2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Facing the Giants (3:00 p.m.)

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all right I've got one hour reach it all reach it out we have three services on Sunday and the people come in the last service talk about preach it all they've slept half the morning okay yeah right all right let's go back let's go hey Matt hey Matt let's go back to Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter to this where we started before mm-hmm around me chapter 2 and we started here at verse 24 now we're talking about Facing the Giants Facing the Giants Sina I set my set my clock here let's see it go over to God just do that brother Copeland does I just touch it when it goes but facing the Giants why am I even here in this topic because the church one man said it that I'm gonna repeat what he said that the church has been on the comfortable side of persecution long enough oh I like that comfortable side of persecution and the Bible says in second Timothy that all who live godly shall suffer persecution all who live godly and these giants were the ones that won the promised land on that they were living in it yeah and these practice for land was for God's people and the Giants had it and they were having a good time with it and 12 spies that was sent out 10 of them came back with an evil report as you know and all the people got fearful fraid there's only two people that that made it into the Promised Land that was Joshua and Caleb and you know the story but they brought back these big grapes you know to just build the desire of the people this is that was God's intent God wants us to desire what He desires for us in other words to allow his desire to be our desire and so what happened was they died in the wilderness and they weren't supposed to this foes are going to Canaan so it's amazing how many people of God are dying without their promises and that's not the way it's supposed to be and I really want to be an agent to put it into that put it into that because these promises are for us and God wants us to have them and it's even through those promises the Bible talks about we escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust some pressure and but these promises are key for us one man said this if faith has no proof it's a fake I like that too because our faith should be doing something you know we we just don't have faith to have faith I mean what you'll do with faith faith is give him for a reason you know and one of the teachings that I learned way back when when I first started I think Charles Capps and I was listened to but he taught on the kingdom of God and the kingdom of God is a new order of living by faith you got to live by faith to live in the kingdom and and what happens is and I went over there I think last time I think I'll cover some of this but Jesus said over in John chapter 10 verse 9 he said I am the door and that's what I talked about last time not the door in other words if you want to come in I'm the door talks about one script he talks about it's a narrow way describes a man who's loaded up and had to unload him and then bring him through the door and then load him back up but he's the door he's the one that we introduce people to but I really didn't want to be introduced to Jesus until I saw what was in the pasture okay all right see how I'm gonna have to do some work here he said he that innocent will be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture so picture that's grazing that's provision so all the provision is back here it's through the door I'm not gonna camp at the door I'm not gonna sleep in the door I'm gonna go on in the house and find provision and all these provisions are in the house healing deliverance preservation soundness peace joy prosperity businesses all this is in the house and we got to get this over in the revelation chapter 12 12 chapter 5 and verse 12 he talks about it as the inheritance package over here let me just tune in here over in Revelation what did I say chapter 5 and verse verse 12 he says though he's a god I'll get it I know you got it up here he said this wind blowing here he says verse 12 saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing that's called an inheritance package you know like you go to a job and get a benefits package this is it is your Kingdom benefits package it's one of those of preach and so we we gotta get back here we just can't come to a meeting like this and leave like we came look over here in Hebrews I know I got to in Deuteronomy just you told me to to flow away many where they read what he says here in verse 12 he was chapter 5 for me and verse 12 Oh enough for the time we ought to be teachers you have need of one teach you again which be the first principles of the Oracles of God that are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a baby laud him but strong meat belongeth to those of full age so forth is long but I want you to see that first verse tear verse 12 he said look what he says he says for wind for the time that you ought to be teachers you have need of one teach you again which be the first principles of the Oracles of God hey you had it but because it wasn't used now you slip back now need somebody to teach you again and that's what I'm saying I'm saying and you come to a meeting like this all this work that's going forth in here I mean you I remember when I was at a going to school at seminary oru and I remember I couldn't wait to get out of class because I would load up my car there's my wife will to stand up wave phrase God sister Veronica said that so they can see thirty thirty five thirty thirty six thirty thirty something years and and you know when she would load me up in the car she'd load up the chairs in the trunk of the car and she'd load up I had a sound system that I'd purchased she'd load that up and