Sandy Gallagher On Visioneering - Audio

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I want you to welcome the lady of the hour and let me tell you something about her she came to a seminar a number of years ago in 2006 in Vancouver Washington I did not know her I didn't know her for quite a while actually and I'm going to get her to tell you the story of what happened because first she built an image or started to wish or want to be a part of an inner circle in this company because she was fascinated with the information she ended up wanting to run the whole company and you know something it all happened but it didn't happen by accident because she had to change her image now understand this she was an extremely successful attorney not just an ordinary attorney very very successful she graduated in banking law and that year she graduated she had the highest marks in banking law of any student in any university and all of the United States that does not qualify you to be dumb you know really bright well she must have had a good image of herself as a banking lawyer or she had never pulled off a deal like that studied the best schools in America and in the UK but she didn't understand what we were teaching she was following a path that had been planted in her mind when she was a little girl but she wanted to change it and she didn't know how until she came to that seminar so I want you to give a real warm welcome and pay real close attention to what sandy has to say because she's going to show you what you can do and you will put a new image in your mind that will grow and become stronger than the image that's there and when that happens the older one starts to die for a lack of nourishment the new one takes over and it reflects in your life Sandra are you there can you hear me so we sure could as I said at the beginning of the call if I had to pick one lesson that I've learned since I've been studying with Bob it would be this lesson on how to change your self-image you look how whatever the mechanism that we were looking at on each of the individual screens it follows a course then it goes a little bit off and then it comes right back and it did that in all these different scenarios dieting grades and airplane you know thermostat a thermometer and so that's what happens to us we get an idea we get this this idea of what we want and it's outside of our existing reality our existing life and so for a minute we go off the course and it towards this big dream this big goal but we come right back and if that is the power of our self-image maxwell maltz he wrote psycho-cybernetics and many of you have probably read it and studied it he talks about self-image he said self-image is our own conception of the sort of person I am each of us builds a self image out of his beliefs about himself it's unconsciously formed from past experiences our successes and failures our humiliations and triumphs it determines the way we interpret other people's reactions to us in short this mental picture we have of ourselves turns out to be a kind of life governing device I mean that is so huge and so what we are studying today is how do we change that self-image and not only how do we change it you know for a fleeting moment but how do we really impress in our whole emotional being this new self-image of who we are so that when we go out and we're pursuing that goal in that dream we don't keep getting pulled right back to our existing reality and we want to understand everything is here that we need to get whatever we want nothing is created or destroyed it is all here and we want to let go of the past and build a picture of us who we want who we want to be we want to be in pursuit of that of who we want to be Kathy mentioned the art of acting by Stella Adler when she was welcoming everybody it's such a great book I have read it over and over and over that's what we're doing is we're acting until we become we're using she says in the book stella adler's she says you know you've got to have a great voice to be an actor you've got to have a fit body and there's all kinds of things you need to do but what you mostly need to do is work on your mind and that's what we're talking about here so you see that the PowerPoint here holds the image of the person you want to be that sounds like such a simple thing okay I'm going to hold the image then we see this little kitty cat I love this right see this little kitty cat looking in the mirror and seeing this gigantic beautiful lion and we think well the kitty cat can't become the lion and it's true the kitty cat can't become the lion the the little cat doesn't have the same creative abilities that you and I have we are creative being beings Bob talked about our intellectual faculties we have these intellectual faculties that allow us to create absolutely anything we want and we just had our job to hold that image of who we want when I was in that seminar in Vancouver Washington it was August 18th 2006 was the first day as a seminar and I'll never forget I know exactly where I was sitting I can his first time I saw about Proctor live and it was a life-changing experience three-day event and I was a corporate attorney and as Bob said I was doing very well with my practice and making great money wonderful clients you know really at the top of my my career and and really going just on an upward trajectory and Bob got me thinking about what I really wanted out of my life and at one point it was like a bucket of ice getting poured over me what I realized even though I thought I was living the life I wanted I wasn't there was so much more than I wanted to experience and so he kept saying what do you want what do you really want my imagination started running away with me and I wrote down on in my work book there was a science of getting rich similar and I wrote my workbook that I wanted to be in the inner circle of life success and I wanted to produce a program with Bob Proctor that I could bring into corporations because I I just saw all of the corporations that I worked with over the past 20 years and how this would change their life and allow them to get better