2015 SLS World Tour: Los Angeles, CA | FINAL | Full Broadcast

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we're here in los angeles california ground zero for professional skateboarding this is the finals for stop one of the 2015 street league nike sb world tour tonight eight of the best skaters on earth are all fighting for one thing the title of super crown world champion at the end of the season but the path to world champ starts here where the best will take on the best in a sold out arena welcome to street league only on fox sports one skateboarding by the beach how perfect is this welcome to sunny southern california for the first arena stop of the street league skateboarding season we're just miles from dogtown where this sport was born tonight at the galen center on the usc campus eight of the best skateboarders in the world are here to put on a show unlike anything you've seen this is street league skateboarding on fox sports one hey everyone i'm jordan whitley joined by paul zitzer paul sold out crowd we're here in l.a couldn't think of a better place to have this stop absolutely not the la skateboard fans know skateboarding better than anyone in the world they love it i love it too they know eight of the best skaters in the world going at it tonight's going to be an amazing show right and the top eight have been narrowed down from a field of 23. so let's take a look at the starting lineup here evan smith rookie qualified first luann oliveira coming in with some heat cody mcintyre ryan descenzo you also have chas ortiz nigel houston who hasn't lost since 2013 on a street league stop and then chris called the veteran and kevin hoffler this is a stacked field call when you look at the top eight who stands out uh well obviously we gotta talk about niger houston last year he won every single stop this year he's number one on the world tour he didn't have the best prelims but you can't count him out he's the man to beat at every single stop and then i think we have to talk about evan smith he's the rookie the crowd absolutely loves him he's a fan favorite in the prelims he was the only skater in the nine club he qualified first he could take it all here tonight i'd love to see it well he said that the guy who has the most fun wins right here at street league and now we're going to send things to the guys in the booth call in the action andrew cannon and jeff rowley thanks for that you guys we're definitely going to have a lot of fun here at street league i'm super excited about that jeff though we gotta get right into the format okay things have changed up from last year our first arena stop this time we've got the runs they're gonna be more important and there's no elimination how's that gonna change things it's going to level the playing field man it's going to it's going to make guys you know try harder tricks without that threat of elimination but it's also going to make the runs and scoring high on the runs that much more important absolutely we talk about it why don't we find out exactly what the format is all about in the nike sb basics here you go we've got two 45 second runs and then we have the best trick section five attempts it's the top four scores overall and there is no elimination that is a different change from last year it's definitely going to make things super exciting we also have a special course at this stop it was designed by the 2014 people's champ winner luan oliveira to hear more about how luan and josie from california skateparks collaborated to create this course let's check out the nike sb streetscape what was nice about working with lawn is he's basically inspired by local architecture he actually loves and inspired by the beauty out there in brazil so it's kind of easy to pick up and play out with some of the local architecture which really helped inspire this design and some of the features and the colorways actually resemble a lot of spots and stuff that he actually skates out there in brazil i like to skate fast i like skating quarter pipes i like going over ledges skating ledges going over bumps what we try to do is change this park up a little bit we put most of the action in the center with a little raised plaza in the center rather than the typical ends and we have quarter pipe at each end of the park what's going to happen now is you're going to be able to get back and forth a lot quicker which is going to create a lot more opportunities for tricks and great lines hope you guys like the park peace right there look at our course jeff tell us about it though you know we we see this course it's way different than what we've seen before you know we have most of our stuff concentrated in the middle and then we have the quarter pipes on the outside tell us what is it going to take to really make an impression well i think the guys that use the outside perimeter to keep their speed before they enter into the middle of the course which is a lot more technical a lot easier to miss your tricks and when you miss tricks in the center of a course like this it's hard to get that back so i think the guys that can do good are the guys that use the whole course keep that speed get some good points do you have any predictions of guys that can you use the whole thing like that eva evan smith evan smith the guy we you know we talked about him earlier we're gonna keep talking about him hopefully he can do awesome out there we're ready kelvin hoffler our first guy in qualified in in eighth place starting off with full speed right there very very confident nice kick flip back to the lip slide kelvin from brazil sao paulo in that uh streetscape something that kelvin's got out there nice half cap nose slide 270 out 20 seconds kelvin using the whole course how did he make that one unbelievable that he hung on little piece of magic right there that's determination nice start for kelvin first guy in shake off the cobwebs 7.5 right there for kelvin hoffler on his first attempt here in the run section and it's time for a gopro gopro replay there's a half cab into the nose 270 out the end he's got some titles under his belt here at street