FAITH: Chapter 2

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The best part is that the top comment on the video is from the creator of the game.

Can’t wait for Chapter 3!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/TheXMarkSpot 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yesss I was waiting for this

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Cool little horror game

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/wafflecone927 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

These games have been an absolute joy and I hope there more videos like these! Some of the best videos in such a while!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dezblade 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've never heard of this game before mark played it, and wow I really like it! I'd like to play it one day myself (even though horror games freak me out!). I love the animation and the simplicity of it. It doesn't really use "jump scares" but it still makes me feel really unsettled. And the aesthetic of it is very nice. Mark is also hilarious haha.

Can't wait for him to play chapter 3, whenever it's supposed to come out!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cassieidk3 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wait, didn't he play this before? I thought this was up months ago

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BloodBrandy 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and welcome to FAITH: Chapter 2. This is the sequel to that game that we played FAITH Chapter 1 Get ready for more scares of the type you never ever expected... Am I the priest still? "Father Garcia," "You are hereby instructed to release Michael Davies from your custody and return him to his home immediately." Mr. and Mrs. Davies have already been contacted by our office. [rest of the note] Well, that's not so good. At least I still got my crucifiAx Oooo hi mirrOr O U T D E M O N Okay, so I'm not the same as I was, but I might be very similar... One day. One day? Day one, do you mean day one? Because one day more of a goal type of thing. Two weeks, Oookay? OOoOO heeeey. Two weeks. UUUH! OOH, I don't like that. I don't like that at all that is that- that might be- that might be the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. Hoo! You're still here! Oh! I wa- O H I was under the impression that you weren't here anymore Hi how ya' doin'? Hey- *gasp* *Scared mark* "How are we doing today Michael?" *Weird Audio Continues* "I want to go home." "You can't go home until you get better Michael." "Can I see Mommy and Daddy?" "I need to make you better first" "When they see what you did to me..." "T̴̟͙͉̙͉͌h̷͕̿͒͗ë̸͈̞́y̸͖̑͒͂̾͑͠ͅ'̶͓̝̜̲̲̈̓̈͂l̷̢̲̮͗̑̾͝l̷͓̰̥̈̈́͐̉ ̵̼̥̤̪̈́͑͛̃̾́k̵̡̡̯̣̞̼̉̐̓͐̉̚ì̷̡̲̤̈́̀̈́l̴̗̗̎̅̀̌͋l̸̜̜̈́̾̏̏ ̸͇͕́̓̍y̴̗̠̬̫͙̺̽͐̐̃o̵̧͙̟̯̜͑͑͌̑̆ȕ̶͎͔̼̰͈͔̍͗̈̈" "Reveal thy name to me, demon." Y̴̮͖̩̪̬̒̓Ò̸̲͚̤̹̿͘ͅU̴̧̓́͗̒̀ ̸̧̠̖͙̮͍͐̽̏͌͝K̸̟̍̉̔N̷̡̼̮͂̄̄͝O̵̮̫̺̠̗͌W̵̗̘̥̽͌͝ ̵͈̑̀̑͝N̴̛̪̠͇̤̄̋̀̕O̶̢͉̰̘͇̓T̶̨̟̣̄̇̑̐͜͜H̷̻͌̃͘I̴͎̫͕͑͋̈̌̀̆N̷̖͒̈́G̴̝͖̾́̌͑͝ ̷͉̌̎̓͆̇A̷̜̗̣͐͊̕S̵̜͂͊͘S̴̪̘̤̤̫͈̉̈́̃̄͝͝H̶̱̟̼̘͇͒͛̄̇̚͜O̵̗̊̈̀͛L̷̛̠͕̐Ē̷͇̲̈́ Okay, I think I've stepped into a world that I don't fully understand so I'm just gonna pretend like I know what I'm doing. O U T D E M O N! Get out of this child! BEGONE!! O h uh, uh oh, oh Wait (x8) Wait (x9) Wait (x10) Wait (x11!) uhh Oh (x5) That's a problem! Oh that's a problem! OOOH that- that's a- that's a problem! That's a problem! Uh uh-eh Uhhh wha- Also, did you call me a pen-? Hey! You leave him alone! You- ohhhh [Various UUuuHhh noises from an uncomfortable Mark] "Oh my god... what have you done?" "I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG!" "You can't hide from god, son." "You shall drink the wrath of the almighty." [Some jiggy