25 Different Types Of Canned Meat To Store!

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so the media has been talking about meat shortages meat shortages in the future possible shortages over the summer well today I'm going to show you 25 items that you can buy at your local grocery store not break the bank and stock up on some meat [Music] all right everybody welcome back so today I'm gonna show you some common everyday items right in your local grocery store that you can pick up and stock up on your meat storage I understand that a lot of folks may be starting out on prepping you know with the recent situation with the virus and all maybe you got your heads up you know and you started hey I better start stocking up on food now you're hearing about meat shortages in the news and that could be pretty scary so what I tried to do today was put together a list that the average person could just walk out this afternoon and buy in their store well except that we'll get into that later you can just walk out buy in the store and bring home with you and begin storing some meats for the future should there be a shortage also - you know this isn't something you have to spend a fortune on this isn't freeze-dried food and hey I sell freeze-dried food for two companies and I'm the first one to tell you if you don't have any food stored or any kind of meat put away with the shortages they're talking about go out to the store and buy this stuff first before you even think about buying anything from me I would rather you guys it stocked up you know some of the stuff is backed out a long way you know it's gonna be a couple weeks before it shows up some of the stuff can be a lot more expensive then you might be able to afford I'd rather you go out and spend 40 or 50 bucks at your local grocery store then go out and go crazy so this is just 25 different items that I've come up with some of these I purchased some of these were already in my storeroom to show you some of them I should just take it everything out of my storeroom put some of them I felt like showing you will end up eating them anyway so we're gonna start off over here on this side and I'll show you what's over here it's me it's sec to get ready won't be right back alright so I'll start over on this side first off you can get white turkey in cans just like chicken and tuna and everything else this stuff is really really good if you've ever had it this picket fence brand I've had this stuff before we've used it salads everything it's really good that stuff is a big one okay Keystone if you can find Keystone canned meats I have chicken head beef here I have a lot of this put away I know Walmart was selling it for a while probably not now but you can look around and find it if you look online they'll give you a local place if you look on the Keystone's website they'll give you a local place that sells it this stuff is amazing the beef let me be honest with you when you open up that can of beef it's gonna be a little off-putting because there's a lot of white fat in there and stuff just cook it and trust me on it it is amazingly good chicken and beef they really have good meats it's not too expensive I think these were like seven bucks each and what are they let's see seething greaves chicken and sea salt that's it no junk no weird stuff in them 20 28 ounces so that's a pound of piss some liquid in there but a pound of meat you know pretty much pretty good stuff next up is one you might not remember that canned hams I love these things they don't taste like spam they actually taste like ham they're really good well that makes a meal for you know two to three people right there depending on how much you're eating you can be a little rice with that little bean something on the side you got yourself a meal very affordable - next up of course good old spam most people put you this out during the last canned food panic a few months ago and the spam was literally cleaned off the shelves within a day I went there one day and the whole top shelf and my Walmart had spam everywhere and I'm like wow it's so bad they're still not resorting to eating spam I went back the next day it was all gone so definitely get yourself some spam it's really good if you hate it you don't have to get it I know some people can't stand it but I find that if you cook it really well it's really good next up I got this at Walmart yesterday just for giggles fully cooked can corned beef it's actually really good it's kind of a spam consistency but it does taste like corned beef and a while ago I was talking about the old days where the heads are the key right there well you just twisted open spam used to be like that it had a key on the bottom or top I forget well you took it off and you open it up around the outside anyway yeah this is pretty good stuff next up bacon this you won't find in stores and this is getting expensive these are like $29 a can $25 a can if your item cheap they're pretty expensive but if you find it you like bacon you can get a couple cans of it you know it's good for 25 years you can stick it somewhere good to go generally this is something you might have to order so that's the case don't worry about it I just brought it out because it's yet another can meet who know of course some people like it in oil because it lasts longer some people like it you too in water I just grabbed what whatever on the Shelf there to body to show you we're gonna eat this in the house so it doesn't really matter corned beef hash another good hearty meal you can scramble up some eggs toss them in there have that there's your breakfast and that's good for two breakfasts you know 14 ounces you cut that in half if you're trying to be careful I'm how much you use up and you're good to go now remember none of this stuff is health food okay maybe the the Keystone meats in the tuna a little better for you but none of its health food and I'm not telling people to go out need a diet like this all the time I'm telling you this is what you should be stocking up when the media starts talking about meat shortages and meat plants closing definitely time to start doing it once they start talking about it I find that when the media says something is kind of your heads up as a prepper to go take care of that before it happens next up Alaskan pink salmon some people will say that's not meat that's fish same thing anyway this stuff's really good this is the great value brand I do have some other brands as well this is best by 2024 so if they're being that generous with the date it's probably best a lot longer than that as long as the canned integrity is good another one wolf brand chili if you've never had this oh man you know I was not a big chili eater till uh one day at one of the field days for our radio group in California when I lived there they had a big chili thing a big bowl chili with meat and beans and I was starving