2015 Word Explosion: Faith Takes Your Healing (9:00 a.m.)

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I want to talk to you a little while about faith and then I'm going to talk to you about healing we're going to talk about faith we're going to talk about healing and then we're going to be healed how many of you are believing to be healed today wow look at that this is a big day I believe with you so father we thank you for utterance today we thank you for speaking to all of our hearts exactly what we need to hear from your spirit and we thank you for healing people and we give you all the praise and the glory for you're the Healer you can fix anything I mean the doctors can say there's no hope and we don't even listen you can fix it you can fix it when there's no hope you can give new parts you've got Parts Lord somebody needs a new kidney you've got kidneys glory to God whatever we need we can have it I believe in miracles in Jesus name we give God the praise amen let's talk a little bit about we're running uh Faith and Healing together today since uh the usually I do the healing school one day and Faith the next but to this time we're going to run them together and we're going to have a great time because Faith Comes how by hearing and hearing the word how many of you don't feel obligated to raise your hand but how many of you spend time in the word every day hey that's a good showing praise God well I won't ask how many don't but I'm telling you you can't afford not to do it why is that because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God start out your day every day with the word prayer and the word talk to the Lord every day spend time in the word say well well I don't have any time you can take time to at least read a chapter a day and when you read it take it in put it in your mouth put it in your eyes let it come out your mouth and act on it amen Ken and I have been doing this a long time we've been on the word since about 1967 we were going on the word of God and I I'm telling you we have had all kind of situations mostly in the IAL realm because when you're on television radio you know and you get that million dooll bill every month well it kind of is a staggering thing but not with god he has seen us through all these years that we have had those awesome television and radio bills he saw to it that it got done why we believe him for it and he's willing to do it whatever you believe him for that's good good and in his perfect will he'll help you do it amen so this morning I want to just talk a few minutes about faith and then we're going to uh to also talk about healing uh normally I'll do this in two two services but this is going to be a one big good service Hallelujah so I want to talk to you about faith here's the thing about faith faith takes it to me that just made everything so simple about knowing what to do if I'm believing God for something if I go in prayer if I if I go in prayer and I just pray the problem God I need this I need that I'm hurting I'm this I'm that I don't know what I'm going to do what have I done to get an answer nothing he already knew the problem what he needs to hear is the word of God coming out your mouth saying I take my healing I am healed your word says I was healed healed by your stripes and I am healed Hallelujah I believe I receive my healing now when you ask God for something I'm sure I'll cover this again later but when you ask God for something you say I believe I receive it you don't just say it but you take it from the Time You Prayed you asked him you took it to receive it is to take it you consider I have it from that time on you say I have it I have it I have it well let's say you're believing God for a healing and uh you you pray you take your healing you might even have had hands laid on you but the Pain's still there what do you do do you say well it didn't work no that's not faith faith says I was healed by the stripes of Jesus I was healed or I believe I reive uh $10,000 to to do this thing that we have to do when do you receive it when you pray that word means to take if you don't take it when you pray you haven't released Faith amen and to me that made it all really simple so that from that time on I don't say I don't have it I don't say I need this I don't have this or this is not working I took it when I prayed amen and that's the bottom line of it so we're going to talk a little bit about faith faith takes it patience keeps it patience keeps it glory to God faith changes everything in Psalm 22 uh no Psalm 27 5 and six in the King James let's look at that we're going to just read some good word today Psalm 2 all of it's good of course but this you know the word builds you up it brings faith faith comes by hearing by the word all right 27 in verse five and six for let's go to four for for one thing one thing have I desired of the Lord that that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life that's a good thing to to go after isn't it we receive it we receive that reservation when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives uh all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his Temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his Pavilion or his dwelling is what that means in the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set me high upon a rock so he took me out of trouble and he set me up high Hallelujah glory to God and now my head shall be lifted up above mine enemies round about if youve got people trying to do you in Rob you do whatever here's here's a good enemy scripture now shall you of course all this time you're you're doing the scripture you're forgiving them for whatever it is and now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me therefore will I offer in his Tabernacle sacrifices of Joy so what brought the joy in the time of trouble because you belied you received when you prayed glory to God hallelujah that's what the scripture means in uh Mark 11 believe you receive When you pray you take it that word receive is to take so here's something you can watch for if I didn't take it when I prayed if I didn't take the answer to the the problem if I didn't take the situation under control and believe I have it then I haven't released my faith you know that'll really help you because people pray and they pray the problem and they pray the problem and they pray it over and over and over they they just rehearse the problem but no you haven't released your faith until you take the answer so remember that to receive believe you receive When you pray that word receive is take so if you don't take it you haven't gotten it supernaturally yet and I mean it's a good thing to change and and quit praying the problem and pray the answer uh Faith changes everything Psalm 27 says the Lord will in a time of trouble this is a great scripture 275 and 6 in the time of trouble the Lord will take me up ain't that good Hallelujah you say well I don't have anybody nobody loves me I mean know I don't have this I don't have that everybody's mean to the Lord will take you up he's the only one that can really do you any good anyway so in a time of trouble the Lord will take me up that's uh Psalm 27 5 and six and hide me there's another translation of that I believe what would have become of me Psalm 2713 and 14 says if I had not gone to the Lord what would have become of me without the Lord's help Hallelujah I don't even want to think about that and then the other thing about faith one other thing I'd say this is just a little faith refresher you've heard most of it Faith with patience wins sometimes frequently I could say everything's not instant you know people spend 10 or 15 20 years 50 years sometimes messing up their life lives and they want to pray one prayer and it's all fixed well that would be great I admit that but normally it takes a little time in certain circumstances to get things right amen but however long it takes what we did when we prayed has fixed the situation what did we do when we prayed we believed we received the request that we had done amen you believe you receive When you pray we took it when we pray if you're believing for a healing you take it when you pray you don't just keep asking and asking and asking and asking you're never taking it if you just keep asking and asking Lord Heal Me Lord Heal Me Lord Heal Me Lord Heal Me no you got to come to a place where I believe I receive my healing I take it today it's mine and you stand on that word until that healing is all complete amen and from the time you believe you receive it when you pray you thank God for it you just thank God for it you don't keep asking about it you just thank God I you take it you base it on scripture and you act in your faith and you take it and you stay there on that spot of taking it until the thing is done amen you could be believing for a car a house a healing a Deliverance of a loved one or whatever or Deliverance for yourself and that's the way it works and all the time you're in the process of taking something you still are putting that word of God in your eyes and your ears and getting it into your heart and saying what the word says out your mouth this is just not a a one-time situation when you're trying to believe something and you're trying to change things and you're trying to get answers you got to you you got to stay in that Faith whatever word you're you're acting on you got to stay on that scripture until the thing is done amen say well I want it instant well we all want it instant and sometimes it happens that way I'm just saying when it doesn't this is what you have to do you have to let patience this is what the Bible says let patience have her perfect work so it's faith and patience that receives now when we pray we believe for it to be instant we we don't think we're going to have and I'm I mean this is what we should do we should believe for it to be instant but in those cases where it's not instantly done we keep standing we keep praying not asking for it but thanking God and praising him I have believed I've received I always think about a house when I when I uh preached this about standing because that was the big thing I believe for in the natur natural realm and uh Ken I wanted a house Ken wanted an airplane he could sleep in the airplane that'd be all right but I preferred a house no I'm sure he wanted a house too but his big deal was so uh we we began to believe and and of course we we had to believe God for an apartment when we first started out and then we kept standing and believing we found out the about the word of God we begin to put things on paper I believe I received this on this day and we begin to you know we to ask God which is the proper thing to do and then we'd thank him for it thank you Lord for the new house thank you for the new car thank you for my son's Deliverance thank you that that they're off drugs glory to God stay in Thanksgiving until every single part of that request is finished we don't quit amen we don't quit glory to God you're believing for healing you believe you receive your healing and then you have a pain come back you don't say well I didn't get it no you say I'm Healed in the name of Jesus I'll not have that pain you get off my body in the name of Jesus you got to learn to talk to things say well people think we're crazy well you may be crazy but you'll get your pain gone amen no we're not crazy we just know God and we know how he operates and when we flow in the way he operates we receive glory to God so Faith changes everything uh I got in my little notes here it's not for wimps if you're going to be a quitter just go on and do whatever you can do by yourself but if you're willing to believe God and stand and let patience have her perfect work you can get the answer so it's not for sissies it's the opposite of fear faith has no fear faith is the opposite of fear so if you're if you've prayed for something it's still agitating you and bothering you you did release your faith you got to take it when you pray now that'll change your whole prayer life you'll just get that take it let's say we're believing God for something that is beyond our natural control like uh maybe rebellious children or children that are on drugs or whatever somebody in the family you're believing for what do you do well you break the power of the devil over them you believe you receive their salvation and deliverance you say good words over them you you say I believe they're delivered I believe this I believe that and you walk in love and you just keep standing for their Deliverance so in other words words when we set out to receive something supernaturally we stay set out until the answers manifest amen sometimes it takes a while to do things now we believe God for a house because we weren't we would not go in debt it took a little while to get a house but then how long does it take to pay one off takes a little while too doesn't it so we got it and then we after we learned how on that first little house house we found out we could believe God for a bigger house or you could believe God for you could have believed God for an old wck now you know how to believe God so you can get your new car so whatever