How to Find Your Life Purpose

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and now what we're going to do is we're going to get into a lesson for you and so Bob why don't you talk and share some ideas about purpose you know how you talk about purpose visions and goals let's focus on purpose why it's important and how you determine what your purpose is I don't think you determine what your purpose is I think you discover what your purpose is there's a difference determining indicates deciding and I don't think you decide I think if you go about it the right way you discover it like there's some people that should be painting all day they're great artists I think Michael Angelo was obviously a great artist great sculptor I mean that was his purpose in his life well I believe my purpose is doing what I'm doing your purpose is why you get out of bed in the morning do you know why you get up well most people say well it's their go to work well that'd be a good reason to stay in bed you know you say well everybody's doing it that would be another reason to stay in bed if you're overdoing what everybody's doing you're probably going in the wrong direction your purpose is your reason for living now I went to a ranch at Clear Lake Oaks California to the Casa the sigh seminars wrench Jane well heights ranch and I went there with two other people who was I was associated with at the time and I spent three days discovering and then wording my purpose and my purpose is to live and work in a prosperous environment that encourages productivity and pleasure so that I might provide more service to my family my company my community my nation and ultimately in the world I want to improve the service I render to my family my company my community my nation and ultimately the world and that's what I'm doing now to do that I want to live and work in a prosperous environment because if you're in a prosperous an environment you can be more creative and then I can do this better than I'm doing it now this is the first time we've had a broadcast like this but we've already decided we're going to do more of these because it's such a good idea and it's a great way to serve the people that we provide service to we want to improve our service well I want to wake people up now that is my purpose in life and so what you want to do is sit down and maybe take a pen and a pad and then ask yourself what do I really love doing now you may have to spend a while at this you might get up an hour early every morning and go sit under a tree somewhere if you're in a nice climate or pick a favorite chair someplace where you're not going to be disturbed and totally relaxed and say if I could spend my life doing something what do I really love doing now since you don't ask yourself that question every day it might take a while for this answer to come to the surface but it comes to your consciousness and it may take a while you may have to do this every morning for three months but it would be well invested the time so purposely we're going to talk about vision and goals what's the difference between your purpose and your vision the big difference yeah your purpose is why you go to bed why you're here why are you here on this planet I'm I'm going up to a ranch from here and the theme for the conference that's going on in this ranch is legacy what are you going to leave behind you want to make your purpose something that people will benefit from long after you're gone and if you're doing what you love it will be your vision is how you're going to execute your purpose your purpose is why you're living your vision is how you're going to execute it so your vision would be a long-range vision of a whole bunch of things that you would love to do the guy of all kinds of things I want to do I'm when I'm in the air I spend almost all my time hardly ever watch a movie or anything like that I spend almost small many time thinking and I think how can I do what I'm doing better how can I do it in a bigger way like we started streaming club we have a streaming club where I stream every week and we're going to expand on that and that was the result of me going into I went into Tel Aviv to Cyprus to Melbourne to Auckland Los Angeles back to Toronto and the people were all saying color I just spent a little time with you and I thought Qatar should be able to spend time with them but I had to catch another plane and so the idea of the streaming Club came to me so that was an idea it was part of my vision and I acted on it immediately so your vision is a long-range view of all the things that you'd like to do that are all on purpose every one of them would be helping you execute your purpose okay so let me ask you a two-part question when you cut if you're determining where discovering your purpose you're trying to discover your purpose first off what's the impact when you do discover it on your whole life and secondly how do you keep moving forward before you discovered if you're having a challenge discovering what it is well you keep moving forward by doing the best you can do out of whatever you're doing even if you're doing something you don't like do it as well as you can do it you'll outgrow it I mean give everything you've got to what you're doing do it as well as you can possibly do it and if you can think of a way to improve it improve it but at the same if you don't like it give it everything you've got and you're bringing something out of yourself that won't come out any other way like we've got deep reservoirs of talent and ability every one of us has awesome potential but at the same time work at discovering your purpose and then you'll start to get all kinds of ideas flying into your mind and because I could do this I could do that and if you start to do them all at the same time you go nowhere you're in a very confused state so you you mark them all down and you've got this wide vision of all these things you want to do then it's vitally important that you establish a goal so the purpose is why you're living why you go to bed what what you spend your days doing your vision is how you execute your purpose and your goal is taking a bite out of the vision it's how you execute your vision you don't do all these things that are part of your vision at once first of all you may not be able to afford to do them all at once you may not have the talent or