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[Music] hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games this is kind donations as far as I know this is the first animal cross the prop is the first animal crossing horror game I've ever played also I've never played Animal Crossing I've seen it though good-evening link welcome to the blank Museum how may I be of service mega donation SS fossils yes yes yes yes foss foss foss SS boss tell me about Vic tell me about this who I must say I'm intrigued to see what you'll bring me next how about what are they are you sure if there's anything you want to know you have but to ask is there anything else I could help you with uh yes yes yes my fossils alas you have on no unknown fossils for me to inspect not to worry you can bring me as fossil any old time woohoo a bit of fossil humor there is there anything else I'm gonna with make a donation marvelous what would you like to donate Oh what what what is what is what wretched things my sincerest thanks for your donations rest assured they they will get the best of care here please enjoy the rest of your visit is it is it bugs I know he doesn't like bugs I want a me play Oh Oh press shift of you how many bugs remain what Oh sounds like a bugger Oh maybe after what what's down there blathers what's down there boy he blew some fresh air would be rather nice but work comes first my little town slamming the woods dark thought I would have all what wah wah wah wah wah wah ha ha ah ha ha well some birds prey on bugs the praying mantis is not the prey it is the predator if hungry enough that they will target more than just insects but fully grown birds they wait perfectly still until their prey comes close please no that may strike I see interesting fascinating ok good mmm ok good um I want to know how I entered the Shadow Realm the old birds in a vice grip with powerful raptorial legs as they punctured their catches skulls and eat them alive great mantis March 17th 1985 donated by blathers thank you Oh dad hi let's get on with it one I just what happened we didn't find any bugs I just died what happened oh oh [Music] hello hi can I have you oh my oh okay okay yeah I'm a dead bird Oh hoot on my grave release the butterflies sure the butterflies fall out of your hands they seem to have trouble staying on the tree oh oh okay okay well made do I need to glue them onto the tree so what you're telling me I need to do thank you for all your kind donations oh you're welcome you know how I love to donate warning please not touch or budge the cases the insects in this exhibit have been carefully organized so that each is at comfortable distance from their more predatorial kin okay the pill bug or roly poly is famous for their defensive mechanism of rolling up into a ball in addition they require moist environments to live which is why they prefer being beside a bug caught from or around bodies of water such as for instance the Worf roach or the humble hermit crab their natural predators include centipedes ants spiders and early in life their own kind there are over 12,000 different species of ants worldwide they're one of the strongest species recorded in relation to their diminutive size their natural predators include beetles spiders centipedes and snails oh how ow we only ask you for your donations to add to our display case is empty oh I see it's a puzzle Worf Roche understood I see snail hermit crab centipede uh so pillbug prefer being beside bugs Wharf roach hermit crab centipedes ants and spiders are the enemy so Edel okay that's not a problem Worf roach that's not a problem snail that's okay hermit crab that's fine centipede that's no good that's no bueno it were first I would might put it down there beetles spiders centipedes and snails okay so this can't be anywhere near snails right ants camping near snails or centipedes so centipedes are no beetles are here centipedes are over here so I guess right here for the here for the pill bug you here for the ant it's that good did I do good I think I did good oh I didn't do good oh no oh no oh I didn't do good oh I did bad oh I did bad oh I did oh I did so bad oh no oh I did bad let's try that again okay I'm sorry oh yeah take the answer I thought okay so hermit crab and centipedes so the ant can't be by the centipede okay wait what else was and not good for all beetles okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so this has got to be pill bug and this has to be ant right that's got to be right that's got to be good that's so good so good so good yes oh what happened oh oh no oh no no oh that's not good oh hey oh no oh no oh no oh no cuckoo cuckoo okay tarantula what okay so um so what about that I don't know the layout of this bow that sake for all your kind donate name is covered in something sticky and read it the boy yeah okay let's do that how foul chicken joke these are chickens these are chicken is old here your butterflies get stuck to a tree take that butterfly you gently adhere the butterflies to the tree I'm sure they'll love that Gary they aren't moving which I guess was the objective I'm glad I am happy about that all right I've got a ladybug good good oh no not this what are you so worried about I mean everything that's going on is absolutely horrible so yeah you should absolutely be worried it's not that bad Oh some watering can okay what do I do with the watering can what is a nice