it is Faith takes patience sometimes we love instant things but it just doesn't always happen but it does happen and if we stay with it it'll it'll come to it'll come to pass so Faith with patience patience is that force that does not succumb to trials it doesn't quit patient just keeps standing it doesn't fall down under bad news patience is a fruit of the spirit and it is very important since just a lot of things don't have instantly happen instantly so patience we let patience have her perfect work but we believe God when we pray we believe for a right now answer we and we take right now answer and we say okay we believe God for this uh say I'm believing for my healing I believe I receive my healing I'm taking my healing now that's when I took it now I'm not going to go say I'm sick after I've taken my healing if I do I'm not letting patience have her perfect work I like everything instant just like you do and and you know the more you get the hang of it the more instant it is but but if it takes a while I mean it took me a while to pay cash for a house it took Ken a while to pay cash for his airplanes you know and uh because we didn't have it some of you may be like we were we just didn't have any money but we started believing God we started tithing and we started sewing and we started saying faith says glory to God and so it took a while to pay cash for things but how long does it take to pay one off takes a while doesn't it lot longer than to believe one in so don't be don't be uh shy about reaching out and stepping out and believing for what you want and what you believe is the will of God if you want to live in Victory you'll have to live in faith scripture says this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith it overcomes the world that'd be overcoming every lack every sickness every problem everything that the world's got out there to throw at you this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith now Proverbs 62 gives us a little clue it says in the King James you are snared by your words I'm just trying to be practical this morning give you some situations that we all run into all of us run into these things uh you are snared by your words now we know that Mark 11 says we can have what we say but most people are saying what they have even when they're trying to change something so if you're trying to change your financial situation don't keep talking financial problems when you think about it you when you pray you go to God you ask God for what you you need you thank him for it you praise him for it and you believe you receive When you pray we all know that's what we're supposed to do but do we all do it probably not so when you pray you take it that word receive in the Greek is to take it if you pray and you and you didn't take it when you prayed you didn't fulfill that scripture so when we pray that Jesus said to believe you receive When you pray and you'll have it you look that word up it means to take it to take it if you just pray the problem you're not getting any Supernatural help but if you'll pray the answer and you'll take the answer and you'll talk the answer what does that mean when we take it well if let's say I'm believing for a healing and I go to the Lord and I pray over this situation I I know every sickness is under the curse I know Jesus bore the curse for me I know sickness does not belong to me and then I I get the healing scriptures like he bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases and by his stripes I was healed and I take my healing Lord standing on this word I believe I receive my healing I take my healing this is how Faith Works on anything you take what you need you take what you desire and then you talk it you say I have it you don't go around saying I I I need to you know I don't know we're not ever going to get this we're not that's not working I'm not I'm not healed I'm still sick I'm still hurting and you know that's you didn't take it when you take it you have it and you say it well yeah but the Pain's still there I'm not talking to you about pain I'm talking to you about taking something that'll get rid of the pain it's not always instant I'd sure like it if it was always instant I don't know why it's not probably because I'm not sharp enough to do that and you may not be either but I know one thing if I don't quit I'll get it I received it and I'll have it if I don't faint and quit in the long run and you get the hang of that and it it seems like it speeds it up you know it doesn't take as long do things depending on what it is believing for a child and you believing for their Deliverance to Salvation you don't just pray one time and then when they mess up say well it didn't work or or just give up and think they're you know going to hell in the hand basket no you don't do that you stay with them yeah but my my kid's 50 years old don't quit now man you got a lot of praying on that kid now we don't ever quit until it's manifested amen glory to God so we we're persistent when we pray we stay with it if you want to live in Victory you will have to live in faith vict uh Faith the Bible says is the victory believing God's word in other words is the victory that overcomes the world so we know that it will overcome if we'll stay with it everything's not always instant it would be so so delightful if it were but but you know if it were all instant we wouldn't we wouldn't have any growth anywhere to grow so we we know it we're going to have to stay with it we're going to have to let patience have a perfect work if we want to live in Victory it says in the Bible that faith is the victory that overcomes the world what does that mean anything in the world faith is the victory that overcomes any situation in this life Hallelujah so we stand on that now if you want to have that you'll need to know what it is and stay with it it's in oh I don't have that scripture reference I forget I think it's in I don't know where it is I have to look it up for you you are snared then Proverbs 62 says you are snared by the word by your words now we've learned if we've been around the faith Camp very long that our word our words are what we believe that's how we release our faith is with words that's how Jesus released his faith he'd say be healed he'd said whatever it was and whatever it is in your life that you need to get rid of you need to talk to it you need to ask God to help you to give you the words to say and say those words if you're talking about a sickness or a disease you speak to the disease and you say to that disease in the name of Jesus you get out of my life get off my body I am taking healing I believe I receive saying I'm taking my healing now in the name of Jesus if you want to live oh let me just read this one to you Faith with patience wins Faith sometimes you'll let it go but if you'll keep that patience that power that does not succumb to any Force I mean it just stays with it if you'll keep that patience under ging your faith that answer will come said well I want it fast we all want it fast if you figure out how to get it faster be sure and call me but I have figured this out how to win how to get the answer and it's better in the it's better to get an answer next month than not to get an answer at all why is it why does it take so long how long did it take you to make that mess you're trying to get out of you know we might spend years of going in debt and buying new cars that we didn't need to we we couldn't afford or whatever buying things we couldn't afford spending money now we're all this debt that we don't have any money to pay for so you it's it could happen but most likely you won't go to prayer one morning and ask God to pay off the debt and the next morning it be gone it's gone if it is you call me and then you come to a seminar on how you did did it cuz cuz I don't know but the thing is with patience if you let patience that force that does not quit does not succumb if you let patience have her perfect work it'll come to pass glory to God so it's better later than you wanted it than never happening and the more you know the more you do this the more you get into the faith uh flow and the more you learn about it the easier it gets if you want to live in Victory you'll have to live in faith you're snared by the words of your mouth you are snared by your words when faith is released you take the answer if to make this work you believe you receive the answer okay I'm believing for this I believe I receive it I take that house I take that car I take that healing I have it now I can't go around talking that I don't have it if I've taken it I've just nullified my faith if I do that Faith takes the promise Hebrews 121 and 2 says and remember in Mark 11 the great healing where uh we learned most of us we certainly did how to use our faith I've got so many uh margin writings on this one it's hard to read but Mark 11 let's just look at that a few minutes you remember Jesus was with his disciples he walked by and he was hungry and there was a fig tree and so he stopped and he he he was going to get figs off that tree to eat but there were no figs on the tree it was a season for him there should have been figs on the tree but there were no tree I assume it I believe it indicates it was a season anyway there weren't any figs on the tree and so he said Jesus must have been really hungry or he was either Hing after a fig I don't know he said to that tree he didn't say it to the devil he said it to the tree no man eat fruit again of you forever that's all he said so then the next time when they came by there shortly after that the tree had had time to dry up it was it was the Fig Tree was dried up from from The Roots that'll give you another clue about how to deal with problems go to the root of the thing don't go to the periphery of it go to the root of it he spoke to the Fig Tree it dried up from the roots he said no man eat fruit of you again forever and that dude began to shrivel up and no man ate fruit again forever off that tree now that's the way we do situations in our lives we say to them you're not coming in here we'll not have that whatever it is we we find scriptures to cover the problem and we stand on that word and we say we'll not have this in our home anymore or I'll not have sickness in my body or certain things happen anymore I'll not have it and then if you you know if you begin to uh pray talk the problem you begin to say get in fear about it you think you know you're afraid of it's coming back and uh you're you're opening the door for it to come back it'll come back sickness and disease will come back so what we have to learn to do and this is not just a mental thing you've got to get the word in your eyes and your ears that so that it gets down in your heart it's the word in your heart that works for you and and it comes up and then it it'll get come up into your thinking processes and it'll come out your mouth and it'll go after whatever if it's something bad it'll go after it stop it something good you're believing for it'll go after it provide it but it is it's what's in your heart that determines the effect of your words or the authority of your words why because that's what faith is so we say this it's not what we know that counts and we remember you the Fig Tree is a good example to remember and to even look back and read again and again to keep your words right that fig tree didn't dry up instantly your problem might not go away instantly sometimes it does and that's certainly the way we prefer it but whether it is gone today or next we week or next month my words say it's gone my words say I have it my words say the symptom of the words say my words say I am healed by his stripes I was healed there may be a a a a part of it left there may be a symptom left I'm not moved by that I'm believing I've received my healing I took it when I prayed that's a now when you get that what I I've already said this once but when you get that receive means to take it's easier to put this into operation if you didn't take it when you prayed you didn't receive it if you didn't pray when you prayed you didn't take it and you kept saying and talking and the problem and saying I don't know what we're going to do you got it from the place of prayer somebody called you and asked well how's that going has that situation gotten any better no it it's just it's just the same nothing's happened you got to remember you're the one in Authority in this situation it's your deal and you have to give place for Jesus and the father and the Holy Spirit to move in that situation with your words and with your actions amen amen we don't get in fear we believe God we're believing for healing we believe God when we pray pray we take our healing 30 minutes later maybe the pain comes back don't be moved by it you've taken it it's it's working yeah but it's still there it's working if you'll keep it there if you'll keep your faith on the on the Move it'll keep working but if you give up and say well I thought I had maybe I thought maybe I'd gotten it but I I guess I didn't well you just you just have to go back to square one how long do we stand however long it takes how long do we have to be positive