2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Becoming Fruitful (2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. CT)

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father we come before you in the name of jesus lord we thank you so much for this powerful meeting thank you lord for the servants that you've raised up to carry forth the word of faith throughout the world we thank you lord for the privilege of being able to stand before your people i pray that anointing not only be upon me but them that everyone that hears this message will be challenged and changed by the powerful word of god i pray the anointing be upon me and these lips of clay that i speak this word with excellent accuracy and boldness asking you to think through my mind speak through my lips and this word shall come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force and that signs wonders and miracles shall follow the word preached and we give you praise in jesus name can you shout amen somebody take a seat take a seat please [Music] hello i know you told my flow okay [Applause] i think i heard it first over here no i heard it over there [Applause] glory to god [Applause] amen oh i'm telling you well listen we're not going to let anything dampen our spirits because he said in everything give thanks and we're going to give thanks today in jesus name i'm going to put this right down here amen all right well did you come for the word this afternoon i flew in just a few minutes ago to bring you the word too amen all right let's open the bibles please and let's go over to flo okay all right who said that right over here come come here come here you said it right over here so you have to say it at the right time if you don't say it at the right time you know you don't you don't get any any results but it's your timing's got to be right plus there's a voice of faith that i heard and said amen is there wasn't that somebody over here i guess okay no i'm not talking about over there i'm talking about over here you hear about it glory to god it was a man's voice amen all right well i'll uh i'll just hold fire hold fast praise god all right that's all he's coming okay all right let's open the bibles please quality's coming let's open our bibles to um isaiah chapter 51 isaiah chapter 51. is he coming did i see somebody coming okay okay all right we we're gonna we're gonna practice social discipline social distance and didn't separate him from that hundred dollar bill did it all right isaiah in chapter 51. um now he says here starting at verse one hearken to me he that followeth the righteousness ye that seek the lord look into the rock of which you are hewn and the hold of the pit which you are digged look unto abraham your father and to sarah that bear you fire called him alone and blessed him and increased him for the lord shall comfort zion he will comfort all her waste places and he will make a wilderness like eden and her desert like the garden of the lord joy and gladness shall be found there in thanksgiving and the voice of melody come on down to verse 16. i have put my words in your mouth i have covered you in the shadow of my hand that i may plant the heavens say plant the heavens and lay the foundation of the earth and say to zion thou art my people let's go over now to matthew's gospel chapter 15 please matthew chapter 15. all right matthew 15. i'm going to start reading here at verse 12. then came his disciples and they said unto him knoweth thou that the pharisees were offended after they heard the same but he answered and said every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch all right let's go to isaiah and chapter 55 please and then we're going to um ephesians and then we'll be out isaiah chapter 55 isaiah chapter 55 by the way is a very powerful uh chapter if you've ever kind of studied that and let's start reading at verse 10 for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give tea to the sow and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing wherein two i sent it let's go all the way over to ephesians please in ephesians in chapter 5. ephesians chapter 5. okay over in ephesians chapter 5 and verse 1 be therefore followers of god as dear children somebody have the ipad or something like that yeah you got one you got one all right um you've got a microphone over here that i can use here praise god he's going to get me one right quick i want to see the amplified oh on that scripture i guess they can put it up there praise god but i want you to read it okay just a minute this i want you to catch this because if you will read that scripture in the amplified translation therefore be imitators of god copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father all right read it again therefore be imitators of god copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father read it the third time therefore be imitators of god copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father can i get it one more time therefore be imitators of god copy him follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father here's a little something for your help thank you now it pays to have the word of god now interestingly enough as he read that he got more demonstrated [Applause] i'm talking about imitating god isn't that powerful yeah imitate god you start thinking about god the nature of god and so forth and so on and that he's telling you paul is saying imitate god your father copy his example isn't that powerful so you and i have this is not a suggestion this is a mandate this is what we're supposed to do we're supposed to act like god so as we look at this i want to start here and i'm going to roll right through this we're going to take a little break in the middle and we're going to receive an offering and then we'll go right back into it but we're going to call this becoming fruitful becoming fruitful my wife um [Music] right on the back patio of the house she has grown some tomatoes and she uh she she has learned [Music] for the last three years i think it is how better to grow those tomatoes in other words when she first grew them i don't think she even got a crop i'm just just personal i'm i'm trusting she's not listening but i i don't think she even got a crop but now she's doing things she's perfecting her planting and she is now planting and she starts with a little twig and she's taking the soil and she's you know perfecting the soil by taking eggshells crushing those putting them in the soil put some other things in the soil and so forth um and then she planted them and and now this thing is starting to grow and i said wow that's something now i want you to go to john chapter 15 if you will over in john's gospel chapter 15 because it seems like most of what jesus taught he used the examples of nature to communicate what he was teaching about and he says here in john chapter 15 and i'll say starting at verse 1 he says i am the true vine my father is a husband and every branch in me that bear fruit he taketh away every branch every branch in me that that beareth no fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit now you are clean just a minute let me get my paper straight here you are clean to the word which i have spoken unto you abide in me and i and you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit say much fruit for without me you can do nothing come on down to verse 16. you have not chosen me but i've chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall ask of the father in my name he may give it to you glory to god all right becoming fruitful so she now starts growing this plant so it's got all these branches on it said again you know it looks full looks green so forth and so now some little buds come out on some of the branches but those buds that