I head for the north side of Tulsa and that's where the housing government housing project is more the poor and I'd set it up there's always somebody said there was a lady that I knew I said can I run my cord through your window and in in half service oh yeah and you get so you know and I'd get out there preach like a house of fire now I'm saying I'll tell people how good god is and that God these people didn't have much anything but God is a good guy and so I remember one time I called for Souls and a man came up he had his arm in a sling and he had it wrapped up I had a cast from from from the wrists down to the elbow and I I prayed for him to be saved and then I said to him I said now what's wrong with your arm he said my wife cut me so ok I said now do you believe God can heal that he said well yeah and I said ok let me pray for you boom started praying once I started praying for him he start moving his fingers and his hand began to move on out arm began to move out he said look at that look at that that's what he said now I'm I'm I'm praying but I got I'm watching and praying cause I is we asked him it was rough out there and and so and so what happened hmm was the gentleman that was assisting me just got saved two nights before so it was you know he had alcoholism and a lot of stuff and he was assisting me cuz I try to get somebody saved and then let them assist me and so he is syste me so he's on this side the guys on this side of me and the guys looking at his arm and the guy on this side says are you healed he said yeah he said well shake my hand in and grab that thing and start pulling it like I say oh Jesus and that the man held his hand he said look at that I said I said God healed you he went home took all the stuff off his arm came back and had a little suture where the doctor had sewed up his arm just left just a little bit just like the holes that were left in Jesus's hands just a little suture right there everything else was completely healed up and he said this I will go home I believe is healed my back to see she had cut him in the back in the back to I said brother I'm glad you here I'm glad you were able to get things but once they saw the pasture they couldn't wait to know the where the door was show me the door and I was the same way I was head over heels and dead also deep in debt I couldn't pay attention and I call it my job and and you know walking down the aisle it I being like I'm um you know who to thought it and and didn't have anything I mean broke calling they didn't have caller ID at that time so you just have to pick it up and take your chances and I got I got on to him do I start kind of disguising my voice ya ha hallo he not here but-but-but I'm hurting and I hear Charles Capps talking about putting debts on a kitchen table and pointing at him this is throwing me into the kingdom because I got to see some demonstration huh I've heard preachers I had heard pretty didn't want to hear no more but that's what happened to me I say wala he's Charles Capps says God has no respect of persons Romans I mean LeBeau shunned Arabic esata did he because she tear Acts chapter 10 verse 34 Peter said I perceive God has no respect of person but in every nation he that heareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him so that means had the same access to his blessing I said if you'll do it for Charles Capps Charles Capps head he'll do it for me man I couldn't wait to get them bills put him on that table I said bills I'm talking to you now you got to talk quicker they talk back I said here [Applause] in the name of Jesus I did that and started and out of debt flow one years totally out of debt oh no man nothing we owe no man nothing from the time all the way to today as years buy everything cash discs at what huh cuz I got ahold of the pasture see and I declared that in my life I'm gonna live what I'm preaching I'm gonna live it when I preach it i'ma preach it with the authority and I'm a preacher with all the gusto because it is in my life and it's gonna be in yours I said today is gonna be the last day you going through what you going all right but let's let's get in here now and see what the Lord has so the supernatural is should be natural to the believer I mean it should be the way the thing that the education system is trying to do today is they're trying to what I call they're trying to take their time to take the spirit out of learning they're they're trying to make it so that you don't focus on the spirit but it's all soul and body you got what I'm saying so the way that Satan goes after doing that is take the Bible out he's gonna take the Bible out so you won't know anything about the spirit and let me tell you I'm telling you all kinds of things has happened since then but one of our purposes for being here is to take Dominion that including that includes changing laws especially ungodly laws that we're gonna get Bibles back in school well Reverend we have them already in the in the Christian school no no no no no no the Bible says the whole earth is the Lord's not just Christian school and [Applause] what we got to do is we got to first wake up to identification knowing who we now let me just start here and let's see can we get somewhere with this because this this this is powerful stuff folks this is powerful stuff I went down to Sri Lanka and down in just south of India and we're preaching down there before I preach I'm sitting near the deer what kind of honoring me at that time it had a chair right there it's it's packed I mean yeah he had services but I'd say what time does the service star just hit four o'clock I said four o'clock p.m. no am i said a.m. a.m. yeah I'm from America am and Soho so I got there around 7:00 packed all outside packed everything came downtown so then the bishop got up he said I won't just say a few worth before we bring up dr. Winston's