and Faith words however long it takes if we want results and of course the more you do it the more proficient you become at it and the more natural it is for you to speak Faith words and not words of unbelief and fear and doubt so it's a way of life it's like learning a language I mean you don't know how to talk from the first day in class but you learn you can learn that Faith language too and how to operate in faith and receive anything from God Mark 11:12 through 14 when Jesus talked to the Fig Tree it it nothing nothing happened that you could see you look in the scripture and it says the Fig Tree withered up from the roots well Jesus spoke to the Fig Tree said no man eat fruit of you again forever and then they went on their Journey they kept going wherever they were going you couldn't tell the Fig Tree still look great green healthy but when they came back it was a different situation I don't know I don't recall if it tells us how long they were gone but it when they came back the Fig Tree was withered up where from The Roots the Fig Tree went the the words went to the roots and immediately when Jesus spoke to that tree I am certain that The Roots Began to dry up but it didn't happen instantly took a little while and they didn't just stand around there for days they just passed on by us and so that's the way it is in our life when we take after a a situation that we're trying to change we we speak to the root of the thing the heart of the thing we command the the answer to come and we command this to be changed and that to be changed and then we stay with that we don't quit we don't quit until it's done it's finished the the the answer is there the pain is gone you're living in the house you're driving the car you have that child you've been believing God for amen so you stay with it what is it now remember this I've said it once or twice maybe already but it says let patience you tack this on to Mark 11 let patience have her perfect work patience is that force that does not succumb to anything patience just keeps going and you look up the definition of patience and it's really a a great encouraging thing it just stays with it I believed I received my healing I am healed of course Satan will come and tell you your not healed and and uh lots of your good friends may tell you that too but what are we moved by we're moved by the word of God Amen we let patience have her perfect word uh for instance in our situation you've probably heard me tell the story before but you know women like houses men like machinery and uh what I wanted was a house I mean I'm believing God for a house here and it took a while actually to to to do it it took a while to pay cash for a house because I I didn't want just a log house I didn't want just a project house I wanted house so it's going to take a a while to build a house and uh and you know what we had places to live in the meantime we we were we were never on the street we always had a nice place to live but it wasn't the house that I wanted that I was believing for but it in it took a while but I'm living in that house now was it worth it to go through the faith process to get to the absolute thing that you want yes it's worth it and besides that it's the only way you're going to get some things by faith cuz there it it depends on what you're believing you know you may be believing for uh cancer to be cured well you can't just go get that done in the doctor's office I mean you're going to have to believe God for it you're going to have to stand for it so when we learn like we learn to stand for Natural Things in that house but at the same time we learn to stand for physical situations for all kind of situ child situations uh once you get the hang of letting patience have its perfect work you can get anything done supernaturally that's the will that is the will of God you'll need to have it based it on scripture you're believing for a child that's out in the world and going crazy you don't just give up you break the power of the devil over you believe you receive their salvation and when you believed you receive now what does that mean receive you take it you take their salvation by faith and ask the Lord to put uh laborers across their path path or ask the Lord to get somebody to help him get delivered of drugs or whatever the situation is and it and it might take a while or it might be quick but as long as you get that kid in good shape and delivered it's all worth it however long it took amen so that's why the scripture says let patience patience is there in other words it's it'll work if you'll let it we let patience we don't quit we don't give up we don't say contrary to what we're believing God for we let patience have its perfect work that P power that does not succumb to any situation it it patience will patience will stay with it until it's absolutely finished glory to God it's the fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience so it's in us if we'll release it and let it stay and not take it back Faith takes a promise the Fig Tree was withered up from the roots it's not what we know that counts but what we actually do that's true in the word of God and in our walk with the Lord people know a lot a lot of people you might not be one of them but a lot of people know a lot more than what they're willing to do now when we're willing to know what's in the Bible we spend time in the word we find out the will of God we see what it says and we know scripture and verse when we spend time in the word and we know what it says then we have we stand on it until it's finished we don't quit Faith the scripture says is the victory in 1 John 5 is the victory that overcomes the world now I take that to mean anything in the world any problem any situation any sickness any anything in the world can be overcome by faith faith is the victory that overcomes the world now what is Faith well faith is believing what you see in the word of God and what God says about the situation more than what you see out here in the world or in the natural you may not see you know when Jesus came by the Fig Tree withered up but when he spoke you couldn't see any change what happened to that fig tree Jesus words went right to the root of that tree and begin to dry it up your faith words your faith prayers your faith words that you're saying over situations maybe that seem impossible will go right to the root of the problem of that thing and get it out of your life you say well I just don't see any way well that's why we have Mar Miracles Miracles you can't see any way you don't know where they're coming from or where they're going and you just can't get one by asking every once in a while or or thinking of big thought or whatever but miracles happen healings happen tumors disappear cancers come out of people's body blind eyes get opened but it takes faith and it takes the power of God at work and it might take patience or whatever and people get out of debt did you know people can get out of debt glory to God took us 11 months to get out of debt we we didn't have anything to show for it I mean we didn't have we were living in a little project type house with early Goodwill and Kenneth mother's old furniture maybe some of it and uh I started believing God for house I wanted a house kid wanted an airplane he could sleep in the airplane but I didn't want to I wanted a house and we we were in that situation we weren't get our monthly income wasn't very much and we were just starting out just starting out almost right at the time we started in Ministry we were already broke when we started ministry and we were already in debt we started ministry and plus we didn't know much so but we did know some things and so we believe God we sat at that little table I bought at the Goodwill or the Salvation Army or somewhere and painted it looked pretty good after I got through with it we sat at that little table in TSS in the little project house and we believ God to get out of De I mean you know looking back we didn't have much thatt but it looked Monumental to us at the time and so we I've forgotten now a few thousand maybe I forgotten what it was but it's a few thousand's a lot when you don't have but a few doar you know what I mean and so we we prayed we believed god well from 11 months and here's another key to getting out of debt quit borrowing money don't forget that part we quit charging and those days you charged you know at every kind of store you had a charge account so we quit that we got those paid off eventually everything was done and within 11 months we were out of debt now we didn't have a nice house we didn't have we had a car that ran that was it and we you know but we were out of debt that's what we were believing for we found out we could live debt free and you know some of those things that we had to believe for in those days weren't any harder than the big things that we had to that we did believe for in later days Office Buildings property airplanes payroll but those little things back there when we started they looked awfully big to us at the time but neither the the little things or the big things were any challenge for the word of God hallelujah hallelujah and I'm going to tell you we've lacked for nothing nor do we expect to all the Days of Our Lives because we know how to believe we receive when we pray and it comes to pass now the we've already talked about patience a little bit but it is important because it it'll hold you steady patience the fruit of the spirit so it's in us we yield to patience when you're you're on a project you're believing God for a healing or or something in the natural realm like a house or a car or maybe the salvation of a your family or whatever you believe you receive you ask the Lord for it you get the word out you stand on the scriptures you ask the Lord for it and you believe you receive it When you pray what does that mean well take what I said about receive it means to take so you take it when you pray you take it when you pray if you pray and you didn't take it if you pray and you don't have it when you get through by taking it in the spirit you didn't release your faith but if you take it when you pray and then from that time on you thank the Lord and you praise him for it thank you Lord for let's just say you're believing for a car thank you Lord for my new car thank you Lord for my car and then you go about and you know the devil tells you it's not working and you don't need you you just tell him to get out mind his own business and you just keep thanking the lord for that car Lord where is that car would you show me where that car is what car should I what car should I believe for find out exactly what you believe for and then you just stay with it I'm not talking about borrowing money for a car that's easy I'm talking about when you want to pay cash for something believe God for it if if that's in your heart you don't have to you can go on and be in debt if you want to I'm just telling you how to get out of debt if you want to and I'm going to give you this testimony it's better out than in glory to God so we have faith in God it says here's some things about Mark 11 I can't read all of them because my writing's so little on this margin but I'm going to just read you some of these things because it it'll help you believe and say and you shall have uh the uh you should working you're working on the image in your heart so you believe I believe I receive uh the job the right job for me the right job for this family I believe I receive well see yourself with the right job don't see yourself broke and and you know I don't know what to do do and I don't have anywhere to work and I'm just going to sit around here and watch TV no get in the word see yourself with it whatever it is if it's healing see yourself well and up and running and doing what you want to do see yourself if it's a car You're believeing Something natural see yourself in that new car go down and look at a new car see yourself in that new car okay I see this car this is the one I want so I'm going to be if that were me I would take a I would try to get a picture of that car if I didn't have a picture I'd just remember what it looked like and I'd remember what it was and I'd remember all the details to say this is what I want I want to I I believe I receive a new so and so and so and so I'm taking what am I doing I'm taking that car and I'm basing it on the word of God because Jesus said believe you receive When you pray and you'll have it so I'm believing I receive when I pray I have that car from now on I see myself driving it man I'm looking good in it glory to God hallelujah I took it when I prayed you know I'll get it I'll get it you'll get it but it might not be overnight if you're in a situation where that's you know you just can't write a check for it it might not be overnight but if you won't quit God won't quit and that's how things everything in our lives our office buildings our property our uh home the cars the vehicles everything the pay roll my my it's got to be it's it's all been by faith you know but we don't wait until the 15th and payrolls do and then go pray no we believe we receive all of those obligations all of