league 33 years old one of the most powerful progressive skaters of this generation and the one before and probably the one after that yeah like you said chris cole has been a super crown world i think we're seeing it too guys that look a lot more focused in their runs they're definitely thinking about cutting those lines together just coming off all right 10 seconds left for chris cole 10 seconds for chris cole chris is a guy that's used to all kinds of formats in contests he's been there and done that oh beautiful backside 360 ollie probably the best guy in the world did that trick or if not one of the top few needs a 7-6 he wants to get in the top he gets a 6.6 chris call in second place and once they get four scores on the board it's all about trying to knock out their lowest score that's how they're gonna gain ground as we continue on with this competition than anyone else but a long shot coming out strong fantastic skateboarder very very consistent very precise a lot of people have been talking this weekend about how this course is going to be difficult because there's really no big section but in the end nigel is an incredible skateboarder that's definitely gonna make it harder for him to get those extra little bits definitely putting a nice run together though right now big spin five seconds one lap 50 50. setting up for something else max 718 nose grinds there you go that's called experience up in first place now with that 7.7 kelvin in second chris cole in third are guy in yellows the one skating our blue ones are the ones still to go chazz ortiz next in he needs a 7.8 to get up into first now chaz is one of the guys that's really good at putting lines together definitely a veteran contest skater grew up on the amateur scene straight into the pro he knows how to put a good line together and get points possible here he knows how to switch it up too nice kick flip back to that tail slide keeping his speed very difficult to do in the center of that that course how's that how's that for a line that's some fast footwork right there some fancy footwork what's he lined up for now oh after time that trick did not count that was wow setting the bar rightfully so it was a great run four more skaters if he wants to move into that top spot coming from canada now living in southern california very powerful skateboarder too stomps his tricks when he makes him doesn't matter how high he has to drop to make the trick he's comfortable with all of it kick flip grind gets away from him we know he can do it again still plenty of time here with 25 seconds ryan grew up riding the roughest concrete you could possibly imagine and conjure up in your head in canada so smooth street league course that's nothing for him it's like christmas having a hard time with this runner same thing like i mentioned earlier on the guys that hold that outside edge and before they go into the center are the guys they're going to keep the speed if they bail make all right that's after time so ryan's going to be looking through his step 5.7 he's in fifth place three guys left to skate in the first half we're now five runs in here's some new blood right here now these guys are running in reverse order of how they qualified so cody mcintyre in third place cody extraordinarily consistent extraordinarily consistent but with a really high level of tricks too he does every trick full speed like you saw that one that was a nollie kick flip long fakie he's comfortable on transition he's comfortable going switch as he is forward very very confident skater nothing with a toothpick in his mouth as well yeah that's kind of sketchy and scary but there you go each throne nice backside tail slide smooth keeping that speed again switch heel flip back into the bank he looks really focused he looks like he's having a great time this is his first time in an arena here at street league right now and you wouldn't know it would you is that nully big spin definitely not the trick that he's very well known for does it on the street down pretty much out of there like i said lip slide to fakie switch 360 flip there you go hold that one wow solid first run for cody mcintyre very solid first run he's keeping doing tricks he's not had enough he wants more 7.5 cody now up into third place where he qualified in two more skaters left to go here cody with an impressive first run next in the juan oliveira we've talked a lot about lawn helped with josie designing this course from brazil some of the fastest feet in skateboarding you can expect a lot of things if he can stay on he's going to have a lot of tricks in his runs has came in very hot in almost every single street league event he's entered in every time he steps on the course you think man he's going to take this one you know and just kind of it gets away from in the finals a lot of times even just watching the speed checks he does out there with the little mini power slides it's possibly because he does about four times more tricks than most guys that by the time he gets to the final he he's slowing down a little bit nice kick flip so much board control nollie he'll flip in showing that technical ability 15 seconds remaining for the juan switch towel slide 270 switch front side kick flip very excellent first round kickflip disaster on the quarter pipe showing that transitions no problem enzy with that hard flip see he wasn't even happy with that even though it was absolute perfection that's the level of skateboarding that luanne oliveira is at 9.1 we've got a nine club on the first run for luan how's that for warming up the crowd you could tell he's feeling good about that the crowd reacting nine club replay jeff walker beautiful textbook hard flip it's called a hard flip because it's very difficult to flick your foot like that perfect landon even though he wasn't happy we are here to give away a golden ticket but phil there is cash involved a hundred thousand dollars go into first place today 20 seconds 10 for third everybody gets paid in finals some of the highest stakes skateboarding here is evan smith we've talked about evan a lot having a ton of fun out here you know