Magnus Carlsen Gets Violently Checkmated

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ladies and gentlemen when i ask you who the best chess player in the world is you will obviously name three people number one yourself number two your favorite youtuber myself number three magnus carlson and it's rare to see magnus carlsen in situations of defeat it's just statistically pretty improbable so when it does happen and when it happens in an explosive way your favorite youtuber has to make a video about it so without further ado it is the fourth round of the aim chess rapid which is an online tournament part of the meltwater champions chess tour and i will be making full recaps of aimchess but first we gotta look at this game the opponent with the white pieces ali reza furuja originally from iran's super grand master now living in france extremely talented player and these two have a budding rivalry so to speak at least in the faster time controls in the classical magnus still has the upper hand and begins with the scandinavian defense a fantastic defense but very rarely seen at the highest level and master level because white can get a pretty comfortable advantage it's a little bit suspicious to bring out your queen so early knight to c3 queen a5 this is known as the main line pawn to d4 which is obviously just a good move taking the center and black plays knight f6 developing the knight knight to f3 and here this bishop normally waits and then pins or comes to f5 also it's very common that you will play pawn to c6 so that your queen has an escape route okay and the bishop does in fact come to a five but here alireza is a very good player and this is actually why this opening is considered a little bit dubious at the highest level because white will know the critical way to play and the critical way to play here is to actually play the knight into the middle again make sorry making a move with the knight again why because you actually immediately trying to punish the positioning of this bishop whereas if you're a lower rated player maybe here you just play bishop here in castle and black just equalizes without any real problems but the opening is about putting your opponent under pressure uh if you can so knight e5 and here's the point you know what black has to go here so the queen can escape and now this move bishop c4 attacks the f7 pawn forcing this move e6 and here it's very well known that using the knight and the queen together you control g4 so you play g4 and you attack the bishop and try to get it trapped that bishop is almost completely trapped and it would be devastating for black to try to get it away because that knight will then take split the pawns and you will just take on e6 or just go with the queen and this is just a completely lost position so rather than engaging in in that magnus plays knight d7 and this position has been seen like hundreds of times at this point white takes chases down the bishop the bishop is not completely trapped because it can go to the center like this and you have the pin now here there are two options white can play a rook move uh or white can castle out of the way it makes no real sense for white to play f3 because black wants to go here anyway so there's no reason to weaken your position so instead you castle and i know what you're thinking i've already weakened my position my king is very weak yeah but you save the f3 square for the queen so now the bishop comes back of course you take this with the knight folks because the only advantage that is remaining for white to claim is the bishop pair you have the two bishops and you have more space so the two bishops the light square bishop will stand very strongly in the center coming to both sides the bishop of course does that and now magnus plays bishop d6 and there are a few ways the games begin to break now sometimes white expands on the queen side sometimes we have qui queen f3 alireza plays the move that scores the best according to the database which is available in many places many of you asked this question like how do you know there have been games played most opening databases uh i use chess base but that's an expensive program that chess masters use many opening leeches they have them there there's probably others at this point that i'm not familiar with feel free to leave them in the comments um and magnus here plays a fascinating move castle's long which according to my stock fish is actually a very good move and has only ever been played twice and on the surface it just looks like you lose this pawn it just looks like this move cannot possibly make any sense uh but the idea of of blacks is to now apparently play queen here and you cannot take this pawn it's tactically defended with this check which would result in a discovered attack on your queen and you simply lose your queen and if you just try to gobble gobble well then you open up the problems to yourself you see this is the thing if you push pawns in front of your king and then you castle that way fine if you push pawns in front of your king and then you castle that way and then you open up all of your opponent's lines to come and destroy your house yeah that's probably not good so you can take one pawn but not all of them alireza chooses not to bite anytime your opponent sets you a trap in the open and you don't want to bite if you're unfamiliar so bishop e3 but now magnus is like hey i'm going to open up that king so ali raza goes here he's like no no no opening but here's the problem now you will never be able to stop this incoming attack right you can stop it for a while but i have enough pawns so magnus plays rook fade it's very clear what he's preparing with that move and ali reza very clearly prepares a counter attack and this is what i said this is a very violent game it's a very wild game at this point the computer thinks that after f5 black is already better it actually starts believing black's attack more than white's attack okay so c4 is just exploding the position that no pun intended actually at this point the pawns can do anything black can take on g4 black can push on f4 attacking the bishop black can actually explode the game with e5 opening up tension with three different pawns in the center of the board and that is what magnus played and it actually is the best move according to the engine if you slow down and take on c4 that actually plays into white's hands because now you're given wide openings you see so attacks very often come down to just one move at the highest level if you're like 900 none of this matters that you please enjoy it's like watching you know uh animals at sea world although seaworld is like pretty inhumane right at an aquarium i don't know how inhumane aquariums are okay anyway that aside so e5 total explosion here in the center which pond do you take do you take none of the pawns do you take on f5 do you take on e5 so first things first you should not take on e5 because it's all about anticipating what your opponent wants you're gonna get forked uh you know getting forked irl not always the worst thing but getting forked you know you you know it's just not good don't do it okay so b4 look at this ali reza chooses not to take anything and just to throw another pawn i mean this is like this game is vintage opposite side castling attack you just throw everybody everybody's getting involved right it's like a mosh pit or like one of those fights you see on reddit you know we used to have worldstar now you could get any fight video like on any social media queen c7 and now c5 now you would say well why didn't magnus take sorry why didn't alireza take and open up the position like this well because black is faster black is going to hit the queen first and that's a fork and like i said forked irl not the worst thing forked on a chessboard pretty bad so c5 the bishop has to go back now again you can still