results and then what is I doing close my workbook and kind of laughed at myself I didn't I closed it because I didn't want anyone to see it I wrote it in really teeny print and I and picture yourself with your new vision you know it's like you're you can be embarrassed to share it because it's so different than the current image you have of yourself but the beautiful thing is you can change that image and you can get whatever you want now vision earring this is the mental exercise that we're going to talk about today and this is where you really truly begin to create your world we don't learn this in school I had the best education in the u.s. in the UK I did very well in school and Bob taught this and I thought why didn't I learn this because it's so powerful and then in our intellectual mind we don't want to believe that we could actually do this because our paradigm saying we can't but we can and this is so powerful vision earring this is where you truly begin to create your world through the effective use of your higher faculties you create and hold the image of what you want what higher faculty are we talking about we're talking about the imagination and you know the imagination if you think about it it will take you where no one has gone literally I mean the Wright brothers they got us flying no one had been there and they weren't some brilliant scientists with a boatload of money and education they were two bicycle mechanics that had a picture in their life of getting a plane in the air and they would say to each other they could try to get the plane up and it would crash down and one brother would say to the other I can see a brother I can see it they saw it in their imagination the mental faculty out of which visions arrived it's where we can see what isn't here and it deals with the might element of life what is possible for you in your life let your imagination show you know Charles Revson there's a great book fire in ice and it's about Charles Revson he created Revlon and really launched the whole medic industry and this was during the Depression what a vivid imagination he had here he's a man he's kind of a ladies man real debonair and but he had a passion about lipstick and fingernail polish and this is when all these businesses are going out going under failing and he wants to create Revlon and he let his imagination show him women with you know glossy pink lips and matching red fingernails and toenails and he let his imagination run wild he created a vision for this whole industry and Revlon went on to be one of the greatest companies really ever that's what we can do with our imagination and our imagination is one of our intellectual faculties the intellectual faculties are our perception our will our imagination memory intuition and reason and now what we're doing with the vision earring exercise and we want to learn to do this on our own every day at least twice a day we'll get into that but what you're doing is you know we're conditioned to take everything in through our senses see hear smell taste touch we want to block those out and we want to focus on two of our intellectual faculties our will and our imagination the imagination is where we built the picture of who we are because we're talking about self image now we can build the picture of what we want to do and equally effectively we build that picture with our imagination and then we hold it on the screen of our mind with our will and and that allows us to keep all our doubt and all our conflicting pictures of who we are out and allows us to impress this image upon our emotional mind and when we impress this image upon our emotional mind when we truly impress it then we unlock the kingdom to anything we want and it moves us into a whole different vibration it taps us into all kinds of resources everything that we need to move that image into form now that's what we're going to talk about here with assessment so there was a woman named Genevieve brand and she was a beautiful writer she was a the the only private pupil of Thomas trouard then Thomas Troad was just a prolific writer on mental science back in the late eighteen hundreds in the early nineteen hundred's and he wrote some amazing stuff well Genevieve bran studied with him for two years she used vision nearing to get Thomas to take her as his only private pupil she used it to attract the money she needed to travel across the world to study with trouard and it's her little book your invisible power is is just a fascinating book and you want to get it if you're if you if you want to keep studying this which I highly encourage you to do now genevieve iran she taught us how to create a new image you know she understood it's like then go you ask how did you as you paint such a beautiful painting and he said i dream like painting and then i paint my dream well that's what visionary and visualization is and we're going to go through this order of visualization it's a it's about five paragraphs and i study it every day i've been studying it everyday for about five years I've meditated on it studied it thousands of times and I would encourage you to write this out as you are really learning this exercise of vision airing and working into your daily routine write these paragraphs out every single day when we go through this let's really dig into the meaning behind the word because this is very deep what what Genevieve burien says here and every word has just a packed full of meaning and we want to get into the spirit of the ideas that she is relating here so that we can use this in our life now she starts out by saying the exercise of the visualizing faculty keeps your mind in order and so the visualizing faculty backs the imagination but she's talking about exercising the imagination because we have really been taught to not use our imagination you know use I'm sure you can recall times when you were in school and you were kind of gazing out the window fantasizing about something and the teacher maybe if you were in a Catholic school like I was a Cape I with the ruler and back down to hand-paint engine sandy you know you are taught not to use our imagination