music] Okay, I don't know why I did the- [Continuation of said jiggy music] Dance right out of there, but... I think that's the awkward dance when you realize what you've done- Hey! Am I the same as I waaas? Am I in the same woods that I- w-Oooah-ell then... Uh o h [Concerned laughter] OUT DEMON! [Sad whoa] [Reads text on screen] O H Good god, that's- bad! What a- *Weirded out Mark* Thank you! I'm goin' right into the cemetery grounds! I don't live by your ruuules! I'm a freakin' rebel- Close the gate behind me because I'm polite as hell! You need to leave me the hell alone if you're gonna come out at me demons! My crucifix is white now. Oh hello~ Okay, good good, I was hopin' that was what's on- [Starts reading text] Wait- [Reads text with an echo voice modifier] Deare- Oh this one deserves the voice! [Reads with echo voice mod] [Normal voice] LOve, GaRY! Thank you, Gary. Save? As in... Enter the spirit- An- as in that's going to save my game? O H Hi~ *gasp* Aren't you lovely... Aren't you beautiful... Aren't you just delight- Why am I just walking? Oh- oh, oh wha- EEEWH Oh I'm sOrry. Oh, I'm sOrry. What did I just see in my own reflection? Whe- You wanna' pardon me with that one. Hey, how you guys doing? Did your spirits just leave your body? OOOO-kAY That saved my game and damned my soul I'm guessing?... Okay, cool. I'm into it. Yeah, I'm into it. I don't know what else to say, but I'm into it! I'm totally down with this. I'm down to clown. Okay, what is that? That's got to be something I can exorco-OH. Well ain't that handy-dandy. I'm glad I did that , whatever that did. If there are any repercussions to that action, I would like to know about it as soon as possible. Also no wonder they didn't want to investigate the cemetery. it's really hard to get- whAAY AH WHAAY I WAS ABOUT TO SIPPING- SIPPING MY DRINK! **Slurp** Okay Everything's fine I guess. Great! heh [Nervous chuckle] GoOd Good that's normal whatever happened. Oh good. It's a dead end. Why did I even wanna- *gASP* Ì̵̗̞'̵̣̘͎̞͎̦͐͋͝m̷̡̗̙̹͖̜̈́̌ ̶͚̭̝̫͓̱̈̈͠͝â̶͇͓̺̺̣͒̆͌͋͝n̶̨͈̖͓̦̓̈́ ̵͉͚̭̈́̉̋̚ạ̶̳̗̝̅̃̓̾̕̕ń̶̪̣͊̔͑̚ǵ̴̳̮̮̞̟̜͌ḛ̶̘͑̉l̴̤̺̪͍͑͒̽̚ You're an angel?! What is that, a penis?! Oh God! Oh no, no, no no nooooooo! oh OH [chuckle] You whacked me with your peen! M̷̭̫̟͈̟̞̼͙̱̻͍̜͖̜̪̘̬̼̲̑̓͐́̎̀̾̀̅̂̎̿͒͒͒̚͝o̴͈̮̰̓̎̓̅͒̓͝r̸̢̠̹͍̮̺̪͍̦͍͍͙̄̓̇̅̔̀̄̄́̾̽̊̽̾̀̕͝ţ̶̢̧̛̛̰͚͓̗̺͖̝̳̮̤͖͓̹̰͇̈̓̽͊͛̋̃̆̎̀̅͘͝i̵̡͙͖̩̜̺̖̜͖̝̦̺̰͕̥͙͇͈͑͗̿̈́̔͆͊͠ṡ̶̩̥̓̀́͗̿̀͛́̓͆̏͒̕͜ **InhALE** You're no angel that I know of. You are certainly no angel. All right, okay you're- Ì̵̗̞'̵̣̘͎̞͎̦͐͋͝m̷̡̗̙̹͖̜̈́̌ ̶͚̭̝̫͓̱̈̈͠͝â̶͇͓̺̺̣͒̆͌͋͝n̶̨͈̖͓̦̓̈́ ̵͉͚̭̈́̉̋̚ạ̶̳̗̝̅̃̓̾̕̕ń̶̪̣͊̔͑̚ǵ̴̳̮̮̞̟̜͌ḛ̶̘͑̉l̴̤̺̪͍͑͒̽̚ Sure yeah, keep telling yourself that. Oh boy. Oh boy. Wait. Oh, I got a dodge Oh! AHA, okay. Okay. Oh shit. V̸̠͕͐͐i̷͈̪̰̜̿̚l̵̺̫̂͊ẻ̴̡͇̻̤̮̀̄̈́͝ ̶̡̧̩̞͎̇͐̓Ň̵͈̭̽͌͒̉å̸͔͖̦̩̩̆̓t̵̩̪̐͗̊u̵̠̼̤͑̓̔́̚r̸̩͛̚e̵̳͝ My own anjer? my ol' ansurelur? My Ol' Anslure! Why am I here, by the way? There was no premise for this one. There was no lead-up to this [Text on screen] Ah, Gary, yeah. Gary! Good ole' gare-bear Everybody loves Gary! Who doesn't know Gary? I'm gonna save my game. Ah, good ol'- wait what? Hello? Okay, cool. I killed the demon and one of these people are gone. But that's okay! This is just a warm-up. I'm sure. 'kay... Hello? Hoo, hi. Oh(x5) What? Whe? Oh whe- Are you hiding in the clouds?! I'm sorry, excuse me. Playing some sick game of Frogger here. UUH... Okay, I think I just killed a baby! A ghost baby- I'm pretty sure I just killed a ghost baby- [Text on screen] Okay, cool! That's- wait, where'd the heads go? **blink blonk, blink blook** Uh- Oh where is this? Oh... Ohhhh... You sneaky-sneaky... You think you so clever- Okay, well- I won't go there just yet, because I don't know the secret to that and I'm willing to bet the game is gonna reveal that to me at some point in the future, but for now, I'm not gonna do it. Hi, just you left, huh? I mean, there's two eyes on the wall so I'm assuming that there's gonna be two different things that I gotta kill ONE OF 'EM IS MYSELF I know that for true. Oh, hello. I̷̬͌t̸̨́'̴̗̓s̷͖̒ ̶͍̑l̴̬̎o̶̭͋c̸̖̕k̶̞̉è̷̥ḍ̶͒.