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let's talk about faith let's talk about faith there's what you're going to need in these last days is some faith do you agree to that amen let's lift our hands to the lord father we come before you in the name of jesus thanking you so much for the word of god thank you for the anointing that's on this house on the leadership on me and these lifts of clay that i do speak this word with excellent accuracy and boldness asking you think from my mind speak to my lips and this word shall come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force and that signs wonders and miracles shall confirm the word preached we thank you we call it done in jesus name somebody shout amen take a seat please all right well glory to god i'm telling you it's a lot happening today and uh it's a good time to know jesus i said it's a good time to know jesus all right we're going to talk about faith tonight in a little bit different way talk about faith for dominion faith for dominion god spoke to adam and hold on let me set my clock here because if you preach too long they won't ask you back but all right but he spoke if you'll open your bibles to genesis genesis chapter one okay all right genesis chapter 1 and look at verse 26 here and god said let us make man in our image after likeness and let them have dominion over the fish and seal the fowl of the air of the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so god says here you have dominion over creeps uh okay i was just trying to see where you're awake here all right but he said here in his own image unlike this and over in ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 it says be imitators of god as dear children and the amplified says copy him and follow his example so when he created adam he created adam with a purpose of dominion and then he says copy him that's what he says in ephesians paul writes this copy him follow his example and then he goes on down here in verse chapter 1 and verse 27 and then let's go on down to verse 28 and god bless them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the efficiency over the fowl of the earth every living thing that moveth upon this earth now verse 26 tells you what to do have dominion and verse 28 tells you how you're going to do it you're going to be fruitful you're going to multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion i looked up dominion in a webs 1828 dictionary it says here dominion is sovereign or supreme authority dominion is power of governing or controlling dominion is power to direct controlled use and dispose of at your pleasure dominion means the right to possess and use without being accountable jesus said you're going to go in town two of your disciples and you're going to see a donkey on time and bring them to me and if the owner asks you why you untying my donkey tell them the lord has need of it and he'll let him go that's dominion going jesus said over in mark chapter 4 starting verse 35 he told them let's go over to the other side that's they were going took them even as it was in the ship and there was also with them other little ships and as they started out here comes a storm out of nowhere and this storm was now such severity until this water was coming in the boat and disciples cried out lord don't you care we're about to die and he got up rebuked the wind said to the sea peace be still and there was a great calm and then he turned to them and said make me understand this how is it that you have no faith and they looked at him they said what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him if you look in john's gospel john chapter 14 and verse 10 he says believeth thou not that i'm in the father and the father in me the works that i do the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works and then he goes on down to verse 12 verily verily i say unto you that he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also in greater works than these shall he do because i'm going to the father now he asked them why don't you have some faith over in luke chapter 17 he says in verse 5 they said the disciples said unto lord increase our faith now why did they ask him that because jesus had just preached to them if somebody offends you seven times in a day and as forgiven you shall forgive them now this is this is real offense this is you know going out with your girlfriend or uh speaking bad about your mama i'm gonna get you one time i'm gonna get you here but i'm just saying saying things that wait a minute this you can't call me that kind of name and i forgive you yes you can if you've got faith now understand i'm going to read a scripture here from joshua in joshua chapter 1 but understand here he is saying here this faith is what god has given you to walk by in this earth and i have a teaching i call little boy faith and a little boy faith in john chapter 6 and saudi and verse 5 when the multitude came disciples you know um jesus he has the disciples wanting to feed him and and uh they said well you know we all 200 people worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little that 250 worth of bread is maybe eight months wages that we could feed all these people five thousand plus women and children but one of them said well there's a lad here now he's got two fish and five barley loaves and what is that among so many i call it little boy faith and i really believe the bible remember this the bible appeals to both your understanding and your imagination if either one of those is missing you can miss a lot of what's in the bible god gave you an imagination so you could see things and so what happened little boy gave up his lunch box now you know and i know that if you come into school and you got a lunch box or you got some some cookies in there and all of that you're not going to give that up that's that's not what we do at least i didn't give it up i'm trying i was trying to get some of yours i i didn't give up money and uh so i could see this little boy now i'm using my imagination and pull it on a robe and say hey i got something why because he heard the word how was it so simplistic that even a 12 year old could understand my son you know i brought him up on the word he finished here at oru king david and um i said son why do you want to go this uh this on vacation this year he said i want to go to hawaii i said okay well you're gonna have to believe god for your ticket he said okay he went in that little little little bank of his that he had saving his money sold some seed next thing i know he came to me he said dad i said yeah i got my ticket all the way over there and halfway back now i don't know what he was going to do with that other half that's it he said i got it first class i'm talking about little boy faith little girl of faith my point to you is as the bible points out and jesus trying to teach him that in luke chapter 17 he talks about