and we don't value it we want to start valuing it and exercising it because most people don't use their imagination effectively the fact the imagination uses them and creates things in their life that they don't want so Jenna fever and she says exercise of visualizing faculty and that's going to keep your mind in order and attract to you what you need to make your life more enjoyable and in an orderly way so she's talking about order here keeps your mind in order it tracks you what you need and in an orderly way why do we care about order you know why why do we care about order we think about Thomas Jordan in your hidden power he says that order is the answer to the riddle of life she order is what it's all about if you think of it if we understand that we think in pictures and that our thought creates all the results in our life but if our thoughts are not in order what kind of results are we creating if we've got confusion in our mind that can lead to all kinds of crazy chaotic results in our life it can lead to a death of a business it can it can lead to our being unhealthy in our body it can lead to us being broke you know think of it a simple analogy if you go and wash your car and it's a funny thing it's all clean and shiny it seems like it runs better doesn't it and it's the same thing with our mind when we have a clear picture clear image with our imagination and we have it on your mind and it's so clear we've got this beautiful order everything runs smoothly we're on a path of growth we're on the path of creating and it's a path that takes us directly there we don't have this start-stop decisions are easy taking action is easy because we've got this clear nice beautiful order and Genevieve branch she says it attracts you what you need to make your life more enjoyable and in an orderly way which is such a beautiful thing because it works for everybody I mean what I need to make my life enjoyable there's going to be much different than what you need to make your life more enjoyable but what we're talking about is the creative process works for all of us and it's our personal factor or our thought our own volition our own thinking that determines what will make our life more enjoyable and holding that clear image on the screen of our mind is going to get that to happen in our life and in an orderly way now she goes on to say if you train yourself if you train yourself in the practice of deliberately picturing your desire and carefully examine your picture and again she's saying you've got to exercise you've got to Train this doesn't just happen and in fact for some people to create an actual picture in your mind of what you desire is a very difficult thing because you haven't been programmed to do that you know someone who is very creative and right brain will have an easier time with this and someone who is more left brain like me you know lawyers doctors scientists but you can do it and you just have to train yourself and even if you are very right brain you've got to train yourself to build this picture in your mind and say and she says it's a practice of deliberately picturing your desire every morning first thing see yourself living life as a person you want to be and deliberately picture it in other word you're creating it it's not just something that's popping up on the screen in your mind from some external forces no this hat it has to be you what you really want who you really want to be and you picture it and it's true your heart's desire that's what you're getting in touch with and then you carefully examine your picture make sure this is really what you want and keep fine-tuning it and then you will soon find that your thoughts and desires proceed in the more orderly procession than ever before see it's order again it's the picture creating order in your life and the order that you create just think of an orderly procession like if you think well I was watching a documentary and there was a father and the son they were skiing and there was an avalanche and the son got buried under the snow and the father was just going crazy just you know poking his ski pole all around trying to son and then some friends skied up and they were poking all around in the very haphazard fashion not able to find the boy and then the ski patrol showed up and the ski patrol director he's like alright now I want you all on the line and on the chemistry one two three stick your pole one two three secure pole and you move a step forward stick your pole move a step forward stick your pole they found the kid in a matter of seconds and he survived that is the power that we're talking about here holding an image in your mind and everything starts to proceed in an orderly procession now she says having reached the state of orders mentality you are no longer in a constant state of mental hurry you know what does she mean was that no longer in a state of mental hurry this is such an important point and and it brings me back gosh what year eighty-eight long time ago brings me back to 1988 when I just started practicing law and I was working with a wall street law firm and I remember sitting in this conference room and all of the people in the banking practice group were sitting around the table and they all looked so intense and I remember looking at him one by one and as I recalled this recently when I was studying this vision earring it became so clear a state of order of mentality versus constant state of mental hurry here they were were these Harvard grads and you know Yale grad top of their class just the best lawyers in the country they could argue you through a wall they were just amazing amazing people I was so honored to work with them but I noticed that every one of them had a nervous tic either your handshake or your head bother you know you're like twist your neck continually it's just tension in the body that stems from a state of mental hurry and so while they were so well educated and so intelligent they didn't understand what we are learning and therefore they couldn't use it in creating the results they wanted in their life and a lot of them went on to develop some pretty severe