2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Servanthood-The Pathway to Success (9:00 a.m. CT)

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oh man oh i got something to share with you today that is going to change your life [Applause] oh my goodness you ready there is something as christian people all of us that we need to recover and it's in the area of servanthood we need to recover our position as servants to other people so this morning i want to talk to you about servanthood the pathway to success servanthood is the pathway that will lead you to success but somehow we've gotten this idea that yeah you know maybe you start off as a servant but you know that's only to be promoted so you can stop being a servant that ain't how that worked and our churches have been inundated with uh mammon where people are no longer serving because they want to serve god but they're serving if you can give them a paycheck [Music] y'all ain't gonna like me this morning so i want to get into the scripture today and uh there is a path that seems right and in this day and time there's a path that seems right but just because a path seems like it's right doesn't necessarily mean it's right so many people are taking paths that seem right and you don't have to take a path that seems right when jesus has made uh us aware of a path that is right let me show you what i'm saying proverbs chapter 14 and 12 he says there is a way which seemeth right unto a man why should we go down a path that seems like it's the right one well you know this seems like the right term but you're going away from your destination there's a way which seemed right into a man but the end thereof are ways of death and then i believe proverbs 16 and 25 says same thing now let's stick with this for just for a moment here a path that seems right but the end is death the end is destruction a way or a path and you've got to know that god wants you to go down the path that is right proverbs 4 26 and the nlt we're going to spend a lot of time in the living bible this morning he says mark out a straight path for your feet stay on the safe path stay on the safe path and then in proverbs chapter 5 verse 6 he says for she cares nothing about the path to life she staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't even realize it are you staggering down a trail and you don't even realize it are you taking a path that that uh seems to be filled with a whole lot of unnecessary distractions staggering down a crooked trail and doesn't even realize it so what i'm saying to you this morning is that servanthood is the pathway it is the pathway to success in every arena of life and it is all but disappeared in local church activity yes and we got to get back everybody trying to be somebody it's kind of like when you go to los angeles or hollywood sometime everybody walking around like there's somebody i went for i mean first time i went there and and i was in this place with all these these stars and everything and everybody had on shades and doing stuff so i stopped somebody i said hey you somebody because people want to feel important all right all right now so listen to me now so we're going to look at how is it that understanding servanthood can bring you down the way or down the path to success i believe with all my heart it is the key to everything you're looking for true leadership is servanthood and the greatest leader of all times is jesus christ well why because jesus was a servant look at this attitude here mark chapter 10 42-45 he says so jesus called them together and said you know that the rulers in this world lorded over their people and officials flaunt their authority over those under them but among you it will be different whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave or your servant for even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others and how did he do that by giving his life as a ransom for many now think about it had jesus shown up to just be served you and i would not be privileged with this this ransom and deliverance from all of our sins we wouldn't be privileged with redemption but jesus didn't show up to be served he showed up to serve and he served us with this with this ransom for many a ransom this he showed up to pay the the payment or the ransom that was required to let all of us go free from sin he came as the sin offering he came as the peace offering glory to god he didn't come to be served but god sent him to serve us by being the ransom and the pavement that was due for your deliverance and your redemption oh my god thank you jesus jesus jesus came as a servant man you shouldn't think about that for a moment those of you who have a intimate relationship with god you talk to him and he talks to you and you think that he came serving he didn't come to show off he came because we needed a service a servant i'm saying i'll get her as a savior and servant but he came as a servant to save yes my god my god now let's let's get deeper in this now philippians chapter two starting at verse three through nine philippians chapter two verse three through nine glory be to god hallelujah i'm gonna try to hold it down this morning but i i know you don't live by your feelings but i feel something in this place this morning my god my god my god [Music] he said let nothing be done hmm through strife or vainglory but in lonely lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves when's the last time you did that when the last time you esteemed somebody else better than you he says look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others let this mind or let this attitude let this mind or this attitude be in you which was also in christ jesus colin getting ready to show you what the attitude you need to have who being in the form of god thought it not robbery to be equal with god but made himself of no reputation and he took upon him the form of a servant so rather than focusing on his equality with god he focused on servanthood he wasn't