$7000 Abandoned Storage Unit: The Great Wall Of Pirate!

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[Music] alright guys welcome to pirates booty auction setup video day 1 so it is what is that no today's the 22nd no yeah Thursday Thursday okay so Thursday so we flew into California Monday I don't know we got to the four o'clock in the morning it feels like it's only been a day but obviously I guess they're saying it's Thursday and so it is day one of oxygen set up for pirate the $7000 unit so I'm just going to kind of take you around share with you what our process is and then throughout the day we're just gonna get it we're gonna unpack and then we're gonna kind of review and we're gonna show you some of the things we unpacked we'll get to see them so what we're doing right now this is David's station right here so he's got a table he's got trash cans not a lot of trash because pirate already kind of went through and sifted all that out bored so what we're doing right now we're just separating things we're trying to get things categorized is that how you say that categorized why is that so hard to say I always add like two syllables so that word so what we're just alike right here we got this car so things there you know I I do have been doing this a long time I do have a lot of knowledge but things that I might have questions about I just want to get a second opinion we'll go here because I do have someone coming in to look at the Native American rugs and a few other items so things like sports memorabilia remember that pirate selling all those bats we're gonna weigh those we're gonna check them we're gonna measure them we're gonna make sure that they're not game used we're gonna figure out what to deal with if you kind of span around you might remember a lot of this stuff from pirates videos over the last week two weeks of the $7000 unit so this is all his art we're gonna research any of these they have signatures and we're gonna clean them up properly what else we got eggs this is a big scale pirate sent this but you won't find out more about it so IRA did have a lot of collectible clothing in there western wear things like that so we will automatically those come out we'll put them here we'll research find the market value home Hey look y'all haven't seen my blog yet because I suck at vlogging but so pirate gave me [ __ ] man he calls a [ __ ] man but so I stopped at Walmart oh my eyeball right so I bought eyeballs because I don't like not knowing from what he's feeling you know he's got no facial expressions so I got eyeballs for him and I'm gonna fix him up but I was actually gonna put three eyeballs cuz doesn't that look better yeah I recall the [ __ ] man but I feel like that's not PC so but I feel like if I had a third ball it makes our third eye ball it makes it okay to call it a [ __ ] alien maybe yeah right yeah so anyway that'll be how he looks later and I gotta my eyebrows and stuff to we're gonna pick some up so so Davis here working just show the picture I got out of the truck that's me that's probably about 30 pounds heavier told me they got weird so anyway we're gonna be what do we got here pottery we know the pirate had some lottery vintage toys remember we saw some Tonka some things like that I think I saw somebody else trucks things like that come back out if you saw these speakers batiste our killer speakers I'm seeing speakers so here's kind of where we'll be doing some the photography will have proper lighting in here we'll clean everything up and just because it's got that rustic feel I think you're not gonna have my star back every morning looking for a sponsor bucks for bucks so here Leo sections say hey leo still no Leo blockers that's cool so connives you know he had a lot of connives right actually this is the one from that video right there so we will be opening up for preview so people think you live locally you can come in hey if you want to fly in just come check out ground funds auction house come on we'd love to have you but we'll be playing all the Pirates videos $7,000 you just kind of telling people sharing the story about where this cool stuff came from so anyway can I still go here right now like I said we're just separating things and then we're gonna go back doing research that might need to be done clean things that make it look pretty so Leo same thing he's got his countertop he's working off and unpacking we have gun parts over here and accessory did we know he had a lot of those over here we're gonna have twisting and hunting this whole section will be fishing hunting the decoys the lures there was some big lure as what they call sculptures as usually with the reference tents so this will all be that up Jake's over here Jack's down in sections that I did so Jack's over here working he's unhappy anything antique --is-- a technical term for yes beautiful so all the Ducks are gonna go here hunt official now let's try to do all Ducks absolutes do all the Ducks over there so antiques technical technically antique is something a hundred years or more but we are kind of using this section for antiques and vintage just kind of that doesn't really fit into one category because