4 Horrific REAL Bar & Clubbing Nights from Hell [Feat. Urmaker]

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number one first some backstory I'm female and I was 22 years old at the time it was the day after Valentine's Day and I just found out the guy I was seeing was cheating on me a co-worker and I decided to grab some drinks at our favorite bar after work we drop my car off at home which was five minutes away we were having a great time and this cute guy was sitting near us and seemed to be alone figuring how I was newly single I decided that I would chat him up he was nervous and seemed shy and we invited him over to sit with us he was a bit socially awkward but he seemed harmless we got to talking about what we did for work he told us he was a parole officer and also helped the local police at times he had loosened up a bit and he seemed alright so after a while my coworker wanted to leave and the guy said he could give me a ride to my apartment now I was a bit uneasy but I did only live around the corner and he seemed nice so she left and we continued to talk all of a sudden his face turned into what I can only describe as [ __ ] your pants scary as he proceeded to tell me that I needed to be careful because there was a serial rapist on the loose that they were looking for oh okay thanks I said well [ __ ] I thought I'd certainly be safe with this shiny nervous and socially awkward guy who didn't even seem to fit the job he just got finished telling me he did but instead of listening to my alarm bells I took him up on his ride home I was too drunk to walk and cellphones didn't exist back then so I thought it's only five minutes away we get to my apartment and as I'm getting out of the car he asks if he can use my bathroom I tell him no my roommate is there and I don't bring people she doesn't know when to our home he kept asking and getting irritated and my alarm bells go off and they're screaming at me to get the hell away from him the front door to the complex is locked and you have to be buzzed in or you're [ __ ] out of luck I take my key and I have it ready to go as I quickly unlock the door at this point I decide to make a run for it full-on sprint mode like Jackie joyner-kersee I caught him off guard and had a good head start on him as he began to chase me I shoved that key in the door and I slammed it shut behind me and poked it to the stairs as if my life depended on it I could hear him banging on the door as I got to the stairs I ran all the way up five flights of stairs into my apartment and I locked the door sat down and cried as my roommate stared at me in horror I didn't leave the apartment for four days and I realized he was likely the serial rapist that he was talking about in his own story I never went back to that bar again number two I'm a 27 year old male this happened when I was in fifth grade so I must have been about 11 years old the whole idea of pedophiles and kids being abducted wasn't a hugely publicized deal back then well at least not as much as it is now we lived above a bar that was very busy every night most of the people were nice and sometimes they would buy us a can of soda or something but nothing weird or dangerous ever went on not that I'm aware of at least we lived on a busy street though so we weren't really allowed to leave the block so most of the time we were stuck out in the backyard anyway I'm 11 my brother Josh is 9 and my cousin Kristy was 11 as well we were trying to play hide and seek but it was limited we were sort of used to the bar customers coming out of the back door and going to their car or vice versa nobody ever said more than hi though and they left us alone well one chick who was probably in her forties comes up to us and asks what we're doing we tell her we're playing hide-and-seek and that it was my brother's turn my brother was very small for his age due to leg paint so he looked like he was about Bible 6 she comes over to us picks him up and puts him in an empty trash can one of those with the lid and the locking handles we're freaking out and trying to get him out and ended up having to push the trashcan over since neither of us were tall enough to lift him out we run up the stairs screaming for my mum and we tell her what happened my neighbours daughter Carrie was there I was madly in love with this girl Aurum batch waited or whatever but either way I had a crush on this girl for a long time and here she was talking with my mum she was about 16 at the time I think anyway we decide to play in the entry room to the apartment instead it has the doors to each apartment and it was basically a large laundry room a couple of hours go by and all of a sudden this [ __ ] shows up again literally out of nowhere apparently she made note of us going back up the stairs and remembered it later in her drunken stupor Josh and Crissy run inside but when I got up I twisted my ankle and so this chick grabs my arm and tries to pull me out the door my neighbor comes running out and her daughter grabs my other arm and starts pulling so I've got a drunk chick trying to haul my ass out of the door for no apparent reason and my childhood crush trying to save my life it was like magic Carrie pulled my arm made the chick stumble and then punched her in the mouth as hard as she could next thing I knew Carrie had her arms around me trying to comfort me so I guess it wasn't all bad but anyway I still had to go to the doctor's because my arm was all frood up the next week this chick came by with the police and apparently had a much different story to tell than we did she somehow thought that Carrie and I were going to have to pay for her hospital bills and said that if we did she wouldn't