Getting Over It - Yep... Over It - Let's Game It Out

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I'm Anthony that's Josh and I'm playing getting over it I turned Anthony on to this game because I played it about three seconds and thought you know what this would be perfect for Anthony to play on the show yeah Anthony Stokes so let's give I get the gist of it so the basic yep yep you already got it so you are a half man half pot amalgamation of modern science or lore who really knows but you are in this little world and your goal is to just make it I believe to the top of a mountain I wouldn't know I haven't made it that far in this game like I I played it for like five minutes it was just like Josh put it down and have Anthony sit down play that [ __ ] just watch everything happen and I've read about this game I understand the whole point of it's like get over like get over the frustration you're feeling like just sort of you know deal with the thick as it comes at you or to whatever interpretation you want to give to that well in TV a little history on the dude Bennett fadi who made it the name of the game is getting over it with benefit and it's because he does some vo for it and he obviously also made it but he is mostly known for making this other game called QWOP a qw o P which is a like hundred yard dash game there he is that's deleted lead it yeah Millennials I'm like yeah whatever the dog ate it unless the dog is named of a virus from the Bitcoin miner your millennial ass installed on your [ __ ] iPad because you don't use computers in these tablets now I think every element of this game is designed to just be like just my gesture I think yeah exactly as you can see I'm the smuggest narrator possible and I made this mug this game possible can't wait to win I already entered into the IG da but all of the all of these games are kind of like this for their like this cumbersome mess of ideas of like take a break at this point shut up Venice but anyway like QWOP was like a very unruly game where like q wo and P are how you like operates this dude's limbs and none of it makes sense so getting your dude to run all is nearly impossible you made this other game that I like even more called jerk which is a grip spelled wrong and it's like you're climbing up a mountain but it's you know it's like you're you know like wall climbing like like you're a climber kind of but they're both really fun they're actually both free to find on the web so I highly recommend a lot of his stuff it all has this kind of way of course you do I love this [ __ ] anything that's like schadenfreude even if it's against to me like I'm still super into it he's talking about the game that this was based on called sexy hiking with a hand with a hammer yeah and oh [ __ ] Anthony you're really scaling up this like a pro yes as you can see by the way like it's this [ __ ] up physics game where you're this pot and all you can do is jettison yourself with this hammer and Anthony's picked up on this really quick but uh it's I mean this is like the buffest man who has the worst curse yeah this is like something out of the worst corners of Greek mythology oh oh that was really good yeah I'm totally intentional do you see that Starbucks cup just up there look at what started over oh did you yeah it's so good Bennett please not now Bennett good catch good catch I like hell I like how water spills out which implies like his lower half is either like sitting in like a fluid of some sorts or I mean I guess he could just be a dude like a normal dude in the pot right like he might just like it this whole time it's possible his genitals just smashed or he's ever been urinating in it for decades oh that's true and he's got the weird soul patch sailor hipster thing going so I mean but like just he could be all these things yeah so he's probably been there for like at least 23 years oh that was that was excellent I love the way he holds this thing by the way sort of just like now it's like majestic yeah it's like if it would be so proud that the cover of like like those old fantasy novels from Tour like oh yeah just like every like throwaway sci-fi novel yeah like I'm slagged are the foreign mercenary from Mars oh man this game yeah this game came out very recently I want to say at the time of recording this it came out today but it's been available for a little while longer than that you might have seen it being streamed before because it came out something called a humble original which is that company Humble Bundle they do these like monthly bundles and they usually have original content like this guy but it did just recently come out on Steam so you too could have this much fun oh dude dude Bennett we know we just did thank you real punch in the gut it's like you're scratching the side of your pie sound effects this gamers so great but yeah I saw this game and I was like you know what this is something that I bet Anthony could really sink his teeth and yeah this is this is my thing this is what I love to play really deep cerebral single mechanic frustration games that try and teach you a life lesson that is apparently you haven't lived those I'm trying to think well what was the last game we played that was kind of like like oh it ventures a pee-pee I think that was the last one we played where it was just like the core oh yeah you piloted that whoo oh yeah well in like I don't know I fall somewhere with skill I say this empirical it's like skill based games were like cuz there's some games that are just blatantly unfair like at least with this you can understand the