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Hello everybody, my name is welcome... What?! It's been a while. My name is Markiplier. I'm finally back in LA, and I'm back to recording, and I'm back to not being unbelievably incredibly busy. And I have lots to talk about in my time in Austin, but I will save that for a Monday vlog which I'm gonna do. But that's not why you're here. You're here for the scare games. You're here for scares like BOOM and BOOM and BOOM! (oh no too spooky for me) BEW! BOW! BOOM! (AHH!!! TOO SPOOPY) We're gonna start off this 3 Scare Games with a game called "Hollow Cries". (reading) Chapter one, won't let go. Chapter two, but what if? Chapter three, (high-pitched) don't leave me! chapter four rock me to sleep. Okay. Interesting, I didn't know there are this many chapters. Let's see how one goes. (reading) "Tell me about what happened that night little one..." Okay, I'll tell you all about it-- oh shit. Uh, I was on the floor with my (while laughing) big baby's first Ouija board! (Classic Family Board Game Ouija™) That's what I... (laughs) Oh yeah, oh, "unlock more questions as you progress"... Who gave a baby a Ouija board? (laughs) I'm sorry, I just have to, I'm reeling from this concept. And also why is a baby asking "how did you die?" (laughs) This is a baby, right? This is a baby, I saw baby crib there. This is a baby, right? This is a baby, asking the spirits from the beyond! Why did you-- how did you die? Oh, uh... L... What is that, O? L, O, V... Lov, lov, lov... LUBE? (stutters) La, lav-- lair-- lor-- lov... lov, lo... Love... I get it, that's very cool. (through laughter) "Is anyone here?" (Nope just the demons under your bed) Yes, oh, okay, good. "Where are you now?" H... O... Hope! Hom, hum... Huminem! Home! Oh, okay, alright. So your this is your home? Is that what you're saying? Alright, okay! I'm just a baby. I'm amazed that I can form sentences, let alone read letters, so this is incredible. I'ma stand up now. Oh... Oh shit. Okay, well, umm... Yeah, this, uh, this game might be no joke, this might be one of those no joke games. Oooh... Press E to sleep. I don't think I'm gonna oh shit, there I go. Hello. Is someone there? Is someone there? Oh shit left window when you hear the window open use your flash... Wait, wait a minute the cries when the baby cries run over to soothe the baby. Oh!... I'm not the baby. Oh!... Okay, left window, flashlight, flashlight. Oh shit! Why? Stay calm! Oh shit. Okay, flashlight, doonk all right, that's good Um... Window window Anxiety. Ooh... K... Shit! Ah! Baby no cry Hey, baby. Hey, baby, hush. I don't know. Why is this my job. Why is this? Why is this my job? Alright, whatever. Good baby, good... Good job, baby, good. Hey, come on now. Come on. What are you doing? I'ma close my eyes for a little bit here. Oh Ooh shit! Whoa! Wait! Wow! What was that? What, what. Wait a minute... Wait a HOT second here. Shit x2 Ooh shit x2 Ooh shit... OOH!... (clink) Wanna run that by me... Oh shit! Oooh shit! Okay (Baby cries) God damn baby, goddammit baby. You know, how kinda stress I'm dealing with here. You think you got a bad. Damn monsters gonna eat me up Ugh... All right. Anyway... Can you hush your pretty... Uegh! Why!? (Mark clicks rapidly) What is with this, monster growl? Baby? Oooh, Shhiiiit. Oooh, Shit *Mark Silently Crying* I need to rest my head, my weary... (TV static) Aaah. WAAH! DAMN YOU BABY! I HATE BEING... Ooh shit, ew. That's not that's that's the opposite of what you might call good. Umm... Alright... I hate being a-a, six-year-old new father. Ooh... Child rearing is so stressful. Why is this my job? Alright, good. Uhh, welcome... Welcome more, good morning... Alright I'ma lay my ass to bed. What am I waiting for? How long is it supposed to go for? Hello? I guess we're fine Sure. Just gonna snooze my way to snooze town. Oooh... Hey... Don't worry. Mom and Dad, maybe. I..., I'm taking care of the baby, as is my job. Very clearly as is very clearly my job. I am gonna die cuz my heart is gonna explode. Alright, if I don't get some goddamn sleep here. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I haven't even had my coffee. It's tough being a kindergartner in 2019 Alright, sure. Nah nah, all good, Ma. All good here. You can trust me. You can trust little old me. I'm so good at raising, babies. Alright, whatever. Oh Wait, what? What's happening. Huh? I guess I won or I'm dead. It's really either/or at this point. Oh, oh. Oh, how you doing baby. Hey baby, hey b-baby, b-ba-baby, baby are you in there, baby... MOOOM!!! Umm... Press E to move on. Oh, I see I'm gonna transcend into the spiritual plane, It's time for me to move on. My business is finished here. All right, I guess new chapter unlocked Great, you know. That's real cool. I think All right, Chapter Two But what if?! You turn a question, BUT WHAT IF? If only I knew the question, the answer to "but what if?" But what IF? But WHAT if? W H A T What if. I dunno. Alright. Let's try this. (wobbly voice) What, what, what if? "There's a hidden pup toy at the end of each level." Not very hidden now, is it? "What did you hope to find?" I don't know, ghosts? I ain't afraid of no ghosts! Okay. Alright, Ouija time! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Oh... "Are you"... (laughs) "Are you bad?" Are you bad? Is there anyone there? Yes. Are you baaad? You bet. Yes. Is it still? Yes, sir. Just you thinking about are you thinking about it you thunking about it? You bet. Are you alone? Also, goodbye, wait, why? I don't make no sense. Goodbye, are you alone also? Goodbye, you know as I'm asking these I expect you guys to answer these questions in the comments. Are you bad come on now. Oh. Wuah. Wombo whoa. Only on Tuesdays. W-why Okay Are you bad? Why? Okay, I will see you around it was good talking to you ghost friend of mine. I'm just gonna Lay my head to rest, you know sleep. Uh-huh Sleep. Hello? Is someone there? Is it my-- "wardrobe, when you hear the Wardrobe up and use your flash"-- (audio glitches) (fleshy noise) Ah. Are we back? Um, my whole recording computer crashed, so I don't know where that file left off, but I don't even know if it's there. I might be starting completely from over but I died. It happened like this. I was playing. I noticed it crashed over there and then I was like, "oh shit, I got to fix that", and then I got jumpscared right at that moment when I turned away. It was like optimal jumpscarigeness, but you guys didn't see it. So, I'm gonna go away this time, now you guys are just gonna sit here and-- (audio cuts off) *Baby Noise Starts* *TV Noise Starts* *Baby Continues Being a Baby* *TV Again* *Something Opens* *TV 3: Screeching Harder *Spoopy Boy Appears* Hey, I'm back, what'd I miss? Oh no, you're dead! Oh guys, I told you! I left you in charge of this! What do you what did we talk about? Okay. All right, given that I have no idea what's recorded of this. And what's not recorded, I'm gonna go ahead and back out of this one and I'm gonna start up the next game. We're gonna move on to a game called "Tall Poppy". Now this game is... it might be a joke game, but sometimes joke games are the best. Honey I forgot my purse in the graveyard today, do you mind if you stop by after work and pick it up for me? Okay. Thank you, bye. I forgot my purse in the graveyard Your purse in the graveyard, you put, if I was, why would you be in a situation where you would go to the graveyard..., and, be able to even leave your purse. What were you doing in that graveyard setting it down to dig up a body. Is this where the graveyard is Oh looks like I need a key. Of course. I don't belong here. All right. Oh, boy this doesn't look like a graveyard. OOH! That didn't scare me. I'm unscareable Hello, you sudden door bastards. All right. Now if I were a person a graveyard, where would I be? Here. Hello anybody? Oh, okay big clue! Alright. Anybody there? Oh. Ah the naughty chair, in the closet! Oh? Ah... Don't mind me barging-- (rapid heart thumping in game) Ah, the anxiety of my actions that I realized I was bursting into someone's private abode. It got to me there for a second, but I'm over it. Oh? Ah, you too