3 Units, 3 Hours And One Sweat Ride! Abandoned Storage Unit For $250

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that's it for this unit guys so give me that did you look in that anyway so we haven't down a lockbox at a really good long time and I'll be honest I do get excited when I see them but I get more excited about like vintage and antique so close things like that which you do find analog boxes but very rarely so anyway let's cut to the chase let's see what I just cannot wait to show you and there's diamonds [Music] alright guys so we are here at the u-haul location here in Grand Prairie Texas we're at unit 550 it's a five by ten we've got a hurry so these videos aren't going to be too long we're gonna pop this open Jacob Davis here Leo's man in the camera because ladies are back to the office say hi guys what's up guys PlayStation box Hey we're gonna just throw this stuff on there get let's get our lift gate down we're gonna need it for the refrigerator but we're just gonna put going out I'm gonna say some things I'll tell you why I probably bought it if you come in there was these these canes right here and they're in pretty bad shape but it looks like everything's broken I know I did see the tricycle so I'm hoping maybe we're gonna find some but what the heck were you thinking but part of it is just a gut instinct some time let's see if I was right or wrong [Music] Rolex yeah this is gonna be a dirty unit maybe that's gonna be the name of it dirty unit ooh I never mind I didn't think that through did it nevermind oh look here's some more x-men cards so maybe I was right maybe I couldn't see any is gonna be right you know probably not worth a lot but uh well I don't know yes this that'd be nice to those raisins huh Geneva Hey look I'm a part of my money back get it part of my money back Geneva these look like they're all cheap watching I have a feeling anybody want to make a bet that we find possible methamphetamine paraphernalia that was me that was me hashtag mean boss main bar Webster's let me get the big pieces and then we'll pop some boxes out see what possible be right back so we've got the big step back we've got a black double sided refrigerator or refriger here refrigerator it's got some dents I'm not a lot of pretty nasty inside so we'll see if we hey Shawn this cool trike right here we just got yeah get on out here get on it and ride it always get on it fellas ring the bell did you call him a dingleberry is that what you said so big whatever hey he's always full of excuses you know me better oh that's not nice that's really I don't know yeah we have the ps4 box I pulled this bag out I haven't touched anything did I set it over I'm getting good at this guys I'm maybe I'm getting over my addiction you come on in so here's what we're seeing right now you come on in so I'm seeing this I'm seeing some trucks in the back see a horse okay what'd you say you said you saw it look there's a Batman car right here so I don't know look another trunk right here oh there's a stove in here I hate stoves or maybe that's a washer anyway here let's pop a few these down on this just to keep you keep it rolling all right what we're getting here just some kitchen utensils you got it look we almost killed him we almost killed him look we see books right here it's all books except one gnome and I almost killed him mrs. Doubtfire great movie is that what he said one who sticks his head in the paw older levi's we'll check this out I'm still learning clothes and shoes because I probably got made fun of the most over the easies on october which is fine but yeah you're always your hair get it you know if someone says they know everything's business or arrogant and shoes and clothes I'm just not good at Hey look at this it's kind of like a it's what they call confetti pattern what yes Jay is missing some orange thing it used to be a unicorn once upon a time oh look at this case alright creepy man you know what I still want to find the day that I find the old pump shoes that's like my one of my wish list on my bucket list of things I want well I'm not excited anymore cause I see oh that's original thought construction paper should we save this save it well I don't know we got so many trunks in it David leave it open see do you want it as he wanted to wait for this probably underneath ok we don't have to be going through all this right now don't try to here keep the camera on me until we think in here there's too many personal photos and here so we're going to dig through the let's get that back in that would be cool if it was a million dollars said to wait no but look at that trunk Oh lockbox we have a fellow lockbox in a long time there's one right there we think then we gotta make our way to the lock what's in here it's not money oh yes mother a look yeah it is money just in a different color before we run the county you gotta work for look at this guy's bullets yeah big old magnet tastes pulling timber creaking course I think over hearing aid I know where to get this out of here there's more stuff in there guys we'll go through that later cuz I'm gonna save some for later nevermind I gotta get to the box let's throw that on the truck please sir uh it's gonna come crashing down just pull it not