1st Attempt of Circle of Cash! Loads of money in todays Live Stream

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let's get this camera angle just right oh hey everybody welcome to our first monday live stream also welcome to the first attempt of building a tower of quarters transparency see i'm the one that built this thing they weren't all about my suggestion of having someone built uh tower of quarters just for me for an hour so they said if you want to do it you can do it so what i didn't realize is how long this thing takes to make i showed up here an hour early thinking i could have a big skyscraper built by now and i didn't so this is an hour's worth of work so what i'm going to do once a week i'm going to come up here early reserve the machine and i am going to build cool towers for you all notice there's a little bit more cash in here today so look i put a survey up on the channel with you all asking to please give me some advice and one of the biggest criticisms i got was live streams i focused too much on the conversations and i don't focus enough when playing and i think that's been just an all-around complaint with everybody is i don't play by strategy anymore so today i'm gonna keep reading you all things you're always number one to me hey everybody i'm reading your comments but i'm going to try to play to give you all a good show at the same time all right guys so let's go ahead so today was a 400 buy-in mainly because i think i had to build this thing i didn't put the cash in there but i did build that uh yeah there are there are some uh machines that build uh the towers i'm not real familiar with them but all right guys let's go ahead and get started let's get this thing camera away hello everybody happy monday let's make some cash let's turn this monday into a fun day and again please don't think i'm ignoring anybody but the biggest complaint i notice is i get distracted really easy and i read oh that's awesome becky yeah i decided i know people have a hard time with the later live streams and another complaint was i started off at a certain time and it kept getting later and later and it seemed like i didn't care about you all so guys i told you all i'm going to fix it i'm going to fix all the issues that we have and hey the reason why i decided to do mondays because mondays typically are not known to be fun there's not much about monday that seems to be fun but if we can do a cool lasting every monday give you something to look forward to hey everybody yeah guys that's this thing took me forever so i found a channel you all have been suggesting it i found a channel says uh we play you win and i love them they're honest people they bought their own poker and they literally they have some pretty cool setups and they taught me through their live stream with how to build these cool towers i had no idea so thanks to them uh i learned how to build a coin tower and we got some quarters stuck here this is not sorry i'm trying to figure out how to get this thing to come down now this coin tire is heavy i'm not even moving it at all i don't know if this thing is going to be uh oh thank you so much becky um i don't know how this thing's going to move mike is not here today he stopped in earlier but he's not here right now he had to run out me and mike are doing a live stream together this week yeah mark i am early hey josh you got the package thank you oh you got your package awesome ed yes i sent a whole bunch of packages out now listen i'm gonna tell you all something i had over 70 packages to send out and i was running out of because i was putting like bitcoins and all kind of stuff i was running out of stuff so i had a lot of people send me some really cool stuff and i didn't get a chance to send back like really cool coins but i just got a shipment of money that has been discontinued that holds a lot of value and if you all let me know if you all sent me some coins and quarters and stuff like that the only thing you got back was a channel chip and stuff i will get those out to you all hey john hey buddy oh awesome becky that's funny hey jamar you won you won the last last week's competition you were the one that won uh you had got the xbox thing right so send me an email i think it was through uh through mark mark's gonna send you uh some bells and stuff so just keep that in mind you were last week's winner oh man i don't know what's going on here i'm literally not trying to i'm trying to get that those quarters to come out oh what is going on today i sent out a huge amount of packages last week so they should be coming any day that was my last quarter already oh amazing amazing amazing mating and this is terrible i got 40 stack and the hat [Music] tonight's going to be interesting all right hey bray but bray's here hey buddy we'll see break here soon coming home tonight so i think we have to make some big pushes to get this stuff off i think so poker rosey as always thank you so much you are amazing greatly appreciate the support love having you here you're just hands down an awesome person and i'm going to have to go do a buy-in already come on baby man that thing is like that is not moving at all i think it's going nowhere all right let me go do a uh let me go do a buy-in real quick uh 400 buy-in i'm glad it was a smaller one because i got to go do one right now all right guys give me a second and i will be right back hey this thing everybody just messed myself up that's what it seems like so they're telling me this is my fault they're saying you're the one that wanted the coin tower this is your fault maybe this is my i think the key might and