$1600 Gamble on Abandoned Storage Unit Full of SIGNED Vintage Concert Posters!

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but thanks bye this fool thinks he's all crazy you don't know about they didn't call me dare me Jeremy the end of the video you nasty actually that was dirty look so I straight up chewed on that I don't know where that was it I don't man hey guys welcome to Grimes fine today is Tuesday July 16th I'm here with Jacob say hello jig we're just pulling up to quick trap and we're about to meet Leo and David here they were getting gas in our box truck we rented this you all from us because we get a discount line so anyway hey we just bought on Locker Fox we just bought a 10 by 25 we're heading there right now I spent 1,600 bucks on it no taxes or tax exempt but 1,600 bucks after the last 10 by 30 that I won you know the decent stuff not the most exciting stuff anyway so we're heading over to Allen from McKinney and we'll see you there in a minute and we'll pop the door and kind of show you why I bought it see in a few you hey guys okay so we made it here to Allen Texas the $1,600 10 by 25 340 a pop the door open I'm going to show you real quick no chitchat why I bought it and we're going to dig in and then we'll pop in and out maybe do some unboxing at the end but I am super excited about this we got to the front and the guy who was taking my money he said is there a dirt bike in the unit and I was like oh no you know something I don't know cuz I did see dirt bike tires I'll show you he asked me that and there's dirt bike tires right here okay this is a dirt bike stand okay and it looks like that might be a helmet or some type of thing back here but check this out I did not see this this is signed okay don't know by who yet but we were just kind of nosing around look here's pictures actually this don't show these a dollar in it Oh trippin daisies under the trippin daisies are holy crap look and that sound of the band tripping Daisy's right there I mean I remember them but I mean I don't remember their songs but this I mean tripping daisies that's one autograph fresh they're a well-known band so anyway we're gonna this might be the oh this is kind of cool you this live at the Ogden Theatre Nashville that word Tiger army so kind of cool let's set that over there so anyway I don't okay I'll take there well he asked me I'll tell you one of the reasons why I bought this we'll see I saw the stainless steel refrigerator all in the back window you see it way back there okay another one of the reasons I bought this unit right here was because that looks like a grandfather clock okay and all these clean boxes so anyway there's sixteen hundred dollars invested this this thing right here my wife's gonna want this it's a nice elliptical but anyway so why I bought this was because of the scooter the dirt bike tires things like that to me say disposable income right here if you look right here I thought these were actually skis Leo Senate snowboards taste of what we got in here I don't know three freakin snowboards a scooter charge is always missing let's get this out so we're gonna do something a little different today we're gonna we got two trucks out here back to back we're gonna put furniture on one and smalls on the other anyway let us start unpacking this stuff and we'll pop backing in for some for some unboxing seen a minute hey guys so we're back so man 1,600 bucks on a 10 by 25 at first I was a little worried because the last big unit I probably overspent a little bit of took a risk I thought I was taking a little bit of a risk on this one my wife was getting nervous but check out everything that we started finding so far I'm doing a good job by having a box these are things I have in a box but look in here and I hadn't even looked in here so so far this is a this is one of my absolute favorite movies there's Austin Powers but look down here we got Star Wars toys this is looks like the mass-produced stuff we definitely want the seventies and eighties stuff this stuff was mass-produced but hey this is stuff is sellable look at that it's got the Jawa in it we want the the original Java with the bottle coat that's what we want right but anyway so there's that check these out so I think I showed you this at the beginning of the video but we found this one with kiss it's got guitar picks in it and they're signed okay now we did find some of some different kind of art and check this out look at all these these uh band posters and they're signed check it out so what do we got on this one so this one looks signed that well that's kind of appropriate but it's signed that's Ron Jeremy that probably will make the play in the trash but check this out though a Weezer got a Weezer sign freakin record album we got this personal thing this is signed not sure who booked 1981 State Fair of Texas advertising thing in here again look StarLab a stereo lab excuse me signed by the band so check this out so I haven't done any box and we're gonna unbox real quick I found these and these feel like picture frames so let's cut them open finish nice to go really well okay that's been they put that's been sharpened really bad but these are really cool so we'll look these up little filet knife I always cut away from yourself people all right here we go the unveil the unboxing the unwrapping what I'm saying the white stripes are playing out yet look white Striders signed by the artist right there limited 70 of three oh wait sweet all right I just love the graphic on these look at this thanks but I've heard of them I have to check that out guys man this is a great unit I just love the graphics look another one better than Ezra for doors it looks like this stuff was that a pelham maybe we're just getting more and more bands that's just a cool poster hey man let's go ahead and finish this bad boy up okay look look at this NHL champs Game seven that's part of the goalie net where's my hockey fans at look at that set that over there all right hey where's my other I got more hockey got some numbers look at that yeah 2003 part of the net that's freakin bad it's just so much or Asian stuff we'll look that up it looks like some kind of paper mache okay here we go it's sign-in numbers we'll look that up okay Jesus I mean number two you just never know I know that's some duck stuff Duck Stamp came out of some gallery the Alfred Lee gallery of Houston so this just I don't know we'll check this out this might be expensive yes so anyway come back here real quick it's a little bit dark but I did see this when we were unpacking so check this out this is more exciting obviously it's kind of exciting this is Star Wars figures it looks like again it's newer stuff it's mass-produced stuff you want the 70s and 80s original stuff that's where you get into your hundreds and your thousands of dollars but let's take this out and check it out okay that's a nice cell hopefully that hardware is there the handles are probably