mechanic what you're supposed to where you're supposed to be doing and sometimes it's hard to figure out how to make that happen it's it's it then it becomes the skill thing and then there's other games there's this one platformer called I want to be the guy which is just it's a game where you could not possibly know what is coming up until you get [ __ ] by it repeatedly oh man your guy is so strong oh yeah yeah dude this is what a Tough Mudder is like yeah I'm sure yeah they give you a hammer and put you in a bucket and it's just like this everyone's got lats like Cobras either like Bruce Lee no one talks they just make these weird grunting noises exactly and then they pee in their pot and it's it's perfect like you described a lot of parties I've been to dude oh no dude oh wow that was really close and the beginning at the end it's a good thing that this dude doesn't have like damage modeling on him because he would just he would be like half a skull exactly it would look like the terminator at the end of every Terminator movie when he's all [ __ ] up yeah like his last movie which is a thumbs up into the into his water bucket oh man this game and I got it you know it's not like I like torture and you're Anthony yes it is but I love this I love people playing games that are stuff like this actually only you know if I would call this game tough it's just it's a special kind of game right it's meant to be frustration which I get yeah it's meant yeah and again it's got a message at least like I mean I believe mr. Bennett fadi is fairly self-aware to that facts and I think of course is and I mean the entire tag line like I'm looking at the at the description of the game on their steam page right now and the very first line is a game I made for a certain kind of person to hurt them right so I mean he was he was well I mean obviously he knew what he was what he was doing here and the bullet points are pretty funny for for yeah this is my this is my moment dude can you oh yeah you you read my mind sir oh my god could you just like [ __ ] are you doing he looked right at the camera that was amazing oh I see what you're gonna do here you're gonna pogo stick oh man he's [ __ ] at the pogo sticks really hard up there well guys I I think right light unless is it swing the hammer based on the direction where the mouse cuz you're controlling this with the mouse right yeah yeah see it's really hard I'm trying to get it up in that in that hole obviously then and that's the point of this puzzle it's it's definitely a weed out puzzle it was let's not call this a puzzle yeah let's call this endurance challenge this is like American Gladiators before a four well first of all for an international audience but also yeah who's obviously and nowhere near physically capable going on America that's the audience I fall into man well if you look at this setting I mean that's oh dude that's oh do you think nope actually it is just in general yeah oh dude oh okay I got it my heart I got oh oh this is it Anthony this is yeah this is like a check point I bet in a certain way cuz like look at this it's gonna be harder and god oh god oh god oh god is that okay as a heads up by the way the moment Anthony is done that's in the episode end so it could be any second exactly oh oh oh my god not now Bennett Fadi we're a little busy oh yeah funny thing happened yeah family ham for me yeah or shut up you know this is all about my personal experience do you wanna hear more about me god I'm so fearful that you're just gonna fall off the side couldn't cheer it's gonna say couldn't you um that yeah exactly that it's a slant oh I see the problem oh oh I know I know I have an idea you know what actually I don't have any ideas that you're not also having so just nobody that uh I'm with you for this journey the entire so the way and whatever you do is perfect and all that glitters is gold all that glitters is gold this note if you just if you yeah [ __ ] are we supposed to get up here what is this even oh my god this is really good yeah they really impressed you should be I'm [ __ ] amazing at this I actually have just you're building with ideas don't [ __ ] go there dude just a job you know please you know what I need less of my life is people waxing poetic about so good at this so sick of weeks are good about this so good at this two steps forward six steps back few steps forward six is this the way you have to go I don't know I mean there was another route I think well I saw there's something over to the right there but I'm afraid to go over there like I think it's just a like I think I looked and it didn't look there's anything in there it's just a dumpster for you to cry into I think so oh you're right yet it's just a bunch of [Music] oh you're actually getting good at this I know it's amazing I assumed oh I am so [ __ ] scared if you falling under that lip yeah cuz I feel like if that happens like it's over there's no coming back you know what's funny is like this guy it reminds me of like I feel like this is exactly how John Claude Van Damme could actually live his life I agree I agree in fact you could just oh dude yeah see that [ __ ] that was really good so wait is yours of walljumping oh dude I think he just learned a new like an advanced strata bro as you could tell then he just goes clunk oh my god this [ __ ] game okay I'm getting lightheaded watching this this is good good Karma's a [ __ ] Josh [Laughter] oh my god right so here's what I need to do dawg tell me what does he you need to do I need to whoa is your just defy physics yeah I'm like Cirque de Soleil up in this