come out in those branches are really the places where a tomato is going to grow the other branches she clips them away i said whoa whoa whoa whoa you stripping your plant there she said no no no those branches if i don't clip them they will soak up all the energy they will try to soak up all the food source they will soak up the nutrients so that my tomatoes either won't grow or won't grow full and i'm telling you she said the only place those tomatoes are gonna grow is where you see this little bitty bud i said oh my goodness now if you see that plant now she had to put a stick in the soil because she had to help support the one the branches that were left because the tomatoes that grew on them got so full and and ripe until they would bend the branches the branches couldn't even support the weight of the fruit [Music] but notice what she had to do to get there she had to clip away some parts [Music] that were designed to take up energy take up life forces and not produce a thing [Applause] so i'm saying one god wants you to bring forth fruit secondly if you do then the vine dresser is going to start clipping and he's going to start clipping away everything in your life that's taken away from your purpose from the cause that you were put in this earth why so that you could bring forth more [Applause] so i think meetings like this are where seeds are sown and where you go back and god's going to start clipping away because he's giving you some extra nutrients so that you could bring forth whatever he's purpose for you in this life and he might clip away some of those uh unwanted relatives no i i shouldn't say that i shouldn't say that i shouldn't say that but he might clip away some of the things that you might be doing that are a waste of time it's just using up your energy and and god has a purpose for you here and that purpose he wants fulfilled he never desired for any of his children to be barren everybody is designed to be fruitful so that kind of taught me something about it i was maybe come back on thursday and show you a picture of how it looks at one stage and how it looks in another state and how it looks now it almost looks scrawny or something i mean i don't see all these these nice green things and i see one or two twigs and three but they are heavy with tomatoes so a lot of things we might be doing are not only a waste of our time but something god didn't even intend for us to do [Applause] isn't that just like the devil to eat up your time or eat up your energy and you have nothing to show for it say be fruitful all right let's go back to that let's go to john genesis chapter 1 please now this is where this is where gods first spoke it now i call these for foundation laws of creation all right you can see it here and you could see in the beginning and in the beginning god created verse 1 the heavens and the earth and the earth without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters notice nothing was happening and god said now something is about to happen are you saying imitate him now let there be light and there was light and god saw that the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness so forth and so notice how he got light how did he get it spoken where did light come from came from where it came from inside of god so notice what was inside of him he spoke outside and here's the holy spirit waiting for the word so he's there to move to manifest the word but he doesn't manifest anything until it is spoken god speaks by faith because right out there in the circumstances was darkness but what did god call darkness what did he call darkness come on say it loud he called it light and what happened like what now didn't he say imitate him i'm just we read it several times here all right now if you go on down here god created and made things okay and he made some things out of other things like he called the fish out of soil god decided what he wanted and then spoke to what he wanted it to come from i'll try it again god decided what he wanted and then spoke to what he wanted it to come from one more time god decided what he wanted and then spoke to what he wanted it to come from he spoke to the fish to those of waters and got the fish he spoke to the soil and got the cattle now whatever you spoke to and it came from they have to stay attached too if i take the fish out of the water the fish will if i take the cattle from the soil of some things from the soil the cattle will die my point to you is when it was time for you he spoke to himself [Music] [Applause] and if you separate from your source what will happen adam and eve the day that you eat of this and disobey me you will be disconnected and you shall surely done [Applause] isn't that good so i'm saying to you that's why we gotta get everybody reconnected because a lot of people are dead men walking so what we've got to do is get them reconnected before they leave this earth evangelism is extremely important that's part of fruitfulness for a ministry all right let's keep going let's go down to verse 26 and god said let us make man in our image after a likeness and let them have dominion over the fish and seal with the foul of the air with the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth dominion to rule it the rain over it it implies stewardship dominion even implies ownership now put some definition down here i looked it up in the webster 1828 dictionary you might want to get that they even have an app for it now so you can download it but it's a dictionary and that website takes that and uses scripture to define words and so he said here this word dominion what does it mean sovereign or supreme authority sovereign or supreme authority what is sovereign it means nobody is bigger it means the top it's it's the extent it's the highest sovereign or supreme authority dominion the power of governing or controlling the power of governing or controlling adam i'm giving you the power of governing or controlling let's say that gets to the new testament over in matthew chapter 16 verse 19 he says um that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven didn't he say that another translation cev whatsoever things you forbid or whatever things you allow god will allow dominion the right to the right to possess and use without being accountable the right to possess and use without being accountable dominion one more dominion power to direct control use and dispose of at your pleasure the power to direct control use and dispose of at your pleasure your two disciples i want you to go in town you'll see a donkey tied up there on time and bring them to me if somebody asks you what are you doing with my donkey tell them the lord has need of him and he'll let him go come on dominion whatever you need in this earth to get your job done you got a right to it dominion let them have dominion i like what we were talking about ownership few years ago and brother copeland and i were talking he said he had uh ownership with stewardship responsibilities what is stewardship stewardship says i've got to make sure that what i am responsible for is done or comes to pass and if you look at psalm 82 this is a good picture of stewardship in verse one god standeth in the congregation of the mighty and judgeth among the gods how long will you judge unjustly and accept the persons of the wicked sila defend the poor and fatherless do justice to the afflicted and needy deliver the poor needy rid them out of the hand of the wicked they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness all the foundations of the earth are out of course i have said you are gods and all of you are children of the most high but you shall die like men in other words if you don't know who you are you're going to die like a natural man you should never ever