine knob turn it clockwise to run run right we've got a fuel pump on it's that little button that says start okay push to start just like that song push it three outside all right let go that's our start off we're looking at ITT and just keep your hand ready because if I say a port you're going to go to office and then hold the starter got it this is a FedEx engine on board the Cirrus jet here excellent okay now my favorite part I love doing this everybody loves this part ready we're going to turn the air conditioning on fan High all right I'm gonna go landing light on and then master of oxygen and that we're going to hold on the bleed air because the batteries have to be on two bits we're going to do that in a little bit let's put our headsets on now sounds good yes I'd like to welcome everybody on board today very excited to be here in the vision jet thanks Charlie for having us on board Charlie's Got a flight school here at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport and today we're gonna fly up to Heaven's Landing in Northeast Georgia and the mountains there it's a premier flying community if you're in the Fort Lauderdale area and you want to look into going to a flight school be sure to check out Charlie's flight school here I'll link it description below and also I partnered with pilot Institute start your online Ground School be sure to check down the description below you can start anywhere anytime you want right from home if you want to fly airplanes for a living or maybe just for fun like we are today I'm going to give them a call now and we're going to be headed via far Northwest initially put your altitude here at 2000 that's where we'll start it and we'll pick it up in there you're taking a clearance Vision Jeff triple seven Charlie Bravo is an sf50 with Charlie via far Northwest just keep her eye on Farm foul please no problem I'll keep it on file and uh verify ate this information Charlie contact they have a safe flight stand by So today we're going to take off VFR and we're going to pick up our IFR clearance in the air that'll save time today on the ground here at Fort Lauderdale executive and we do have some storms all out to the west and moving them towards us Runway 275 Echo for sequencing Charlie and the whole choice all right here we are Captain maybe a little throttle there make it a right on Charlotte nine maintenance well this is my third time ever flying a jet being at the controls the whole flight approaching intersection Echo that little intersectionable hi Roger that's pretty cool I find that it's easier to steer with tapping the top of the brakes a little bit with this compared to just saying on the bottoms is that normal correct yes serious aircraft that's that tapping of the brakes on the top avoiding riding the brake for the turn is a is a kind of a necessary thing okay checklist here go ahead start going through it so right there our flight controls our trim right here is at six let's make it five so you can just roll the manual one down there we go five all right and then see the roll trim is a little bit to the left yeah the hat just move it to the right just a tad so it's interesting all right looks like the next thing is flaps 50. sorry I'm gonna go first Notch of flaps selected all right I can see them coming down on the wing and there's our indication once it's down there and indicate all right cool all right let's continue all the way down yep forget about the toga button we don't need that right now let's keep going all the way down okay golf November departure briefing November 53. so what we'll do is we're gonna roll down this Runway if we get any indication I'm pilot non-flying here Pilot Flying I'll call a board I'll be looking at ITT I'll be looking at oil pressure N1 and two percentage of power it is FedEx so you're going to go right to the takeoff thrust we'll hold the brakes and then we'll go once I say let's go and um if we lose exit it Runway two seven new sequence of this business okay it's actually a two seven we'll be behind the session that's where we're going to be taxing up behind him yep yep you just keep doing what you're doing another Vision jet out there old short so we're done with the departure briefing well not yet uh if we lose the engine after we've taken off we don't have usable Runway after we get the gear up plus or minus 20 degrees straight ahead is what we have to do below 600 feet 600 feet 2 000 feet we pull the Chute and uh above 2000 feet we troubleshoot now that being said that is your official Cirrus briefing it's also a noteworthy to mention the FAA briefing right in all airplanes uh you want to wait until at least a thousand feet to turn around okay so that's nowhere maybe this would be important if we pull the shoot nothing happens right well we would turn around after a thousand feet is was with the faa's briefing is on them this is a really exciting day for me and we're clear left looking good I've seen these Edition jets for a few years now I'm so excited to get behind the controls of one of these so yeah this take off we're going to rotate around 85 knots first notchable apps will come up at 1 15. correct there goes the other Vision jet over there taking off yeah there was two ahead of us today oh those are really awesome okay there's a couple people calling me we're now monitoring Tower to get a big picture idea what's going on in the pattern sounds good all right no problem and we're now number one hold it short and then left with Nursery contacts main departure see the whole shorelines out there in front of us so much Grumman Tigers 10 mile final two seven months [Applause] and that's coming on all set that's the takeoff that we breathed yeah after that meet the cruise checklist and I'll run that while you're flying perfect cleared on the runway finals clear Runway three one two let's use every bit of Runway just as a good practice there we go check the tower tiger eight one one five eight we are now two seven all right position