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hello everybody my name is will I don't know what happened to me very strange so I'm caught in my lungs hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games lots of spooky stuff coming up lots of spooky stuff to the left right up behind you behind me lots of scary stuff okay so we're gonna start off with a game called Graham Graham are you back there in the darkness Journal that's tiny it's been a long time since I've entered Grandma's house Lilly my sister she stayed well I kind of left her there I had no choice grandma isn't a saint that's for sure mom just left us with Grandma because well she couldn't take care of us I looked after Lilly for a long time along as two words since then but it's hard when grandma just want us to do chores all the time that old bag hates us she could care little care less to words about Lilly and me grandma is always hitting Lilly for no reason I've tried to stop her but grandma would whip me with the stick not a stick the stick but grandma died 10 years ago huh and Lilly stayed there at the house ever since then I don't think Lilly is right in the head but I have to go to her the voicemail I heard wasn't anything like her from Mama Maura nah I don't hello alright whatever let's do this whoa whoa I got a call from my sister something's wrong Shh [Music] I have to I got no choice oh okay we're in grandma's house now left-click the open letters left click on dressers to open drawers M main menu left click on recorder to interact how to play explore the house teddy is your guide Teddy wait ok Teddy I'm slow who is this dear diary I feel trapped in this house I can't leave here no matter how hard I try the demons I sometimes see before I sleep have taken a shadow form I can hear the whispers they speak within the walls and under my bed love Lily ok cool Lily I'm beginning to think that maybe you were the cause of this problem and maybe you shouldn't have been so obtuse in your gabbling with forces beyond your comprehension that's what I'm beginning to think I feel like I've played a game like this before like it said I had never played this before but this really seems like something I played before the recorder is different but maybe this is because a lot of these games sometimes use the same assets hello wait this looks so familiar dear diary grandma's been shoving red meat down my throat she said I need to stay alive until the moments right why is she doing this to me what moment my fingertips are so sore from being pricked grandma's sadistic ways are getting worse she smiles at me saying eat up dear wouldn't want that fine meat to go to waste ok very strange ok alright have I played this by getting vibes I'm getting vibe oh that looks so familiar the notes seem different is this like an updated version of a game dear diary grandma is dead I'm not sure what happened she was in her room hanging by a rope her neck must have strass snapped as soon as she kicked the chair inside me I felt something was bound to happen soon something that told me death was coming the voices in my head will not go away they whisper Maria's name I have to finish what grandma started what did grandma start wait what are you talking about what wait wait wait a minute what did grandma start okay maybe it's just like this house is like a prefab that's been built before and it's a different game using Abbi oh this is your hell oh okay well that's good to know what's my heaven then what are you gonna say is my heaven yeah come on don't be shy now says you me and the ghost in the walls it's all good here I do oh you're open great all right look that's fine that's fine that's totally fine Oh Teddy be my guide okay that's definitely a different game Teddy oh okay this is for real spooky okay okay this is legit spook time okay that's a nice clock yeah I don't need to go there that's nice clock I think that'll fit in my pocket [ __ ] who we're open okay this is legit spooky okay I was is happy that me that might be me Lily which is very appropriate for how someone would call out to the darkness hi grandma okay sure marina I know one day you will read these pages from my diary so I've scattered them throughout the house so you can remember why didn't you just leave the diary intact at the front door why did you scatter them that's the most asinine thing I've ever heard why would you do that that's just backwards whatever fine Lily's not right in that see remember your reason for leaving me to rot my hatred towards you has grown throughout the years that's one word I can never forgive you teddy be my guide okay is this saying I need to go right because left will kill me let's go left then right well that doesn't bode good Lee at all oh I was thinking that something was gonna come out to jump at me I was a lass [Music] what mmm sounds no good please don't do that again okay none of these work why are you trying to pull here bear berries gone oh oh hi bear be my guide I'll be your guest okay weird so um yeah I cannot tell where that came from oh it came from here okay good great yeah hi um I'm here now grandma are you here to