3 Days Solo Survival in the Rain - No Food, No Shelter, No Water

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[Music] oh so so um just taking a break because it's a little warm i've been stripping off layers because it's getting warmer as the day goes on but i'm also acutely aware of the fact the temperature is going to drop quite a lot tonight i came in with a thermal undershirt a vest and a jacket obviously this fleece shirt as well and yeah it's probably going to drop at least 20 degrees tonight down into the 30s i didn't really bring anything with me like you say i don't bring a shelter i didn't bring any food didn't bring any water what i did bring is this little pack which my stepson gave me for christmas and i said i would use he bought it for me to do a video with and i thought that was really cool and then i said i'll when it gets a bit warmer i'll use it and then i completely forgot i had it so yeah i figured i'd come out and do a video with it tonight has a couple bits in that you've seen already the paracord i added some bits to it like this my last sleeping bag thing that my wife actually bought me for christmas as well and i haven't used uh but obviously the whole point in having survival equipment is that hopefully you won't have to use it i do understand that uh what else is in here i added the saw a little silky gumboy i brought my axe i brought my gun and some decoys this is actually my favorite little honey hole for duck hunting i saw quite a few on the way in uh so yeah i had to canoe in here i've got the decoys in the garden i'm probably gonna throw out the decoys tomorrow morning see if i can't get some food i added my little titanium canteen kit a rag because i've found on multi-daily trips and even in survival situations it's better to have a rag than toilet roll i know that sounds terrible but at least you can watch this or reuse this over and over again and toilet roll is just you're getting rid of it every time so and there's a couple more items in here there's a smog which i haven't opened yet a little shovel thing i added that foot powder very important for me and then in here there's a little box full of a bunch of stuff and we'll go through that as i get to it and use it talk about it a little bit but yeah all good stuff should be interesting should be fun i could say hopefully i'll be able to get a duck or maybe even a squirrel but right now what i've really got focus on is finishing this shelter getting some firewood and getting it all toasty warm for tonight so that's the plan so hey i don't know how well you can see back behind me i've got my decoys as i've been doing this i keep seeing a couple ducks landing over there so hopefully if i can put my decoys out here next time a couple come in they should land in the decoy and i'll be able to run down there and bag myself one oh okay well as you can see i got quite a bit of the sides done but i just need to get on with it now i've been trying to make it too perfect i've been trying to do it as if it was a long-term shelter and not just a survival shelter that's going to keep me warm and dry so further down behind me i just need to throw some ribs on and start brushing it in it is nice and warm in here i can feel it with the wood but i need to get some some bowels and stuff to cover it try and help keep that rain out tomorrow so so laughs so inside this little kit it came with this bag there's a bunch of little items in here but one of which is a mylar blanket emergency blanket so what i think i'm going to do is take this out i have my last sleeping bag thing i'm going to take this out i'm going to throw it over the top of the ridge on the shelter before i put the bows on that way it'll give me a little bit more rain protection and also help with heat retention as well so that's what i'm gonna do so right shelters in the books looks pretty good feels pretty warm in there it's like super quiet when you go inside so that tells me it's probably got a decent amount of insulation on it but there is i can still see points where there's light coming in down at the bottom end so i have to do something about that but right now it's getting pretty late i've got plenty of firewood here but i need to boil some water and drink something i'm very hungry i can hear a little squirrel down there so maybe i'll light the fire and go see if i can't track him down no ducks no ducks so far [Music] well there you go just a little squirrel i paddled out to get my decoys and i thought i could hear a duck down to the left so i paddled down there got out where as far as i could go and no no duck but this guy just popped up enough for me to get a shot at him and yeah thanks buddy thank you so i'm gonna be eating something tonight even if it's not a lot i think i'm gonna cut him up and put him in the stew pot that'll be the best way to make sure i use everything off him got all my firewood prep i've got this sphagnum moss wizard's beard no is it what wizard's beard stuff that i got off one of the trees that came down earlier inside this little kit there's a fire starter so we'll use that to try and start the fire as well oops so okay luckily i was able to find some birch all right let's try the one out of that kit again i just need some surface i did it did go for a second my knife's not very sharp oh there we go right i got the squirrel in the steel pot i've got some water on to boil i'm gonna get ready for bed i think i'm gonna boil that squirrel overnight let it let it steep let it soften if that makes sense i'm gonna boil this water i'm gonna drink it i'm gonna get ready to go to sleep and i'll see you guys tomorrow bright and early be up before dawn to get the ducks going fingers crossed uh morning a long night just a little uncomfortable i didn't get chance to get the pine bells last night for my bed so or yesterday rather sleeping on the ground isn't ideal wasn't too bad because everything here is all soft pine needles but it'd definitely be nicer with some bows in there too to take my weight yeah to take some of that weight off me but the fire was nice and warm even though it was it burns out real quick because it's all pine but it burns real hot which is nice uh yeah squirrel stew got devoured in the middle of the night the soggy wet meat i've got his little tail hung up above my shelter to ward off evil spirits keep you safe plus it looks nice and we didn't get up with the ducks before the ducks came in to set out decoys and stuff it was pretty tired and it was cold so i just wanted to get the fire going and hang out by the fire i know it's starting to warm up again i'm starting to feel warmer but then i do have like every single layer on so yeah i think the plan is let this go out so i know it's not gonna burn and then probably paddle down see if we can't scare up some ducks and then whenever they scare up you know all day yesterday i was scaring them and then they would fly out and then fly