5 Scary Stories Animated Horror Stories Animated Compilation September 2020

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[Music] because my parents had separated before i was born i spent my time growing up between each of their houses each summer until i turned 19 i stayed with my dad in rural missouri he had grown up in the area himself and most of his family still lived there without much to do like going to the movies and stuff i would film my days hanging out with my older cousin and getting in the mischief many of our long summer days were taken and wandering the surrounding woods on one of these journeys we came across a big lake setting quietly by itself out in the middle of nowhere the water was crystal clear and filled with tons of monstrous fish we asked the adults if they were aware of its existence but none had heard of it that was probably the reason for it having so many large fish no one living in the area had fished it and any who had in the past allowed its location to be lost we would fish the pond three or four times coming away with a stringer full of lunkers on each occasion on the fifth occasion we hope to accumulate enough for a big family fish fry the summer holiday was starting to wind down and we figured a fish fly would be a great way to cap it off it was a warm saturday morning when we headed out we started about an hour before sunup because the walk-in took over an hour besides the fish stopped biting by the hottest part of the day and we hoped to get back to my dad's house by early afternoon the beautiful sight of the pond came into view around dawn it didn't take long for us to get our first bites and for the next three hours the fish came quickly one after another our limit was caught by 10 45 and i was rearing to get going we had a 90-minute walk back with two five-gallon buckets packed to the top with fish so i imagined another 30 could be added to that to my displeasure my cousin thought it would be refreshing to take a dip in the lake before we left he tried to pressure me into joining him but i didn't know how to swim at the time i just wanted to get back but he was older than me so he was in charge i plopped my tail onto a rock and waited while he did his thing there was an old rope tied to a tree probably from a hundred years ago and he wanted to swing from it it looked unsafe to me however my concerns were laughed off and he stripped down to his boxers setting his clothes on the ground next to me he climbed the tree a little way and grabbed the rope pushing off he swung out just a short distance before the rope snapped right above him he'd made it out far enough to hit the deep water but probably not as far as he intended when he hit the water his body made a dull thud sound it certainly didn't sound normal and likely hurt i was planning on laughing at him and saying i told you so but as the seconds pass he never resurfaced the situation was quickly becoming scary i looked around to see if he came up somewhere farther away perhaps floating unconscious because of the hard contact with the water but still nothing i began to panic and waited out as far as i dare looking into the water for him unfortunately the water became cloudy with every step i took and made it impossible to see soon it was clear to me that he had drowned how i had no idea perhaps if i could have swum back then i may have been able to help him but it was too late now i was helpless to do anything more than pack up and head home on the entire walk back a small nugget of hope lingered in the back of my mind that he had tricked me and would pop up at some point this didn't happen however and the dread i carried of telling my family grew with each step i tried several times to find the words but with each attempt i would break down and choke on my tears ultimately i could only manage mark drowned they got the point after that and once i was able to pull myself together i led my dad and uncle back out to the pond mark's body was still nowhere to be found with no other options we went into the sheriff's office to report the drowning when i realized where we were headed i started freaking out in my young mind i thought it was going to get in trouble or be blamed for my cousin's death it took a few minutes but they were able to convince me i wasn't in trouble even after they had i couldn't help but feel guilty every time i looked at my uncle regardless of what he claimed i couldn't believe he didn't blame me even if it was just a small amount i explained what had happened to the sheriff and the search began the next morning just by chance that was the day i was going back to my mom's that monday night my mom sat me down to tell me that a team of divers had found mark's body earlier that day when they discovered him one of his feet were hung up on a sunken log so they assumed that was why he never resurfaced i wish i could say this made me feel better but it did not it did however serve as a catalyst to learn how to swim the guilt of not being able to help my cousin stayed with me for most of my life and i never wanted to be in the position of not being able to help another person ever again so in a twisted kind of way his death had a positive impact on my life however if i had the choice i'd still prefer that he'd be with us [Music] i'm about to share with you the creepiest thing that has ever happened to me when tiktok was just in its early stages i was a user there you wouldn't yet see the occasional lip-syncing or dancing and sometimes you would see some things far more terrifying than that it was a cold december 12th back in 2017 i was in my room playing nascar heat too when all of a sudden i got a call from my best friend jax i opened the call on skype and was surprised to hear what he had to say usually when he calls me like this it's emergencies he told me about tiktok for the first