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Anyone else noticed the Darkiplier vibes coming up a few times in this vid? 😬

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Typ3-Beta 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Didn’t he recently play that first game?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/topchamp2000 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

i'd love to see him replay cry of fear

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/moonranan 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

No one going to talk about the Matt Watson joke? That’s like the first time he’s referenced Cyndago in like 3 years.

Wonder if that means something

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DestinedHellfire 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games we're starting off with a game that I actually don't know the name jus because it opened do not a tile screen so we're just gonna go and blind this hello hi hello dark scary woods oh oh we need a little more ambience for this oh now we're talking wait no we need a little more ambience for this there we are okay this just got a little bit spooky so I need to match the spookiness levels if you know what I mean okay I'm real slow I don't have a sprint button and this seems to be my top speed so I'm guessing I'm going to visit Graham now I'm not a rocking-chair scientist but I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with that rocking chair either that or ghost of Grandma has put on some weight Hey oh I'm sorry what was that hey I'm tall by the way I'm real tall oh okay Oh 1968 huh okay all right well cool me Torino examine ooh it's a can of beer whiskey it's a can of whiskey well Emma didn't know that why did that door open what the frickin frackin duck that scared the bejesus out why did it open Oh trees of how and how many of green you need to feel healthy flowers learn about plants that grow fast and don't need too much care just like me I don't need you need to stop this you need to stop this right now everybody whoever's in here you need to stop this nonsense because it is nonsense hi ah multifunctional okay good good great good great okay good great well this is this is delightful this whole experience is just gosh darn delightful very happy about all that okay hey I don't have a reflection hey I don't think that mirror works right one great big happy family huh okay uh grandma grandma mom Grammy mammy ramallah me cooking Pro cooking Pro all right that's what they call me the cooking pro you're really gonna get me with classic jump-scare sound effects three all right cool yeah that's nothing okay now that I've actually seen something you'll never be able to scare me again because now I'm ready for it so what was that you know pray tell what what was what was that okay whatever maybe I'll go around the side if I can no I can't this stack of logs too high I'm too tall therefore I hit my head on the ceiling okay so I don't know where exactly I'm supposed to go after that experience this door was locked still locked okay great very good great it's great this is great great many great things did I mention it's great all of this okay I don't think there was anything else hidden here that I could have possibly needed other than the weird thing running by the you know I'm just gonna get out of the house cuz I'm beginning to think this isn't actually a migrant I remember I actually don't have a grandma it's weird my family tree it's more like a a family shrub just really wide but not very tall it's it's really bizarre no no grandparents are good and invisible wall all right so what am I supposed to do am I supposed to do anything cuz I can't seem to get anywhere there's not even a window on that did I hear a child's voice am I crazy did I just hear a kid's voice all right so my guess is I need to find something to interact with so I'll be back oh here we go what am i examining oh whoa whoa rogue candelabra rogue candala bibury Chris oh hey uh how did I miss this Oh found a door key okay I missed the key who was staring at me in the face Lix Ian cut around that make me look really good don't make me look like a big dumb dummy remember I got the big brain so I can't possibly be the big dumb at the same time physiologically impossible me am big brain all time of me I'm small brain no time make that make that make sense okay oh yeah I got the key that I had already you guys saw that I got the key I am very smart good thing we all know I got the key right after that jump scare happened right okay real hello hi oh grandma MA okay I also just saw like what looked like two eyes staring at me right over there you guys can't see what's on the other side of the camera but it is horrifying it's also late at night all good things hey dog it's upside dude trick learning for dummies and pros I am both of those things close comparison of the newest collections for dogs I hate you all right cool great this is good I sure do love grandma my sense of style Oh can't go in there are no going in that room it's closed off for a reason - barely all right grandma must extended family okay good oh now I get a flashlight okay I'll take oh there we go look at my hand slightly