piece so amazing if this are hold on now oh my god oh god oh it's so funny like I want to talk more about this game but like I'm just sewing through I'm so enthralled by the Oh oh that Anthony Anthony or playing with fire man you got to be careful here you think those trash cans are gonna help you somehow mm-hmm oh no all right Anthony let's let's collect our feelings for a second you're right you're right okay I think about this situation yeah I'm not like a lot of yet uh I got some forearm pain you have to push any button so just move the thing around not just moving the thing around I unless there are buttons that I'm not aware of but mmm do you think if you perhaps oh well I was gonna make a masturbation joke but uh we'll just we'll just carry on with I'm like you know that always helps me focus up oh I thank God for that there's like that little lift on the red on the on the far right exactly that's what like that's up and I better line on that bad boy but it's like it's hardened it's hard to know what to do though like once you get up there like are you supposed to like use the hammer hood like I can't tell what you grab on to up there yeah I didn't do that [Laughter] buckle up everyone we might be doing this for a little while yeah that's okay until Anthony gets full goes from no to full-blown carpal tunnel syndrome yeah exactly head so we're looking for here just like we need him when he walks away from this recording I need him to look twenty years older exactly than his actual age to teach me something Wow not to choose the wrong chalice okay I didn't know that you did such a good old man voice yeah man that's one of my go-to or has this is this voice or normal ear guilty or capable we should talk about our friendship it's built on a house of Lies you don't have any old red skin whiskey Oh God you know what maybe this is a big honey dick situation oh yeah big honey dick we just both learned this term like pretty recently so now it's all we want to say is like yep that was being honeydicked we have no idea I think you got a catapult you're in a perfect pogos you're in a less perfect but still interesting Pogo situation now could you inch your way back up to the reason I think this might be a honey-baked situation is because I think if you Pogo up there I think you can probably push yourself Oh like up the wall Pogo wise yes I mean I I mean I say that like I have any [ __ ] clue I was thinking like you're that you're the resident expert now you've gotten farther than I have what if we get on top of this thing playing with fire sir but I like it you mean up on that thing that could launch you and make you lose all of your progress correct high stakes I like it but I might try honey dude I know it's totally a honey-baked situation Oh God this guy would be so blood like it's kind of like a Gran Turismo there's no damage modeling on the cars since I assume right like they're licensing for real cars like no you can't show the best BMW getting just wrecked oh that's a good point probably yeah yeah yeah but like this guy would like I know before I said like you know he'd be like the Terminator at the end of Terminator but now he would just be like he'd be missing an arm definitely no head oh yeah do you think there's a way they can incorporate this mechanic into like no-one's honey [ __ ] da train today what are we doing with her life yeah like really dude he's like you dumb [ __ ] oh man oh no no my shoulder honey granite granite so how long do you think it's gonna make this game if you had to just I don't know right to be fair but you it's a lot of fine-tuning goes into something like that oh I'm sure this guy uh I mean I'm trying to remember cuz he has a bunch of other like little games on his website that are just like you know things he just kind of tooled around with made and they're all kind of like they're all kind of like those really we're like they're sort of fun and interesting and goofy and experimental and it's probably the last website if it's the one I'm thinking of oh dude you did that like it was no big deal well we've we've been hit before but I'm glad you know how to do again did you notice that mr. Fadi hasn't been viewing anything in a little while I think he believes in you now it does it does oh my god so uh what do you think Anthony you you want to keep going with this I mean until I okay yeah now we have to horrible okay okay okay here this might be our all nothing this might be the all or nothing just giving you people the heads up you might be seeing the thanks for watching screen real soon or the oh my god alright you are a dude look at his buff ass muscles you work like God in my eyes mentally an sighs medicine master I'm going full force in just this once I don't think this actually wait are you gonna try Jump Street no I think we were on the right track with the honey dick route honey yes let's go back to the honey dick route see [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 1,128,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets game it out, lgio, josh, anthony, lets play, walkthrough, game, games, gaming, videogames, gameplay, commentary, funny, silly, comedy, juego, juegos, videojuegos, hd, 60fps, Bennett Foddy, single player, action, troll, frustrating, frustration, lets game it out fail, lgio fail, getting over it fail, getting over it lgio, qwop, girp, foddy, getting over it with bennett foddy, getting over it with foddy, getting over it foddy, getting over it rage, van damme
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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