if you want to learn about marketing real quick it's what I call marketing buckets and so why a category category I static arise it this way is because I make a marketing bucket for each thing so I'll make one because there's enough fishing and hunting I'll make good graphics for that I'll type up a nice ad for it I'll run an ad for that we do have enough gun accessories I think it would be it would constitute doing the same thing back there we have cowboy boots and hats the sombreros all that said the last those Western where you know what am I do I might just show you our process of how we're gonna do this and then maybe I'll upload this at lunch and then maybe we'll do two so Leo Spencer there okay so you can kind of see back there on his fishing poles we put back there we will be displaying those after we research all of them kind of find a market value on we got a lot of the Cain's over here you saw from his videos and so this great wall the pirate right here here is that's what they call a sculpture a lure sculpture what a lot of these artists would do I'm pretty sure this is what this is they just make larger versions of popular vintage the horse yeah then they're like we got sombreros hats things like that you probably member that from his first video I think was the first or second that's where all the Canes worth it so that's there I don't know piece showed yeah he did show this video so it's kind of a newer it's still nice it's not you know the highest quality but that's still very nice probably attorneys cabinet for a starter collector somebody can't afford that you know to $3,000 I think this might be Civil War I'll check it out I'm gonna go over everything just compare it to some information that a couple websites about you I do have a local guy that I've taken stuff that's all he does is deal with Civil War relics and things like that so I will if I have questions I can't figure something I will be taking it to them this is a mess hey guys so what I would do want to tell you is we will be updating our policies on shipping to allow us a few more days until we are able to figure out like kind of how much labor we need to add because business has picked up so much so we had to just take this whole corner as you've seen in several videos but this is our shipping section but you see how this needs to be shipped oh whoa the one thing he brings over the camera to show like that didn't click in here maybe not appropriate no no I didn't put it in the antique section like I would have been like hey maybe I should all right so hey that's here right now so let us unpack some stuff and then what we'll do is we'll come back we got a time lapse going here okay here's why we set up the time lapse is because pirate texted me last night he's like hey how long do you think it's going to take you guys to get everything laid out cuz you know he never got to do his final video they wanted and so I was like you know we'll have it all laid out and done tomorrow and he's like no no you need so pirate might be coming to Dallas I don't know I'm hoping he's coming to us you just have to wait and see you might find out that answer and tomorrow night's video what's that the windseeker so let us get some work down a little bit [Music] all right hey so I forgot something real quick so speaking of pirate not thinking that we're getting everything unpacked I was gonna call him and just show him you know cuz here's the deal I know this guy's got to be super nervous right so me and pirate I started watching pirate on YouTube last November and it's kind of when I fell into my just distress hit me and I fell into depression and things like that started watching him you know just watch his videos I make comments we kind of clicked and then we started messaging probably on Facebook just about things we've been through her past things like that so anyway I love the guy to death so let's make sure that we encourage him to his process because I know he's you know he here's the deal my goal is to make him enough money to get him a house that's what I want to do let's get fired a house so share the hashtag the way we're gonna be advertising this it's Pirate's Booty auction hashtag Pirate's Booty auction that's how we're gonna be advertising this so anyway to keep his word down so we thought yeah I think he's dead I was texting earlier he said he was on his way to icy bottom all units you just told me it like two or three still able point out all right I don't think he's gonna answer oh they call that okay so I actually I didn't think I was gonna get oh what up hey hey we're filming so don't talk nasty I said so don't talk nasty hey hey part so anyway I was telling them that we wanted to kind of just call you and show you real quick that we were I was telling you that we were gonna get all this unpacked and display today and you still believe we're gonna do that yeah all right so I'm going to show you around real quick all right so I hear David you remember these tubs so here's what we're doing we already kind of did this for one clip but I'm going to show you so over here you see all your art on the wall okay that's all yours so here on this heart is the