"Victory Over Darkness" | Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin | Copyright Owner Kenneth Hagin Ministries*

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[Music] approach the word denied father we thank you for your precious holy written word thank you for the privilege that we have defeat upon my word to study the Word of God together thank you for the great mighty one the holy spirit who have you sent to be our teacher we trust him tonight to give us utterance that we may speak as Peter says as of the Oracles of God thank you we'll give you all praise honorably for everything that's wrong turn on bits for we pray in Jesus name Amen amen praise God hallelujah remember the service in the morning at 10:30 which would be a little different kind of a service and then we'll wait till tomorrow night really to get into the floor which we feel that God wants us to go during this meeting we'll go a little different direction tonight because we're a week further other folks to get in a lot of people's on the way in I haven't gotten here yet a lot of pastors of course in their own services on Sunday but they'll be here tomorrow if you have your Bibles tonight I want you to open them to three openings first the 91st psalm second the tenth chapter Luke and then third Colossians the second chapter in the 91st psalm will read the 13th verse thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the dragon shall trample under feet then turning to the New Testament to Luke the tenth chapter in the nineteenth verse jesus said behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you then turning finally to Colossians the second chapter and the fifteenth verse talking about Christ in his death burial and resurrection and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it hallelujah well if you stop right there praise God we could go home and say it's good to have been here amen hallelujah I'm more and more convinced more convinced today than I was yesterday more convinced this year than it was last year more convinced now than ever before that unless we have power to meet the own slots of Satan in these last days we're going under in defeat but if we know what the Word of God says we know we're gonna walk in victory but if we do not know how now you see a long time people know what belongs to them but they don't know how to take advantage of it or how to implement it if we do not know how to take victory over Satan who is so powerful and crafty and cunning in his movements and in his word unless we know how to take authority and power over him then we're going to be left stranded both spiritually and physically who stands back of what's going on in this world well you remember second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 Paul said that Satan is the god of this world Satan is the god of this world well who stands back of the crime wave Satan of course who stands back of modernism that denies the Word of God and the truth of God's Word and the power of God Satan who stands back evolution and denies what the Word of God has to say on the subject Satan who stands back a false teaching who stands back of the ministry that denies the supernatural Satan is behind all of that who stands back of the diseases and sicknesses that sweep the world and before you can find the cure for one another one arises the Bible said concerning Jesus in accident' chapter and 30th verse we went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil the Bible called sickness satanic oppression who stands back of the spirit of bondage that seems to bind so many of God's own children who stands back of the Spirit of darkness that seems to envelop you sometimes when you pray well it's Satan that's endeavoring to defeat you and rob you a victory that belongs to you what are we gonna do we're gonna just throw up our hands in defeat and say well nothing we can do no no no a thousand times no Jesus is the victor hallelujah it says here that he saw principalities and powers that's the same principalities and powers that we have to deal with down here you know in the sixth chapter of Ephesians he said we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness of the Martin said wicked spirits in heavenly places well those same spiritual powers same principalities and powers that we have to do deal with King James said he spoiled principalities and powers that's a little bit blind to us because we don't just talk that way today but he put him to naught another translation said thank God he defeated the devil and he did not need to defeat him for himself because he didn't need it but what he did was for us as our substitute praise the Lord amen now then notice what the first text said the 91st psalm the 13th verse thou shalt tread upon the lion now you understand that there are two lions spoken of in scriptures first as a you know in the natural there's the lion who's the king of the forest well he is in this sense that part that the rider here in the 91st psalm in this sense he's talking about the devil using the lion the king of the jungle as a type of the devil or Satan but the Bible talks about another lion the Bible talking about the Lion of the tribe of Judah glory to God hallelujah that's the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah and you know something else while we're on that see he is the Bible said he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah well Jesus came if you'll follow the genealogy through the scripture he came from the tribe of Judah hallelujah but did you ever look up Judah and see what that mean name means it means praise he's the Lion of the tribe of praise hallelujah glory to God will you