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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to three games this o is not an official game okay I wasn't gonna assume that it was a fifty an official game even though apparently in a spongebob episode recently which is still being made which is news to me they acknowledged creepypasta Squidward which is very bizarre very bizarre very weird very weird penguin there's the crusty seller oh I like that starting right for the menu that's good touch go down and talk with mr. Krabs about what what do what do i need to i thought this is gonna be a wild hunt for you the creepy abandoned horrible horrible listen spongebob me boy bad news I hit the formula in a chocolate bar I don't like his voice lost down here find it for me okay thank you alright can do anyway you're weird I don't think I like you very much also I don't like this amnesia ass duck here Oh God hey you sure about this don't worry it's fine find the chocolate bar you know I could just go buy you one you got a lot of money [ __ ] that's creepy you got a lot of money here you could just buy one hey balls okay alright boss you got it boss sorry am I supposed to do something about that or is it about all this what do what hi hello okay hey chocolate hey that's good return to mr. crook okay good yeah I yeah totally hi hello okay oh oh you do it I don't understand are you like it are you gonna kill me or you're not really oh oh wait whoa oh God oh okay well then I will admit that his dad is a little weird oh oh okay I didn't make any goddamn sense okay no spongebob me boy bad news I hid the formula in the chocolate bar oh that's what if that's what it is the formulism I need my reading skill or I can just give plausible deniability hey Lexi and make sure you go back and you scrub the fact that the formula was it just cut that little portion out so that nobody will be the wiser right okay cool good Hey excuse me I need to get by you thank you goodbye see you around oh hi you're weird I don't like you I don't like you at all okay okay okay okay okay okay find the chocolate bar yeah I'm on it I'm on it but I know yeah that's it's very concerning of you screaming on the other side of this but you leave okay you left I don't know how far you left to but I'm gonna go I'm gonna try to go I guess I could go this way but this is gonna be right there yeah he's right there okay welcome there hey lady yeah thank you lady thank you lady um yeah I mean other than being moderately disturbing I you know it's not that bad who's screaming I'm screaming you got a mr. Krabs you got it I just gotta go get the jockey bar you wanted to delicious Chuck but I'll make sure you get wouldn't be screw Chris excuse me man you've got like blood on your face I don't know why you've got blood many would booze me to actually open these doors before the before I have to go through it wait what where's the choco bar where's that sweet delicious chalky bar oh hey there you're okay returned mr. Krabs you got it whoa hey hi how are you doing there buddy hey pal okay I can't go that way that's good no lady please move thank you okay I don't know if I got that guy locked down over there or what but it seems like I might got this in the bag Hey looks like I got it in one Oh God [ __ ] I didn't know if I was supposed to run down that way or what I guess I should have just kept moving huh good what is wrong with your basement man mr. Krabs what is wrong with your goddamn money cellar you kinda an issue you've got lots of issues man lots problems in here like a lot like a lot of problems quite a few problems okay I'm just gonna run for it cuz I don't know where else to go excuse me thank you I'm just gonna gun it okay okay this is fine mr. Krabs hey shiver me timbers thank you so much Boyle you employee of the month [Music] okay are we gonna talk about that mr. Krabs because you got like a nightmare situation going on okay this is not a game by the owners who no one is gonna mistake that god you are not going to be sued hawk sandwich Dino Hawk sandwich we met you're fine you're okay hawk sandwich you're fine it's okay it falls under parody and you're not making money although it's father good all right that was so that was something yeah that was something all right that was sure was something okay good great good stuff all right welcome to the myth there was no menu there was no nothing the game just opened up hello hello what the hell no instructions no starting information oh well hello ye they are everywhere I have grown old hearing some of them try to escape from here and saw what happened it's better to remain being nothing to meet the same fate they're not from this world one by one they will get rid of everyone who is not fit to serve them anymore they told me I was next okay cool great I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that just gonna make oh just good soon there's nothing around this corner okay good it's me snippy stepping on the chains that's all it is yes definitely all it is okay eeny meeny miny moe I'm gonna go the way with not the chains ah dead end good I love dead ends my time is almost come I cannot take this anymore I have prayed since forever to get out of this no man can stop these monsters these mosters sorry the most errs the most errs are unstoppable alright so I gotta be on the lookout for the most errs the hosters with the most errs there definitely would you think that I would try to be a little bit more stealthy vote well I'm sorry oh that's just a chain this is a shadow on the table I thought those it looked like a portion or hi is there a note here before taking his final breath he gave me the manuscript he kept away from us for so long it said the end of the years the time when she comes back to earth she would clear all the evil from this earth and restore balance in this world she is our only hope now is this even real well frankly I don't know I just woke up in a dungeon and I don't know why I'm here what's going on I'm just gonna keep on mosey wait a minute I think maybe not oh good an eyeball my favorite how are you know I disagree with your assessment you stuff - stop that right now this doesn't feel like real but I'm running out of ideas this is the only hope we all have now I never believes in anything he wrote ever but he said that her idol is hidden somewhere in the south at the dungeon by these monsters I'm risking my life trying to find it back hope it's worth it it's probably not to be perfectly honest it's probably very much not hi oh you you sassy sue stop being so squiggly wiggly okay other than that that hasn't really been anything of tangible spookiness as all right so it's been a little bit of tangible Smulian is happening hi how are you can I get around this probably oh here we go nope nope okay so I can't get around that so what exactly am I supposed to do I can't can't jump high yeah maybe that would be a bit smarter hey buddy i'ma go this way now i'ma go this way it worked I never believed that the idol ever existed maybe or everything else you've roads correct - maybe we can get out of this hell all right sure whatever you say I don't know about these eyeballs looking at me but Dez that's a different story no no no they