knock twice on the walls if you are show up in a mirror suddenly if you aren't that's not a book I can interact with okay cool cool how about this before oh no no no way no way no way no how this is different very different this is so bizarre because I'm getting a feeling of deja vu but things are different like some things aren't it might be an updated version of a game I haven't played in a while oh that's cool hey how you doing you didn't quite finish your song there but you know it's so beautiful I got all of it when I needed to get it okay good thanks for having me here I'm just gonna oh wow not the teddy bear no yeah I don't remember that but I remember a jump-scare being there but well that's not a good sign but you hate to see that Oh bear you're back hey Bob how you doing hey good to see you okay all right oh great ah candles oh let's get it Moody up in here wait if those crosses turn upside down I have played this before then are you have hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to grandma I have played this before then that chairs gonna rise up into the air saved by the angel tortured by the devil freedom awaits in the images of evil those those crosses are gonna turn up I knew it hey ho save me help I think this is just oh hi grandma Oh grandpa grandma Grammy Griff oh yeah this is an updated version of that game whoo-hoo and it's spookier I'm all about that okay all right well grandma ah you've looked better I will say that you've given Lily all the meat when it is very clear you need to put some meat on your bones so yeah there is that all right well I expected that to lock being here it said something about drawers but it doesn't seem like I can actually open any journal dear journal I'm completely alone I went to tell Maria everything last night but she wasn't in her bed in the window was left open I'm alone Maria left me here she abandoned me I did all this for her I did what I was told so she could be protected okay well Maria that's that's a dick move the toolbar the souls of old-world yeah Suz whoa all right well that room was fun and the whole orchestra in there and everything oh hell oh okay well uh don't mind if I do skip the blue you're still dad all right good good to hear good oh I can actually open things now wait wait wait no way what nah am i doing that wait now I can't do it anymore there we go okay that's bizarre hmm so I can't open drawers but only kind of only a little bit okay anything different out here still hell okay good oh hi ooh that's right there's like a second part of this ordeal hello Lily you still mad at me Lily dear journal something's really wrong with Lily she's taking it to herself and when she looks at me she reacts as if I'm some kind of ghost so try to touch me to make sure I'm actually standing in front of her I asked grandma if she noticed what was happening to Lily but she just laughs and gives me this feeling like something dark has taken over Lily well all right then it's probably fine hi Oh [Music] what do you what do you mumbling about humming a hibbity bibbity bibbity a southerner bibbidi-bobbidi about a baby deer whoo hi yeah this is cool though like this is worth playing cuz it is just an updated version but I like that they updated it it's been so long since the last one it's been like three years maybe since I last played this I can't leave here grandma says no one wants me no one loves me my only purpose to feed her demons she's right while I leave when I have a purpose here the pain is feeling numb or am i feeling numb what do I feel Maria left me because she doesn't love me well uh something tells me maybe that's not so true I remember last time I played this I got lost in this hallway but no longer this game was actually put into a reaction compilation if I recall yeah oh [Music] oh I can do that too we see you yeah well I hear you yell loud bastards this games fun because it feels like a haunted house like a like a real-life haunted house you go in different rooms you get different spooks kind of cool actually I like it Ouija board I need to find the planchette mm thing to remember something about that oh planchette ooh way knock-knock planchette where would there be a planchette hmmm planchette planchette i can't open any other drawer I'm guessing the planchette must be in here err maybe this was Lily's room that's where Enzo is so maybe oh-oh-oh we're open we're here oh great okay beautiful singing voice Lily truly something to behold planchette come on tell me the joke oh come on tell it to me I'm already laughing we're all laughing it I'm laughing you laughing the monster behind you is laughing we're all laughing maybe I shouldn't have done this there's gonna be writing on the walls if I remember this right ooh oh maybe I should have closed the door [Music] [Music] [Music] Rambow okay you know what never mind you're fine Loulou [Music] yes spooky hey are you doing no no no no okay all right cool good great good talk Thanks you need any help oh she's not real okay hey can I go now oh hi this looks final like a finale awesome kind I mean nothing really stopped me oh hi uh all right the sacrifice