CREATE or Disintegrate ✨ Bob Proctor

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we're about to go into the part where you go let's stretch your mind you got to do things you've really didn't do in the past here we say one of the most basic and yet dynamic laws of life is create or disintegrate now do you know it son it's a statement it's a concept that we've probably heard many times it's an absolute law nothing stays where it is we are in a constant evolution of change every second the law decrees nothing rests we live in literally live in an ocean of motion and if we're not grown we're going the other way now the odds of you growing just what do we use the words chance accident no the odds of you growing without any conscious decisions on your part is slim it's there but it's slim now some people are involved in that they're in the minority and they're what you call unconscious competence but they are growing they're not disintegrating they're creating but they don't understand what they're doing and because they don't understand they're missing one of the greatest opportunities in life they're not sharing it you go talk to that young lady was up here last night Karen Brooks she is building something in Australia but not just in Australia that's immediate surroundings she's building it all over the world but it's so big so phenomenal every expression of life is moving in one direction or another absolutely nothing will remain as it is now come down to line 248 the nucleus of your being is spiritual you are a spiritual being you are truly created in God's image this is not a myth listen what are the greatest rocket scientists that ever lived considered the father of the space program he said after studying the spectacular mysteries of the cosmos I have come into a firm belief in the existence of God now there's a scientist he said the natural laws are so precise that they had to be set by someone now you might want to argue with that that's fine if you do go ahead I choose to listen to people that are as bright as him and as accomplished as him see he keeps it so simple in one respect in another it must be so complicated we use it as a joke what do you think you're a rocket scientist or something you know when Kennedy asked him when president can he asked him what it would take to build the rocket that would go there and come back safely he answered him in five words the will to do it no yep you don't really understand your own personality yep you don't understand your own mental faculties you wouldn't miss what he meant he said if you will develop one of the higher faculties that God gave you that separates you from all the rest of animal life then we could do it you have to develop it and you'll have to use it the will to do it the will gives us a focus how do you think Phil got all that hardware he had the will to do it he focused he did the exact words to him I said Phil I want you to read this now I said it's maybe a little heavy reading but read it anyway even if you don't understand it read it and just keep reading it and one day you're gonna thing now if you sit down had a serious in-depth conversation with them you probably realize that you really knows this stuff cuz you've been coming here every week he comes sits right in the front soaks it up he takes more notes than anybody I see you know why he wants to keep growing you're an expressionist spirit spirits always for expansion and fuller expression never for disintegration all of nature expands and expresses itself in the greater weight and they churn those no failures so do you see you could say that's natural natural isn't what everybody doesn't natural is Nature's Way come down the bottom says dispatch dissatisfaction is the built-in motivator now my grandmother pretty well raised me and she was a dear little lady I mean I loved her dearly and I probably really aggravated her a lot of times and I always borrow money from Grandma and grandma would give it to me you'd be all bundled up and she hooked man now I need this back if y'all give background I always give it back she was my last hope and she would watch us well mother went to work so that she could earn enough to keep us so she was like the warden I mean she was there all the time and she was she was very good at laying guilt on us Oh I mean God when we asked for something you said be satisfied protector got your mother's working hard to keep you and I knew I was gonna hear that when I ask for something you should be satisfied you said grandma was wrong she was wrong I used to think of her does just as an angel of God but she was wrong I never thought she was wrong about anything as a kid grandma seemed to know everything she was wrong you should never be satisfied happy yeah dissatisfaction is a creative vibration that you get in when you're sufficiently dissatisfied with how you're living you'll change it when you're satisfied understand you're not going anywhere flip over the line to 79 when you begin to think of how you're living and what you're doing relative to what you are capable of with the potential you possess you may not really understand this maybe you're here yes this might be your first exposure to this some of you've read a few bucks some have you been to a few seminars yes so you think you may be understanding I've been studying this for fifty seven years every day and I know that I'm only scratching the surface begin to think of how you're living what you're doing relative to what you're capable of with the potential you possess keep thinking this way and you can be sure dissatisfaction will set in if it hasn't already you know when you start to get comfortable you want to start thinking how could I get really dissatisfied with everything online 295 we must clearly stamp in our mind that all things are possible we must never forget individual in positions of power to convince us otherwise and I think we saw that in the examples of it can't be done now flip over to page 42 as we go into this