those things met we believe we receive uh that every person on our staff getss paid Hallelujah before the 15th we believe that that's the way you do things you know you just become a faith person people think you're you know they might make fun of you they'll they might say dumb things about you but they'll all be wanting to ride in your new car and they'll be wanting to know how did you get this how did you do this and besides that the big gun and all that is that Faith pleases the Lord all the time you're believing and standing you're pleasing the Lord he knows you're you're believing and stand you're not being moved you're not quitting you're not giving up but your faith is standing how do you keep strong faith you keep it on the word of God keep your eyes and in that word you keep your ears listening to that word it took Ken it took us 11 months to get out of debt the first time that we were you know but in the meantime when we we hadn't been married all that long and we were kenned enrolled as a freshman in college at 30 years old at or are you and uh we had a little rent housee and we had an old car and we we begin to you know we we're we were also in the place where brother Hagen was having seminars every quarter and he you have 10day seminar and during that 11 months that we lived in Tulsa that we were believing God like this he had I believe it was four of those while we were there four 10day seminars and we did not miss a meeting we would slip and slide if it was I see we would get in our old car and we'd slide over to North Utica Street how many of you were in those meetings anybody gee I feel sorry for they were great meetings and especially learning about faith when you needed everything you could think of Ken and I didn't miss a meeting we went twice a day well it it's possible we missed a meeting over some unforeseen thing but I don't remember missing a meeting and we it' snow it' sleep you know the roads would be awful we'd go to that meeting glory to God see we were after the word of God we had found out we had enough spiritual s by that time to know this is the answer to everything we need healing house car family whatever it is Faith is the answer to it and we went after we bought what few tapes he had I don't even know if he had any but as soon as he got the tapes which were the real to real tapes you know in those days then we moved to cassetts and then we you know we just we we we listen to the word we found out from him uh how Faith Works and we have gone after lots of things lots of things lots of hired lots of people paid them every payroll Hallelujah with faith that we learned back in 1967 when we had an old car and we did we lived in little project house and we had a our we had just odds and ends of furniture some Ken's mother had given us some I bought at the Goodwill and painted you know whatever and Ken was had enrolled as a 30-year-old freshman at U because that's where the Lord told him to go and so the first day he went up there or the second right the first time he went up there he heard that brother Roberts was looking for a pilot well Ken was a qualified commercial pilot at that time and he got the job of flying Oral Roberts co-pilot he was a co-pilot he wasn't the main pilot he was a co-pilot but on every trip they had to have Kenneth go he got to see Miracles he saw all those things while while those Miracles were still happening and people jum Wheelchairs and all kind of things and salvation he was with brother Roberts I was at home with the children with an old car to drive and not very much money but you know what I had a Bible too and I spent time in the word and I took care of my children K come home for a while and then he'd go back out but the point is it doesn't matter where you start with faith if you'll stay with it you will get healed you'll Prosper you'll get that house you need the car you deed you'll get your children straightened out don't give up on those children you break the power of the devil over them you believe you receive if they're out in the world believe you receive their salvation and deliverance and just stay before God thanking thank you Lord for the Salvation of my daughter thank you Lord for the Salvation of my son I believed I've received it put laborers across their path Hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus what whatever it is faith will change it to the way you want it to be but where does faith come from faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God if you're not going to spend time in the word you're not going to have great faith because that's the source of our faith amen so every day just because life is what life is every day you spend time in the word every day I spend some time in the word you don't have to spend hours and hours but spend time in the word of God and when you read it take it and and apply it when you when you're corrected apply it Hallelujah you see something in there you're missing apply it and get rid of it get fix it so Jesus came back by and saw the fig tree dried up from the roots Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him Master behold look at the Fig Tree behold the Fig Tree which you have cursed and it's withered away and Jesus I'm sure Jesus wasn't surprised and Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God or the margin reads have the faith of God we have an opportunity not to just have faith in God but to have the faith of God who said let there be and there was glory to God who who created everything in this world out of faith everything you see it Ro its root had it had roots in the faith of God's word let there be light let there be well what we need to do in our own lives is say Let There Be money in my bank let there be a good job for me let me know where that good job is don't ever if you're in trouble financially needing a job not don't ever talk doubt and unbelief you're just digging you're just the same as going out there you're in a hole and you're in the hole up to here and you start talking doubt and unbelief and it gets deeper and deeper and deeper you're digging you're digging we'll never have that car we we just can't find well how you doing well we're not doing so good we've been looking for a job and we haven't found one we don't we don't have a job now we haven't found one one you're getting in deeper and deeper no say well we believe we receive a job and we we're standing on the word of God hallelujah now what' you do when you believed you received the job well according to the what that word means receive you asked the Lord for the right job and then you said Thank You Lord I take it see to receive is to take I take that job I believe you show me where it is I want the one that you picked for me you show me exactly where it is then what do you do well you pray and you read not pray about that but pray in the spirit yes amen said well I don't know how to pray in the spirit well don't let the day go by until you receive the indwelling of the holy spirit cuz that's where power is you just can't get it by yourself you you you can you've got to have that spirit of God on the inside of you talking to to you teaching you giving you Direction saying go over there to that place and I forgotten the situation Ken might tell you when he comes but there was a situation that he ended up in back in those early days and it was something to do oh it was something to do with the draft and he he uh the Lord told him to go to this place and do a certain thing and and he had forgotten about it and he had I mean he had forgotten about he he had forgotten about not going this was before he had forgotten what the Lord and then the Lord said go over there so he went over there and if he had not gone if I if I get it wrong he can correct it because I wasn't the one being drafted so I don't know but anyway if he had not gone over to that draft PL board Place whatever you call them I've never been in the midd I've never been in the military this is so important okay that I I wanted to I was thinking what did I do wrong what did I do wrong but but what you're saying right here is is so absolutely vital that I wanted to take some more detail at the way that came to pass because at that time I knew zero about really hearing the voice of the Lord and and really being led by the spirit but we were obedient we had accepted the call of God and we were headed to Tulsa that's right so since we were doing our best to follow after him he did his best to see to it that we heard his voice so uh uh we had everything ready to leave I had gone to town to close out all of the these are for for all of you that don't know anything but the internet you ain't never had to live like this to close out the water bill to Goose out the gas company connection Clow out you had to go downtown and you had to go to each one of their offices is go in there and close that count so that's what I was doing and um I was headed back out to my mother's house we'd sold our little old place and and we were I was headed back home and I just had this this inward agitation and that something here wasn't wasn't finished and and I I finally said what is it Lord he said go by the selected Service Bureau that's the draft board and um when I I separated from United States Army 1968 and um my classification at that time was one why which meant it was a a an open end where they could call me back anytime they decided to I w't go into all of that but that was my classification but I I forgot about that I would think anything about that and U this is 1960 well actually this was 1966 just in December of 66 well I got out I got out the service in 1958 so I've forgotten all that anyway I went back in there and I said uh I didn't know what to say to the woman and she said may I help you I said um I'm I'm going to um I'm going back to school I'm going to college or Roberts University and I'm entering the ministry and I wanted to check I want I I would like for you to check my my uh files and my service record let and and and I I want to see what what's going on here I just believe the Lord sent me by here she said okay hold on a minute she went and got it she said did you say the Lord sent you by here I said yes ma'am I believe he did she said I believe he did too she said you're you're to be called up here you remember what was happening in 1967 1966 1967 Vietnam now it was on my records there all of my my uh flight time my records and so forth that I learned how to fly after I came out of the service but all of that of course was was on there and and I had some friends that had had this happen to them they got called up and and so then somebody kind of contacted them and said uh you don't want to get you don't want to get back in that mess do you no I sure don't well why don't you come fly for us we we have a service Airline turned out to be the CIA and all that kind of mess I don't know that that's what was happening to me but there sure was a you know there was possibility that that was what it was she said now you're going back into Ministry I said 'yes ma'am and uh she said okay she said I can fix this she she took my service record and she got this big stamp it said 4f wow 4f is no longer acceptable for military service man she she stamped that like she is killing a rat Bam Bam Bam Bam one page right after another man she shut down and said go on Mr copel go on to school PR the Lord see what was happening what L we didn't even know how Faith worked back there then but but we had we were obeying God and so Faith was in there and we were obeying him so Faith was working Faith was functioning and the same thing Gloria mentioned this a little bit earlier the same thing the day I registered for school we we still I at that time I wasn't really aware of brother Hagen I hadn't heard any of his tapes but on registration day um I got all registered up and and uh I was I was leaving the the building and walked out the the front there of the lrc and U and my feet stuck to the ground I had this happened twice in my Ministry both times it was while I was student at Old Robert University my feet stuck I I couldn't move them I said sir what is it well see now instead of sticking my feet to the concrete he just says Kenneth go back in there well when you're aware and you're listening for your name all the time yeah anybody in here that flies airplanes you're listening for that tail number all the time you can hear a chatter on the radio and you hear you're not listening to a thing they're saying they and and they call your number man you hear it that's the way you have to be listening for the voice of the Lord and faith will do that and so but I I was I said what is it Lord he said I want you to go back and go up to the sixth floor and I I said okay and my feet came undone so I went back in there well they had already warned us that the sixth floor was the main offices and student were not allowed up there so I went in and uh I got in the elevator I pushed the button to the fifth floor cuz I'm not allowed to go to the sixth floor I thought well maybe I just heard it wrong or something got up there and you have to remember this or are you at that time wasn't but three years old