̷͇̽ Oh. G- gre- great. Okay. Do I just go into the woods now? Is that all I do? Ohh, you're doing the thing too. Ohh, you silly Billy. So, I'm willing to bet I just gotta guess around which foggy way I'm supposed to go. Unless this tells me which way I need to go! Right, up, left, up, up! Right... up left- up up I'm pretty sure that's got to be it! Right! Up. Leeeft. Up. and up. It's the statues in case I wasn't clear. The statues are telling you. Woah.. I saw- AY! (Maximum)? oh Okay, uh- No no no. Ḯ̶͉'̵͙̐l̷͇̚ḷ̴͊ ̷͔͝s̸͉̚ë̸̫́ẽ̵̖ ̴̂ͅý̸͍ȍ̵͓û̶̟ ̶̦́a̴͖̓g̷̖͝a̷̙̍i̷̘͘ǹ̶̘.̶͈͐ ̴̧̓ I'll see you again? I hope not! Heheh, but you're not smart enough for me! [Reads Text] Okay, uh- I don't know if that's supposed to be like, a hint as to what I'm supposed to do But I'm gonna guess that that's not necessarily too important for me to know. OOooO [Nervous laughter] Hey! Oh YoU'vE cHaNgEd oOOHHHHh goOOOd Ah! Just me then? Oh hi [Starts to chuckle] How you do- You Waitin' for me? euh Hi how you doing buddy? OW! What the hell-?! OW MY EYE! OW! WHY DID I DO THAT!? AH, I'm still bleeding! o k ;-; Alright eeeeh- that's-eh That's a lot of blood I'm loosin'... Okay here we go, alight! ;-; Okay.... OH... AH....... Man, this one's a lot trippy-er than the last one. I kind of like it though I like the- the trippy-ness it adds this other layer of weirdness that OH I'm [Incoherent Mark noises] I'm SoRrY? I'm SoRrY???? Did that TRee just get up and LeAvE? Okay, okay. All right, you know, it's fine that's normal Which one is you? This is perfectly normal, but you're gonna need to tell me which one of you's is the imposter I know one of use's is wanna use's is the impasto. Okay. All right fine nunna use- O h Purple Guy! 'Kay bye! [Starts reading without echo] Oop- [Now with echo] All right, Gary. Whatever you say gare-bear. "Will you help me?" I'm sorry. What was that? 'Kayyy? [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] Gross. You mean like- oOOo, Hey buddy? Heeeeeeeeeey That is a stupid staring scarecrow... Okay good! Wow, this has been an experience! This is great. I'm so glad about this. It's great :'D Hey! (Confess thy sins)! Uh, I... I Lusted. [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] Yeah I'm sure that's, uh, yeah I'm sure that's gonna go good! Oh I'm sorry, what's with the candles? I see the candles and I'm seeing patterns. But what's with the candles I see that what is that? Oh it's stairs, okay Okay. Candles~ Okay more candles. Oh, hi. Oh! Uh, I've got a legendary crucifix. This is really gonna help me! *Gasp* OH Okay, oh- oH- OH OKaY. O H Oh, that made my skin crawl. I don't know why. I did not like that Sam-I-am I did not like green eggs and ham Oh, would you like here or there? {I think Mark is having a mental break down} I would not like it anywhere!~ {I think Mark is having a mental break down} what the he-heh-ll Ugh, why is this so unsettling? I don't get it Ugh... [Reads Text] [Reads Text] why can't you leave? Wait- Why can't you leave? Oo I'm goin' this way! I need to confess- Forgive me father for I have sinned! "What sins have you come to confess?" "I tried to save a girl from evil," "but my fears overcame me." "I turned my back on the ministry..." "...and broke my vows to God." "A year later the girl reached out to me again." "But in the end I couldn't save her." "I left her to die." "I am sorry for these and my past sins." "Thou hast said well." "Here is thy penance:" "BRING THE CHILD TO ME." "Perform