here we go all lined up and we're just waiting for our takeoff Bravo traffic in the Upland we'll be making less traffic turn right Northwest Runway 2-7 cleared for takeoff one two four zero at eight that's one six we'll take off Vision that triple seven well surely here we go there you go absolutely going full power hold those brakes hold those brakes full pressure's good ITT is good and one and two is good air speeds alive working for 85.007 [Laughter] this is pretty cool I love the visibility out these windows 70 knots a little bit able to run into a little bit there you go wait for now the rotation rotation there you go tap those brakes positive break gear up Sir you're selected up three seven zero Echo make less traffic for Runway two seven over five of the numbers of three one at or above now lower the nose to about five degrees so we can get our flaps up okay two thousand feet will go Max continuous and in a nice smooth turn to 3 30. and you can just continue to hold that attitude and we're smoothly climbing to 165 you're clear right sir traffic off your left is a Skyhawk is in the middle it's a little tricky with the stick I'm used to the yolks so it's not the first time playing the stick in a while okay I have to take off checks flaps are up gear is up 2 000 feet we're gonna go Max continuous okay three one additional traffic a big storm out to the West here but we'll be clear it's real good right out in front of us here about two thousand feet seven Charlie Bravo I'm gonna pull the power back to Max continuous and there'll be a detect Roger and look at this it's pretty nice visibility out these windows is amazing all right that's good there's our two minute warning five minute limitation you can smoothly go to Max continuous now beautiful I didn't feel the detent oh there we go right there yep and you can also see right here at the top of the green it's always going to be MCT and that little T is Takeoff power perfect and Miami Vision jet triple seven Charlie Brown standby we'll get smoother once we get a little higher here today boy it's quiet here compared to the TBM where the engines right up here in front now Steve if you can give me a right turn to zero about was zero one zero we got Clear Skies over there and that's going to keep us east of the precip okay we're heading back to zero one zero yeah this will work out well because you know we always want to be going where we want to be going so we're headed the direction we need to go and that precip's all coming from the West so we're clear on the Eastern side there's seven Charlie Brown contact Palm Beach approach one two five point two [Music] or pressurized everything is looking good on the instruments what kind of rooting are you looking for this is a g3000 yeah so you have g3000 there'll be a center panel what they call this is the perspective plus touch three three thousand here we're good on airspace looking good yeah we do have quite a few storms over Central Florida today in the middle of the state here triple seven Charlie Brown triple seven Charlie Bravo Palm Beach ZIP codes save request for my outside Palm Beach cross trail airspace one three to the Northwest 6800 climbing one zero thousand instruments to Heaven's Landing we filed out of Fort Lauderdale executive right now we're just trying to pick up our IFR clearance Fort Lauderdale up to Heaven's Landing got killed off the left wing right here we're passing by one of the showers you can see there The Colony coming down all right seven Charlie Bravo reset Transformers box three three four two three three four two Vision jet triple seven chili Bravo number 777 radar contacts one five miles to the southwest of Palm Beach airport maintain dfr outer blow 10-5 and spy heading of uh two eight zero for now two eight zero ten thousand five hundred one zero thousand five hundred vision jet triple seven Charlie Brown to go for my 398 host how you can resume my navigational Lantana airport and with having passengers in the back you always want to go hand flying I'm still hand flying it you want to try to be as nice and smooth on the controls as you can November uh Fort Lauderdale so right now we're on radar vectors and we're told to maintain VFR one zero thousand five hundred I'm gonna tell you right now the sending us West is not ideal because it's putting us towards all these storms that are coming towards us I'd love to see how this plays out and I'm gonna have to widen out to the right here because we're still VFR and even though she wants us on a 280 heading out Roger I'll let her know seven Charlie Brown we'll be uh turning right just a tad if it works for you to maintain vehicle that is fine did you need to go ahead and continue uh VFR climb as well yeah yeah if anywhere climb and get the clearance uh clearance and uh turn north down number seven Charlie Brown that's perfectly fine um you can maintain VFR DV8 around the weather outside continue to be a far climb we just had some automation issues with your flight planner we're trying to coordinate with Santa right now it's not a problem uh we'll call you 16 sizes jet triple seven Charlie Brown what speed would you like me to climb out 160 165 is the best cruise climb right because you can climb at VY you could do this you could do that but when you when you do the math 165 is always your most efficient climates it's the it's the climb it's always going to get you to your destination at the best time and the best rate etc etc you can play around with different speeds 165 spinner on one three five point one seven thirty five one seven this is jet triple seven Chevron 426 9000 200 for 13 stops [Music] store visit that triple seven trolley Bravo cleared to Heaven's Landing as file climb maintain Point level 190 I understand that turn those terms are okay for the precip and uh can you say that direct to fix and spell it please slowly detour Echo Tango Oscar Romeo Echo one able direct detour Vision jet triple seven so as you can see at the front there we