I Bought A Homemade Airplane...1 Year Later

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it's been one year since I bought Cameron and now we're gonna find out and dig into it just how many things are broken after a year of me flying and abusing this thing [Music] so this is it this is uh this is Cameron we are building her into the world's fastest four-cylinder two side-by-side airplane yeah right now the way it is does right at 200 knots at 9.2 gallons an hour which is cheaper than driving it gets right at like 27 to 30 miles per gallon wow that's impressive owning an airplane is cheaper than owning a car did you ever think those words would be uttered and there'd be even the slightest element of Truth met uh old Josh uh Blair up in Oshkosh amp IA been doing it forever he's wicked smart what's your first impressions be gentle it's looking pretty good maybe a few things that might reposition as far as uh some wiring but that's my first initial all that stuff was loose because I've been trying to put those electronic magnetos on there okay so Lycoming has their own called Eis it's electronic ignition system well what I did was tried to be smarter than the people that built it yeah and I'm not obviously and grenaded two of them oh so yeah that sucks however they were very nice I talked to them uh and they were swapped them out read the instructions but you have to give up your man card but you'll probably live yeah it's kind of a trade-off it's a trade-off yeah give and take bought this from uh an older guy named Byron okay he spent 8 000 hours building this airplane oh wow and you'll go over it and see like the gaps and how the the main part of the airplane itself is built you can tell he spent a lot of time getting everything perfect like the lines in the actual build of the airplane perfect as far as a flying airplane it is my favorite airplane to fly by far I mean the 310 I love flying that because it's Nostalgia it's kind of big and it's like it's like a hot rod oh yeah this is more along the lines of a Ferrari little two-seater sports car thing it hauls we got a certain T6 Texan that that I got note is done and we just got to get our calendars together and it's ready to be test flown after 12 years oh really yup it's up there whenever I got that Mig 15. it's up with those guys it's the one that caught on fire gotta be fine and that's the one that caught on fire and always killed us all and burned to the ground yeah man we're ready to you know Take On The World yeah build build us a jet yeah right yeah maybe we can find one abandoned out in the desert somewhere and fix it up yeah I recommend the desert because yes that's that's the best place corrosion is not a friend that's right you can't you like 99 of the time whenever I go to look at these airplanes and stuff the first thing I check is corrosion yeah because that's kind of a you can't fix oh yeah that's a game over yep and then the next thing is the engine because that's easily the most expensive part on the whole airplane so there you go okay if you know we're trying to find the next airplanes and projects to flip to get us closer to that jet so if you know of a good project airplane somewhere that's got good bones and decent can be had for normal human dollars yeah let me know shoot me a email the real Jimmy's world at gmail.com or in a comment down below and uh that'd be awesome quest of making this the world's fastest airplane we also are going to put a new livery on it and get a whole big old paint job slash wrap on it and I've got some super cool ideas and then we're going to upgrade all of these avionics to All Glass and make it IFR and uh you know get the fancy stuff in here wow good Lord look at that thing what that is a pretty good sized battery because that's not sketchy at all look at that so is this when you're supposed to ask yourself what could possibly go wrong exactly see you've done this before oh yeah okay all right try all these fancy crooked thing here supposed to be for Cotter fin let's see how good it works come on now foreign [Music] here's the old school way of doing it see that's what I'm talking about you got to tell me about your house okay well I have uh bought I got some property that is just big enough for a small tail dragger airplane you know I really need to make it bigger so I have an excavator and I think it's going to get the job done I'm going to take down 900 foot of trees and I want to have a half a mile runway in my backyard it was some Farmland it was pretty open and landable I guess you would say is it um what are the rules around that like are you allowed to just land on your own private property without needing to do anything with the FAA or do you got to do some sort of Declaration of Runway or something so yes you're allowed until the neighbors get upset [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] official guy that has to do the signage the signage yeah see any squid or anything here any unusual way no scoring no jankiness yeah that's a that's a real word by the way yeah jinkiness until the last bearing that was done in here was not totally cleaned out because I did it on the other side because I didn't have the shop and all the stuff set up so I just put it in there and then shoved all the new grease into it until all new grease came out and all the old stuff was out kind of a field bearing pack but now and I got to clean all that nasty grease out of there look at that mmm hey there we go that's a pretty grease we're talking about all right good to go I think we're good to go all right one love it sweet [Music] that wheel is done there you go now you're getting really fancy I'm telling you man man I you know I I do love when you cut a zip tie it is literally the sharpest object on the planet oh yeah victory is mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all that is just for spark plugs that's insane [Music] pre-start check no flaps I found this on the web series they're always listening she's listening they're always listening yes okay and uh of course we have to you know what to say oh yeah all right go for it let me hear okay can I get a clear prop there you go thank you why did that turn out [Music] fuel all right clear the props foreign foreign well let's push this thing back in the hanger and we'll drain the oil and start the compression check good morning welcome to day two and finishing up the Lance air the world's fastest four-cylinder two-seater airplane today we got Silas behind the camera again pretty awesome let me hold that look at that what's up hey Silas are you pretty excited to get ready to start studying for your pilot's license [Music] that's awesome that's pretty exciting