I Will No Longer Buy SPAM!

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hello youtubers have asked for prep her here so do you want to hear a story so last night before I got out of work my wife called me and said can you stop off at Walmart on your way home and pick me up a Bluetooth set for my phone because I lost mine and before I said you lost yours for the 17th time this year before I said that I said yes dear [Music] so on my way home I stopped off at Walmart and usually whenever I stopped off that Walmart which is not that often I don't really go to Walmart that often I'll walk the aisles and believe it or not ladies and gentlemen I did not know that Walmart had its own brand of I'll call it spam even though it's lunch in me right but I'll call it spam I didn't know they had their own brand of spam so I'm gonna taste this cook it up make some lunch for today and see what it's like now I'm not gonna get into the nutritional facts too much in ingredients and things like that but I will read them off real quick because it doesn't seem like it has got very many ingredients and this is one of the reasons why I kind of favored towards buying it and trying it at first I don't really think nothing of it and I was like just a second let me take a look at the ingredients at least so if you can see the nutritional information it's about the same as spam it's 180 calories I'm not sure about all the other stuff it's got a lot of sodium obviously 790 milligrams but look at the ingredients the ingredients is pork salt water sugar and sodium nitrate that's all the ingredients is got in it and being that it's got such few ingredients I think that spam has like also lee in addition to pork it has ham in it as well and I think that's the only difference I might take a can out and check it out but that's the only ingredients let's go ahead and open this up ladies and gentlemen just so you know towards the end of the video I'm gonna do a real quick mail call I got a package and a letter or a card in the mail and I'd like to share with you guys so you can see it so if you guys want to stick around for that that's gonna happen towards the end of the video so let's go ahead and open this up and see what it tastes what it looks like not taste like yet look at that it looks like it has a little more structure than the spam you know how spam it looks pretty uniform all the way across can you guys see those little chunks there it looks like there's a little chunks in there and you can obviously see the fat but it smells like spam it really does it smells like a spam was in here yep and that's what it looks like that's what it looks like when it comes out kind of looks like spam with the exception of the little chunks you see there's I hope you guys can see that see the difference you know what give me a second I'm gonna go get it I'm gonna go get a can of regular spam or I think I have some less sodium spam that I can get that's my oldest stock so that me a second I'll be right back all right so I went to my pantry and this is my oldest stock of the less sodium spam I'm trying to go through these first because I've heard for some reason that these don't last as long as the regular spam not sure if that's true or not but better be safe than sorry but these are my oldest ones this one here it's not expired but best by date if you can see was March of 2017 so this should be pretty much the same thing as spam except that it's got a little less sodium and we'll take a look at that so you see it still has 180 calories 140 calories of fat let's take a look at the sodium in this one the sodium is 580 milligrams so it's roughly 200 milligrams less than the regular okay and let's see if we can find the ingredients and the ingredients in this I'm not sure if you guys will be able to see it because of my high tech camera but it does say pork with ham mechanically separate it oh it's got chicken water salt modified potato starch sugar and sodium phosphates so this this one here seems like it has more preservatives than the Walmart one cuz look at this it has sodium phosphates potassium chloride sodium a sorbate and sodium nitrate so you know what ladies and gentlemen so far having look at these ingredients and these even though I know I love to taste the spam the way this smells it looks a little different so far I'm kind of favoring this one and I just don't know how I never seen these before I've seen the treats I've seen the I think it's Hormel that has worn out but you know there's a whole bunch of different kinds but I never really realized you're noticed that Walmart had its own brand then again like I said I don't shop at Walmart very often so let's go ahead and open this one up and compare them side-by-side and there you go this is your spam and you can see a couple little things here but you can see it a lot more in this one so and there you go ladies and gentlemen that's what they look like side-by-side so here's your regular spam that's just less sodium you know I don't even consider this really less sodium it's got like 200 milligrams less and then there's your Walmart brand I'm going to call it spam even though it's luncheon meat but I'm gonna call it spam so you can tell there's a little more fat here congealed and the Walmart brand then there isn't a regular spam but let me give it a sniff and see if it smells anything like the other one it smells really good actually they both smell very similar except for this one has a little bit of a lighter smell even though this one has more salt this one has a little bit of a lighter spammy smell let me smell it again yes indeed but they both smell pretty good so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut these up and I'm gonna fry them I'm gonna go ahead and fry this