focused on his reputation you know people work real hard to get a good reputation and they work real hard if they got a bad reputation to get a better reputation sounds to me like being concerned about your reputation is a lot of work so jesus was of no reputation well that's real freedom the freedom that comes when you are of no reputation you ain't got to worry about what nobody's saying about you you got worried about or you know defending yourself i've always thought that a man that defends itself will remain average why don't how pastor dollar get up there and just defend himself because the people already made their mind up say whatever they want to say about you i am of no reputation [Music] [Applause] this is what jesus is jesus says i'm no i'm no i am of no reputation i have taken upon him in myself he said the form of a servant and i was made in the likeness of men but the one who was equal with god was made in the likeness of men come on come on and being found in fashion as a man this is what you have to do he had to humble himself he became obedient to death even the death of the cross you know when you humble yourself you bout a knee to it think of your savior doing that so he could serve you with redemption wow so servanthood is an attitude it's an attitude that's exemplified by our lord savior jesus christ now let's look at something here in saint john chapter 13 i know i'm gonna study it let me look at it in the king james first and uh then we'll we'll read it just all together in the in the living bible but let's study this saint john chapter 13 and uh i'm telling you this this is gonna bless your heart man it blessed me i gotta read it again this morning let's start at verse one now before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour was come so it's it's this passover time and he knew his hour had come that he should depart out of this world unto the father having loved his own which were in the world he loved them unto the end and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of judas iscariot's simon's son to betray him so jesus he knew what was going on it was passover time the devil had already put into the heart of judas iscariot to betray him it's the end of his earthly ministry now you got to think with me for a moment what would you do if you knew today was your last day what is the message you would leave what would you do and this is jesus you know this is this is the end of my earthly ministry it's coming to an end now i've got something i got to make sure you get all right now watch this and then in verse 3 jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hand he knew that and that he was come from god he knew that and that he went to god he knew that knowing all of this he rises from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself somebody said like what like every servant in that household would do when men would come and visit the house after walking down a dusty road and they would have a servant there who had the towel girded about him to make sure that he would serve the people that came in the house by washing their feet so jesus now takes his garment off and he puts on the outfit of that servant working in the house knowing he was god knowing he came from god knowing that he's going to god and after he poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded then cometh he to simon peter and peter saith unto him lord dost thou wash my feet and jesus answered and said unto him what i do thou knowest not not now but thou shalt know hereafter now most of us will look at that like well it ain't that big a deal i know what you're doing you watching people feed so obviously there's a deeper meaning than foot washing [Music] and all we ever got from this was foot washing you got to know that there's something deeper in this there's something behind this than foot washing [Music] and we have foot washing services and i ain't got no problem with no foot washing services and we've turned foot watching service into a part of our you know doctoral belief and i ain't got no problem with you watching nobody's feet just as long as you wash your feet before i wash your feet because last time i did a foot washing service the water turned it was started off clear and it was dirty after i finished it i said well lord praise the lord i need to be fooled i need to humble myself but but there's something deeper than watching somebodies you got to know that right you got to know that jesus is not sitting up and saying you really don't know what i'm doing right now but you will later and you got to know they looking like well it ain't that deep lord you're watching people feed now watch this is everybody with me so he says here peter saith unto him you ain't never going to wash my feet lord they go peter again oh no lord thou shalt never wash my feet i will not allow thee to bend so low as to wash my feet he and he said if i watch thee not thou has no part with me now watch peter peter sayeth unto him uh o lord not my feet only but also my hands and my head because i want to be a part of you jesus said to him he that is washed needeth not to say not save to wash his feet but is clean every wit and you are clean he says but not all now he's referring to judas in fact the next verse says this for he knew who should betray him therefore said he you are all you are not all clean so after he had washed their feet and had taken his garments and was set down again he said unto them now watch this uh do you know what i have done to you do you know what i have done to you well you know lord you know you know you know got the dust off my feet appreciate it don't you think that's a strange question know ye what i have done to you you call me master and lord and you say well for so am i if i then your lord and master have washed your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet is it about washing feet for i have given you an example of something yeah more than fee see foot washing was an example that you