this act of contrition..." "...and thou shalt have the peace thou seekest." "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good." "For His mercy endures forever." Okay, okay, um... Where am I? Where am I?? O H Hi you're crying Me too Okay, good. Great. Where is this go to nowhere? It just curtain opens for some reason. Okay, cool Good, good to know, good to know guys this good to know. I'll just be on my way I'll be on my way. So I need to bring the girl to you. Why? "Why would I do that?" is the question I have... Because I don't see a need or a benefit to doing that. Thusly the thing that you're asking me... I think that in fact, it's a bad idea Just saying. Oh oops. I don't know what else to go to in the church Uh, I don't think there would be anything else down here There's got to be something else in here that I can find right? Maybe something else changed. How do I open this? What about the, the stained glass? OOoo Aaah oOOo Oh, that's the- Oh shit! There was something in there? oh Well, I got something [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] [Reads Text] Okay well, judging by your other note that you're going to write... I'm willing to bet that that didn't work out so goodly for you? I'm thinkin' that maybe you uh, you might wanna' rethink your stratagem Somthin... Dah? UM! UUHMM EEB Darkiplier? What happened to your crucifix lady? UH- Why is it- just weird here? Why- HEY! WhAT the frick was thAT!? OH GOD! Oh no not like meeee! I didn't know I was s'pposed to ruuuun Ohhhhhhhh you diiiiiiiiick You diiiiiiiiiiiiiiii You dick (x1) You dick (x2) You suck 'cause I can't run very fast it takes me awhile to get baaaaaack Oh, really is it because I haven't gotten that... I didn't get the note yet. DUH [blows rasberry] blEEH Alright, so from now on, any time a ghost shows up, I'm playing defensively first. Oh what the fri... Oh shit! Oh shit, the spindly lady! Don't you dare. You missed me! Heheheh. Don't even think about it. Don't even think about. Oooh gosh, you're like a machine gun. Oooh, yeah, that's good. Let's go. Uh "Corruption" Karate? OOOOOOOHHHHH,OH "Darkness surrounds thee" IM AWARE! Im kinda in HELL. *Reads text on screen* Okay, good. Yeah, duds. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it sounds good. Ooh HEy hehehehy OOOooohhh! I should take a picture of that! Something tells me that's important! All right, snapperoonie! snip snap snorp bloink and a selfie for good measure Mmm, I'm looking good. Yeah uh, sorry, it's just when you're this handsome, you just can't help it Oh, well time to consult that picture. Here we go a little bit of a... Who am I trying to do? I don't know... There was that thing that said about you know the making of the star and the whatnot and what have you... There is a two symbol it's here Two? Two o'clock? Uh oh. Oh. What the hell? *dies* Oh! Ohh, oh ooh... Did my bones just explode out of my ass? *mumbling* I'm not 100% sure what went wrong cuz... I feel as though I'm following some kind of instruction here... Oh shit. Oh shit! Oh shit!! Oh shit!!! Oh shit-- AAHHH!!! MY BONES!!! I-- god damn, what the frick...! "Don't move past two o'clock" I get that? And I get what you're saying, but it's not making the most sense. Two... Wait. One, two, three. Okay. So just wants me to count right? Four, five... Six, seven, eight... Nine, ten. Oh-- *confusion* I'm sorry, I must be in the wrong room. "Mother of Demons." Okay, is that like Mother of Dragons, but different? Okay I'm outside, I guess. This good. This real good. Stampede Lookout Mufasa. OH,HEy. How YOU Doing? HeY, OHBOY, Be-Dead bodies *Reads text on screen* *Reads text on screen* How does the music know to time like that?! *Continues reading text on screen* WHAT THE FUCK! You can't do this to me in the middle of a note!! *Continues reading text on screen* Oh my god. Oh my god... Oh my god...! Oooooooh boy... Oh boy. Oh boy... Oh boy! "I'm here, John." Oh good! "?!!?!??!!