faith as a servant which of you having a servant plowing will say unto him by and by come in and sit down and meet and so forth but would not rather put him back out there and what he's saying here is that faith is a servant and you have to treat faith or see it conceptualize faith as a servant of the believer and faith connects you with god see god wants to do things for you but what he said is let them have dominion he didn't say let us that he didn't say he said let them have dominion that means god drew a line between him and them and for him to cross that line he's going to have to have your permission and your participation the way you get him across that line is by walking in faith and so now here once you do that then jesus teaches whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast why because he's saying wait a minute there's nothing impossible if you believe then then all things are possible why because if you operate in faith it's not you that's doing the work faith does the work faith gets god involved gets angeled involved with the anointing involved faith does the work so you can be 12 years old and saved and if you're 12 years old and saved you got the same faith as dr oral roberts same faith the only thing that you've got to do is develop your faith the bible says he gives every one of us the measure of faith you have the same measure i got i got the same measure brother robert's god brother rob's got the same marriage as smith wheels with god the only difference is did you develop yours because the bible says over in ii thessalonians faith grows exceedingly so you can start out at one level and then as you grow and grow and grow i started out and here i used faith to to really in the company that i was in i got saved got born again in that company because i was i mean everything was coming apart and i just the sister came up to me and said hey bill you want to go with me tonight i said i said well not i'm single she's single she look good yeah praise god let's go i picked her up she took me up to the north side of chicago pull up in his schoolyard went in the back door of the auditorium people in there praising god i said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that night i received christ once i did all that was going through everything changed bible says the way of the transgress aggressor gets hard everything changed then i began to listen to a gentleman by the name of charles capps no matter what the day you may bring it's something i'm doing thing you know it worked come on somebody that was his theme song but man did he teach that word and he taught me about the kingdom and when i saw the kingdom right i saw i was a citizen before i'm a member i had to understand citizenship that if i'm a citizen god says i'm an ambassador that he's sending me over in philippians chapter 3 verse 20 that we are citizens of here it's a common wealth of israel so we are citizens of god in and in that citizenship i understand i had citizens rights say amen to that and one of the rights i have here is to have dominion to dominate praise god then i went on and started listening to a man named dr frederick casey price oh he laid that thing down and i began to see wait wait a second he he said nobody can stop me from getting to my destiny but me and he showed me a scripture in my matthew's gospel in chapter 12 and verse 35 a good man by the good deposit of his heart brings forth good things and i said man he said so notice what he said a good man out of the good deposit brings forth good things so that or what he puts in there is what comes out of him and he said what you have to understand is that your future is not in somebody's hand it's in your heart and it's up to you to bring your future out of your heart and that's when i found out that the biggest reason for poverty is not because somebody doesn't make enough money or have a job that pays much the biggest reason for poverty is the absence of self-production wow and i saw that i said when people are not producing and in a country that's not producing much the gdp is real low and what did they become migratory they're trying to come to your country because your country is a producer but if you can teach them that they can be producers because the bible says in acts chapter 10 verse 34 peter said i perceive god is no respect of persons but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him or has the same access to his blessing so i said man it doesn't make any difference where you want to see somebody say well you can do all of that because you're from america i said god is not from america god is everywhere and he doesn't have to go anywhere to be everywhere so a lot of things that i thought which were true were not true so i preached a sermon called who told you that all right that's enough so so what am i saying it's amazing how many things that i think the church could take advantage of or things that should be happening through the church that now i don't think are quite happening on the schedule that god had to plan and i'm here to kind of get you moving kind of like x-lax i'm here to kind of kind of get you get you going i mean that in a clean way all right okay but i'm here to kind of get you going shame into that say it louder all right so now we see here that the whole the first thing is now that i've got to grow up i've got to grow up hosea said it's this way my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge hosea chapter 4 and verse 6. all right so without knowledge people are destroyed another one isaiah 5 and verse 13 says because of lack of knowledge my people are gone into captivity god is talking about his people and so i saw also over there in numbers chapter 13 the 12 spies went out to spy out the land of canaan came back and they began to tell the people what they experienced they said well the walls are degraded and so forth now the fruit is this way i mean it's beautiful and and the land is there but they're giants in the land so forth and then josh when caleb said to them in verse 30 let us cope at once in possession for we're well able to overcome it and then they immediately the ten leaders said we be not able to go against these people for they're stronger than we for we're in our own sight as grasshoppers and so are we in their sight then they came on down in verse 14 of numbers let's make us another preacher and go back to egypt wow well they didn't live too much longer they died by a plague but my point to you is is god swore an oath to abraham that he was going to take his people into the promised land and he any time anybody standing in the way of that it is a prophetic agenda a prophetic agenda is not like just a piece of prophecy prophetic prophecy agenda it's like jesus is coming back again whether you believe it or not now cindy jacobs i don't want to get there yet she made a prophecy i don't want to tell you about that yet let me just tell