I bought an airplane

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so I want to buy an airplane uh yeah and I did this one it's a Vans rv3 and it's awesome this deal has been in the works for a long time even back when I made the rv3 video but anyway it's done and it's mine and it's great allow me to introduce you to golf golf Romeo Victor yes it has RV in the call sign that's pretty cool it was completed in 1983 by an AME who owned the plane right up until 2019 and then Along Comes me in 2023 I'm the third owner both the Builder the second owner and myself all park at the same airport they're currently flying in our V8 and an rv9 very Vans sort of situation the service Bolton for the Winx bar was completed making this officially an rv3a even though it's still a tail wheel rv3s that were completed with the redesigned wingspire are considered rv3 bees it has a Lycoming io320 in 2010 it received a high compression kit bringing the horsepower up to I'm told 165 I'm not exactly sure about the number of horsepower but at just about 750 pounds it goes like snotch more on performance in a bit it has a fixed pitch 3 blade Kato prop so far I like it a lot it's fairly coarse it chews up a lot of air the only real issue is slowing down between the horsepower lightweight and low drag even at idle it still pulls quite a bit but with full flaps it's manageable every Landing is a full flap Landing otherwise AirSpeed wants to stay in the triple digits flaps and trim are manual the harness is a four point from Crow storage pace is pretty roomy though baggage is limited to 30 pounds for weight and balance it easily fits my sweet solo flight bag by wearworthy this is not a great promotion this is a public service announcement this bag is fantastic the panel is very straightforward with the Bendix king navcom and a stone age transponder everything else is handled by the mgl Xtreme efis GPS ahorse engine monitoring and the usual iPad for navigation also a Sentry 2 for adsb traffic I would love to turn this thing into an IFR panel but for usual reasons that's going to have to wait which is probably a good time to thank the channel members for your continued support without YouTube there's no way any of this would have happened so thank you very much for watching subscribing and a very special thanks to my glorious members speaking of money shall we talk about cost that's a rhetorical question but first let's get this thing in the air I have just one camera I don't really know how to use it very well but I managed to get a little Earth send action here okay insurance I initially had liability only the insurance company required my first 10 hours to be dual in order to ensure the hull but since dual time was impossible I had to get liability only after 15 hours piloting command obviously they sold me whole Insurance liability only was 250 for the year it's now a little over a thousand with the full haul I rent a shared hanger about 30 minutes out of town at a small grass strip it's about two thousand dollars a year so far I've done one annual condition inspection and it cost me 80 bucks that was to replace a little bit of air hose that was getting worn I'm sure every year won't be so simple and so I put the usual 500 annual for a simple hold build experimental fix pitch fix gear so far I've been flying primarily at 55 power richest Peak and that brings about 6 gallons of 100 low lead reserve and maintenance are estimated to be eleven dollars and five dollars an hour this is based on a 149 economy Cruise which is about how fast I go for six gallons Max cruise is closer to 100 170 knots and burns up to 10 gallons at sea level it climbs well over 2000 feet per minute and by 10 000 feet it slows to about a thousand feet per minute at 55 percent power Rich of peak I have about four and a half hours till the tanks go dry so with the taxi climb out and Via fire reserves I'm left with less than four hours in that time I could cover about 550 nautical miles the combing says flying at Peak is fine maybe I'll try that to get more range but probably not and when you add it all up it comes out like this and that's about it I hope to make some neat flying videos in the future once I get the hang of all this camera business when that occurs I'm gonna post it on a separate Channel which I've already started it's called complete flights so far I've only posted this video there but once I decide my flying content is good enough I'll add it there at least I aspire to if that's of any interest to you you should head over and subscribe that way I'll know somebody's actually interested and next week I'll pick one random subscriber from complete flights to choose the plane for the next cost to own video and that's the plane thanks for watching thanks for subscribing thanks for being members see you in the next
Channel: Complete Walkaround
Views: 28,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, buying an airplane, cost to own an airplane, Vans RV-3, Cost to buy an airplane, complete walkarounds airplane, complete walkaround rv3, c-ggrv, flying carpet
Id: vOuDUpVbS3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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