and and door open and this whole floor was empty which became later became the the library but there wasn't anything in there yet and I looked and I thought what is this he said I didn't say the fifth floor I said the sixth floor I said Lord that's the Vatican I can't go up there they he said they work for me I told you to go up there I said yes sir so I went up there and the elevator open on that floor the elevator doors just opened up and you walked right out the door into the reception area there and and brother Robert's office was here Dr mesic's office was here Ron Smith's office was over here and Ruth Rooks was at her desk of course I didn't know any of these these people at that time and I walked up there I didn't know what I was going to say and I wanted out of there so bad cuz I just you know and I said um I understand that uh this ministry uses airplanes and I'm a I'm I'm I'm commercially rated pilot I have all my my ratings and so forth and I'm I just registered as a student today and I need all the help I can get I just I I just wanted you to know well I I I wanted to just turn around and leave and um so u m Miss Rooks said uh she said well wait a minute I I want you to tell that to Dr messic and he he walked out there and say I told him and and he looked at me like I just got out from under a bus you know he said huh he's kind of a grumpy fell anyway and so he just like that turned around and walked off I said well I want to thank you very much she said that's fine I turned around brother Roberts had walked up behind me and I didn't know he was there you know he's that much taller than me and um he said I'm Oral Roberts I literally said he might as well said I'm God but now notice no notice now what Gloria was was talking about see Faith was functional fing the spirit of God was leading me but Faith was functioning glor is at home praying faith is working faith is working he said did I understand you to say you're a commercial pilot I said yes sir he said can you handle our airplane I said yes sir he said two weeks ago I started to hire a new co-pilot but he said the spirit of God said no I have a student coming that I want to have the job and you're my [Music] man now what what is so important about these two illustrations God put us right where we needed to be even though we didn't know where it was see she was talking about the the job that you need and at this time we didn't know about faith either no we didn't know anything we we all we did we just too dumb all we did was believe all we did was obey God that's right now when you oh and it took Faith to do that cuz he told me to do that three years before and I I I just I didn't want I just didn't do it and it it got me into trouble but anyway when I finally did obey uh it it put us in that place where he was maneuvering yeah that's the word right there m putting you right in the place where you needed to be at that moment now how does that work brother copelan the dominating power of the word of God the prophet Micah said a virgin will have a baby in Bethlehem 715 years later that came to pass exactly as he said it the the word of God one little verse in the Bible the word of God dominated armies kingdoms Kings people things situations for 75 years right down to the fact that when the Caesar called for a tax count and they got up and went to Bethlehem and she had a baby right on the spot and God planned out your and mine and glorious lives before the foundation of the world and if we get over on that track get over on that road that's right don't be the least bit concerned if you are praying and you believe you receive yeah direction from the Lord about where you are supposed to be I mean you may have the best job you ever had in your life but if you're not where you're supposed to be you way short of what the best job you ought to have don't ever be concerned about just saying no the Lord the Lord said I'm supposed to go such a place and that's where we're going see that's what we did in 66 so he will maneuver you he will put you right on time right on the spot if you take care of the things things that you are required by command to do number one you have to start tithing that's not optional that's been since the Garden of Eden it's been God's way of doing things so you take care of that yeah but I don't have any money wonder why so you take care of that you make the concrete absolute decisions you're going to walk in love and you're going to keep the Commandment of love you're going to walk in forgiveness whether you like it or not or whether you feel like it or not the commander-in chief Lord Advocate General of the body of Christ has said we are to love the Lord Our God with all our heart all our soul all our mind and all our strength love our neighbor as ourself and love the Brethren even as he loved the Brethren amen now he commanded that so so we're we're commanded to do that and that's what we do we have that's not optional all of these things depend on that why because Faith Works by love that's right Jesus said on those commands they asked him said which is the greatest commandment he said love the Lord your God love your neighbor as yourself on those Commandments hang all the law and the prophets it all hangs on it it depends that's good on it all doubt is fear dep dependent doubt has to have fear or it can't function all faith is love and word dependent No Love No Faith No word no faith amen so you put things in order I am years to command sir and then do what he tells you to do amen I mean there were people on 911 I'm thinking about the guy that got up that morning and Dan and an Stratton he's a member of Dan's church and U and this man has he never ever late to anything and uh the people in Dan's Church um almost all of them either worked in or commuted through the World Trade Center and he had been teaching for days and days and days on hearing the voice of the Lord not one member of his church not one member of their families were even touched by that and there was one man member of his church that walked out of the middle of that of the crashing of those Towers well he walked out of there and there was no Ash on him completely bubbled in by the blessing of the Lord anyway this fell got up that morning and his little daughter said Daddy uh let let let's stop let's let's stop and get something to eat and for that morning he you if I remember this correctly he didn't usually take her to school but something had happened that day he's taking her to school yeah and he thought I never get to have breakfast with my baby I'm going to stop and do this and Dan told me he said this guy's never late man he's never late to church he's never late to work you can set your clock by him thank you Lord but that morning he was late praise God that morning he was late God was maneuvering now here here's something else I want to tell you God spoke to everybody in the World Trade Center and I heard and there were a number of testimonies that I have from different places that that same thing happened there should have been there should have been upwards of 25,000 people killed somebody was just felt like they should go a different route you know things like that and there were people that started back in when they said everything is secure and some of them said no no no some just told me no no I ain't going back in there it ain't good yet now God told everybody yeah and those that listen got out it isn't that he isn't speaking he is speaking all the time to every breathing human being on the face of this planet he is talking all the time there are those that will listen and even even those that don't know God they get a hunch now that so-called what that what the world calls a hunch is a witness in their Spirit yeah that's what we know it as seemed like one of the people just got hungry for a certain thing yeah going to work it just and it took them away from there where supposed to go other others actually heard the voice of God one one man that went to went to Dan church he he was he started in the door at the World Trade Center where his office was he started in the door and he heard run yeah he just took off running nothing had happened he just took off in I mean he took off like his coat was on fire and just ran and ran down into the subway and boom hallelujah praise God what a way to live what a way to live the faith way thank you Lord hallelujah praise God praise God I was driving down the highway and and I heard the Lord said I I I heard the Lord say get over he's hot and I thought wow but before I had time to think about it I just I was coming up this hill and I just took the wheel and just drove over to the to the shoulder just as I did this guy came up over the hill on the wrong side of the highway just went by me within inches of my car now what did he mean is he's hot that took me a while I went to the Lord and I said um what was that all about he said I was talking to you about the Devil he's mad and and infuriated because you have been destroying his work in his household and he's out to kill you be determined to be instant to obey don't argue with it well brother copin what if I miss it so I'd rather miss it so you never missed it before yeah Hallelujah be determined that you're going to obey hallelujah praise amen can you say Amen thank you thank you swee for letting me go in well listen I'm not through with you all right uh we're going to I'm going to read some a few of the healing scriptures and then we we're going to release our faith and I want you here to to uh help us I can do that okay amen all right so uh we we were reading about faith how it works I'll just give you Romans 10:14 through1 17 says faith hears 11 Mark 11:23 Faith believes the word faith speaks and takes it and then it says this about your words uh Psalm 139 1-4 it says in that scripture that God knows every word we speak so now if you're believing for healing you don't need to be going around saying I'm sick I'm sick I'm hurting I don't know what what's going to happen I'm going broke or whatever last night we talked about the heavenlies in the world beyond the speed of light the spiritual realm where all things are Faith functions at lights spe our spirit man that's been born again is functioning beyond the speed of light just like God is God is light we are children of the light we're born of the light we walk in the light as he is in the light is that why you can't see our spirit unless it's slowed down that's right yeah you can't see spiritual things unless it slows down below the speed of light get into the matter like when somebody's body Spirit leaves their body and they go to heaven you don't see it now they can turn around and see you but you can't see them because they're functioning their their molecular structure and and they're they are functioning at a speed that our eyes can't see now Adam could see that he could see in both Realms because he's like God until he fell below and no longer could see in that Spirit realm now your healing is in there amen and and and all the things are there and Faith penetrates that Veil at the speed of light and as you confess the word and as Faith cometh by hearing hearing and hearing by the word of God and love begins to rise and flush out fear and you begin to speak in that realm you can't see your words but I'll guarantee you the devil can see them and he can hear them and they break him down he has to fall on his knees and and flee at those powerful words because they're filled with God's faith right and so as you're speaking that then on the inside of your spirit all all there's no time their distance in the spirit real and while you're doing these things while you're saying these things God knows every word faith receives faith Faith takes Faith speaks Faith possesses yes it does and what happens Gloria came into me and she said she been she'd been messing with that house for 30 years doesn't cost doesn't cost anything to mess with it well no she said to me one day she said Kenna this thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger I can't see any way to cut it back I said the longer it took the bigger it got hey hey girl what what don't try to cut it back it's a dream dream on now what's happening she's building that house in the heavenlies see it's on the inside of her she's building that house in the heavenlies the angels can see it they function in that world and this is part of their job now as you're speaking she came to me one day and she said uh we we need to take some time and pray over this because she said uh I I'm I'm either going to have to build this house or quit or quit doing this she said I I the longer it took the bigger the house got and the bigger it got on the inside of her and she said we need to know whether it's God's perfect will for us to build this house or not now the only reason she questioned that was because is so big but see big don't mean anything to God he's big and only thing big means any to is people that don't want preachers to have anything worth anything now that's the only Eric because the the devil tries to sow that well now you know people are going to stop giving into your ministry and they find out you got