you a couple other things here i want to get you ready for that because that's it it's big she came to our church and prophesied something now so let's look at this first revelation all right now over in genesis genesis um chapter 14. over in genesis chapter 14. here is uh here is god now talking to um he's talking to um which is god yeah he's talking to abraham it says here genesis chapter 14 and um where am i okay glory to god and um genesis chapter 13 pardon me and verse 14. i think they have it up there and the lord said unto abram uh after that lot was separated from him now a lot caused a lot of problems and he calls all the problems because god told him don't take anybody he called abraham alone but abraham took nephew somebody said nephew all right and he took nephew and then it says he says and and he said okay now look from where you are north what's house with eastern and westward for all the land which you see to that to thee will i give it unto thy seed uh forever so i want you to look this way that way that way that way and as far as you could see i'm gonna give it to you now he wasn't talking about the natural he was talking about the spiritual so as far as you could see spiritually as far as you could see that is what i'm going to give to you now i know what he means there because i was trying to leave ibm it was time now i had done well i had worked these principles i was a sales sales rep in computers first and here i was selling computers and i'm telling you uh i learned to master the kingdom principles i learned to make it so that i could get a computer sale on demand i mean i had that thing mastered my boss called me in and said hey bill he said listen um i'm behind here uh because he had several sales reps i was one of them and he said i'm behind here he said um what can you do to help me out here i need this block of things i need some sales over here and so forth i said okay here's what i'll do i'll take that much i'll go ahead and take that oh bill can you help me out now this this is what i'm a salesman that yeah i was top salesman downtown chicago now next thing i get promoted so i'm a first line manager now in sales now i got people working for me all right so now i'm learning how to work it as a manager so i got the people working so forth and so on and they're going out selling computers so here it is the last day of the month last day of the month is when you got to turn your business in to the boss okay so i need some business i see computer sales so my people didn't have any matter of fact i was negative i need to come up even to zero before i could even go up and so i was in bad check my sister called no first i was going out with the managers and we were going out every day and we were eating lunch having a giant pity party and we were talking about how the economy is down and how the boss man is putting all this pressure on us and i'm joining in and the holy spirit kind of it quickened me he said what are you doing i said i'm having a party he said no no no no no this is not what i taught you he said you've sown now reap and so my sister called last day of the month she worked for the company too in in systems and she said well how are you doing this month this month brother kind of jabbing me a little bit watch this the law of confession thou shall also decree a thing job 22 and verse 20. i'm talking about act like god and so what i said i'm doing great thank you you call me back at five o'clock today i'll have so much business i can't put it on the books then i hung up real quick boom and what happened 12 noon face start working what i'm calling me carol call me hey hey bill i just got a huge order from such as another one called me hey bill i this man just wanted just ordered three at five o'clock i'm booking business booked enough for bill winston booked enough for leo warnbrecht booked enough for bill adrian booked it up i'm booking for everybody in the office you with me and then my boss looks over my shoulder and said hey bill bill that's enough let's save something next month because he thought i couldn't do it again no no no miracles are predictable they're not hocus pocus miracles can become miracles and manifest on demand i'll try this side miracles can manifest on demand there's spiritual laws folks that the mind has not been renewed to so what happens i said okay he said let's save something next month well why did he say that why didn't he let me keep booking because let them have dominion see the god is not going to work any further than i can say okay i'll try that again god when i said that you call me back at five o'clock i'll have so much business i can't put it all on the books that's where the holy ghost stops okay let me help you and again i was going out with a dear friend of mine we went to the nations i mean i really this is the first place when once i went to the nation's victory right here and we had a um phil task and his wife so forth and so on and he took us to the nations and so forth and that's the first trip to to um to um uh we went to uh um to uh um uh um in the caribbean but anyway we went there praise god and and and and i came back but that was the first trip that i had so i try to always go on missions right matter of fact we are really doing some things now in africa and we have big you know business schools so forth we have business schools down in five continents and so we're going now i'm talking about you're looking at a person who came to chicago with 200 and no place of our own to stay a dear sister took us home took us in now i'm talking about moving from faith to what faith keep moving don't stop god's going to give you greater opportunities and so what happened is uh i had a favorite saying i kind of picked it up from him and and you know he said some things and it sounded good i said you know you're right we got to pray to get in and pray to get out and when that really really backfired on this one one time we went to the philippines and we're coming in to the capital of the philippines and the rain was coming down the monsoon or whatever was there and the water was nine feet high at the terminal area so the airplane couldn't even pull up there it had to stay on the runway and so forth now i'm saying something that sounds so religious you got to pray to get in and you got to pray to get out and i'm telling you everywhere i go i got to pray to get in and pray to get out one day the holy spirit checked me he said what are you saying i said i got to pray to get in and pray to get out he said did i say that i said well no i knew i was in trouble no you said i'm blessed going in and blessed every since i've said that never had a problem me i've got dominion see and he can't go any past much any further past my speech he needs your words he needs your words look at the sixth chapter of job that's what job said job said teach me and i'll hold my tongue show me where i have error it