I Got Reported To the FAA... For THIS?!

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somebody out there decided to call the FAA on Jimmy's world and friends because we were running humanitarian supplies to the hurricane victims in Fort Myers let's talk about that and see just what they were complaining about and if they were based at all so this will be an interesting flight yeah and we're gonna go flying again just because checklists and controls fall forward landing gear switch is down batteries on magnetos on throttles cracked start that engine first all right everybody can I get a clear prep oh yeah I love the sound of these engines man can I get a hook clear up oh yeah oil pressure's coming up fuel pressure are good and these things are just sounding angry and ready to go which is fitting because I'll be honest with you I'm pretty ticked off myself and when you hear the reason why we think somebody called it is just absolute frustration that is the ground three one zero Echo Bravo a millionaire with information foxtrot looking for VFR out to the east flight following please I guess I should turn the volume up let's try that again number three one zero Bravo out of the ground do you have a destination today it will be Charlie Quebec foxtrot number three one zero Echo Bravo say um requested Cruise altitude requested cruise at 9 500.310 Echo Bravo stand by Phoenix truck standby three one zero Bravo number three one zero I was thinking type aircraft is assess the 310 affirmative old shiny 310. [Music] checking all the controls making sure everything is there we'll do a run location all aircraft as an 80s Mission golf current Edison Altima three zero zero zero Alpha that is not making full power over there at all that is the ground three one zero Echo Bravo I've got a bad mag drop I need to go back to the millionaire FBO there and take a look well that didn't last long plane done broke this engine over here decided not to cooperate on me this guy was nice enough he brought over a couple tools for us to use and I think we had a valid spark plug in here but I'm going to check a couple things first before we get into all that but right now it's so stinking hot you can't touch it we gotta just let her cool down a second there's a man here I appreciate it yeah I appreciate it thanks so much you need anything else yeah that's how you landed right there boys that is a solid Landing a little bit all right appreciate it so I figured I'll just raid the FBO while I'm sitting here and uh have a little omega-3 Deluxe mix that it's a good lunch so now this oh I got the FAA called on me has turned into a can Jimmy Fly this old airplane 900 miles home getting low on the petrol time to go find a gas station and fill up only one thing to do super easy you just open the app you hit the claim offer check in sell them what credit card you're going to use and that's it time to fill up and spend some money thanks OPEC love you looks like today is going to be a gas station lunch a couple slices of the pies and we do top off the old fuel tank let's keep on rolling baby found another guy here he uses the upside app 141.65 and you've got what Lots you've made lots of money off of that thing or rebated over 400 and I have been getting gift cards so um there you go boom upside app use the code Jimmy's world to sign up and get five dollars off your first purchase of ten dollars or more when you use the upside app go to the link you see it on the screen and in the description below to upside out Captain's Log 12 27 p.m I checked all three of these the spark plugs they all look perfect take the wire up to Magneto looks good and there's something it was black puffing out of this side I was assuming that this would have dead cylinder on it and it's only one plug to find some lead build up on this front one up here maybe that would have done it and Lead build up looks like bird showed down in the bottom of the spark plug but the rest of it looked really super clean so I don't know if that would have caused it or what but I mean it wouldn't even let it rev all the way up or nothing so no idea yep hey now we found some look at that spark plug I'd say that one's fouled out a lot oh that's like gravel is in there there you go boys I think we may have found the uh the culprit that is welded shut up from that cylinder right there el numero Trace no one three five just Public School five now we gotta either go change it or see if it's savable now the hunt begins sit rep this is the only spark plug that's fouled I just checked the rest of them just for good measure and uh this one and it's like really fouled and I know exactly how this happened yesterday after we landed here we taxied around and had these engines idling for a solid 30 minutes but we were just trying to figure out where to park and that's exactly what happened then I just shut it down then all that fuel and all the other junk just laid on there and then overnight became this mess that's exactly what happened well let's just see if we can't save this thing save the spark plug he says hey you never know who you're gonna run into met this feller's theme Here you guys who watches the show and he's like I can't believe that plane actually flew but he's gonna run us down there's a couple of Maintenance hangers down there and somebody might just have another spark plug it welded itself shut so this I think this is just trashed at this point all right so the hunts for a spark plug begins Steve thanks sir absolutely my pleasure and he's got the air conditioner going we are getting our fancy pants here so we got Evan here we found a box of slightly used spark plugs and match up they're the same spark plug can be used in the engine even though it's a different number just don't ask deep questions we found something that's not near as fouled out here check the difference out between which one do you think is the good one and which one is the bad one all right Evan you can go throw that thing in and see if it'll start up and do the trick and we can get on out of here that's good give it a shot thanks sir DFW Aero mechanics Juan I can't pronounce his last name but there's our contact info give him a call they save the day with the spark plug Evan thank you so much sir let's have an Almighty right there and that looks expensive how cool is that stuff a half track yes that's the most evil looking vehicle ever created got my Mig over there that's a 15 UTI it's got two uh fences on the wings and this is a 17 and it's got three fences on the wings and they got more pointy stuff there and a 21 I guess is what that is right here oh that is sex with