should do as i have done to you i wash your feet as an example for you to do what i've done to you well i started off showing you what he's done to us he came to serve us but then he said verily verily i say unto you the servant is not greater than his lord neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him if you know these things happy are you if you do them it's not just happy are you another translation says you will be blessed yes now before i comment on this let me read this in the nlt and and i know it takes time to do this but it it it has a pretty amazing impact let's read john 13 in the nlt he says and i'll start at verse 12. he says after washing their feet he put on his robe again and sat down and he asked do you understand what i was doing he says you call me teacher and lord and you're right because that's what i am and since i your lord and teacher have washed your feet you ought to watch each other's feet i have given you an example to follow do as i have done to you he said i tell you i tell you the truth slaves or servants are not greater than their master the reason why i say slaves and servants is because in the past this scripture was taken out of context to maintain the bondage of slavery that masters used to teach it to their slaves and then they would submit to this and say see it there it is right there in the bible this is not a slavery where you are usurping authority over people and controlling people and that that's not what this is so make sure you understand that now you understand he says i tell you the true slaves are not greater than their master nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message now that you know these things god will bless you for doing them god will bless you for doing them doing what but jesus made it very clear that i want all humanity to know i want you to remember that he served humankind and they should too here's what i want you to remember on my last day i served humankind and i need you guys to do it too and those who will do it will be blessed people have forgotten that servanthood is something that positions you to be empowered to have success in every arena of your life and one of the ways to do that is for you to take on the role of a servant jesus before he left said listen i want you to remember me as servant and i want you to do as i have done to you serve and that's everybody yes that's everybody he's calling us to enter into the position of servanthood somebody says well i will it depends on how much you can pay me well you're not a servant you're harley [Music] i mean i can i can go to i can go to the phone book and find a hireling i'm looking for some some loyalty and some servanthood within a vision that's still important the problem is we we church hop from church to church to church to church looking for something that's going to grant us our superstar status and we don't want to serve nobody yes you hear me look at mark chapter nine and i'm gonna read this and then i'm gonna share my testimony with you in this area mark chapter 9 verse 33 through 35. the bible says and he came to capernaum and being in the house he asked them what was it that you disputed among yourselves by the way what was the debate that was going on amongst you now he didn't ask because he didn't know he knew what the whole debate was but they held their peace don't tell jesus what we're talking about i don't feel like learning today just don't tell him no right now just i went to uh i went to rome one time and i we hired a guy because that's the first time i'd been there and the guy was a historian and he was just everyone no matter where you went he had something to say about it who knew he knew who did what when they did how it happened and all that kind of stuff so one day and i got up we were just like you know we just want to we just want to look at stuff [Laughter] and i said yeah we don't want to learn nothing today we just want to look at something come on but they held their peace but by the way they had disputed among themselves who should be the greatest and he sat down and he called the twelve and he saith unto them if any man desire to be first the same shall be last of all and servant of all see the pathway to leadership is is servanthood the pathway to greatness is servanthood the pathway to being the hell starts at the tail at the tail but we have a generation now they don't believe in starting at the back everybody want to start at the front i don't want no eight-hour day job now you got a problem with you're not wearing an eight-hour day job i mean fine but if that's all you got you need to work for eight hours you got home trying to start your million dollar business like it's gonna happen in a week and you gotta understand baby you gotta sow some stuff for that to happen it stuff don't voila just like that you understand but you know what you'll learn if you don't let your parents and godly people teach you life will teach you and when life teaches you it's not as comfortable as taking some instructions from people of wisdom man somebody millennials looking at me like are now listen to me i um i grew up as a ame african methodist episcopal [Laughter] my great grands and grands and folks were all behind the and i didn't know this until recently i found a historic stone with all of the people that were responsible for uh that denomination and and i had no idea that i had so many relatives that had something to do with starting things and so it was in my dna and um so i heard i'll never forget this i heard a message one day about servanthood and uh when i was listening to that message the lord spoke to me he said there is a pool of anointing that will enable you to do anything that you need to do in order to serve and he says that pool of anointing has been made available to the servant and i thought man that's the greatest thing ever and so i joined this baptist church which my grandmother had a fit like oh i can't believe you joined the baptist church and left