there might need to be more hard stuff in here to think so oh misty i'm sorry to hear that we're not going to get near the audience today because it's our first monday but what my hopes are oh don't worry about that now just being here is a gift man um today is going to be a good lesson lesson so we are now we had a 400 buy-in we're now officially 600 as far as buy-ins go sharon did i get the package today you know honestly i haven't even had a chance i know uh wendy said some some stuff too i haven't had a chance because i woke up and i headed straight here because i wanted to talk to them about the coin pushers that i found i wanted to ask them about me building a coin tower i had so much stuff from over the weekend that i wanted to speak to them about so i got here early but hopefully hopefully i'll be able to go and get it thank you so much sharon you are amazing sharon's the one that's sick the new laptop because i'm still in their laptop so thanks to her of course i'm gonna hook her up for doing it but she sent that for us oh good i'm glad you all that normally can't catch a live stream where he's gonna watch it all right let's let's just try to i got it oh wait did that help i don't know how i can play strategic currently because i just need big pushes if my feet is blurry i did becky i'm sorry i did pick a winner for the turkey giveaway actually and i forgot to post it yes i did i post that when i get home tonight oh there you go now there we go that was what was holding us up all right so we need to put nice even pushes tammy says go for the ammo leave the tower behind you know what i think you're right i think what people are saying is don't get caught up play strategic all right so what do you think the left side play the left side see if we can get all this stuff to come off that's the second quarter i threw oh hey mike sorry to hear that buddy i'll find a good time i said 5 30. maybe we could do like six or something like that that would be better for you all right so i'm not going to get to the tower i'm listening to my loyal peeps the tower is not worth battling all right marx is left hey guys i'm getting ready to do a cool collab with the guy that's awesome i've been trying to get a chance to talk to him last few days have been crazy but his channel name is 784 tactical it's got an amazing channel we've got a lot of cool stuff anyways i don't want to spoil it but me and him we're going to do a codelab together and we're going to try to uh do something pretty interesting i think the only way he came up with the idea i can't take credit for it but once that gets in the works i'll let you all know hey carson hey buddy here all right so i'm gonna try to left for a little bit and then we'll go over to the right i'm trying left but it's doing whatever it wants to do [Music] so they already picked out oh hold on all right let me go collect that was a good push actually oh finally finally we did good on the return this time oh yeah perfect all right things are looking better wow looking a lot better oh man we loaded it up this time love it see it makes that last buy-in worth it i got coolers here on the ground from me throwing it all right this is what i needed to listen to y'all from the first place don't worry about the tower let's check this out oh wow that hurt hurt man we got that look at this that's a loaded full cache right there awesome all right so i'm gonna load up this cup so this is what we've got thus far oh we got some more quarters need them all all right guys let's look at this thank you all so much for sharing the live stream so frank we are all uh frank i'm not let's see 10 20 20 40 60. uh about 160 it looks like about 160 back thus far all right buddy trying to stay warm i don't know it's cold here too guys i know he's been sniffling science has been acting up all day ah there we go there's some cash all right so let's uh let's keep on the left side because it's still working the right side hey everybody um i'm sorry hopefully hopefully you enjoyed today's video we can kick you all back y'all get some enjoyment out of this that's what i said no one who likes mondays i i've never now i worked for the railroad for a little bit or i worked for an ems and some of my days were all on mondays but it never got cool it never felt good to have a day off like a monday because even subconsciously you feel like the weekends it's time to be off it's when everybody's off you want to be hanging around with everybody i survived covet thank you jackie one of the golden quarters you're right follow heck yeah man how long has it been since we playing the uh chicken game we got a whole bunch of stuff there on the left look it's just getting this is kind of like a bumper and it's getting uh oh yeah so wendy you all remember back when i was shipping stuff out i was terrible at chipping stuff out and then i tried to ship a bunch of stuff about and it got returned and said i didn't have enough postage well back when jeff was still with us wendy had won a bitcoin jeff picked it out for and she never got a chance to get it and she finally got it to that in the mail so what is happening here why does this keep happening come on why is that happening it's right where i need it to be i need that open silly love all right she gets awesome send you back some west virginia love oh i'm going i wish i could send this down a little bit faster it's happening going like this log jam that's right nathan some kind of jam nba jam all right so that was my last quarter i i don't like that thing keep getting dumped up over there that's a bummer oh got some more loot though i like that