wasn't god you said in over in james he said if you can bridle your mouth you can bridle your whole body somebody say amen so i'm only saying here we're going to go from faith to faith and hope as far as you can see so i got revelation i got to see this because if i don't see it i may be saying the wrong thing but he opened my eyes to it and i saw i hear it i'm the reason why the water is nine feet high in the terminal area i'm thinking watch this it's the devil you know we quick to say that honey that's just the devil okay that's all i'm going to say about that now now i hope you're getting this i get you you got to get them well you know my mind ain't what it used to be honey i i think that's you know i just left now kings well who said that who told you that the way i read it in here we have the mind of christ that's just what i read and i'm telling you i'm looking here when i was at oru i took too many courses and so forth i said um uh uh i said lord daughter this message in in order what am i going to do here i got on these courses i'm trying to get these grades and so and and and god said why don't you get my promises i got 8 000. i i said uh okay uh let me find one over here in proverbs the memory of the righteous is blessed whoa i began to say that all of a sudden my wife said something because the birth first the word comes in it comes inside and then it starts growing up inside of you first the blade then the ear so in that growth process the holy spirit will talk to people and talk to talk to you and my wife said sweetheart god told me to tell you if you study three hours a day you can make any grades you want i said what happened that woman sounded just like god and so what happened i took her advice you know sometimes your wife sounds just like god and so what happened i took that advice and i said in three hours a day okay so i'm over the house and practicing them over there and the grades come the postman comes get the grades and they got the mail and brought the mail in i said oh bill that looked like your grace i said that just keep your mind off of my grades man you need to look at your own grace you you you know cause i didn't you know what i'm saying but what had happened during that growth process god said decree what you want i said four a's and three b's when i open that piece of paper in private i opened that piece of paper what do you think was on here confession is a law that's been given to the believer to bring things to pass supernaturally so i remember jack nicholas when tiger woods first started playing you know golf and he was really shooting them i mean he was and he asked tiger woods interviewing news media sports he said what do you think about this young man tiger woods he said that young man is playing on a level that i'm not quite familiar with that should be the church that we are playing on a level that the devil is not quite familiar with now as i saw this i want to bring out a couple of things here because this whole idea of revelation is most most important now i was looking at some scriptures and one is found in matthew's gospel in matthew chapter 8 and verse something and i don't feel that turn too i didn't turn to it but you all don't mind if i'm at home if you can i cannot be at home here flo okay come on up here get this right here come on there's a hundred dollar bill buy yourself some gas praise god but but but did i hear somebody over here say that no i didn't no i didn't you know i didn't you you didn't say that okay now can i finish this story he said the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the son of man has no place to lay his head now that if you take it literally then you could read it and you can get some things out of it but that's not the level he's talking on he's talking on a level that i'm going to describe the body of christ must grow up so the head can come back in his place how about another one mark this is mark chapter 8 verse 24. jesus had a man that was blind he led him out of town and then he laid hands on the man when he laid hands on him he asked the man now look up and see what do you see here's what he said i see ministries walking walking always symbolize maturity no longer carnal but spiritual and i see men as trees walking remember over in psalm chapter 1 you'll be like a tree planted by the streams of water remember that now what am i saying here this this bible is powerful and it will meet you at every level of your growth and see if you don't grow in revelation you don't grow in faith so we've got to not be settled and comfortable where we are god is going to keep challenging you and he's going to bring you into a place because at first here i was with my wife and we uh god pointed us into a place he wanted us to start a ministry in chicago it was down at lincoln pulaski i mean it was dodge city and they down there i'm telling you but we felt no fear you know we we just walk into faith now and it started and i guess if we had 25 we had a crowd you know i mean people i mean so forth and talk but we were in there one day one one night i was in there teaching on demons and deliverance and how to cast devils out and so forth we came out and our car was gone one of them devils got in my car and drove that thing off now what did we do now we're walking we are catching the train down to lake pulaski my wife with david on one hand and so forth and i'm just saying that's where we started and then our faith grew and then we moved to forest park it was like canaan and we moved to forest park and and you know so far the storm little space i went into space uh and looked at it it was three thousand square feet and and and the guy terry tynan who was a realtor he said uh well this is what we have now in the basement there's a lab and and the second floor is a lawyer and an accountant office and so forth but you can have the main office you can't have services all the time because they have clients coming in i say okay okay and and i say well how much how much you charge he said well we charge 3 000 a month and you've got to pay 3 000 plus security 3 000. he may as well say it 3 million and and watch this i walked out i act like i had some money you know oh okay all right that's it that's it and i walked out and the holy spirit said take it see he's going to challenge you see the opportunities is an interesting the bible is about real estate the opportunities in this thing are coming to you daily they're coming daily but you can't see them without faith god told me buy that brown's chicken i said i don't like to eat that much chicken he said buy that brown chicken all right brown chicken right outside at the forest park where we were it's right across the street wow it's chicken i looked at him okay okay no that can't be god and a month later buy that browns chicken oh thank god buy the browns chicken see i'm trying to logically reason this thing out next thing i know they're