here excuse me shoulder Jake Oh open it don't you open it I'll never leave my box below oh it is collectible they're all looking at me like I'm dumb right now look what's going on there all shout right now all right so here's here's the deal guys I'm really trying to keep these manageable kind of scan around you can kind of see what we have X let's do this box and then wolf we're gonna cut to a break and then we'll come back this is it stamps I wanna dance you know that stamps we found on that last unit broke up about 200 bucks good just the steps alone yeah we'll have some stuff done box back up there more action figures kind of beat up this is kind of weird I have a feeling all this stuff's gonna grow the Eagle stuff normally sells there's all kind of broken oh my god this whole trash cans you look in here are you looking in there those Hot Wheels random stuff this is weird [Music] what do you think okay so here's what we're going to take a quick break I don't know I might squeeze a few of these little lockers that we have in today into one video but I'm not gonna make you look at too much and then just kind of random stuff so I haven't boxes yet so we're gonna go through the rest of this pop the trunk so we'll do a quick unboxing at the end then we're gonna head to the next units we'll be right back alright guys so we were gonna pull everything out and here's what I've been doing to get these videos down to a shorter time I need to do less talking and more unboxing so I'm putting my shut up shake your head removal anyway so we've already put a lot of the stuff on the trunk I did set some boxes aside and bags that look like they might be promising so I was just gonna go straight to that but as I was taking this stuff out and hand it to the guys I saw this I have no idea I haven't even looked behind this thing I don't even know what's attached there could be a head attached to that thing for all I know I have no clue anyway hey J come come grab this boat let's get this out of the way maybe there's two of them back here just one Trapper Keepers remember those drivers for stinky clothes whatever alright here we go the big unveiling you ready for somebody spray-painted or something it's it's older that's definitely a lot of older hardware I just done it on the truck it's kind of cool that's all right hey it's not gonna be used again but it'll be a really cool wall hanger all right I don't see anything else so again last time we'll be right back for some unboxing all right guys so we are done if you check out the unit it is empty and we got a few things over here and we got a few things over here these are things that I have absolutely not looked in and you will be the first to do it with me this is what it is it says LS photography it's a huge photo cube and I mean we take literally a hundred hundreds of thousands of pictures every month and so we're gonna keep this and I'm gonna take it out see if the conditions good and hey it's having to go buy another one there we go okay so this is actually could be nothing but this bag entry fee the most I'm going to set it aside and see if we can find a bunch of good torn apart electronics oh hold you this is just this is actually kind of a neat bag this might be sterling go thank you could you see in there good no I well now you can see where they cut it and you can see where the see all the layers come wider kind of watch that pulsar hey just because it's like these uh you know like Timex and things like that each brand you need to look up and and just cuz you don't recognize it and because it might feel cheap don't be deceived there's some wild stuff online that sells that people click alright there's some kind of a little token here oh it's a toys for tot Marine Corps hey cool alright so that's done uh see we got a wallet this mixture is not an ID in there Oh money what lots of phones fruit wow look more phones phones but this was this thing spurt you know what I'm not trying to be mean but if I was to profile this unit I bet you all the stuff stolen just it was probably maybe a little person who just would grab little things here and there cuz it's so random it's not like really a junk drawer well actually it's probably but anyway okay so not a lot going on in here I will search through that a little bit better but I can publish something here we might find a gun among these boxes that trunk um there the blue trunk I did pop that open well it just I could see there's clearly books but anyone else if we find some gold jewelry in here would that look shotgun shell another one 357 did we do this random Hey look money yeah you lose that word all right so there's that what was this little ashtray or something I'm always afraid of them I click something it's gonna be like some trick thing like a shock thing every time I push all right so nothing fantastical he rocks learning system I have no idea what it is I don't know if it's gonna be what's in here the case may be collectible but I mean look at the condition of it more unlikely someone who would buy this would be like a photographer or some who we actually mark it towards a lot of times I'll go specifically after photographers because we got a lot of great items that are good for staging so anyways all right