what's right about evan tues he engages the this is right here monster making the cut first nine club of the in our prelims a little bit earlier today perfect backside 270 the front truck revert hype in the crowd keep the keep that crowd hyped that right there monster making the cut evan smith qualifying in in first place that's why he's skating last now evan smith he gets to sit back and watch how everyone does it oh sit down he's going full speed nice alley-oop front side ollie listen to the crowd right now there's that fakie five-o drops the truck down nice wally up real street right there there's that backside 360 nose grabs it rock and roll there's one we've never seen a street league before no fakie very difficult trick on that tight transition for evan smith don't think he wanted that one to start grinding but when it did he's grabbed his board and tried to jank it in having some fun he just looks different than the other guys 7.6 evan now in fourth place we are one run in and lujuan oliveira in the top with a 9.1 the highest score so far of the competition stick around though we have run number two after the break street league skateboarding nike sb world tours presented by nike and brought to you in part by gopro the world's most versatile camera and by pax sun official retailer of street league skateboarding welcome back england center in los angeles here's our beautiful course being built let's check out our gopro course preview to see how it's skated my name is evan smith and we're here to do the gopro course preview so we're here in los angeles crazy cool course and of course colors are really essential we got yellow white gray black i hadn't quite made it to the middle of the course yet we should go peep that big drop where's we want it we got nigel houston in the house what's up nigel we get what up what up straight up dude the course is hectic all right let's hit that thing off i got it and you keep going over here you got a beautiful bicycle quarterback perfect coping oh you can go up this thing which is kind of cool this thing gives that's it for the gopro quick preview i'm out catch you guys later that's evan smith with our gopro course preview and here's our current standings right now our next man in is going to be kelvin hoffler he's in sixth place overall luan oliveira after our first runs in the top kelvin warming up calming right off a fresh great first run excellent first run see if you can follow that one up started off our finals really well some great runs off for us starting off on the so we get some good speed look at that crowd packed out today packed out gets the go ahead kelvin hoffler is in oh oh it's difficult on that first trick always difficult you lose your pace brings it right back back nose grind kelvin's one of our newer guys here at street league he qualified in at tampa pro this year ended up in third place overall he's very comfortable on every aspect of this course looks like kick flip back live 270. a little bit dicey on the out nice little smile there though keep it fun going for the quick combinations it's a 5.0 kelvin hoffler in the top spot as you can see both of our scores are in there chris coleman next now talk about diverse skateboarder this guy can pretty much get anything it's great on transition great on flat banks ledges rails flat ground technical burley pretty much everything the whole bag chris has been looking great though this year he has he's been looking really confident he's came out with a load of new tricks this year too i've seen a bunch of great stuff on the internet of him lately nice blunt slide 20 seconds i also like that he's doing a lot of forward tricks and faking and switch and nollie using every part of his board now when you say nollie and you say switch what are we talking about well nollie's coming off the front of the board switch is when you ride with your footballs kind of like other sports in golf everyone favors one way or another and some guys can just do it every which way this is one of them 8.0 for chris call on his second run chris cole now in the lead 14.6 naija houston in next nigel qualified in sixth place he's in fifth overall with a 7.7 he needs a 7.0 to get up in the top spot now nigel's a guy that's well known for doing really big tricks really big technical tricks you don't people don't think he's that good on but when you see tricks like he just did there with a kickflip fakie he's shown you they can adapt to pretty much any terrain and still win the contest so he's still that guy to be it's called the transfer came from one side bouncing over to the other side of the rail stepping up his game popping down landing on the nice big spin looking very relaxed he's looking like he's not having any problems whatsoever that is time oh nice so he didn't pop before time was out so that won't count i don't think the kickflip frontside nosegrind is going to count for rewarded 8.4 maybe houston in first place bumping chris cole into second kelvin hoffler in third still five skaters to go chas ortiz in next chaz originally from chicago a fierce competitor very consistent he's always done really well in the run section he's a very seasoned contest skater another guy that you don't think is that good on transition until you see him do tricks like that he can ride transition well nice kickflip backside tells like big spin technical trick right there into a blunt backside disaster 360 kickflip put a great run together backside 360 ollie a lot of tricks in a small amount of time five seconds for chas ortiz let's he could end this with that was a serious run for chaz ortiz right there at the end his second run eight point nine in eight points ortiz now moving up bumping nigel houston down into second things are changing on the leaderboard this course is really changing up the way people are skating or an awesome run here's a look at the sls season on fox sports 1. we're in newark new jersey on sunday august 23rd and then sls nike sb super crown world championship in chicago on sunday october 4th evan smith is coming in next stick around more on fox sports one welcome back we are at the