the amy oh lord you're gonna give me a heart attack all that stuff god dawg grandma i just joined the church just be glad i i'm in church man i tell you what uh i got into that church and i decided well i am i am i knew i knew i was supposed to serve that pastor and i i began serving and i mean servant um i was first one in last one to go i had this belief that if you're on time you're late if you're there before time you're on time and if you're late you're in trouble i just i will always i believe that's a part of your integrity and uh so i took on that role of a servant and i mean i did things like i'd open the church up um i would clean the church up because the church didn't have the funds to hire a janitor so i'm like there's no way this is the house of god so i'd bring my vacuum cleaner from home and my supplies from home and and and i just make sure that every every time they open up it was going to be clean i i didn't have all the equipment back in those days we were i was cleaning the bathroom they had tile and so i would get on my knees and put you remember that green can of comet and put that put that comment in the in the in the grout and take a toothbrush come on somebody and just scrub until it became white i shined off all the fixtures in the bathroom and sometimes i stand at the door to see if somebody could notice it and they said it shows smell good and look good in here too what they've been doing and i said look at that jesus i chauffeured the pastor we had a deacon boy but sometimes they got a little lazy and the grass would grow high and i just thought man people can't come to church and have that grass how like that so i'd cut the grass i wasn't complaining about it because it was my praise service time and i sang praises of the lord and cut the grass and cleaned the bathroom and vacuum it was a four-level church and battling the church a servant and then one day you know the church had recorded a gospel album and it started the biggest split in the church and everybody wanted to know where they split was going to come from and so the music department split the musicians quit and we didn't have no musician and i went before the lord and i said lord you said there's an anointing for me to do anything i need to do in order to serve i said lord they ain't got a musician teach me how to play and so i had this little toy piano at home and i had a finger and he said put a finger here on the right and then take another one here on the left and i'm gonna teach him some harmony then i'm gonna add another finger and i got two going now then i'm gonna add another one i got another one going there now i want to show you something you can do something with your right hand while you're doing something with your left hand let me show you what's happening here and i kid you not in that days we had the decalogue that had to be played and all of that stuff you had to play and and i did it all by ear i did it all by ear and i was up there on sunday morning and we didn't miss a beat praise god for whom all blessings long dumb dumb dumb praise him off you know i'm sitting here like oh no glory because that was an anointing for the servant and after doing all that servant the pastor had to go in the hospital to get a hernia repair and i'm just ready to serve and he called me in and i'm like yes sir what can i do he says i'm going to the hospital i'll be out for a few weeks and and uh i want you to do the preaching and oversee the church for me until i get back and i said but i'm i'm i'm just a i'm just a servant i don't i'm not i'm i'm not no christian no preacher i ain't got nothing in front of my name i'm just a servant he says yeah i know and i didn't normally wear a robe but when someone leaves you in their place it's not about you lifting yourself up it's about you reminding them where you know you're here as a servant that's right and i put that robe on and i preached man and and and did all things i was just like my god why would you do this to me because i was on a pathway yes [Applause] are you listening to what i'm saying yeah now the only problem really i had about it is i didn't understand that as a servant that there are different ways you can serve in in different ways you can minister and i was stuck on doing just what i've always done and god was trying to graduate me to serving on another capacity you know god functioning as father god functioning as son god functioning as the holy ghost same god three different functions i had to understand that servanthood had could have other functions and he was trying to get me to function in the area of a teacher and minister gift ministry gift and i was almost still cutting green glass and then i'm going to preach the same time he said son you did a good job all right come on i need you to serve right here no no no lord i shall continue to serve in that which you've called me to yeah but i'm trying to come get you i need you over here and now i see myself ministering to you this morning as nothing but a cook that's prepared a meal for you to eat i'm still a servant i didn't dismiss servant because i gained higher education i didn't dismiss servant because i became a reverend or pastor i didn't dismiss servanthood i am still a servant and i will still be a servant because i will never be greater than jesus i am a servant to him and here's where he tells me to serve and i'm to serve here whether you get money or not i can't be i can't determine when god tells me to do something it can't be based on the financial agreement and he still takes care of you because i've been places and preached my heart out for days and they said you know we you know here's a piece of pie we wish you can give we can give you more and i'm like praise god but before that week was out somebody was running me down to bless me financially see god is my source [Applause] and when you are a servant god takes care of those who serve yes [Applause] [Music] are y'all listening to me god takes care of you and god took care of