take three different pawns which one are you gonna take of course you're gonna take neither of them actually alireza at this point is ready to start trading off magnus's incoming attackers magnus can hear play a6 targeting the bishop and making it take he can open up the position he can push he can push he can take also computer just likes very calmly sliding your king out of here because i don't know the computer's a scumbag and you know trying to sell us some pyramid scheme products or whatever so e4 attacks the queen that move is super super normal it's a very human move queen slides out of the way and here come the pawns all right so two tempo winning pawn moves hit the queen hit the bishop bishop is gonna slide out of there all right like mozville after the three piece in the soda so bishop g5 what is that move why did he why did he go bishop g5 well actually um his alternatives again computer is claiming that those two are the only alternatives you either prompt the bishop and the reason why this is just not a human move is because it creates something known as a hook a hook is a pawn near your king when you're like about to be attacked that can just be targeted for entry you see how this pawn is all the way back here right but that bond on g4 is a hook because i can use it against you and i can open up the position using pawn traits so magnus plays bishop g5 because you never know if you need to go e3 or f3 in the future or whatever and only reza has arrived with pawn to c6 now very important here if you take on c6 uh i'm not going to take and i'm also not going to give you a check i'm going to bring my rook because now you got you got this little triple stack here and and i'm ready and you might think all rook f6 is very simple it's not very simple because i just take and uh if uh we make this trade i got rook see one coming so this is bad news you're gonna lose your queen you can't stop you king and queen should not be on the same file like this hopefully ever but when the board is open and there's a rook on the other side yeah let's not do that so magnus goes knight f6 he allows cb7 and here he has a choice does he take the pawn or use it as an umbrella hide behind the opponent's pawn very common idea tough decision he chooses to take he doesn't think that there's any danger okay check here and bishop c6 those two moves are not they're not crazy right i mean like okay that was kind of expected that all of that was going to happen now the queen has to move the queen chooses to go to e7 at this point how are you gonna open things up here you're a little too slow you you almost wish like these pawns didn't exist so that the rooks can just go and boom boom boom so how are you gonna get in after queen e7 there's only one way to get in rook to c5 rook to c5 now rook to c5 threatens rook b5 and the king has no shelter which actually if you go back a couple of moves maybe king b8 and like this and the queen sliding out of there wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world the thing is if you let this pawn live then i would go here and it's even worse so there's some there's moments for letting it live but there's also moments where if you let it live too long uh you're too slow you're just too slow on the counter attack so we get rook to c5 threatening rook b5 magnus just goes all in magnus has gone all in pawn to e3 i mean that's what all of this was setting up to do what does ali reza do does he take does he play rook to b5 computer on low depth like 20 gives rook b5 check as the winning continuation but alireza takes now we have pawn takes why does this change the position because now the f file is open which means that any time this knight ever moves the rook is threatening to take with check and slow down white's attack also there are open diagonals potentially to get to this king in the future and let's just not forget that this bishop is just straight up under attack so in this position you probably have to move the bishop where do you move it do you move it to c1 to c3 or e1 where would you move it i was gonna take a sip turns out i didn't fill up my water before i started recording now i'm very upset you gotta go here you gotta reroute to g3 you have another piece coming to the party i mean bishop g3 is monstrous move so now black has uh two ways to prevent this from doing damage number one physically prevent it with the knight i mean at least defend that square number two and this is why engines are scumbags rook d6 which doesn't allow this move to come with check but you voluntarily pin your rook to the king because then you have e2 and both sides are fast enough to attack each other's words like it doesn't matter just go here yeah but that's called clearance that pawn clears out for the queen and now black has arrived first and you would think that white is completely safe like there's nothing to worry about check and if the king goes back the bishop comes if the king goes here there's knight g4 you get to this king before i can get to your king and mate you you're a move ahead of me so rook d6 magnus plays knight e4 to prevent this and that kind of prevents bishop g3 because well he would have gone king c8 he would have walked directly into the line of attack of this rook and there's nothing the bishop can do the bishop has all these moves that it can go to and none of them threaten the king for example bishop takes d5 the rook is hanging that's what's lost in all this is that you're covering g3 but you also target the rook so no bishop check scares you right so knight e4 alireza plays queen h2 check which is a slightly different way of attacking that king and magnus says it don't matter i still have king c8 okay the rook is targeted but here's the problem in this position it's not about the rook anymore it's about the fact that the queen supports c7 you can pause here and try to find it but here we get bishop d7 double check you are forced to take with the king so you do it and you say why well cause this you just you're getting mated you disconnect the queen so takes and now who comes in gotta be the rook now here there's a choice if king 2e8 then there's rook takes e7 and then you know the queen comes in and magnus either for reasons of practical resignation because he could have just resigned the game or maybe there was time travel i'm inclined to believe this was a gentleman resignation place king to e6 and king to e6 is essentially a move where you look into the fire and you know that it's coming from both sides so you decide to step out of and just fall into it and queen to e5 cuts off the king from both sides and mates it straight down the middle queen on e5 is checkmate all the squares behind the king are occupied and alireza farouja won a very nice game on the first day of the aim chess rapid uh and i figured i would share it because this was the only game that magnus has lost and also the only game that he's lost thus far has been eight rounds as we speak um so a big win for ali reza i think it was also his only win of the day and a very very exciting game from start to finish with pawns being thrown like look at this i mean this is look at that that's beautiful absolutely beautiful violent game and uh big win for alireza hope you enjoyed folks i don't make a lot of these one-off kind of videos but i figured i would share this one with all of you on this sunday or whenever you're watching this and aim chess recaps are coming peace out get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 816,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen loses, magnus carlsen interview, firouzja, alireza firouzja, magnus chess, aimchess rapid, meltwater champions tour, meltwater champions chess tour, champions chess tour, aimchess, aimchess us rapid
Id: qz6NnRkRxzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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