remember when you talk about that that the scripture also said talking about the Lord and God that he inhabits the praises of his people hallelujah glory to God the line of the tribe of praise you remember the sixteenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles of the 25th verse Paul and Silas were in jail their backs were bleeding for they had been whipped they had been put into the innermost prison their feet were in stocks and the 25th verse of the sixteenth chapter said and at midnight they prayed thank God for prayer but that's just one step towards victory they prayed and sang praises unto God it was while they were singing praises if the answer came he is the Lion of the tribe of praise you want to get him to work before you start praising him Golda to God start right in the midst of darkness at the midnight hour the darkest hour start singing praises to God now you know as well as I know that he's not talking about thou shalt tread upon the line and the headers not talking about a natural line out here but lion represents forces as strong and fierce as a lion he men and so when he talked about not to tread upon the line he's talking about Satan amen but thou shalt tread upon in the 57th Psalm and the 4th verse the psalmist said my soul is among lions did you ever feel that away he meant my soul he said is among lions that Psalm 57 verse 4 but thank God we need to realize that though we may be among lions because he said the line and the adder and the young lion shall that trample under feet though we may be among lions they were helpless if we know how to deal with them now in this second chapter of Colossians he said he saw principalities and powers did you ever repeat the pilgrims progress pilgrims on the way you know to heaven and as he goes along the pathway these lines come roaring fangs bared but they can't get him because they're chained they can just only come so far do you ever stop to think about the 23rd psalm belongs to us now a lot of times people will read that at the time of a funeral or something but when he talks about through the valley of the shadow of death he's not talking about physical dying because he received the Lord is my shepherd I shall not walk saw because he after he talked about through the valley he leads me through the valley of the shadow of death see he's still alive he's not dead yet thy rod and thy staff they comfort me he went on to say my cup runs over now notice he's not dead yet because he said surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life so he's still alive at the end the end of the 23rd zombie still alive surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I dwell in the house of the Lord forever no you see in this life where Satan is the god of this world and because Satan is the kingdom of darkness you see and he's the head of the kingdom of darkness we walked through the valley through this life we walked through the valley of the shadow of death you see there's the shadow of a spiritual death all around us there's a shout shadow of sickness and disease and poverty all around about us those things are of the shadow of death but now notice this this same Psalm said he prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies well you see here in this 91st psalm he talked him off the line and the adder of the young lines of the dragon shall trample under feet those are symbols of the enemy amen Satan and his cohorts and when he said he prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies he's talking about right in the presence of the devil right in the presence of demons he prepares a table before me praise God and on that table of this victory glory to God but the thing we need to realize is not a resist he prepares a table before me in the presence the enemy is present he's going to stay present he's got a right to be here till Adams released runs out upon this earth but thank God like pilgrims progress that Lions were chained they came roaring after pilgrim but they couldn't get him hallelu he's walking the straight InDinero way they were changing well we're sitting at the father's table he prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies the problem with a lot of folk is they keep looking at the enemy yeah he's still there well part of it get your eyes off of him get your eyes on the table there's victory on the table there's victory over all the power of the enemy hallelujah sure he's there well I'm still troubled with this in trouble with that what of it get your eyes off of that get your eyes on the table thou shalt tread upon the line in there and the young line the dragon shalt are trampled under foot hallelu you're under feet amen thou shalt tread tread now that means walk I notice it that's your tread upon the lion that means you walk on it you're gonna be above him haven't you to be able to walk although he has to be beneath you but thank God he is we sing that course sometime under my feet under my feet yeah Satan's under our feet because Jesus is the head of the church and we're the body of Christ and he's put all things under his feet he's the head we're the feet are the part of the body as the feet that in other words if it's under our feet is under the whole body amen praise God well then no notice he said thou shalt tread upon the lion and he said the adder now according to the margin in my Bible it's also I looked at he says s this Hebrew words also translated asked I shall tread upon the adder and the ass in connection with that looking it up the dictionary you'll find these words in connection with the same word Cobra horn servant cockatrice and then looking at it further you'll find that it doesn't just mean