INSANE 500 Elo Chess Battle

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ladies and gentlemen chess is a fascinating game but you know that and I know that Ponder this for a second there are more possible chest positions than there are atoms in the universe what what that means is every time you play a bad game or feel bad after a chess game just realize someone out there has played far far worse and every single time that I feel like I've seen it all something comes to my desk something comes to my screen my email and one of my viewers sends me a game that truly blows my mind and makes me think about Chess in a different way and that is what we are going to see in this video trust me whatever I made the title clickbaity whatever this intro is clickbaity whatever you are not going to be disappointed with what you are about to see let's jump into it our protagonists are two five hundreds named Mart from Norway and Sasha from Ukraine Sasha out there has a nice skiing profile photo Mart is just a bunch of colors this game I don't even know what to say I have no words and I have to have words because that's literally my job so Knight F3 is how we start the game black responds with the move E6 white plays E4 and now we have Knight to F6 now this is already bad this is actually already bad you need to put Pawns in the center as far as possible as you can the best move here is always going to be D5 it just is why because e-cigs does not sufficiently fight for the center and if you're putting knights in the center that can be attacked that's very bad also because your opponent can play a move like E5 now and while some of the more advanced viewers will say well this is just kind of like the ayokin's defense not at 500 at 500 you're just giving up space you're losing time developing don't put knights in the center when they can be attacked by pawns something has to be able to take the pawn a pawn a knight whatever now we are going to watch History here so instead of that white plays the move Bishop to C4 which I'm going to give a brilliant move to by the way let me know if you like these symbols has these emotes that I can put like during the games let me know if you like them or if they're annoying um Bishop C4 is a brilliant move because it just straight up hangs the pawn like there's just no questions asked I mean white just you know develop the pawn and then left it to die okay D3 I really would have loved to see D3 on the last move you know after Knight F6 I would have loved to see it you know here or something but anyway D3 and now the night goes back to D6 which is not a bad move hits the bishop doesn't attack the bishop because it is defended but white doesn't want to lose the bishop for the Knight the only problem with black smooth is that you kind of blocked your own Bishop right so black is likely going to go Bishop to E7 here in Castle okay um white uh now does Castle so white actually relatively good with the basics thus far black now plays the move B6 Theon ketoing the light squared Bishop out this way and now we can safely assume one of these pieces will be developed and the King will decide which way to go because that's the way you play chess now white plays D4 okay so a couple of moves ago white played D3 uh White was unsatisfied with that and now plays the move d4 terrific uh black was going to play the move Bishop to B7 but rather than doing that black plays Bishop to A6 okay Bishop A6 attacks The Rook on you uh on F1 white moves The Rook to E1 right now uh black here should play Bishop B7 and castle that's what black should do Bishop B7 and cows however black plays the move G5 now the move G5 is probably just never good like it I'm just gonna rule of thumb if you gave me a thousand positions especially at the 500 level when the move G7 to G5 by black is a good move it's going to be one out of a thousand why it's just a weird flying Pawn push there's like an 80 chance the player doesn't even realize I apologize the player doesn't even realize that the pawn is hanging it's just hanging there's two attackers on it Bishop takes G5 crushing um it's also just like sabotaging your own development like it's just not good your king should be there anyway white plays the move D5 this is an excellent move now I don't know if white just got lucky here like I don't know if white didn't even realize that this could be taken could not be taken rather but it's the best move it doesn't matter and it's a principled move how do you find a move like D5 King in the center Rook is here you should strike in the center of the board okay Knight goes back to E7 and now white realizes oh that pawn could really get it right so now rather than even getting tunnel vision and taking over here uh we have Knight takes G5 now black did not realize that in this position this is a bad move why is that a bad move because this is what I call this is Phantom defense that's not defended because it's pinned but what's fascinating about like newbies is that I guarantee when white played this move black went like this and black was like why can't I take and black went oh I'm pinned okay well then I'm gonna go here so how did Black just forget like it's the same exact situation oh my God anyway now The Rook is hanging uh so The Rook moves okay simple and now white doesn't have to retreat The Bishop's not under attack but white being the responsible 500 is like you know what if I leave my Bishop there I'm probably gonna lose it at some point because I'll forget um so I'm gonna retreat the best move there would have been to just get as active and aggressive as possible Black's King is in the center black is lacking severely in development