one up first put it on a plate and then fry this one up second since it's got more fat I don't want the flavor from this one to infiltrate this one and it seems that this one's got more fat congealed around it so I'm gonna fry this one up first this one I'm second and then we'll bring you guys back for a taste test haha but you thought I wasn't gonna show you me using my handy dandy spam slicer look at that ladies and gentlemen is that awesome or what that's like art [Music] well ladies and gentlemen there you have it this is your spam and this is your Walmart spam so you can see the Walmart spam looks like it's got a lot more Krispies around it I have a feeling that maybe and and don't quote me because I don't know but this is what I think maybe this is the sugar maybe this spam has a little more sugar than the than the regular spam the Walmart wonder because that's usually what happens when you have sugar in something it'll crystallize like that but we'll see how it tastes first we're gonna go ahead and try a piece of the regular and then we're gonna go ahead and try a piece of the Walmart brand and then after this ladies and gentlemen I'm going to show you guys one of my very favorite meals okay this your regular can see the middle now like I said I don't know if a lot of you have heard this but I've heard that the spam light or that not the spam light the spam with less sodium I've heard some people saying that they have problems with them this one had a best buy date of March of 2017 so we're looking at two years and nine months past its best by date and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it and it tastes fine it tastes just like spam is supposed to taste actually very enjoyable tell you the truth now let's give this one a try now as you can see you can see the texture in this one personally I think this one has a little more texture than the regular spam as far as you see how it's a little flaky see that how you can actually like dig into it because it's like a little more flaky what that tells me is and I'm not a professional so I could be wrong but what that tells me is is that the meat that was used in this one wasn't as processed as the meat that was used in this one meaning that the sizes of meat particles in the slurry that they make the spam with or the luncheon meat with was a little bit bigger than this one than this one or that's what I think you guys let me know what you think now let's give it a try here's ago and you see look at the middle you see Oh let's see if you guys can see this so the middle it looks like the meets a little more separated from each other honestly as far as taste goes if someone gave me a piece of this and told me it was spam I would believe it if they told me it was the spam brand I would believe it because it tastes just like spam so from now on I am going to definitely go with stocking up on the Walmart brand as much as I don't enjoy going into Walmart's I'm probably gonna go in there and do one run and pick up a case of this one now I notice that they have like a bacon version of this and I didn't grab one of those let me know if you guys want me to review that one they have like a bacon version but I don't want to be buying up a whole bunch of those not knowing what it was like so I only bought one can the one can you saw me hoping so I'm gonna go back I'm gonna get a case of these and if you guys want me to review the bacon let me know I'll probably get one anyways just to try it on my own but if you want me to review it let me know and I'll show you guys the process that I did with this one right so now while the rest of my meal is finishing up let me go ahead and do a little mail call and then I'll show you oh look at that alright so I've got a couple of minutes let it rest and then let's do a quick mail call and then I'll show you what one of my very favorite meals is and you're gonna be surprised at how very simple it is well here it is ladies and gentlemen actually I received this box I think it was the day before yesterday and I also received a card so I'm not gonna go ahead and say who it is that sent me this either of these because as I always say I don't like to divulge the names of anyone that sends something in case they do want to keep it private but I will go ahead and show you this and as you can see this a beautiful Christmas card says peace on earth and it says Merry Christmas hope you have a wonderful Christmas and you too AP and family love watching you daily I learned so much may your spirit be filled with the blessing of peace this Christmas and always Merry Christmas a Merry Christmas thank you very much you obviously know who you are the person that sent me this and I really do appreciate it I'm still flabbergasted ladies and gentlemen when I when I go into the post office and people send me things it just is very humbling and I truly do appreciate it and someone else sent me this package but let me show you the card first because the card is also very pretty and this is a wonderful story and it's the oak tree and I'm gonna go ahead and read you the story because I found it so pretty a mighty wind blew night and day it's dull the oak trees leaves away then snapped its bows and pulled its bark until the oak was tired and stark but still the oak tree held its ground while other trees fell all around the weary wind gave up and spoke how can you still be standing oak the oak tree said I know that you can break each branch of mine and to carry every leaf away shake my limbs and make me sway but I have roots stretched in the earth growing stronger since my birth you'll never touch them for you see they are the deepest part of me until today I wasn't sure of just how much I could endure but now I've found with thanks to you I am