one adder r1s our one harm serpent but it tends with the thought of a brood are a whole list amen a whole nest our whole brood of adders harass now understand all these are types of demons but your tread on them your tread honor hallelujah hallelujah amen that's your tread on them walk on walk on top praise God hallelujah that's your trend on the lion the adder the Young Lions well now notice he talked about the lion and he talked about the Young Lions the first lion is like I said it's Satan himself bloodthirsty and cruel the young lions are full of them and energy all kinds of demons and demons activity but we need not fear hallelujah because the Lord is our Shepherd we do not want he prepares a table before us amen Deuteronomy in the 32nd chapter in the 33rd verse said their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruel venom of ASPs well here he said that your trade on the line and the young lady let young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot we have power or the authority to tread or trample underfoot Satan and all of his cohorts amen amen now notice again this verse Deuteronomy 32 33 their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruel venom of ass over in the New Testament Romans the third chapter in the thirteenth verse it reads the poison of ASPs is under their lips so many times in this world the poison of ASPs is under their lips of so many people and it stings like the sting of an ASP what are you talking about I'm talking about back by body I'm talking about tale-bearing I'm talking about slandering I've been in the ministry I'm in my 63rd year this coming August the 8th I will have completed 63 years in the ministry in all of these 63 years no one has ever heard me criticize anybody you've never heard me talk about anybody they may talk about me but I pray for us amen but you know backbiting and tale-bearing and slender and all of those things may sting like an ass but you got the power to tread on them see I did walk all over just walk off I told folks years ago 25 years ago I said it and I'm still saying it if they told on me that I killed my grandma I'm not even going tonight I'm just gonna keep shouting praising God and go on with the Lord let them say what they want to say thank God for victory now notice I shall tread upon the a dirt the line and add the Young Lions and the Dragons shall trample under feet now a quarter of the dictionary dragon means a great reptile it can mean a sea serpent or it can mean on land an animal of great magnitude but here he said that shout thou shalt trample under feet that means tread over amen well you see they may start a whisper against you I've had a lot of them that's greater than whispers started against me amen but it doesn't change me hallelujah I'm just the same today as I was yesterday I'm not hurt by those things i trample them under feet hallelujah go over to God you know my testimony most of you I'm sure now that I was raised up from a deathbed sixty-three years ago almost now but just acting on God's Word mark 11:23 in 24 then the Lord said to me in May of nineteen and fifty now to me it sounded audible get your look around there's nobody there but he said don't teach my people of faith I've taught you faith through my word I permitted you to go through certain experiences and you've learned faith both by through my word and by experience now go teach my people when I taught you Amen well we realize that some people on any given Bible subject you want a mention that some people go to the extreme sometimes but I've just endeavor to stay in the middle of the road but even if that you know people have got you know I've had all unkind things said about the faith minister in the faith message and so on and so forth one minister in one of our faith seminars in Dallas a few years ago said to me after one of the teaching session I was teaching on faith both morning and night and he came to me after one of the morning sessions and shook hands with Benny said minor you teach so much on faith I never heard you teach well of course I do teach and have done what on other things but he hadn't heard well I said number one you can't be saved without faith because the Bible said by grace are you saved through faith that not himself a gift of God secondly I said you can't walk the Christian walk without faith because the Bible said we walk by faith and not beside third I said you can't live for God without faith because the Bible said that we live by faith hallelu amen fourth I said you can't get your prize heard an answer without faith because Jesus said when you pray believe you receive them and ye shall have them hallelujah and then I said fifth you can't please God and go to heaven without faith because the Bible said without faith it's impossible to please him now he had just got through telling me he had been in the ministry for 25 years and he said you know I've never preached on faith after I gave him all those five points he said you know what I said what he said I've never preached yet he'd been preaching 25 years and haven't gotten into the ministry yet now thank God he got into it praise the Lord you know there's a text and understand Paul was talking about something else but it apply here in the fifth chapter first Thessalonians remember Paul said prove all things prove all things hold fast to that which is good now he said that in connection with prophecy and the moving of the Spirit of God because if you read the entire context he said quints not the spirit despise not prophesying prove all things hold fast that which is good well of course tradition tells us if they had so much prophecy I'm there in Thessalonica that folks you