Best canned beef to have on-hand during a quarantine or when store shelves are bare.

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hello welcome to my first video on my new testing channel I'm gonna start off with doing a taste test now the government says that you should have between three and seven days worth of food on hand at all times in case of emergencies I like to have a lot more which means long-term storage we just can't foods because you don't want to have to keep rotating through your food supply all the time and so I'm gonna be taste testing these three products here because I've never tried them before I am curious as to see what kind of quality it is I'm not looking for 5-star restaurant cotton tablecloths I'm looking for a roadside diner kind of quality that you know so if it's better than that it's good you know this is food that you're gonna have an emergency so I made a Hannity any scoresheet here I'm gonna go through and rank everything and then we'll see the best product win at the bottom so first off we have Keystone and I'm going to check the ingredients first Keystone's is simply beef and sea salt that's it if you go to their website they actually have a video on how things are made and they really just do pack the cam with meat and then put a cube of sea salt on top next we got the Kirkland and way down the bottom here you got beef brah beef beef broth salt modified food starch and sodium phosphates mmm so those are basically just fillers and stabilizers for canned foods not a big deal it's kind of completely safe and last we have armor in gravy and their ingredients are beef water salt modified corn starch sodium phosphates now they also have an added gravy the other ones don't have a gravy in there and the gravy is water modified corn starch maltodextrin onion powder rice flour salt tomato powder caramel color and spices so first thing just by going by ingredients though I'd say I'm gonna go you know who comes in first second and third and then the very bottom low score wins so I'm gonna give Keystone first place for ingredients Kirkland 2nd armored third also one other difference you see Armour in Kirkland both say roast beef Keystone just as beef that's just a cooking technique roasted is they cook in the oven the Keystone is pressure cooks right in the can so the next thing I'm looking at is the meat content by the label so Keystone we have a 28 ounce can and if you look at the serving size it's about 14 servings of two ounces each that comes out to 100% of the can is is meat the Kirkland 12 ounce can they have a 2 ounce serving also and it's about 4 ounces so that comes out to 2 ounces 4 and so it's total of 6 out of 12 ounces excuse me 66% so only about 2/3 of this canned is the meat the rest is like that and with the armor 12 ounce can also about 5 ounce servings so they're giving a much bigger serving and about two servings each and so that's about 10 ounces out of the 12 so that's 83% of the can is meat so that one Kirkland has the best then comes armor then come excuse me Keystone has the best then comes armor then comes Kirkland and I have not tried any of these or anything like promise next up just in case you know people do have to watch their sodium intakes or anything Keystone 120 milligrams of sodium which is 5% of the daily amount Kirkland 180 milligrams 8% daily and armor 740 milligrams 31% daily that's huge but also you know that is by serving and the armor serving is twice as much but still are you still talking if you doubled it up you'd be going to 240 360 so armors still gonna have much higher sodium rating than the other ones so Keystone then Kirkland then armor next up we have in can appearance alright I'm gonna have to crack these cans hold on a second alright so you're gonna see these as I see them we have first the Keystone um well it's luck watery more water than I thought it would be because they said 28 ounces of meat and everything alright next we've got the Kirkland also a lot of water at the time last but not least the armor well at least the armor that's gravy everything gravies a lot more appetizing than this other stuff and the Kirkland you get out of the water good sized beef chunks and the Keystone and at least be able to get rid of that fat pretty easy pretty good sized chunks but they're kind of congealed together a little bit alright this round I'm gonna have to say the in can appearance first place is gonna go to Armour second to Kirkland third to Keystone alright next we're gonna do a strange the actual weight of the meat on the can so I'm going to strain and drain and then measure just how much meat is in the can and we'll go from there alright hold on alright so this is it from the can first off here we have the Keystone it is a can really was full of meat some little fatty there but easy pick around not a big deal the Kirkland actually pretty good sized chunks don't see a lot of added fat or anything sticking around on there not bad and finally the armor a little messy she had to try to separate some of that gravy was actually pretty thick gravy wasn't straining well so I had to go ahead to go back and forth so there can wait might be a little off but you know that big deal so first thing you got to do is weigh these suckers up so got my scale zere it with the bowl on it okay first up Keystone yes sorry to read that one pound two ounces so that's 18 ounces so you're coming out with one pound 12 pounds 2 ounces and there can saying 1 pound 12 we're getting 1 pound 2 minus the water and whatnot so I feel kind of surprising after watching their video so strained weight is 18 ounces out of 28 next is the Kirkland and that's coming up with seven and a half ounces out of 12 and finally