for me as a dad to watch my son and he's doing this on his own volition I've not pressured him in in any way except that if he doesn't do it he has to move out but besides that no pressure whatsoever check this out so we have we got a clean these spark plugs so if we look we got they're kind of yucky not too bad but we got this fancy new spark plug cleaner all right watch out yesterday this thing sprayed me right in the face when I plugged it in didn't spray me today turn it yep it's on hit the blast it has like a sandblaster cleans it roll it around do a little spray to clean it and then it should be if all goes well nice and clean I'm looking down in there no lead deposits stick it in this thing I gotta go get my other spark plug this puts air pressure inside here and then you can see the spark from in here so we add air whoa that one works really good Here's my thought I've got to check the back of this but if I get in there and go down that way the whole tail is going to go and hit the ground so my thinking is we also have to Jack the airplane up to do the gear swing again we've got to tie the tail down so here's my thinking we're going to take a strap put it like that and we're going to take one of these boards like that we're gonna make sure it's flat and then we've got a whole bunch of oil that we can use sometimes first I amaze myself with my genius [Music] yes oh yeah is that it or what battery switch coming on pump is going to pressurize and then we'll raise the gear okay so gears are down switch is coming up without the button the override okay good that's working now I'm going to override it and it should go up foreign [Music] all right okay gear coming down [Music] okay I got three green up here now we are just doing the final touches getting the mixtures all that stuff straightened out so it runs really well we get the best fuel economy and it will idle correctly [Applause] that sounded pretty good it still idles up I mean it's it's definitely smoothing out a lot more yeah I say let's go one more and then let me go fly it okay so we'll turn it one more thing let me go fly it I just want to make sure it's not going to be too lean around the egts or the cylinder head temperatures yeah and make sure we still have plenty of fuel on the top and to keep it cool on climb out and stuff okay all right one more all right boss man is Cameron safe to fly for another year uh I would say You're really good shape there's just a few little things that unair where the items we discussed that we're gonna take care of but um it's uh looking really good I'm pretty impressed actually with uh overall the Simplicity of it I'm telling you and uh it's definitely a little rocket and um really pretty overall dry engine too actually and uh yeah I say you're so you're good to go nice check out his channel I'm gonna wait till I do the plug for his channel till after he said it was good to go check out his channel uh we'll have the link in the description below he's a rockstar guy he's got a seriously cool his own Journey going with his own airport and stuff like that may have to see if we can't come up and visit you you want to know the most dangerous flight for an airplane this one I'm gonna try something different today with this thing so you can see what I see we'll see how that works got admit a little nervous let's see a list of things that could go wrong pretty much everything really uh the main concern is that the engine stays running so that's fuel so I know that we emptied the fuel bowl and we're messing with that a little bit so that's a concern I'll be watching fuel pressure the other is the landing gear okay here we go everything up there I got all that the fuels on the capture on the tires car that's closed up okay okay key is off all the switches are off flats are there gear lever is down and that's back okay let's turn that on oh my God like it come on a little bit boost pump foreign [Music] fuel into the cylinders helps cool the cylinders so that is really my main concern for uh take off and climb out is a cylinder temperature make sure it doesn't get too hot go through the old checklist here deal with one of these pedo spinner control connection Landing air Tires and Brakes all the control arms to remove fuel caps are on there's that noise again can anybody else hear that it has been doing it for a while okay switch down okay their climate pH oil temperature good ventral operation left right that way that goes that way that goes up and that goes down bringing a couple degrees of flaps which trim is knit we got three green the gear bypass is there autofill system [Music] radio cooling paint now probes have radio frequency neck transponder is on you give me this is on we got our box in the back turn coordinator that seat belts are on baggage interview is locked mags are checked oil temp is at 140. what a heaven okay here we go Alpha to Runway one zero Plant City I am a little bit nervous if I'm honest with you we didn't find anything real strange with the airplane but at the same time we push a lot of stuff and it's it's been what a month and a half since I've flown this thing okay for takeoff our gears check boost pump is on we'll be going full rich I don't see anything about the in the pattern oh Anthony traffic rant there 8261 Echo departing Runway 1-0 to stay in left traffic Plant City all right clear on Final that's on there it's on we'll go full rich no birds nothing oh all right air speed is alive there's Rudder there's 50 there's 60. 66. all right we got Rudder there's 70 73 and coming up everything looks good so far here is coming up about five miles Northwest it bounds for full stop we're gonna do a 45 uh entry to left downwind Runway three three stop them Winter Haven traffic Jersey [Music] there's 500.85 winner do you remember Plant City traffic will answer 8261 Echo turning right left crosswind 1-0 Plant City let's see what this girl will get done okay there's 180 knots right there just like that and we don't even have Full Throttle let's give it the beans man 185 86 87 88 190. [Music] that's what I'm talking about I just had one of those P-51 Mustangs that I'm running to fly and maybe if that video gets 25 000 likes we'll go flying if it gets 50 000 likes we're gonna sneak a friend and uh he just flew over top of me and banked out like that and headed back towards Kissimmee that was awesome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 259,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade airplane, jimmys world airplane, jimmys world aviation, jimmys world youtube, peter sripol
Id: ZvU4tNsVdPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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