nice bunch of baby pictures hey how many more you tomorrow with on auction party hey if you hadn't gone to storage auction carts station go there like his channel looks maybe more promising hey Sega Genesis now we're getting somewhere it's not a Division champion summer 2016 smashing pockets hey I like Sega Genesis even though it's only like you know probably 10 15 bucks I can get them oh look hey ps3 big ol loogie on it ooh and something nasty all up in he said you just anyway so look ps3 will clean it up we'll test it when we get back hopefully it does work this is cool it looks like a family tree thing we're not gonna show that on public let's see let's just test one blu-ray well it's in there so anyway alright David here's the deal I ain't gonna play with you this box is way too heavy to be a ps4 commercials that do with the long hair and glasses so these are some boats called chakra I'll look these up it's kind of neat even if people don't want these books like people that want kind of like that library feel around the house or that older look they use these for staging you know there's I guess a million ways to skin a cat like this this was definitely probably a you know drug addicts room so plush has actually been this looks like a bunch of clothes mixed with some shoes maybe Harley here's the thing I'm not so excited about this because here's the deal see I knew it these units you cannot they for some reason they collect they keep broken electronics you know more wallets look we're seeing a lot of the same thing sliders little things like that that's empty yeah this is the person that was just going around sticker that's very common in the storage unit it's to find people who are there tons of stuff and again we'll go through this in more detail when we get back all right this is probably just books probably paper nail gun it's a bag of trash no don't know to you know support our troops that's a homemade silencer all right thanks sir all right one more tub here's the can you put it in this bag I'm serious I'll find you units like this all the time so I'm not gonna take my time to go through this right now cuz here's another thing you'll very rarely find silver and gold in these because people like this they know the scrap game I promise you they know the scrap game that's why all the stuffs in here because they collect all this they take the gold silver oh they take it to the pawn shop along these golden solar stores and you know that's how they get by and so I've seen this a million times and it's it's actually really sad when you think about it all this stuff broke and you can tell they're probably taking apart the watches to try to get little pieces that probably scrap out not today Junior Arizona more the same broken jewelry it's gonna be the same thing this whole thing but here's the thing you can find you can't hit a little pop on these because they hide things and they forget where they hide it you guys I like let's got the knobs to check this out you know motto number I'm not reading that whole number off plug on the end and they're both so on there so I bet we'll plug this in I better work and if not I've got a whole box of radio tubes and stuff I told you would come in handy one day but look at this color that's actually kind of like a greenish that green in that what would they call this like you I'm like it the bright orange I bet that lights up so I bet that's gonna be a killer car let's set that in there safely all right that's probably about it for this unit we've got another one here at the same location and we were gonna hop in over there and see if that one's any better so you'll find little stuff like this little lighters and I could put these together boy probably if they're not Zippo brand which it's not now I'll put these in big groups or the cigar box lots for you guys so much so anyway that's it for this unit guys so give me that did you look in that so anyway so we haven't found a lockbox in a really good long time and I'll be honest I do get excited when I see them but I get more excited about like vintage and antique since these things like that what you do find analog boxes but very rarely so anyway let's cut to the chase let's see what I just cannot wait to show you parts and sports cards I'm not gonna say worthless but here's what it looks it looks like mass-produced 80s and 90s stuff it looks like more 90s and anything but look here some little maybe refractors I don't know Oh Cobie Bryant slam cam it's a 1 a 1 of 12 SC tired yeah but and they mass-produced this stuff there's that you've only got a handful of cards that are worth collecting especially when they've been put in here you can guarantee the corners are not so crisp anymore which usually makes it not worth grading so anyway I will go through these when we get back but anyway hey let's go to the next unit should we find something million dollars make sure to subscribe hit that Bell I do the same thing for all my future channels and we'll see you at the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 6,592
Rating: 4.9103642 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: fVw87N6DflI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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