I need to fill it with water of course apart from more aquatic inclined insects fill up your water can yes absolutely filled up my watering watering there's it that should be enough yeah sure whatever you say I'm sure it'll be enough do I need to water the roses over here there was a room over here with roses and another herbs intros for wallah what add plants yes sure ladybug crawls out of your pocket it Nestle's between the tulip bloods buds and flutters it wings well that's nice the ladybug is grazing between the tulip books well that's nice that's really nice oh did they all have options for nice things well that was just ghastly hopefully that'll be the last bulk of them for some time perhaps I'll call it early tonight oh yeah yep yep yeah I just take my chicken butt back the bird bb-dub oh no not this way this is down here is this worth maybe maybe after whoo did I lock the doors on my way in where the Dickens did I put my Dickens I believe I left a spare key in the back in the back you say maybe have you have to have in the back in the is this way to the back who don't have this way this way I don't know what the the back is [Music] that can't be good [Music] whoo how you doing good to see you who do you are you gonna run gonna run gonna run gonna run no thing you know that you are thought there was a no oh that no boy butterflies in my dreams butterflies wow the next nine oh good there's more I really should come to this island more often I haven't thought about it much before it's been a dreadfully long time since we've gone stargazing wouldn't you say I'm glad we get to do this again and on such a beautiful night at that mm-hmm oh dear I know that look another rough night was it well I suppose I couldn't have come at a better time I know your work can be difficult for you but I just want you to remember one thing for me all right we spend so much time apart now so I never get to chance to say but no matter how hard you try no matter how far apart we are no matter what is nobody else I'd rather have as my brother now please enough browsing I think I just saw a shooting star there see oh that's nice that's lovely that's lovely I thought that was gonna be a horrible ending I thought it was gonna no matter how far away you are you could never forgive yourself of getting up praying mantises that killed day or something like that all right that was good I like that a lot it's been a while since I played like an RPG Maker horror game like a legit one and that was a pretty legit one I like that that was good stuff or if there's been any more made in the recent times I know there's been like more gmod horror maps sonic go back to those is because I know there's probably tons that I haven't had a chance to play so anyway that's pretty good next one ooh the sensitivity so high this is my secret little diary whoa is that is that my pooping hole oh my god it's my pooping hole isn't it oh that's my poop oh no that's not a good clock can you help me who's speaking I lost my diary I don't know where it is it's really stressful I didn't intend for anyone to you know read it yeah okay I have some bad thoughts but that's why they go into my diary it's really like this if it's not in me how can it be in me if you find it please don't read it just burn it maybe you want to sleep now I don't know who's talking about I'm going to sleep here I go my eyes are heavy I'm awake hello I don't know what's happened what a curlicue swings wrong Oh Oh spaghetti I hold that spaghetti wool why is there a two year old practicing piano over here well I if your objective was to make me confused color may confuse where's this diary I've heard so much about heard it's a good read this is more poop am I about to find poop that's not poop I don't know what does everyone please collectively delete that from your memories no thank you no thank you I'm just wandering off into the nothingness I feel like I'm just wandering off into the nothingness hey shadow or something oh I can go through it fascinating Lexi and put it on jump-scare just keep everyone on their toes but don't tell them when it's gonna happen keep it real seeker like yeah you never know when it's coming now that I've told Lexi to do it you know it's on the way that would have been a good opportunity for it but he didn't do it yet maybe maybe he did maybe he didn't maybe you don't know maybe you never know when it's gonna come could be now could be then could be never maybe he's not gonna listen to me maybe he's gonna choose this moment to rebell ah ah oh hi oh dear play Oh your player I love you Oh saranghae will you ever read these words I don't know who cares I love you so much I don't know what I'd do without you it breaks my heart that we are not together 24/7 when I wake up in the morning I want you to be by my side when you smile I see your smile when you cry I see your tears and I kiss your smile I kiss your tears maybe I'll kiss your ears woohoo I wish I could just tell you straight I love you forever I just can't that's too straight here's a poem I wrote today it's for you a dove reaches out a CAW finds its Cove a lampshade wears its post a candy tightrope seals its fate a deal is broken a heart is broken two people just don't get it but it's the same it's just like you need something to love even the most hentai Dougan po speaks in poetry don't come any closer what was that you what were you thinking what