Airplanes Are About To Get A Lot Faster

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[Applause] how's it going everybody welcome back to merge group Mike here so we are now at the tail end of this mistake program that I brought to you guys just a couple of months ago and to my shock the FAA actually moved a lot faster than we thought now keep in mind these are still proposed rules and our hope is that they will come in effect sooner than later so if you remember from the previous video uh some of the things that were suggested uh with the mistake is that one they would increase the weight limit in the life support category and I really focus on white Sport and experimental airplanes because that's what I've personally flown for the most part but also these are considered the entry levels for airplanes for any new pilots or old and advanced pilot if you're looking for entry-level airplanes chances are you're looking in the light spot category and or are you looking for a more affordable experimental airplane now the correlation between the two is that if there is an increase in the weight limit for light sport it means that more experimental planes would now be considered or can now be considered light support aircraft meaning they're fully certified and you can get a bunch of savings with insurance with the cost of the airplane yada yada we'll get into more of that later in the video first let's talk about what was proposed this last July at the EA Oshkosh event again for the purpose of this video we're going to focus on the entry level airplane light sport aircraft an experimental aircraft so this is what's new about the Mosaic growth number one there is going to be a weight increase now currently the weight limit for light Square aircraft is 13 20 pounds meaning everything including human everything the gross one has to be 1300 or 1320 pounds the fa is not proposing that we can increase that not just by a little bit you know but literally about a hundred percent so with the no rules now light sport aircraft can be up to 3 000 pounds that's just that literally means an RV 10 could possibly be a light sport airplane right with the grocery a da40 could possibly be a line support aircraft now you're looking at your Cessna 172s even Cessna 182s can now be certified as light sport aircraft so that's the first the weight limit increase number two you have now higher speeds so again with the light sport aircraft category you are limited in just about everything wait how many people you can carry also how fast you can go so currently a lightsaber aircraft cannot go faster by rule or by law you're an aircraft that's lightspoke cannot go faster than 120 knots the fa is not proposed that sure you can go fast and not just by a little bit but again double double the speed so a lightsaber aircraft can now go up to 200 and 50 knots insane okay don't mind me smiling through this whole thing because I'm just I'm getting excited number three is now light support aircrafts can also have retractable landing gear now this already was a fan there are special light support aircraft like if you have some uh some uh seaplanes those some of them have retractable landing gear so you get a special certificate for them and so this is technically not new but now it can be more widespread so when you have an airplane like the new jmb which they have a light sport version but the retractable landing gear in that airplane really puts it out as an experimental aircraft guess what that same airplane now with the retractable landing gear can be certified as a light sport aircraft for a lot of airplane manufacturers this is great news because not only do you get out of the gauntlet of being limited with your air plane sales and production but the airplane that you've built on paper can now move away from being non-certified to being certified now what does all of this mean anyway this is what we care about as Pilots first let's go back history Lane when you think about the light score category the consensus is that this new category and by new I'm talking about 10 20 years ago when it first came out it was about getting more people into flying meaning now it can produce more affordable airplanes for Pilots to get people excited and get in the carpet unfortunately that really hasn't turned out to be the case because light support aircraft now cost just as much as some certified airplane experimental airplane and you can blame that on different things but the fact is an aircraft being light sport doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to cost you less money what I personally observed is that the likes book category was never really created to limit the aircraft it was created to limit the pilot that's what this whole thing is about because as a sport pilot you don't necessarily need a medical right and that's why the fa tries so hard to limit everything else you can do with the aircraft so in a way 10 20 years later we're sort of reversing some of these limitations but I want you to understand that that this category was initially created not to limit the aircraft category it was it was created to limit the pilot and what the pilot can do even with these new rules the pilot gets a lot trust me we get a lot more but also there are still some limitations that are there but this is what we care about most that is the cost everything I just spewed out this is how it's going to translate to the pilot the end custom when now you have some experimental planes or even some certified or ready certified airplanes considered lights or may get some savings with insurance insurance is probably one of the biggest obstacles in owning an air trust me I've been doing this for quite some time and I've seen a lot of airplanes die in the water because of insurance a great example is the pivotal Panther I was super excited about this airplane too but I can really consider a paper show Panther now a failure at least in the U.S market and it's a failure because to get into this aircraft the insurance is just crazy insurance companies don't want to touch it that's one but also they require you to be a lot more advanced as a pilot before you can get into a division so if you've ever thought why haven't you seen a lot of people's short pants that are flying that's because ensuring the aircraft became almost impossible for a lot of buyers who were looking to get into a paper show and third now given these new rules this may change but as we know pippis should have also exchanged ownership so we don't even know if the panthera is going to be here in a year or two so insurance is perhaps one of the biggest problem that is going to be solved with these new rules now I say that very lightly because technically the FAA doesn't control the insurance Market the insurance Market controls the insurance Market but historically light spot aircraft tend to have lower insurance rate on them one because they're