coming up he said that every Christian now watch this every Christian after being saved within nine months should be a millionaire watch this now I got a priest behind us and watch what he said next if they are not there's something wrong with them or something wrong with their preacher that's it okay all right let's open our text - with God all things are possible you think about it the first thing you have is the Holy Ghost same into this the next thing you have is you are an ambassador you are sent from a wealthy family come on now Thanks yeah you could just add these things up you've got what the world never had there are things that are possible with God that are totally impossible with me I'm not just saying to be a millionaire to be a millionaire but my point to you is is there's a lot you can do with some money I better come over here there is a lot I don't know what you've ever got on the battlefield but you get this gospel out costs of money all right okay let's look at this because there are some things I want to want to share with you now I'm gonna finish on time but don't rush me all right let's go do it on me chapter 2 and verse 24 rise you up and take your journey pass over the river arnon behold I've given into thy hands I am the amorite king of Heshbon and his land began to possess it and contend with him in battle this day will I began to put the dread of the in the fear of the upon the nations that are under the whole of heaven which is here report of the until tremble and be in anguish because of thee alright let's go over to acts Acts chapter 1 in verse 8 okay acts 1 and verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and in other most parts of the earth all right power Dunamis why it's put in your Bible miracle working ability miracle working abilities let's go over to John Romans please in Romans in chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 and verse 17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ now the amplified says reign as kings in life a king functions by decree a king functions by decree over in Revelation chapter 19 he said on his thighs written king of kings and Lord of lords so a king functions by decree a Lord functions by ownership the Lord functions by ownership your kings and Lords now if I go on over to Luke's Gospel now in Luke chapter 19 over Luke chapter 19 he says here starting at verse 12 and he said therefore he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return and he called his 10 servants and delivered them to in pounds and he said unto them what occupy till i come lord have mercy occupy till i come i said you can put in your bible advance and hold advance and hold now what are we gonna be advancing you're gonna be advancing the kingdom you're gonna be advancing the kingdom remember what he said the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink but in righteousness peace and what joy and the Holy Ghost everybody's looking for the kingdom I don't care what religion they are they are looking for the kingdom of God every one of them they want peace righteousness they want joy and in the kingdom of God or all the provisions that you and I would ever need until Jesus comes everything's in the kingdom now what did he do with the kingdom we went to Luke and Luke chapter 17 and looking at verse 20 and when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come he answered them and said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here or lo there behold the kingdom of God is where in you speaking prophetically okay they couldn't come in two disciples before they got born again but once he got born again the whole kingdom came inside of them so everything that you'll ever need God has placed it in the kingdom it is a Commonwealth the king put it there and it's a take care of every need so when you go somewhere you can't don't have to live from the outside in you would never design to work for money you were designed that money worked for you and so this kingdom is in you now this is what I was told this is what I was preached when I got born again I didn't know anything but the kingdom and so when I look back and I took the scriptures here just if you'll just bear with me go back to Matthew's Gospel chapter four and over in Matthew's Gospel chapter four here I'll read here starting at verse 23 he said and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases among the people Matthew chapter four and verse 23 let's go to Matthew's Gospel chapter 9 over in Matthew chapter 9 verse 35 and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people let's go to Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave unto them power against unclean spirits and cat to cast them out come on down here and start reading at verse seven and when you as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand watch this heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received now freely give and what is he demonstrating the pasture he's demonstrating what's in this kingdom let's go all the way over here to the book of Acts let's go all the way over here to the book of Acts chapter 8 if you will over in Acts chapter 8 here's Philip he's going down here to Samaria and preached and verse 5 then Philip went down unto a certain city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them come on down because there was a sorcerer now and they're working in verse 11 and to him that sorcerer they had regard because that of a long time he had bewitched people with sorceries but when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the what say it louder and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both both men and women and then he goes on from there let's go over to Acts chapter 28 please Acts chapter 28 over in Acts chapter 28 he says here I'll start reading at verse 30 and Paul dwelt two whole years