back in it might take an hour or two for them to come back but i think if i scare them up and they fly out there go set up a blind and some decoys where they were and hopefully within a couple of hours or so just sit and wait and they'll come back into where i am that's my plan anyway so good so right i've just been two laying around the lake pond beaver slough whatever you want to call it just quietly looking for spots where the ducks might be hiding i did get a shot at two of them as they flew past they sort of as i was coming out down this way they came out and then circled back around but i missed and yeah there's not a lot of stuff going on down here i did see two waters just playing they were looking at me i tried to get my camera out to film it but they were suspicious and they took off but yeah so i think what my plan is because i've been watching the clouds and the weather get grayer and greater is to go back up here hopefully flush out some more birds and probably throw my decoys out close to the shelter that way because they all take off and they go back up towards my shelter they come down here turn around go back up and out that way hopefully if i do that then when they come back in they'll see my decoys and pop themselves in the middle of them [Applause] that's what i'm hoping anyway but i just don't want to get caught out away from my shelter if it really starts raining plus i want to button that shelter up and get some bows in there for my bed before it rains if it rains but i just want to make sure that i have a nice dry bed to sleep on last thing i want to do is get wet and then have my bed be wet as well and be sleeping in a wet bed that's what i'm gonna do right on here it's raining i don't want all these big stick bits but that can go on top so okay i feel much better smells good too i've got the majority of them up where my head and chest will be my shoulders hopefully take a bit more weight off them squirrel close by obviously you get the the mylar sleeping bag in here should be good hopefully i'll be able to sit in here and take a nap well it rains it's been coming down for quite a while out there now but touch wood i've been staying pretty dry in here it's not been so bad camera lens is probably fogging up because it's warmer in here there's a little bit of runoff at the sides but where i am in the middle is absolutely fine it's pretty toasty as well i mean obviously i've had to put my jacket and my my vest on but i think what i might do anyways is light the fire and see if i can keep it going i've had a little nerf we've got some energy but hopefully if it gets any worse that should help to keep things dry yes so the fire is hot i'm just gonna pick at what's left over of my squirrel stew ate some of it last night but not a whole lot got into the legs it's very tender now a little bit of red meat squirrel backstrap because i am very hungry i would show you more of it but i don't know what youtube allows also got some pine needle tea over there steeping so soft now i'm still waiting [Music] it's raining again so back in the little hole i go oh thankfully it stopped raining no it must be i think it's after five now it's done nothing but rain all day apart from that brief spell in the middle i was able to get out and cook some well not cooked but heat up that squirrel stew and a little bit of needle tea since then it's just done nothing but rain and rain and rain and it was worse at one point it's just been so cold it's just that you know damp coal type that gets into your bones so it's been tough because one of those where i wanted to light the fire but then as soon as i get out to get stuff i'm just going to get wet and damp which will make it even worse the bottom of my trousers just from walking around to pick up firewood right now it's just soaking wet i did at one point a duck landed right there and i tried to scramble out of the shelter and as i got out it took off so that wasn't worth it i just figured it's not worth getting wet and then trying to stay straight stay warm once i'm get wet so easier to stay dry i don't have to worry about food you can go nearly two weeks without food just need to focus on staying warm staying dry hopefully my shell has stayed nice and dry i stayed pretty dry just say as long as i can get this fire going and dry myself out dry out my clothes as much as possible before it gets dark and it gets even colder it should be okay like i say collect up as much firewood as i need i've got plenty around me i've got some big pieces here that i should probably just cut up with the saw and stick them on they should burn for a while that's the plan right now is just to forget right foreign well that was one of the longest nights of my life i think when you saw me laying here next to the fire all toasty warm it started raining again so i got back inside the shelter luckily it wasn't as heavy as before and it wasn't enough to put the fire out so i know it might lasted i don't know maybe like half an hour once that was done i got back out got the fire stoked up again spent more of the night laying laying here next to the fire i tried laying in there but then my my ends of my trousers and my knees from kneeling down and getting wood would be damp so that my legs would get cold so just i spent most of the night lying here i'd go get firewood stoke it up and then when i'd get cold i'd go get more firewood luckily someone in my comments had told me the old russian proverb he who cuts his own wood will be warm twice and it's very true because i'd get you know go process wood and that'd warm me up i'd get it on the fire the fire would be warm i'd be comfortable i'd lay down get you know i won't say sleep more like take a nap until it started to die down again and i'd be cold and uncomfortable then i'd get up stoke it up again but yeah that's why it's a bit later in the day to be honest because once that sun came up it got a lot warmer it was too nice just laying here i'm just tired so tired hungry thirsty but it was a different experience different experience to what i normally do so i'm glad i did it and i like this shelter i love this spot this location is perfect perfect location i think i'll be coming back here and using this again if not making it into something bigger and better but yeah you like it give it a like subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you on the next one take it easy
Channel: Brooks & Birches
Views: 527,761
Rating: 4.5515332 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Thomson, bushcraft, solo camping, solo bushcraft, campfire cooking, wilderness camping, overnight camping, primitive survival, survival, solo survival, solo tarp camping, snow camping, winter camping, winter bushcraft, winter bushcraft camp, bushcraft camp, stealth camping, camping in a blizzard
Id: zxofSq_kngw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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