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!!?!?!?!!?!!?!??!?!?!?!!?" Oh, shit!! Oh, shit! Uh-- oh my-- Oh my god!! Hoh! "Excuse me?" *Disturbed noises* Oh my god... What happened? Uh oh. Oh! I'm all good. I'm all good, baby. I'm all good. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Don't know what you're talking about. Okay, going real slow. Going-- ehh... Well, can't seem to-- all right, cool. Good. Can't seem to get up here. Okay, I can't get up there. That's okay. That's okay. How about I crucify the slope? Ok, alright. I don't know what's going on! It don't make a lot of sense! I don't get it! I don't know. I... I am uncertain. I am uncertain and that's okay. That is okay. Just because I'm unclear does not mean that everything is... bad Ey! *chuckle* You heard the good word? Oh, ca-- *laughs* THE CANDY TUNNEL! YAAAYYYY! "Death awaits." Oh good. I was hoping for that. Great. Good. Great. Good. This is good. Great... Oh, what is that, an eyeball? Hello? Uh-huh, okay. Good. Hey, what's the red there? Nothing? All right, cool. Good. Satan lives. Great. Good to know. Okay... "Ale Star"? What? *scared noises* Okay... Oh... *nervous chuckle* Oh, okay! Oh, "read"? Okay, I'll read, sure... "When see" "Don't" "when see don't..." "you" "when you see it, don't move." Okay good, I won't move... Okay, I don't see it... *"It" appears* "MOTHER..." *Mark panicking* I'm not moving, I'm not moving! Oh my god!! *sigh* ...................... Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Everything is fine. Everything's fine. Ooh. I get a note. When I was a boy. my Nana used to tell me about old legends about the Dragons, trolls, and demons that lived up in the mountains of Norway. In those old tales, the people were never strong enough to kill the monster So instead they would sacrifice one of their own to appease it. Keep it satisfied. It was like a deal with the Devil... One sacrifice per year so that the Beast would not come down from the mountain and slaughter the entire village in one night. There was no Candy Store Killer. What we're dealing with is not even human. When I got separated from the other officers, I saw the damn thing dragging what was left of Jenkins down into its lair. That's when I understood. The bums and the tweakers, the ones with GRID and the child prostitute runaways... They'll eventually come back to the tunnels. They always do. It can have them for all I care. Nobody wants them around except maybe that thing. And I tell you what, I hope to god it never gets tired of them. Okay, good attitude mister officer Ossifer that's a good attitude. Glad you're here. Without you, we'd be doomed. Okay, what about going up here? What does this do? Oooh. I don't know where this goes, but I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it Nope, don't like this Nope, don't like it. Oh, where the hell am I? Where the hell am I? Where am I?! Wait, but I'm... what if I actually wanted to go in the hole? The hole of death! what if I wanted to go in the hole of death? Ooh, I don't want to go in the hole of death. I changed my mind about the hole of death. Hey is the Jenkins down here? Hey Jenkins, hey, how you doing? Ey, you dropped a flashlight Aha. Oh, I see. Uh-huh. Okay. This is good. All right, I see I see good Great. Okay good Nothing to see here. Yeah, every-- "Will god bless the earth"[?] OOOooooo "[?] priest" I don't know what I... "Here I come" I don't know what I did. I couldn't even see it. I couldn't even tell what it was. I don't like that. "[?] you can't catch me" What? What was that? Are