galen center in los angeles california it is the first arena stop of the 2015 sls nike sb world tour the crowd is having a good time look at that they are stoked out there and we are ready to go with ryan disenzo on run number two here in the run section our format here two runs then five attempts in best trick all about your top four scores and just sends those in nice strong start right there kickflip no slide tail slide 270. should we see ryan do a lot of times in contests the first run the one trick i never expect ryan desenzo to bail he bails or slams on more like this is a look at our scoreboard you can see disenzo right now is down and he's up and he's up in fifth place with that 6.7 you can see his top two attempts all our guys in gray have already gone the ones in blue yet to go and our man in yellow is up that's cody mcintyre he looks like he's ready he looks like he's ready right before that wow there we go that's the first time i've second time i've seen him bail the whole day he is very consistent this is his first time in an arena ever at street league qualified in in barcelona narrowly escaped qualifying in at tampa pro this year he came back in barcelona and made it happen you wouldn't know it though you wouldn't think he's a street league rookie when you look at him skate looks very very confident very confident very focused and is making all of his tricks oh wow how did he get away with that one almost snapped the tail off the board he's got bird bones cody mcintyre great second run the nollie big spin heel flip right there the cherry on top here's another look beautiful pop off there flicks it with the back foot big spin heel flip little bow just gets that make impeccable impeccable balance cody mcintyre gets a 7.6 now in third place overall he is steady in third he qualified in third he's hanging out in third place and lujuan oliveira crowd favorite people's champ right here inspiration for the course and probably the most technical skateboarder in the world little disaster on the on the quarter pipe getting a lot of tricks in in his amount of time nice clean switched outside 270. switch front side kick flip is that front side kick flip disaster juan's on fire it is on fire boom oh no a baker maker so close at the end 9.1 on his first run he needs an eight one if he wants to get into first and an 8.0 and he is tied with chas ortiz luan alvarez the crowd is reacting they're loving it here's a gopro replay there's that switch what do we have here switch tail slide spins it out 270 landing fakie like you were saying switch favoring the opposite foot yeah but with luanne you can never tell he looks too clean evan smith in next last man to go he's going eighth because he qualified in in first place such an awesome skateboarder to watch high energy a definite crowd favorite and a rookie qualified in barcelona oh yes gets the alley-oop front side 180 or alien front side ollie oh misses that one again hanging in china can make it five over hits both trucks down five oh he's only one truck the back won't oh whoa the way he tucked up right there talk about style talk about old-school flair baby 10 seconds for evan smith boom going full boar on that one trying to front side kick flip and he was going to grab his stale fish which is when he grabbed the we haven't seen a lot of evan though in that center area no we haven't we haven't be interested to see when he gets his five attempts what he favors whether he sticks to the or switches it up that does it for both runs and lujan oliveira in the lead tied with chas ortiz right now 17 17.1 lots more to come though with our five best tricks after this welcome back we are in beautiful los angeles california the birthplace of skateboarding at the galen center what an appropriate place to have our first arena stop the 2015 street league season the guys are gearing up we're about to get going on the best trick section these guys are going to have five attempts and it's all about their top four scores overall now it's time for the look back presented by pac-sun we've got luan oliveira right now tied for first place with chaz ortiz there's a look at switchtail 270. here's chas ortiz both guys looking so confident so comfortable as we continue on into our best trick best trick section here's our format we've got the run section under our belt two 45 second runs and then the best trick section yet to come five attempts but it's all about their cumulative four scores so it's seven scores total and it's about the top four now different from last year we are not eliminating anyone in between the run and the best trick this is a good time to talk about the lack of impact section we're so used to having a huge set of stairs or big rails or big hubbas and it's really kind of absent from this course it's good though it's fun you've got to switch each each venue up you know you've got to level that playing field you've got to allow guys with different skill sets to blossom you know see how jacenzo starts oh big old frontside kickflip kind of called that one too he likes it huge you know that was big attempts they could go anywhere right there senzo 7.9 solid score to start things off now in second place up into first with a 20.3 kelvin hoffler in next kelvin super technical he qualified in at tampa pro this is his first time ever in the arena here at street league section oh effortless that kick flip front side nose grind right to his feet pop right out of it too needs a 7.9 if he wants to get up into first place push disenzo down he gets it good for him man that's sweet great skateboarder super humble and evan smith this guy says it's all about having a good time whoever has the most fun wins it's all about full speed see it evan goes for that gap to nose grind difficult trick right there full speed then balancing you can get in bad shape doing that so that's evan's first zero he's got seven total it's all about the top four chris cole in next chris has some of the highest nine clubs he's got nine overall in history oh great start backside with a nose grind revert now although that rails not tall not particularly long it's