me amen i was so hungry all i could think about i had nothing else in my mind oh lord my hero of the time was a man by the name of claude humphrey he was a defensive end for the atlanta falcons so all i wanted to do is is i want to make it to pro and i want to play pro ball and and and then almost stick around it all my life that was my plan teaching people the gospel being some preacher man they know whatever then i ain't never gonna do that i couldn't stand preachers because of the preacher that came to my grandma's house and he ate up all the chicken i'm like grandmamma said you can't eat first let the preacher go first i'm like yeah we did that the last time we had luna [Laughter] so i wasn't trying to be no preacher it was not going to happen i already planned on what i needed to do and i was going for it i mean i'm going forward everything i have and man i'm going to do this thing i'm going to get this thing done and i had a this craziest injury just the craziest injury and now i was knocked out for a whole season and then i had a rocking dream i'm coming back here we go but in that time then i had lost all the weight i'd work too hard to put on the strength had gone down and i made a deal with god you got to be careful when you go making a deal with god i said if you'll just let me if you just let me come back just one more year then i'll do what you're calling me to do i knew i was called to the ministry but i'm like just just give me one more yeah and he said okay so i went in one year i had to reprove myself you have to start at the bottom and work your way back up and it didn't work out like i thought but the deal was no matter what happened i couldn't quit yeah so everything in the world happened that would normally say i'm done with this but i made a deal you can't quit so god used that as my wilderness experience to mold and shape character and to mature me yes and in the midst of it i spent time i think we got about half of the football team born again and filled with the holy ghost but i couldn't shine on the field i had i was in this thing that god called me to do and and he he's maturing me he's speaking with me he's working with me and around the end of the season i'm at my locker lifting my hands up praying in tongues and god said what are you doing i said i made it he said mate what we made the playoffs we got three more games to go i said no no season's over with for me i made it i did what god told me to do now i'm ready to do what god told me to do so my first time preaching as a servant me and taffy and we went to god invited this church to preach and i preached and the whole church got saved including the preachers and the deacon all right let me tell you something now it scared me because i said what is this and and i i knew it was that it's the anointing i'm like well i don't know if i want it i mean i'm just doing this for a minute i don't think i'm gonna keep doing this and we went to another game and it happened again then i was directing the choir and we got invited and it was we went to l.a for a a big concert and i opened my mouth up and started summarizing the song and speaking about the song and and the power of god hit the place and and we sang a half a song and everybody in the choir except one person fell out under the power of god and i'm thinking what what what what's what is this he says i'm equipping you for your next servant hood oh y'all listen to what i'm saying then people started prophesying and and talking about they see a a iron eagle flying over the water and one man when he baptized me and thing came up and he says oh oh i see you around the world speaking the word of god to people and i laughed at him i'm serious he was probably i'm laughing like he got to be out his mind first of all i stutter i ain't going to be speaking to no whole lot of people around the world i don't need it ain't going to happen oh the joke was on me then one day i got invited to preach at in anaheim california at a believer's convention and i was only expected to preach there at one time and i preached on racism and reconciliation or something like that and i figured well this is my only time so i'm just going to let her rip they either gonna like it or they'll never see me again never will i forget this i mean here's where i started with these conventions i was up there and 3 13. just in them found a picture of me and taffy up there in 3 13 i hope i wasn't on but we was up there in 3 13. are you listening to me he brought me from 313 law where am i right here so after the anaheim meeting [Applause] i was in the car getting ready to go and all of a sudden somebody hit the trunk of the car bam hold up i'm like i turn around you know that college pop coming what's up open the door up i'm like hey and and it was brother copeland he said hey [Applause] i said brother copeland what's up he said well he said i just talked to jerry and and and and and jesse and kathy and carolyn and gloria and we believe we found our final member of that time of our team and if you could check your schedule we'd like for you to join us and we're going around the world in these conventions we want you to be a part of it and i said okay i'll check my schedule done but here's how i saw it he wants me to serve in an expanded capacity this was not my opportunity for hollywood it's my opportunity to feed more sheep but y'all hear what i'm saying [Applause] didn't have anything to do with a financial arrangement didn't have anything to do but but one thing feeding and serving in this capacity and like you said every night we we went all over the place preaching the gospel in the early days it was hard to distinguish when you were listening to brother copeland to me because i sound just like i was a black kenneth cope i sound just like talking just like just like he would in texas [Laughter] amen and i celebrate that man and woman of god kenneth and gloria copeland for their servanthood to the world serving others is the very essence of ministry your