a big house oh going on back to Hell Satan I ain't got time to listen to you in the name of Jesus now so we did we we set ourselves aside and and and for a week and uh on James chapter one by faith receiving the perfect will of God and so we did that and the third day uh the Lord said Minister this house to Gloria it's part of your prosperity and here's what I wanted you to see the uh he gave me scriptures in the fifth fourth chapter of Isaiah to minister to her and I laid my hand on her and I began I had my Bible and I read those scriptures and tears started flowing out her eyes and she just she worshiping God come to find out that's the scripture she wrote at the top of her little list in 1967 when she said I you I believe today for the perfect house for this ministry and for this family I didn't know that anyway I said all that to tell you this and he of course told us to to build the house then he said to me you stay out of it he said don't he said anything you going to come up with is going to come out of the solish part of you he said the thing that happened to her now get this the dream see that house was completed in the spirit God had it planned before the foundation of the world we're just following his plan and and it was completed in the spirit and here's what he said the dream began to take upon itself Faith what's happening it's about to be manifest in the natural realm Dr Yan G Cho learned it like this he said I began to realize realiz that the first thing he believed for was a bicycle back there then man I mean they were so dirt poor in Korea back in those days they didn't have anything and he said I began to realize when when I I I I believed God for my bicycle he said I began to realize I'm pregnant with a bicycle it's in me it's developing it was in the heavenlies it's developing it's in the Kingdom it's developing faith is taking a on itself and and and the dream is taking upon itself faith and eventually it's born and that's what the Lord was saying to me he said I don't want you interfering with this at all because this this dream is taking on itself Faith now what's happening in here today faith for your healing is working praise God it's working in you now you go off like Glory was saying and you say well I guess I didn't get anything you just separated from the heavenlies where you can't see it it was working there all the time Jesus words were working in the roots of that fig tree and now if you study that very carefully you you really have to spend some time Mark 11 to to pick up on this he spoke to the fig tree they went to the temple they came back that evening so it had been approximately 12 hours nobody mentioned the tree so obviously and these weren't little bushes those are big trees go get online and look up fig trees and look at the size of those trees in the Middle East they are huge and they could have easily seen that they showed trees in there and they show trees in that if you go to the right website and they they'll show the a a a a dried up fig tree and to show you what it looked like a withered away fig tree now they came back by the next morning so actually there' been between 12 some somewhere between 12 and 24 hours the the the word had been working in the spirit realm in the natural roots of that tree for somewhere between 12 and 24 hours that tree dried up and you can see it on the outside now I'm I'm totally committed to that that Jesus did that that way to give us an eternal example of what happens with the word of faith yeah in the realm of the spirit where you can't see it and it goes to the root of the problem which is always spiritual and it goes in there at the speed of light and just takes that natural thing down glory to God hallelujah my goodness the anointing up here is the strong you praise God glory to God and that's what's happening right now so once once once we pray once we exercise our faith once we once we release faith in the realm of the spirit your faith is operating right now over 186,000 miles a second it is functioning it is working it is so powerful it's growing on the inside of you the word is working it is working it is working and as you speak to that symptom as you speak to your body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ your faith attacks that situation and it begins to work from The Roots it begins to work from the inside out glory to God it begins to function don't cut it off and you you get to the place where you're just wanting to say something negative so bad you can just hardly stand it stuff a rag in your mouth go get the word of God and put that word in your mouth amen can I have just another second no I'm sorry you're through yeah I guess so thank you remember where when Gloria read in the Book of Proverbs we're snared by the words of your mouth now thank you Lord thank you Jesus casting down the weapons of our Warfare are not are not carnal But Mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds strongholds are mental reasonings and and images that if you allow them they will exalt themselves against the word of God and tell you you're not getting anything you act actually in your spirit you know better but it'll start pushing your carnal mind to gripe and carry on I wonder why this isn't working you just said it isn't working you just turned it off it's totally dependent on what you say that's right not what God says what you say you can stop what God Said by what you say you have to make a choice when that starts don't you dare allow your mouth to tell you what to say don't you dare let your mind tell your mouth what to say no you let the word you tell your mouth what to say you tell your mind what to think now I want everybody in the room to do this don't just sit there like a lump on a log do you believe the Lord sent me then do what I tell you to do I want you to be begin counting silently from 1 to 10 now now out loud tell me your name about eight of you did it Gloria now I'm all back up again that's one reason you don't get very far because you don't do what people tell you to do from the word of God now I ain't got time to mess with you this morning cuz we're we're working on something here and we're working on your healing and working on you keeping that healing begin counting one to 10 silently now out loud tell me your name what happened to you counting that's the way God created you your words have authority over your thoughts if you'll put God's word in your mouth the moment you the moment you something just jumps out of your mouth I ain't never going to get this Kenneth you shut your mouth you get you get on your knees right now and you repent for saying that amen and you go get your Bible and you lay it right down in front of you and you say Lord I Thank you for forgiving me for putting that that doubt and unbelief in my mouth I I I Repent of that in the name of Jesus and I put these words in my mouth I put these words in my mouth and I choose to say that and I choose to believe that I choose to hear this and don't get up from there until Faith cometh that's the way you do this that's the way this happens you don't sit around and and gripe at the TV well maybe sometimes you do well I can tell you what you better do all right tell us what you better cut that thing off and get in the word and get yourself well and then be very selective about what you put in your eyes and your ears amen amen hallelujah and if you are going to watch it don't grab at it talk back to it particularly when they come on with those all those prescription drug commercials the guy's walking around with a smile on his face while the other while the voice is telling you this stuff will kill you really there's no side effects to this there's no side effects to the word of God that's right and when that comes up there that commercial comes up there hit the mute button and say there's healing for that there's healing for that you don't have to sit there and listen to that and watch that little watch that little skinny woman with the little Cloud over her head and she's so depressed and she has to take her anti-depressant pray for the poor little thing Hallelujah all depression is fear dependent depression is a lie it depends on allow of the devil to function because depression is grieving I'm losing something you hadn't lost yet but you have a sense of loss Hallelujah glory to God Amen what we supposed to do now I want you to get a chair and go sit down [Applause] okay because I want you to pray the prayer of faith when I give these after I give these scriptures I can do that bring me a chair the boss said I'm supposed to sit down H amen amen that's the way you do it ladies she don't know I can talk sitting down yeah I do well hey this is perfectly scriptural and he went up on top of the mountain and he sat down and taught there yes he did did well feel [Applause] free feel free to enter in anytime okay I'm not going to preach but I'm going to read you some uh the margin of my Bible on Mark 11 it won't take very long it but it it's got a lot that I've written in it it says you know in the scripture Mark 11 well Jesus that we're talking about Jesus spoke to the Fig Tree it dried up from the roots the life in it went out and the rest of the tree died and uh then Peter remarked about the Fig Tree Jesus answering said unto them have faith in God for verily I say watch all the says now verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say under this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believe that shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith now one of the key parts of that is you're going to get what you say yeah I mean you're going to get good or bad you're opening if it's bad you're opening the door for the devil to have a place to work if it's good you're opening the door to God to have a place to work uh he shall have whatsoever he says therefore Jesus said I say unto you what things soever you desire When you pray believe that is that you receive them and you shall have them and then it says when you stand pray and forgive that's important too but when you pray you take it that word uh receive you look it up in the Greek and it's take this made it so plain to me about how to receive from God that word the re in the Greek is take when you pray take it don't just say lots and lots and lots of words ask the Lord for it and then take it I receive it I have it it's mine I'm Healed I have the money that I need in Jesus name or whatever it is my son is born again but labors across his path that's the key to to releasing your faith now I'm going to take a few minutes I'm going to read the notes in the margin of my Bible believe and say and you shall have uh I'll read someone working on the image in your heart and uh 299 in Genesis I believe or 113 imagination is what comes out of your mouth that defiles your body you know when you when you think the wrong thing you're dwelling on what's not going to happen I'm not going to get the job I'm not going to get healed treat the word of seed and plant it in your heart sew it out of your mouth that's what we're told in Luke and Mark negative words are a snare Proverbs 62 every here's one I wanted to give you every word you speak God knows it says and that isn't that awesome I don't know how he stands that but he's God Psalm 1394 in Amplified every word he knows and and hears and he's he hears you when you say it if you here's what Charles cap said about faith if you are applying the principles it's working if you believe it you believe you receive When you pray you got a scripture you're standing on faith is giving you uh the scriptures giving you Faith to believe or this certain thing and this is what you're doing if you are applying the scriptures and you're saying right it's working if you can turn it around in your heart and in your mouth you can turn around around your situation if you can turn it around in your heart you can turn it around in your mouth and you can change the situation you've got assuming you know you're standing on the word of God you've got the scriptures to to do it it takes diligence it takes his word and your word That's the Law of Faith saying is your responsibility if we're believing something we pray we ask the Lord for it we believe we receive now it's our responsibility to say what we want to come to pass I believe I have my healing I believe I am healed you know after you after you believe you pray you believe you receive it and then you take it you say it it's mine I have it saying is our responsibility faith is in your mouth the mouth is the heart's instrument to implement the mouth is what the heart uses to get the faith job done yes so you can't talk doubt and unbelief and then say some Faith things no you get on it and you don't talk contrary to what you want to come to pass you say faith words all the time about that situation Jesus it's done Jesus said my words are Spirit yes he did and they are life and that's the way God operated yeah that and that our our words are Spirit when God wanted to create he said let there be whatever he wanted yeah so that's the way we create that's the way we get results did you get it all you want to say not yet so far you create I