2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Kingdom Concepts and Revelation Knowledge (3:00 p.m. CT)

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this this this meeting really is is like i said it's it's a place um that god is is going to meet people with with miracles [Music] watch this this is the last [Music] week you're going to go through what you've been going through you know [Music] [Applause] all right let's uh let's open up bibles here flow oh that's it right there okay come on come on come on come on you got it yeah i'll give a little time to get down here praise god we'll wait on you uh let's go over to uh isaiah and isaiah chapter um nine please isaiah chapter nine let's say i want to get this thing picked out here somewhere amen okay just a minute i think uh they're coming down i think am i right okay okay okay all right that's that's all right that's all right and just take a time i'll i'll sit it right here and no no nobody gonna get it until you get here amen love you too praise god all right here let's go verse six unto us a child is born a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace and all that the increase of his government there shall be no end so this government that we're talking about really is all right praise god now you had some faith in your voice amen well that's care from god you hurt alone boy amen now he just finished preaching on that now make sure you heard from god all right so we're talking in terms of a government and um we're he's talking about the kingdom of god the kingdom of god is coming jesus preached in matthew's gospel chapter 6 and verse 10 pray thy kingdom come thy what will be done where in earth as it is in heaven all right said in earth all right now let's look at isaiah 8 and 18 behold i and the children whom the lord has given me are for signs and wonders in israel isn't that powerful the children that the lord has given me so we can see that we many times he calls us little children and if you know anything about child and growth of a child you get a child from from zero to seven years old and nine years old their subconscious is completely open meaning that whatever is poured in there is what they believe and he calls us little children because when we get born again then we are starting all over again in terms of this birth and what we're able to receive all right now let's go over here to isaiah and isaiah chapter 46 remember the former things of old for i am god and there's none else i am god and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things things that are that are not yet seen and he says my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure all right now that's kind of where we left off last time but let's go over here if you will to ephesians in ephesians in chapter five ephesians chapter five okay in ephesians chapter 5 and he says be ye therefore what followers of god as what dear who children okay all right let's uh let's have somebody over here it's got a ipad that's got a uh okay come on and uh look at that same scripting the amplified translation let's just see what that scripture says and get a microphone out here okay just uh you can probably just speak it into my microphone just go ahead talk loud enough praise god therefore yeah you you know [Applause] all right it's all right doc okay that's okay you all right amen okay therefore be imitators of god copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father now do that again read that whole thing again now listen at this now therefore be imitators of god copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father okay read it one more time therefore be imitators women whatever you find therefore what you're gonna find out what is there for keep going be imitators of god the imitators of who god [Applause] copy him copy him and follow his example follow his example keep going as well beloved children imitate their father give him a handclap here's 100. thank you now when god was creating the world um the way he did it was with words he spoke let there be light the literal translation says he said light be and light was now where was light before it was here on the earth where was it it was in god so he had something formed inside of him before he spoke it out now it says for us to do what imitate him now the way he got it there is with words is with words and you and i are going into a season where we are going into our full potential [Applause] the highest level of spiritual life to speak things into existence [Applause] and you remember when moses was bringing the children of israel through the wilderness they wanted water and god told him to take the stick and hit the rock and the water came out am i right but now the next time they want to water he didn't give him those same instructions what did he tell him to do let me speak to it and when he would speak to it god said water will come out but moses got frustrated he was angry at the at the children of israel he called them rebels you rebels and then instead of speaking to the rock what did he do with him he struck that rod and when he struck that rock did water come out yeah but was that the will of god so next thing you know god tells him you're not going and i think you can get into a place where people who don't have any faith try to frustrate your faith you could be in your own house come on help me now it could be at the job whatever have you but don't let that happen and the way you can keep that from happening is keep a perfect picture of where you're going and that's what we talked about last time so here is joseph in genesis chapter 37 and joseph has a dream what does he do he told it to his brothers then god gave him a second dream no this is he saw his brothers bowing down to him now what was this this was god's plan for his life god saw the future and showed him that's right