has begun is it me that's being sacrificed to a mine this sacrifice odd for Peru oh wow oh oh I can't how do I turn Oh teddy wait wait Teddy help Teddy Teddy what did I what did I do oh thanks teddy I'm sure you extinguish the fire with your body made of pure specced as' and love oh my god something tells me that would be fatal um you yeah you're right lilz stop being so melodramatic what I'm sorry you run that by me again shabba-doo boo boo boo ha bobbidi boo okay alright I guess I'm just looking to leave well that's enough for me I'm checking out see you around the bend the littles okay great mmm grandma that's my name don't wear it out no no weird either year going okay okay oh my boobs wait what the [ __ ] oh oh okay I see Oh uh okay I'm gonna get I hear cuz very loud okay so that was grandma I have played grandma before 2017 did seem like the year but much improved still like just a wander around in a haunted house I'm gonna laugh if like it's exactly the same as it was and I just stupid don't remember right but yeah so that was grandma not bad good little blast from this alright alright so this one's called the night is long also the rain is loud whoo oh that's a cool loading screen by the way Oh cutscene oh hell yeah [ __ ] piece of garbage I knew I should have sold you when I had the chance let's see what it is around here let's see what it is what is that there I can fly let go check it out let go Oh on Friday night Ryan decided to go away on vacation on his way a nasty thunderstorm hit the area he was driving through it was late at night when suddenly his car stopped running he started the engine again with no luck [ __ ] now what he thought to himself he went out and looked around he had no idea what to do and he couldn't see anything nearby he did the first thing that came to his mind he got a flashlight that he kept in the car for emergencies and randomly chose the direction to follow and find help after a few minutes walking he found himself in front of a mansion it seems abandoned he thought he had no other choice but to check it out and wait for the storm to pass this is gonna be a long night he thought is the end of the building he had no idea he felt it was no coincidence that he felt him found himself in this situation It was as if something or someone had led him there for some reason he just could not put his finger upon it yet alright cool good great sounds good man sounds good ah ba ba ba ba just eat read this is the story of my life I was once happy and I had everything I wanted I guess nothing good lasts forever that is actually a great 3/3 sentence story that's not bad I actually like that key the door okay Oh was that a spider that crawled up my vision Oh what oh that's weird there was like some Doppler effect on that thing huh interesting ooh we've got an open thing the the movements a little clunky but it's okay I meant the love of my life a long time ago on the way to town she and I talked for hours and she always made me feel good about myself years passed before I finally asked the important question I was nervous that is a spider on my eyeball you scared the spider away that's a weird wait what did I just get okay I got a key okay what did I get a key to the reason the walking is clunky is because it keeps going after I stop for another step it's like he's got a complete his stride as if he has free will doesn't mean oh my he's my puppet to do with as I get out of your ghost get out of here you nerd stupid nerd ghost we had been together for years when she said there was something important she had to tell me I had no idea what it could be I waited impatiently till she came back from a regular outing in the evening she came back as soon as we sat as a dinner table she informed me that soon I would be a father that is not the news I was expecting that's good I think okay oh this one hello perfect oh well hi I didn't make sure I didn't expect anything to actually be there do I closer to I'm a closest or Thanks that's good oh no thanks great good great solved that one successfully navigated that nightmare good stuff good stuff a few months later and there it was a small baby do you know how long babies need to be made it's not a few months it's quite a few anyway a small baby in my hands was the best thing that had happened in my life okay the second-best thing but still I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us there goes that spider likes to jump into my eye just gonna go across the hall now everything's fine no problems here great even better was I supposed to go upstairs I'll go upstairs you know what I'll go upstairs it's all good the night is long after all okay well moonwalk away why don't you you think you can scare me with a moonwalk just because I don't understand how it works doesn't mean that you can scare me oh my eyes all right well that was eventful Thanks okay one day my wife came back from her shopping and didn't feel well I told her to lie down and rest I made something to eat and drink fur I was worried about her the doctors did not know what was wrong there was one thing in my head that I was afraid of I didn't