ailments and we want to really get this because we are blessed to be learning this concept of vision earring and to have this mental exercise so we can have this state of ordered mentality and understand hurry is fear and consequently destructive so when we've got disorder in our mind we've got confusion we've got this mental hurry where your minds going crazy and you're standing still but you feel like you're running you know it's that feeling like I gotta run I got to run it's that mental hurry that stems from a lack of a clear picture in your mind and what you want to do is mental toughness come back to the picture and what you want you've got to know what you want first you've got to know who you want to be and keep coming back to it and as you're moving yourself out into this new image and taking action that feels so risky so scary at times you want to just keep coming back to that picture and it's going to put you in a calm confident state of mind because you're allowing that picture to impress upon your being your emotional being and it changes the vibration of your body and you don't want to hurry hurry is fear and consequently destructive now Genevieve brand she goes on and I absolutely love this paragraph because she says in other words when you're understanding grasp the power to visualize your heart's desire and hold it with your will it attracts to you all things requisite to the fulfillment of that picture by the harmonious vibrations of the law of attraction that is the most beautiful paragraph if you had to pick one paragraph to write over and over I'd like that paragraph and I would commit it to memory because she says so much here that's important she says in other words when you're understanding grasp the power now I was talking to someone the other day who has been studying this kind of material for a long time I think he said 20 years and he said you know I understand the material that's not it but I'm not getting the results I want and I remember saying the same thing to Bob on a number of occasions Bob I'm not getting the results that I want and he'd say well you've got to understand this better and I said I understand that you know I could recite it to him I could even teach it when I wasn't getting the results I want see Jennifer and she's she knew her awareness is so deep when you're understanding grasp the power what does that really mean it means that you take this lesson and you apply it and you apply it in a very cheerful expecting kind of state of mind and attitude cheerful expectation even if you don't see the results in your physical world your understanding knows that it's coming if you can hold it in your mind it is being created in your physical world and your job is to keep holding it so what she's saying here with when you're understanding grass she's saying that as your awareness Rises and as you start implementing this in your life and you get a new experience then your understanding through study and intelligent application is continually improving what does that do it gives you greater access to this power of visionary and you start to be able to manifest much much quicker so when you're understanding grasp the power you want to keep studying this it's a power that you have the visualize your heart's desire and your heart's desire we're talking about desire here but your heart is it's the spiritual side of your being and desire is the emotional part of your being desire has to be expressed and if you keep feeding that desire it will be expressed you want to keep feeding it then and do it in a very very positive way there's a beautiful book called the miracle of right thought by orison Swett Marden and in the book he starts out on the divinity of desire and this is an old book it's like over 100 years old and it's so beautiful and he says listen carefully to this because he says our heart longings our soul aspirations are something more than mere vapor ins of the imagination or idle dream listen if they are prophecies predictions couriers forerunners of things which can become realities they are indicators of our possibilities they measure the height of our aim the range of our efficiency this is why you are here this is why you're born everybody has a a particular purpose in life and your heart's desire gives you a glimpse of what that purpose is and of what's possible for you and what you want to do is hold on to that don't let it be a fleeting thing that pops into screaming your mind and it just goes away as quickly as it came you want to build it and fuel it and focus on it visualize your heart's desire and then hold it with your will holding it with your will this allows you to hold it on the screen of your mind and to block out anything that's contrary to this new image of yourself that you're creating that's what the will does the will it's not straining it's not stressful it's um it's not forcing because force negates it's like if you think about an idea as a seed and then the image of your new self image is a seed you're planting in your mind and you're allowing it to penetrate down into you know into the ground into the dirt into the emotional part of your being into your subconscious mind and the subconscious mind will just take it and run with it but you've got to keep watering this idea you know you got to keep feeding it you got to keep sowing it you have to put yourself in the right environment you do that through studying you do it through being in this coaching program keep doing what the gardener would do to tend to the garden to build this idea and it's not strenuous you know if you don't see that carrot popping up through the ground you're not going to dig it up and try to find it you are going to just keep with a very cheerful expectation with a feeling of pleasure seeing yourself living that way and doing it in a state of gratitude with Thanksgiving you know Thanksgiving it's where it has its reason in the perfect wholeness of the law of being is how troller puts it which only needs our recognition of it in other words as Goethe said first you have to be it you've got to be it before you can do it that's what we're talking