stronger than I ever knew and assess here especially now try to remember how strong you are thinking of you I'm believing in you and caring for you and it says here we hope your tests come out well and I really can't read the rest thank you very much obviously this very nice person sent me this not long after I told you guys that I was having those headaches but for any of you that don't know my tests came back good and my headaches have gone away I don't know what no one really knows what caused them to be that bad maybe I'm just a big old whiner that can't take a little headache but other than that ladies and gentlemen I was sent something by the same person that every prepper every prepper should have as a copy of the Holy Scriptures New World Translation I haven't opened this yet but I definitely will now when I say every prepper should have this am I saying that every prepper should have this know every prepper should have whatever material you would require that would allow your faith to help you in your time of need okay because we all have a faith whether we think so or not I believe we all have a faith even if you're an atheist atheism is your faith you know believe it or not we all have a faith and ladies and gentlemen let me tell you something from personal experience in the darkest of times whether you think you have a faith or not whether you think that you have a creator or not in the darkest of times you will call out the name of your Creator and it also came with this book what can the Bible teach us and guess what I got a vacuum-sealed brick of café Bustelo I really hope you didn't spend a lot of money on this because I know that they're kind of expensive on Amazon and I want to thank you very much for this because I can't find this here as far as it coming in a vacuum seal brick so I hope you don't mind but I'm not gonna open this I'm gonna keep it for long-term storage I'll probably open it in about a year to try and rotate it out but I'm definitely going to enjoy opening this when I do all right so thank you very much ladies and gentlemen actually do appreciate all of the support that you show me and all of the caring messages that you guys leave in the comments I know and I can feel it in my heart that they're genuine so thank you very much right so a guess what let's get back to that spin and this ladies and gentlemen is one of my very favorite meals and it's just plain white sticky rice with a layer of spam slices on top it really doesn't get much better than this the flavor of the sticky rice and the spam is in my opinion one of the most perfect combinations that the good Lord blessed us with I wonder if the good Lord was thinking about spam when he created us all right ladies and gentlemen so there you go and look at this ladies you know man I want to go ahead and put something on real quick let's get back to the prepping side of things I paid I think it was two dollars and 20 cents for two dollars and twelve cents something like that for that a can of Walmart spam that kind of Walmart spam will make let me see i I didn't end up cooking all of it I put like three slices in the fridge of each because it's just too much and in addition to me taking this for lunch there's gonna be plenty left over for a little miss Alaska prepper and Victor mrs. Alaska prepper doesn't really you know like spam that much she'll eat it whenever I make it but she doesn't prefer it but anyways this one can I would say made a minimum a minimum of three good servings of spam so let's say 70 cents a serving and we probably have about the equivalence of 10 cents of rice in this bowl so this is a pretty decent meal you know that will keep you going for less than a dollar way less than a dollar really if you want to think about it so I think it is worthwhile prepping your canned meats like this especially if you can find them like this at such a good price and you know what that's what I'm gonna that's what I'm going to that is what I'm going to title this video is that I will never buy spam again from now on I'm buying this and I'm definitely gonna go pick me up a case so having said that ladies and gentlemen I know I probably dragged this video out to be about ten times longer than what it's supposed to be but you know when I'm doing these videos ladies and gentlemen I hope you understand that I'm talking with you I am talking with you I'm not talking at you which is something that I find kind of rude when people talk at someone instead of with them so I hope you enjoyed me showing you this and listen go to go to Walmart I'm not advocating Walmart okay but I give credit where credit is due this is in my opinion an outstanding product at a very good price that's my opinion so if you guys want to know what it's like for real go pick up one can and try it out and if you don't like it if you disagree with me you'll be like ah ap is out of his mind but if you do agree with me you just found something that you can substitute spam with that's about a buck a can cheaper than spam and I'm not saying anything bad about spam I still love spam but if I can get something that tastes just like it and in my opinion this does for a dollar a can less I'm gonna get I'm gonna get this okay I'm definitely gonna get this better be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one and repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place so you know that it will be a better place many blessings twelve you and your families there's last prepper and I am out
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 288,026
Rating: 4.8663239 out of 5
Keywords: spam, #foodshortage, #prepper, #spam, foodshortage
Id: twe3FRItgl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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