Out of Mind Faith - Facing the Giants

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston once you get born again you are inside out minded you are God inside minded once you get born again you now have Jesus in you you now have the Holy Ghost where in you now watch what Jesus spoke John chapter 14 and verse 10 believe it thou not that I'm in the father and the father and me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he's doing the work who's doing the work where's the father anywhere in Jesus am i right about that now what did Jesus do Matthew chapter 15 let's see what Jesus did verse 29 and jesus departed from thence and he came 9:00 to the Sea of Galilee and he went into a mountain and sat down there and great multitude came to him having with them those that work what lame keep going blind keep going dumb come on main and many others and they cast him down to Jesus's feet and what did he do to her filled in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak the main to be made whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorified the God of Israel know who's doing the world okay what Jesus said who's in him who's in him okay the father that dwelleth where in me what is he doing he's doing the world so here's Jesus as a vessel the father working in through him to heal the sick in so much the multitude wonder when they saw the dumb to speak the main to be made whole the lame to walk and the blind to see all right the main to be made whole all right the main to be made whole all right now notice what Jesus said in John chapter 14 verse 12 he said he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also let's just stop right there so that means you gonna heal the main now I understand what do you say he said wait a minute he said open the Psalms except 82 he said you know take care of the poor know so forth in other words whoever's hurting out there you you take care of them now what is he doing he's saying that you're gonna heal them although yeah let's just say with me her where is the healer he's in me here's what Jesus taught Luke chapter 17 and verse 20 this is Jesus it's what he talked he said this he said and when he was demanded of Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come he answered and said to them the kingdom of God comes not with observation neither shall they say lo here lo there behold the kingdom of God is within you when first Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 20 Paul said for the kingdom of God is not in word but in what and power so the kingdom of God is in you once you got born again now what's in the kingdom powers in here but what also is in the kingdom everything that is needed for you to complete your assignment on the earth he that what I'm saying who know what's he doing he's making you self-sufficient he's making it so that you won't have to count on the local bank to get you some money no no more loans come on he's making it still shooter that you don't have to get no joy from some juice you can get to joy from God same into that he's making you self-sufficient that you don't have to lean on the world account on the world for anything that they got got it now so what's in you is everything you'll need watch this in a sufficient supply that will last you to Jesus comes come on I call it an inexhaustible supply that's what he called it Oh in Ephesians chapter 3 now it's in you now understand things spiritually is the instant is a state that it's in it's in a spiritual state now understand the spiritual state it's in ship Chicago I can put Chicago in one of you now stay with me here because in its spiritual state it has no mass in it in spiritual state it has no space see space-time and matter came with this natural state but once you're dealing with God and what he loves in you is in spiritual form so he can load in you not just enough for you but he can load in you enough to meet the needs of whoever you minister to so in you he can load arms and legs if you can you're following what I'm saying here I'm going on up I'm taking you on up now cuz we've been down here long enough so in you he can load all of that it is in you it is in you and so when you Minister healing to somebody like Jesus did he ministered healing then the faith takes this from the spirit realm and manifests it in the natural realm and this is why the devil wants you to not have faith because he knows with faith you can manifest heavens government with faith you can manifest your aunty's dealing with faith I'm talking about she don't have knows me but you must show her the kingdom you're gonna show her glory to doc I don't follow what I'm saying see Joseph had the whole feeling you don't need to just feed a person you you got enough in you defeat a community what did you got enough in you to feed the city if you've got enough faith you can feed the nation this is what Joseph saw it's all him feeding the nation so he could put a nation demands your father what I'm saying here no he told him he said John chapter 5 remember Jesus stepped across all these people I got to one person who had been there 38 years and he'd been there sick longer than Jesus had been in the earth Jesus wasn't known over 33 when he left the earth so now he said do you want to be made whole the man said I have no man when the water is troubled now he's looking outside to meet his needs that was opposed to be for the children of Israel see he looked at outside somebody else has got my stuff see it and if they got too much then I'll have not enough all of that stuff and so what God is doing now he's changing you from the outside into the inside out so he said I have no man no what is he saying there I'm dependent on the outside see I'm dependent on the government to give me something I've come on I'm beginning of the man to give me a raise now God said that hey promotion for you comes from the Lord see he never intended for you to to sniff up behind some supervisor hoping that they like you and give you some more money and that's what I said God did not design you to work for money he designed you that money work for you [Music] never designed that but if you got an outside end mentality you're not going to see the greater one in you you're gonna see the greater one way away and be harder than hey God I'm in trouble