time then then quickly asked me if i wanted to prank some people for his youtube channel this was out of the blue but i agreed to it i downloaded the app and soon got a notification saying that jax's username has friended you i accepted it and instantly messaged him on there however there was something wrong he then messaged me to send him my address this wasn't normal considering he already knew it we were close friends after all and often went to see each other despite how weird this was i went ahead and reminded him that's when i got a notification saying that a different username with the name jax in it had friended me i got a little annoyed thinking he made another account already he then called me on skype and i answered his voice suddenly had a more urgent tone to it he said that someone had hacked his account and i remember thinking we haven't even had accounts for a day yet how did that happen i asked him how he knew he had been hacked and he stated that the person who did this was probably the same person who was trying to hack his youtube channel something i had no idea about i then asked him if he had made another account and read the usernames to him and he replied that no which meant the account i gave the address to was not my friend my stomach twisted into a knot i hung up and grabbed my phone and locked my bedroom door i reported the user on tick tock and began to wonder how much trouble i might be in if any at all surely if this was just some hacker he was only going to prank me but about an hour later when i was just beginning to calm down it happened there was a sudden banging on the door it startled me at first then i picked myself up to go answer it the moment i had cracked open my door there was a massive splintering cracking sound and then a slam my heart stopped and i stood frozen in my doorway because what that sounded like was the front door being bashed in i shut the door and locked it then hid behind my big bean bag quickly dialing the cops i was panicking having trouble breathing right even the operator was trying to get me to calm down reminding me that the police would be there shortly but it didn't help after a few moments i could hear footsteps outside my bedroom door and then someone tried to turn the knob i stopped breathing altogether then terrified that whoever it was would hear me if i even tried to breathe [Music] that's when the worst happened the laptop began to buzz with the sound of an incoming skype call it was my friend i could see the screen for my hiding position he must have been worried about me but he didn't realize what was going on and had no idea that he just gave me away that's when i heard fists beating against the wood of the door the sky must have been huge because i could hear the door being chipped away at cracking and splintering under his weight and strength but when i heard the squeak of brakes outside i prayed that i was saved the man must have heard it too and stopped a few moments later i heard the sound of rapid footsteps leaving the house through the back door i think then there was the sound of two different pairs of footsteps coming in through the front they scoured the house then made it to my room which was locked i was too scared to get out of my position to open the door they even called out that they were the police but i think i was in shock eventually they busted down the door and they found me under my bean bag they took me to the police car while one of them watched me and the other searched the rest of the house whoever broke in was gone and none of us had any leads on who he was or why he did this i've talked to my friend about it but he won't give me any answers or clues but the police had a theory based on his online patterns they believed him to be a part of a trafficking organization hearing this i was horrified if the cops did not arrive in time i would have never been found [Music] during my time in college i had a friend whose dad owned an 800 acre piece of land in eastern texas in the past he leased it out to hunters and paper companies but was no longer doing it he had built a cabin on the land a few years before and would let us go out there from time to time to mess around it served as a great way to relax from the pressures of school and getting closer to nature the spring break of 1997 we loaded up our trucks and headed for the cabin our plans included shooting guns drinking beer and other things rednecks like us do in the woods our first morning kept us pretty busy cleaning the cabin and moving all our stuff inside around dinner we made a big fire outside and cooked a bunch of steaks and fried potatoes we skipped dessert and broke open some beers the sun went down not long after and for the remainder of the evening we got loaded and passed around a joint or two at some point in the night i heard a shuffling noise outside and went out to check on it the fire was barely burning at that point and just outside of its light i swore i could see the shape of a man standing completely still from what i could tell he was facing me perhaps waiting to see what i would do i blinked my eyes real hard to get a clear look but my position and the lack of light made it hard to see clearly the shape continued to stand still so i decided i'd walk up a little closer in hopes of getting a better picture the thought terrified me but i was transfixed by the being or perhaps i was still too intoxicated to make wise decisions i took two steps forward but was distracted by a voice behind me my friend had woken up and noticed the door was wide open so he got out of bed and saw me walking around the fire his voice caused me to jump a little but i soon realized who it was speaking i asked him if he saw the figure on the other side of the fire pit he just laughed at me and said i must be so stoned i was seeing things we laughed it off