know just got tired of so he said despise not prophesized but he went on to say you know don't quench the spirit though some things might not be right not some things not not be up to par don't quench the spirit don't despise prophecies but don't accept everything prove all things proven out and that which is good hold fast to it now that's that's really what he said in the context but rather on the other hand that same truth would hold in any other area of prove all things hold fast that which is good amen well you remember I've given this testimony I'll reiterate it here I became bed fast on the 22nd day of April 1933 on the first day of January of 1934 my grandfather because we live with him our home had been broken and we went to live with my grandparents in fact I went to live with him was nine years of age then later on my mother and youngest brother live with us there so my grandfather owned a number of houses and in town and so he he decided to move into another section of the town and folks that were renters of the property had them to move out ahead of time and renovated the property painted and papered and you know and so on and we moved on New Year's Day 1934 and mr. Jimmy do you move in company movers now they kept my bedroom suite and the the kitchen and dining room for the last load because it made several truckloads and chauffer for they they put up a different bedroom suit in my the bedroom I'm gonna occupy in the new of the house where we're moving and then the column wants to move me because I'm bed phase and so mr. Harris from the Harris funeral home McKinney Texas came with his helper mr. McDonnell and so they lifted me out of bed onto the stretcher roll me out put me in the ambulance headed north on North College Street because we lived at North College Street there in McKinney four or five North College Street and so he said mr. Harris turned and said to me son I understand you've been bed fast about a year I said well nine months to be exactly I've been out of the house bed fast I said that's right when we said if you feel up to it and I realize you have a heart problem but if you feel up to it we'll just drive around a little bit this is a holiday New Year's Day and a holiday not much traffic we'll just drive around over the city a little bit you know that you look you know good now I was partially paralyzed and I couldn't turn my body but it couldn't turn my head look out either side of the of the ambulance so he went down North College Street hall from perhaps a mile or so and then he turned and went down Morris Street and he came to North Kentucky Street turned south on lost Kentucky Street and so as we came down North Kentucky Street from the north heading south we came to the courthouse square now little town maybe eight nine thousand people you know I'm up nearly all the building of the store word everything's around the squares a few off on you know side street but Courthouse Square so we came to the northwest corner of the courthouse square and I turned looked on the corner was Gambel's drugstore at west side of the square next it was JC Penney company next to it was a moto de ladies you know dresses and so on next year was FW Woolworth next year it was shoe store and on the corner of this the father the west side was the leader a ladies dress shop then the turn and headed east down Louisiana Street and on the south side of the square on the corner was TPL Texas Power and Light Company business offices next to PT and a light company was perkins dry goods company and then then I turned the head couldn't turn the body but it turned my head and looked out the left side or the right side actually the way I was of they handed us the Old Courthouse setting in the middle of the square and something said to me I didn't know everything then I know now don't know much yet thank God to do know enough to get in out of the rain that's about it but I looked at that old courthouse and a voice said to me I didn't know where it came from I know now of course it was the devil but I just knew this voice spoke cause it came from out here somewhere and suddenly the kind of good boy talking about the old courthouse look at it good that's the last time you'll ever see it you never did think you'd ever see it again because they've been bed fast he shut in between for walk doctor said there's no hope had to die you never thought you would ever see it again look at it good this is the last time you'll ever see it I didn't know what I came to know and really don't know why I did it but I do know this that I've got a little inkling of light and from the inside of me I realized later is my spirit the man on the inside you know there's a man on the inside I remember i clenched my fist so hard that my fingernail dug into my hands and I said it out loud yes I will I'll come in the flesh and stand on this Courthouse Square and see these buildings again well eight months went by and I'm still bed fast but when that eighth month dawned on the second Saturday of August of 1934 I walked a mile and a half and stood on the corner of that Old Courthouse Square praise God and this is a Saturday all the country people came to town I mean there's a thick you know you couldn't stir with a stick you know what I mean by that I had to get off of the street because I mean it's full stand on the curb just off of the curb and I don't know what people thought but I care less this old Baptist boy I took my Testament out of my pocket and opened it to mark 11:23 and 24 I [Applause] [Laughter] said I told you tears of joy running down my face from folks looked at me - I wasn't nuts I said I told you eight months ago I'd come and stand here prove all things