was I telling you please back away please back right now back away now of the nether yeah I thought it was a painting getting closer I don't need you reading in my diary is for me haha I'll go this way well means I love memes diary of memes are verses of Allah whoa oh hey okay see around Oh hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate all right an Iron Maiden okay I'm gonna now boy oh boy oh boy oh boy here we go am i dead wixi did you do this I'm scare yet oh it's my toy oh it's my clock oh it's my poop oh oh hi oh oh my god I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't know why I'm doing this I don't want to hurt you please forgive me please take me back I'll never hurt you again my brain it's just missing screws gives me my mischief I have these little acting you know because I am like this I just I can't be with people I can't be in society I can't have friends it's impossible to not sin that's by design can you forgive me if you see my diary just forget about it it's stupid I have nothing to say just miserable bad thoughts there's nicer things to read like the Bible hey wait are you sleeping I don't know am i slipping oh no what a sleep who wanna be awake oh I'm back and I'm tiny Oh flowers sure seems like a breadcrumb trail of flowers mm-hmm oh wow oh my oh my oh my dear player still I can't stop thinking about you I wonder if you can feel it are you even so clueless you must have no idea but thinking about you makes me feel so crazy but I don't know what to do about it I'll never show you this that's too real how could I you'll never accept me today I think so much about us about Jesus about my misfits those revenge people taking on me but you know I just figured it out I'd realized it if now we are all in the same sense the Lamb of sacrifice is my fate God wants me to be the photographer ice love is like debts but it's not like money your numbers in a bank account God's love is endless and selfless just imagine all humans also can love endlessly and selflessly yet the nasties so affect us and evils are still around us so the situation is like that someone gives endless love to their lover but the lava keeps hurting their heart using the love to play gambling and using it up the person who is loving this little nest you won't get depression but the love regardless love beyond all loves never depleted that scares people feeling like losing all the things in the world once they get through it there's the happiness there and they will know that where there's nothing but void once a person gives love to the idols there's love dead created but oh not this again oh please I don't want it up you see I wasn't reading your diet oh here we go it was deep why why just why can you tell me why really can you have any thinking twice my privacy this isn't some casual reading it's not a [ __ ] time line wake up I don't have time for this all right cool your little sneaky snooping you little worm you little baby I'll show you sin I'll kill you sir ah God every time didn't you hear me that my me did I ever say you who's that I don't know about you you're nothing just quit your little game causing me grief and sorrow forget about me go play some other game dig a hole whatever just forget about me I'm happy being without you I'm happy without you in my life oh hi great oh my pooping hole oh wow ah okay oh I can hey can you hear me who made this mess was its are you ready to go we're leaving you want to stay here who else going to take you what do you think you could manage on your own that's cute sorry I mean look it's time to go you talk about it later what are we talking about what are we talking about what are we talking about what are we talking about what are we talking about what are you talking about oh you bastard you're stealing my height oh well it's oddly peaceful now little strange oh I didn't mean those words don't you get it I'm really just like this I'm not sick you know how people are like of that person did these bad things they are mentally ill whatever laundry list of labels I think that's so sad to say this I'm not broken I'm not ill I can't change this it's not going away if you love me you won't judge me for my wiring one day I want to kiss your heart another day I want to break your bones I think both of those would end in the death of the person that's balanced why hide from emotions bad emotions I want it all I don't want to pretend I can only see blue and greens why do that I don't know what you want to do about it we should just need ice cream not talk so much take care of our bellies and love each other you know what there's a poem for you it's good I poem on the black screen I cry to them how it's a mellow and - you destroy my candy banks harmlessly i crawl through your ranks remember when we used to steal love gems I don't know how I'm gonna get through this well you by my side wherever you are I don't know have like this in the way ok ok goodbye goodbye I have no idea not one peep not one boob I've got no oh alright finally found a place to practice the slopes were so crowded and everyone was going so fast this looks like a path I can just stay out of everyone's way [Music] Oh oh it's like deal whoa it's the old ski game [Applause] [Music] what's the bug sure this is the area she was last seen what doctors happened let's take a look at this report again ahem Miriam Steele 24 reported missing since this