have a whole big line of storms that we're not going to get over and if you look straight ahead you're gonna see a little Gap over in there that's our best bet that's what I'm pointed towards right now and two three zero set You're Gonna Go fish jet triple seven Charlie Bravo uh we won't go far right from this we'll give you a call here once we're past the storm and uh direct detour okay number seven Charles Brown for now just uh my name is one more time 18 uh one uh seven thousand for now I just got to get a jet over you and uh he tries to one seven zero one seventeen thousand one seven thousand positions as you can see here's all the storms right around to the east of It kind of the extreme precipitation uh along the whole roof flight today and when you were able yesterday the TBM and I had to deal with the same exact set of storms for the most part exact same setup zero zero yeah definitely the afternoon thunderstorms in Florida they're here now every day we have the Lake Okeechobee 37 number 738 the biggest lake in the State of Florida we just went through sixty thousand feet one thousand to go seven thousand stuff all right we'll have a lot here at one seven thousand hopefully we get a clients shortly because it'd be nice to get it try to get above some of these clouds up here in the gap that you can see out the front window there and I'll trim down here now that we leveled up with my left thumb when flying at it having it all properly trimmed makes it a lot easier where you almost fly itself and our cruise checklist is done and we will do another climb check with swing go up now with that zero degrees Celsius on the temperature if we do go IMC all I want you to do is see this little engine yep anti-icy turn that on that's right well actually you know what generally I think we should uh basically let's turn the cameras off turn on some XM radio and enjoy this cruise and uh we'll check in with the uh viewers once we get a little bit closer to having the landing deal all right guys we'll catch you on the this side into the Georgia Mountains [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right we had an enjoyable Cruise altitude it was nice and smooth the whole way up we are currently just in The Descent currently passing 27 8 600 gonna level out of eight thousand Charlie's about to cancel the IFR we'll proceed the rest of the way inbound to Heaven's Landing I got a VFR no amtrable Rogers have a good day we cruised it 31 000 feet once we get past the storms down there in Florida it's been a nice smooth ride up here to Georgia we'll go into heading mode here weave around some of these clouds as we go in a little hazy out here today so I don't know if we're gonna get as good of the views of the mountains as we normally would but I guess we'll take what we can get so Heaven's Landing has a Arnav for the only two tree it's a private airport Heaven's Landing but Mike the developer here you can always call him up and if you want to take a tour of the properties there that are for sale to build a house on and you have your own it's in a flying Community they have lots of cool deals or a waterfall Club over there where we're gonna do some golfing today it's a great area around Clayton Georgia with a bit of boating fishing hiking lots of different types of activities so that's what we're going to do when we land here today I hope you got your golf skills all ready to go there Charlie I'll do the best I can uh they were down below this Cloud layers they're starting to pick up a little bit of a late shop with the different thermals no pressure on me today I could just have everybody on board and everybody watching the cameras and my girlfriend Juliet is sitting here behind me so no pressure at all for me today you know that emoji there's that emoji same with people all the time Juliet how's the ride back there excellent excellent you have fun back there is it nice great I think the wins today are all coming out of the Northwest might have a little bit of a red crosswind on this Landing as we'll be using Runway two tree all right I'll make an announcement here I've been playing Traffic Division jet we're 18 miles to the South we're gonna be about throwing two tree Heaven's Landing oh there's somebody going in the mountain there that's another really beautiful airport up here in the mountains I guess I could hand fly it a little bit here get used to how this thing handles before we come into the land with you yeah man I don't have a lot of experience flying this be good to just get back on the controls and there we go about disconnect and that'll give me a get me used to how this thing handles again all right so we're gonna hold 5800 here as we get a little bit closer we'll come in at 140 knots so yeah wait another about five miles and we'll start slowing it down okay we're gonna keep the odd damper on until 200 feet above our Landing and as we breathe before your pilot flying I'm pilot non-flying so I'm gonna handle the checklist the button pushing and stuff so actually right over here this is Clayton Georgia you'll see right down the city that's Clayton that's it this is I love this area because you're flying into the valley very similar to Aspen if you're out there so yeah Evan's Landing is gonna be on top of the mountain over here at our nine o'clock that's where the uh Runway is pulling it down to 140 we're currently 180 and drop it I will not I am a little bit nervous about this and this is my first time Landing this thing awesome we're up in the mountains yeah a little turbulent here with the different thermals come out the different mountain ranges here all right I think let's go turn right zero three zero for now all right you're right zero three zero now we're on a perfect left downwind all right we're in flap speeds let's go flaps one first slaps selected and Trim in with my left thumb over here as it comes down all right let's go gear down gear selected down we're waiting for three green we're gonna do three gear