I proved it I've been holding fast to it for 63 years they go haven't deviated one bit haven't changed a bit still believe it just like an idiot steelworks now just like it prove all things hold fast hold fast hold fast let me hold on to it amen hold fast hold fast that which is good hold fast that means hold it with the tight grip now why there's an enemy opposed against you he's gonna try to rob him he's gonna try to steal from me because he's a thief but you hold on to it hallelujah hallelujah say down out thank God for the word of God hallelujah I give you power over in loop then 10th chapter 19 verse this Greek word translated power here is also translated Authority I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy so we could readily see then that he's not talking about a literal serpents or snakes or scorpions but he's talking about the power of the enemy the wicked one Satan himself I give you power behold I give unto you power or authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy over a little bit of it no all of it now I'll give you power to tread the other scripture said you tread to trample on serpents and scorpions power to tread on there's no sting like the sting of a scorpion a lot of times they started a whisper against you a lot of remarks they steam but I'll tell you something else many times the failures in life where we've failed it stings it hurts but thank God we got the authority to tread on those sakes amen tread appalled I give unto you power to tread on serpents heart upon either one and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy tread upon not victory occasionally but bless God victory all the time amen amen our victory was won by the Lord Jesus Christ in his death burial and resurrection in his ascension and seeding on high seating on high at the right hand of the Father now then notice Deuteronomy the second chapter the 31st verse you remember Paul writing to the Saints at Corinth tells us about the Israel and what happened to them and so on was it happen as in samples or in other words examples and it's written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world to come tenth chapter first Corinthians now notice here it dude on the second chapter 31st verse the Lord said to Moses I have begun to give Sion si to win and his land before thee I notice begin to possess it that thou mayst inherit his land hallelujah now notice God said I have given or I give unto you but notice you got to do the possession of it in other words it's mine potentially I think that's as far as a lot of folks every kid when does it become mine in reality when I possess it amen when I possess it when I put my foot down because he talking about tread knee and trampling you got to do that with your feet Moochie when I put my foot down so to speak and declare that what God says about me is true now notice in Joshua the first chapter of the third verse God said to Joshua every place that the sole of the foot shall tread upon that have I given you the rest of the verse said even as I told Moses now notice that every place that the sole of the foot shall tread upon I have given you notice that though he has given it and that's a type for us you understand that it does not become mine in reality until I possess it now again notice every place that the sole of that foot shall tread upon well thou shall tread upon the lion and the adder the Young Lions and the Dragons y'all you trampled underfoot before when I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy well are you treading on it well I'm waiting for God to give me the victory he's already given it you've got to possess it he's already done that through Jesus Christ well I'm waiting for it to become a reality it'll never become a reality until you tread on it every place at the soldier your foot shall tread upon or your feet shall tread upon and I'm waiting for God to heal me why don't you get up bless God and walk on healing it belongs to you every place at the sole of your foot shall tread upon shall be yours I have given you hallelujah I don't know about you but I'm out to get all belongs to me I'm out to possess the land hallelujah hallelujah I think too many times folks thinks that these things are just going to fall on them like ripe cherries off of the trees but they're not sometimes it's um there has to be effort on your part notice he said that's your tread that means you got to do something tre then you're talking about trample under feet amen well you don't do that by just sort of tiptoeing through the tulips a man that means walk on top of walk on top ah praise God that means walk on top of the devil well the devil's been after me all the week one lady years ago in our church testified the devil's been acting me all the week bless his holy name she got a praise miss place but right on the other hand it was a she'd missed the point hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I like that replace Joshua 1:3 in case you didn't get every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given you then it's up to you I said it's up to you how much victory you have it's up to you it's up to you if you don't tread on it he didn't give it to you it's yours potentially and it really belongs to you but for you to possess it you've got to tread on it hallelujah all right let's go finally again to Colossians the second chapter here he's talking about well get the full imprint of what he said thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth verses and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him quicken mean made alive raised up so as he said to the philippa ephesians raised us up together with christ made us set