press charges well there were three kids a teenager and two adult witnesses that told the cops a different story about a drunk woman trying to abduct a kid the tone of that conversation changed and I was taken down to the station with my mum and stepdad so I could answer some questions I don't remember anything ever coming of it too long didn't read I was almost taken by a drunk woman but my childhood crush turned into Xena Warrior Princess and heroically saved my ass number three this story happened almost two years ago I was 19 and one of my best friends had just moved to Tennessee while I was pretty upset about her move she was only about a four-hour drive away so I made every effort to visit as often as I could summer was drawing to a close and I was about to have to start back to college on top of that I was having some pretty frustrating boy troubles this kind of made the perfect storm for me to feel reckless I had taken this kind of [ __ ] attitude about everything I just wanted to have some fun my friend was loving this change of attitude she's a bold crass and sometimes aggressive lesbian in stark contrast to myself usually a very sweet reserved and shy goody-goody my friend Kate always loves to say do or force me into situations that push me to loosen up and go outside my comfort zone this is due to equal parts of her wanting me to live life to the fullest and her getting a real kick out of watching me fumble be awkward and getting barest needless to say she wanted to take full advantage of this rare spark of reckless abandon and me so she suggested that we go to her favorite gay club being a shy goody-goody I had never been any sort of Club all I ever seem to hear about from the girls that did go was how rude are aggressively flirtatious the minute the clubs could be and that made me nervous but I reasoned to myself that this would be a gay club and none of them in there would be interested in me I'd have my chance to dance as much as I wanted without any unwanted creeps trying to dry out me on the dance floor and if by chance a girl wanted to dance at least it wouldn't be so scary and although I myself might not be a lesbian I would certainly appreciate the attention in my head it was a win-win situation so I eagerly agreed and even suggested that she bring her gay friends that she had made in that state there were two boys who attended the college in the neighboring city and she had talked about them a lot and I was excited to meet them soon we were driving to pick up the only one of her friends able to make it Jen I don't know if it's because she didn't expect me to actually agree or what but during the car ride her attitude changed she started to warn me that there were still some gross people that went to this club and even though I was a straight girl I should still stick with the group and be careful who I talked to I waved it away at first not wanting to get my spirits dampened I had been so stressed lately and I really needed this but after we picked Jim up and started to the club he soon chimed in agreeing with Kate he said some real weirdos came in from time to time and they'd go after anything with legs but the prospect of a night partying sounded too good to all of us and we reasoned that the weirdos probably wouldn't be there since we were going in the middle of the week nowadays to better understand the events of the evening you need to know about Jim he was a very gentle sweet boy who had not yet come out to his family this was understandable as he explained how deeply southern his family was they were an old family with old money and very highly esteemed in their small town nothing I think about it that's what Jim reminded me of the ideal southern lady docile Hawaii and soft-spoken with big beaming eyes blonde hair and a genuine good-natured smile he was more timid than even I usually was he was the sort of person who inspired fondness and a desire to protect to pure for this world Kate would say to further put his in Kate's minds at ease I proposed a sort of buddy system if a guy started to hit on gin that he wasn't comfortable with I would pretend to be his girlfriend and if a girl started to hit on Kate that she didn't like I would pretend to be her girlfriend and I would go to whoever was closest if anyone started to hit on me we all agreed and soon we were at the club we arrived fairly early and we were there for several hours dancing mingling and watching the drag show and everything was going great and tell Kate decided to go up to the roof for a cigarette not wanting to separate and almost in need of some fresh air Jim and I went with her we found a quiet corner on the somewhat crowded roof and Jim and I talked excitedly about the people we had flirted and danced with but then I noticed or felt rather a brooding tense feeling from Kate I looked at her to see her eyes narrowed and arms folded across her chest taking slow deliberate drags on her cigarette I know my friends dramatic antics enough to know that she was doing her best to look intimidating and mean even though she's five foot four and dressed in neon but this was different somehow like I said I can feel this energy coming off her had she been an animal her hackles would have been raised and her teeth bared and it made my arms break out in goosebumps she was leaning with her back against the railing and Jim and I were facing her our backs to the crowd she was glaring at someone behind us what is it I asked starting the turn don't she hissed and I froze I glanced at Jim who had a confused and uncomfortable smile on his face while his head was cocked at her still never taking our eyes off of whatever was behind us she said be cool there's a