exercise this is true make-believe if you can't make believe you're toast there's a song by Nat King Cole download the song put it on your phone play it at least once or twice a day it's pretend pretend look here now on line 205 or 305 pardon me as images come on the screen of your mind that would represent a much more meaningful life just ask yourself do I want this now listen this is very important you pay attention here very important this is where we're going to go you've got to ask yourself as images come on your mind this is where you're gonna be quiet you're not going to disturb the person beside you you don't want to break their trip ask yourself when anything comes do I want this that is the only prerequisite now if you're not used to doing this and you probably aren't most people aren't it's not going to be an easy thing to do now when it flashes on your mind do I want this that is the only prerequisite is do I want it whether you can afford it is irrelevant I don't care if you're in debt up to your ears I don't care if you got the idea you'll never get out of debt that doesn't matter it doesn't matter you want it that's all you have to ask you don't have to know how you'll do it get the foggiest idea how you doing when I sat down in a den on Maplewood land in gun View Illinois and I wrote on a piece of paper I will build a company that operates all over the world now I don't know where you are but I know you're not where I am you're somewhere in the world yet we found a medium since we can't go everywhere we can be everywhere everyone there's the way it's here listen listen listen and you'll find out how and I want to tell you that you want to come back because we got lots of good information okay where the money will come from doesn't matter it doesn't matter I like what eat wherever it is right now that's where it's gonna come from he'll come he'll just appear I remember some of you are very familiar with Catherine ponder sparks when I first started to study I started to study her book somebody got me on to them they're just thin little books and like the dynamic laws a healing dynamic laws of prosperity in any way she tells stories of a person just whining $5,000 and the next day a cheque arrived in the mail of $5,000 and I'm thinking well it's gonna believe this this is such crap that's not this good does she really believe people run but I was reading it I didn't ask myself why do you keep reading Proctor you see it happens I've seen it happen none line 316 underline this none of these limitations have any place in this exercise this I'm gonna tell you listen as we get involved in this exercise your mind is gonna start to really screw around with your head the only prerequisite do you want it not you needed not could you do it the only prerequisite is do you want it now as you identify various situations write them down not a crystal clear image just make a quick note on it see over in line 332 prime meet 3:30 go back to 328 raise the top of the page remember all you're doing is exploring this there's no decisions being made here this is important we are on an exploration trip here this is important I'm telling you these things are important these are critically important this is what 9 out of 10 people never do all you're doing is exploring daydreaming what did Lawrence say all men dream but not equally those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind wakened the day to find that it was vanity but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men for they make actor dream with open eyes to make it possible this I did you listen you eat enough of this you're going to become it take the lid off your marvelous mind em dream for goodness sake give yourself the right to do that get your analytical mind out of the way put it in your pocket for a while I don't have any difficulty with that remember woman one time told me I was a bi hemispherical paraplegic what she was really saying is half my brain I never utilized that's the part where you really analyze situations you think I don't think I just dream golf creators do not limit themselves there's no reason why you cannot have the good you desire if you can see yourself with it your imagination is one of your most marvelous mental faculties do what all grow creators do and use it properly now listen turn over to page 44 I want you to put a big star up in the upper right hand corner put three or four them I want this become one of the most important pages in this book this is without question one of the most important pages in a book geneviève beer and was the only student of Judge Thomas trow it in my opinion Thomas trove is one of the greatest authors of the last 500 years bar none he wrote the Edinburgh lectures on mental science the Dori lectures mental science the law in the word creative creative thinking creative writing you know just so much good stuff Bible mystery Bible meaning some domina Loffler he only ever had one student just one Genevieve I read she memorized what is on this page this is what she claims put her in his presence to study she was an American woman she had to move to England she had to come up with $20,000 in 1912 you might just jot that down the piece of paper and then we have time look on your phone and figure out how much is that in today's dollars it is a lot of money she had absolutely no idea how she could come up with the 20,000 but she had to if she wanted to study with him and this wasn't something that was offered ever ever to anyone else she was his only student now I'm his student but I never sat down with him he was gone long before I arrived I consider his books the most valuable ones in my library and when Phil told me he was serious I said how fast you want to do it he said I'd like to do it yesterday and that's and I told him I said Phil you got to do exactly what I tell you he said I will it's okay I gave him the Edinburgh lectures and mental science for a person has never studied this that was probably one of the most