important to note that that was a very technical difficult trick that we've never seen anyone doing street league before in a bar he gets an 8.1 the judges reward him chris cole in the top 22.7 cody mack now in he destroyed his quarter pot early oh nice and he fully deck check that is that going to do it is that going to be enough to get him up in first he needs a seven second i would say so yeah oh it's a little lower that was a difficult trick cody mack second place niger houston currently in seven here we go we've seen him back in that place before though he's gonna work his way up right now there you go what was that well that was the front side 180 going all the way around to switch back side 5.0 reverb i guess and 180 out there you go 8.85 niger houston in first that's all it takes for him sets up for that over rotate 180 to the fakie nose grind and reverts it out landing on his toes on the front foot nigel houston in the top spot chas ortiz in next currently seventh that's 17-1 oh nice backside of those slides scurry trick to do on a ledge like that so flat with your back to the ground seven point one not uh chas ortiz now in second place chasing niger houston point seven behind him and juan oliveira lujan tied with chas ortiz coming into this that's why he's going last setting up switch oh body weight just got a little bit ahead of himself there so do you think that right there is going to throw him off you know lawn he makes it into the finals all the time but man luanne oliveira can he hang on that's his first zero here's another look at naija houston putting down that huge score that put him up into first more after this on fox sports one welcome back street league fans we are here at the galen center in los angeles california 2015 sls nike sb world tour a look at our current standings niger houston in the top spot 24.9 chaz ortiz chasing him with that 24.2 and chris cole in third here's our format we saw earlier two runs 45 seconds each we are now in the best trick section we've got one attempt under our belts they're gonna have four more it is all about their cumulative top four scores and our man in ryan desenzo vicenzo 7.9 on his first attempt what has he got for us oh kick flip noseblind slide the trick that only he can make that look so simple and yet so difficult needed a 4-7 if he wanted to get into first disenzo gets an 8.0 28.3 total kelvin hoffler in next kelvin's down in sixth with that 20.4 he needs an 8-0 to get up into first oh yeah half cap to no slide then switching it to backside tail slide back fakie a lot of moves in that trick look at him he's so excited eight point eight point six oh yeah huge score for kelvin hoffler that's gonna stoke him out look at him top spot now coming in fakie knocking into half cap knows his quick switch to back tails like fakie need some quick feet for that one very solid so 29 for kelvin hoffler the next in the wild card evan smith one of the most charismatic and creative skaters we have in street league and you never know what he's gonna do we saw him try that front side nose grind on the last one gapping from quarter pipe to quarter pipe starting on the other side of the course though this time around here oh nice 360 ollie nose grab you don't see a lot of guys grab that trick for good reason very difficult to know where you're spinning so easy to under under easy to over rotate or under rotate 7.8 for evan smith on attempt number two all right so a 21.5 so evan in seventh place chris cole you know we talked about his score earlier why don't we take a look at the nike sb tech talk and revisit it as well if you want to talk about innovation and progression you're seeing it right here comes in forward goes backside 180 into a fakie nose ground but over rotates it and then reverts it difficult very lot of movement a lot of tricks and a short space made it look like nothing that's chris cole one of the good scorers getting him in here at 8-1 look great all season oh nice style on that one i like the way he caught the board sideways how much will that hand down affect him as far as scores are concerned he takes some scores he'll definitely take some scores he'll judge him accordingly 4.1 chris cole in third place cody mcintyre new guy on the tour first time in the arena top four no shakes doing a great job oh misses it just trying to get a front truck on that so be technically a pivot kick for fakie but gets away from him it's one of the very few times we've seen him fall all weekend nigel houston in next niger is in fourth right now 24.9 he needs a 4.2 to get up into first he's one of those nines that he's never had a problem again he's got 10 nine clubs oh wow there we go 8.18 naija houston in the top again 33. is he going to do it again we're going to see in a moment there's a back 7a to overcrook locks it in fakie very well composed risky trick chas ortiz sitting in fifth place with that 24-2 he needs an eight nine to get up in the top spot oh good trick probably not enough to get him there 7.8 moves him up into second place let's they love this guy that's the problem they absolutely love this guy people's champ seven point nine luanne oliveira in sixth place with two attempts under our belt nigel houston is in the top oh the crowd is reacting not into that score we will see though if he can step it up here's nigel houston lots more to come can he do it here on fox sports one there's never really been a formula for skating and how to make it per se but now it's like an actual chance like all right you want to make it in street league this is what you need to do we're in chicago illinois dam am select series it's for everybody it's from the dudes that are winning damn ams all over the country to the new kids on the block hoping to get on the podium one day skating the contest you get nervous but like once you're in there like you don't really listen to anybody you just like do your own thing when you're in there yeah i want to be a pro but i guess i'll just see what happens hopefully this is pretty much all i got you know i'm not feeding to get sponsored but if i get a pro board dude when i grow up oh