in his own house hired house pardon me and received all that came to him preaching the what kingdom of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence no man what forbidding him everybody freeze Kingdom that's people need see you need to see something in our lives that they desire to have and I want that I need peace with my house I need my kids saved I I mean you know I need my healing I need this I'm just saying and so this is what we can't leave out because there's a demonstration that's needed TL Osborn said this when miracle ceased people went to dead God's so we got to bring the miracles back same into that and we want to do it in Jesus name hi let's go now to let's go and deal with a word called impartation impartation now if you with me let's go to Isaiah 30 la Shanda let's just estimate it old I want you to see this this word is called impartation I know I wrote it down you know I get up here sometimes and I tried it I get things I know I wrote it and then I get in the back in there it is you know what I mean Isaiah 34 and verse 16 please all right watch this now I'm taking my time youyou gonna you're gonna shout at the end but I'm taking my time alright look what he says he says seek out of the book of the Lord and read no one of these show full none shall want him/her wait a minute put my lesson just a minute I got it I got it and read and no one of these shall fall none shall want her meat for my mouth it has commanded and His Spirit it has gathered them now what's that last part for my mouth it has commanded and his spirit it has gathered them now what does he mean by that put this down in your notes God has a covenant way of bringing his people the Lord God help me Holy Ghost come on now I got to get this come on name of Jesus a supernatural covenant way of walking in Dominion that's what I want to say he has a supernatural covenant way of walking in Dominion now let's look look at what he what he means now I'm not gonna go to the scriptures I'm just gonna tell you what it says ex Ezekiel 37 this is when there were about there was a valley of dry bones so this these bones were in this valley and God came to Ezekiel and said son of man can these bones live and Ezekiel trying to cover himself he said you know Lord and it says in verse 4 and again he said unto me watch this prophesy upon these bones and sand to them oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord thus said the Lord God under these bones behold I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live verse 7 so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and they bones came together bone to bone now when I was in in that church when I was a kid I remember you used to talk about they used to sing a song called a neck bone connected to the hip bone or something like that all right okay just stay here what is he saying he is saying that a way for you to have dominion is through impartation is through impartation now Deuteronomy and chapter 34 says here in verse 9 and Joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom and Moses because Moses had laid his for Moses had laid his hands upon him so here is Joshua taking over for Moses and Joshua was going to receive what Moses had by impartation in other words he didn't need to go through what Moses went through to get what Moses had all he needed was an impartation are y'all with me her now this is key because what he's saying in Ezekiel and what he's saying in Isaiah is that the Spirit is going to follow the word so when I'm teaching you it's not just sound it's a measure of prophetic word that has the same spirit with it that I'm preaching man this is good here I can listen to tapes or CDs the spirit of it is on it you can read certain books and the Spirit of the author comes with the book [Applause] now I'm letting you know that because [Applause] this whole impartation piece is a piece that the people of God need to expect that there be an impartation when these speakers are coming up to speak let's go over here to First Samuel and First Samuel chapter 22 please open First Samuel chapter 22 look what he says here and I'll start reading here at verse 1 and David yeah David they're of departed that so forth it's on verse 2 and everyone that was distressed everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him and he became a captain over them now check it out here these people with these three DS and they come and they're gathering to David now what has happened to David David's laid a giant Saul tried to hang his armor on it and Saul said you can't go up against this guy he's been trained in war from his youth David said no problem I killed the lion I killed the bear and I can take this guy as well I like what one man said David confess five times what he's gonna do to Goliath before he did it because you'll never rise any higher than you willing to confess so turn over to 2nd Samuel and chapter 23 please over in 2nd Samuel and chapter 23 and look at verse 8 these be the names of the mighty men whom David had the Tecla night that set in the seed chief among the captains the same was adeno the is night he lifted up his spear against eight hundred whom he slew at one time wait a minute where did they get that anointing from this is a wrong crowd where did they get the anointing from they got it from David they got it from David it was an impartation that that when he was teaching them the same anointing that was on him we can - come on them they could arrive at the kind of Dominion that he had without going through what he went through let's keep going down here look here amen look here at verse 15 and David longed and said oh that one would give me a drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem which is by the gate now it just so happened that between him and the well was the enemy but three of his men broke through got him a