down here I mean you know you ain't in me you out there a god I'm in you food no no he's not saying he's not saying that but but I'm just saying here I'm just saying hey wait a second wait a second he tells the poor woman he said you'll never be poor again cuz the kingdom of God has just come to you I don't care what nobody didn't have before if you got the kingdom you got it now no I need to teach you how to get it out [Applause] same into that look you can heal yourself that's why they shouted to Jesus physician heal thyself look what he says Romans chapter 8 and verse 11 look what he says here see the healing power of God was mainly in you for somebody else look what it said but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells where in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also what within your what mortal body quicken means restore it means to renew it means to heal it means to deliver what you got the deliverer inside of you and if you know how to get him to work through you you cannot only get you healed or heal him that's why the book of son talk about he that water shall be watered himself in other words one of the best time to go pray for somebody for healing it's when you don't feel that good yourself because you fought to get some of them [Music] are you finally what I'm saying see when you go outside in everything changes you become jealous you become envious you always look into somebody else for something off of them so for you don't need none of that you call yourself something different happening now and let me just give you this and then lord have mercy turn to Matthew chapter 10 please Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 look at verse 1 and 2 he says and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power over against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all come on manner of sickness and what all manner of diseases now the names of the Twelve Apostles are they these and he names them bless sorry verse five these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles and to any city of Samaria in are ye not but go rather to the lost sheep of what the house of Israel and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand he'll the who sick I don't care what they got now I don't care whether they're made or got a headache whether they got diabetes or whether they've been amputated I don't care what they got heels are sick what else cleanse the leper come on raise the dead come on cast out Devils come on freely you have received come on freely give next verse please provide neither what gold nor silver nor brass in your purchase come on no script for your journey neither two coats neither shoes yet saves for the work is worthy of his meat keep going and unto whatsoever city and town you inner inquire who in this is worthy and there abide this till you go thence he said now I want you to go there and I want you to do something Jesus that wrote it in verse John chapter 3 verse 8 Jesus wrote it in knit 1 a checker they're gonna follow the same pattern here he that committeth sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil Acts chapter 10 verse 38 plain how God anointed Jesus were the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing what good and healing what all that will pretzel the devil for God was with him he was showing you an example of what you and I are going to do that when we go forth I don't care what they got greater is he come on that is in us that he that is in the world now walk what is walking symbolizing spiritual authority he told a man rise come on take up your bed and walk he was showing him he's got healing from the inside now I'm saying if you do get in trouble if you do like Paul got stoled whatever have you God can heal you from the inside out and you're self-sufficient you come on you got everything you need inside of you all right let's finish up so now let's go to mark chapter 1 please up up chapter 2 Mark's have to do this is a man that was up he was sick they had him on a cot I mean some kind of little bit all right let's just start reading that and see what we got here and again he entered into Capernaum and after some days it was noise that he was in the house watch says and straightway many that were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them everybody's packed in here no not so much as about the door and he preached the word unto them and they conned their come to him bringing us one sick of the palsy which is born of four and when they could not come in 9 to him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they let down the bed where the sick of the palsy lay and when Jesus saw their faith he said unto the sick of the palsy what son thy sins be forgiven thee they are now operating by faith I said they are not operating by faith one more time they are not operating by faith now why am I saying this to you because when you're truly operating by faith you're out of your mind let me let me see let me see it another way when you're truly operating by faith you are under the influence you see when you're not at that place where faith has been built you will find that you're still trying to make something happen or trying to hopefully believe something but not when faith comes when real faith is developed you will say things that are out of your mind I came to the man I'd meditated the word of Mark chapter 10 verse 29 and 30 that no man that's a house a mother father sister brother not put IBM and shall receive a hundredfold now I'm meditating one Dale's going down the University Avenue st. came alive I used the phone said baby I'm leaving this company she said well praise the Lord and what did I do I went in and said boss John I said I'm leaving the company he jumped up and shut the door he said Bill what's wrong I said nothing wrong I guess it's my time now he thought I was going to competition he didn't want to ask me but he didn't he said well why I don't want to see him feel what what have we done what why are you leaving I said well I got a call on my life you got a what how I got a call on my life he said take two weeks off right there because my for you to tear a roof open you gonna have to be out of your mind come on now I'm talking about when you face these Giants you will have to face them out