about be it in your mind and then Genevieve Barron she goes on to say something so beautiful she says you realize that since order is heavens first law here we come back to order again but she says it's heavens first law and visualization places things in their natural order then it must be a heavenly thing to visualize so we're coming back to the concept of order its order that we want to create we created our mind through the image that we hold in our mind and then she's saying it's heavens first law in other words this is the key to living a heavenly life what it what is heavenly it's like it's like trying to describe to someone now what it feels like to be in love you know you don't you don't even know how to describe it you don't know how to describe heaven but you know you could can describe some aspects of Hell and if you think of the corollary how would be the disorder the chaos the confusion the lack of a clear image in your mind and heaven would be having that beautiful clear image of who you are and of what you want and it just puts you in this beautiful vibration visualization places things in their natural order it places everything within you in a natural order and see what you're doing is you're creating this vibration that is in harmony with what you want and then it attracts back to all the resources and the people and the things and the ideas that you need to manifest that to manifest who you want to become and what you want and every one visualizes whether he knows it or not visualizing is the great secret of success every one visualizes you know Charles Revson we talked about Revlon he probably didn't even know that that's what he was doing but he was using his imagination holding it on the screen of his mind with his will and he created it all people who have created something really great the Wright brothers I don't know if they I mean they probably didn't know that they were visualizing and visionary but every one visualizes the sad truth is that most people visualize what they don't want you see and so it's only the great secret of success when we are programmed to visualize what we want or we learn to visualize what we want and we deliberately picture what it is that we want it's the great secret of success every one visualizes whether he knows it or not and now what we wouldn't understand is we're trying to learn how to consciously use this power of visionary and the conscious use of this great our that's what attracts you multiplied resources you'll think about it we started out the call by saying that everything you need is here right now everything is here nothing is created or destroyed all the resources you need to be the person you want to be to get what you want is right here right now and it's your recognition of it that makes it so in your physical life that allows you to manifest it your recognition of it gives it a great realizing conception it gives more power to this exercise the more you study it and allow it to really be impressed upon your subconscious mind you will find that you have multiplied resources right here at your disposal then this is through the conscious use of this great power it also intensifies your wisdom one of my big goals when I was in that seminar in August 2006 was to learn how to teach that laughed at myself I closed my book I didn't want anyone to see it why because my self-image was that of a corporate attorney and it wasn't of someone who was going to run a personal development company that operated in over a hundred countries and to teach this and produce a program which Bob and I did go on to do create thinking into results which is program might my image was to produce the best program in the industry of its kind and that's exactly what we did and I did it through this visionary Genevieve brand goes on and enables you to make use of advantages which you formerly failed to recognize you know I didn't think I had advantages that were needed to do this but my job was to build the image create that image that's your job is to build that image remember we saw the kitty cat looking into the mirror and you see the lion as silly as that may seem that's what you need to do allow yourself to be silly and let go the past forgive yourself for anything that is limiting your image of who you are and what you want and understand as you study this and you intelligently apply what you learn through this you will look back and say my gosh I had everything I needed I had the resources I had the wisdom it's all here right now and the subconscious in mind is what taps you into it and it's not a matter of your education it's not a matter what kind of money you have it's not a matter of the relationships you're in it's not a matter of any of that at a time you have or don't have that's not it it's about the mind that's what it's all about and it's about your marvelous mind and when you fully understand how marvelous your mind is you will have the most beautiful life and you'll look back and say wow it's just so good but remember how we started out if you exercise the visualizing faculty if you train yourself in the practice what it all comes back to training your mind I love this exercise Wow did you like that Bob Wow you did a wonderful job you are so good at that you do that better than anybody I know and Wow Rob well the probably the reason for it is the experience I mean it's coming from the heart it's coming from life lesson and that's where it's got to come from and everybody can benefit from this it's something you want to use over and over again but it has to happen every day you've got to see yourself like the person you want to become you check us out at Procter Gallagher Institute comm for tips tools and resources
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 139,773
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Keywords: bob proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Sandy Gallagher, Visioneering, Sandy Gallagher On Visioneering, what is visioneering, visioneering explained
Id: E50dYv3bnFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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