allow any thought from this day to come into your mind that you are only human you should reject every thought that you are only human now once you born again you have just moved into another category i said once you're born again you have just moved into a whole other category you have just become unstoppable [Applause] you have just become invincible hallelujah you cannot be touched say amen to this [Applause] now what what what's what's happening here why why aren't we walking like this let's go back over again to matthew chapter 15 and over in matthew's gospel chapter 15 he said this and i'll start reading here again i'll get to it sometime praise god he says here in 15 it starts reading at verse 13 but he answered that every plant which my heavenly father has not planted shall be what root it up root it up so there are plants that god didn't plant or trees that god didn't plant and a tree produces after its own kind so now when we go back over to genesis but let me let me just talk about this a minute so i've got in me a belief system i believe something what do i believe i believe before i got born again that my parents raised me up and slept me in a bed that we were paying sears and robot for it's a good thing i had a bed to sleep comfortable we're making revolving charge account payments are you with me and i had some clothes on that we were still paying on boy if if they were to repossess well let me i don't want to go there but [Applause] okay but yeah and the only time thing we had a car paying ahead of mortgage paying on it nope that i found after i got saved was a tree you see if you you know you know okay maybe i should back up because can y'all take what i'm about to preach here okay okay i just want you to hear what i'm saying here let's go to matthew chapter 12 and look at verse 33 either make the tree good or his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt as fruit corrupt for the tree is known by his fruit now let's just stop right there because all this jesus is teaching now because he's got a bunch of disciples here that he's got to get some trees in them out because they're bringing forth fruit that are not righteous they're bringing forth fruit that perhaps may not line up with the kinds of fruit that jesus wants them to bear now can y'all take what i'm about to say here because i'm going to show you up before you get out of here all right but this this is important here because how many other things in our lives i mean just you name it now i'm only saying this because once you get born again you come into the kingdom jesus said in john 3 3 that you must be born what again and if you look at the amplified it says born from above okay now once i'm born from above philippians chapter 3 verse 20 he talks about the fact that we are now citizens of the kingdom of god we are citizens of the commonwealth of god we amplify we are citizens see what i'm born from above i'm a new nature now i'm no longer i'm going to reject the fact that i'm only human i'm rejecting that from now on from now on and i'm born from above that means i'm born out of god and now i'm in the earth and i'm born as a citizen a citizen of another government the government is called the government of the kingdom of god say amen to that and i'm in that government which has priority in my life and so now me being in that government that that uh government and being a citizen in that government i'm a citizen before i'm a member [Applause] see once i get born again i'm a citizen now as a citizen in anything you've got a constitution as a citizen in any country you've got some rights so this bible spells out what our rights are and it serves as our constitution of the government that we belong to [Music] now jesus said you shall know the truth and what will the truth do it'll make you free of all the trees that were planted in you by the government that you and i were born from which was the kingdom of darkness and we were now in the kingdom of your dear son now every tree and belief system that the enemy planted in our lives to hold us in bondage to that government have now got to be rooted up so if i'm a member i may be a member of a church and i'm a member of a certain church whatever that church is doesn't make any difference but i'm a citizen first say it say amen to that i'm a citizen before see once i get born again the next thing god does is he by the agency of the holy spirit directs me to a ministry that i say hey boy this feels like home here you got what i'm saying and it's not just a member on somebody's role it means first corinthians 12 he said the eye cannot say to the hand i have no need of you see because both of them are members so when he talks about members he talks about the useful parts of that local church to get his job done that he's got for that particular church say amen to that so i got to come to the concept first that i'm just not a member because a member makes me sick it makes me come every sunday sit hear the word so forth and so on but if i'm a kingdom citizen then i understand that there is a a a keef shandal of ahoya there is a responsibility that i have to expand the kingdom see i i just can't sit and and i'm gonna i'm gonna citizen first i'm a citizen first see i'm i'm i'm a citizen before i'm black don't don't don't get mad at me nobody because i ain't got time for it [Applause] listen when you go to a nation look what it says in jeremiah and chapter 29 i think that's where it is and jeremiah 29 and now understand what i'm doing now i'm i'm i'm rooting up some trees [Music] look at verse 7 and seek the peace of the city whether i have caused you to be carried away now i'll stop right there in other words whatever nation i plant you in bring peace to that nation see i'm not supposed to hate my nation i have a responsibility to better my nation to take my nation and help it meet its budget if i'm sent to a company i have a responsibility to use my fruitfulness to help prosper my company are y'all with me here now i have the ability to do this god wouldn't call you to do something that you didn't have the ability to do so all of this is citizenship see if i'm if i'm just if i'm just a member or if i'm just a black man now if if as a african-american i had only knowledge of my lineage as an african-american suppose they threw me in the furnace like they did the three hebrews what would happen to me as a black man [Music] i'll come over here what would happen to me as a black man i would burn to a crisp [Applause] but if i'm a citizen [Applause] you see a citizen is an ambassador second corinthians chapter 5 20. you are ambassadors for christ and as an ambassador i have diplomatic immunity i'ma go to this side over here now god would not drop you off in a world [Applause] and say go for yourself he said lo i am with you [Applause] not only that luke chapter 17 verse 21 said jesus said the kingdom of god is within you i have diplomat listen a diplomat they can't even arrest him [Applause] say amen a diplomat normally has gates around his what property what do you call the property embassy embassy and that diplomat that that gate around there make is usually with armed guards why because that property is not considered new york property or chicago property it's considered the property of the land he came from he says it like this in psalm 105 touch not my anointed and do my come on prophets no harm now i'm only saying this because that citizenship songs sermons things that we said they have not given much to this idea that i'm in another government and so that image has not been in here and god cannot move any further than you can see he he hit what clover is a god they they the how you see yourself glory to god has everything to do with what you can do come on everything to do with how far