Best canned meat to have during an emergency.

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hi everyone I am back with another testing so I'm doing the testing so you don't have to this time it's another taste testing with everything that's been going on with our viral pandemic and whatnot you know people have been making crazy dashes to the store and cleaning things out so maybe your local store the shelves are pretty bare in some clay cases your mouth with some food choices that you're not too sure about so now we have other types of canned meat first and foremost you know spam that's the go-to I like spam I eat spam not on a regular basis but I always have some in the cover so I don't have to taste this of them I just like it but I will compare the other ones and I'm gonna compare them to spam so the first thing I always do is I've got a little chart to go over everything first looking at the ingredients spam made with pork ham salt water modified potato starch just sugar sodium nitrate preservatives plum rose Premium ham now the problem with this is I don't know where I got this it's not at the local store I tried looking online like tried looking on Amazon I looked on Walmart maybe the thing that the local store had it and they have other plumbers hands but not tain't so I have to keep depending on how this goes I keep an eye out for that so we have ham cured with water salt sugar sodium phosphates carrageenan sodium arathor abate sodium nitrate his last ones again preserved as carrageenan that is a natural preservative it's natural because it's made from red seaweed but the weird thing about it is they can it they actually use that in drug testing because when you process it one way it's fine if as a preservative but you've changed the alkaline level just a little bit and now it induces inflammation and so they test drugs with you know anti-inflammatory drugs using that so it is what are this then we got the armored lunch meat which I'm guessing is gonna be a say a spam relative pork water salt contains 2% or less of sugar sodium air thorough bait so you're not changing reserves armored potted meat armor seems to be kind of a local go to for the alternative canned meat family mechanically separated chicken mechanically separated that is when they use a high-pressure system to peel all the remnants of the meat and everything off the bones so when they've used the chicken breast meat or beef or whatever for making chicken breast the steak and whatnot and they just always have some remnants I'm mouth left on the bone you use a high pressure system to completely wash everything off the bone and then you end up with that slime might have seen stories about that in the news let the beef it's called a pink slime and everything wood now is also a chicken slime and then they reconstitute it you know drain it and squeeze it back all together and make meat so it's mechanically separated chicken pork water salt contains 2 percent or less of mustard vinegar dextrose sodium air thorough bait garlic powder natural flavors in sodium nitrate let's be careful at this one I passionately hate mustard and over the years people have tried to put little little small amounts of mustard in things because I seriously am very sensitive palate towards mustard I can always taste it and get irritated that they did that and armored Vienna sausage I've had she never ever ever had Vienna sausages so this is gonna be new for me too mechanically separated chicken a water salt corn syrup contains 2 percent or less of beef pork destrosa natural flavors sodium nitrate garlic powder alright and I always do the meat content by label to make sure that you are getting you know what they say you are everything with the exception of the Vienna sausages the cans full of meat therefore they're pretty much saying it's a hundred percent it's what 12 ounce can to mount servings six ounces in here that's 2% of the Canada's meat the only difference Vienna sausage you know because they are sausages so there's gonna be air and water and stuff gapped in there but if you go by the labeling you still have 91 percent of the Canada's meat in as usual sodium especially with this cut with this food people who have to wash the Soudan have to be really careful this stuff spam 790 milligrams per 2 ounce serving very small sliver amount and it's thirty four percent of your daily intake the plum rose 620 milligrams or 26 percent the are my luncheon meat very close to spam 750 milligrams or 31 percent the armored potted meat the entire can is a serving which is three ounces all the other things are 2 ounces so just do the math backwards to compare it for two months serving is 547 milligrams at 24% but you're not gonna just leave four small amount of this and I can so you can eat the whole can which is 820 milligrams 36 percent your intake and finally the Vienna sausage 630 milligrams 26 percent so they're all basically kind of in the same ballpark when it comes to the sodium high so you're not gonna get really salted up one over the other no by the way before I forget spam again the go-to if you go to spam dot-com slash recipes there are a hundred recipes that you can do with spam if you scroll the hole near the bottom there's one it's a bowties spam broccoli salad I tried that I made that and it was good I was I was very happy with it and it makes a good amount of food that's a good way to stretch some one box of bowtie is some broccoli and substan a very long way I had I was eating it for two days maybe three days all right I'm gonna crack the cans on these things and I'll be right back all right so here we are out of the bag inside of the kind of thing so the plum Rose premium ham you know I think it looks I guess a lot like the spam stuff too it's teasing them out I wonder for premium and Pam who does seem to a lot like spam let's find out yeah there is he's just like spam so I mean I'll cook with I'll do something with that and the armor had a little luncheon meat because like I said it looks a lot like spam and your premium ham let them share a plate here was so appetizing yeah jelly that comes in from pressure cooking in the can yep just like spam okay next we have their potted meat Wow and one of my kids verify it actually smells like tuna not really heavy tunas pal but enough and on their site there's they actually have their own recipes - they say it's great on crackers or is buffalo casing yep there's a couple of the recipes but I'm gonna that is very grainy I'm actually not sure what flavor meat I am detecting wow it's not a horrible taste is just different they I say the grittiness and it kind of it kind of throws me off a little bit I think it tastes more like pork than chicken a little bit of an aftertaste on that you'll come back to that cider it's gonna be in a sausage no I don't you look you don't packed it there and what's on their site and people are saying a good way to do it is microwave it real you know real quick just to warm it up or in hot water not boiling because if the casing breaks and the boiling apparently they get saturated really fast but let's just try a little bite right now it's a mini hot dog tastes more hot doggy then sausage expects sausages to be a little bit more spicy you could use those suckers and pigs in a blanket it's gonna be real expensive pigs on brain blanket but hmm well I was kind of expecting more of a hand quality from the armor premium ham but as you can see it's very much more like in a spam family I'm gonna eat it put it back in the can put in the fridge I'll make something with it the things that I just put it with some pasta or something later on the potted meat man this is just weird it tastes more like pork than anything else but gritty I'm just kind of different and again the Vienna sausage little mini hot dogs laughs you're not bad but I do think you definitely warming them up it'll be a lot better all right well I've got some food choices ahead of me for today so I hope you enjoyed don't forget check out spam recipes there are other things I mean use those use those recipes on the armored stuff too and hope this was entertaining enough and don't forget to subscribe to my channel thanks
Channel: kirby testing stuff
Views: 18,920
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: prep, prepping, taste test, quarantine, pandemic, stock pile, canned meat, canned food, apocalypse
Id: 1xJhbTbKvG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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