Canned Meat Taste Test

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today we embark on a canned meat eating adventure let's talk about [Music] good mythical morning if you're in the know like me and you know that the world could end at any moment and you know you're ready for the apocalyptic times that are coming you away then you need to be prepared and one way to be prepared is to have lots of canned meat and if you're an animal of any kind chances are you're in a can or one of your kind is in a can because there is a smorgasbord of animals that are canned meats that are canned and we're gonna combine forces today and taste those and see if they can be identified it's time for can you and meet me in the middle of this canopy who's gonna work we're gonna have a can of meat come out it has a clue painted on the outside by Eddie Thank You Eddie and we're going to use our tasting faculties and are looking at clue faculties in order to as a team determine what kind of meat it is we are the meat eating faculty we are we are the tackle or the faculty no that's not the staff let's get into it [Music] okay big Kant and quick piece of information we get a special treat if we get four out of six of these correct but if we don't we have to take all of the meats combine them into a nasty meatball and eat that both of us so happy bday that is our clue from Eddie okay don't cut yourself I don't want to eat you your blood happy bday now if I look down in there that looks like hamburger in fat you know what that might be potatoes I think that's mashed potatoes and gravy and meatloaf or dog food cuz I know I'm smelling it let's taste it man we're working as a team here it tastes better than it smells but that's fat that's not mashed potato it's a roast beef man it's not bad at all I'm definitely little in this I'm pretty sure that this is beef because anything even like a bison or something that like looks like ground beef but it's something else it would have like a hint of gay meanness or something different but why would it be birthday happy birthday a cake beefcake good beefcake a word it's a beefcake I don't think that should be our final answer it's a cow man that's a cow cake let's just ignore the clues I think the clues throwing us off it's just like happy birthday got you talking here's a gift we know you like beef okay so our final answer is cow cow cow yeah I'll answer you are correct it's beef it's ground beef oh okay good so we're all over the birthday party Eddie you said it beefcake beefcake that was the clue oh you got it you got it you got it and didn't know it okay okay all right that's good set that one over there we'll bring the new one in all right okay small one it's like a cat food can that's a egg egg plus trouser no that's a four-wheeler well what more motorcycle as to ATV well it's something it's a probably a bird cuz of an egg it's puppet see if you can smell bird eggs plus oh gosh it looks like flesh let's figure out this clue because I would guess that this is like ostrich because it's pink and it's probably a bird and that's that's not it but is this is an equation that's an egg an egg plus an ATV let's taste it that's gonna be what we need oh it's so Julie oh so gelatinous a mesh so gelatinous guy it's like brain could it be brain I don't believe that let's do it it's very Milly Milly yeah I just think we should go with our instincts man so beat bird yeah it could be any bird you want to go with ostrich right off the bat I've never seen an ostrich on an ATV is this a motorcycle an ostrich can go as fast as a motorcycle that's it in fact they will ostrich hunting you gotta have it they will kick you and kill just like a motor final answer is ostrich true okay this is potted meat made with chicken pork added mmm chicken plus pork is this must be a pig it's a motorcycle another name for MOG Haga Oh org add in plus port mm-hmm it's just potted meat well that's not a fun it's from armor man so we said armor one favorite potted can to meat companies mmm I gotta clean my palate now what would you say that is orange green and blue it looks like a pickle sandwich now I want a clarification the last one was two different animals does that mean that other rounds might be more than one animal that's the only one okay okay so I'm gonna try to take this off safely that seems less safe than just something tells me that we're about to go spoon in John this Oh oh gosh it's chunky now this is this is some ooh that's that's unexpectedly aromatic really yeah smell it it's an aromatic gravy oh nice Eddie your clues are weird man blue green and orange lists he didn't see if it gives us anything that's strong got some spicy stuff man who it is spicy it's a red meat though it's not processed as the stringy meat ripped right off the animal and put into a can it's like a elk or something what other Elks are there the Western out the eastern oh the smiley Nell always looks friendly but he will cut you the shifty elk I wish I were a reindeer but I'm an elk area but what does that mean there's a gradient in there if you noticed that none of the artistry is purposeful let's not go Bob Ross on this thing the guy just put a orange a green and a red this is a flag a flag of what a country you dork yeah but what country is orange green and blue what country is really into elk maybe I shouldn't like us so hard into elk yeah let's go back off of the elk this is the flag not the official flag but the unofficial flag of ooh I think this could be a llama meet in some strange way you seem so reasonable right now is it really to ever seem reasonable this is a version of the Peruvian flag it's not the official Peruvian flag is that it is the unofficial you know they mix it up occasionally like at any moment it's on deck it could move into the official flag of Peru that's better than anything I've come up with I'm gonna say that this is uh smells like Canyon this is llama final answer alpaca it could be snow if it oh you are incorrect the animal is an alligator a gator and what what is a color those are the colors of the Florida Gators well green the green is the color of the actual game but their colors are orange and blue yeah yeah that's that's a pickle you drew a pickle in the middle of Florida Gator that really threw me Eddie all right we don't want to be eating this conglomerate meatball which now has ostrich beef and llama in it we got to get all of these right that's soupy you know what I haven't looked at the clue yet yeah forget the clue no sorry I feel like I want to taste it and then see if the clue confirms it okay okay I'm not looking at it either I'm gonna get a new Gator Lisbon ooh there's bones it smells barbecuing that is the neck of an animal it's all Nick I think it's all neck all the time all neck all the time that's your ass a baby giraffe you guys are feeding us a baby giraffe I multiple yeah gosh that's another neck see if we can find some more Nick I mean it's the whole thing oh we can get clues here that's more Nick it's all oh oh oh oh oh it's