morning all right Miriam I'll find you don't worry oh no no oh no oh no no no no no no no what is this a backpack there's a nametag on the side just as I thought it's miss steeles what happened to you out here I don't want to know no runaway sheriff sheriff run away run away run away sheriff run away Oh run away sheriff sheriff you need to run Ski freak oh no you need to run Sheriff don't go in the big old dildo hole Oh No why am I so scared of it Emma's not looking [ __ ] of a game don't do it hi Birds - who picks last Birds right need to call the mayor phone is on the desk Miriam she wasn't right couldn't get a word out of her hopefully after some rest in a warm hospital bed the doc can get her talking poor girl she was alive what a [ __ ] she was loud oh I'm sure from another day on the job that big ol handlebar mustache how am i able to tell that this guy has a freakin Captain Crunch hat a handlebar mustache and two big-ass blue kovat night team clothes mayor it's Jim yeah she's at the hospital now what do you mean keep it on the low I know good and well it's tourist season but calling in a professional what do you wanna know these man like I do look I don't know what's going on but this girl's the only one who's gone missing is showing up again you want me to lay low forget the election up yours Gerald God it was all alright a woman that's still missing apparently she killed her husband and daughter while they were all eating dinner stabbed the girl in the back and slit the husband's rope what's the world coming to these days a grandfather went crazy last year and tried to murder his wife and grandchildren he's at the loony bin now claim he was possessed don't believe in all that one who a vigilante at large in the big city heard she took out a whole gang after the kidnapped her son don't know what the city folk called justice but she's a hero in my book empty empty don't even know why I have these in the first place empty alright weird alright it's a cold one today I love I miss games add descriptions over every single thing like so many interactable alright oh ski freak presto I haven't even started the game what are you talking about Oh what the fair is this Johnny likes rad things you know it isn't rad missing sister oh my god his bug he was trying to fly right in my eye Johnny travels to the glacier Peaks in search of her and he won't let anything not even a secretive community deter his mission Greta a former world champion is hell-bent on proving that job what the hell happened Klaus once respected doctor has been on the hunt for a mountain creature for decades after being attacked and paralyzed by one now he is fuelled by the drive to bring the light to the existence of these monsters let's go Johnny oh this mount is huge I have to find my sister in some way I should also hang up some flyers is worth chef is this a full last game what you were looking for your sister the people in this community like just about everyone who's gone missing lasted west of the mountain I'd go looking down Russell trail the start is just outside you can't miss it don't trust anybody and don't make loud noises out there good luck okay Oh this is a full ass game the hell there's at least 30 missing people I don't think I'll get any answers up here it's an article headline local resident and former doctor convinced on the existence of the rest is too faded out to read if you know it's best for you you'd leave this mound while you still can not gonna listen me your funeral to stay out of my way okay these American swine think they can scalp me out of this competition that there are stupid as they look no offense hope you find your sister you must leave me now focusing on being the best policy she can live and doing Merman I mean I'll provide your sister I'm sure she's still alive this brush loves this digitally thought alright okay this trail she went missing shoe blue alright here we go shipping it will we will be do but it will be do be will be do be will be will be do badoo badoo will be will be do be do will you do problem detected I've detected some problems here who might be surprised problems everybody there seem to be some problems radical oh my god the freak the freak what the Frick is this the race starts in half an hour I need to find my equipment ah you need to find your grave oh my grandma would always head over to carry you're gonna die I'll buy equipment I'll definitely need these just my clothes and malls perhaps where's my gun doesn't work in this filthy cabin oh wow what what what what the zoom on that picture and then the grandma picture now merge them and overlay them together okay good I found the scuse Oh beautiful dnf1 please table is all set for my victory tonight what a sad life is so sad all right bye bye grandma bye grandpa assirram what what was that on the window top right window there was something up there this letter looks old there's a bit hard to read I told them I told them that we have angered these bums something is stirring awakening I can hear it at night over the wind you can hear it morning angry it doesn't want us here I fear that if we do not leave we will soon discover why no one lives out here Oh Oh No Oh [Music] no no don't do credit go home credit credit go home credit go home credit go home Greta go home Greta go home Greta go home brother go home a ripped up shirt where could this have come from go home Brad a go