stuff that we might that I might not know about it'll need pretty research here's your rugs so some of the rugs already we're gonna have those looked at yeah and then so you'll have sections for like sports memorabilia your bat here's where we'll be doing a lot of your the pictures on this rustic wood right here so this whole section is all your stuff and so all your kunai they're gonna go in here so all those are going here okay all your hunting or your fishing and hunting [Music] hey is it hey it's actually day two right there I don't know I just watch them on TV sometimes okay so like all your older antique vintage stuff it's like a kind of one-off items they're all gonna go in this section right here good over here Leo's over here lean I was doing so we got gun parts and accessories okay so this will be all your gun parts they're going through yeah I'm telling you man we're gonna do a good job well they let me go and here's the great what we're calling it the great wallet pirate okay the Great Wall pirates so here's here's the $7000 units so I brought it I brought it all their side so it's all in the weather it's not outside of the elements being hot stuff we are cleaning everything up as we go so that's pretty much it we are we are probably what time is it Turner you can give us two hours and if you're available I'm gonna call you back in two hours and I'm going to show you where we are in the process is that Coke yes you can hear me Dean are you on the auction did you wait anything better than this one whoa how you gonna let me do it let me knock this one out of park for you so I can tow your next one too we don't have a weird that's what's going down there I told you we were gonna be on top of it yeah so uh anyway so I cleared the whole downstairs of the gallery that just this whole downstairs is dedicated to your oxygen for the next two weeks so all right hey well let me know about that other thing because you know if you want to you want to do that I'd love to see you all right so I'll pay back two hours later Owen all right so there it is you can tell you thought it's cool I can tell he was a little bit worried which I would be too right you met this guy on YouTube less than a year ago and then he just floated California and you know sorry this is lively dammit - he told everybody I went all in on this this locker and so guys please please please please please here's what I'm trying to do I would like to find Michaela a pirate out here soon I've put a lot of money into this - its pirate but anyway so if you want to I don't like asking I feel like I'm doing a sermon like you don't want to ask the congregation for money hey but if you feel inclined to do so - super chat here's what I can tell you I promise you all that money is going to go into into this auction and doing something very special for pirate so if you would like to pitch in on that I will try to track as much as possible that and I'll show you exactly what we're gonna do with that later but I can't do it now because I know pirate is watching this video and we can't let him know the special thing that we want to do for him and Michaela and jasmine also and because we love jasmine girl takes phenomenal photos and we keep saying that that girl was like all running around she's like look up here shooting down here that's where that killer picture came from so anyway we're gonna get to work and this time I promise you we'll be back and show you some cool stuff [Music] hey guys so we are back it's been about probably and I want to have two hours and well maybe how long no program now anyhow so anyway you saw a large so we have unpacked so what we're gonna do is we're gonna walk through kind of show you some of the stuff that we've unpacked and then we're gonna back working on packs more then we'll come back and show you that again and we're just gonna keep doing this through the whole auction process you're gonna get to see all the stuff here's the deal like I watched pirates videos to make sure that it made business sense financial sense to be able to go out there and get stuff back and so here's the I I saw enough to know that it'd be Walker but I've only seen like maybe a quarter of this stuff and so here's the deal y'all need to check back every stinkin video because I promise you even as good a job as pirate did on boxing that he was in such a rush to try to make this happen there's a ton of stuff that I was saying yeah I know you have so let's walk through real quick let's do a walk through and what I'm probably gonna do is chop this video up into sections it's probably gonna be seven or eight video so let's just go so anyway you probably recognize a lot of this stuff right from the video this is what he thinks is a polar bear polar bear yeah sorry oh no no okay Starbucks was give me maybe I don't want to respond sir so anyway you know this is a lot of the stuff you probably saw oh there's a David's girlfriend look some of the scrimshaw and so somebody asked me hey we can't sell it because it's it's it's ivory and so actually you can sell ivory if it's signed if you look right there you'll see have a signature from the artist so just because ivory