can't read and laugh the same time you create the spiritual atmosphere with your words either good or evil you either give the Angels opportunity to move or Devil's opportunity to move faith is believing you receive because God said so he said this I believe I receive it I take it I say it I have it amen glory to God hallelujah this is the way God created the Earth in the beginning it let there be he said let there be let there be lights in the firmament and that happen and that's the way we're supposed to live that way let there be glory to God and we find out what should be by the word of God the law of sewing in reaping is that way words are seeds words so uh swing open the door to the Supernatural and your Mountain needs to hear your voice glory to God the reason I'm reading slow is I can't read my writing if you knew what was on the other side of that action you'd you'd be doing it you'd be saying it you wouldn't say anything else watch you're after is on the other side of your faith words if you say faith words if you don't say faith words and you get in unbelief there's just the same old stuff on the other side of that mountain but that mountain will move glory to God hallelujah if you knew what was on the other side of you would you would move it see whatever you desire that's good and scriptural is on this is is available from our heart we got the scripture we stand on it if it's healing if it's finances whatever if it's children family there's scripture we stand on we put it in our eyes we get it in our heart and it comes out our mouth and it brings deliverance and results glory to God and Ken I now we're not talking to you about something we' just read about we've done this a long time and we have thoroughly enjoyed it Faith creates an image on the inside of you you see yourself with it Faith brings substance first in the heart and then in the natural 11 Hebrews 11:1 faith is the substance of the things is that 111 anyway this is scripture faith is the substance of the things we hope for what do you get out of that see hope doesn't have any substance there's not substance until faith is applied to the situation I hope I'm going to get this I hope hope I'm gonna get that job I hope I'm going to be able to have a home someday no substance but I believe I receive the perfect home for me and my family and you stand on it and it'll come to pass if it's based on the word of God glory to God Amen now you may have the floor thank you now that's faith is the substance tangibility we're using speed of light power light energy we're using spiritual light energy in our words and as we speak them and release Faith it's happening on the inside yeah and I I use this illustration out here because it's it's easier to to to uh to imagine it's it's functioning here right on the inside of you but you have to understand it inside you is all of the heavenlies now I'm using light energy bringing substance what's happening I'm bringing something that's imagery in the spirit it's capturing it and bringing it down below the speed of light where it can turn into material reality now be thou removed be thou cast into the sea where does the mountain go you notice he didn't say Mountain removed To Yonder place he said cast into the sea when you cast it into the sea there's no evidence that it ever existed before so what's what What's Happening Here your speed of light words are coming against that mountain coming against that debt coming against the symptoms coming against this this sickness and disease which is functioning here in this natural carnal realm coming against it until it goes back back into the spirit realm where it does not materially exist anymore where'd that cancer go I laid hands on a woman and she had a malignant growth that came out of her hair down across her forehead and across her eye you could almost not see her eye and down across her face like that angry um purplish blue looking malignant growth on her head I said in the name of Jesus when I touched it it just disappeared and the person standing right behind me said where'd that go well at the time I didn't know where it went that I I I was busy here I just kept laying hands on people and and I went to the Lord I said Lord where did that go well the things that I'm telling you this morning I didn't know back there then and he he began right then talking to me about these things I've learned now that was the mountain Jesus was talking about and when I touched it the anointing of God which function as light energy that's what the anointing is God is a spirit and those that worship Him worship Him in spirit and Truth God is love God is light scripture say so when that happened it went back into the nonnatural world and you couldn't see it anymore it is gone praise God [Applause] forever amen I want I want you expecting that this morning I want you expecting that this morning I mean you expect the power and the anointing of God that's functioning in you right now you have the anointing of God inside you it is on you and in you if you're born again you received an unction the word unction is the same word translated anointing amen praise God hallelujah are we ready to pray you the man pray huh yeah no it's your service really yeah who thought it no you pray the prayer of faith We'll All Shall We Stand please glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord we believe we receive when we pray right now we're taking itah glory to God let's just praise and worship for a moment when we pray we come into His presence when we praise he comes into ours he inhabits the Praises of his people oh thank you Lord Jesus yes yes thank you Lord Jesus believe you receive When you pray and thank you Father stretch forth your hand and heal heart pra thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus our healer our deliverer thank you by the hand of your son Jesus by the hand of your child Jesus Jesus we receive it we receive it we receive it thank glory to God there's nothing thank you Lord to receive hallelujah thank you Lord glory to God praise you Lord Jesus thank you Jesus praise you Jesus praise you Lord Jesus glory to God we worship you Lord we worship you Lord oh we worship and praise you thank you Lord hallelujah praise thank you Lord Just Praise thank you Lord Jesus [Music] thank you Lord only believe sing it with me all things are [Music] possible believe Now sing it Lord I I believe Lord I believe Lord I [Music] believe all things are possible Lord I Thank thank you Jesus thank you [Music] Jesus weakness sickness and pain [Music] disease be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea now you just agree yes amen cancer be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea migraine headaches be removed and be thou cast into the sea now you say I do not doubt in my heart I believe what I say comes to pass I believe what I say to pass and I receive it I arthitis be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea degenerative joint disease be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea jangled nervous condition be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea for the chastisement of our peace was Upon Jesus be peaceful in your [Music] mind Hallelujah worry fear for your children be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea [Music] say this my father loves me and he knows how to deliver those he knows to that are under oppression he knows how to deliver my family he knows how to Del my and he's doing it right now now give him thanks for it praise him for it [Music] throat pain throat pain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea those of you watching online there's no time nor distance in the realm of the spirit it's right there the same as it's right here you you're you're a part of this service just take it take it right now if you're listening if you're listening on a CD or or or if you're watching a DVD how however this is getting to you it is right there it's the same with you now as it is with us here hallelujah thank you Lord Lord I believe Lord I believe all things are possible Lord I believe Lord I receive Lord I [Music] receive all things are possible Lord I receive knee pain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea lower back pain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea dingy dim eyesight be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea any form of blindness be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea [Music] the scripture [Music] says all forgive me Lord say that again [Music] please thank you that the name of Jesus is above every name that is named blindness is a name bow your knee blindness to the name of Jesus eyes see now sayith the Lord Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he that hath ears to hear Let Him hear hearing lost be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea take your hearing take it right now in the name of Jesus new eard drums new inner ear nerves and Bones damaged ear nerves be made whole in the name of Jesus bow your knee to Jesus name oh hallelujah [Music] hallelujah all things work together for the good of those that love God you say that would be me three of you said it you say that would be me that would be and for those called according to his purpose you say that would be me that would hand you are a thing work together now for good elbow you are a thing work together now shoulder joint you are a thing work together now knees you are things work together now cartilage in the knees you C if there's no cartilage there cartilage come in the name of Jesus hip joints work together for my good Hallelujah I love God and I'm called according to his purpose and my hip joints are supposed to work glory to God work like you're supposed to work I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord hallelujah thank you Lord lift your knees and walk and be strong Hallelujah ah ankles you are things work together and dance before the Lord with me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus see you can you can do this in your own bedroom man you can you you can do this you can live like this this is not just one time in a healing School no no this can be every day you can get so excited about praising God you can't wait to get out of bed [Music] amen if you have a particular situation that that appears to you to be big then take communion every day get up and praise before God and go in get on your knees and take communion before the Lord cuz Ephesians 5:30 says your flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone oh Hallelujah by the grace of God and by the word of God and and I that's all I can and say like the Apostle Paul I am what I am by the grace of God and he his grace with me that's his presence and his favor and his goodness he loves you as much as he does Jesus and it is by faith so that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed God's grace is his overwhelming desire to treat you and me as if sin had never happened glory to God treat you like you never sinned in your life ain't that wonderful that's the way he sees you and when you come before him boldly to the throne of grace and you say sir I missed it I missed it I did such and such and I repent and I I take my forgiveness I believe I receive my forgiveness and I receive my cleansing from all all unrighteousness amen no when you confessed that sin was not when he found out about it that's when you got rid of it that's when you got it out of your way you got it you got it out of your out of the out of the blessing part of your life get rid of it get rid of it instantly you just stood there and said something to somebody you shouldn't have said I don't care what it is just stop and say uh excuse me forgive me uh hang on a second father I Repent what I just told her wasn't true and I repent for lying I hadn't done that a thousand times I did it twice and and I I Repent of that sir Amen Let Your yes be yes your no be no all else proceeds from evil what are you doing you're not being picky you're being trained you're training your mouth you're training your brain and you you're training your flesh to walk in healing and walk in strength and health and what I started to tell you a while ago by the grace of God and by the mercy of God I'm stronger physically than I was 20 years ago amen hallelujah hey hey let me tell you something yeah but brother Copeland look at me uh no no no hey come on baby that don't let your flesh Define you that that's that's just what you've become if you've become that you can become something else you can become what you need to be you can become what God has designed you to be you're not through glory to God and like Gloria said don't you ever quit don't ever quit don't ever quit hallelujah hallelujah glory to God long disease be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea someone that has an a a very unattractive what you call it an ugly scar I just saw that scar begin to go away there was a man came up in front of me in a parking lot in Le Texas is 19 1968 walked up there in front of me man he looked tough he said I want to be saved we were out in the parking lot we had a great healing service that morning