man when i'm in my 20s do if i get a pro board it's over it's over all the kids are going to be going crazy i couldn't imagine it when i heard that they were going to do the select series through damn m i was so ecstatic super blessing like everybody to be able to escape this conference again and be able to qualify for such a big event that has like some of the world's best skateboarders in it the chance to get in street league is huge man like to be able to compete with like all those guys it'd be like a pretty big accomplishment because like everybody watches street league like it's such a big thing i'm coming first place next year if you come back come first low key but everyone is that's the hard part everyone is it's definitely like a boost of like confidence and like a super good motive to want to just like skate even harder and do good at these events for them to like just put you in there and have all eyes on you i'm sure is the thing that people are like wow okay this guy needs to be taken seriously that was our road to super crown we're back in the galen center right now in the best trick section we've seen two runs 45 seconds each five attempts overall in our best trick this is a look at our current leaderboard naija houston in the top spot with a 33.0 no stranger to victory here can he do it yet again he's got the last five wins under his belt all last season and our first stop in barcelona is he going to get dethroned here today ryan desenzo coming in for his third attempt in the best trick section it's all about your cumulative top four scoresenzo great terminology got four scores on the board right now the next two it's all about out doing his lowest score kelvin four scores on the board his lowest is a 5.0 he needs to average an 8.2 overall he needs to get 8.2 for the next three attempts if he wants to get in there and be him first going for broke right there trying to get that back seven eight kick flips a fakie nose grind that's going to boost up the average that he needs to get it's a good tactic then life-changing opportunity here kelvin all the way from brazil next guy in evan smith he still only has three scores he needs to post another one he's got three attempts to do it what do you think jeff is winding up for the again oh ah man going for the gap to nose grind and pull it back fakie but just didn't quite get that rotation on the hip and went down hard that's what happens when you under rotate it grabs you and it throws you out of the ground he was going so fast too look he didn't really get hurt right though chris cole's got four four scores on the board four uh 4.1 being his lowest cap flip that's when he got the 4.1 on he put his hand on the ground all right so that's four points showing the experience right there 7.6 boosting him up into third place now his next lowest score 6.6 cody mcintyre look at how focused he looks how serious he's ready let me in now i'm ready tried that peter blunt kick flip on the last one we'll see if he goes for it again yep there we go back chuck pivot kick flip fakie he has an average of eight five what he needs to get for the next three seven point three moving up four scores on the board cody mcintyre probably feeling good about that now he needs to out do that six point nine nine houston in next in first place with a 33 overall his lowest score a 7.7 all the other ones are in the eights that's what makes naija so great still three attempts that's another that shows another level he's on a very very high level there's that kickflip i think he landed with more speed than he took off with right there once again all four eights here's another look coming in fakie spinning full cab which is a 360 rotation flipping it riding away nice and smooth evan likes that one teammate chas ortiz in next needs an 8-4 on his next three he wants to get up there oh goes technical kick flipping kick flip out no in second right now lujan oliveira three scores on the board three more attempts everyone you can tell everyone here wants to see something from him it's palpable you can just feel it in the arena going nully nollie packs that kickflip so much authority right there on the stomp down lands about seven foot past the the object 8.2 in second place bumping chazz ortiz down coming after niger houston the one setting up popping nollie front of the board perfect rotation 180. look at that the front foot catch on that was beautiful great style too so he's now got four on the board that right there is our trophy we're gonna crown a champion here very shortly stick around for our next two here on fox sports one the street league skateboarding nike sb world tours presented by nike sb and brought to you in part by gopro the world's most versatile camera and by monster energy welcome back you guys we are here in los angeles california at the galen center attempts four and five coming up next we've seen a lot of tricks this weekend and today so why don't we look at the nike sb trick tree double take to find out a little more paul rodriguez here's paul rodriguez for a breakdown of one of his staples the half cab heelflip as you can see he starts things off with a fake yawling next he adds that fakie 180 which we call a half cab last but not least adding in the fakie heelflip combine all three of those and you get a half-cab heelflip our current standings as we go into attempt four and five niger houston in the lead 33.9 luana oliveira in second with a 33.2 can naija stay in the top spot or is luwan chas ortiz chris cole can somebody outdo him here in los angeles find out right now we have attempts four and five coming up ryan desenzo is going to be our first one in brian down in seventh place he's going to need an average of a 9.1 on the next two if he wants a shot at victory descenzo coming in with a lot of speed oh again that hard flip gets away from him might have felt that one looks like he came down his hip which you always feel up your leg into your back hopefully he's okay i think he looks like he's more disappointed than he is hurt i think it's a bit of both those hips are delicate here's another look let's see where it went