tearing the brown chicken down now what's going up a luxury condominium the biggest in that whole area on my property come on come on now come on just see if this if this one is this don't touch you i'm gonna pack up and go home cause because i'm telling you we we we get ready for foolish thoughts now understand i'm starting at one level but i'm going from what faith to faith so paul said it like this romans chapter 1 16 i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it's a power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first also to the greek for therein is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written to just shall live how by faith folks the worst place in life you can be is in a place you have to use no faith that will come back to bite you faith cannot be stored up it's got to be used and as you use it it grows why do you want it to grow so you can do bigger things for the kingdom say amen to that so the next thing i know buy that shopping mall whoa 33 acres i took some of the people i said hey go over there and look at that shopping mall i think god is telling me that we have to buy that they go in there look at it they come back and said pastor yeah we can buy that part right down on the east end right down there i said god didn't say anything about east end he said the whole moment oh man past the whole mall there's nothing capricious about the nature of god he wouldn't tell you to do something without giving you what it takes to do it with god takes opportunities to sharpen all of your skills he takes uses opportunities to develop you he uses opportunities to even make you impactful in the place where you are we're the biggest landowners now in that whole area and not only that watch this and not i mean people call me now wanting to know about things how can we do this on so forth and so on notice the influence why are you wanting to influence because you want to take people and turn them from dead gods to the living god and the best way to lead anybody is with influence so i see trees walking well if you look over there in psalm and psalm chapter 92. over in psalm chapter 92 he says this about a tree verse 12. the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree the righteous shall flourish like a palm tree and watch this for old folks verse 14 and thou shalt still bring forth fruit in old age now i believe you're just as old as you think you are i'll try that over here i believe that you just now what am i what am i saying why am i wait no this righteous shall flourish like a palm tree look up a palm tree it has more parts of it that's used for more things cosmetics oils everything so you're gonna flourish like a palm tree notice what he said be fruitful now what does that mean it means bring forth what does it mean it means create it what is it what does it mean exposed to the public so what happens god has already thought of it what is he going to do inspire you and what are you going to do receive and once you receive incubated just like mary did with that that seed she got and next you're going to bring forth something it's called produce and if i go to a grocery store and i want some bananas what section am i going to produce fruit bringing it forth and i'm saying that when you find people that are not fruitful they become just consumers look at apple iphone iphone one iphone two what happened in my phone iphone 3 don't use this okay i thought we had a miracle uh iphone 3. oh i got six minutes is that what it says okay okay now but but notice they keep improving it no wonder they have 600 no 206 billion dollars cash no wonder look at google look at oracle look at them look at that balance sheet you know what producing and every one of you is a producer every one of you well i've never produced anything i don't think i can do that see your mouth has got you in trouble see if you're going to walk with god you're going to have to talk with god and you're going to have to talk just like him you're going to have to say what he says about you and not what you think or what some some some secular thing told you that you were god says i made you in my image if he's elohim the creator that means you got creative genes right inside of you whatever area you work in education whatever that should be creation coming forth booker d washington he took and came up with a new method of teaching ex-slaves ex-slaves that was 1885 by 1905 turning out more self-made millionaires than harvard yale and princeton combined the president of harvard kept coming down doing his con doing his uh commencement speeches now i'm saying black man was in slavery so forth and so on see because god is no respect of persons now let's just read this joshua here are y'all with me here now notice what i came to do i came to give you a tune-up i came to give you because we get lacks and get comfortable and and doing doing not going forward and so forth and so on that's not good that's not god the group that didn't want to go into canaan god said okay all right if you don't want to go in don't pray to me no more because i'm not taking you in i'm only keeping you alive to get your kids and once i get your kids i'm gonna call them the harvesting generation and i'm gonna take them in there and i'm gonna take this land of canaan say amen to that you are the harvesting generation god has a plan for you that is so big it can't be put on a canvas god has something for you like joseph he downloaded it from god told it to his brothers and they wanted to kill him but they couldn't because the blessing was on his life and the blessing protects you and keeps you now let me just say this i said i was going to turn somewhere where did i say i was going to turn joshua joshua chapter 1. okay look at joshua chapter 1. joshua chapter 1 watch this moses my servant is dead verse verse 1 verse 2 merged my servant said now rise and go with this jordan in the land so forth and so on uh number three verse three every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have i given you keep going lebanon and so forth and he gave the dimensions of the land and so forth verse five this is what i want to get to there shall not be any man able to stand before you all the days of your life somebody say amen so where i lend you the opportunities that i lead you to the things that i tell you to do guess what nobody from the white house to the outhouse will be able to stand before you all the days of your life say amen to that now why am i saying that to you because that's what they told me about them all pastor they will not let a black man have that mall because it's too much land for a black man to have in this area i'd say well who are you talking to well i'm talking to you pastor and so forth and taught but they don't know the god in me that greater is he come on help me help me than he that is in the world i got gotta walk by this book and not by the news media let them have