get all the cash i can get let's see all right so this is what we got back so far and we got uh 20 20 27 we okay got 40. it's getting built up we're getting there golden quarter in here all right let me check i want to pass that up uh let's see oh are you thinking of this that kind of looks golden oh thank you so much for the two super chat you are awesome thank you thank you thank you ninja push i think that might be it because i don't see i don't see a golden quarter in here guys i'm sorry hey mark wow oh there it is look come on baby be pushed well that was anticlimactic baltimore maryland holly my neighbor kind of oh i work for the railroad i spent a lot of time in baltimore it's over to curtis bay and all the places there brings back do i collect english coins honestly i collect just about anything because it all goes to bray and brain loves them all so i got some good news they have been looking for a coin pusher for some time i took it upon myself to look for coin pushers for them and i put a vote up and i said which one would you all rather see but there was no even questions one of the two i showed you they wanted no no questions asked they wanted it so is it buffering guys i'm sorry a sharon sent me a i got a new laptop coming i'm using their laptop still i apologize about that um that was my last quarter let me go down here and collect but so they picked out a new coin pusher and it will be here this week that's how they roll all right who gotta stand up i gotta make it up all right so we got a hundred dollars in game play we got uh 20 uh 40 60 in that so the cup is getting built up guys we're getting our cash we need it second wave super push it all i need everything i can get currently i don't like how this one falls i hope the new game the new game is faster i do know that that was the only requirement i asked for them i said i want this to playing field to go faster because the one that i play now is all three of them are slow and both of the elvis and this one both uh the elvis and the price is right both are the fast playing fields so don't forget the fire freeze i love the buyer freeze current status is data 240 thank you so much frank ever since you all suggested buyer freeze i got two tubes at the house and i use it religiously i mean this thing is moving like just small portions at a time all right so that was my last quarter already well there's no cash down there frank you're right it's heavy it's heavy it's heavy teddy so i need to find a way because once a week i want to do a video of me building a tower he loves the towers man braden said today is when pearl harbor was attacked really is today bray is full of all kind of interesting facts guys i love it i know i think i need to build the tower higher i think right now it's got a low gravitational pull when it's it's making it not want to fall but boy if we can get that off there look at all the quarters we would get i i sucked up a lot of their quarters building that thing today's pearl harbor day i did not know that thank you bray see i'm playing the left side hey josh hope all is doing well thank you so much sonic jerry you are amazing all is going well very happy to be so thankful to have you all oh well i have to get another buy-in will it come down to that i hope not sorry chuck i agree with you what a travesty such a beautiful place too man hawaii [Music] oh come on we gotta get this thing off here ryan said he had to reschedule the surgery oh no and your late best friend's birthday oh i'm sorry to hear that hey dan hey geek out [Music] oh that was a good push that was a really good push we got to get this thing to the edge i'm running low in quarters i'm watching surf competition y heck yeah i love being hawaii so this thing is getting close we gotta get this off here only problem is getting over that lip i don't know man we'll see coming to you live from west by god virginia i don't want to ask where you're at where we were at having the surgery on the 22nd i wish you the best where's my beautiful woman at she i feel terrible saying this but she's homemaking supper and she's getting ready to go get little man you're right my beautiful woman i thank god every day for man one of the other complaints that came up is i'm too nice i let them bully me over here guys it's gonna be hard for me to uh change that but i promise to you i'll try to help you well check this out what is that it looks like a mayan coin or something i didn't even see that thing's huge all right guys that was it braces yeah dude you're too nice i had to get into my emergency stash emergency stash [Music] come on baby let's do this i'm staying with the left side because man i mean this this is where it's at maybe i need to play the right side because the left side keeps going over to the right so let's uh let's mix this thing up a little bit oh thank y'all so much uh that is what i asked a little bit ago what is that coin oh yeah that's i it looks like a mayan coin that's what it looks like i don't know much just the i don't know what that's what it looks like to me let's try to get that thing off here so we can look at it oh it's getting close guys it's right there someone say stash say cash lol jeff's lucky quarter is fell the reason why is even with the stuff on it i was still rubbing off the i always think about jeff using the marker and painting it and i don't want the red to be gone but i always i always have it just not with me what in the world is this thing okay i'm voting on this that's not that's not mine that's asian check that thing out does anybody know what that is it's got asian writing on the back wow