diseased on there a few sores but that's okay I got something grab Oh hmm yes I don't need my flashlight in here huh grandma no you do not you do not do this to me you don't do this to me not me no no no not this time not ever not now no no no Grandmamma Grandmamma gram Mimi oh [ __ ] door opens grandma what happened to you grandma grandma grandma that was my fault grandma I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that I know how excitable you are I know about your heart condition I should have been more cognizant of your needs I apologize grandma me mo grandmama mum yes I'm done here do I run away at this point at this point I feel like I would just feel like I would just I feel like I would just book it as fast as I can away from this hell but maybe not maybe there's more to explore I don't know I've got no clear sense of direction let me go back upstairs before I go running off into the woods I don't know why right now you know in in hindsight going back to the place where I was just attacked by demons and or grandma doesn't seem like the wisest choice but you know I'm just gonna go for oh there was a note came back hey look at this alright TV is truth thanks for buying my kit have fun horror FPS kit okay is this all one big ad for someone free made assets for a horror first-person shooters because if it is good great more people getting into the scene I like that anyway TV is truth so I don't know what that means Oh Oh all right off to a loud start off to a spooky start I guess we're done here then okay good that was um that was a thing why did why why okay welcome to Albion okay welcome to the borough of Albion wasn't that the name of the game or the city from fable or the country from fable I loved fable fable was such a great game when fable two and three were such let downs Oh was it Peter Molyneux that Peter Molyneux God oh the potential lines whatever Lions heads duty whatever it was they made black and white I love black and white no such a good game black and white it was pretty okay to Helens departure may result in unwanted visitors to our beloved town why for this reason the committee orders the immediate and permanent closure of the East tunnel why we are far past the point that anyone we need to leave town and we certainly do not require unwanted the why why are you far past the point of anyone needing to leave tip why why is this some Silent Hill thing how are you gonna get food are you gonna ship all your poop out how you gonna poop I guess you don't need to leave town to poop but I think the poop needs to leave town you're gonna have a poop problem I don't know why my first thought is to go towards what's gonna happen with your poop hey you left it in decipherable so that's your fault okay all right cool hey Wow graffiti okay well it's certainly I see the Pope I knew the poop was gonna be a problem it's always very poopy in these horror Silent Hill style towns okay let's see what we got going on here I love the vibe I gotta say that I really liked the vibe I thought that was the door it reminds me a cry fear in a weird way not quite but a little similar I've always wanted to revisit that game after so many years you know I never really did the the official version of it and I played it very poorly is that a river of blood or is that a rid of room poo I don't know I'm walking towards it but this feels uncomfortable okay okay did not need the sounds oh oh what happened oh okay I'll follow you then you weird bloody turd monster hey look at school okay I don't know what I just saw and I don't know if it was the same thing that you guys saw oh well that's convenience welcome can you hear it breathing has it given you a name it is so good mind you I'm glad you came okay cool good great oh hi how are you hey what's up all right cool good talk I'm gonna come around you better be there when I come back around hey oh you didn't go away I don't like that at all I don't know why I always gotta be right about these horror games why do I always have to be so unbelievably right I knew they would have a poop problem in this city oh I was keenly aware the fact that they would have a distinct problem anyway good talking to all of you I am glad that I am here and I you know I think I'm gonna stay I understand do i no one wants to leave this city it's so perfect in every way every whoa I didn't notice the sky are we in the middle of a hurricane cuz that sky is wooden getting down there oh yeah there's something down there let me check over oh okay alright cool hey hey hey good see it did Helen send you the committee forbids the carrying of sharp objects upon one's you must be seen to be heard is that a puzzle is that one of those puzzles you puzzle in me cuz I am one not to be puzzled with oh good great oh oh good my vision goes a little foggy alright cool good see a good talk alright this is all good is very good this is all good stuff happening here all right hey wow you know I don't know how I didn't notice that on the way in and I'm pretty sure I know why Helen left I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I got a sneaking suspicion of why Helen left I you know it's weird I understand that it's what the hell yeah I decided that I was gonna go knee deep in whatever