you can go oh what you can receive how you see yourself how do you think david saw himself facing goliath this is what he said this day will the lord deliver you notice you and god are a majority see all you got to do is write down what i'm saying i'm giving you seeds i'm al all you got to do is just come in contact with what i just said that right there if you get that you got it made see i knew who i was when they said a pastor winston they're not going to let a black man buy this shopping mall this this whole area is prejudiced they've redlined it so forth and so on i say who you talking to see they were looking at the outside but my days are being human all over now you need to do that see gideon tried to work that on god god uh uh i'm the poorest in the tribe i'm i'm leasing my father's house i'm the i'm the most illiterate and so forth god said quit all that talk he said i'm gonna get you and have you to set israel free as one man now i'm just saying to you see you can shut down the power of god from moving through you by confessing something god didn't say about you [Applause] as an ambassador my limitation is i cannot say anything that my country didn't tell me to say i can't say if i do that consistently more than likely as an ambassador i will be recalled because i'm speaking something my country didn't say my limit of what i can say is in this book [Applause] say amen to that amen it's just making some sense to you [Applause] the devil had worked some stuff on us and then had the nerve to call the church non-essential [Applause] is it the right group i'm talking to you right now i got the right group okay no no that's why i've been teaching this this kingdom thing for years got books on it say that caught because because i knew what we were missing there are things you cannot do they're places you cannot go they're things you cannot receive without a kingdom mindset and what you're doing is you get new seed today i'm i'm i'm digging up that old tree say amen to that at the same time we're cutting off some of these worthless parts so that you can grow full and strong and talk like god man well i'm about to preach myself happy up here already [Applause] wherever he assigns you the kingdom of god is not in meat and drink romans chapter 14 but in righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost [Applause] jesus started preaching the kingdom mark chapter 1 verse 11 of verse 14. he came preaching the gospel of the kingdom saying the time is fulfilled the kingdom of god is at hand repent and believe the gospel why because the kingdom of god is coming with a understanding that is almost directly opposite than the way we've learned things then on his getting out of here it says in acts chapter 1 and verse 3 that after jesus was raised from the dead he spent 40 days with the people teaching them on the kingdom of god let me show you something else look at the last chapter of the book of acts is this the right group i'm talking to last chapter of the book of acts now everybody has their part and part of my part is to teach you on this subject the kingdom but look what he says here starting at verse um acts chapter 28 let's see where about that here 27 all right 28 and verse that's romans verse 28 okay here verse 30 and paul dwelled two whole years in his own house and received all that came unto him preaching the what kingdom of god and teaching those things which concern the lord jesus christ with all confidence no man could stop him you are unstoppable [Applause] they even had had a chamber or city council meeting and voted that i couldn't have services in that whole mall 33 acre complex guess how long that lasts because in the kingdom you can change laws see the first thing before you can transform your environment you're going to have to be transformed you can't transform something that you're conformed to [Music] [Applause] you have to be transformed what you have to do is get the word stand on it long enough for it to change you and then you change your environment so i had to sleep in a bed that was you know and wear some clothes and you know thank god they didn't come get the things that that we were paying on say amen to that and that's the way i live see and so what you can't do is in any place there is no condemnation so you can't listen to me and get condemned because now faith won't work and so what happened i started coming to ministries like this and heard about people buying stuff debt-free debt free now i buy a shirt debt-free but [Laughter] wait a minute now understand this is foreign to me because i got some trees in me that the master didn't plant [Music] so what do i have to do i have to go in this book and get some new seed glory to god i have to go in this book and get some new seed let's come back to genesis please is this the right group i'm talking to he says here in genesis chapter 1 verse 9 verse 29 29 pardon me and god said behold i have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be meat or provision so how does god change us seed he gives us seed and over in luke chapter 8 and verse 11 the seed is the word of god how does god change us he changed us with seedtime and harvest and the seed is the word of god every one of us comes into the kingdom with ungodly thought patterns that's the only way you could make it in the world you have to think like the world now i know some people say well i was always saved yeah okay but my point here is most most of us had to be changed with your perfect self okay most of us had to be changed but i'm just saying what happened to me is i had to come and find out something wait a minute i'm thinking wrong i always had this thing that if god will do it for him he'll do it for me now where'd i get that from i didn't just think of that out of the sky i got that from acts chapter 10 verse 34. peter stood up he had a marvelous discovery he said i perceive god is no respecter of persons but in every nation he that feareth him and work his righteousness has the same access to his blessing i got the same access that the blessing upon brother copeland and sister copeland bill winston has access come on help me help me now to the same blessing white folk black folk same black i'm trying to help you i'll try to help i'm trying to help somebody see [Applause] i'm trying to tell you the problem's not outside [Applause] come on help me somebody the problem is inside the image has been wrong [Applause] so i gotta fix it and stop blaming somebody else thank god i understand that some things were done and justice was done but i'm saved i'm sanctified i'm filled with the holy ghost [Applause] you couldn't stop me if you wanted to more bw is preaching here today every time i look at i look see somebody jerk i know i know that thing hits you there oh make you owe you know how you all do [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] now what am i saying i'm saying have some fun while you're growing amen god wants you to have joy see when you know you're going to win he always causes me to triumph second kings chapter two verse one i'm not saying some things were not done right and so forth but what you need to do first is get saved and all of a sudden the script gets flipped and now you no longer are human amen and your attitude and your demonstration should cause other people to want to get what you've got are y'all with me here because i was brought up in the south i was brought in there you couldn't go in certain places you know colored only and you could go around the back so far i've been i've been there i've been there but i believe a lot of times people i've been not getting into this [Applause] can i can i just go off just a minute here what time what time is it y'all got me going y'all go y'all got me going down there where are we