that's a good score it's thick too huh all right wild and wonderful west virginia remember they had that movie called the wild and wonderful white southwest virginia that crazy family looks like silver yeah it does look like silver there's a 50 chip that's getting ready to fall [Music] trying to think of a strategy i can put together let me know if y'all have any ideas i need to i need something some kind of good strategy going on here focus on the ammo not to tower i like it and i will it might be focusing on another buy-in 20 and that pathetic [Music] is there a date on this silver let me check before i go any further uh i don't see a date on here that's very nice though i like that i did uh one buy-in so we are at 600 dollars all right something i got to figure something out i need a better strategy i need to go about this let's uh let's let's play the left side if the pit boss isn't looking shake the machine i don't know if shaking machine would do anything with that [Music] man why is it i've never had that issue with this why is that happening on here man that's really messing me up all right so gotta figure something something out playing f all right let's uh let's slow the left side up a little bit i don't want to get them all stuck oh and that's what i'm achieving there we go i got one of them now there we go got two of them out problem baby i got two left come on man that was already my last quarter i really don't want to do another buy-in i don't think we're there yet mark said we're like negative oh that's awesome mark all right guys so let me get down here and collect what's coming off i mean i don't know what to do here trying to play smarter towers getting close let's uh let's load both sides up for a second oh would you quit getting called where's the dealio man you're right i just noticed that all that cash is just hanging there he's come on i need to get in my pocket [Music] i hate when it slows down like this i'm running out of quarters a little bit boring to watch yes i would jesse all right i'm coming up with a plan c here let's do this just got my back turned off for one second and i'm going over here all right i'm loading this thing up i am definitely having a good day we are trying to find a way to be strategic and get a hang maker push and all those big pushes to get this stuff off here all right that's what i'll do let me uh dollar out of time i can afford to do that all right so there's that [Music] now you don't go over there that is not your fun spot oh thank you nancy man i i'm just i don't know what the deal is here there we go it's almost like this thing has pulled out some that's why it's getting caught all right i gotta blow my nose i'm sorry i gotta turn my head nobody's driving me nuts all right let's get in here collect oh this is a good one this is what i needed all right oh darling asking for the key [Music] come on baby get off there i fell it fell all right there we go now we're back in the game all right back in the game ah i've done that wrong oh what happened no it just disappeared what what happened here are y'all there with me hey guys this whole thing just shut off hopefully you're all still there this whole thing just shut off i can't wait to get that new tech's arcana i'm not like this this thing drive me nuts there let me find out where you're all at right there all right here we go [Music] stuck again not doing too well i'm getting stuck up in the chute hey guys hey everybody i'm reading what y'all saying i'm just kind of trying to find a way to get this cash off oh the burns hole's closed i've just seen it i knew that north carolina guys that tower is getting closer and [Music] closer ah push hey finally got some cash again oh yeah sweet all right finally got that and that and we got that all right what's up somebody said try the right sacks let's do that let's put a dollar in there no not like that let's take one thing wants to guys if it's out of focus you might need to change the setting so that may be the problem oh yeah i used to win pocket knives all the time nice to go to flying j's man i got a heck of a question so if you're all excited to see a brand new cooling pusher up here that will be the fifth one let me know i know i'm excited i'm excited to get one that news faster michael tell you which one it is i'm gonna keep that a surprise i'm also playing it against mike too this week so a lot of your concerns i will be talking to them about that's going to be something fun special present for you all right nancy are you on facebook it might be a little bit easier to pm you on facebook [Music] shame don't be so hard on yourself yes i was just more quarters like this more to better views thank you so much i appreciate it i appreciate not only super chat but tell me this kind words nicholas do you get to keep whatever falls in the street yes i do nickels absolutely it's all mine it is my take of today's wins all right i gotta go collect real quick oh not cool let me know what y'all's thoughts would you like to see another buy-in i don't know if that would be worth it i really don't i gotta try to figure something out here and it keeps falling in the middle why does it fall in the middle come on baby i need something that tower what a pain in the butt ah they did well if everybody gave me some great all right so i gotta figure something out um about a buy in here real quick i know it's getting pretty silly so give me give me one second i'm gonna see i think i might do a 200 buy-in i don't know so all right well i mean i missed something thank you yes please do another no worries thank you so much nicholas all right