certified but also they're limited but now removing those limitations may I don't know change the premium price for these airplanes but more than likely it's going to reduce insurance for a lot of experimental airplanes like the panthera or even the jmb and some of these new planes that we've all been excited about for so many years beyond the cost of insurance you have the bigger cost which is the purchase price for these airplanes now there's been conversation about well how are these new rules affect the price of an airplane except you've been living under a rock you know that for the last two years the price for buying an aircraft has just been astronomical doubled in many cases even for your 50 70 year old planes the prices have doubled overnight now with these new rules is there going to be a change in price for a lot of pilots who are looking to get either their first or second airplane they're hoping that these new rules will cause one Higher demand but more so that demand is now going to be spread out with a lot of options so that means that some airplanes that have more Demand right now would have less in the future because now you have a lot more options to pick from this is what I think will happen with the prices of airplanes more so the prices of light sport airplanes fortunately I don't think these new schools will make the prices of airplanes go down let me explain you think of your average light sport aircraft today you're paying anywhere from two hundred and twenty thousand dollars to three hundred thousand dollars in some cases over three hundred thousand dollars part of that is the components that these planes are built from and then you have shipping and Logistics yada yada but if you buy a brand new lights for airplane today chances are you're going to be paying 200 000 or more for that airport now if these rules were already in effect today we're hoping that that same plan that cost two hundred thousand dollars would now cost say 150 120 000. chances are that is not going to happen the reason being the market let's get into a bit of Economics here and I'll try to keep it as simple as possible when you think of just your normal Market you have supply and demand now the U.S market is considered a free market when you look in most Industries including the aviation industry you would see that each industry has little pockets to dominate right so you'd have generally one or two brands that would take more market share than most and that has to do with desirability meaning the End customer likely would desire hire one brand more than the desired 10 other brands great example is serious for years I mean years serious SR-22 but SR20 has been the most expensive single engineer now do you think with all the ups and downs in the economy and in the aviation industry you would think well the manager should probably go down and serious will sell less aircraft it has yet to happen if anything Cirrus Aircraft continues to go up in price even as much as a lot has changed including these new rules that are passing you still have a level of desirability for this one brand you can argue the same thing for a Cessna or a piper or any other airplane brand you can think of when you the customer desires one brand over the next it doesn't really matter if there are 10 000 other options chances are you're going to pay the money for the brand that you desire and like any other things that you can buy an airplane is not a necessity right it's not like a car in many cases you need a car to get you from place to place for GA pilot you buy an airplane not because you need one is because you have the extra income to buy the airplane and chances are when it comes time for you to make that purchase you're going to buy the airplane that you truly desire not some off brand or one where you feel like you're compromising too much now the great thing would be that you would have all these different options available so my point being is because that one factor still exists and will continue to exist chances are the prices for a lot of the airplanes that are currently in the market will not change that is just my personal opinion now the cost of owning and or operating these airplanes may change may get some savings that way but I don't see all of a sudden light support airplanes becoming less expensive to buy you will have more airplanes to choose from and if people are selling or their more used airplanes in the market and of course if the market is flooded with a ton of airplanes then that could drive the price down but again I've been doing this for quite some time and the only thing that I've seen is that the prices keep going up and I say that to say this for a lot of you who are watching this video right now if you've been in the market to buy an airplane more particularly to buy your first airplane guess what you don't want to wait if you can afford to do so right now probably want to get that airplane right now if you're waiting and saying oh wait once these rules pass then I'll get some savings chances are you will not I spoke to Apollo recently who wanted to get a Cessna 150 like two years ago three years ago that plane at the time cost like 15 or 16 Grand now that same airplane costs more than double you're looking at 30 35 45 000 for the same Cessna 150. my recommendation to you is if you're looking to get some cost savings because of these rules I wouldn't put a lot of Hope on that and honestly I hope I'm wrong I hope I'm wrong but one of the greatest positive that comes out of this is that you will have more options as a buyer and you would have less limitation on what the aircraft can do now the one thing FAA did leave in this rule is that light sport airplanes are more so sport Pilots are still not allowed to carry more than one password doesn't matter how many seats you have you're still limited to one passing you go faster you can probably carry more load but you are still limited to carrying one person that's not really much because guess what ninety percent of the time [Music] anyway that's my Spiel for today I am super excited to see all of these actually go into effect I'm curious what you think and if you can add more information below and also for again for those of you who are looking to buy your first airplane I'm curious what you're thinking in terms of waiting or pulling the trigger now make sure you let me know in the comments below alright thank you all so much for watching again my name is Mike if this is your first time be sure to subscribe to the Channel with the notification Bell on and I will catch you on the next video peace [Laughter] [Music] thank you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 16,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, mosaic, faa, light sport aircraft, fast airplanes, airplane
Id: HYj6ROhzFhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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