white has everything set out so you might as well bring in the powerful pieces the queen on H5 right and that's not Checkmate but it could be if you remove the Knight that's how chess works right logical thinking here and you'd be setting off the the bomb on F7 that's cool I don't know boom look at that uh anyway Rook B8 Bishop back to F3 and now black once again sabotage's development and moves upon in front of the king now the king's wide open King's wide open positions plus ten uh and what I always tell like new players even you know beginners intermediate like eight times out of ten nine times out of ten the best move is going to be going forward it's very rarely going to be retreating there is nothing wrong with this move which is retreating but you have a better move the king's wide open I mean you gotta go here like you gotta hit him with one of these and now the king walks forward walkashame for the king I got news for you taking this is not possible because Bishop takes G5 as an x-ray not only is it an x-ray it's actually mate that is mate boom all right King dies all right so we go back a little bit 94 you know I'm saying fine F5 no regard for anything I mean Bishop H5 the game is over like it this is why you always need to look for checks too you see this and you're like oh no I have to take if Dwight played this move this wouldn't have been a video because black would have gone here because black doesn't know Knights go backwards and then mate like that's how the game would have ended and we wouldn't have gotten a YouTube video but instead of that white takes on D6 all right we have C takes D6 and now it's actually made into now it's just literally made into this is why you always just scanned for the checks if you look for checks in this position by accident you would win because those are your only two checks in the next two moves so this is why you need to do CCA okay not Continental chess Association all right but you got to do CCA checks captures the text all right because I mean you just you just win like right so Bishop F4 that doesn't happen instead of Bishop before Queen to H4 aggressive G3 defensive Queen goes back and now white finishes development and black grabs upon and now white missed the opportunity to put the game away early but white what white did not miss is the opportunity to make it into one of my videos and from this point forward that is basically what white tries to do mm-hmm here we go Knight C4 losing the knight in one move like that is no questions asked just straight up the blunder of a full night um and this is why you always look for checks captures attacks because you see this and you move your queen and you don't take the Knight because your brain just didn't pick up on the fact that you could take the Knight now again checks captures attacks Knight takes D6 is just a great move instead you play Backwards Queen A4 and now Queen C1 good move here defending the Knight solid move can't hate it um Rook C8 not the worst move in the world um and now a fascinating sequence of moves occurs like when I saw this game you know because I got I gotta scan these games I gotta vet these games like before a company hires a person they vet them they check their background you know um they look at like social media they get background checks so I had to vet uh this game and when I saw this next sequence of moves uh this was my face like that was my face okay um Queen B2 now Queen B2 was a very logical move okay because if you try if you track what's happening there's something going on on the other side of the board look I put an emote that means you have to see it there's an emote over here all right that's hanging you guys like those things or is it distracting there's a rook hanging right black doesn't see it in fact I don't even know what the move Queen A5 does I I don't right so Queen A5 and white plays Queen takes what okay well Bishop G5 actually is a pretty smart move too because maybe white wants to go Queen F6 and over here or or white sees that the King has no moves and now is trying to do that idea but backwards oh that's very smart on H5 Bishop H5 is now made that's a little mating net weave and black doesn't see it and white plays Bishop okay so the idea here let me take you through the ideas let me get in the mind of a 500. queen A5 was just trying to defend that square so The Rook could come in defended and hit the bishop over here white could have taken a free rook and white also could have made it in one move white just straight up set up checkmated one it's made in one on the board it's made in one right in front of you but white gets distracted because White's like ooh Rook I'm gonna move my knight backwards and I'm gonna attack the oh I lost my Bishop and here's what makes this even more cruel in this position if you were to play Queen takes Rook because you disconnected your Rooks that would be a huge mistake because your Rook over here is hanging see a move ago The Rook defended each other but now if you take you lose your Rook which is crazy now here is a million dollar question did white see this and get lucky when they played the uh and was this an intelligent move or did they I mean oh was that just pure luck like did they see it I don't know you tell me in the comments I don't know black plays the Black plays the best move of the game thus far Queen C5 Rook Queen teaming up on that F2 Square which is a massive danger to the white king and white plays the move Rook D2 very logical two moves okay we haven't had a whole lot of them now Rook back to G8 and the bishop retreats to E3 and the queen has to go away right that's what you would think but suddenly black