30 Queens. Can Martin Win?

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ladies and gentlemen there are many ways to practice the wonderful game of chess you can watch YouTube videos you can buy courses you can read books and in terms of actually playing games you can play against your friends maybe at the bar maybe at the library maybe at your local chess club maybe in tournaments online offline or against bots see a lot of people like to play against bots because they have anxiety when they play live games or their Real ratings aren't affected or they get to try out new openings at no risk but not all Bots are the same and on chess.com in particular there is one bot who is in absolute like room temperature IQ if not even lower and that bot's name is Martin Martin is struggling you know he he's doing his best the description about the Martin bot says that he has kids and he plays against them I don't think I don't think Martin has kids I don't think if any human soul Martin's chest playing ability they would ever agree to have kids with him but yeah in this video I gave Martin 30 Queens Martin is such a bad bot that I allowed Martin to have 30 queens and I still stayed in the game long enough and maybe even won it I'm not gonna spoil anything two games first I gave Martin just the whole starting setup of queens and then after that I gave him 30 of them now folks who've been watching my videos for a long time you know that I'm not a scumbag well that's debatable but I give credit where it's due the idea for this video actually came from Joe kempsey I've seen his tweets I've seen his YouTube channel I'll link it in the description and he didn't quite do the same exact thing but he had stockfish play against Martin with like 47 Queens I decided to take the place of stockfish because I'm better than stockfish obviously and this is how the games turned out all right Martin we got some stuff going on over here hitting me with the with the Checkmate action so I'm gonna defend okay he takes my Pawn defended by his two other queens out of his 15 total so I want to go here and then I'm gonna disconnect the Queen's we do this um now mathematically speaking he has 14 Queens remaining right so I've only got one two three four five six seven pieces which are not pawns so I cannot really I cannot really the you know I can't take all his Queens I'm gonna lose all my pieces I gotta do this in a smarter way so what is that smarter way it's a great question can I play here and here oh interesting but if I take he's gonna go here so what if I go here I he saw it he he saw it all right okay well that's kind of a problem I did not expect Martin to Play Good Moves uh here here all right um Queen for the bishop smart ah all right I'm I don't know if it's good or bad to be honest with you um I mean the guy has like 14 Queens remaining I don't think this is very good for me but I'm gonna do my best all right so what if I defend my position and then I sneak in oh I got really excited damn this is tough I can't go here because he takes my queen What if I just stall a little bit oh it's only minus 114 now folks oh minus 126. looks like I have a chance after all okay let's go here now what's interesting is he doesn't actually move any of his Queens into danger he just sort of ignores my threads and just lets me take his pieces okay I did not expect that ah there we go so he recaptures on the second move frequently so what if I just but I'm worried like is he gonna go here is he sentient enough to play that move is that a and if I go here he's definitely gonna take because it's checked so the bot is going to be programmed to capture so what if I go here ah damn okay one Bishop for the price of two queens uh he has ten Queens remaining this is really bad I do not have enough Firepower here I'm gonna go here oh Oh I thought that was a king oh dear God I thought I was checking him there's too many queens on the board yeah I think I want to preserve my queen yeah not that that's going to be possible but I I really would prefer to okay yeah see I was worried about this move because with this move he gets really close to my king and I don't like that um yeah that could be a problem and I'm not comfortable giving up oh man so you're gonna take my free night I don't know when Martin actually starts playing normal moves oh he gave me this oh and he didn't take the Knight yeah that would have been that would have been that would have been the end right there I think I mean I still can't move the Knight I mean I did so much damage to this position she's still got 72 points of Queens left he has a 48 Point material advantage oh okay if I make a queen will he take me I gotta think of like some UGA strats um night yes I broke Martin he doesn't know how to capture Knights oh always throw oh he's totally throwing it away now I don't want to check him I want to play Knight takes Queen oh down to five Queens all right now I'm actually getting hopeful now I understand it still says mate in five I put that there for comedy more than anything he's only got five Queens left all right God this dude is an idiot like I can't believe trust.com programmed this guy to beat this bad I think anybody named Martin should like take take offense to this I mean this is just incredible I still have to protect my king and my root can't get off the H file which is very annoying and I don't want to play King E2 because he has five Queens um oh almost hung my wow what do I do he has five Queens here climb he plays so fast he's so terrible I can't believe he actually saw that like that's incredible Martin is making progress in the middle of the game so if I go here I'm pinned and he can sack two queens and bulldoze me this is so dumb this is so stupid check you think he'll repeat moves like he's repeating moves Martin is repeating moves up five Queens Four Queens sorry um okay okay now that the time he moved his King if I go here no I don't wanna see he's he's never hung a queen like in one move he doesn't just put his Queen to hang but he never respects my threats which is so weird oh Fork Fork not really he definitely can get out of it also he has four other queens but this is progress will he take my knight no he doesn't take my knight that's actually really huge now I'm still mated but at least now I have a little bit of life um okay there is no chance Martin sees a discovered attack right yeah okay very good so this is a discovery oh oh oh oh oh oh oh for the first time I'm alive you know why because I'm gonna take with check and then I'm gonna take the free Queen oh but he can go down here is that a problem no he wait yes he can what if I check him before I take the free Queen what if I go here oh oh and I prevent this by giving an wait no by giving this check oh I'm gonna check him and prevent Queen down to B1 oh my gosh oh my gosh and now I take it oh that's it Oh Martin you messed up man you messed up because now I just got the oh that's it oh that's it down to one Queen I mean I gotta take the queen right for the memes I got it yeah I gotta do it I gotta bully Martin a little bit sorry Martin okay let's go here I I wanted to and now yeah