right everybody that's not in my notes [Applause] oh well let me i could say this i could say this see you you got to watch again you know look look like you're even sounding political or anything like that because people waiting on that you know and they don't even know what you are they just they just you know uh i'm a kingdom citizen first let's see like that okay amen all right so now yeah uh-huh right uh well i was brought up in a place where you had people like george washington carver dr carver dr carver dr carver he took a peanut in in a laboratory that was i mean when i was a kid in elementary school they would take us every year to the carver foundation to look at everything he used so far this stuff was antiquated there was nothing there was nothing modern there was nothing he he he made over 300 products out of peanut he made 100 over 115 products out of a sweet potato everything face cream so forth and so on see he he did that now i saw booker d washington booker d washington had this this this uh objective he took ex-slaves as students and he was going to turn out students with indispensable skills that would have undeniable value and he did and he did turned out millionaires now what did he do he pointed to who they really are [Applause] are you following what i'm saying i grew up in a place where our parents were tuskegee airmen and that's why all of us learn to fly yeah i'm saying when the images is inside of you you'll bear the fruit so i never saw myself as inferior i was just another color and so i'm just saying in here can i get back to the subject now now i'm only saying that because i saw all of that i didn't see people being held back i you know they were making their own way they were having gifts and talents and so forth and that's the same thing god's going to do with you yes sir as a matter of fact let's just go to that right quick let's go to proverbs chapter 17. proverbs chapter 17. glory to god are y'all with me here [Applause] okay in proverbs chapter 17 oh it's a god can i proverbs chapter 17 i want to show you something okay can i just say a couple of things because i got to take a break here because because they got to come in and we're going to receive an offering here but let me just let me just say this let me just say this over in matthew's gospel what did i tell you proverbs 17. let's just look at this let's look at that first proverbs 17 verse 8. a gift is a precious stone in the eyes of them that has it and whether so ever it turneth it prospereth so you've got a gift in you call it seed and in every one of us god's responsibility toward mankind is to give you seed i'll say that again god's responsibility for mankind is to give you seed so he gave you a gift and you can treat it as a seed now you have to develop that gift the holy spirit works with you of course but it doesn't work without you you've got to develop that gift and as you develop that gift proverbs chapter 18 verse 16 a man's gift will what make room for him and what will he do bring him in four great men bring him before great men i didn't know that preacher gift was in me i didn't know the gift was in me to be a pastor i didn't know i was out there running and playing football and and and whatever else you know we did as kids and so forth i didn't know that i grew up in high school grew up in college went and flew fighters for the military and went to ibm in one day i wanted to be saved because things were going bad for me i just transitioned out of air force into ibm i was in training and i came back and they gave me a certain territory that that they gave me i thought they won't give me a medical territory because i finished school over here in the in pre-med and chemistry and i finished school in that i thought they won't give me that but i came back and they gave me a territory said bill we have a new territory for you i said what is that territory they said non-profits i said wait a minute listen to what you just said non-profits i said how am i supposed to make some money with a bunch of people that don't believe in profit how do i do that so what did i do the tree inside of me they're prejudiced they don't like black people blue blah blah blah blah but then i got saved i cried out god something's wrong i need you lord you said lord whoever believes in you you'll help them the next four days a lady came by my place and said hey bill you want to go with me tonight i said yeah she took me i thought we was going to get down you know what i'm saying but instead of that we got up and began to praise god and the next thing you know i got born again but when i got born again the scales fell from my eyes i got born again in the kingdom of god now i could see things i couldn't see now i can go places i couldn't go i took that area of association i turned that thing around to the point i was making more money than anybody in the office i'm telling you i went from no man to top of the ladder in sales and i'm saying god won't just do it for bw whoever he is no respecter of persons say amen to that i'm listening to charles katz and kenneth copeland and gloria copeland and fred price and henneth hagin i'm listening to that getting all that inside of me i'm getting new fruit i'm getting new trees inside of me all of a sudden i heard a man named charles capps said i put all my debts on the table i backed off of them and i said debts i'm talking to you i said wait a minute if he'll do it for charles capps he'll do it for b.w today everything's paid watch this and i'll never borrow another dime now how can i say that not trying to impress somebody i'm speaking out of a new revelation that i got of my covenant come on that my god shall supply come on all my need and i'm supposed to be the lender come on come on the lender and not the borrower i'm supposed to be the head i'm supposed to be above only now give god praise on that come on i'm here to tell you right now what he did for b.w what he did for brother copeland says copeland what he did for dr probably he'll do it for you telling you these people planted new seeds new trees grew up trees are your belief system and he had to grow up new trees in me concerning a marriage because i came my mother and father divorced and all that fighting and so forth so here i got a woman named veronica she's just the kindest just the sweetest thing you can and just sweep but about six months after i married i said something said you didn't marry the wrong woman i said lord have mercy how can i get out of this one i went to a faith meeting got a little book by ed dufresne called praying god's word got that book begin to read it about my wife because i didn't need to read nothing about me i'm okay it's just my wife needs some correction my wife is a virtuous woman she always does me good as long as there's life within her the bread of violence gossip discontent and self-pity she does not eat she gets early gets up early and gets spiritual food for the house she assigns her maids attack she does not court neglect of her kingdom duties by assuming others she opens her mouth with skillful and godly wisdom and her tongue is a law of kindness she gives counsel and instruction the word is working model in our marriage we've been transformed into the image of jesus by the renewing of our mind i closed the book and the devil said that ain't true yes it is true every word that i just shared with you comes out of the word of god i'm saying this is new trees we put new trees in here and today i got a marriage made in heaven now give god a praise let's take a quick break and i'll be right back praise god [Applause] ha-ha on the devil we got him well we want him now glory to god take your seats for just a minute let me just give you a word glory to god y'all got me preaching boy y'all this group