wings right there holy moly [Music] oh everything in there flies wow that is fantastic we got a quick little tour of the museum and some really sweet airplanes while we were looking for broken spark plug all right clue [Music] Comer all right now that's this all sounds a lot better now number three one zero Echo Bravo Addison Tower May 16th wait to take off traffic correction traffic uh Cherokee Midfield down one six clear for takeoff I'll keep an eye on that traffic and I'm gonna be departing with fight following uh how soon do you want me to contact approach trim is set pumps are on board is latched you have a crazy amount of Runway if I don't like anything we're pulling it down Landing straight ahead because I'll just stay the night here if I have to and all that is set and and what's up let's go we got two good engines oil fuel pressure all that [Music] and oh yeah she's hungry yes yes got a little bit of a crosswind light speed is alive [Applause] There She Goes go ahead and lift up oh yeah you like it yeah everything's feeling good gear is coming up zero four zero three one zero Bravo 5500 on my way three one zero Bravo oh this girl just wants to climb you know I think she might have a better climb performance than the Lance air and here's the story with the FAA being called on us as you know from a couple of videos ago we got some donations from other businesses and individuals and they brought it over to the airplane two of two airplanes we loaded those things up with diapers and wipes and everything we could fit in them and we brought them down to the people in Fort Myers we landed at Punta Gorda they picked all the stuff up and took it there we flew back well somebody tattled on us and said hey FAA these guys are getting paid to do this they're operating a part 135 Charter which means we would be paid as Pilots to do things and that is completely bull crap we paying for we're not even being reimbursed for our gas at this point we're paying for all of this out of pocket and this guy apparently I'm getting a little bored of the story Mike landed his airplane he made another run down there to go get more supplies to those people and when he landed this car come flying up to him you know parked outside the guy got out all Puck chest and he's like hey who's the pilot of this airplane and who's owns it and all this stuff started giving him the nine and Mike is like you know I am you know what's going on he says yeah we were calling you're operating a part 135 Charter with this airplane and you're taking stuff down there getting paid for it we're just confused is all it can be right now and then the guys now starting to ask about the registration our flight logs our medical our commercial pilot's license you know the test the check ride I mean he is just going ballistic in a way that only an if you know an IRS agent could go and just imagine if they are in the FAA agents but I don't want to go there because I'm you know I don't got anything against them they're trying to do their job and trying to make sure that there are Knuckleheads out there operating and flying airplanes taking people's money and doing it in a dangerous way which I get you know thank you for the agents that are keeping us safe helping us keep this Aviation thing going anyway so this guy gets there well he's there for two hours talking to this guy telling him all this stuff and trying to explain to him that nobody gets paid Bravo can't take one of you one two eight point seven five Twenty Eight simple the main physical office the next morning at 9 00 a.m you know calls him and he's on the phone with him for like four hours and he had to provide all of his log books all of his I mean everything it was super duper invasive and really uncalled for well we were trying to figure out who the heck called on Mike and us for taking this stuff down there and Mike has a suspicion of one person and uh you know I I don't know if it is or not I you know I don't know the deal and I know the person but I've never had any anything bad to do with with this person but apparently Mike and this guy uh had a disagreement about uh something regarding his airplane and Mike uh or um yeah Mike left a review and totally totally set this other guy off and just again this is what Mike is saying so I don't know if any of this is true or not but uh yeah it's just ridiculous so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna go even harder we're gonna buy four stuff we're gonna have four airplanes going down to help these people in uh Fort Myers that need the help the most they're they need food now they got their you know some water some electric but by the time grocery stores get stocked they're bought out again because now not only are the residents going back but now they have all have a good one they have all the other people down there so there's four people down there than there was before the hurricane and there's a heck of a lot more need so diapers granola bars food water at this point drinking water uh gas cans because they're running a lot of generators down there go to uh Gibson Go slash wings of compassion make your donation 100 of every penny does goes to those people that need this stuff the most we don't take a single penny out of that pot for nothing so go donate there we're gonna go buy more stuff we're gonna help try to take care of fellow Floridians and get them back on their feet because I mean that it just sucks to have to go through something like that and then to have jerk faces like this guy call and try to stop some charitable stuff it's just a bull crap so uh yeah you know now you just made me mad so fellow Pilots get a hold of me the real Jimmy's world at gmail.com let me know if you're in the area if you want to help deliver some stuff down there we're just gonna flood that place with more supplies and humanitarian stuff this is ridiculous we can do better than this anyway the airplane's working good we're cruising at 183 knot ground speed which is fantastic I got the power pulled back a little bit yeah I like this airplane
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 1,024,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, aviation101, baron pilot, brent rivera, d. d. speed shop, dan gryder, fab rats, general aviation, jimmy, jimmy world, jimmy's world, jimmy's world latest, jimmys, jimmys world, jimmys world aviation, jimmys world youtube, jimmy’s world, old mans garage, petersripol, rebuild rescue, speed, vice grip garage, tucker gott, trent palmer
Id: qb2mhLtkqtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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