now we're gonna be really mean to Martin we're gonna cut off yeah and now now maximum disrespect here you know what started with like a bunch of Queens will end with uh you know a squad of horses and uh we'll give him the Rook we'll give him the rook and we will Checkmate him with the Armada hopefully we don't stalemate him that would be really embarrassing can you imagine uh do not stalemate not stalemate he still has this move that's not stalemate either that's also not stalemate the nerves are palpable check okay I have like a lot of mates I think this is mate that's mate nice wow this dude is garbage all right so we beat Martin with the starting position being Queens but 15 Queens is it's not enough right I mean like really who can beat anybody with three queens 15 Queens so what I did for this one is I gave him two more full rows of Queens not clickbait I gave Martin 16 more queens now I also gave myself two more pawns otherwise there's Checkmate and one threats on the first move which I don't want yeah let's see how we did yo Martin is up 229 points of material here I just want you guys to realize this he has 229 I mean some people bench press that amount uh yeah I I don't really know what to play I he has 36 points of material oh my God there's just no way right I mean there's just no way all right I'll start with Knight C3 and uh we will see what happens so the thing about Martin is that um if you take one of his Queens he may recapture but he also might take the Rook so okay or not that's actually very big for me I could get three queens but I just don't have enough pieces like I need every single one of my pieces to take all his pieces multiple times it's actually very very bad but I will go here okay so I've gotten three of the Queens down I started out with a 229 Point material disadvantage by the way yeah man I'm talking about a crazy number huh he wants to take this so what if I go here okay so he's just gonna Shuffle back and forth right just gonna Shuffle he has so much material it's ridiculous what if I go okay okay that pawn took three queens not bad 27-1 all right 27 this bot is so trash I cannot believe they made him this bad like I I mean he had four Queens five Queens six seven eight hit eight Queens staring at that square and nobody took anything I think so if I go this way a lot more Queens can take but if I go this way yep oh my God does Martin just have a pawn blind spot oh my God wait what if I make a knife wait this is this is nuts what what a um I have been I what hold up wait did I just break Martin okay now very important you don't take this because it's check he'll see that Martin is malfunctioning wait this is completely insane he's not taking me why is he not taking me what that one wait wait that one Pawn captured one Queen two queens three queens Four Queens and became a knight five six seven eight nine it took 81 points away from Black and I'm still down 102 points what I mean I managed to take more than half his Queens at this point and yet I still think I'm gonna lose the game but okay at least he has a blind spot right so what if I go here and now rather than taking because I'm gonna get bulldozed off the face of the Earth what if I go here what if I just start doing the same thing oh my gosh I figured it out now I'm gonna avoid where I can be taken more oh my goodness oh my goodness we're gonna do it again okay that Queen took four I mean that pawn took four he's down to 67 points I'm actually getting like a little confident now this is very dangerous now I shouldn't take this it's never too late to hang mate just to show you he will see Checkmate in one see we're gonna redo that I'm just saying I didn't lose right not official I told you don't get too hype okay just instructional moment there we gotta find a way to do this in a smart way all right so can't weaken our King too much and can't give away too much powerful material we gotta make sure everything's defended Martin doesn't see crazy moves like this with pins so kind of want to go here and then take but he also likes to get in close what if I go here okay cool all right okay yeah I'll take that I'll take that he's down to one two three four five we he's down to nine Queens which is still completely freaking stupid but you know at least manageable and if he takes this I'm gonna disconnect him and win his Queen watch He Didn't Do It um okay I can't move my knight that's the tough part can't move my knight what if I go here blind spot Pawns oh but it's dangerous if I take this my king is very open I'm not sure I love that ah gosh why did I do this here okay that's kind of oh I'm I'm not dead I'm Not Dead but uh dude oh okay I was dead for a second but now I'm no longer dead again um I didn't want him to sacrifice and weaken my king like I don't think he's ever gonna go here he never like I doubt he does this right okay I got a little greedy all right you know I really thought he was gonna let me have it I thought he was gonna let me have it but he's down to eight is that eight Queens right okay we know he has a pawn blind spot but how do we exploit that like what if I go here I have no move I cannot move my queen to any Square I really thought I could I couldn't I was wrong ah he has so many mates he has so many mates this is so absurd uh but now he's not letting me take his Queen with my pawns which is very annoying I don't know why he started becoming smarter uh mm-hmm no Checkmate no Checkmate is it time to get in with my Rook I really wanted to save this move I feel like my Rook doesn't deserve to die yet what if I go here okay okay take his Queen dangerous okay see that's what I'm saying I'm still running out of pieces this is the dangerous part about this is I'm I'm running out of material to use which could be a serious problem very nerve-wracking my queen is kind of stuck I can't do much like on the verge of mate just pass it back oh God he's threatening Checkmate now what Martin what I thought you were an idiot what happened oh my goodness this is bad there was mate he could have taken that he actually could have sacked I mean he's like a complete but okay now I'm covering my king which should be good enough uh uh what do I do here this is so dumb Knight here yes check just hoping he doesn't see that from Knight F4 he still doesn't see it oh free Queen okay now we're in business ah two queens do I take though what do I do what do I do do I take it oh he's not he's wait that's almost made what I clicked something thought I click something nevermind I thought that was almost mate Knight Knight D5 I'm back in the game oh why did he see that pawn attack take his Queen oh gosh three queens left home stretch check I don't want to take that I I feel like he's gonna what about this does he see mate in one does Martin see Mayton won we just we we just beat Martin we just be Martin with 30 queens and a 229 Point material disadvantage oh my God get out of here just get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 3,774,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: Jmwk4ufcdyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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