you still in here? "[?] priest" Too late? "Here I come" OOooooo AAHHH! OOOoooooo! What's with the kids? Oh boy. Okay, that's not good. Hi. Hello. Don't mind me. "You can't have them" "Here I come" Here you come? WHOA! "Fear eye forever"[?] Okay I did it, I don't know what I did, I don't even know why I was down here! Great, I-- Great I did it. Who are you? You naked? Great. Good great... Great. Okay... Okay. "He is here" Yeah, here I am! You better run away! It's priest John Ward! Coming at you hot and heavy! as hot and heavy as a priest could-- what... "Gleat Exclamin" Great... good. "They hate the light" Okay, good to know. All right. Also, who is they? Ooh shit. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, whoa. Wait. Oh god! Wait, wait stop! Go away. Go away. Go away. All of you. Go away. Go away. Go away go away. Yeah back off, back off. You think you can sneak on me? The answer is No! Yeah back up back up back up. What with the kid running away? Okay, did that get rid of them or... Are they still gonna be a problem? I don't know where I'm going. Oh, okay. So three... things... Three seals I got-- Okay? I got a key. I don't know what the keys for... It's gonna be a bitch if I die really easily here. Which I better not. Oh Frick! Oh Frick, you can't do that! You can't just spawn on me! Okay, so that was one key... And apparently that was the only way to go here. Okay, so there's gotta be somewhere that I can use this key... I guess I could go back. Maybe like farther back then uhh... Then I've been known to in the past Maybe I could go back the way we came? Somewhere? I don't know. No, it's blocked off now, but where am I supposed to go? Now I'm unclear. I'm a little lost. Just gonna let one of you get me. Come on, do it. Uh, well, I'm very dead. Yeah, but what does it all mean? "It's locked." Wait, are you kidding me? You're saying it's locked now and then... But when I got the key, you didn't do anything for me. What kind of... what kind of shit is that? Oh, you're locked now too, huh? Okay, I see how this is, you douches. Okay, all right. So now I'm gonna be able to go get the key and then come back and actually unlock it. Because it wasn't doing that before! I'm not crazy! Oh now yeah ok now it's unlocking. Okay, cool I'm in though, okay, now I'm progressing. "Here I am" ...Hello. "Finally to work"[?] Hi, hello, okay. Yeah, back off! Mark: Oh, hi. Garcia: Don't be afraid, John. Mark: I would-- Garcia: When two or three are gathered in God's name, there will He be also. We can banish this demon together. You must protect me while I recite the 91st Psalm. Let us go. Mark: Okay. All right. Cool. The 91st psalm. You got it Bubba. Garcia: Yes, it's true what happened to Amy. You are no murderer, John. There is not much you could have done, but maybe now her soul is at rest. Let us go. Mark: Okay. I don't know if I believe you Hey, how you doing? Oh Hi. Nice grabby hands. Oh, I don't like your face! Hohh! Garcia: En nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. I will say of the LORD: He is my refuge and my fortress. *Garcia dies* Mark: Oooohh I was supposed to do something about that!! Ooh, I was definitely supposed to do something about that! I definitely should have done something! In Spiritu Sancti! I should-- Should I just go? Yeah, I'll let... I'll die just cuz I feel like I I really should have protected uhh... mister man there. MEEAARREEE Okay alright, cool, good. Garcia: My God, in Him I will trust. I shall not be afraid of the terror in the night Nor the evil that walketh in darkness. I shall behold the reward of the wicked Because I have made the LORD my refuge. Mark: Back off! Garcia: There shall no evil befall me Garcia: There shall no evil befall me Mark: Back off everybody! Garcia: There shall no evil befall me Garcia: For He shall give His angels charge over me. They shall bear me up in their hands, And I shall tread upon the serpent. Because I have set my love upon Him, Therefore will He deliver me. He will deliver me in trouble. He will deliver me and honor me. Vade post me, Satana. Exaudi Domine Patri. (x1) Vade post me, Satana. Exaudi Domine Patri. (x2) Vade post me, Satana. Exaudi Domine Patri. (x3) Mark: Hey, we did it! Whoa, whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the heck?! Ah... good-- Big papa? Big papa? WHOA big papa! Oh Big Poppa! Oh God! Big papa, you got a browser-- Press it-- oh shit. Ah blah bla-- oh god! Oh boy. Man, this is... this lady is not happy! Ooh God, I don't know what I was supposed to do about that one. Hoo boy! Okay, you stop that-- Stop that! Is there a way that he could survive because-- I... well there was nothing I could do about that one... Uh oh. How did you dodge that? Dude, how are you still alive and why are you of no help? Hey there we go! Hey! Hey yeah, get some! *panicking* Oh my-- oh... Okay "The morning breaks." Oh it was all a dream! It's all just a dream, ey! Yeah. "John I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. I will always love you back." That's a weird thing to say Okay. All right, cool, uhh... Who are you Karen? Karen! Karen?! *laughs* "I'm not going in there." Apparently I'm not going in there. Apparently I won't go in there I won't do it you can't make me I won't do it. "John, we don't have much time." "The Profane Sabbath is almost upon us." "If they find Nate and Jason, they will perform a ritual on them to call forth a demon of unspeakable power." "The name of the demon is MALPHAS." "I am in the process of discovering their whereabouts. I will contact you again soon." "We must not let them do to the boys what they did to Amy!" "--Father Garcia" Oh. John: My nightmares are getting worse. Mark: Worse! John: Ever since I left that house... Mark: HOUSE! John: I am haunted by visions of demons. Mark: DEMONS! John: I finished my work with Amy Mark: AMY! John: but now the boys are in danger. Mark: DANGER! John: This time, I must not fail. MALPHAS must be stopped. Mark: Stopped. John: As the Profane Sabbath draws closer, the workers of darkness grow stronger. This will be my greatest test of faith yet. God have mercy on my soul. Mark: Okay? Wait, is this the end? Hey, wait a minute... "Go Forth With Faith" But what other ending could there have been? I bet there was a bunch of other routes that I could have taken... but there you have it! *CLAP* Done. Anyway, yeah, that's pretty cool. I can't wait for chapter three I know they've been talking about Chapter three, "Coming Soon!" but this is pretty cool. It's just amazing what they can pull off with such simple graphics. So anyway, thank you everybody so much for watching. If you have not seen the first part, go watch it! There's a link in the description. It's called FAITH: Chapter 1 Go check it out. It's really cool. And this was really cool, too! So thank you everybody so much for watching. And as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,077,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faith game, faith chapter 2, pixelated horror, horror game, horror, scary, scary game, scariest, scariest game, jumpscares, jump scare, creepypasta, creepy, markiplier, markiplier scary game, markiplier horror, markiplier creepypasta, markiplier jumpscares, reactions, funny reactions, scare reactions, gameplay, gaming, lets play, chapter 2, playthrough, walkthrough, guide, ending, all endings, secret ending, monsters, scary monsters
Id: 7do6zoWBZSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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