checks let's check closer down Landing light is on probate's gonna come off now turn that off computer covers on they won't melt I could feel the gear being down in the controls of the stick all right more vibration steep at your discretion okay turn inbound to hey give and intercept the Glide path at your discretion now as it will start our left turn and you can start descending to 5100 in that turn maintaining 140. as we get these bumps we're totally good we got maneuvering at 150 and you're coming down at 140. it is looking for the airport out there actually I got it in sight you look up the left wing you'll see it over there top of the mountain looking really good you're actually joining Glide path right now looking good now follow that Glide path all the way down we're all set up that's my second gear check yep I'll call the last notch or flaps as we get closer all right let's slow down to 120 knots now 120 on the speed [Music] well I can see the airport way out there in sight right in that mountain top sir this is amazing looking good looking good all right now give me 110 indicated now 110. I don't have 110 on the speed here on the power back just slightly you see at the front window see our air Runway out there good on our Glide path and we definitely have a looks like a Tailwind a little bit Raider altimeters up so we're gonna hold off on those full flaps because those could that gets it that can get us into trouble right now so we're gonna hold off on that okay this is exciting I'll try that much look at look at the beautiful view yeah this is how deceptive this can be at night could you imagine your offline path with that Ridge right there I'm nervous coming in a beautiful day oh we got the terrain feature up right here our profile looks really good the relative terrain is looking good with a great situational awareness all right here we are we're going to be approaching the leeward side so don't be bashful with the power as we approach the leeward side of the mount now behind us I actually have a little bit more speed in there than what we want that's what we want yep one ten will work out real nice because right now we're above the raft substantially so we're good okay now let's go full flaps full flap selected all right you see our donut right now it's gonna move down a little bit but now you can get us to 105 and then we'll get right 10 knots above V ref momentarily as those flaps come down just Trim in with my left thumb all right full flaps are fully down now gears down all right now you're going to slow down to 90 knots you're 10 10 knots above V ref slow it down to 90. don't be bashful with the power keep that power spooled up get that engine spooling 90 knots oh my gosh you're doing good you're doing really good raise that nose just a little bit for me brother add some more power and add a little bit more power brother add a little more power looking really good you're doing really good pull that nose up just a little bit more looking really good let's bring that power out let's bring this thing down hold it up hold it up hold it up doing really good hold it up continue with it continue with it flaps are going up and let it come on down you're good you're good you're good we're touching down good oh wow that that's good yep gently gets all those brakes are doing really good flaps are up to increase Tire friction with the ground wow that was actually pretty smooth my goodness welcome guys the heavens Landing I'm not gonna lie I was a little intimidated a lot intimidated to find this thing for the first time but that was exciting we all give them one of those little Captain claps like in the airlines come on bring it in there bring it in all right nice job well done brother well done that was a great that was fun that's that's one of those approaches where we've been to war together now go there four model Executive Airport if you guys are in the area and want to take some flight lessons with Charlie he'll bring you over and uh have some fun ripping around the skies I don't know what I'm doing they'll fly with Ashley or Julia they're the experts I'm still figuring out so we'll do a U-turn 180 here on the runway after land checklist is done I got my flaps up Heats are off and we'll leave those on go around we didn't need it and did you see how helpful it was retracting those flaps as soon as we touched down oh yeah yeah that really helped us get on the ground and stay on the ground it was Landing uh Vision jet we're backpacking Runway two three to the ramp man that was look at this guys look at this is Heaven's Landing such a beautiful area up here look at this house over here to the left can imagine living right up here having this house in the mountains your hangers right there I think I see Mike up there in the red truck he watched our Landing Mike is the uh owner and developer here of Heaven's Landing they have Jed a here that we can top off with and I guess they're gonna put us in a hangar tonight which will be nice hey Steve my uh my handheld is not working so just pull up in front of the gas pumps all right thanks Mike we'll do that is Mike if you guys like these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up button it's a greatly appreciated helps out the channel and I'm gonna link Charlie's flight school there in the description so make sure you go check that out well I hope you guys are all doing well whatever you're watching from and we'll talk to you again someday soon [Music] [Applause] below 24 minutes foreign [Music] knock knock [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 1,022,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, vlog, ATC audio, ATC, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, IFR, Cockpit, S1K, BOSE Aviation, Pivot Case, Flying, Flight, STOL, Pilot Institute, Knoxville, Turbulence, Smoky Mountains, SF50, Vision Jet, Flying a jet
Id: fOYFzxUsQPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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