got to know about our plans I heard that they were searching for the hideout the idol is not ready yet we're gonna fail after all these oh two eyes okay now it's getting spooky that's getting a little spooky I've never bet anything with one eye that was scary this is I knew it all right got a Pokemon whoa is that Pokemon is that Bulbasaur that's not Bulbasaur that's tough enough hi hello how hi how are you I'm falling now I'm falling I can't move I can't move I'm not moving I'm dead [Laughter] okay I don't give it you scure piece of poopy I don't get it what do you mean what are you I don't understand well that's the myth I guess we'll never know it's myth I guess I'll just be on my way and mosey on to the next game then this is the other world I don't know what that lady's doing over there probably dying but we're gonna find out controls wise to look around interact flashlights print other world vision weird oh that's me hello how we all doing you good you waking in the dark for in place you have November oh you were right okay good I love bright flashes of light mm-hmm patient report Wednesday that's pretty clever I like the way the main menu is incorporated into the first room and Christopher Noah date of birth 13th 1971 can manipulate objects within the other world but often cannot exit the realm at will is often stuck there for hours and you okay yeah so Christopher stuck I see Wednesday 10th of January just about what the doctor has told me the right strumming patterns used to induce the other will transition there's some glaring flaws in their design is working on a new pattern that should increase the patient's responsiveness and control in the other world you should be ready tomorrow and I look forward to testing it out opening can increase the efficiency of some of our more lacking subjects though the patient 13 is good candidate for the new Straub remains to be seen what a success it was what greatness it brought us she could not be tamed this monster of our own making all right good great not like this other world thing getting double opinions on everything I read patient report will f brim show some promise in his ability to enter the other world that will however his frail Constitution makes him a poor candidate for some of the more dangerous aspects of Rome shifting often comes back bruised and scared frail well hey how you doing here patient report Michael Downey scrap of what my previous report said after Michael had an encounter with Basin thirteen you no longer seems to connect as well to the other world strobing brings him there for a moment but he could no longer enter their zone will be soon thirteen seems to be jamming the potential of her peers he's scared am i am i patient thirteen also what is that in there hello use this power at your own caution some things appear twisted in this realm like a key I don't know seems I'll find me everything schemes seems it seems good Gregory Hutchinson seems to lack potential has little control over his ability to remain in the other world gets irrational and violent little promise worthless alright good that's pretty cool I gotta admit this pretty cool Laura Connors ID number thirteen so significant signs of psychic potential immediate results from strobing can not only see into the other world buts control aspects of it should we move to a more secure location as there are concerns her powers are influencing the world around her security systems are malfunctioning during her worst phases beware of Laura do not underestimate her we were fools to think we can control her her birth holds the key that hinders our progress yeah you better watch out for me baby I'm pretty strong pretty good the world around you is not what it seems you have the ability to gaze stuffers beware of the consequences okay find a way out of the room oh you oh [ __ ] oh God so soft burn in hell so tired hello her birth my doom stop the lights I refuse [Music] Christopher 13th of December of 1971 okay her gaze lingers Michael 28th of September 1970 oak Laura 19th of October 1974 she was special she's here oh that's funky that's funky free I don't need a hint them good doors locked need a keypad okay I can't go Otherworld here so the birthday to me oh happy birthday to me happy birthday to me 19 October 1974 so 1910 1974 so I wrote that note take the elevator to freedom okay I don't need to be told twice on what goes to freedom or not okay [Music] okay I'll go the other way you know I don't trust that you're not budging okay well but seems rusted alright good good good Oh give me luck maybe maybe not grape doesn't seem like there's anything here that I need to get I think I should go through the door that opened up for me yeah it seems like it maybe should be something I need to do okay hi Hey I wasn't running away be brave okay there's something about this thing the engine needs to replace three part use other world vision to locate three engine parts in the nearby room oh is it that easier oh it's not easy okay easy-peasy all right hey nobody in here there it is my crock-pot up an engine part well mission accomplished I guess you have one of three parts okay if they have the three other parts of nearby rooms hello again Oh easy as this easy peasy lemon squeeze me good this seems too easy it seems like things are going really smoothly I don't see how they could possibly go any better than they're currently going oh hey how you doing it's right in here that's stupid the machines fixed great good I will I will take the elevator thank you I will thank you okay well done you escape the building gray [Music] okay did I well you know if something makes me suspect that maybe I did know [Music] you're just gonna leave me hanging like that you're gonna leave me hanging I guess it was just a prototype of God it was actually interesting I was super into that it was well polished it wasn't perfectly polished but you know they did the best that they could with all the prefab stuff that I imagine is in unity okay that was pretty good I liked that a lot a lot of potentials so when there's a real game that comes out and goddamnit they're better actually be a real game I'm tired of these prototypes coming out and then they never turn into a real game because this is good when the real gun comes out of a player okay that was good thumbs up whoo thumbs up for potential one and a half thumbs up for potential this was three games I hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching death we'll see you in the next episode bye bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,731,919
Rating: 4.9721031 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, scary games, scariest, horror, horror games, scary, creepypasta, gameplay, markiplier scary games, creepy, jump scare, jumpscares, gaming, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, indie horror, horror game walkthrough, 3 scary games markiplier, pc games, facecam, reaction, 3 scary games 31, indie horror game, creepy pasta, creepypasta game, horror game gameplay, jump scares, gameplay walkthrough, spongebob creepypasta, the krusty cellar, the myth, otherworld
Id: J9xQNA5kq2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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