the or the resources to do them all at once but they're there and you're going to do them no I want to take you back 50 years went fifty fifty two years before you discovered where you were born before I was born a long time and and and you hadn't discovered your purpose yet ok so put your mindset there and then all of a sudden you discovered this is what I was born to do and what I want to know is what was the impact in your mind mentally it was huge was huge it was huge and isn't worth it to do the work to discover it if oh yeah abs is it worth it hey listen you get one bite at the Apple you're here you get one life so far as we know yeah it's very worth it isn't it's the most important thing a person could do then your life has real meaning but to see when I first discovered it took me a while to really articulate it but I realized the cleaning business was almost incidental what I was enjoying what I loved to do was helping the cleaner set goals help them get jobs an interesting story in this my daughter Colleen when she first started working years ago she got a job at an IT place and she'd come home and I'd be asked her about her job and she'd tell me it was pretty exciting and she brought home a newsletter from her company and the I was reading it it was kind of interesting and I saw the editor of the news magazine was Bessie Tamera's and I don't wonder Tamara says not a common name him to me in Greece it might be pretty common or Macedonia but I said Colleen when you go to work tomorrow asked Bessie to Maris if her dad's name was marinus and she come back a couple of days later oh my god she says you'll never believe dad that's Bess he's dead he's dead now but her mother told him told her all kinds of things about you marinus Damaris was cleaning offices for $1 an hour when I met him he could not drive a car I got him into his own business I got him into it I told him if he'd buy a car I teach him how to drive it I'd get up at 5 in the morning go out and teach men to drive it and I helped him build his cleaning business see that was what I loved doing and Maris went on he went on here on tour three fast food businesses he owned a cleaning business Hill in a number of his he became a very wealthy man but he had passed away but her mother told him all about what mr. Bob mr. Bob and I have and when you're in my home I have on if my desk is here right against the wall I have a little stone statue of Socrates and one of Plato and one Christmas Dessie could just talk and she came into the office with Mariners I can still recommend seeing come in the office Merry Christmas mr. Bob and gave me these yeah they're still sitting there now that was back in the early 60s a long time ago you must have so many stories like that of people that you yeah there's four men probably a lot of them man yeah Wow well I just got one from Marian and Georgia she's a great singer I think I of her last name pronounced wrong but she she's singing with one of the singers from the fort that was on America's Got Talent they were I think they run a boat number fourth they were right up in the finals for winning it and she wrote me a long letter I just got it but a week ago about how she started studying my stuff and then got into six minutes and it's changed her life and now she's dedicated life to sing and she's a recording artist beautiful looking woman and a phenomenal singer I just meant listen that's just in the last couple of days yeah it's yeah it's helped a lot of people but to see that was where I first discovered it I realized the cleaning was almost incidental I really loved helping people become aware of their potential because you see when I when I looked at my life I was in England and I was earning all kinds of money and I I was in such a great position I'm living just a charmed life and I thought wow if I could do this anybody could do it and all I wanted to do was teach people how to do it but then I had to figure out what did I actually do and I didn't know what I had done that brought it on such tremendous success for me so I made up my mind I was going to study it and it took me nine years it was at the end of the nine years when I became aware of what I had done I thought I gotta leave the cleaning because I got to go to work with ninth Yale I've got to learn I've got to get to know more about what he knows and so you worked with Earl for five years and just got an amazing mentoring and learning experience well actually they a lot of the mentoring I got came from his partner Lloyd Conan I got a lot from Earl working with them being around him watching him watch how he worked what he studied if he studied something I studied if you subscribe to a magazine I subscribe I mean I I just wanted to pick his brain every chance I could but his business partner Lloyd Conant he was the one that really took the lid off my mind and got me thinking much bigger there's a great book the magic of thinking big by Schwartz everybody should own the body well I was reading that book and working with Lloyd conet are just starting to at the same time and I started to realize there isn't any end to what you can think there is no big nothings big nothing small but you can say that chair is big relative to what role of that chair over there there is no big no small we make it big and small in our mind and wide really helped me with that so you were there for five years and you just started thinking bigger and bigger and then tell us about how you came up with the idea of starting your own company and and also maybe one of the failures that you experienced and how you got through it I just did not vote for failure I've had some beauty I really believe that the failure is big enough it can inspire you I treat winning and losing I was talking you in the car coming here this morning I treat winning and losing exactly the same today I see them both as necessary steps to get us to where we're going big failures big lesson little failure little lesson um what was your question I'm sorry I got off-track well just to talk about how you how you came up with the idea forming your own company and what I was like I was getting I was selling recorded material and I watch people buy it and not use it and I went to Lloyd one day and I said Lloyd I think should quit selling this stuff I think we should sell a seminar and give them the recorded material