and one of the jobs of the holy spirit is to see your future amen and show you and i mentioned that last time that i said that one person really did a good job of this and one of his partner letters rick renner and his talk about the holy spirit this is coming out of second corinthians chapter 13 verse 14. and call the holy spirit what um the greek calls partner or the word was cononia and the job of the holy spirit is to help you and to help you get from where you are to where god plans for you to go and so what he does is he actually can show you things to come and when he shows you these things to come then there is a peace inside of you that can only come from that and when you have that peace excuse me when you have that peace you can go from here to there even though people try to harass you on the way [Music] your destiny has already been confirmed and you will make it to the other side [Applause] say amen to that see what you see is what you believe and you are not designed to say boldly what you believe you declare something boldly unless you believe it so i've got to get in this bible and i've got to wait until i believe and he keith talked about you know presumptuous faith that wasn't god at all but what you do is let the holy spirit paint a picture in here and and that's a confirmation lord have mercy all right let me let me keep going here so what we said is about jesus that jesus was the bible says for the joy that was set before him jesus endured the cross despising the shame and was set down at the right hand of god so here is jesus but we showed you in mark chapter 10 verse 34 how jesus saw his destiny he said now they're going to you know arrest me they're going to beat me they're going to spit on me and they're going to kill me but in three days i'm coming up now i know this this sounds really elementary but it is profound it is profound when you can see where you're going you got no problem going there [Applause] especially where if where you're going is going to be a great benefit to you and that's what you want to do so you want to get in this and i had a little book called the missing link of meditation because that's the way god taught me to get there all right here's here's a case in point now let me give you this i've got a lot of stuff here i need to stick with my notes um flo okay i'm i'm i'm trying praise god hold on just just just stay with me now you cannot take delivery of what you cannot see you cannot take delivery of what you cannot see over in revelations in revelation chapter 5 and verse 12. now i'm not going to go through all of these you're just going to have to look it up and trust me um revelation chapter 5 verse 12. he talks about your inheritance and he said your inheritance and and he said you know your inheritance is power is riches it's it's honor it's all that now all that's yours but if you can't see it you can't have it all right all that is yours but if you can't see it you can't have it now let's go over to genesis and genesis and chapter and i'm going somewhere with all of this genesis chapter 13 please all right in genesis chapter 13 go over to god hallelujah i said glory to god [Applause] all right in genesis chapter 13 i got it here somewhere praise god he talks in here about that seven the fact i took took abraham talking to abraham now and he said to abraham genesis 13 genesis chapter 13 and verse 14. all right where are you i guess the new bible i'm trying to break this thing in newton he said well i'll i'll tell you what it says i know what it says i said i know what it says all right just a minute i want i want to share this with you we're going to do this thing because you're going to get your money all right and he says here um uh genesis chapter 23 and 14. uh did i say 13-14 yeah all right he says uh this uh wait a minute wait a minute this is a new bible just a minute come on bible well it's just a minute i'll go get my other one i brought two uh sister copeland taught me how to bring more you know she's got a lot of reference material but he says here that that after lot was separated from abraham he said lift up now thou now it's okay i see you there uh and look northward southward eastward and westward for all the land which you see to thee will i give it unto thy seed forever that's what he said to him am i right about it all right so you're not going to get what you can't see even though jesus died to provide it he provided uh riches he provided honor he provided power he provide all of that is ours but you're not going to get what you can't see when adam was before the fall he functioned by revelation not information mankind has fallen to information but whoever has revelation is going to dominate it's the rhema of god notice brother hagin all these years of his ministry he had ministry and he taught mark 11 23-24 but he named the school rhema amen because revelation is the most valuable asset in the school of faith amen you've got to see it and what happens with a lot of believers is they've hear some good preaching but they don't take time to take it through the process by which it transfers from the head down into their heart [Music] so what happens is we end up staying where we are he's got the riches up there he's talking about riches folks he's talking about riches he said in deuteronomy what chapter 28 uh i think it's verse 11. i'll make you plenteous in goods you remember that in chapter 12 i think verse 12 he said i'll i'll i'll uh i'll make you the lender and not the borrower watch this he said i'll have you lending to many nations [Music] i'll have you lending diminuti you know what that means that means you will have enough to help another nation meet their budget [Music] he's not talking about one or two of you he's talking about everybody everybody amen and then watch this in verse 13 he says you will be the head and not to tell am