the hell that was and that was gonna be good for me it was a good decision I'm glad I did that hey oh is that the East tunnel beautiful thing good evening please refrain from any acts that may result in damage to town property it is almost time you your allotted shift to begin orientation will take place in the factory entrance hall great I was what I was about to ask where orientation was I was about to ask hey can I leave oh okay I can't go down here but you know what I don't think I do I think that was a lure I think that was gonna be my untimely death if I went down there I think I'm gonna go this way where I don't have to worry about giant bloody poop tentacles grabbing me in the darkness oh no there'd be a horrible thing no not my giblets no no come on why do I think these thoughts why do I do these things to myself no please no not my I'm sorry I'm very sorry I'm not sorry at all I apologize for literally nothing hello hello can I go in here no is this er where the factory orientation would be cuz I got a sneaking suspicion that I need to go over the factory orientation is and if you're not gonna tell me the I'm not gonna be able to be oriented so it's Oh apparently I can't go indoors well this is news to me Helens objective objection may yet be used against us however until arrangements can be made you work to continue to include her in all internal bulletins it must appear to all the other committee members that she is being fully informed of all matters related to production doing doing doing doing you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm saying yeah Kelby could throw myself headfirst in there I wouldn't have to deal with whatever the hell's happening in here because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be scarred for life for it Oh doing great good stuff Hey Oh doors open hey last chance all right okay all right that Joss is my brain a little bit pit of death complete yes please okay no all right blood let me add mine too hi you here too or I've been oriented the orientation is in my mind I am fully orient eyes I have been orientation aided the poopers within all of us I think I think that's the lesson I've learned here the poop rests deep inside all of us if there's one thing that unites all of humanities we are all brown on the inside and I think that's wisdom right there all right so um what what do I do now I got orient oh hey this is open that's good I've been orientated so can I learn here I go how many doors have I not opened because I did okay oh I went in the wrong room I I thought this was the bathroom I mean maybe it is all right there you have it mystery solved mystery solved glad we could address that - anybody have questions say your questions now in the comments below I will answer them all in the order that they are received okay we've been going strong on these we're gonna finish it off with one called upstairs and I am tall again and I'm gonna go downstairs screw your upstairs miss upstairs for Lucy's oh hello can I get out I'll play your game you opposite SCP oh wait seven B you know I reference Oh eight seven B so much that I bet a lot of you don't remember that game or have never seen that game before I know some of you have and some of you are aware but I should probably pick that game back up again just to reintroduce you guys to the concept of it because it's been like almost seven years since I beat that one and it is so iconic it is just like a ridiculously important game in the SCP universe because I'm pretty sure that one is the precursor to SCP containment breach and it's just really essential it's really essential that that one's known okay is there something gonna happen here or am I just cursed to wander forever funk don't like this don't like what changed you loaded something what changed you loaded something game I know you did I know you did don't douche with me don't dick with mmm don't do doom come on don't dick with me anybody behind me no okay if it's just a cheap jump scare like that other stair related game that I played I'm gonna be real I'm gonna be okay with that because I'd rather have that than an actually good scare at this point because I'm not mentally prepared for something like that don't don't jump-scare a god it's kinda jump scare me I know I know it's going to like that's what oh I know hey how you doing hey man Watson okay there's no need I am I'm sorry was I supposed to skedaddle I didn't know I was supposed to skedaddle all right I guess I'll go for it this time and not dick around ok spede I that was really scary like not the actual when he got me but was when like I heard the second set of footprints that was when I was like okay wait a minute hang on here Oh like it okay so I'm just I'm hurrying I'm scurrying and I'm hurrying okay I don't remember there being more candles that's new maybe there's an end to this maybe if I hurry as fast as I can I can beat mr. Matt one-cent himself I don't know what to do I don't see him is there a limit to this this is never end maybe that was a mistake maybe knocking on the thing was a mistake I think maybe that might have been a bit of mistake okay there's candles what the candles mean I know not I don't know I think knocking might be a waste of time