dominion i should know not going to stop me so next thing i do i said lord now how can i take something that big he said get a seed i'd do nothing without a seed nothing without faith and nothing apart from love shall get a seed i got a seed i said where's the seed lord he said in joshua 1 3 every place the soul of your foot shall shred upon that have i given to you the bible is about real estate and so what happened next i walked on it next thing is series of miracles i i confessed that word it built the image up inside of me that's the first thing that happens so whatever you can see as far as you can see that's what i'm going to give to you i saw myself with it and i confessed it and god said now sow a seed he told me what to sow and where to sow it releasing faith next thing you know miracles happened the lady downtown the lawyers they had about six lawyers because it's a huge property had that see gloria they said uh pastor winston this has been the easiest closing for property this big that i've ever seen i said well i don't doubt it and the next thing that happened close the property and the board of the village voted you cannot have a church in that property whoa whoa now i got some choices now see i can take some opportunities see i can take eve took the wrong opportunity she took an opportunity that was offered to her by the the the devil and and i'm just saying the devil will try to get you to take an opportunity that's not a divine opportunity and so what i could have done i asked one of the people on the board the lawyer i said man they tell them we can't even have services in there he said i said what do you think we should do so on some watch this well how long is that going to take could take about five years i said i got to be in there tomorrow night man you talk about cause we had to be in there i had already told people we gonna meet in there [Music] [Applause] hmm can i have just a few more minutes i said i gotta be in there tomorrow night you don't have a problem that god can't solve not one no matter how bad they thought they had him when they killed lazarus and now it took jesus two more days to get over there now lazarus is starting to stink and martha said hey mary said you can't do nothing for him now i can smell it he said okay can i put this in my own words here and and and they said um he said no no no you don't understand your brother shall rise again well i know he'll rise again in the resurrection in the last day is what jesus said i am the resurrection now what did he mean he came from the last day he is the first and the last he is the beginning come on and the end see if god has to stop time for you he'll do it because he's going to honor your faith say amen to that but if he has to take time backwards he'll do that too [Music] oh boy i've got your attention now the bible appeals to both your understanding and your imagination you got to get your imagination working again stop seeing somebody stealing your car and start seeing that pot of gold coming to your house with by ed mcmahon okay so what happens now if we look at this what did i do i asked another guy in the contractor contractor on the board i said what shall i do he said what you need to do is there's a little place up north i saw it he said that's just right for us i said you mean move out of this whole area yeah yeah see human logic human reason which is an enemy of faith an enemy of it and so what happened i said no i said lord what do i do he said go to bed early and wake up early and pray in the holy ghost i said okay all you have to do is follow instructions because you don't have to think it out you cannot naturally out-think the devil so forget that you've got to ask god the holy spirit knows how to do this so i went to bed early got a got a burl in the morning you follow what i'm saying enter into his gates with what thanksgiving and into his courts with what pray that's called protocol so next thing i know god said take romans 13 1 through 7 1-5 and just read it to the mayor oh okay okay did you have some more on that uh no that's it and it gives you no backup because the first plan works no ever ever not one backup what did i do i got it down told mr secretary to type it and so forth so it'd be big so i could see it you know and and i said i'd like to meet him with the mayor please uh oh the mayor's visit i said uh all day yes all day i said wait a minute i just bought a big piece of property in this this uh uh village this township and i want to see the mayor oh oh oh okay um but i'll call you right back call me back in five minutes said may i'll see you for ten minutes that's all i need it doesn't take me ten minutes to read romans chapter 13 verse one through five are you following what i'm saying i sat down then it may have said something i said man i said let's i said uh on romans chapter 13 and verse one he said and we're jumped up i uh i'm sitting there it looked like the blood had drained out whoa and i'm thinking i'm about to see one of these movies you you know what those movies and and you know and and so what happened was i i went and and uh and so the mayor came back said uh reverend listen we've already voted on that uh we we get you i said okay she's uh but i don't know what to do now would you let me call you back in about two hours i said fine call me back about two hours reverend we'll let you go in there tonight only for one night i'll keep the police away you can have your services but one night reverend i said yes ma'am and so what happened i went in that at one night and watch this god said tell your lawyer to go down and check the zoning again because they had changed the zoning and he checked the zoning and the zoning was changed back okay that's that's all i'm gonna say about that watch this now i'm like a tree walking and look how much money we have made for the village buying enough taxes to buy their squad cars watch this hiring hundreds of people i'm just saying now a tree walking that i'm supposed to be a distribution center for the kingdom of god say amen to that and i'm just saying because of that things like that i have grown from faith to faith to faith somebody comes in says pastor the lord told me that your airplane is in ecclesiastes chapter 10 and went back to preaching i said whoa what do you think i did trying to find ecclesiastes chapter 10. i read it didn't see an airplane in there read it again didn't see an airplane in there read it again and then the scripture jumped out at me said a bird of the air shall carry your voice [Applause] i meditated it until i could see it [Music] and right up at that airplane is where it is now my point of view is god has no respect for persons it's just that we need to do things god's way i'm gonna close with this over at luke's gospel chapter 5. are you with me in luke chapter five i'm talking about thinking now on a higher level because you've been at that level long enough and the