and returned to bed on my way i turned back to take one more look but the shape was no longer there i chuckled myself and went back to sleep the next morning i wrote the whole experience off as the result of too much fun and went on with my day we spent the first half of it fishing at the big pond post lunch was shooting guns and one guy's compound bowed that he had just bought the beers and smoke were broken out after dinner a game of poker was attempted but soon cancelled in favor of another evening telling lies around the fire on one of my many trips to relieve myself that night i was spooked by the sound of a stick breaking close by and noped it back to the fire the look of fear on my face made the other guys laugh their butts off i tried to explain what had happened but was quickly reminded that we weren't the only creatures in the woods the reasoning seemed sound so i accepted it not long after we were standing around involved in some deep discussion and i turned to speak to the guy on my left what i saw caused me to clench up so tight i could have snapped a steel rod with my sphincter standing within a few steps behind my friend was another man i did not recognize it was like he appeared out of nowhere what made it creepier was that he was staring intently at the back of his head almost like he was trying to bore through it with his eyes i remained frozen stiff the longer i looked at him i realized he was the same being i saw lingering outside the light of the fire the night before it was average height with a long unkempt beard my friend continued rambling about whatever unaware of his shadow after several long seconds the stranger turned to me with a blank expression and walked away this was when my friend finally noticed my horrified look when he spoke the thrall of fear was released and i began pointing and rambling about what i had just witnessed he and my other friend laughed at me again there was no way i was seeing things this time i described the man and one of them suggested he was a bigfoot despite my protestations no one was buying it and i eventually cut my losses and shut up however i wasn't beat their mockery had made me even more determined to prove the stranger's existence the next two days were quiet no stranger in other words but i kept my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary by our fifth morning i was beginning to question my sanity i'd seen this mysterious being stalking around us twice and now it had suddenly disappeared i resolved to put my quest on the back burner until some new evidence arose my friend's dad had mentioned him an owner of one of the surrounding properties had spotted a small group of wild hogs running through his land so he grabbed her rifles went on the search for them a mile or so down one of the property's many roads we came across some hog wallows and knew we were on the scent we went up the road now on foot tracking them another mile on we stumble upon three large hogs rooting up the ground and prepared to make bacon two of us chambered around as quiet as possible on our rifles and took aim i was less than a second from saying three and pulling the trigger when the loud crack of another rifle filled the air followed closely by a burst of wood and bark above my friend's head it took a moment for it to register that we were being shot at a few seconds later another crack in strike this time even close to my friend we weren't going to wait for a third the friend who appeared to be the target led us down a side trail that led back to the cabin no more shots followed as we fled however instead of finding safety at the camp the shots began again seeing no other option we hopped into my truck and hauled it out of there this was a time just before the commonality of cell phones so we had to drive the 20 miles to town to get help after we explain the situation we returned to the property a few hours later with some deputies we approached slowly and remain in the cars when we parked we waited to see if the shots would start again but nothing happened a cursory look around counted three holes in the cabin and another two in my buddy's windshield perhaps the worst was that all of our camping stuff sleeping bags and such were spread out all over the ground luckily we'd smoked everything the night before so the police were none the wiser nothing was missing but a box of 30 30 ammo and strangely my sleeping bag and wool blanket a theory began to form in the deputies mind that we had stumbled upon a squatter or poacher camping out on the property for whatever reason they acted as if they were going to let it go but once my friend's dad who owned the land heard about it he put pressure on them to start a search this was about the time i repeated my story of seeing someone lurking around the cabin no one was laughing now and my story was finally being taken seriously by somebody the search was led around the property by my friend's dad schooled already begun again by the time it took place it continued for a full week but nothing other than a few old camps were found it was assumed that he knew the heat would be on him after the shooting incident and he moved on during the course of the investigation several avenues were followed to id the stranger like escaped cons but he remains unidentified to this day because of the chance of another attack our trips to the property ended the next year we tried to camp out somewhere else but it wasn't the same and our nature getaways died out within five years my friend's dad had a heart attack and lost interest in the cabin the paper company's lease were renewed and the land's trees have been used to make paper and pulpwood products ever since each time i jot down a quick note i'm reminded of our awesome trips and especially the odd and terrifying week that caused them to stop i do once or twice a year talk to