of your mind you will have to know something your mind don't know yet and I'm telling you when that thing comes and you do that I said you are under the influence you ever seen a drunk man come on you ever seen it come on he here telling you he's not responsible Wow because he's under the influence and you get under the influence of God when you're walking by faith God is waiting on your faith and I'm telling you some of y'all are pretty much ready to do it [Applause] you get a word that God has promised you and meditated day and night and heal you observe to do what this word has said and you will have good success I said you'll be a millionaire I said come on now I said by His stripes and see it don't makes it to your natural mind all the businesses that that everything was in the ditch things were going down but notice what I said I'm leaving this company he knew that company would been good to me he knew that company could take care of me he knew that to lead this company I had to something had to be wrong but I Ted John I gotta go he said all my goodness he said now let me tell you Bill you want to say here you wanted this will give you a job we'll let you get turn will let you serve the community will give you a same salary I went home I thought that was God I went home and prayed God said let no man say he made Abraham [Applause] I came here with $200 because now give God a shout you going well praise God I trusted you were blessed by today's message now here is a powerful point you want to remember when you are truly operating by faith you are out of your mind now what do I be by that I'm talking about when you're really seeing faith you don't see obstacles you don't see some of the negative things people bring into it you are just completely out of your mind a lot of people are trying to operate in faith with sense knowledge faith and that means that it looks right and logical so forth uh-uh not faith faith is believing God and his word alone so once you get in faith you're out of your mind praise God well I'm offering a bundle now this includes today's series facing the giants plus my book called faith in the blessing now this is a powerful series of of teachings now you need to put together in your faith library it's a must or you need to get it today put in your start listening to it watch it bring you from one level of where you are to a whole nother level well this is bill Winston saying we love you and until next time keep walking by faith today's dynamic series facing the Giants is available in its entirety on CD or mp3 on DVD or mp4 to order in the US call 1-800 seven one one nine three two seven or contact us online at billwinston.org in canada call us at eight four four two nine eight twenty nine hundred or contact us online at billwinston.org that you'll need to face and conquer those giants in your life the Giants of fear the Giants of failure and adversity standing in the way of your success as an additional resource today we offer a special bundle which includes Facing the Giants four-part series and Winston's book faith in the blessing in this book dr. Winston will impart to you a true understanding of what the blessing is and how it will work to bring the best of God into your life order this life-changing bundle today my name is Mildred Maddox I'm from Hattiesburg Mississippi I became saved some years ago and after giving my life to God I had a hunger and thirst for to know his word I was hearing preaching but no teaching and one day I happen to turn on the TV this man is talking about faith what is faith I had read about faith but I had not been taught on faith and I started listening to his teaching and from his teachings from those broadcasts it taught me how to live by faith how to start speaking my whole mindset changed and when my mindsets changed by listening and applying the Word of God my whole life turned I was working for another person and he stepped out I said God you said that you shall supply all of my needs and through listening and applying and applying the law of confession and faith God blessed me to open up to businesses businesses that I know I could not have done because everything around me said no you can't you know and and to that one of them every day at 10:30 in that business my TV is on to bill wisdoms ministry and all of our clients that comes in even the ones as a regular clients they already know if they get their 1015 Miss Mildred you don't have the TV on I say you don't come on until 10:30 they are a hunger day they have I have had people to come in and just sit and listen to the teaching on that 10:30 service and came in and asked me what must I do to be sane and you know and I just say I thank God I credit all that to God connected me do broadcasts I'd never seen him before never been around but through broadcasts in all those years that he connected me with this ministry and it connected other people draw other people to Christ and it have changed my life and I said thank God because if it wasn't for you all that was partnering at that time that the ministry could go through the television where I could get it I don't know where I wouldn't be right now so I say thank you all and I thank God thank you bill Winston ministries partners for helping us take this message of faith to the world through the believers walk of faith broadcast we are reaching millions of people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ not a partner yet sign up today and be a part of what God is doing through this ministry we are transforming the world for Christ one life at a time doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry [Music] the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world this broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of bill Winston ministries partners and Friends we invite you to become a partner and join dr. bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have dominion over it Thank You bill Winston ministries partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast [Music]
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 410,911
Rating: 4.8620191 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith, BW 1773-2
Id: c-hjVehwnnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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