want to think about it doctors had no idea except that they knew exactly what it was that's a weird curtain anything in the tub scrub-a-dub-dub there is an apparition and I'm scared and don't know what to do I hear something who would is it who is it could it be are my eyes deceiving me is what I are see really her Edwyn Oh how would I know I'm a figment of your imagination for all you know I don't even exist maybe I've been the ghost all along no nap hmm sure is a puzzle you know a plus for effort you know that was that was really something that was something oh the opposite bathroom my worst fears came true today as my wife unfortunately passed away I was devastated by this and I did not know what to do at least I had my daughter and she's the only thing I have now I will try to be strong for her and you will fail miserably oh hi yeah your wife lovely lovely lady she's a real beaut a real looker that's stunner even I don't have any more keys I didn't get it was I supposed to get another key was there something in the water do I gonna reach in to your wife's bathwater that you've kept there we go she pushed it out get you hello yo incus who was that well it'd be great if I could actually know what that was why why tell me why what did I do to deserve this tell me I was talking to myself and as that as I saw my family falling sick and passing away in front of my eyes they both became infected by a deadly virus why was I spared why why don't you God hello hi what should I do I have nothing left to live for I shut myself in the mansion alone with my thoughts I started to walk around the mansion aimlessly exploring the secrets of this mansion I guess I hoped that I would find something to fill the void in my heart the pastor's led me into a library where I could see some weird stones it looked like a ceremonial place I started to examine the places immediately as they didn't have anything else to do anyway oh boy you shall not escape oh really lady it's a false mirror oops I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry and these spiders in my eyes make me see things hello while reading books that late about I discovered something interesting something that could change everything this is puzzle oh okay okay I I'm not good at these typically so don't expect any magic to happen no this is on completely the wrong side this needs to be down there okay I don't know why but my brain has never been able to do these properly okay there we go got it okay good yeah yeah that's pretty spooky you are a distract distance noise a distance noise I hear a distance noise from down east easy well better go check that out first before I do any more I might not get the true ending it may seem like I'm mocking this it actually is like it pretty interesting so it's a pretty interesting game I'm actually kind of into it I mean it's a little clunky and obviously not refined but you know it shows that there's effort into this and I gotta like it okay well there was nothing in there what about in here bedroom you say oh oh baby bed oh I can't believe my eyes it is her finally I will be reunited with my family once again yes my love it is me we found each other again even death cannot separate us well yeah I'm sure that's that's that's that's what's happening you yeah it's all good it's all good my man was that the only thing that happened down here or am I free to go maybe hello what's in here way okay you got me that time you got me that time I'll get you a puzzle I found on da floor unlocked secret passage curious where it could lead secret passage but I did that but I already did that there was something about the arcade there's got to be a secret passage downstairs then I where is this secret passage come on show to me oh this was not oh okay what's going on is this a big mistake I can't think straight anymore the voices make them stop I can't focus because they're so loud I'm sorry I just wanted to see you again yeah not bad not bad it's uh it's really rough at the same time it is actually not bad I think the game is not polished it's very basic it's very much just like a to be find the key and the story is is not very related to the person who's there but at the same time you know just determine observational capacity it's got some potential so keep working whoever made this keep working on it keep making games like they'll get better every time and this is not a bad place to start but time for us to move on this one is called trapped why are we trapped I don't know where are we trapped I don't know skin wait for bones my skin does weigh about four bones that sounds about right start it's supposed to be like a found footage style horror game whoa it is like found footage oh I'm going backwards baby you can't stop me that's a bone here I go oh this was the bad but it's to go oh my okay I didn't mean to come down into the body tunnel right away what the hell well uh made a mint mint maybe down here forever now that's okay worse things have happened maybe very out last but yeah what is happening who is pooping on me don't flush please don't flush who I should oh god oh god oh god oh okay on