came down here hungry for you [Applause] bible says god pours water on ground that's thirsty isaiah 44 verse 3 all right over in second kings this is a woman and the bible says it says in second kings chapter 4 and it says here verse 8 and it fell on a day that elijah passed to shunam where was a great woman woman had means and she constrained him to eat bread and so it was that as often as he passed by he turned in thither to eat bread and she said unto her husband behold now i perceive that this is a holy man of god which passed by us continually let us make a little chamber i pray thee on the wall and let us set for him there a bed and a table and a stool and a candlestick and it shall be when he cometh to us that he shall turn in thither wow the bible says she said i perceive i perceive the bible talks about the word discernment it's found over in first corinthians and chapter 2 and here's what he says verse 14 but the natural man unsaved unspiritual receives not the things of the spirit of god for they are what foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are what spiritually discern look it up sometimes to distinguish see discernment stuff can't be taught it's got to be caught her husband didn't catch it he's probably as carnal as a goat but he didn't catch it and so here she caught this that this man is a holy man and he's coming by here now wait a minute if he's a prophet he that giveth water to a prophet can receive a prophet's reward that means whatever you need well she made a prophet's quarters that was called seed and once she did that took her money took her time made comfortable for him he laid in the bed the moment he did god got him up to ask her what does she want jesus teaches it like this no man that has left house mother father sister brother for my sake in the gospels but he shall receive a hundred-fold for every seed harvest is guaranteed and so what happened he said ask her what does she want what does she need does she need me to speak to the kingdom or whatever she said no tell him i'm okay he said the servant of the prophet said this she has no child master and her husband is old and when she he said that i she had no child husband his own meaning to me probably her husband his past ability to have children and she has been barren now god's got work to do and he's going to do it off of that seed he said tell her this next year this time she'll have a child thank god amen now i can see her now going in there telling joe hey joe he said no don't believe that but something happened well glory soldiers begin to march and people and people watch as she got pregnant and had that child in one year i'm talking about you give to a prophet and you are going to have a prophet's yes sir i'm saying whatever you have need of peter sold his boat because he needed his business to flourish [Music] didn't i'm gonna say he didn't have any money but he could let jesus use the boat look what jesus did to the boat what did he do with that boat he ran it over they they watched this change the economy of the whole coastline yes sir you ready to change the economy of your coastline it's powerful stuff i'm preaching but watch this you can't learn it you ought to discern it many times people sow in their harvest comes right past them while they're looking the other way the devil got them distracted and they the car the devil driving it right back no you can't sow and not get a harvest amen here's what galatians 6 7 says be not deceived come on help me god is not mine for whatsoever a man that shall he also reap give god praise and prepare your offering would you discern it now do what it tells you to do and watch this meeting is going to be a turnaround for you i said i'm pretty speaking now this meeting is going to be a turnaround for you allah this meeting is going to be a turnaround for you come on this meeting you can even sow it for your auntie who may have come down with something let's sow it for a turn a miracle a turnaround come on all right let's continue now whoa okay all right justin okay all right i'm come coming all right now let's go back and look at we're teaching on this subject of becoming fruitful let's go back to genesis genesis chapter 1. genesis chapter 1. all right look at verse 28 and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth now with this gift god has for you he bless them bless means to empower to prosper it means an empowerment for success so you and i have gifts but so do other people god never intended for us to compete he said dominate so in acts chapter 1 and verse 8. he's talking about this great outpouring of the holy ghost and he says but you shall receive power the word is dunamis or miracle working abilities after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth david says something over here in psalm chapter 144 and verse 1. blessed be the lord my god glory to god my strength pardon me which teethes my hands to war and my fingers to fight now notice what he's counting on he's counting on the blessing or the anointing to empower him to do what humans can't do and when the holy ghost came on you that empowerment came on you for your gift he said over in daniel chapter 1 verse 20 that the three hebrews found in every situation to be ten times better than people of the world i want you to look at psalm i read this before here but look at psalm chapter 72 and verse 18 bless be the lord god the god of israel who only does wondrous things and look up the word wondrous or do a study on it he has done great things but he will do things such as none else can match that's what's on you nobody else can match it you know they have different kinds of technology one is just there's evolutionary technology and they have incremental technology and they have um disruptive technology disruptive technology is like martin luther king when he came in with that that was innovative by the way and he came in with it nonviolent and he's going to change the laws through non-violence well there was there was there was wisdom in that if you look over here in the book of ecclesiastes he said in ecclesiastes here in verse 9 he says in verse 16 now pardon me in verse 18 wisdom is better than weapons of war wisdom is better than weapons of war they interviewed his one of his the men that with him andrew young who was rose to be a governor of atlanta and also um a ambassador for the united states and he interviewed him and it's what he said he said martin said we are going to change the laws without killing anybody see and you can get wisdom here and make things change without anybody dying so i'm saying whatever gift you have it doesn't make any difference what gift that is watch this by faith begin to act on that gift watch this and watch the anointing take over watch that anointing take over that anointing is not something it's everything amen it's everything that's why in second corinthians he said about that anointing he said that for the love of christ constrains me what does that mean christ is another word for what anointed one in his anointing see for the love of that anointing it constrains me in other words where i would go off on somebody i'd think about i'm going to hurt my anointing you got what i'm saying here so i'm only saying that because here like i showed you that wisdom has children and these children are ideas their ideas so the ideas come from god as a seed and produce children and so what you want to do is you want to get ideas from god what god has to do because everything god has to do is going to bring heaven to earth and jesus said pray this way thy kingdom come thy will be done where on earth as it is where the earth was designed to be a copy of heaven and god is not done with it and that's why you were birthed into this earth that wherever you go you're