have a naughty chair, with a naughty bucket. Alright anyway. Hello? Oh, ah-ha, yet more naughty chairs, with TWO naughty buckets! Ah! A ceremonial banana stand. Hey, got the church door key, cool! Must be the church... master. I think that's what they call them. Had a few years since I've been in a church, so I think... (jumpscare) (rapid heart thumping in game) That's how it's gonna be huh? Is that right Tall Poppy? I'ma show you some of my hairy legs. Hey everything seems fine. Sorry, I apologize to the nun-- nuns and the church master... Pardon? Excuse? Hmm. Not the organ music I usually get when I walk into a church. Kind of a weird somber echo into the... ..fires of damnation happening. But cool sure whatever. Hey! Hello? Hello?! Peek-a-boo! Okay, goodbye. Hello? Alright, alright, cool - Whoa here I go! (rapid heart thumping in game) - Oh no. Oh no, gonna be like that, is it? It is a prank game-- oh. (low-pitched vocal fry in game) I'm sorry. What? Number one. Where is that and is that moving whatever good morning father? I have sinned or by the time you read this I will have sinned is that the proper way to use the word sinned? Anywheres, there's a visitor here tonight. I plan on having a little fun. No, we all know my touch kills Okay, I'm gonna dismember this individual it'll be fun well at least for me I have no clue what Mark's saying here It just sounds like blabbering to me Just don't freak out or anything I and if you're lucky you can eat the body lots of good meat on this one Don't let it go to waste. Hey, I appreciate the compliment by please don't oh - This food ain't yours! (rapid heart thumping in game) - (though strained laughter) This... food.. ain't... yours! Okay, alright, sure, yeah, this food-- (in-game "woo" sound intensifies) Okay, alright cool ah. Oh, oh, oh. Oh,oh. Oh, oooh, ho ho ho. Oooh. Aaah. - Boo! - Oh Love my scare meter my scare-ometer. Hey, whoa. Oh got it. Nailed it Okay, anyway, goodbye Very smooth delicious. Spooktastic even anyway, I got the key is to go over here This is a long way to the grater Okay Spooky's House of jump-scares, you've calmed down there. Oh, oh, oh. Wait, hang on, uh, I. Mean, I guess this isn't too out of place for an old church, but a little odd you gotta admit. Scram! Mystery Man: Get back here. Mark: What the Hell? Mar: Oh my Mystery Man: You can't run or hide. WAAH! I'm d... (starts laughing) I'm dead. Okay, but then I guess I gotta run for it then. Uh-huh. Mystery Man: I'm not gonna catch you. Mark: No you're not Oh Hey, are you actually a thing? Hey wait Long Poppy Long Poppy Big Poppy. Which one do you want to be called I got... Wow, whoa, whoa, whoa, easy easy easy. EeEaAasy. I got a crypt key. Oh shit! Oh, I died. Apparently. Oh I died apparently... I think I got got. Play game. Alright, wait. No. Oh god, where am I? Oh, Hey honey, I left my purse in the graveyard today. Do you mind if you stop by after work and pick it up for me? Okay, bye. Hey. It worked. I'm at the last checkpoint. I don't know what I got is some kind of blue. So, that's cool. I guess I got I got blue. I don't know where Tall Poppy is, but I got blue. Oh Wow, how did my wife get all the way through here to the graveyard? I think I could have hopped a fence or something. But, here I am. I don't know if the game is like permanently broken or something, but here I is. I think I might have broke the game. Pretty sure I broke this incredibly well-crafted and finely tuned game. Rest in pepperonis. Oh, hey, is that my wife's purse? Okay read this first. To read they made it to the Graveyard Wanna to know how many other nightly visitors I've buried here. To your left is a man named Jesse. (Bleh bleh bleh bleh) I can touch you (ok) Alright, I know you wanna take your limb put them in fun hard place to read can I have a. Alright well nothing's happening. I think I broke it, I'm pretty sure I broke this game. I didn't break it. Goddamn you, you sack of shit. Alright. Okay. Well, I got my wife's purse so I guess I'm just gonna. Mosey on back home. *Mark Quietly Laughing* I don't know how you're able to