cup of water and gave it to him now what did Jesus teach about a cup of water come on now over in Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 you gonna wake up Matthew's Gospel and chapter 10 nobody says here in verse 41 he that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a Prophet's what the war and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive what a righteous man reward and whosoever shall give a drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of the disciple verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his reward now I believe Jesus was also talking about serving the man of God that when you serve the man of God and part of how you can serve him is with helping him get the gospel around the world that when you do that part of the anointing that's all this ministry will now start coming on you now let me give you a walking living example it's ish BW me ah as I sowed into this ministry the impartation that is on the man of God and woman of God of this ministry begin to come on my ministry are you follow what I'm saying here and I'm saying this thing works I don't care who you are it works wise God throws you did it he's trying to get you into the supernatural so that you won't have to spend years trying to develop something that you can develop in one meeting glory to God that some things can happen to you look at first samuel of second samuel chapter 23 come on down here come on down here to the bottom he said and benaiah the son this verse 20 now benaiah the son of jehoiada something praise god the son the son of a valiant man and hip zeal pays God who had done many acts watch this he slew two lion like men of Moab but watch this he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in the time of snow now who else slew a lion not the same anointing that's on David is coming on those beer no no are you with me here now notice what he said my people are destroyed for what that's of knowledge he's not talking about infamy she's talking my revelation that they haven't been taught some things and I'm telling you now that if you go back and just look at the scriptures look at second Kings when you get a chance and look at the fact that Elijah served who Elijah and he is about to go he said well if you see me when I'm gone I'll give it to you he wanted a double portion he didn't want just what was on that ministry he wants twice of what's on that myth come on now come on stay with me I'm talking about the church is a supernatural institution glory to God God has made it so that you don't have to struggle any more this this anointing that is on this ministry is available for every partner every person that is on this ministry the Apostle Paul talked about it in Philippians chapter 1 and he talked about that that you are protocol of my grace same into that and oh you got a do it believe it see you got to believe it forth when you glory to God can I keep going here no have mercy is so please I want to go I'll a by Shanda I feel something now all right now I'm saying here that God has a covenant way for us to take Dominion he knows that the time is short he knows that there is a way that that you can get dis anointing on your life that can shortcut trying to go through all the schools trying to go through all the the trials and error but you can be like a Joshua and just have Moses lay hands on you or you can be like the mighty men and just let David teach you and I'm saying right now you better get ready cause out of nor these will come on you all right let's go to Luke's Gospel and Luke chapter 5 if you will over in Luke chapter 5 this is the same principle that I'm about to tell you right now in Luke chapter 5 here and he said this close to God and look at verse hallelujah heard a Bachand ah yes indeed Luke chapter 4 us mark come on Luke Luke chapter 5 and verse led verse 17 hmm alright and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching that there were Pharisees doctors of the law sitting which were come out of every town of Galilee and Judea and Jim and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was what present to heal them now notice what I said the Spirit is gonna follow the word say amen to that and as I'm teaching right now watch this as I'm teaching right now you can receive a miracle of impartation in your life right now whoo let's go to first chronicles chapter 29 first chronicles chapter 29 can yo let me preach this first chronicles chapter 29 in first chronicles chapter 29 he did this he says what's this verse 4 he says even no no no no no no no no I want to start that dude's head verse 4 I don't want to start ok let's start at verse 3 moreover because I have my affection to [Music] to the house of my god he said I have in my own a proper good of gold and silver and so forth and so on now here's David and it said and even the three thousand talents of gold of the gold of Ophir and a seven thousand talents of silver now now now this this three towels thousand towns of gold let me let me just stop right here for a minute he's giving 3,000 talents of gold oh Jesus come on come on Holy Ghost help me now with this here praise the Lord I got to get this out I get so high came see all right now I'm telling you you're trying to read now now here's what I want to show you look down here at verse seven know verse six he said then the chief that didn't touch that yet then the chief of the fathers and princes and of the tribes of Israel and the captains of thousands and hundreds with the rulers of the Kings word work pardon me offered willingly to God and gave for the service of the house of God of gold five thousand talents of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand grams of silver and ten thousand talents and of brass now let me just say this a talent is roughly not don't please please don't don't look at my faults look at