going to use the blessing to turn ruined places into gardens of eden watch this and no terrain is too rugged for you to bring forth in this earth all right let's go through the three the four laws now foundational laws of creativity of creation pardon me first one is to be fruitful what does that mean it means to bring forth it means to produce it means to create to create the bible talks about because some people think sometimes i don't know why but sometimes they think that they get too old to create well let's look at two scriptures let's look at psalms psalms chapter 92 and look at verse 12 the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree just do your little study when you go back home or whatever study palm tree and see how many products have come from a palm tree that's how much potential your gift has that's how much potential you have in this earth look at the next part of that verse come on down to verse 14 they shall still bring forth fruit come on help me in old age now you see why adam said to god over in genesis 15 and verse 3 how is this going to happen to me i have no seed god is responsible for you having seed you couldn't bring forth anything if you don't have any seed so god must be responsible for giving you an idea didn't he give joseph a dream can i get an amen was it a small dream god dreams big and that's why a lot of people don't receive it he's bringing forth something through you that he has to be involved with for it to happen he has taken away all that would say i did this no it's impossible for you to do without god so i'm saying to you this seed is planted in soil now where is the soil it's in our hearts mark chapter 4. how we doing doing okay see the enemy knows you have this kind of value you are extremely as a matter of fact you are designed to be unforgettable look what he says here in mark chapter 4 verse 14 the sower soweth the word isn't it something how he gives all these descriptions of the types of soil but he doesn't say anything else about the seed because the seed according to first peter chapter 1 and verse 23 is incorruptible it's perfect man farmers can't do that they have to work a crop year after year to get the best seeds they take their seeds they sow them they get a harvest they take the harvest take the best seeds from it and they store those some of the others that you may use them for other things but each time they're trying to perfect better harvest god is already perfected this book has your seed i'm telling you right now some of y'all better start sleeping with a padded pencil by the bed you see we're in we're in wealth transfer [Applause] time one of the ways you're going to get it is by ideas let's go to verse 20 26 and he said so is the kingdom of god as if a man would cast seed into the ground and should sleep and rise night and day the seed should spring and grow up he doesn't know how glory to god first [Music] and should sleep and rise and grow up he doesn't know how he's just leaving god's wife he doesn't know how first before the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself first the blade and then the ear and after that the full corn in the ear but when the fruit is brought forth immediately he put it in the sickle because the what has come the harvest has come now be fruitful means to produce create or bring forth multiply means to increase in number or increase in your development multiply replenish has to do with resupply or renew or to to re-um replenish re-restock and the word subdue means to keep it under or control the market now this is very key because everybody that is functioning over the world is follow are following these same principles apple iphone 2 iphone 3 iphone 4 iphone 5 now people are lined up waiting on iphone 6. and each time covering more market taking more market share each time improving the product and so forth he's talking that's the same way you're going to do the way they're successful is they're following these principles and i'm just saying that you've got to see yourself relevant and of value that god needs that gifting inside of you he needs you to do this why because you're going to replenish the earth right now look at some of the bad laws that are on the earth look at some of the things that are on the earth that are against god i'm just saying when you come in you're going to make it so that this earth is going to be full of the knowledge of the lord folks the church is not going to be taken up out of here owing back rent forget that forget it you're going to be a glorious church amen so i'm saying with these things here this is what he wants so here i when i was going to ru god was really dealing with me about scripture and i in you know found this scripture in isaiah and this scripture talked in isaiah 48 i am the lord thy redeemer the holy one of israel that teacheth thee the prophet and leave thee by the way that thou should go i said whoa i thought the church was non-profit god said to me it's no such thing he said even the man who i gave five talents to he came back with five more the man i gave two talents to he came back with two more the man i gave one talent to came back with the one talent and i fired him because there's no such thing as non-profit [Music] so what happened i took that verse and began to meditate it meditation the missing link many times in the church they just hear a sermon one time and they're out that is not this is seed i'm giving you this stuff has got to be planted and the other speakers as well and so next thing you know got is i took that seed planted it watched this it began to grow next thing it began to grow and i began to get a revelation idea of starting something called the joseph business school then i got two people in the ministry i was led to them one of them degrees from harvard and university chicago and mba i said hey you all got good degrees from from the world the system i said come on i want you to help me start business school oh okay i said now um you go away do work just do some study come back and tell me how long it's going to take to start they said okay they went back came back and take one to two years pastor i said okay let me go pray i went and prayed god said tell them it gonna take two months i said all right your will take two months in the kingdom you don't increase by time you increase by truth and and when you have this truth and you'll be surprised what time will do it'll disappear so i'm just saying did that they came back in two months what happened once they took the prophet's word and began to act on that word like you act on the word of god that he'll give you all of a sudden doors open up somebody says hey i got a complete package that i wrote for a program over here you can have that if you'd like took that so forth and so on people came from everywhere people to teach the class so forth and so on right now the class is in five continents and we're about to start some new things with it i'm not bragging on me i'm saying be fruitful this is every one of us all this word you've been getting it's designed to water this is the time to give you seed come on it's designed to give increase same into that can i keep going here so when i do i was preaching a man from africa came he's preaching on a wednesday night he backed off the pope that dr winston your airplane is in ecclesiastes chapter 10 and went back to preaching well i had enough sense to know what seed is the seed is the word of god say amen that i'm saying because you have been born from heaven you're going to reject every thought of you being human you're going to act just like god and for god to get light he called it didn't he and he already had it inside and spoke it out and i'm saying when he gives you seed you have soil already inside ready for seed