well he was treating me like I just fell out of a tree he said no I think we'll leave the seminar business to Carnegie I was Carnegie seminars and we'll stay in the recorded business so I knew then it was time for me to move on I had gone there to get an education I think I got a doctorates degree in in personal development now keep in mind when I come into this I think Jim Rowan had just come in he was in a few months ahead of me I think vigor and I come in about the same time now they're both gone so I mean I've been in there probably longer than anybody else in the business and I really believe that I believe you have to be taught why this works otherwise you could get it and it would be working but you wouldn't really enjoy it same because you couldn't share it with other people do you know that most very successful people cannot articulate on why they are as a matter of fact I've gone to work for some of the largest companies in the world and the training department does not know why the stars and the company are stars they don't know why and the stars don't know it it's just assumed that these people that are out selling or out performing everybody else are smarter some of them aren't smarter some of them are even very smart and some of the most brilliant people in the company are great failures now that does not mean that the dumb are all winning and the brilliant are all losing it doesn't mean that at all but it does mean that it's not how smart you are it's not how much formal education you have yet how are you programmed because school programs us will program genetically that's why you look like you look that's why your body's the form it is I could read your energy like a book and I know your genetic nature that's that's part of our that's that's for the moment of conception mum's DNA dad's DNA come together that forms your DNA that's you and then the attractive force is set up in 280 days later you make your debut on the planet and then you go through what's called environmental conditioning up until you're around five and then you go to school and they really start to condition you so you see we're conditioned with a lot of information that is false and what I had started to do I had started to reprogram that conditioning back in 1961 with recorded material now it took me a long time took me nine years to figure out what I had done but I know why you're doing what you're doing and I can show you and I could prove it to you beyond a shadow of a doubt I don't care how skeptical you are I teach this to engineers and the engineers are very skeptical lawyers psychiatrists all the professionals in fact I've had psychiatrists tell me what I taught them in a year did them I taught them more about the mind than they had learned in four years of medical school five years as a Catterick training and there's more than one psychiatrist has told me that and I have studied the mind for 52 years and I've come to the firm conclusion that I can teach how the mind works to a child and it should be taught to a child if a child can learn it all now our language if a child can become multi linguistic before they even go to school and in all kinds of countries people learn four and five languages before they're five years old you can certainly teach a child how the mind functions because the part of our mind that gathers information the part that schools load our mind up with information is not the part that controls our behavior and that's our behavior that produces our results there's two parts to our mind the conscious and subconscious the subconscious is who conditioned its condition genetically and then environmentally school doesn't understand that if school understood it they would never follow the structure that they're following that's what blew my mind when I first saw you in seminar you know seven years ago was this concept that you're talking about and I don't know anyone else they're in the industry that's teaching this and then showing people how to implement it and make changes I don't know anybody that's teaching exactly the way I teach it Dell when Val knew wall and dr c harry rotor taught me the basics about the mind and they're both dead there's people that I've studied with that have studied with me that are teaching part of it and of course we we bring consultants into our business we put people in this business that's part of our company and we train them to teach this information and we are always working at how can we train them better to do a better job and earn more money reach more people and that's what we do with our consulting program but I don't know anybody studied this more than I have myself now I always say I'm really good at this I am very good at it I'm not much good at anything else but I don't want to do anything else I just want to get better at what I'm doing well I have worked with you for seven years and I keep trying to find the bottom of the bucket of your knowledge and I can't hit them there is no bottom there is no no listen there is no bottom you're dealing with infinite knowledge understand this all the knowledge there ever was or ever will be is a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the same time all science and all theology teach that all the power the refere was all the power there ever will be is a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the same time all science teaches that all theology teach that I don't care whether you're Hindu Christian Jew Muslim it doesn't matter all religion teaches that all the power is on the present so when you tap into it it's within you and when you tap into it there is no bottom there is no top you're tapping into something that's infinite and you are letting it flow through you you are merely an instrument for spirit to work through we're spiritual beings and our spiritual DNA is perfect it requires no modification absolutely no improvement
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 337,112
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Keywords: bob proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, how to find your purpose, purpose in life, vision and goals, life goals, How To Find Your Life's Purpose, Your Purpose in Life, How to know your life purpose
Id: EkcBgpDZxmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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