what I'm about to tell you okay all right yes just look at what about take because because I know what I can do all right five don't have any fault thank you brother look what it says here and it says it they gave they gave they gave whatever see they willingly gave lord have mercy five thousand talents now in my concordance it said a talent is um roughly a million dollars that that's in mocking : I didn't ask you about your concordance in my Conchords a talent it's roughly a million dollars now if they got gave five thousand talents somebody good in math tell me what that is what is it five billion now these boys machen David how did they start out broke busted and disgusted am i right about that how did they end up giving billions why because of impartation you killed up come on now you got to see me see what I'm saying I'm saying because we weren't inside out minded we were outside in but you can't get this outside in minded this comes through the kingdom this is a kingdom concept that if you sit in here through all these services you should go out rich you should go heal you should go out with peace you should go out with ideas [Applause] because that's the anointing that's on these people same into this all right let me keep going here oh wait a minute wait a minute ah wait that must be wrong Lord okay hold on all right you with me [Applause] so here's TL Osborn he's at a meeting he preaches then he's time you don't don't pay attention to that I'm going by that clock back there this is I'm running a little fast okay now heed preaching what he's preaching now he's going down to heal the sick but it gets to the man who's been hauled in there on the gurney and the man came in there because his foot had been crushed and so they had a sheet over it and when he came in he had one foot that was sticking up onto the sheet and when he laws board got to him doctor are 4.2 him he said what can I do for you he looked out at the sheet and two feet was sticking up he said dr. Osborn I think you've already done it why because then the word carries the spirit get sorry all right so that's enough of that you you had to grab it yourself now next identification say identification come on over to Psalm chapter 82 please Wow that was tough to get out man I'm trying to figure out why is this so tough good enough all right Psalm chapter 82 let me know when you get there are you there alright nobody says starting verse 1 God standards in the congregation of the mighty and judges among the gods alright I heard again way back when one of the men of faith say this if you read that and and and somebody could correct me if it's wrong if it's wrong I'm just gonna still put it out there I mean you've been corrected you know I'm open to correction he said if you look at in Hebrew it's Halloween standing the congregation of the elephant's and judges among the Elohim now mmm I somewhere close here all right now why am I saying this because God made you like him he's creator and your creator and what he does is he gives you things in a seed form now stay with me stay with me so here's the tree now you'll give you a tree now what you gonna do with it well I can make a chair out of it well I can get syrup out of it I'm talking about all I can do with the tree because this whole idea of creation is the word fruitful fruitful means to produce so this production that he's calling us to do is he wants us to produce something I'm not and look at a definition of the word produce and it means to bring forward it means to exhibit to the to public in other words it means to make something come forth out of what he's given produce produce a witness something that is not there bring it forth so here is a tree bring it forth well it's going to bring forth a chair now I told you that the amount that's brought forth can be monetized in the fact they call it the gross national product it's what a nation has produced with the resources that it has now the only reason a person is poor is not because they don't have enough money or a job that pays much the poverty comes close to God when when there's an absence of self production that's when it comes when an absence of self production the when when when God called the fish out of the sea he spoke to the cygnets in the book here the animals were formed from the soil from the earth I'm saying he called something out of something and and what Satan does with oppression is he keeps you from seeing what's in it say you you when when we're oppressed we can't create I mean what is a country that has come out of time let me give me give me give me give me eight more minutes here what is a country that has more natural resources than hardly anywhere else in the world what continent what continent Africa I've been to some parts of Africa and it were just like it was back in the Stone Age or something all right now I'm not downgrading Africans because some other parts of our got billionaires in it my point to you is what are you doing with what I'm giving you see what are you doing with what I'm giving because I will give you some stuff now you have to produce something and if anybody lacks wisdom let him ask of God so notice I'm going to take what I've got and create something new Bill Gates is the ability notice what it followed the money followed innovation the money followed creativity the money followed uh moaning I'm saying something here now cuz George Washington Carver asked oh god what is it that what can I do with his peanut and he let him and showed him how to make everything from face cream to children's crayons out of a peanut now I'm just saying God has put something in your hands and and and we've got to get free enough so that we can create from what he's given us law have mercy the church should be the epicenter of invention it should be the place where stuff we've got a lady now we had to come