home still warm someone wants to bend here not long if this is a pile of [ __ ] am I to stick my hand in a pile of poop still warm where are they now a tent hello no answer I don't have a good feeling about this granite go home clink Clank clink Clank Clank Clank Clank clink Clank clink Brad I go home the starting line is just a bad I need to focus no am i letting Hans rub his rub anything in my face oh yeah eat my dust dillweeds I don't want to eat your dust oh my god the woods like the cursor cut I took Jorgen very brutally profusely bleeding profusely so much blood I got so much blood taking complete to die from blood loss oh my god I'm good oh god please oh did I make it oh that's not good oh that's not good the thumping and the foo Ming ain't good it's what you call not good and not good o'clock hey where'd my Oh be quiet what I was trying to be quiet I was trying to talk to the person I didn't think that it was a thing Oh No Oh Brenda go go go okay we're all good so good got my back now and they grew back I am home totally fine I am so good I am good I love my life and not dying to a horrible monstrosity that is chasing me okay we're all good so good I don't know where I'm going at an old [Music] [Music] okay Klaus Klaus said he was paralyzed Stephen has now returned for a few hours and it is getting dark soon something is wrong I have to get out of bed clothes slow for Klaus my old pickup truck linea wish I could ride her again I've never felt so bad about Oh Oh No good lord Rex you were a good boy no no Steven it can't be his head has been ripped apart of us get to my ski car Oh God Rex no why am i more worried about Rex than Steven ah my priorities damn them to hell okay oh it's lovely wait Klaus wait Klaus Klaus Oh what the hell is that about my eye what kind of net launcher was that my freaking eye oh my god what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this I don't know this is absurd I don't know why why [Music] little Dada it's freaking Santa Claus I didn't even think about a frickin Santa Claus oh oh oh it's the dude it's the dude who's like just get out of my way oh yeah yes yes you can't get me so good so good so you want to get some body found on Russel trail the body of a glacier Peaks visitor Johnny Steele was found by locals in the early morning hours it appears being unfamiliar with the area the 28 year old become lost and succumbed to extreme temperatures the corpse is found to have vast external injuries but is being chalked up to wildlife strangely enough Steele sister Miriam Steele had gone missing last week and still has not been found authorities asked for respect towards the victims of the investigation the ordeal of seeing her fellow competitors slaughtered nearly losing her own life grant ahead to undergo intense therapy to be able to return to the mountains and resume skiing however due to her strong spirit Greta is chosen and not let the terrible events control her life she no longer competes professionally but she has embraced her love of the sport and opened up her own ski school while she will never return to Glacier Peaks Greta can't help but look over her shoulders some days the minut Claus was able to check himself out of the hospital he immediately resumed all his research into the mountain creatures it has seemed that the creature if there were more than one have migrated away from the area clause followed suit and is now conducting his research in the Alps where he hopes he can catch one alive this daring task is one that Claus plans to continue for the rest of his life not that he has much left damn the monster has been killed in Glacier Peaks is now safe the hunter returns to his life of mystery and it seems that authorities have put the clamp on any publication or investigations of what transpired on that mountain many questions remain as to what exactly was terrorizing the town however while there is a new sense of ease in the area if you listen closely at night you can hear something brewing in the darkness of the pines and within the unexplored ridges of the mountain I am yeah I am stunned yeah I am stunned that was amazing for a game that literally looked slugging in the stas game which it was emulating that was really good made by the same people that made power drill master and stuff like that there's a lot of that that was great lee seon did you do that scum that jump-scare the scum scare the scum scum scared this is the jump scare with the skunk scare him with a skunk good job thank you all right so that was three scary games hope you enjoyed that I know I did did you get spooked did you maybe you haven't yet maybe is still coming yeah I'll just leave it at that so thank you if you want to check out more scary games that I've played they're linked in the description or in the suggested videos if you dare leave a like if you got spooked subscribe for more thank you and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,210,935
Rating: 4.9572339 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, scariest, scary, horror, horror games, 3 horror games, markiplier, 3 scary games markiplier, 3 horror games markiplier, markipliergame, mark fischbach, markiplier game, markiplier games, pc games, scariest games, indie horror games, really scary games, actually scary games
Id: NiDmjVMsboE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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