and i'm saying you get that seed and plant that seed in that soil and it got in my soil and start coming up first to blade that means that something outside is going to quicken and or going to be a reminder that something inside of you is growing i'm getting pregnant with the word of god and i'm saying as this thing starts growing up inside of me first the blade then the ear then the full corn in the ear and then when that whole thing is taking place we put in the sickle because the harvest has come now understand the harvest has come but it's not manifested yet i've got to manifest it by taking a step of faith so i come down to a meeting like this and god said to me why don't you sow a seed i said well i sowed the word he said no we're bringing forth the harvest now we're putting in the sickle so the man of god here needed an airplane and god told my wife and i sow into it we sowed into it and don't you know i'm telling you within a short time airplane manifested now i'm not talking about airplanes i'm not talking about houses i'm not talking about just that i'm talking about anything that god would have you to do just get yourself some seed for it say amen to that and sow that seed and that's where the process begins is this the right group i'm talking about yes [Applause] now the last thing what time is it i got seven i got seven minutes all right all right let's talk about something grace knowledge grace knowledge i've got to get my thoughts from somewhere else if i want to defeat and not compete then i've got to get a higher thought and where am i going to get it from the word of god god's going to give me a thought that i think a lot of times a human can't think now look what he says let's go to isaiah isaiah 50 5. say planting the heavens now are you are you are you hearing are you hearing that i mean i'm i'm saying that whatever i need whether i need transportation for the thing whether i need a building so forth i needed uh god said i want you to buy that shopping mall why not wait a minute wait i don't have no shopping mall experience but notice he can quicken your mind over in job chapter 32 and verse 8 he calls it a spirit of intelligence it comes with the holy ghost say amen to this so what happens over in isaiah chapter 55 he says first for my thoughts come on help me and not your thoughts see and what are we saying with that we're saying that none of us is sovereign you're getting your thoughts from some where that's why all leadership is spiritual he he talks about carnal people he says over in he talks about in romans he said to be carnally minded as death but i want you to see something over here in first corinthians and chapter three and chapter three and look at verse glory to god seven all right chapter three mm-hmm and let's look here at verse these pages are sticking together he in verse 1 and i brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto what carnal even as unto babes in christ for i have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you were not able to bear it neither yet now are you able for ye are yet carnal for where there is among you what envying come on let's strive come on division what's another name for division racism racism if you got racism in you you're carnal carnal as a goat and you can't bring forth spiritual things with carnality is this all right if we talk if we talk like this you can't bring it forth see don't look at me and think you might be another color to me so you got more sense to me that i can tell you right now that ain't true okay i'm gonna tell you that right now so don't even quibble with that i mean that's you know that's all okay i shouldn't have said that but that's all right i put it on the book [Applause] no no you don't you gotta get up pretty early to beat me okay uh where the what where am i talking about well anyway [Applause] in in the amplified it says you walk as mere men so no longer from now on you're going to reject every notion that you're only human every notion so look what he says isaiah let's just finish that up he says this in verse 9 for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts and your thoughts okay so if i'm gonna get a thought from god i'm gonna have to be ready because he's gonna think what higher he's going to think bigger he's going to think beyond anything you think you have education to do and so forth and so on get ready get ready because most times those thoughts are rejected and next thing you know those gifts one man said the wealthiest place in the earth is not are not the oil fields as kuwait or the diamond mines of south africa the wealthiest place in the earth is a graveyard because that's where all the gifts are buried look what he says here he says where am i okay here verse 10 for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sore and what else bread to the eater so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me what void but it shall what accomplish that's what i please and it shall what else what else prosper in the thing where unto i said it amen amen thank you hallelujah say amen to that amen so now i'm going to take up from here next time but i'm gonna we're gonna talk about acting like god [Applause] say amen to that amen [Applause] so i said no no no we had time for a prison program we started our program but before we started it i just got on the steps of the congregation of the stage i said hey we are turning jails into boarding schools and things started happening just like in micah chapter 5 and verse 2 when the prophet said the child shall be born in bethlehem of ephrata the ruler of nations that prophet said it and died but then i mean naturally but then over in the new testament here in the book of luke chapter 2 i guess herod was taxing all the world and the next thing you know everybody had to come to their own hometown to pay their taxes and guess what here is mary with child here is joseph with her and he had to go back to bethlehem to pay taxes but they got there and all the holiday inns the embassy suites and all that was all taken up so they had to go to a manger and she had that baby in bethlehem so god can control people in high places and make them say things they don't even know why they said it because he's orchestrating a plan say amen well we are in a prophetic time right now and this is a time for the glorious church that some things have been spoken and god said my people abraham are going to be in bondage for 400 years but at the end of 400 years they're coming and when god said that it was done it's called a prophetic agenda and i believe that's what we're under right now folks you're about to see moves in the earth that you've never seen before and i'm telling you here was pharaoh trying to hold them back you can't hold back a prophetic agenda you'll get hurt trying to hold back what god has already declared and i'm saying you are the people god has been waiting for don't think it's somebody else it is you he's about to use you to do exploits he said in isaiah 18 8 and 18 i and the children whom the lord has given me are made for signs and wonders you get ready get ready get ready get ready god's going to use you for miracles that this earth had never seen before my name is bill winston and i approve this message praise god you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 191,465
Rating: 4.7819972 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 southwest believers’ convention, act, ambassador, anointing, bill winston, citizen, dominion, fruit, fruitful, gift, human, idea, image, imitate, prosper, racism, seed, soil, thoughts, tree, unstoppable, wealth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 54sec (6774 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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