he had a scar that began somewhere on his head it was it was up in his hair and it came down out of out of his hair down across his face down it I mean it looked like somebody hit him with an axe and went down into his shirt and he was a he was a big man and he was some kind of ugly you I mean it it I'm not talking about just unattractive guy I mean you could tell this guy come off the street man and and he had that he had had a fierce angry look about him I want to be saved so I prayed with him and he prayed and I mean you tell he prayed with all of his heart a year later I was in a another meeting in a full gospel businessman's meeting if I remember quickly and this goodlook guy I mean a fine looking fell dressed nice walked up to me and I he look familiar to me but I you know I didn't recognize he said brother cop you don't remember me do you I said said no really I don't he said you laid hands on me in the parking lot in loook Texas a year ago and I looked that scar you could just barely see it it wasn't all wh and ugly and mean looking what happened he got born again and eternal life the light of God the power of God was in him the power of God was working the power of God had just about removed all that scar it removed all that ugly looking F that that that fear and and and all of that had brought onto his countenance and here he stood um man of God hallelujah that work is going on in you right now that power is working in you right now it'll remove every scar it'll straighten your eyes it'll bring you eyesight it'll bring you hearing it's happening right [Music] now Hallelujah you walk out of here today like Gloria said you walk out of here saying it's working it's working in me now it is working in me now glory to God come on leg it's working in me now don't get mad at your body don't do that no no if if if if if you have been having trouble with with a leg or or something give God thanks and praise that your other leg's working don't get all hung up on the one that's [Music] broke and as you praise God say leg I love you you're the body of Christ yeah Jesus is living in this L yeah and you're healed too his word's working in you leg oh yeah you're well and strong come on back oh yeah come on back you're working come on back you're working I had that disc blow up in my back in 2004 I've been shot stuck run over i' had all kinds of stuff out me I ain't never hurt like that dear Lord and and I I I I went out I found out I went out in the backyard and I got two h heating pads and that that pain going down the side of my leg and uh I strapped those two heating pads on there and turned it up just as high as I could get it and took a sash out of my out of my bathrobe and tied those heating pads on there so the heating pads would hurt worse than the other and get rid of that nerve pain because at least the heating pad was just a natural kind of pain but that nerve pain was just racking at me and I'm out there in the backyard and I I I I started doing what I taught you to do this morning I said Lord thank you thank you I praise you I praise you and I thank you I praise you and I honor you and I thank you I thank you that my body is healed I thank you that I'm Healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet sir I thank you and I praise you I praise you for this beautiful place that you've given glory and me to live I praise you for the for the birds that fly in the air I praise you for the Green Grass and I praise you for the for the Blue Sky I praise you for my life I praise you and worship you long as I was praising it didn't hurt and I'd stop a little bit and I'd start start thinking Lord I praise it and it start hurting again see it's in your mouth there's where the authority is Jesus said why take ye the thought saying see where the authority is well the Lord taught me then later why take ye the pain crying why take you pain is in your thought life it works in the same area as your thought life they I mean you can prove that man I mean they put you to sleep they can cut your leg off you don't know iten you understand pain is in your thought life it wake you up it comes back so I started saying I started saying it this this came later I started saying I'm I don't take the pain say it I don't take the pain saying I don't take the pain saying I don't take the pain crying take pain no I don't take the pain I don't take pain I don't take I'm delivered from Pain amen am I'm Healed I'm he I'm well thank you I'm telling you you can praise God to where they can cut your leg off and you wouldn't feel it I mean it how can that possibly be when we pray we enter into his presence when we praise he enters into our oh my my my my my learn to dance before the Lord we're going to talk more about this tonight and tomorrow learn to dance before the Lord oh Hallelujah [Music] hallelu [Music] what's the matter where you dance yeah [Music] yes thank you Lord [Music] yeah the scripture says that we continually praise the sacrifice of praise the sacrifice of praise is that one more step where your flesh didn't want to go when you didn't want to dance and you said no I honor him feet get to moving amen that sacrifice of praise when you just stop somewhere and you begin to praise God just right in the middle of the street just glory of God hallelujah pain sickness and disease can not remain in the life of appr praiser appr praiser that's why David was a man after God's Own Heart he would praise [Music] him we praise and we worship you wake up some morning and that old your old clammy sweat ready feeling all over your body and there's pain behind your eyes and the devil says you got the flu H go call and tell them you're not going to be there don't you dare the word of God said by his traps you were healed that's not just when you feel like it you say no sir you're a liar Satan and the father of it reach over and get the corner of that cover and sling it off there and you you swing your fevered self out into that floor and You Begin I rebuke you fever be thou removed and be thou cast into the Sea Fever is under the curse of the law in the 28th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy be thou removed fever be thou removed inflammation be thou removed sickness and disease [Music] [Music] say that's the way Faith Acts yeah but brother Copeland what am I going to do I don't have a job you want me to show you how to get a job I'll tell you what when you begin to praise your faith comes roaring up out of you glory to God faith the big gun of faith is the power of praise praise Hallelujah and it comes roaring out of you in the name of Jesus and to your ears it may not sound like anything but a weak little whippy sound but you just keep praising you just keep praising you just keep worshiping you just keep praising you just keep praising every demon in hell will get out of your way and I'm telling you your place will fill up with the angels of God and they'll begin to cause things to happen they'll bring new parts into your body they'll make a brain where there wasn't any [Music] brain I heard of a man that woke up in the middle of the night he'd been praising God he'd been worshiping God he had a very very serious heart problem and he had asked God for a new heart and he he he he woke up in the middle of the night and the there was a man standing over him with his hands inside his chest he said go on back to sleep son I got this he woke up the next morning with a new heart That's What Angels do they're all ministering Spirits sent forth to minister for those that are HS of Salvation glory to God they're here right now don't don't ever decommission them by words of doubt and fear stay with words of Faith they're working as long as you'll stay with words of Faith how many of you right now are believing God for a financial Miracle you need a financial healing right now did you notice that almost everybody in the room you say this and you mean it Satan principalities and Powers rulers of Darkness rers of Darkness take your hand off my money take your hand [Music] off ministering Spirits min go get my money go get my money bring it here now bring it here now I lay hold I lay of a debt free [Music] lifestyle I remember what the Lord said to Leroy Thompson years ago and we're going to do it right now this is very scriptural I don't have time right now to go into all the background but you know I don't do things that are crosswise as the word of God you do what I'm doing get a hold of that lever I mean at the top of your voice money come now [Music] again money come to me now one more time money come to me now now give the Lord Praise thank you [Music] [Music] h [Music] I used to weigh 100 PBS more than I do now many years ago 1966 the Lord spoke to me and said get it off and back there then you know I I didn't know I I I I didn't know anything except just what I'd heard in the world the day I left for all Roberts University I mean all I had to eat that day was nine boiled eggs praise God Amen and at that time now I weighed 263 in uh um about 19 50 six long in there Sergeant you will enjoy this my first day in basic [Music] training old top walked out of man our top Soldier was about [Music] 6'4 one of the blackest men I have ever seen in my life I mean he was the picture of a soldier and I was not he can can you imagine this now oh yeah you can cuz you've been there man but now you would no ugly shape as I was in I'm standing there look he walked by he poked me in the stomach and he goes we going to let the wind out of you he was not kidding a bit but then after I got out of the service I never did get that that much again but I went I went back up to about 2:40 and I stayed there I I waited 2 2 40 when glor and I got married that's what I weighed that morning when we headed for or Roberts University Hallelujah I weigh 170 lbs now but God taught me he became my trainer and as I prayed and believed him he sent people to me to teach me and to train me to teach me how to eat to teach me how to think to teach me how to work out to teach all of it Spirit soul body financially and socially amen ain't know you you die in no 70 or 80 years that's not scriptural for you to die in 70 or 80 years 70 or 80 years was was a curse on a disobedient people in the wilderness no Genesis 6:3 says the days of man shall be 120 years that's what God Said our lifetime is that's that's that's what he said that's just as much the word of God as by his Tripes you were healed but you have to choose to believe it and by choosing that don't just choose to lose some weight no no no no no no no no you choose you're a soldier in the army of the Lord and you need to be in good witnessing shape you need to be in strong healthy shape you need to be where God can call on you for anything any time 24 hours a day but the way you get there is you take that 120e assignment and you believe for it and something happens to your body you say no buddy uhuhuh no no no no no no come on legs you got to last another 42 years now come on get rid it here come on now come on now see I'm not going for the DNA of my parents I'm going but the DNA of my father Hallelujah my heavenly father's DNA his word I'm born of his word hallelujah and not only will he teach you how to do it the will to do it will rise up on the inside I'm willing to be willing and when I started that I was not willing cuz I didn't want to go through all that it took to get there you didn't neither did you Lisa look at that pretty step come here step step up here I want to show you off come here Lisa look at this gorgeous thing look at this yeah huh I was 250 lbs twice I rest my case how did you do it word word of God Word of Faith believe in God never ever quit out of honor and respect to the Lord Jesus Christ that provided this body for me Hallelujah don't put up with a mind that don't work right don't put up with a brain that doesn't work right no no we have the mind of no don't tell me Christ the anointed one we have have the same anointing available for our mind that was on Jesus mind when he was in the Earth on his mind now we have the mind and anointing of his mind oh you missed a place shout right there cuz that'll change your mind and the biggest thing you can do about that I bathe my mind in Praise I bathe my mind in the word of God I bathe my brain in the mighty word of God brain come alive memory come alive in the name of Jesus no no no no no no I'm not going for that losing memory when you get old I'm not going for that hallelujah hallelujah it's a lie from hell that as you get older your brain guess where it doesn't work good that's a lie science has now proven that the brain is the only physical organ that gets better with age now you stop saying that other [Music] mess I'm not going for that I'm not going there no no no no no Hallelujah did you get anything this morning well give the Lord another praise glory to God come on wait Hallelujah
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 331,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4518407990001, gloria copeland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 20sec (9440 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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