doesn't mean that you can't sell it but there is definitely laws and you check your state because I'm sure I don't know I know Texas is laws so check your state laws just to make sure before dealing with something I know taxidermy I know they change the laws I think a couple years ago where you can't go across state lines with a lot of taxidermy you know my Margaret migratory birds are no no and all that stuff so we don't have any taxidermy doing we just found a hide that's it mmm-hmm so we don't really have to worry about that too much so anyway you know saw some cast our black americana stuff we cleaned up these pipes for the most part there's a lot of cool timers a little porcelain kewpie doll that's freakin killer and then this bronze well statue over here I'll check that make sure we can't find a signature on it so what else oh we found this uh what I believe to be like a ship's compass we'll look this up really nice oh okay that's only nice so part of the will dude we're gonna do is I'm going to stretch these out I'm gonna measure all of them because a lot of like say Navajo like there's a typical measurement that they should fit into a mesh room and then we will look at you know like a lot of like Navajo rugs and stuff Navajo rugs they didn't put fringe on a lot of them so there's a lot of work that I'll do just measuring simple things looking at the stitching to kind of limit it down and kind of put it in a category if I have any trouble I got a guy that's expert and he's coming to look at them so we do have our pottery we did unpack some pottery pottery those things you know the market fell out a long time ago and it's come back a little bit not sure why but here's the thing I think eighties ninety pop culture stuff retro stuff that's the new antiques it just is so if you have this stuff I usually wouldn't tell you somebody tell you to go ahead and start selling because just I think in 5-10 years there's not gonna be a market for it it's all gonna be in thrift stores but we do have some very nice pottery so this is older Roseville USA no chips no dings no scratches looks really pretty so we'll have measurements and all that stuff if they're worried ship if to repair we will put that in the descriptions make sure to look over the photos and everything we do try to do the best descriptions to our ability but also read the terms and condition before you bid so just here's some vintage stuff a member of pirate pointed out that Snoopy bobblehead so we're doing a little toy section vintage toys truck stuff like [Music] so we started making kind of like a military a section which I'm kind of mixing up looks handcuffs some older handcuffs different models they'll hunt apiece okay we're fine an old tool small planes I haven't found the trench art I really want to see the trench art I haven't unpacked yet we've only been through maybe 20 boxes now and we are something like killer stuff so come on back here it looks a little different we got some stuff unpacked so we're kind of trying to get in categories right so it makes it easier when the bitter so part of being a good auction company is trying to make the kit the catalog as best as possible for your bidders to use we're trying to get better at that every day so anyway that way we want we don't want the real scattered out because somebody might just come for real and I'm gonna run an ad for fishing but anyway so we have enough of these when we want to run them in a lot look at all these reels we're having a whole binocular section here's some of the duck decoys so far there's some appear to hiding back here and so we are going to research all these here's a bunch of purses that we found in Tubb the pirate sent with us to sell we got Danny and Bert got coach a lot of them still have the tags on them so that's a little different so we got something for the ladies all right so what they're doing is is they're just trying to unpack it and I'm going through and I'm kind of cherry-picking the things out that I know constitute being its own lot by itself because it's valuable enough it's more desirable and so what they're doing is they're just unpacking I'm going through and kind of just kind of cherry-picking if you will and then what we'll do for the lower kind of in items we'll put them in a nice little group loss for you resellers what else we have so we're kind of putting the clothes aside right now oh I forgot you know we started finding Native American stuff all right so we started a Native American action okay I'm gonna go through these if the reap ops are gonna be pulled out would be a lot it was something else but for right now all of these are signed we will look and just say here's the deal just because it's something doesn't mean it some famous ours it could just I've done a lot of mission work on Indian reservations and the ladies around there make that steps all the time and sign it and they always sucker me into buying but anyway so but we will research that further so we're finding a lot of knives look at these so we'll go through these we're gonna research all these so well you know we're just gonna go through all these but inland so anyway I got SOG you know I saw