and not really totally into prepping just yet kind of just making my first steps in it and I didn't have any food with me yet for you know they're gonna serve us food and they made chili and I'm like oh damn what am I gonna do I went and had it hi all my goodness it was so good and this was what they used they actually used cans of wolves chili they just dumped it into a big pot so inexpensive easy to store got you meat in there got your protein got your calories I'm knocking things over here already let's put that back up next up don't write off soups soups are very very good for the meat that is in them they're also really tasty you got beef barley soup here really good stuff you've ever had this Campbell's kitchen classics tend to be a little bit better you don't even need to add water to this you just dump it heat it up good to go definitely something cool now this is all depending on if you like this stuff and again like I told you this isn't health food this isn't up for you to survive beef ravioli out of all the chef boyardee stuff this is probably the only stuff I leave the SpaghettiOs and the meatballs and man this is really good though if you can find this stuff roast beef roast beef was crazy the hurt gravy the Hertford does brand again this was sold in Walmart this is good till 2023 according to their list which means it's probably good for a whole lot longer it is made in Brazil and it is really tasty you can toss this in with some rice or something else maybe some potatoes whatever have yourself a really hearty meal not bad at all and of course the old standby Hormel chicken breast and a can stuff is really easy to pick up it's almost in every supermarket around the world canned chicken is an excellent source of protein and a great way to stock up on meats next up we're going into the soups again got some chicken noodle soup here and some chicken noodle from Progresso the light is like a diet soup but it's still really good the chicken noodle soup from great value believe it or not is actually really good I actually like it better than the Campbell's stuff tasty stuff so can't beat that now there's some stuff that you may not like where you may I don't know you know it's up to you guys again buy what you think you're gonna eat don't buy stuff and think if I'm hungry honest I'll eat that because you won't rotate it and that's what's important deviled ham spread it's a meat and it's canned corned beef spread Underwood stuff is actually pretty good I remember us a little kid had this you know my mom would make me sandwiches with us and it was really good it wasn't loving nasty at all lastly boy did I take a lot of heat when I mentioned I cooked these as kids these are the sausages my mom used to make him as breakfast so what'd she do is she put these in a pan and make him like voltages you know rolling around fry them up serve them with eggs and hash browns or whatever it wasn't something we always didn't normally we had sausage but if we didn't we had some of these and people were like oh you cook those things EW I used to eat them right out of the can I'm like you can eat them wherever you want but and these are super cheap too although do keep an eye on these now with the pull tops that will go bad a little bit quicker I had a whole pack of nine of them go bad on me a couple of years ago so I've been pretty faithful in rotating those and rotating them out a lot more quick the last one now this is kind of a last resort cuz they won't have a shelf life but these guys here these Starkist chicken creations these things are awesome you've seen me use these in my homemade MRE my home packed MREs you know I stuff everything in the thing is if lock it up these are really really good they're a quick little meal um if you're in a pinch alright and your store has canned food but it's too expensive or you just don't want that much stuff you can buy a couple of these that you can buy all the stuffs together the buffalo-style really good and you know not too spicy it won't kill you and lastly seven ounce bags of Tyson chicken so there are some ideas if you um don't currently have any kind of meat stored or if all you have is like starches and stuff stored and beans and rice this is a way to supplement that so that you actually have some serious protein in your diet also too if you have the means fill up your freezers now and do it responsibly don't go to the store and clean out Walmart's meat aisle you know that's what people did last time you saw how that ended up do it responsibly every time you shop pick up two things a hamburger every time you shop pick up an extra foot roll of pork I've you buy those pork rolls they're so good you know pick up that extra bag of chicken you don't have to horde right now everything's back in stock now is the time to stock up so when people are hoarding you can sit home count your preps and relax anyway 25 ideas right there real quick can kind of meats the chicken store I'm really simple to do doesn't cost a lot of money I got less than 50 bucks on this table I'm sure and it'll keep you a meet when things start to turn ugly so that's a good way to be prepared also to let's say nothing happens with the meat there's meat as much as you want this whole summer long okay guess what you already more prepared than you were you know you went out you spent 40 50 bucks and you got yourself more food and this is what I like to see is food insurance you know we have car insurance for our homes for our homes car insurance for our cars house insurance for our homes having some kind of food as food insurance it's not just for disasters you could lose your job whatever and then you'd be stuck so that's the video for today I hope you guys enjoyed it don't forget to check out our amazon store down below I try to put everything I review mine of the food - the food here in that store so you can check it out and don't forget check our thrive life as well underneath if you do have the means and the time - wait you already have food storage by all means check out thrive life a lot of this stuff is coming back into stock now they have lots and lots of freeze-dried stuff thirty year 25 year shelf life on most of it really good food - it's very you know doesn't a lot of junk in it no fillers no I'm so most of its even GMO and GMO free so gotta love it anyway folks I thank you for watching stay safe stock up and be prepared
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 161,448
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out bag, prepping items, preparedness, bug out preps, bug out gear, bug in preps, bugging in, affordable prepping, inexpensive prepping, preparedness tips, Disaster Preparedness, meat shortage, food storage, prepping storage, bug out foods, canned goods prepping
Id: wMXdfExCs6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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