anointing is not for you [Music] it's for somebody else look at first corinthians chapter 12 and seven your anointing is not for you it's for somebody else that anointing that i tapped in to work in the music ministry today that wasn't for me it was for somebody else i couldn't play half those songs now my my my daughters got me to play on our anniversary and i hadn't played in a long time and and i sat down and i'm like lol is there a little is there a little oil left [Laughter] but the anointing is not for you this anointing on me is not for for me it's for you the anointing on you is not for you it's for me and other people look what he says in verse seven he says a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other [Music] what anointings do you carry that you've been keeping from others [Music] that anointing is not for you to profit that anointing is for my profit and somebody else's profit my anointing is not for me to profit my anointing is for you to profit glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god look at colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and 24. are y'all getting this colossians chapter three let's look at it in the uh king james and then the nlt verse 23 and 24 says this he says and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the lord and not unto men so what is it that you do when i go to work i'm not working for that guy i'm working as if i'm working for jesus and when you do that you ain't got to worry about no raise you'll state your salary one day because you're working for jesus knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ i serve the lord christ with everything that i'm doing i'm serving the lord christ your boss come up and you'll say i just want to tell you you're doing a wonderful job for us and the company and we certainly appreciate it and you look at him and say well i so appreciate your compliment but i ain't working necessarily for you i'm working for the lord jesus christ oh yeah yeah well is jesus gonna give you a paycheck will you like would you like to see keep that in the forefront of your thinking i'm working for the lord jesus christ i'm a servant the pathway to servanthood be careful something weird's going on in in in the church today we're really it's all it seems like it it seems like it's all about the image of of of that of that one guy and it's it's it's it just you just don't see jesus as clearly as you used to see it [Applause] but it will not be so amongst you for i will anoint you to bring glory to this pathway of servanthood and i will cause you to walk in depths of success that you could have never achieved on your own but as you serve me and serve others i will lift you up and you will be glad i believe that i want people to see jesus man i want him to see jesus one day we're all going to have the opportunity to stand before him and i want to stand before him knowing i gave it all i had 80 something year old i believe this is the 40 first believers convention here in in fort worth this man is still shucking corn there ain't no way i'm gonna get tired right now [Applause] it would be an extreme embarrassment kenneth copeland still preaching and doing push-ups in front of audiences i'm ready to rock and roll and i don't care how the doctrine seems to change you know got a generation you're like well we don't believe that no more well we well we don't believe in prayer like that no more well we don't believe in miracles we don't believe in signs whatever as long as i'm here i'm gonna be teaching those things you say you don't believe and i'm gonna keep teaching them i'm gonna keep teaching them until you learn how to believe i mean praise god we got to lift up our believing praise the lord i believe god i believe god that he's a healer i believe that god's a deliverer i believe god will make a way out of nowhere i believe in the holy spirit i believe in fire i believe in speaking in other tongues i believe in the gifts of the spirit i believe in signs and wonders i believe in miracles i believe hallelujah i believe and i'm not going to stop because the times can't change well jesus has not changed his word has not changed the holy spirit is the same yesterday today and forevermore and i am gonna believe i'm not gonna be moved by what i see i'm not gonna be moved by what i hear i'm not gonna be my new move by the report i'm gonna be moved by the word of the living god and if his word says it that's what i'm gonna be moved by hallelujah i believe but god's been mighty good to me praise the lord he has been mighty good to me praise the lord [Applause] so lord said to me he said now if you'll let go of this football thing cause i mean everybody in my family is a coach you let go of this football thing that i will bless and prosper you more than that could have ever done and i was just sitting there like i don't see how you gonna do that cause every preacher i know broke busted and disgusted real and he did he did and i got an opportunity by by letting that go all my dreams came true i mean three weeks ago i was invited uh by herschel walker and some other people to there was a gathering of all of the heisman trophy wonders from the late 60s all the way up to today and i told them i said well i didn't win no heisman trophy while y'all inviting me they said oh we listen to you all the time we just love you and want you to be there no it's bigger than that it was god knew i would enjoy everything [Applause] and they were all taking pictures and had their rings out like that and he said come on pastor do this and i said well i ain't got no i ain't got the ring like y'all got now i got a bowl ring when i was in college but i'm like but that ain't they said just just just do it we'll we'll we'll do fine so i get up now god knew i would enjoy that and the man i idolized claude humphrey got inducted into the hall of fames a few years ago and guess what it is he called my office and said i want to invite pastor dolla to come to my hall of fame induction a