my old college friends on the phone as far as he's heard that crazy stranger still hasn't been caught we sometimes theorize as to his origins and where he may have ended up i however often takes this much further when i'm alone i wonder why our so-called strangers seem to focus so much of his anger onto my friend and perhaps far more concerning is he still out there waiting for his chance to finish what he began all those years ago i was around 11 or 13 at the time i would always love to go into the woods to just have some fun with my cousins but sometimes i would stay in my backyard sometime in the middle of june that year something happened that would change the way that i saw those woods i was attempting to stay the night in my tree house it must have been only a few hours until dawn at the time the treehouse is located at the edge of the woods and i was alone at the time or so i thought i climbed into the tree house and looked out the window it was then that i realized i was pretty thirsty so i decided to go down and walk towards my house around that time i got this feeling that someone or something was watching me i ignored it and thought it was utmost some wild animal i made it into my house and grabbed my bottle which had some yuhu in it which was my favorite drink as a child as i exited the house i noticed that our old blonde lab had followed me he was a good dog i gave him a quick pet then went on my way to the tree house as i entered the tree house i looked out the window glancing back in the direction of my dog i noticed that he was no longer watching me he was instead staring into one particular part of the woods i'd never seen my dog do that before if there was something that piqued his interest he would go check it out i'd never seen him just stay still like that as if he was scared but then he began to make this low deep growl i called out to him rocky what do you see boy he turned to look up at me but only for a split second then went right back to staring at that spot in the woods it started to rain and thunder but along with those sounds came another a sort of humming that was coming from my right immediately i felt scared chilled to the bone i looked out the window that was facing the direction of that sound i saw it something that horrified me that didn't make sense a creature that i'd never seen or heard of before it was standing at the forest floor and was a little too close to the tree house it was big skinny brown it was looking up at my tree house with reddish brown eyes i thought to myself do i run to the house or do i stay up here i crouched beneath the window so that it could not see me and i decided to stay until morning the next day i hurried down the tree house and began to run as fast as i could out of the woods after that incident i didn't want to go into the woods ever again because whatever that thing was could still be lurking out there waiting for its next meal i was 10 years old my family and i moved houses after my dad got a job offer i had to leave my old neighborhood leave along my old friends and my sister and i had to get used to things all over again one day we were quite bored so we decided to take a hike and explore through the new woods around our place now behind our house that's where the forest is most dense and you could hear a stream running through it we had been walking about an hour when we heard a snap in the nearby bushes which freaked out my little sister she had always been one of those jumpy types of people but i was stubborn so we carried on it was about five minutes after we heard the snap in the bushes when all around us nature went silent it felt like we were being watched cliche i know but it felt like there wasn't just the two of us there was something out there staring right at us [Music] then the forest silence was suddenly broken by a strange yowl like a screeching cat but more drawn out and much much deeper it was followed by the distressed call from a deer and then utter silence the call was about 100 yards away from us so we bolted but whatever it was was gaining on us and in my panic i pushed my sister into a thorn bush and i followed after too shocked to feel the pain we held each other tightly and then we heard a deep growl to the right of us slowly we turned to look bracing ourselves to come face to face with this beast but when we looked there was nothing there but then the stench hit us a stench-like sulfur bodily waste and copper then we heard a scratching sound above us and we snapped our heads up to look at it what we saw would scar us for the rest of our lives what we saw was a creature with a body shape similar to that of a panther but light gray with the black stripe down its spine the head was more akin to a boar but its feet they were like a dog's paws but it did not have a tail its eyes were a misty blue like it was blind or something but then it snapped its head to look at us and i swear it smiled it was nothing a human being should ever have to see it had teeth like razors and there seemed to be red fluid dripping from its yellowish things we ran and we did not look back not even as the branches began snapping and the growls and grunts of this creature echoed when we got to the edge of our property the paw steps faded away we ran to our front door opened it and slammed it shut before passing out from exhaustion and terror on the couch my sister and i still talk about this incident and each time we bring it up the same spark of fear blazes in her eyes
Channel: Dark Nights
Views: 245,480
Rating: 4.8710909 out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, true horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, true horror story animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: kdzVqL3n1jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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