difficult books in the world to read not only because of its content but the way it's written yet today is coupled with another book the Dori lectures mental science they put them to you they publish them together now but the Admiral lectures mental science was the first book that he studied I began to study that in 1968 because they're all night Gail was studying it I didn't have any idea what I was reading absolutely none I mean I was in the dark I was reading it and I didn't know what I was reading however that's what Earl's reading so I thought that's what I got to be reading and I've never stopped reading it this is so important my mind is a center of divine operation no let's just think of that you know the most important letter or word in this whole piece of literature or in that whole book is ah my mind is a center a center didn't say it's the center now you really got to think you got to think where is this kite coming from what is this now think of this for a moment if I held a basketball in my hand you know the basketball has a center to it now I don't know how to find it but I do know you have to know the outer measurements of the ball if you're gonna find out where the center is I know you have to know that but how do you figure out I've never haven't got the foggiest idea but I know you can yet and that's based on the outer ring there is a center in this room I don't know where it is I don't know how to find it but I do know there is one there's a center in everything but there's only one Center just one nothing has two centers everything has one isn't it strange my mind is a center would indicate there's more than one you see it's only after I really got into this serious study and then I mentally try and get into the energy of the author and and I might read this it might take me a week just to read it once through my mind is a center of divine operation isn't that interesting my mind is a center there's more than one how could they be more than one there isn't any outer ring there's no outside measurement you're dealing with something that's infinite therefore any point is Center everyone there's as much on the right as there is your left there's as much above as there is below there's much in front as there is behind your mind is the center of divine operation Wow me Bob my mind is the center of divine uh person then she says the divine operation yes always for expansion and fuller expression so powerful this divine operations always for expansion and fuller expression now if you're going to get in harmony with this power if you're not expanding and expressing in a greater way you're not in harmony with the power if you're not in harmony with power you're not operating by law if you're not operating by law you're gonna lose I don't give a damn what you're doing you're gonna live if you are you're gonna win I don't care how many people tell you you can't you will win doesn't matter about all the evidence of why you can't the Wright brothers were certainly surrounded by sufficient evidence that you couldn't fly they were bicycle mechanics that dad was a Orthodox minister yet he suggested that they would burn in hell for trying to fly and then stop they introduced us to a new Kingdom they did something that couldn't be done because they understood all things are possible this means the production of something beyond what's gone before something entirely new not included in my past experience though it's proceeding out of my past experience by an orderly sequence of growth you know what that means that means that everything that's happened everything has been necessary to make you who you are to prepare you to do what you're gonna do you know all those nasty little things you don't anybody's know about they weren't necessary you know all the good things they were all nice everything this means the production of something beyond what's gone before something entirely new not included in my plastic fish though it's proceeding of my past experience by an orderly sequence of growth order in another place that you wrote order is heavens first law yeah kind of cool that says therefore since the divine can not change its inherent nature kind of cool it must operate the same manner within me consequently in my special world up which I am the center yet will always move me forward to produce new conditions always in advance of any that's gone before by their fruits you'll know them you can't hide it anybody can figure out which track you're on all they have to do is watch you look at your results you want to know how well you're doing look at your results do you know it doesn't matter how many really good excuses you got they don't cut it the worst thing can happen to a person when they're working on a goal is heaven excuse if there's anything worse than that is to have a good excuse you know now I read a long time ago and I believe it's true in every project there's escape hatches now only think of that I was in the Navy and I think I never the hatches an escape hatch and and that's what I see I see these little scuttles that you could crawl through and then they lock him up airtight and he said this out they said in every project there's escape hatches if you don't bolt them close when going gets tough you'll hit the escape hatch what Oh forms of exit there is no exit other people when they start a company they you have an exit plan I never had an excellent plan never the idea of doing something else uh-uh never never this is so important consequently in my own special world of which I am the center yet will always move me forward to produce new conditions always in advance of anything that's ever gone before all those good things it's going to go beyond that this is so big get so important I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 90,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, visualize, Success
Id: Y9v-pEDx9bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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