man I really don't like the way he's watching us she must have seen my eyes widen because she continued come lean next to me act natural I shoved my hands in my pockets and turned to lean on the rail crossing my feet in front of me trying to seem as relaxed as possible Jim angled himself outward and pretended to scan the crowd casually where is he he asked and I noticed a small nervous smile on his face I spotted him before Kate had to point him out in the bustling throng of people coming up to the roof going down to the dance floor mingling and laughing and talking one figure stood absolutely still I instinctively glanced away when I saw he really was staring directly at us I made myself look back at him and began to feel more uneasy I always thought that creeps at the club like this would come in deceptive disguises like very handsome and charming men or flirty or enticing women but this man was the most stereotypical creep I had ever seen he was older 45 through 55 and severely balding he even had that stupid sparse comb-over with the hair grown out on the sides of his head he had large thick glasses and a mustache and he sported that standard creeper tan windbreaker as well if I hadn't been so unnerved by the intensity of his stare I might have laughed he looked like a damn cartoon character this guy couldn't possibly be for real but there he was standing perfectly still in the middle of a bustling crowd not even attempting to hide the fact that he was watching us I suddenly felt exposed so I pushed off the rail and turned my back to him again no longer able to stand looking at him Jim followed suit and we closed in tighter as a group trying to make jokes about him and laugh it off but Kate never took her eyes off him or said a word Jim and I tried to change the subject and forget about the weirdo and apparently he had moved on because soon Kate even rejoined the conversation lighting another cigarette I was just starting to relax again when I looked up and my laughter died in my throat he had moved around and was working his way along the railings towards us slowly eyes locked on us he didn't even blink not even when our eyes met and he had to have seen the sudden panic in my eyes he reminded me of a cat stalking birds I swallowed hard but Kate dragged me out of my frightened trance by grabbing my arm and urging me to come in closer closing our small circle even tighter she rotated us so that she was the one with her back to him and began talking loudly if he was going to try to approach us she was going to try and block him out hey there he had not raised his boys had even spoken calmly but he cut through our conversation like a knife I couldn't help it I looked up at him he was standing very close to Jim and Kate's shoulders smiling a wide friendly smile his smile was so wide it made his bulging eyes look beating and glinting and I shuddered Kate turned around the face and fully drawing herself up and giving him what I know to be the death glare but still none of us spoke even Jim wasn't smiling anymore you kids smoke he continued cheerily reaching into one of his coat pockets I glanced at Kate who answered by taking a drag of her cigarette and blowing the smoke as close to him as she could without actually blowing it in his face he smiled even wider and I folded my arms defensively I have these nice cigarettes here he continued drawing out a carton all natural wonderful taste he says opening the carton oh no we don't smoke Jim said hurriedly at that point I noticed that he had folded his arms as well although he was clearly uncomfortable he was still trying his best to be polite big mistake oh no the man asked his eyes lighting up and turning his full attention to Jim these really aren't bad for you he was still taking out a cigarette in spite of Jim's quiet no thank yous Kate spoke up her voice harsh we're good man things she turned her back to him again and Jim turned with her that should have been anyone's cue to back off but not this guy I saw his smile waver and then he calmly placed the cigarette back into its box I tried my best not to look at him and to focus on what Kate and Jim were saying but he wasn't going away I watched him move and stand even closer to Jim he was almost speaking into his ear when he asked so were you gay Jim started and turned slightly in his attempts to regain personal space he opened the circle and the man promptly inserted himself into the slight gap Jim went red and his panic was evident as as I started around and he stammered barely thinking I reached out and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze he looked down and then back at me and his sudden relief and understanding made him jittery No he laughed nervously and I made myself smile at the man no no no this is my girlfriend we're here together and the man looked at our hands then let as I slowly travel up to meet mine his smile was still there but it no longer reached his eyes and his tone was almost sinister oh really suddenly I felt this cold sting of fear in my stomach heat up and smolder into quiet anger really I said and what I hope was a cutting flat tone over a year now running with the spark of defiance I dropped Jim's hand and moved in closer to him wrapping my arms around his waist he draped his arm over my shoulders and I could feel his nervousness and how tightly he gripped my arm once again this man ignored his cue to leave asking us all sorts of prying questions about our relationship with every question my confidence fell I know he sensed aid because he began to get arrogant wow he drawled two attractive young people like you must have all sorts of fun wild nights partying here and at home it must get pretty