wrong caught it oh came off his feet right before he hit the ground that's where the pain came in it looked like he hit the hubba just right there at the end looked like his tail hit it so that is gonna be another zero for ryan disenzo kelvin hoffler in next he's been looking great today his lowest score of 5.0 he can definitely out do that needs an eight eight average to get in there again this is that strategy part of it again we see him try that on the attempt before missed him that time too evan wants it yes he wants it up he wants full speed he's gonna drop in two more tries for evan smith where is he going the crowd's excited here it is oh going again for that front side kick flip stale fish and then this is for the crowd for fun it's a big pressure boom but do you think that's the lack of experience right there no he refused to be locked down you never know what he's gonna do and he won't let you pin him down you can't chain that guy can't chain him and that's why he's so awesome all right chris cole this man though definitely has a strategy well-versed here at street league where's he going oh and i'll tell you what for how difficult that trick was he wasn't that far away from making that almost got that board to rotate around so his lowest score right now is a 6.6 he's coming in switch gets that nice front side kick flip doesn't quite one of those feet got in the way it was primo almost the whole way down so chris cole is going to have one more cody mcintyre look at that focus he doesn't look nervous he looks super comfortable he looks like a vet although he's a rookie here toothpick in the mouth everybody has missed so far let's see if we can turn that turn that table oh no so close so every single skater has missed we are five four guys in right now going for that nollie big spin heel flip which he usually does every single go makes it but if you look at that landing that body weight just got a little bit ahead of himself couldn't pull it back boom what do you think it is jeff you think it's just nerves getting to everybody no it's the level of skateboard and every now and again you miss your tricks and when you miss him tricks like that you do everything you can to stay on look he's doing everything he can to stand right back up boom so close he's gonna have another attempt though so everybody has fallen if he makes this it is only going to get him closer to winning unreal backside overcrook the whole length across the flat of the rail and down it coming in extremely difficult extremely long way to balance that trick 8-2 out doing that 8.1 that he had and we have the replay locking in nicely to that over crook look at that back foot the way his toes were on that just keeping hold here you can see the way his board's crooked crooked over the rail pops it back out made it look like nothing elijah houston 34.0 chas ortiz two guys left hopefully he broke the curse these next two guys will make it come on chaz let's see it yeah real jazz ortiz in your face los angeles in your face he needs an 8-5 average to get up into first is that gonna be enough 8-2 right there chas ortiz in third oh the crowd lean kick flip landing tail luckily back fakie doesn't get cleaner than that there's a different angle as you can see nice and smooth still a good score though paul zitzer brought it up earlier you know this crowd here very well versed in skating they know what's going on so they're reacting lujan oliveira second place needs that 8-4 average yeah get up into first ride switch man doesn't quite get that ball to go around the entire crowd feeling that the one lock it up switch right here pushing that switch big spin heel flip catches it but then his feet just come off little on the rotation he's smiling as he's slamming that's the way to do it ladies and gentlemen so this is it attempt number five nigeria houston in the top spot 34.0 disenzo cannot win this seven eight though to get up into fourths let's get behind this oh going for broke right there he will believe in glory only niger houston and luanne oliveira have scored in round four crazy that's incredible we're seeing quite a few zeros like you said the level is unbelievable so kelvin needs a 9-3 if he wants to get up into second place he's going to be unable to bump nigel houston out this one's strictly for the kicks he could still get into second though the best in the world that's not bad oh gets a little closer to that trick putting a lot of pressure on himself you can see great session though he skated great evan smith is in next he needs something big to continue to move up he's only got three on the board it comes down to this last one he won't be able to win but the crowd loves him like he said it's all about who's having the most fun spontaneous combustion on the street i i just hope he makes this one everyone here wants it i'll tell you what he's going to give it 110 percent that's like jumping up a building and landing with your whole body twisted up and still trying to walk away you can tell he's feeling it but he's still having a good time he's all these guys are so used to slamming and we are going to have to come second to them second nature cole cannot win right now he needs a 9-6 if he wants to get second place he's gonna need something huge i'll tell you what that trick that he tried last time around and the trick it looks like he's setting up for right now it's gonna be a big score if he makes it coming in switch chris cole and again he didn't get quite get it to flick but he's still trying to make it solid performance though from chris cole here so we are getting down to it four more guys to go can anyone beat niger houston or is he going to lock up his sixth victory in a row cody mack can not win right now that's gonna put the pressure on the juan or chaz cody needs an 8.0 for fourth place look at how much speed he's got oh nails it boom boom boom nully big spin heel flip that 8.7 good score cody mack in fourth place not bad at all for a rookie his first time in the arena gets that trick he tried in the last attempt makes it clean as a whistle he is gonna be a force to be reckoned with