some bucks I saw a few Gerber's what is this one Oh Randall made that's actually a good knife made in the USA books we're gonna research these books make sure there's nothing special about them they're not signed we'll check the first few pages make sure they're not autograph first editions anything like that so I found all the you probably remember these a bunch of the the scopes and gun gun accessories we're gonna go through these they're not gonna be lauded like this unless a constituent said but if they're you know even if they're twenty thirty dollar items are going by themselves so he's just putting all the gun accessories things like that would find there's more the scope this is a killer box so this box right here it's got like some diving gloves in it a bunch of fishing equipment things like that so what kind of group lot some of the stepping out of the box will be separate this is gonna be kind of a same thing box will be separate but there'll be a lot of new fishing accessories I mean he had a ton of cameras in there they don't match the cases so we'll put that in the description so make sure to always read the first description and the second description because it'll have the measurements and all that stuff in the finest Spurs that don't look older old stats man we I do believe some of these sombreros and has to be authentic so I'm gonna go and check in the weaving and all that good stuff on them lots of boots we're gonna clean all these boots up it looks like alligator that's nice so we'll go through so you see like these right here these are snakeskin obviously they're older but they got a big tinker bite in them so these will not go by themselves but like I said they're just laying all the stuff out I'm gonna go determine if I think it should go by itself or if it's either sellable so we got some military hat Kevlar helmets that looks like that was probably the old MP military police GI Joe that looks old let's check him Oh what the heck was that kid doing it that's right that's morbid that's it 1996 so it's not an older one I could kind of tell by the way the face was shaved we'll check all this pottery out California USA more found a lot of these our glasses they liked our glasses here's all the canes we're gonna go through these polish these up make them look nice here's a lot of the fishing poles we're gonna go through those we still haven't gone through these boxes yet it's so like knick-knack stuffed it's just kind of like dollar to dollar items we still want to sell that maximize the money since we paid to get it down here so we need to sell everything we can so we will be doing some knick-knack lots that doesn't mean if you see something over here that it's gonna be in there it's just something they put over there and I'll go through and double-check it so anyway that's where we are right now in the process I don't know if this is the end of the video but we will be back but they want to be for next video so we'll either see in a few minutes or we'll see you at the next video [Music] hey guys decided to pop back in real quick and let you know that we successfully unpacked all the Pirate's Booty we unpacked it all so I already sent the team home and wanted you to make a clip real quick to let you know that we literally got everything displayed done and tomorrow we start the pictures and descriptions we're gonna do another video behind the scenes of how we kind of measure describe how we do our pictures how we research we're really gonna take you through this whole process so I know you're dying to see everything now because you've only seen this much of what Pirate's Booty has to offer that's the kind of really weird didn't mean to do that but we're not adding him because why hashtag we don't hit it so anyway so I know you're dying to see you ready to sit back there that's all you get to see be back tomorrow at 8 p.m. if you want to see more make sure to subscribe hit that Bell for reminders because you don't want to miss pirates auction and make sure to go to all my future channels and like and subscribe them too especially the storage auction pirate and the salt princess go like and subscribe we'll see you tomorrow night [Applause] alright guys so real quick here's some bonus footage so we've been gone right in Californians Monday and so when we got back this morning I literally drove in came straight to work and went I mean I have not been up to my office so anyway I just got up here and so everybody's always whining about how not everybody but a lot of people but how I'm so mean to my employees right one of my I'm just training them I'm right I'm trying to build their skills up so they have something to use in the future if they don't it's right here but look at this I mean they did leave a heart that says welcome home no welcome back and hashtag Grimes funds I guess go subscribe so hey now you see they're always asking for it I promise you see you at the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 10,647
Rating: 4.9184551 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: 06sDtAH-DBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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