intense you guys like to try new things he shuffled a little closer and my resolve left me Jim and I both just stared at him leering at us I now was clutching his waist as tightly as he was clutching onto my arm thankfully cated had enough that's none of your business buddy she growled pushing us back so that she was between us and the man again she got right up in his face daring him to say something else he was slightly surprised and backed up a little muttering something like oh I'm sorry Kate kept nudging us backwards until she turned around and grabbed me by my sleeve effectively towing us behind her as she marched downstairs I turned my head once to see the man once again the lone still figure in the crowd staring after us he wasn't smiling anymore we instinctively made our way to the most crowded room in the club the dance floor at first we just stood against the wall talking and urgent tones about how awful and creepy that was but soon a very smooth and attractive guy sidled up to Jim and after a brief discussion asked him to dance cheering him on playfully we watched him shyly follow the stranger out onto the dance floor the song changed to one I liked and wanting to take back my night of fun I struck out on my own dance I urged Kate to join as well and pointed out a confident looking girl also dancing alone soon I had forgotten all about the creeper dancing till my feet hurt and sweat made my hair stick to my face but it all came to a screeching halt when suddenly my hand was snatched out of the air and I opened my eyes to see a panicked Jim holding on to it and looking behind him desperately my heart sank and when I followed his gaze sure enough there was creeper man not very far away looking agitated and staring at Jim I stopped my dancing dead and when he saw both of us staring at it he made a quick glance around and hunching over slightly moved behind a pillar along the edge of the room I looked up at Jim to find him nearly in tears he was breathing hard and squeezing my hand so hard I was losing feeling of my fingers I grabbed his face with my free hand and gently made him look away from the pillar where the man had hidden himself and at me what happened I demanded my concern for this poor boy overpowering my own rising unease Jim told me that he had been dancing when he felt a sudden hand slide up his stomach and across his chest from behind he thought it was the attractive guy he had been dancing with but then he saw that guy was still dancing in front of him not paying attention he had turned to find the creeper man pressing himself against him and breathing heavily when Jim jerked away and turned to face him creeper man advanced a crazed look in his eye reaching for Jim again Jim had run then searching frantically for me arcade he said the man started to chase after him but then he spotted me and ran over and turned to find the man stopped dead in his tracks we both look back to where the man was hiding to see him standing halfway out from behind the pillar looking at us over his glasses and obviously breathing heavily through his mouth I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up that's it I said turning and power-walking away dragging Jim behind me party's over I found Kate and pulled her away from her dance partner she was angry until I explained what was happening then she was furious I dragged them both towards the exit both looking around for the man Jim out of fear and Kate out of rage when we were outside in the open and the door closed muffling the loud music I finally felt like I could breathe again it was a straight shot down to my car we had gotten a pretty good spot because we had gotten there so early Jim started to cry and I could feel him shaking I felt tears prick behind my eyes too but I forced them down I wasn't going to let my guard down until we were safely out of there but my stomach dropped when I heard the sound of the door open and the music player out behind us I started walking faster snatching my keys out of my purse and fumbling to have them ready I heard a quiet oh my god from Jim and he grabbed my hand again using his other hand to stifle his renewed sobs I risked a glance over my shoulder to see creeper man making hurried purposeful strides towards us still breathing heavily and not saying anything I hesitated unsure of whether to make a run for it or turn and attack this crazy disgusting [ __ ] but Kay placed her hand in the middle of my back and gave me a firm push growling go one look into her eyes and I knew she wouldn't have to tell me twice she fell back from us and turned to start advancing towards the man I could hear profanities bouncing off the buildings and ringing down the street as she started screaming at him I picked up my pace jogging the rest of the way and ushering Jim into the back seat as quickly as I could I closed the door after him and whipped around to see Kate still screaming and shoving the man roughly she even knocked his glasses on suddenly feeling unbelievably stupid I remembered I had pepper spray in my purse I ran back towards Kate and scrambled desperately trying to find it when my hand finally closed on it I stopped and called out to Kate I urged her to come on and to get in the car so we could go creeper man looked past Kate and it mean and I held up the spray if you try anything you'll be eating this I shouted I could hear my own voice shaking but we both knew that I meant it the man backed away from Kate and she bucked at him one last time making him flinch she turned and walked back towards me but I didn't turn or lower the spray until she had passed me and was urging me to follow her looking flustered and worried the man picked up his