enemy has tried to get the system to call us non-essential because of the level we're operating at we're not thinking any higher than many times the people who don't even know god they're inventing and we're not the church to be the epicenter of invention we're connected to the most high god say amen to that so what happened is peter was fishing luke chapter 5 and he came in washing his nets jesus was preaching on the shoreline they were pushing on him because of what he was saying it was good stuff and so when they pushed on him here he said peter could i use your boat say opportunity notice when opportunities from god come they come sometimes at the most inconvenient time so what happened he did he got in there pushed out a little from the land and when he did next thing you know he said okay talk to people understanding and then told peter launch out into the deep now let john your next word draw what did peter do he said wait a minute that's not logical we don't throw nets out in the daytime we fished all night and caught nothing nevertheless at thy rainbow i'll let down the net and next thing you know he let down that net caught so many fish pow that the net broke called for his partners they came filled both their nets up and peter then as they came to the shoreline he threw himself down at jesus knees sent away from me i'm a sinful man oh lord for he was astonished and all that were with him at the draught of fishes that they had taken and then when they came to shore they left everything and followed him look at the impact that he made on peter's life i don't think peter was even going to the synagogue he just probably put all that down but i'ma just do it make it myself but jesus didn't come preaching the law he came preaching the blessing and the blessing empowers you for things that nobody else could do because it's designed to turn every waste place into the garden of eden and here's peter peter took it and he pulled in those fish now let's use your imagination he just didn't pull in enough fish for his business check it out he pulled in so many fish till he changed the whole economy of the coastline of the capernaum he became a billionaire and that's what cindy jacobs said she said some of you in this church speaking out church you have aspired to be millionaires but god said don't set your sights so low why billionaires you're making 206 billion dollars that you've got that cash why can't you break a billion off and fix that inner city of chicago and they're just poor they don't have anything when you're poor you don't think about anything but food you're trying to think of your next one go in the bible then it talks about this this whole thing think about it you take a billion dollars and you step into a neighborhood said okay here's what we're gonna do everybody here is going to school what we're gonna do we're gonna make it so you can can eat we're gonna make it so that you can uh have a trade or skill we took it and i announced we're turning jails into boarding school why i'm acting like god and when i did that notice what happened all of a sudden our bible courses went in all of a sudden leadership courses went in all of a sudden now uh all kinds of financial courses went in and now they're putting watch this uh computer labs in the cook county jail why because we're graduating and all of a sudden somebody starts sending us men's suits because we're working with the men and they start sending us name-brand suits we still got just a truckload of them now and next thing you know it's that we're dressing them up in suits and they're in the in the place got in graduation in behind the walls and watch this the employers are over on the other side waiting to interview them to hire them before they even got out why because i decreed a thing in the name of jesus we're turning jails into boarding school what god did for bill winston he will do for you open your mouth say to the mountain be thou removed i'm saying this is your season you are the harvesting generation god's going to do it through you and it's going to make the world turn from dead gods to the living god my name is bill winston and i approve this message give the lord a praise and a thanksgiving [Music] did you pray over the people i'm gonna pray for you [Applause] r.w schambach used to say this you don't have any problems all you need is faith in god come on father i pray lift your hands to heaven father i pray now in jesus name i pray for a fresh anointing go into god upon this church upon the leadership in every person that comes in this church or every life that they touch i pray for the anointing of miracles for signs wonders and miracles i pray for healing deliverance i pray for prosperity miracles that you'll raise up leaders in every one of the seven mountains that out of this place tonight there'll come a new generation there'll come a generation that is taking and possessing the land and using it for the good of the kingdom of god if anything comes against them i cancel it right now in the name of jesus your days of being harassed are over you will think like god walk like god talk like god think like god be like god believe like god in the name of jesus now if you receive it shout amen [Applause] amen [Applause] [Music] come on give a big hand to dr winston for that word [Applause] you know when he said turning jails into boarding schools something leaped on the inside of me how many of you guys felt that same thing in your spirit and i just started looking around the room and i just started looking at individuals and i was thinking god you are saying something right now to certain people in the room that have a desire to think on a higher level not just for yourself but for communities for neighborhoods for cities for demographics i just i sense it you know i looked at aj and i just sensed that word for you aj tim newton i just sensed that i sensed it mark and natalie foster care system i sensed it for different ones of you there's god's saying look at that and i'm going to give you nations i'm going to give you impact influence i felt like that was a the the whole message was powerful but the last five minutes was prophetic for this room what he said at the end to take dominion over something in your heart that you've been dreaming about lord i just pray god that that seed of faith that's deposited in this room tonight lord would produce a harvest god in our church and our city in our state in our nation yeah go ahead just close your eyes and imagine get beyond your understanding for a second and just imagine what god wants to do and let's just sing this song of faith tonight let's just begin to stir up our faith [Music] [Music] tonight is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my eyes can't see the evidence of things unknown jesus you're my only hope i believe greater right in things of me nothing is impossible you're the god of miracles i believe i receive