i right about it he said you'll be what above only and not beneath that means every place that god sends you watch this you're going to be the wealthiest person there now now see you you what you got to do is you gotta first of all know that that's in the word of god if it's in the word of god it is part of your promise if it's part of your promise then what you revelate you can receive and so what has happened is we've not done that we've not taken that next step because god wants it so that the poor don't have to be uh supported by the federal government he wants the government of the kingdom why so that they can see who god really is amen are y'all with me here now how do you qualify for this you've got to get born again he said over in john 3 3 when you're born again you'll see the kingdom of god and the kingdom of god is self-contained lord jesus i'm i'm moving too fast here all right let's just say with revelation first as far as you can see i'm going to give it to you let's reverse it if you can't see it you can't have it right not that listen god it's not up to god it's not up to god jesus has died it and put it away for you and now this putting it away is yours and he's made it so the devil can't touch it but you can get it transferred to you through revelation [Music] revelation brings a revolution when you've got revelation of what your rights are hey let me tell you if somebody comes in here and gets your coat and and and take it while let's say you're away or gone for a moment and you tell somebody to watch them a coke well somebody comes right by and just pick that coat and walk off they'll say oh oh wait wait and they'll say something you know whatever but but because it's not their coat they don't have a certain level of interest but when you know it's your coat amen to that and revelation transmits ownership it it lets you know have mercy come on help me i'm gonna get you there because i'm going there healing same thing see everything jesus did he saw and he was telling us just wait a minute wait till the lord tells you to do something well he'll tell you to do something through putting it inside of you say there stay with me now oh lord have mercy okay all right let's let's let me back up here let me back up because i'm i'm finding myself i i ca and this ain't no struggle once revelation comes struggle leaves [Applause] satan comes the blind the what mine he second corinthians 4 4 he comes the blind of mine so he knows all of this is yours he knows every place the soul of your foot shall tread upon he knows it's yours ah let me give you let me give you another example that's all right we're gonna go we're gonna cut through this uh [Applause] all right okay now all these well stay with me all this is kingdom concepts this king because i'm not coming at this from a western standpoint i'm coming at this from the standpoint of what jesus was teaching and he taught the kingdom he taught the kingdom this this kingdom that he taught holy i had some things here this kingdom that he taught i got some time we're going to cut we're going to cut through this thing [Applause] this thing kingdom not eta i'll just put these points down to remind myself to give them to you one it is a government second it has a king third it has a domain a domain now you look that up it has a territory when i when i was um giving lincoln pulaski as my assignment when i first got to chicago that's where i went i went there i a little uh they had a little ministry down there at lake polaski which was on the west side of chicago which it was shooting i mean it was dodge city and that's where god directed me so i went to like and i spoke a message there i didn't have anywhere else to preach so they invited me there 25 people and god worked miracles and the person who had the ministry said god is telling me to turn this ministry over to you i said wait a minute let me check god and see what god is saying about that i said god got to take it so i took it and then not shortly after we're teaching the word teaching the kingdom and a lady breaks in the door saying where's the pastor i said i'm the pastor she said she said the drug dealers have taken over my block i said okay she said what are you going to do about it now understand drug dealers are operating in my domain now you better come on with me see if you don't understand the kingdom how is the power of the kingdom supposed to flow so what happened i said okay i said get in the circle let's pray now i got to pray because i got to hear from headquarters because keith just told you you can't go out and do something on your own i'm talking about miracles say miracles say signs and wonders say i am made for signs and wonders so i'm not looking for god to deliver this naturally i'm not looking for that the kingdom of god is a supernatural kingdom and so what happened she get in a circle we hold hands and pray i pray in the holy ghost why because the holy ghost can help me dip into that well inside of me and pull up wisdom from insights amen to this and so what happened i said god is telling me to give you this bottle of oil he told me to bless it and have you to pour it down the middle of your street now how did i know that i could see it i could it the words become life and next thing i know i gave it to her now listen at me because god's got a wisdom for every situation you've got he he over in um john chapter 17 he said listen um as i'm sending you into the world uh i'm sending you into that world and understand that claude have mercy uh i'm gonna get it but but he is he is saying he is saying that i'm not sending you in there for you to get get killed i'm not sending you in there for you to get hurt i'm not sending you in there i wouldn't be that way i'm a father i'm a good father i'm not going to sing you that way so when i send you in there i want you to have knowledge of the fact