servant's reward a servant for war oh my god you're so good to me i got it this morning and i said look give me the passion that i need to minister to my precious brothers and sisters cause really the real truth of the matter is we got a lot of things twisted you look at your pastors like they are flawless and perfection that's a lie and the problem with that is if they ever do miss the mark then you know what you're going to do you're going to become a part of team satan accuser of the brethren and the pastor's just one of those called out people that used to be in the congregation that god called out to do one thing and and the bigger problem is the pastor fell for that lie he not carrying himself like he perfect and flawless and you're not so you're afraid to share your real life because you know how people can respond to it my wife said i'm like an old ice buck i can't keep nothing because i i believe that real ministry i believe that real ministry is the combination of the scripture plus your life experience but some of us we're afraid to share you know where where we used to be because it ministers to people where you used to be they say oh i'm right there right now tell me how you got that what i did this and you become a blessing to them but i i can't i have a hard time listening to somebody who appears they want to make people look at them like they flawless you know you ain't flawless you might not have broken the big ten but you you so rude to the your show you're you're certainly rude to that that waitress at the at the restaurant didn't i tell you i wanted grenadine in my coke i want to see your master your manager oh and you a preacher with your real self no you need a savior just like i need a savior and i need a savior just like you need a savior and that savior is going to help us both to mature and to do the things that we need to do now that's never an excuse for you to do wrong don't misunderstand me it's just saying but when you do mr martin put that on a sermon put it in a lesson somewhere let somebody know oh man i i i man when i when i was parenting this kid dear god i said some stupid stuff to her and that took a while for me to get that out of her i was dumb when i did that but when i first got married i told my wife i ate a piece and i said what is this mess didn't know how to talk at all just dumb stupid and unrefined so glad she kept me she glad she kept me too praise the lord the pathway to success servanthood have you served somebody lately you can serve through your giving you can serve through the actions you can serve with your anointing you need to find and locate that area of service that god has anointed you your anointing is not for you sometimes singers get mixed up they're so busy looking for a record deal that they don't understand if they'll just use their anointing to be a blessing to somebody all that stuff will come but you're going down a path that seems right find out what you got use it to serve and watch god take care of it he will open doors he will open doors yes i i've had so many doors open i got a call one time guys said we want you to be in this movie i said i don't know how to act he says i've been watching you since i was eight years old it'll be all right and i said he said well what do i do with the contract you know i don't know nothing i said ah nothing i guess my wife snatched the phone she says i'll take care of all the details of it later on [Laughter] then when i was diagnosed with cancer a friend of mine called me up he had a talk show and he said i'd like you to to uh play an episode in this talk show part of me wanted to say no i ain't doing it i'm dealing with with cancer right now the lord said don't say that he said do it i said what he said do it i called him back and said i'll do it he says all right report here you know sit down do you look great you'll scream thing and all that kind of stuff and i laughed all day long and i found out when i got there what's the parts you want me to play we want you to play the part of mr watson our funeral home director i said what [Laughter] he has he said he has a little slightly deformed english accent and i said what like mr watson i said funeral home director are you serious i laughed all day i finished about 1 a.m in the morning and god reminded me didn't i tell you that laughter works like medicine [Applause] [Music] god's always taking care of his servant when i went and had an mri done dealing with that same cancer they took a picture and put it on the screen and when dr joe hit that button and paused it it formed a face of a man with a beard and when i looked at it my son was sitting down he said dad you see that i said yeah and doc said oh talk about the picture right there the man with the beard and i'm like so it's not me hallucinated and the spirit of god said this in the middle of me battling that he said didn't i tell you i got your back i'll serve him the rest of my life i'll serve him the rest of my life i won't pull back i'll serve him the rest of my life come hell or high water and hell has come and so has some high water i will serve him the rest of my life i don't know about you but i've made my mind up through many dangers towards the snares i have already come but it was grace that brought me safe thus far it's grace that's gonna lead me on and i'm telling you in the name of jesus it's time for you to worship your god it's time for you to give him your praise it's time for god hallelujah to show you the path that is right there is a path that is right and that path is servanthood [Applause] amen ladies and gentlemen it has been my pleasure and my honor to have had these three sessions to talk to you may god bless you may god may god anoint you and may god lead you through everything that you need to go through you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 33,878
Rating: 4.9182005 out of 5
Id: qW4vUc_E9wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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