guys i'm gonna take this up here and see if i can do this real quick i'll be right back all right so here we go this is not the best option but it's an option and i'll take it all right let's try to load this thing up guys let's just yes any good luck term you all have please send it this way because i need it come on baby come on get out there wendy you're amazing you love what you do please don't forget to check your team oh thank wendy thank you so much yes this is the smallest wendy you're always amazing i appreciate everything that you do i'll definitely check the tape out um guys yes i'm sorry i built this tower i literally built it all the way up until it's time to play so next time i need to come here at least two hours ahead of time so i've learned something for those that built the towers good job because that is not easy nancy all right if you're on facebook i'll definitely is it your same name nancy dento all right so let me go down here and pull out let me move this stuff over i'm getting all kind of rearranging i move this ah so [Music] so you all if you all haven't watched i really like what i really like with uh we play you win does i think that's so cool because basically they bought this exact same coin pusher and they do experiments on it oh there we go it's what i needed she got moses thank you so much for the 20 you are amazing thank you i love the the uh guy with the claw there you are amazing and i finally got some quarters back steel you were my good luck thank you she came in and it pushed the power oh yeah there we go that's what i needed [Music] thank you all so much for being here guys thank you for everything i wanted you all to be tough on me tell me what you did like you didn't like honesty is the only way i mean we as a society don't take criticism for certain things very well we get caught up in thinking certain ways and it's my way or no way and i've been that way so many times in my life and i've literally tried to to uh hey john you have a good day too buddy i've been trying to you know the only way to better yourself is to understand areas that you need to better yourself man this tower is getting close i'm not going to rule it out i'm not going for it i can get two craps about it but oh thank you jeff oh still falling still falling down to the ground to left and right oh we got some money back finally all right so we're doing good there and this is what we have here juggler mansfield don't get offended he doesn't hardly is douglas out here buddy i'm sorry i didn't even see you here i literally don't see one comment with you in here juggler mansfield my buddy been here since day one i haven't even seen you leave a comment oh come on baby big push all right that was in front of the tower all right nicholas now i'm sorry guys listen uh seriously a lot of people complain that i spend more time responding to people than actually playing so today i was i'm reading it but i'm just trying to focus on playing you know i'm trying to trying to please everybody that makes it hard but please don't think i'm not listening to what you're saying i'm reading it well there was some cash oh it's stuck in this shoot thanksgiving good jon all right let's load this thing up guys thank you nancy now guys i'm always you all number one don't ever think in my book that one of the other complaints was i was getting too much about money and listen i do want to explain this to you all me having a channel sponsor really this is an expensive channel to do and i know it's the channel i decided to do so please don't take it wrong but uh when i have channel sponsors people that help me monetarily it helps me make videos more often on the flip side of that i did have to speak about them quite regularly but i have stopped i'm not going to do it near as much maybe once a month i'll get a sponsor but i'm not gonna do that to you all wait a minute when i just missed something i just missed something huge what did i miss paul josh my advice is the wood gimmicks when i first started watching your videos i was able to sweat it out you watching you tried to break even maximize your win or minimize your loss was fun and relatable i could feel passion but be real paul first off thank you so much my man for doing that that wow that was amazing buddy and secondly thank you so much for your advice i promise to you i will take that to heart thank you all the way around i i'm so blessed to have you all thank you my man paul's donation we got another 40 stack oh that was amazing i mean seriously i totally missed it but then i seen that red thing up top more about the competition in winning i like it hoping i'm starting to show you all that get back into the fun of playing this was a bad video to do that because ah this tower that i built i built this thing is killing me all right thank you all give me a second i gotta go quiet i need the cash i need the money man that i'll tell you what i seriously i can't do this without y'all's help you all are such an inspiration so blessed to have you all part of it well that wasn't near as much as what i was hoping but whatever i'm not doing another buy-in too much oh they're ultra wuss and hey you want me to remind you yes arterial wills outro wilson i to this day i have never said her name correctly she's so amazing she's been a part of this channel for so long and she officially wants to become a moderator i would be honored uh if you could give me another comic after wilson because i don't think i could do it off that donation one but i will be glad to make you a moderator i'd love to have you part of the family yes i know you all want what