glasses and put them back on before ducking his head down shoving his hands into his pockets and hurrying up the sidewalk in the opposite direction Kate and I both turned and ran the rest of the way back to the car and I peeled out of there I couldn't speak for the rest of the night I drove us home in silence not even speaking when we walked Jim back to his dorm room after he was safely inside Kate just turned around and hugged me and I finally cried - that was a night I will never forget I'm afraid my clubbing days are over for good number four not much backstory is necessary for this encounter my friends and I are pretty much your standard college guys and with last night being a Friday we went out to the bars on Main Street as opposed to the college bars located close to campus we were in a group of about 10:00 which started to dwindle as the night went on and as the bars began to close it was only me and two of my housemates left two o'clock strikes we depart from the bar and we indulge by visiting the hotdog stand by all measures this night was turning out to be a great one we make our way down Main Street and get closer to our house when we're about three blocks away from home a woman crosses the street in front of us and begins to engage in what seems to be your standard drunken chitchat at first nothing was particularly weird about it she was probably around 25 years old and dressed normally and seemed nice enough the first red flag was the fact that she was clearly a few months pregnant and had a noticeable baby bump she was definitely not drunk and she was coming from the opposite direction of the bars on top of that she clearly noticed us from a distance and went out of her way to cross the street and intercept us as we stand there talking she apparently decided to focus her attention on me and she begins to get slightly physical in a flirtatious way this wasn't unwelcome at bursts and I kind of just rolled with it to the Glee of my friends however it gets unacceptable pretty quickly now she pushes herself up against me and her hands wander a little too far she then accuses me of being her baby daddy in which one of the guys found particularly humorous though apparently he cracked some kind of joke which she found to be objectionable and this is where things really begin to escalate she walks up to him and presses her or arm up against his throat as she backs him into the side of the building that we're next to she mutters things along the lines of oh that's funny to you is it she then grabs him by the throat and continues to utter similar statements and which is when I build the need to step in because my buddy is clearly very uncomfortable and isn't sure how to respond to what's going on my other roommate is wisely standing about by beat back from us detached from what's going on I walk up to her and separate them telling her to get the [ __ ] off him or I'll be forced to call the police she then looks me in the eyes with this heinous glare and says if you call the cops I'll tell them you raped me I tell my friends we're getting the hell out of there and we begin to walk away but she follows us I again tell her to leave us alone or I'm calling the cops a threat which she clearly doesn't respond well to because this time she rebuttals with what you're scared of a girl I'll follow you home burn down your house and kill you at this point we decide we're just going to book at home and get inside so we take off running thankfully we easily gain distance on her we watch out of the front window where she wanders down our street and past our house seemingly not knowing where we went or that we even live here however she stops a block away from our house and begins talking to a couple who were outside they appear to agree to walk her home and cross back in front of our house to go in the other direction they stopped a block away from our house and she goes inside an apartment building she definitely wasn't drunk and wasn't obviously on drugs I know that being pregnant doesn't magically keep a person from engaging in those activities but it does make drugs less likely I wonder what her intentions were because she definitely sought us out and started the confrontation she threw the rape accusation out there without hesitation and that terrifies me hey guys lazy hair and thank you very much for listening firstly a big THANK YOU to your maker for his help on this one it was a really long story it must have been a real bastard to record so yeah big thanks and make sure to check out his channel if you haven't already he basically makes a horror video every day almost I mean the man's like part machine I don't know how he does it but it's all good stuff so make sure to check it out yeah speaking of checking out make sure to check me out on Facebook Twitter and subscribe or I'll come and find you and you'll hear from me again very very soon stay spooky and remember the best things happened in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 681,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, true, real, how to, new, best, most, top 5, top 10, list, nightmare, countdown, before bed, love, romance, blood, Halloween, Valentine's, drunk, Obama, fail, fails, fnaf, dead, death, funny, audiobook, creepypasta, reddit, 4chan, 2chan, crazy, scariest, creepiest, video, on youtube, who, cults, tinder, dating, weird, wasted, hot, cute, lazy, banned, horror, haunted, ghost, ghosts, caught on tape, camera, picture, unbelievable, hits, of all time, baby, lyrics, song, rock, 4 Horrific REAL Bar & Clubbing Nights from Hell
Id: a5f_8CQBjtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2016
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