that you've got resources that cannot be seen [Applause] [Music] you've got resources that cannot be seen and what has happened is the church for the most part has been like samson what is the first thing they did with samson when they finally got him they put out his eyes they got him no longer did he have revelation and when you don't have revelation then people become a victim and i'm just saying for the people of god it's revelation it's the bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge so what kind of knowledge come on what kind of not information everybody's got that the way you're going to dominate the people who have 15 phds is through revelation whoever has revelation is going to be on top i don't care where you go it doesn't make any difference so what happened she said give me the bottle of oil give it here well she was eager to get it because when you're desperate you'll listen to what i'm saying even when the it sounds kind of foolish so she took the oil poured it down the street came back in three days said pastor guess what well i knew what because of isaiah chapter 55 verse 11 so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it will not return to me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it will prosper in the thing wherein to i sent it are you with me here so what did she do she followed the instructions of the holy ghost which were given to the prophet and when she did that drug dealers came out the next day for one hour and never came back notice i didn't go to the local police excuse me police i've popo i've got something higher than the police come on now i've got an army of angels psalm 91 am i right about it and and and and and proverbs chapter 4 and verse i think it's 7 he says that the angel of the lord encamped around about them that fear him and will deliver them so watch this so i'm walking i'm walking down in lake pulaski that i'm walking there and all these angels are with me the holy ghost is with me the anointing is on me i'm talking about you now i'm talking about wherever you go you need to start being more mindful of the supernatural [Applause] now as far as you can see i'm going to give it to you as far as you can see he will deliver to you am i right about that now you just go through the bible and see what happened to people second kings chapter six oh down around verse 16. here's a young prophet in training went outside to get the older prophet some some some coffee and looked up and he saw nothing but but but syrian army soldiers and he said master what are we going to do now watch what the master said there be more with us than with them amen and what happened this these this army had the nerve to advance to get the prophet but the prophet said something words lord blind them sir every soldier not one that that was with this group was without blindness blinded every one of them you still with me one prophet had access to as many angels as he needed that's old testament if you're going to work miracles you got to be miracle-minded you've got to be mindful of the supernatural and you've got to be more mindful of the supernatural than you are of the natural you've got to believe that wait wait wait wait wait now this man of god came in here tuesday and told me that i could be a millionaire in a month now watch the natural mind take over let me see now how can i do that i can sell some t-shirts and so forth are you you follow what i'm saying no no no no no no with revelation it not only gives you the end but it gives you the process it gives you the strategy lord have mercy all right let's do this let's go to joshua chapter six let me get my old bible here and see joshua chapter six i know this is the right bunch see if if if i've got angels that can go out and bring me glory to god bring me the provision that i need or if i've got the anointing of favor on my life that the favor of god will be on me so when i ask for something they will give it up are you following what i'm saying when esther went into the king's chamber was she supposed to go in there no but did she go in there did the king give up half of his kingdom no that didn't get very many clintons okay all right here's what he says he says this now jericho was straight up straightly shut up straight up jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in and the lord said unto joshua see underline it i have given into thy hand what jericho and the king thereof and the what mighty men of valor and you shall notice he giving him instructions how to do it now all this comes with revelation i'm not going to get off revelation i'm not going to just just just relax and get ready because i'm gonna talk to you about revelation first jesus said peter he asked him who do men say that i am peter said thou art the christ the son of the living god is what jesus said flesh and blood has not what revealed this to you but my what father which is in heaven now don't don't miss the word flesh and blood has not what say it again say it again it's hot reveal see you can't get this knowledge off the blackboard or the whiteboard whatever it is in school you've got to get it only from the holy ghost so the holy ghost can take you up to another level of thinking watch this that you can do another level of things in your life [Music] [Applause] see god plans for you to take every mountain [Music] he plans for you to take control of economics come on of education he plans for you to take control of media come on he he plans for us to be at the top of every mountain and you're not going to go up without seeing it you can't go up without revelation knowledge lord have mercy now holy ghost you're going to have to help me because i got to get these people going here all right now now i'm see i'm i'm talking i can i want to i want i got to talk outside of your natural mind because your natural mind can't grab this [Music] he said my thoughts are not your what and because of it my ways are not your what wait so god's gonna have to give me some new thoughts if he wants me to act differently i came to announce to you that this conference is now going to open your eyes this this is going to be an eye-opening conference for the people of god amen folks that enemy is not supposed to dominate the atmosphere with a virus god is not running the world god is running the church and the church should be what running the world so i'm here to tell you he said well somebody over here give me you got it got ipad come in then then come come here and and did i see hand over oh come here with the ipad if you've got ipad come here come come come on all right look at matthew chapter 16 and verse 19 in the cev translation you're going to get this before you before i get up out of here [Music] now now i'm saying this because the enemy put samson's eyes out when he did watch this samson is now plowing like an ox watch this making money for the world something's wrong with that picture and i'm saying as long as the enemy can keep revelation away then he can try to control the world he can through the church he can try to control the church but those days are over i said those days are over have you got it okay he's got it all right uh that i have here here's a microphone uh no i thought one's here but that's okay he's got one come on praise god amen okay read this in the c e v it's not it's not getting it uh okay yeah oh there's somebody there's somebody she's comfortable right here okay okay um yeah stephen okay uh cev yes matthew chapter 19 chapter 16 and verse 19. i'm going to take my time y'all ain't going to rush me i'm taking my time okay go ahead i will give you the give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and god in heaven will allow what's whatever you allow on earth keep going but he will not allow anything you don't allow now read it again you can't read it one time you can't read it one time whoever i will give you wait a minute hold it whoever had that come on up here again you came up here and and read to me the king james version of psalm 62 and verse 11. come on come on come on back up come on back up all right yeah okay keep going read it read it again i will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and where all this is in reference to the kingdom because that's all jesus gave reference to that's right he didn't give reference to any of the cultures or anything like that he's not talking about that all this comes through the kingdom and a kingdom concept all right look say it again i will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and god in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth one more time i will give you the kingdom of heaven no no no the keys to the keys to the kingdom of heaven yes indeed and god in heaven not in heaven will allow whatever allow whatever whatever you allow on earth on earth on earth it's this pandemic thing on earth now he said he will allow do you believe god can clean up a pandemic do you believe he can clean it up in one day now i'm trying to get you to see this because we haven't been miracle-minded we haven't been miracles are not hocus pocus they're not magic they're laws and god is saying hey wait a second you believe me for that and you will get delivered that cause part of your inheritance is this terra firma it's the earth itself this is your domain this doesn't belong to the devil or the devil's children it belongs to you and he's holding it only because the people of god don't have revelation of what they own [Applause] read it one more time i will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and god in heaven will allah and god in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth but he will not allow anything you don't allow bless you come on over he's going to read psalms 62 and verse 11. god had spoken once twice have i heard this stop right there say it again say it again god had spoken once god has spoken once twice have i had this twice have i heard the first time was information but the next time was revelation are you following what i'm saying god bless you hold it wait a minute i got two okay that's one okay bless you all right now you're with me now what am i saying just hold on to that what am i saying to you i'm saying wait a minute hold on that devil is not supposed do you agree that the pandemic is a curse have you been redeemed from the curse and according to where jesus ministered everywhere he went he took del he took dominion over the curse because he's taken you back to eden god is saying i'm giving you dominion over the fish of the sea come on over the fowl of the air come on over the cattle and over all the earth folks the church has no business being pitied [Applause] the church should be honored wow look what you've got look what's in you the bible says in luke 12 the whole kingdom is in you in luke chapter 17 and verse 21 he said show us the kingdom he said wait a minute the kingdom of god is not in meat and drink or the kingdom of god is within you and i'm saying how powerful is that kingdom he says over in psalm 103 and verse 19 that the kingdom of god rules over everything lord have mercy come on this should be the church's finest hour brother copeland and i stood on that platform in england and and he was speaking right after me and he said bill bill come back out here i had just finished speaking and he took my hand i took his hand and he cursed that ebola at the root curse that thing and if two on earth oh come on come on if two on earth i'm telling you david didn't run from goliath which way did he run he ran to it because he knew greater is he's at his now here's where you got to go you got to go from striking the rock to speaking to it we've got to understand the value of our words if you believe it and decree