they are there in the truck already they are all right nice let's check out this all these figures are still in there cards okay that's great it's just episode one and everybody Oh check it out guys we got autographed ones oh yeah we got autograph once okay yep that's the guy signing it that's Boba Fett right there yep so that's on Boba Fett okay one of the best actors or one of the best characters most well-known characters I really wish we had some original this is probably a male end not gonna open it yet anything else okay check it out we got a Chewbacca song by Emma - yep oh wait you know what okay so we got another one here Darth Maul oh okay so hey we're doing alright on $1600 using that one this is a great unit okay so check these down see this leo so these are all signed okay these are still in their cards those are a little bit better okay so anyway we'll look through these more with you know let's go look at the other guys yeah artists once this pen is going for 400 or more does have some of the complete like we just showed you let's dig in here a little bit more baby see okay these are all sealed okay original seal [Music] here's some empty ones too much awesome power see Darth Maul got Darth Vader right there KB toys is no longer so this is a cool box I want to keep moving on down we did find this check this out we're gonna clean this up a little tippmann paintball gun action vision system hey Leah touched it your nasty nose guard right so all right so B force that's what it is looks like it's in pretty good shape a pretty good shape the tag on here was 90 bucks brand-new so real quick please look at this look we got this Mountain Dew cooler okay roll them hey you want to transfer to sorry look sided world of Nintendo I just love Nintendo I don't know it's just nostalgic to me that's a cool toy okay baby sharp baby shower oh look I found something for Katie it's a leather elephant this little tchotchke toys can stay in here these do actually pretty well these are all leather wrapped pretty cool this is stuffed animals Jake kind of point down here they don't want to see my ugly face entire town okay good hey man Hey look there's Woody's hat all right so we'll go through this better when we get back to the place you know I bet this is collectible it's like oh it's a lego clock all right let's keep going hey don't burn my toys this says kitchen but you just never know so yeah there's a bathroom up oh there's one is it all right let's see this is really kitchen stuff and if it is is a nice kitchen stuff so looks like some stemware actually got clean ding all right this can go on the shot David let's see what this so this said Brian's apartment close but we jerseys in here oh we miss him in a wrestler he was a wrestler okay got a bunch of clothes in here I'll probably go through these t-shirts better when we get back to the shop just to make sure we're not giving out anything good he's got these t-shirts backwards which means he probably don't tread on me guess I should showed you Mad Mike some kind of dirt bikers alright alright hey so I've got a few more cool things in here that will unbox real quick before we in this video but I think like bulls are old granny pants one two three ah gotcha Oh what Mike's right on top money Mike all right look we got money in here oh whoa whoa the bag oh look Nintendo I love this Angry Birds I had that game look Yoshi got new Pez in here Pirates of Caribbean Angry Birds so this just looks like a random some kind of puzzle hey let's grab the Amazon off that over here oh yeah yeah yeah school fundraiser $100 bill $50 bill huh I've got nothing for this a glue stick I dare you to take a bar that goes nothing what hey Jeremy what the hell's I got something for you good glutes what thanks bye this fool thinks he's all crazy you don't know about they didn't call me dare me Jeremy the end of the video you nasty hey Jeremy Jeremy do that crap actually that was dirty look so my straight up chewed on that I don't know where that was it I don't man all right hey let's pop to here will you do you think Leo's all right Ellis leo Leo's rented lockers hey yeah only one hate this show I only want to Annoying Orange that's brand-new from Amazon well we got anything jerseys soccer jerseys oh oh yeah these are no these are bike shirts these are these are these are money look these are all motocross Jersey shirts dude I'm gonna have glitter stuck in my frickin mouth of glitter glow in st. cloud plaster have probably about well might be oh look these are signs why to puddin do work look these are sign to look that's time to there's some sign what I'm signed to get return signs I'm gonna die because it's blue enjoy the money off this look look they're all Sun don't mean it's by anybody don't mean it's worth something just I can sign the crop right now don't mean yeah I'll basketball jerseys it's a repo - what's that say Mart old nuggets oh look this is signed by two people - people help man the door shutting on us all right so we got that sign - this son shoot he was all about signature we're going to go to this whole box so we'll have to look these racers up and see what we got maybe why arts that's enough of that box we're gonna go through that more I got more detail when we get back to the shop Rick James East Allstars who's 23 is that uh oh that's a Denver Nuggets that's the Denver Nuggets bag that's cool you must have went to the all-star game or something so we put that back in there what else we got down in here okay we've got heck yeah dude I need a rock rough and tough with my afro puff you don't know about that dude that song oh look at this old hockey game that's pretty cool this is old hockey that's really oh yeah I'm always making rubber chicken and lubricant jokes it's not dirty it's not what you're thinking cap this one back up Oh bathroom we have in that box bathroom boxes y'all know I like bathroom boxes can you see in here [Music] one more games and critters is what this one says I'm guessing that stuffed animals Hey look reckon I got another one that I look Bucky see I don't know about Bucky's people here in Texas are insane about this gasping she's weird alright guys the thing about to end this video of Legos still in there check it out plated plated very nice little kids boss anyway so that should probably be the end of the video anyway sixteen are dollar you unit ten by 20 I don't know what we're gonna make on it but make sure we'll have a oxygen preview video coming out Thursday we're going to show you all the cool stuff you can bet on make sure to subscribe hit that Bell and if you want to send me some mouthwash they miss the mouthwash that was nasty Jeremy you're a nasty man and I think you just won cuz I doubt I'm gonna stick anything else in my mouth right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 5,367
Rating: 4.9302325 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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