because I think knocking is gonna kill me wait and there's a glow there so I mean there's candles up here by this door is that important is this important no parently not okay not important the answer is it was not important there's more candles I don't know what the candles mean the candles gotta mean something right the candles have to mean something I don't think this is infinite I don't think it's infinite I think just like the developer copy and paste is a lot of flights of stairs I just don't know how many I need to traverse he's got to be catching up like I i [ __ ] around before but i didn't dig around that much there's more candles at the doorway don't know what it means who got dark there yeah I would feel I would get exhausted by now I feel like I feel like I would get real tuckered this better not be a endless is all I gotta say this better not actually be endless okay you loaded something does that mean mister man's coming after me it's loaded something I know it did what did you load I think I hear slowly catching up to me someone else's footprints I might be mistaken but I I think I barely hear this is never gonna end it's been a while since I seen a candle and I don't think the candles mean anything now I think they're just random I think this might actually be endless I don't know I've been climbing non-stop for like ten minutes straight and I know that's not a long time but I feel like there's gotta be something there's gotta be something I don't want to go I don't want to start going down again just to end it I just have no indication if I've actually made any progress or not there's no rhyme or reason to this the candles stopped appearing long ago I think it's just a whole lot of nothing now and I don't know mmm I don't know seems like just a whole lot of nothing and the only thing that I could think of is if I start going down either I'll run into the person or maybe they program something in that if you go up a certain level and you start not seeing candles anymore that's a sign that you need to go back down and then either way I'm probably gonna meet my untimely demise so I'm gonna give it just a few more up wait there's a candle speak the Deauville there's a Gerstein candle speak normal speak of the goddamn do vowel well wouldn't you know it nothing but it means a whole lot of dick and Italy I don't know where mister dude is though I feel like you would have come up to get me if I had done something wrong okay so I looked up and apparently there's no end to it I don't know but it seems like it's not and it seems like it's not an infinite game right it doesn't seem maybe I'm mistaken maybe I'm crazy but this does not seem like an infinite staircase in that it's Julie generated to be infinite now I don't know if that's for certain because for all I know he's duplicated at 15,000 times and there is an end but he never expected anybody to actually get to the end so it's just like unfinished game up there and I would love to say that I'm like I'm gonna get to the top I don't care I've got no life I've got nothing better to do with my time I've got no hopes no dreams nothing to strive for I've got no I'm just gonna play this game until the day I die but I can't say that because I do have a life I have a home and everything is going great in my life I'm fine so I guess I could stop this game at any time and yet I'm still going I think what Avenue is probably the murderer is so far down trying to catch up to me that they will never get to me and that's the problem that's their problem okay candle candle candle candle candle I'm kind of getting more candles what is that [ __ ] hello hello hello I'm not crazy is that in my rumours that in this game okay that was weird I thought I'd a lot of hurt something okay alright I guess there's nothing I don't know how much more you know what actually I'm gonna call it I'm just gonna say there's nothing up here and as much as I hate to say it I think it was a waste of time it's a ruse it's all just a big ruse yeah it just goes on forever so I'm gonna call it here this is interesting I like the concept but you know I could have used like a bigger payoff I think maybe there is one but I just don't have the patience for it so we're gonna end it there that was good three good scary games for us to enjoy in you to play if you want to play them they're in the description below thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to check out more scary games that I played oh I've got so many it is playlist just for you linked right down there to the description or in the suggested videos right over there if you want more scary games coming at you hot and heavy subscribe today for so many more scary games and ring that bell to be notified of exactly when where how and why I helped load scary games thank you again everybody for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,421,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, scary, horror, gaming, gameplay, scary games, horror games, jumpscares, jump scare, scare reactions, lets play, dark, spooky, creepy, creepypasta, silent hill, upstairs, albion, pixelated
Id: bniB0s28JBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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