it it shall be done i said if you believe it and decree it it shall be done jesus is the king of who a king rules by decree he doesn't move he sits right there on that throne and say off with his head and that is it nobody questions it come on now if the bible is full of this but the secret is in the kingdom that i got to come back to being kingdom minded i got to come back and say why why wait a minute where is the kingdom it's in me but what is the kingdom going to do in me it's going to provide for me everything i need independent of what's going on around me it'll provide me with wisdom it'll provide me with food it'll provide look at jesus ministering to the people who are maimed now why am i saying this because before i believe our generation leaves we're going to be putting on arms and legs and eyes and hair and they brought to jesus those who were blind and lame and maimed and so forth and threw them at his feet and noticed every one of them got healed the blind received sight the lame began to walk the main were made whole i'm talking about people who might have been in war and lost their limb or diabetes and had a leg cut off i got good news for you they're looking for the child of god because in the last days we're gonna be the most popular people on the face of this place no no no no if thou can believe if thou can believe if thou can believe all things are possible and and check this out believing is seeing yes see that's that's you're not designed to believe what you can't see so god the holy spirit shows it to you so you can believe and once you believe the deal is over he asked the lepers oh the three or four blind men or whoever two blind men he said do you believe i'm able to do this they said what yes lord he said then according to your faith be it unto you eyes are open lord have mercy come on how about blind bartimaeus sitting by the wayside begging he was a beggar blind and begging and notice jesus came by he said who's there and they said it's jesus he said jesus he had heard about him jesus jesus jesus watch this and they came over to him and said sh we in church man watch this and he cried what louder because revelation brings a revolution man they can't shut you up when you can see your healing that i don't care if you're limping they can't shut you up oh man i didn't know the time had gone by that much now what am i saying to you now what we're going to do is we're going to get this word we're going to get these tapes all these people preaching we're going to not play it one time we're going to play it two times maybe three times come on i played it five times but what happened it's dropping from my head come on down into my heart and when it gets into your heart let me tell you you become hard to handle when you can see it and say it it's a done deal you become like god now let me just finish with this tomorrow [Applause] this is what the man said when they were in a complete economic drought here's what he said the prophet stood up he said now tomorrow about this same time come on miracle minds come on with god all things are about this same time it's gonna be plenty come on and it's going to be cheap and what happened all of a sudden here comes a very intellectual man said if god would open heaven himself there is no way this place could change that quickly the prophet said you will see it but you're not going to partake of it and all of a sudden there were four leprous men and this is what they said inspired by the holy ghost because this word won't return void they said why we're gonna sit here till we die if we go in there they're starving if we stay here we're going to die well let's get up and go into the enemy's camp i've got good news for you you're about to go into the enemies [Applause] he's got i'm saying to you this is the last week you're gonna think you're gonna be what you are god's got big plans for you you will not miss it it's gonna happen starting today [Applause] david said this in psalm chapter 119 and verse 18. he said lord open my eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of your law brother hagin said this he said he prayed from ephesians and chapter 1 verse 16 through 18 and he prayed it every day said i cease not to give thanks making mention of you in my prayers that the god of the lord jesus christ the father of glory will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance my friends the church is now going to be the church we are about to demonstrate the greatest power that this earth has ever seen god chose you to be in this generation you're going to start speaking things and they're going to come to pass from now on i will take the words of leroy thompson you'll never be broke another day in your life i speak to every sickness i command you to be made hope come on anybody who is going through oppression i command you to be free in jesus name i said healings deliverance i command prosperity i command cars be paid off i command mortgages be paid up in jesus name i command school loans be paid for it's about [Applause] [Music] you remember what i said if you can see it god will deliver it [Applause] father open their eyes that they may behold wondrous things out of your word father we give you praise and we call it done in jesus name if you receive that shout [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa i got a word everything's gonna be all right i gotta work everything's gonna be all right [Applause] i gotta work everything's gonna be all right be all right be all right be all right hey the holy ghost told me homie go he told me that everything's gonna be all right you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 56,024
Rating: 4.8943396 out of 5
Id: lv1dmDMW4s0
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Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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