this season we are down to the money excited to see him out there in new jersey this is the money and exactly 10 20 and 100 grand on the line as well so naija houston your current leader his lowest score right now is an 8.2 and i just won the last five street league events is it gonna be six right here look at the crowd we've got a mixed bag right here oh and a crooked grind that's not going to be enough to outdo that 8.2 that wasn't the trick that was in his head he just lost his foot for a second and still made the trick 2.5 that opens up a door though walks into that crook i think he was going to try and flip out but then he just lost it and had to just pop out didn't quite get that control he needed this is going to open the door for luann oliveira or chas ortiz it is possible both guys he needs an 8.8 for first he had an 8.9 in the run section chad's ortiz could do it come on will he the crowd is on their feet optimism optimism let's say it the look on his face right there priceless he's going to contain himself chas dropping in oh so close he gets his feet on that's the street league final shake right there didn't quite get that flip in flip out it all comes down now to luan oliveira the one help design the course you can see it everyone here wants it here's a look there's that kick flip back tail flip out that chest just missed just under it flicked it a little too much it was about to use his hand to stay on his board whatever it takes guys whatever it takes all comes down to this right here this is it if nausea can be beaten it's gonna happen right now from luan oliveira breathe out let's see it bring out that magic let's see that tiger's blood he has been in the finals quite a few times he's got plenty of nine clubs he needs an eight eight if he wants to get into first look at him gearing up gearing up for getting down you can see the nervous energy hopefully he can channel it come on man yeah he does it is it going to be enough to knock nigel houston out on the bears we are awaiting the score inspiration and today's street league champion in los angeles ah people are stoked people are moving still people are crowding people all over the course there you have it luan oliveira street league champion first time ever here in los angeles and he helped design this course there's a guy who's gonna have a great night tonight the crowd is going wild at that all of his flipped teammates right there congratulating him wow the crowd goes wild for luann oliveira who just knocked out and here we have that winning trick locks it up switch big spin heel flip lands about six foot past the obstacle beauty leaning on the ball is that other angle of the champs move look at that catch beautiful that's called bolts ladies and gentlemen you land on the bolts and there is naija's reaction he knew as soon as he made that could be an 8-8 now do them nigel was stoked man he was stoked unbelievable we have a new winner and jordan whitley is down there with him right now jordan what is it like down there on the course i cannot even begin to describe this moment i'm going to let luan do that your first street league win came down to the last trick what was going through your mind before you dropped in i don't know i was trying to do what i always do and i was just having fun and skate with my friends you know i don't know it worked out i worked hard for this you know i've been skiing every week every month and yeah it happened you moved to tears and you're here with fellow brazilian bob bernquist i mean how do you describe the emotions of this moment i i can't explain i i felt like my grandma passed away five years ago and i felt like she was with me right now so i'm blessed i just gotta thank god i gotta thank everybody that came to kill him out and let's see i'm stoked thanks a lot guys congratulations for your grandma and for everyone here in la give it up for the one oliver guys that genuine emotion right there so unreal such a fierce competitor lawn oliveira has done it here's another look at the last trick that did it for him and crowned him the champ here in l.a for our 2015 first stop in the arena here's a look at the monster highest scored trick of the day it was lujuan oliveira in his first run that 9.1 staying strong throughout the whole competition clean ass hog flip perfect landon textbook style the juan oliveira killed it all day long as you can see super happy with that one luan oliveira victorious here today these are our overall championship qualification points naija houston in the top spot 280 points chaz ortiz right now in second 242 and lujan oliveira in third with 234 you can see luana oliveira and naija houston their names in yellow because they are now qualified directly into the super crown and this is a look at the winning trick from luan oliveira beautiful switch big spin heel flip takes it home crowd favorite there's our winner lujan oliveira emerged victorious he dethroned niger houston after five straight victories niger houston has now been beaten look at that stoke crowd's going wild for it overtaken with emotion it was absolutely unbelievable luann oliveira winning his first ever street league here in los angeles here's a look at the sls season on fox sports one we're in newark new jersey on sunday august 23rd and the sls nike sb super crown world championship in chicago on sunday october 4th that does it for us here in los angeles be sure to tune in for the next stop of the sls tour august 23rd live in new jersey you'll see all the sls action live right here on fox sports one so for jeff rowley jordan whitley paused the turn myself so long los angeles
Channel: SLS
Views: 769,977
Rating: 4.9183922 out of 5
Keywords: Street League Skateboarding, Street League, Skateboarding, SLS, SLS Nike SB World Tour, Nyjah Huston (Award Winner), Luan Olivera, Nike Skateboarding (Brand), Nyah Huston, Chaz Ortiz, Cody McEntire, Chris Cole, Kelvin Joelfer, Ryan Decenzo, Evan Smith
Id: P6F7yRpgTXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 23sec (4043 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2015
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