you you came here for this was fun this was a competition you could relate to it if you over here playing too this is how you all would want to be playing and i i totally respect that guys i i just i did too many i don't know what happened somewhere along the line i lost my mojo i truly i lost my mojo and i'm you got my word i'm getting it back ruth today is her 30 year anniversary happy anniversary to you all happy anniversary thank you so much happy anniversary to you all 30 years man that is something special that truly is artrey wilson can you leave me a comment again so i can click one and make a a mod oh here we go here we go okay that was not near as what i was thinking it looked good though how does my skill stop work well it's it's pretty good on this one yeah sure it wasn't if you can leave me just one more comment that way i can click on and get you as a moderator because i don't think i could do it on the other one i'm sit here for a second guys because i want to make her mod hey guys i thank y'all so much for bearing with me i'm not trying to put a thing in here but i really want to make her a mod she's been so faithful to the channel or wendy and becky can you all make somebody a mod or is it just me could you all make her a mod i'm not sure how that works there you are all right i got you hold on gotta catch up i think it's so slow i look i really appreciate her let me use her computer but it's so slow there we go congratulations you are now officially a mod part of the family ah wow bummer man i am not doing good with these returns trying to get a system going here that makes sense all right let's do this [Music] [Music] i'm just trying to build it up i've seen someone say earlier that they've seen it new oh thank you nicholas i really appreciate that you're the great and powerful awesome you can make if someone's a modder i didn't know that i thought moderators had a lot more power with that i'm still learning i'm trying to learn it welcome to the ranks let's topple the tower i agree i'm tired of looking at it and see look what it's doing it's building up all those quarters in the back of there which if i had a bunch of quarters to throw in here i could get the same push but because i'm throwing in one at a time i believe i believe in it all right come on baby there we go big push oh that was a lot of anti-climatic moments today let's try one more of that oh come on oh it's getting so close guys hang in there with me i know it's getting pretty boring but hang in there i think this thing is going to come off i think it's going to happen and we are in like flynn as soon as that does so just bear with me it's going to be boring for a little bit guys but we can do this i know it we gotta weather the storm whether the storm of mediocrity pushes this is one of those true battles there we go come on baby keep falling i need every quarter i can get all right come on what was my biggest win ever um i think the gold bar i think i'm pretty sure that was probably my biggest win when i got the gold bar i got a lot of value oh all right [Music] thank you all so much i'm i'm giving it my all i promise to you made it this far can't give up now [Applause] my nose is running this patient's killing me yeah that's right it was a 40 000 silver bar [Music] come on baby something exciting happened all right that was my last quarter already oh but this is good all right this is good am i complaining all right hey i missed somebody oh i missed it sorry nancy bento thank you so much for the super chat you were amazing greatly appreciated david goliath i love it nancy i'm gonna try to do this good push here for you supersonic like i need like what is it uh what's the park in wyoming isn't that heck i can't think the name the one that's under one of the biggest volcanoes ever i need that kind of push i need an eruption i'm a bit late i was getting a new window in my car someone tried to steal it ninja push oh i'm so sorry man people are relentless man i need we're trying we've got this all the way across the playing field and we're running low on quarters but we're almost yellowstone that's it yosemite yellowstone that's what it is i need that kind of eruption that's what i need to win today all right so let's collect some more quarters here we're going to get it i know it i believe in it i'll be so glad to play this new coin pusher all right let's do it [Music] it all comes down to this come on baby big push big push big bumpers second wave earthquake push right that's what i need man seriously i still i i've got a bitcoin i didn't win a bitcoin oh faithful i need old faithful i was watching this thing on the history channel about 100 different ways the earth could end and they were talking about if that erupted so that's why i hate that my mind oh good stetson i'm so glad you got the that's awesome man i'm hoping mondays will be a nice change there's not a lot going on on youtube i'm not trying to compete with someone else and nobody likes mondays at least i don't know anybody that likes mondays come on baby oh that's all right i got some quarters back that's what we need [Music] i'm going to get it i'm thinking uh thinking positive they say you put positive out the positive comes back oh that was good i wish i could load this up a little bit more but i don't want to waste what quarters i have i want to play as strategic as i possibly can come on baby all right there we go keep on coming down i need all i can get that wasn't good all right hey buddy awesome glad to have you all here oh what's happening the shoot is stuck the shoe door is stuck oh i see there's a 20. i'll take