the armor is also coming up six point six point three out of 12 all right one second no care results are in maps with a strained weight the Keystone 18 ounces out of 20 it gives you 64 percent the Kirkland is seven a half ounces out of 12 it's only 62% of the camp of actual weight and five the armor 6.3 which is three fifty three percent of the can - gotta go Keystone Kirkland armor next thing I'm doing is just a plain old tasting I'm gonna try it both cold for a second and then take a minute to warm them all up and try them hot as well just be the safe side let's see the Keystone take myself a chunk here not bad you know a little plain but that's what I'd expect Kirkland also yeah again on the plain side and finally the armor I'm fair advantage a little bit of gravy on there that reminds me I'm not a hundred percent a fan of that flavor I'm gonna warm them up a little bit then try to get an old on alright so here we go that's warmed up in the microwave interestings comparison should have been which one explodes the most in the microwave I wasn't expecting that so if you buy one of these and warming and microwave put a guard over the top otherwise you'll be doing what I'm gonna be doing when I'm done with this and that is cleaning out the microwave not exactly sure which one was exploding the most all right so we got the Keystone again not bad playing but at least it's warm now mr. corkle and the armour I'm just not a huge fan of that gravy flavor of theirs done people might think is spectacular but going with to my personal opinion um you know what I I think the Kirkland is gonna edge out the Keystone just a very very small amount I'm a plain taste and it's probably because they're they're beef is cooked in the oven whereas the Keystone is pressure cooked but thing is also this is just plain red out of the can so it doesn't get you know you go to of course seasoned it to taste so now what's gonna go on is that you know they all claim that you just straight out of the can which you can for as part of a meal so that's the last part I'm gonna do here and I was gonna have one of my kids be one of my taste testers as well so hold on be right back all right buck again so you've made a little meal of this stuff now a little mashed potatoes and gravy with the armor they had that's own gravy again I wasn't really fond of it the most that all that much so I put the brown gravy I put on the other two I put all some of the armors just to make it more favored much more better all right I also have to say that while I was standing here going through things and see that after uh I mean it's just sitting here to who's bad lighting I guess this is the Kirkland it's I think looks the most appealing at this point still I mean big chunks of meat and stuff in there the Keystone still a lot of meat and they really do put a lot of meat in the cans and pressure cook it so you know there's not as big individual meaty chunks but so alright that's see what's gonna happen here you know that is every bit of roadside diner and kind of food that I would expect hmm by the way this was the Keystone is the Kirkland you now we have the armor hmm definitely diner food um well it's actually really tough on these two now is this not disgusting as I keep eating it I think I got to go that oven roosting just a tad advantage to the Kirkland and taste I mean the Keystone was good I think the Kirkland just had a little bit more on them an Armour third um although I'm gonna get one of my youngest of my three knuckleheads to come down she was also gonna do a quick taste test for me well guys I show you about what opinions mean so yeah she came down and tried all three she actually liked the armor the most I guess like that flavor between the Kirkland and the Keystone was really close she said the Keystone was a little bit more chewy so she went armored Kirkland Keystone but she's just a kid - my my channel my opinion so my ranking so I gave it to Kirkland then Keystone and then armor so pricing straight out of the can Keystone was fifty cents an ounce Kirkland 48 cents an ounce in armor a whopping 27 cents per ounce so if you're just talking about price nothing else armor first Kirkland second Keystone third but now if you have to the actual cost per ounce as well because after it was strained and drained with the quantity of meat that you were really actually had leftover Keystone actually comes out of 18 ounces out of the 28 you actually end up with 78 cents per ounce the Kirkland 7 1/2 ounces total comes to 77 cents per ounce and the armor even though it has the smallest amount purse yes you know that's wrong Kirkland did smallest weight afterwards it comes down to 51 cents per ounce so again we're just going by straight numbers Armour Kirkland and then Keystone barely alright so quick math just adding him up and like I said low score wins so we have 1 2 3 6 7 9 11 14 17 2 5 7 9 11 12 13 15 17 oh boy 3 5 8 9 12 15 18 19 20 Wow there you have Keystone and Kirkland both with final score of 17 you know but it comes down to is I hope this gives you a kind of a guide you say it afterwards to the meat is actually all pretty good I'm going to eat them all okay it's leftovers here salt and pepper to taste you know put it as part of the meal with potatoes and seriously I don't think you can really go too far wrong with any of them you know it's it is what it is it's canned meat all right well thank you very much
Channel: kirby testing stuff
Views: 31,777
Rating: 4.8162546 out of 5
Keywords: prep, prepping, prepper, taste testing, canned beef, apocalypse, pandemic, quarantine, canned food, food storage, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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