speak at our church she went and got uh old recipes she was on welfare got the old recipes she found it from a great-grandmother she took that recipe and start making the syrup that was in there and now she's a multi-millionaire products all over everywhere now I'm just saying what is it around you that's ready for production lo haré merci come on come on help okay I'm almost I'm almost done now one of the things that'll help you is a sense of righteousness consciousness righteousness consciousness now I'm saying that because when when the the the thoughts of the righteous all right meaning all right here here watch this watch this Lord the people needs the people need a word Lord now this is me in Minneapolis when I first started to preach I said people need a word I said Lord then tears king demise Lord it's Saturday night Lord and people need a word no I'm I'm thinking I'm I'm gonna move God but how did he say they've come before him come bowling I said he said his voice clearly what are you doing I said well I'm trying to get a word he said how do you come to me see what I'm trying to do I'm trying to ask a Miss I'm trying to ask outside and out of line with his word come are you with me here now I'm trying to cover my pillow help me Holy Ghost so I'm saying to you right now that a sense of inferiority and not being in the gods class it's difficult to hear what God wants to do through our lives so what I have to do is I have to come back and I said wait a minute who I Who am I so I told y'all Superman but now I know who I am I am a god a little G not big G and God has things plans for me that are big plans that I can take this gospel all over the world now wait wait a minute wait a minute so what do I do God says something to me by their shopping ball now I'm like Abraham in Genesis 15 Lord I have no seed see there's what he said he showed him he said I have no seed so I said Lord how am I going to do this he said take Joshua 1/3 so I took Joshua 1/3 said meditated I began to meditate it it not only opened up a shopping mall or safety with me it not only open this thing up I began to see it mine it also gave me the strategy to get it now the shopping mall was a giant but not the mall was in the hands of somebody else but that wasn't where it was supposed to be God said I want you to have that shopping mall now notice how he took me beyond something I could do into something that only he could do and the way that he could do it through me is through faith how does faith come by hearing and hearing by what the Word of God so how about it's time for me to leave IBM I tried three or four times to leave couldn't leave my name's was short he said I heard Jerry Savelle preach on seedtime and harvest I got to take listen to it over and over over what it is doing is changing my thinking it's putting a new vision in my heart the next thing I know I called my wife one day said baby I'm leaving the company she said well praise the Lord what did I do I go in and tell my boss I'm leaving now understand the economy is down at that time it would be foolish to leave but when faith comes it puts you under the influence so now that faith is coming I can see myself successful I wasn't leaving IBM I was slowing IBM and now look at what God has we're preaching to almost a billion people every week now I'm saying to you right now it doesn't make any difference because now I had an airplane that was you Lord what do I do I need see a guy came in preached from Africa he preached and he said pastor your airplane is in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 what do you think I did I went to the Ecclesiastes said you better listen to me I went Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and I read it didn't see an airplane read it again didn't see an airplane read it again didn't see an airplane write it again the eyes of my understanding got enlightened I saw verse 20 a bird of the air shall carry your voice now you don't have to have a dime you had already belongs to you the seed is the word of God so I'm saying I don't know what your condition is but if you've got the kingdom in Luke's Gospel chapter 6 and verse 20 he told this poor woman blessed are the poor for yours it's a king of God it wasn't saying you gotta be poor and just live like this until you get to heaven he's saying now that you're in the kingdom you'll never be poor another day in your life [Music] now how about Joseph's business school God speaks to me I want you to put up a business school that's gonna teach my people entrepreneurship and make them wealthy to the point of Joseph controlling the economies of the world I said lord I need seed he said Isaiah 48 17 he said thus head the Lord his head lord have mercy come on in Jesus name man it's tough to preach it hey he said this he said ah thus said the Lord that redeem of the Holy One of Israel I'm the LORD thy God that teaches theater profit and I'll lead you by the way that you should go now I'm saying that I took it took that verse beginning to say it now where did the school come from it came from heaven see heaven is coming to earth but it's coming inside of you so as it came inside of me now as I begin to decree it it begins to come out of me and begin to manifest in the lord have mercy say creation now I'm saying to you look at the school now it's in five continents of the world I'm saying it's turning out we're about to start a new class of six weeks to turn out millionaires in six weeks see if God lord have mercy I don't care if you know like me I'm gonna say what God said he said to me it will listen to the Holy Ghost I said it will listen to him he will teach you how to be a millionaire wahhhh been struggling to get this house but you go get this I'm telling you right now that some of you in this meeting I want you to get your expectation God is about to do some things for