even when my eyes can't see the evidence of things unknown jesus you're my only hope i believe greater things are right in front of me nothing is impossible you're the god of miracles you're the god of miracles [Music] you're the god of miracles if there's a dream stirring in your heart or a prayer and it would take a miracle for it to come to pass i want you to leave your seat come down to this altar wherever you're at whatever the miracle is that you're praying for could be a business could be a desire to change a neighborhood could be a desire to have children it could be a prayer to change something in in in our world you're looking at something and you just sensed as dr winston was talking uh there's something in you and you go i can't do it without god this is the mountain that god's god's calling you to speak to this is the mountain god's calling you to move but you know you need faith to move this mountain you need faith to part this sea you need faith to see this lazarus come you need faith to see it and as let's as you press in to this altar i know we've gone late tonight but man this is this god is stirring something up this is a special night and let's just begin to stir up our hearts our our prayers as you close your eyes i want just the worship team to sing that chorus again and as they do just begin to see he's parting the red sea he's bringing the dead back to life [Applause] he's moving the mountain [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel it [Music] [Applause] boy [Music] dreams [Music] the rain will pour the drought will let your spirit [Music] and young men [Music] like [Music] we [Music] is [Music] so [Music] you know i felt like that the holy spirit was wanting to um bring a new perspective on the mountains in your life and as pastor bill winston was talking i was just being stirred with [Music] just a re uh again a new perspective of of the mountains in our life you know he said that the worst place to be in is a place that you do not use your faith [Music] and i was thinking about whether it be myself or people in this room and i just uh i feel like we need to repent because you know i feel like whatever we've walked through whatever you've walked through maybe because you've been tired or you've been weary you have ran from the mountains maybe you have denied problems maybe you have not instead of looking at the mountain you've ran from it you've denied it you've tried to live a life where there's not a lot of landscape there's not a lot of mountains in fact there's some people in here it's kind of harsh but there's some people in here that have literally been out of weariness and tiredness have just chosen the easy route and you've wondered why you've even become more weary and more tired and complacent and i feel like the holy spirit said it's actually the mountains and it's actually the problems that's actually going to put a demand on the faith on the inside of you because wasn't it goliath that caused david to rise up in faith and say what do i have [Music] and i don't know what problems or mountains that you're facing and some of us we try to limit our exposure to problems whether we're not really honest with our own personal issues or whether it's in the world our communities in our work and our family and we'd rather turn a blind eye to the issues and the problems around us [Music] and i feel like god was saying if we if you want to take territory if you want to make my agenda known you have got to reposition and get a fresh perspective on the mountains in your life the things that are inconvenient the things that are painful the things that are unpopular because it is those things that are actually gonna take your faith to faith it's not found in the land of comfort it's found in the land of the unknown [Music] and i just feel like there was just i feel like some of us in here have just like i said just taken them just looked for the easy [Music] you know and he said it so well that there's not a problem that we don't that we are not going to face that god can't solve and so we have a fresh perspective on the mountains whether it is in your marriage or finances or has nothing to do with you but the community in the neighborhood that you live in or wherever whatever place of territory that god has called you to advance i felt like god was saying whatever problem you are willing to face i will give you the faith to fix it because god wants you to fix it god wants you to produce like he said [Music] and it's like i i again i just feel like we should ask for god to to forgive us [Music] that we would not deny that we would not turn the blind eye that we would not run and that we would not come facing our mountains like oh like that's so big yes but no that is an opportunity i'm gonna run to that mountain i'm gonna face it full front ahead no matter how big it looks because actually getting the reality and the accurate picture of that mountain the problems and all give me the details give me the facts that would scare somebody else because actually the facts of those details is actually going to be what god uses to stir up my faith so lay it on me i need it all whenever you want to tell me the truth i'm not afraid of the truth because it's the truth of that problem and the issue that god is going to use to stir up faith and god if we can just all lift our hands in this place [Music] and if we could just repeat this prayer god forgive me from running from the mountains and the problems of life i will not turn a blind eye but i will step up in faith i will allow the problems and the mountains to put a demands on the seeds of faith on the inside of me [Music] i will not be lazy in developing my faith because i will produce whatever desire you have put on the inside of me because i have you and you're with me and you've given me the courage to stand up against whatever you're asking me to face because you've called me to move forward i will not allow fear to take me backwards i will not die in fear but i will rise up in faith my faith is not in my ability but my faith is in your word i will be bold with the word that you've spoken to me i will see every situation as an opportunity to move your agenda forward i will not delegate it to someone else but i will rise up and personal responsibility i will not resent what you've asked me to do i will not resent my story but i will choose to believe that you've created me to solve problems for such a time as this so that your name will be lifted high in jesus mighty name amen come on let's rise up in faith with a spirit of praise god you're good you're faithful lord jesus we worship you jesus
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 844,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VO7fGh1L7aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 7sec (5107 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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