do teleportation powers Tall Poppy but, you cut that out, you cut that nonsense out right now you. You scoundrel, you scamp. Oh, can I? Oh, it's a gate. Oh, it's a gate. Oh, wow. Gate. I'm free. I'm free. I'm running. Why am I running? I'm running. Here I go. I made it. Did I make it? Apparently, I made it. Oh, well I guess did it. I did it guys, you proud of me? All those years of playing horror games really fine-tuned my, incredible expertise of this, stuff. Hey, can I, can I skadoodle on. So next, we're gonna play, a game that's... Inspired by a post on 4chan with the same name, I'm not signed in? Well I didn't expect to be, Sooo, Dream, Sleep, Nightmare, or Backrooms. Medium? *S C R E E C H* (The Madness of Mono-Yellow) (The Endless Background Noise of Fluorescent Lights at Maximum Hum-Buzz, and Approximately Six Hundred Million Square Miles of Randomly Segmented Empty Rooms to be Trapped In.) (God Save You if You Hear Something Wandering Around Nearby, Because It Sure as Hell Has Heard You) Oh. Okay. All right. So this is apparently a horror game Sometimes they're behind you. What? It's supposed to be a horror game that's not based in darkness. Oh fuck. Oh. *BIG BOY VIOLIN STARTS* *Monkey Mode Mark Activated Again* Why? Why? Oh shit x2 Oh my x2 Oh my, oh my me, oh my okay, so... There's something in here with me. I don't know how I got here. I don't know what I meant by noclipping could I know clip my way through life? K Oh! I'm dead? From what? No! Oh! Okay. Great. Okay. All right. Um... *Guitar Solo* Not sure what that's... Ooh. Hey. Ow. Waaah? What. *Blabbering* But what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to not look at him? Is that the idea? I think that's the idea. Don't look at him. Don't lookie at him. Ok. I'm not gonna look... I'm not gonna look at him. *Blabbering 2: Electric Blabberoo I'm looking at him, and I go look. No lookie. No lookie for me. Oh look, I no look. So I might, so I might understand that this "thing" is just gonna pop in out of nowhere. Because it hears me? I'm a, I'm a surprisingly loud individual. It is disconcerting. I gotta admit. It's weird being in a brightly lit environment and knowing something, lurking out there. That is... That is definitely weird, but, I feel like there should be something more here. I feel like it should do something more to me. Oh, FRICK I'm at a dead end. Okay. Um... It is, the kind of thing that slowly drives you crazy cuz, there's nothing but noise everywhere. For the sake of noise. Ugh! If you were to actually stuck, you'd go crazy in like... 30 Minutes, you'd go insane, because this is just... Digging into my brain. I feel like I'm being programmed with like some, subliminal messages here. Uh, well, that's not good 30 seconds. Well, you know, I might die from that or I'm gonna die for whatever's gonna look at me. Everything the same, everything's exactly the same. There's no way to know or differentiate. I know nothin'. A whole lotta nothin'. Oh, what is this? That's probably the exit or something. I'm dead OOW!!! Oow! I've pounded my nightmares. Ok, well... Backrooms enthusiast, Backrooms resident. I don't know... What does that mean? I don't get it. Okay, so that is, 3 SCARY GAMES, depending of course if the first game actually recorded properly. Which it maybe did maybe did not I have no idea. But, thank you everybody so much for watching, check out the other scary games I've got listed in the description below and if you've got other scary game recommendations, let me know in the comments. Thank you everybody, So much for watching and as always see you,,, in the next one. BUH BYE! Was that spooky enough for ya'?
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,540,470
Rating: 4.965744 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, markiplier scary games, 3 scary games 22, horror, scary, scariest, creepypasta, creepypasta game, new scary games, best scary games, jumpscares, jump scare, reactions, scare reactions, markiplier horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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