August 17 1997 a cannibalistic creature known as Krypton cryptozoology as a skinwalker was shot and killed in the sewer system after police discovered multiple bodies in the area the found footage indicated the person filming did not survive the incident the tunnels have been closed and sealed the knowledge of the event has been kept out of the public's view due to its disturbing nature great good alright well that was spooky I don't know if I was supposed to go down that way I really don't um let's try it again I don't even know why I'm here why am I here what did I do to deserve this alright let's try this again let's try to get the good ending of not dying okay so long as I don't fall down I'm sure I'll be fine oh no it's dead end here isn't it it's gonna be vanished all over again I can actually run here I'm speedy where am I going hi rat hey dude good to see you good to see you brick wall great love it hi who's there kinda spooky oh okay that came out of nowhere I'm not gonna lie it's kind of spooky spooky in these tunnels I'm guessing the thing is like if you happen to drop down you're gonna die no matter what but apparently I'm gonna die anyway don't know what the point is zooming it it is doesn't help you oh [ __ ] we're fine it's all good baby so good this does not look like what I was just going through but okay apparently it was I don't like it why why why why what is happening what is happening what's happening what's happening what's happening am i winning oh my [ __ ] god okay why did that one not end in an ending the hell okay so that thing is just there no clues that it's gonna arrive other than just BAM Wow Here I am alright sure you know we're gonna go with that I'm just gonna gun it I'm sure there is a way out of here you just have to get to it and I don't think it's random it's gotta just be a path out right heard that whistling oh well whatever man with knife Jesus Christmas says it's a person down there with a knife why didn't he kill me how many people are in this sewer hell I got I'm gonna try to make my way back to whatever that was I think I walked over someone who is sleeping or something is that what I did - bang - baby hello there oh are you gonna give me okay all right God around him didn't know that was a thing that could happen oh is it locked it would be wouldn't it well I found the door so where would a key be where would that it is like vanished all over again this is straight-up vanish okay so that's the thing there am I supposed to be worried about those noises or is that not a problem sure he's quiet oh I can't go through there of course blind why would I be able to wait wait that's lower hang on oh I've got an even lower Crouch which is great hi hi yeah hey how you doing good to see you good to see it good oh wow oh oh my oh my Wow okay is there something oh oh okay okay what happened I don't know what happened I don't know if I should be careful about something in front of me or not it's the same thing okay so this is like an escape right that's what this is supposed to be some kind of an escape so that if something is chasing me I have a way out right it's the only thing I can imagine this is for you use oh I got the power juice flowing boss don't worry all the powers are all juiced up PI's fall to the pipes real good electricity pipes you know how works boss I'm just a man locked me the key of course I need a key how many keys are in here how many keys do I need how many keys could one man possibly need so I don't know if something's chasing me in these tunnels but those lights didn't help at all by the way they didn't help none there are none help exactly zero zero help oh how are you ever ever supposed to know that that thing's skatin on giorgia that's impossible that is impossible there's no way they'd have to have the reflexes of a god alright so I would love to keep doing this but unfortunately I am out of time I got one of the endings apparently I fell in the hole and then I died now with good ending I was a bad anybody that's okay anyway I don't have enough time to finish this but that will do for three scary games today thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to play these games for yourselves remember they are linked in the description below you just gotta click read more and you'll see a whole bunch of stuff including more scary games that I played in pest the entire playlist is down there the scary games playlist check it out for yourselves subscribe for more if you want or not if you're uncool yeah that's not true maybe a the way thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,097,949
Rating: 4.967371 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, scary games, 3 horror games, 3 horror games markiplier, markiplier, scary, horror, jumpscares, jump scare game, scary games playlist, 3 scary games 40, part 40, lets play scary games, scary games playthrough, scary games walkthrough, scary games reactions, markiplier reactions, funny scares, funny reactions, markiplier funny reactions
Id: i4KWNTg_F6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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