together with christ and everything as he quickened us together with him having forgiven you all trespasses I'll take that for that he gave me something to shout about hallelujah browning out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross or his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it that's talking about his death burial and resurrection now like I said earlier the words falled as we use it as it's here in King James translation we don't use it just that way today but if you stop and do a little history a little study in this in time of when the King James translation was trying if one King went out to battle against another and defeated them they it's a this Kings Paul that king or this army spoiled that army our another translation said he stripped since then he spoiled principalities said he stripped demon powers around us stripped them of their authority and power over us another time they said he tore away and said of sandy sports that he tore away these powers another trend lien said he made them prisoners of war when this army our King defeated that army well they took those army that they defeated and made them prisoners of war I like the Moffitt's translation the first Corinthians two six you could turn there for a moment if you have your Bibles first great in the second chapter and the sixth verse howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect are mature yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world which come to naught that King James translation nor of the princes of this world which come to naught muffets translation said so the same the princes of this world had come to naught says the throne powers the dethroned powers that rule this world well if they're thrown how come they're ruling this world because the world don't know they're the throne but when you get born again and become a new creature in Christ Jesus and get informed with the teaching of God's Word hallelujah far as you're concerned you know they're de throne now notice the princes of this world that come to nought are the dethroned powers that rule this world remember we may be in the world but the scripture says we're not off of the world amen and Paul more than once from writing to the churches talks about the fact that Jesus is the head we are the body of Christ now what these powers have authority over the body of Christ no part of it if they could rule your little toe they can rule your head because you're a head little toe are all one we are Christ we are the body of Christ hallelujah instead of Satan ruling us now he may rule out here in the world but it's still in him ruling us we rule him Bible said in the Old Testament one time the one who put a thousand to flight to put ten thousand to fly think about how many of they are of us glory to God I said glory to God put the devil on the run say it's true and have a little fun recognize your ability and power to and know that you are raised with him and seated at the authority at the right hand of authority the place of power and so you rule not Satan rule you you rule him tell him what to do and he'll be pleased to do so for a defeated foe he is you well know and he knows it too that's why the scripture said resist the devil and he will flee from you run from you as in terror whimper and whine and shake and be afraid because he knows you you in Christ with his authority and power so rise up and take your place heaven and earth and hell recognizes what Christ did at Calvary Satan has no right legal or otherwise to rule or dominate in your life but it's written in Romans 5:17 that you were to reign in life reign in life as kings because you see he has rent some new so I'm not under the curse I'm not under the curse for sickness I've helped for poverty well since Christ as rent some mean for Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one and hang it on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ Christ Jesus if he be Christ then you are Abraham's seed I'm of the seed of Abraham then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise though ye not eat which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham that the blessing of Abraham might come on us the blessing of Abraham was three-fold spiritual physical healing material financial the blessing of Abraham's mine hallelujah replace though that belongs to you though it's yours until you tread on it every place at the sole of your foot shall tread upon shall be yours hallelujah victory is mine victory is mine victory is mine no matter what it may be over I need victory healing oh yes healing yeah yeah healings mine every place at the solar your foots of tread upon hallelujah Healing is mine Healing is mine I'm healed I'm whole from the top of my head to the sole of my foot but it'll never be yours until you possess it well I'm waiting for God to give it to me potentially he's already given it to you experimentally it becomes yours when you exercise your right hallelujah hallelujah every head bowed every eye closed before we go further [Music]
Channel: RHEMA - Kenneth E. Hagin
Views: 544,579
Rating: 4.8264098 out of 5
Keywords: Denise Hagin Burns, Kenneth W. Hagin, Rhema Bible Church, Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Lynette Tipton Hagin, Rhema Bible Training College, Kenneth E. Hagin, Craig W. Hagin, Kindle The Flame Women’s Conference, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Campmeeting, Kenneth Hagin Ministries Winter Bible Seminar, Rhema Lights, Rhema Word Partner, Rhema Word Partner Club, Rhema Podcast, RBTC Music Live
Id: atmJZyRH3s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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