activates his inner uh Grand Master all right and uh here black plays a brilliant move absolutely brilliant move Rook takes E3 sacrificing The Rook for a bishop and a pawn and a massive attack on the white king that is M like it has an m in front of it like if black plays this correctly black will just Checkmate in a few moves Rook F2 it's made in six now nobody at 500 sees mate in six nobody even at like 1800 sees maintenance like I'm gonna be honest because often times for Maiden six it's like a very obscure King hunt um and it it usually involves some sort of sacrifice like uh you gotta like hunt in this case it doesn't really involve that but um like for example Rook takes G3 black sacrifices the second Rook I don't know if this is blind luck but that is one of the best moves but sometimes in Maiden six combos you gotta sacrifice something so black sacrifice the house all right um and here apparently black had a maiden six with Queen E1 but instead blacko's here so it was a little bit lucky and now white plays this black gives a check white blocks and black realizes wait a minute I don't want to repeat moves even though I'm down you know a lot of material here I'm gonna go Queen H4 the most insane thing about this position is the material imbalance is only two points up for white like white has 13 points of non-queen material two Rooks on the Knight I'm not counting the pawns black has two Bishops okay white develops the Knight black goes back with the bishop and now white has a fresh kind of you know a lease on life right white is now in the driver's seat how do you win a position like this you got to trade the Queens because the queen is the most important thing but how do you trade the Queen's really hard to do that and your Rook is hanging and if you go here there's check so when here's a golden rule of Chess okay when one of your Rooks is hanging what you should do is you should lose the other one for no freaking reason no reason the move Bishop B7 attacks one of your Rooks so rather than saving that one not only do you lose that one you lose another one and you'll lose it with check so now you're going to lose both Rooks black takes one you can still save the other but now white is why why just lost both ropes in two moves okay so now Knight F3 now the hardest thing to do is to pry a king away from a knight as a queen because the king just dances but it's not difficult to do that when you also have a bishop this is a little unnecessary F4 but I like it I like that move hunts the king into the middle and um and now there's gonna be a way to pry away the the king from the Knight it's gonna be right here black does it this way that's wrong because the king can stick around uh it's made in 17 obviously No One's Gonna find that but suddenly that's it that's it that's the end of the game it's the end of the game one thing I really love that white did here is white uh tried to stay away from the queen so white played King G1 and made sure this move was not going to be a check black had to here in this position be patient Force the king into a checking situation and then continue the attack actually here's even faster Checkmate like this but checkmating by not taking the Knight is a little bit hard okay that's that's pretty difficult instead of that black goes here and now has a seven point material advantage now at this point folks if you've watched 16 minutes you probably go that's crazy black probably stalemate it but then for those of you that are uh aware you realize in the thumbnail which I probably put there I said that why one maybe I changed the thumbnail but it said white winds how oh black lost the queen probably right yeah yeah black lost the queen right okay Queen F6 now just check Queens are on the same line give a check give a check doesn't matter you take the queen okay don't hate it I like the concept of picking upons with check I like that I also like what black what white did which is put the Queen near the king you never know you never know when you can get stalemated all right Queen C4 doesn't even matter that you lose your Bishop because you're up so many pawns King G4 uh once again discovered check wins the queen uh because King is under attack finally we get here all right you must be thinking that I pulled a prank on you because there is just no way there is just no way right folks I told you in the intro I have officially seen it all I have officially seen it all um I don't want to say anything I'm not going to say anything I am going to hit the forward Arrow until nearly the end of the game and and then I will say something all I will say before we get to the end of the game is that black had about a minute at this point black did not have a huge amount of time but one minute is plenty of time okay here we go I will make noises though huh no uh huh okay but how do you you just go here game over white winds I told you can we how how did that happen how did that happen you you can push the H Pawn but you just bring the two pawns on the why did Black push every Pawn once push and then to just I can't even I can't explain this and at the very end even this is winning I mean even this is winning this is no longer winning but how could you you just go to the corner here your options after the corner move are stalemate draw or any other king move and King takes Pawn I have nothing to say I I'm just gonna end the video and I don't know go watch the World Cup I'm sorry get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 728,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: dr-Se6McSrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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