a snake this is a freakin it's a snake man now let's look at the clue and confirm it on a plane snakes on a pony we got to eat it man we gots to eat it we thought it was just a neck of mother we thought more neck more neck turns out that's what a snake is oh that's more all the time yeah I'm just going to put in my mouth and just eat it oh you're picking it off of it it's not bad it's a good snake it's not that good mmm totally acceptable in a pock elliptic situation it doesn't taste bad in that sauce that tastes like barbecue sauce but it looks like chicken noodle soup sauce ie broth all right that's how finally snake a little baby little baby giraffe snakes brat dress think it's rattlesnake rattlesnake that's rattlesnake look at that we knew that rocky mountain stuff like frickin CSI meets paleontology again I'm not looking at the clue kind of peel it back so we got a good technique getting idiot-proof we make a good team we should do the teammate thing more often yeah okay man that is that looks like beef stew or it could be an organ that could be alert it has a muscle fiber okay good this could be oak why you gotta be so elk centric I'm sorry I'm biased towards ELQ now if this was sitting out and I'm starving I might be excited but at this point I'm like yeah yeah yeah I already eaten sneaking it and other things let's do it oh okay ah not horrible okay okay I know where it is I think this is bear meat cuz it's brown like a bear yeah the meat doesn't indicate the color of it you come up with your guess and then we'll look at the clue and see which one is confirmed and you biased me with your bareness do you think it's bear don't you I can believe it's bear it is the big animal red dot red dot what on isn't that the Japanese flag you think you want flag on us again I mean this is the school colors to have plenty of schools alright if we went with Japan what what animal would it big handle red you can't it's an animal it has a lot of fat cuz it's got the fat that's kind of come to the top here but that could still be anything it could be horse is going with bear give me a rationale about what uh what what a red dot has to do with a bear and I will agree with you well if you get attacked by a bear chances are low be some red dots on you okay I finally hits it is bear the animal is reindeer nope freaking out sorry Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer again I'm not looking at a clue this is a pop topper is this our last one oh gosh if we get this one right we dodged the meat bullet 101 alright link we have problems it's pink it's like I've opened up a vat and there's gonna be an alien in there oh my God look at the consistency that's here is human this is human that's been put into smoothie that's person they can people this is what people would look like canned oh and in the apocalypse there's gonna be a lot of people all the losers are gonna be canned mm-hmm don't get canned that's gonna be my motto in there in the apartment this is let me smell it smells like pigs feet don't smell like pig's feet do you it smells like old hot dogs I'm not excited why is this Oh pinky pinky in the brain its brain hold on oh is it brainy hold on hold on it is brain it is so brain there's no fibers to it it just looks like thoughts I have a thought it's not to eat this last time we eat brains it didn't go well man but listen we have to be committed to this because as you've always know eating the brain of an animal is an opportunity to consume its thoughts so as we try to get this down I want you to zero and on the brain tissue you can become the animal wider eating it and that's how we're gonna win this game we cannot spit it out because we don't get the thoughts if we don't swallow it the thoughts come from this sounds like a religion like you're building a freakin cult belief system over here you got the thoughts have to get you out of it I can't go to the mouth the tongue cannot sense thoughts learn that a long time ago dink it there we go definitely organ don't think about that thing about the thoughts I hear something I got it down did you get it down oh forget it take a half what are you seeing I see a fence nothing man I see grass I see a trough its domesticated it's in a field I'm in a field no no no no I'm low to the ground you're missing it man I'm low and I'm low to the ground I'm this my faces yeah my face is this high off the ground the gerbil it's a sheep or a pig I'm a sheep or a pig let's see he equals mc-squared uh-huh milk milk brain hold on no no it's in milk it's in milk it's in pigs milk it's in milk pigs have milk now that you harvest all right gosh after taste but the thoughts I'm serious about this I said low to the ground like a a nose in grass yeah no mud no he was no mud no it was mud no I didn't feel mud I felt just grass equals mc-squared is a smart animal or it's just it's the brains yep you're right that just means brain brain milk brain cow it's a cow brain it is that's what it is final answer cow brain eating grass and the trough and all that yes okay you guys were really close it's pork brains with milk gravy I told you there was mud I told you I was in the mud I know I said jar wall peeps like horse and gerbil and after that I quit listening to you alright we'll make the meat Massa meatball but for now we say watch yourself when the apocalypse approaches gather your cans of meat thank you for liking commenting and subscribing you know what time it is hi I'm Ashley from Minnesota it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you watch good mythical crew tomorrow morning on this channel you could see Mike and Alex and how they went through those superstitions yeah what happened did did they lose their luck also Eddie painted these cans in that click through to good mythical more where we're gonna make our magnetized meatball and eat that this just in kissing is illegal let's just in I've been told that kissing is now illegal in the city of in every city in every earth well Doug that's gonna be a problem for me I'm gonna tell you right now I usually don't like to mix my personal life with the news that we bring to you good people report on it but I really like kissing and I'm here to say that I'm not gonna stand for this well I mean look at these lips okay put your hands behind your back you're coming with me sir Gatto citizen's arrest you can't deny the power of this don't look at this tongue get out of here get out of here [Music] so now you're gonna put it in this this is getting medical math
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 6,245,798
Rating: 4.9211588 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, canned meat taste test, taste test, rhett and link canned meat taste test, gmm canned meat taste test, good mythical morning canned meat taste test, canned meat taste test gmm, canned meat taste test rhett and link, rhett and link taste test, rhett link taste test
Id: K0VRsvxicf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2016
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