you that you never thought could be done we're about to see the biggest transfer of wealth [Applause] folks you should hear the testimony now what am I saying I'm saying every one of you don't be jealous of me because they're haters out there and when Joseph said what his vision was they'd start hating on him and the same thing with me I thought I was cool but when I was at Lincoln Pulaski that little storefront Church everybody loved bill Winston then I moved to Forest Park things started exploding then this hell he's alright and then I moved to another place then I bought the shopping mall and even the barbers start talking about me well Rev and I heard you go by that shopping mall well they knew that in that particular place they didn't let no black soul nothing like that but they listened in the kingdom [Applause] let me tell you something I don't care what color you are if you believe God God said if he'd be for you I'm just saying look at it now how hundreds of employees look what is your spitting out millions of dollars I'm saying look what he did not only that I'm talking about what God can raise up through you you see he's going to use us to fix the legal system it's gonna use us to eradicate poverty say this with me the kingdom of God is in me right now from this day forward I will be God inside minded I will dig cria thing and it shall be established no longer well I play victimhood I am NOT a victim I am victorious everything that comes my way that belongs to me I want it won't it cause I'm not had a little rough start getting out there and this is not half of my message yet but I'm saying this to you right now I'm saying this as a man of God who is God has taught some things I decree just like this man said he said tomorrow about this time I said tomorrow come on now let me tell you something I have found that I got a watch because some time believers get jealous of believers their unbelieving believers is what they are and the next thing you know they were all right as long as malls didn't manifest come on as long as banks didn't manifest that well gets me on the back met with magnet castles got together and met with me for the Fed to take the bank out of my hands I'm telling you why would you do that to your brother why would they do that to Joseph I'm putting up a bank so that the church when they get the wealth will have somewhere to put it put it back down in a place they call use and forgive me man everybody should be behind those kind of ideas so I'm saying to you can you stand to be blessed God is about to bless you beyond measure [Applause] yawn better I'm not talking about millionaires I'm not with pastor I've caused my billionaires in the body of Christ are you open to receive new ideas I release new creative ideas into this ministry on the partners of this ministry in the name of Jesus now shout about it and give the Lord of crack and let me say one more thing let me say this you black Christians don't let this political system use you and tell you that you are a victim you are not a victim come on you you hear me don't go for that all they want to do is put you on a government handout and have you begging again your days of begging [Applause] now I'm scared to talk to y'all we'll talk to you right we're there cuz I'm tired of these people of color black and brown being used by politicians you don't need another handout you got the whole kingdom [Applause] folks ie what the devil doesn't want his manifestation he don't care how many times you come in here shout to kick over the church benches all that cry and spit he doesn't care about that and Mao fact he's sitting up in here somewhere I'm not not in here but he said he tried to sit up in churches my point to you is God has woo lord have mercy I hear that today though have mercy told me to tell a team today is a turnaround in your life [Applause] them Giants have had your stuff long enough I said today it's going to be a turnaround that everything that Devils been holding he's about to make the wicked scramble now you decree a thing and call your stuff in to where it's supposed to be he's about to take you to a fight you can't we he's about to take you to a piece of property you can't afford but Jesus has got your back it's already paid [Applause] I will let you go now listen I started out kind of rough here but don't pay no attention to that I came to you to prophesy to these bones I came to tell you that tomorrow about this same time come on one week [Applause] reach out like that now pull it in that's yours right there who's coming right give God praise given thank you god bless you come on give him praise I [Applause] goodness [Music] [Applause] this conference is not just any other conference I said it do you hear me what I said there's an impartation taking place here you go no stuff you don't know and something's about to come to you that you won't know how it got there [Applause] one of the first things you can do when you go back home put them debts on that table stand back off of them say bills I'm talking to you in the name of Jesus be paid off dematerialized disappear and in the name of Jesus I am debt free and with money in the bank now give God a praise and receipt [Applause] oh I feel like God wants to do something in this place this thing is right for miracle give it one more shout [Applause] you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 141,990
Rating: 4.7376738 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 southwest believers’ convention, authority, bill winston, canaan, covenant, demonstrations, dominion, giants, impartation, inheritance, joy, kingdom of god, kings, lords, peace, righteousness, spirit, word
Id: 1J3JrjFDwKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 55sec (5215 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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