it i need all the cash i can get all right all right so we're we're hanging in there so let's go ahead and uh add this one to the bunch that's a 40 stack so there we go got the 50 in there there's so much cash combed up on the sides here no don't get stuck come on and it is why would you last monday was your birthday show happy birthday to you there we go baby push this right side over come on oh thrown quarters i'm getting into it yes they do make it harder to win but the new video the new ones come in do not have the dealer holes in it so those you all that the dealer holes drive you all nuts know this week seriously it's going to happen all right that was my last quarter i still have belief in it the biggest problem is is trying to get it over top of that edge that's a hard one man but we can do it i believe so all right come on baby let's do this all right oh that was a bad fall bad bad fall it looks like the tire of money is falling backwards what is going on there maybe if i jump up and down good i'm glad you all like uh the monday live streams hey when things aren't working you gotta try different things i'm trying not to go on top of each other i know that drives you all nice oh there we go come on baby big push what what's happening there we go all right that was a good push come on baby oh that went on top i've been shaking the devil out of my phone trying to get out i know i'm taking big steps man i'm over 200 pounds i'm trying to if i don't care if it falls backwards if it falls backwards it'll shoot some out but we need to get that thing come down all right come on baby raymond says everybody jump up and down from your house let's do a little mini earthquake and get this thing off damage oh i'm just almost they went and none of it came off and you all did it you all jumped up and down but none of it came off oh my gosh oh gee monty it all went backwards all that work i did building that well hey i said stay positive i didn't say about which way it was going to fall oh look we can push this off now all right let's get this all right perfect perfect next time you build a tower put the quarters face to face that falls face all right i need to do something i got to figure that part out this is my first tower i'm learning i'm learning sorry i sneezed ah obviously things are never so bad they could get worse so hang in there buddy thank you frank i agree with your dad come on baby big push you know what i'm just happy we got that thing uh i'm just glad that we got that thing to fall that was a big accomplishment we're down to nothing in quarters come on baby big bush oh man you can really hear that machine struggling all right somebody said to play right i think i'm like oh come on all right we got some quarters back all right let's let's try let's try right for a second i don't think jumping would help in new york you never know man oh that was cool i can see why you all like the towers that was pretty cool the anticipation and everything the build up for it that was i liked that that was fun there's a bunch of quarters getting ready to fall off right here oh that's that was a good push that i need to stay on the right apparently because that really pushed that okay all right let's do that well i gotta turn my head again i gotta blow my nose i don't know why my sinuses are bothering me so bad today all right so we got another stack of money so that puts us that looks like a 20 stack so there we go we're doing good stay right all right i will do that ah come on josh it's up to you don't mess this up for all your friends there we go awesome that was a good push stand to the right last quarter anything happen oh all right oh this was a good one this one was this is good i'll take that i think i agree it needs to go to the center a little bit ah come on baby you can do it i believe in you it's getting close i want to get it they was not in vain oh don't go that way hang on gravity man if we could just get one of those things to come down mudslide that's exactly what we need if we can just get one to fall down oh there we go okay perfect it's getting there so close man this is the funnest i've played in a long time i'm serious this is the funnest game it's not even about one of the huge vote uh cash right now it's about well that's true all right let's see if that does anything come on baby big push all right it's so close it's right there oh i got i got to play the left for a second because there's quarters just hanging off the edge there we go yeah the left is out of the game guys it's not doing anything stay right all right come on baby all right that was my last quarter but that's all right it's almost tumbling down and listen to all that ah this is fun oh thank you so much this is fun this is this really is fun oh that was not fun i like the uh thunderstorm being closed too there we go come on baby big push oh that was good hopefully you all seen that that was like a real nice even push it's right there man this might get it this seriously oh it's so close oh so i'm gonna check my paypal i'm sorry i haven't i'm just like really caught up all right so let me bend down here and grab the quarters i'll check it this is this is about to get real we got a lot of quarters all right let's uh log it into my paypal oh back hurts i'm getting eggy things being done [Music] all right so we got a lot of ammunition built up here guys so this is this is good to go you're good oh there it went oh you all seen that there it goes that was huge that was a huge oh man sorry that came in it was telling me something guys that was huge man that was huge ah we can wear this thing back up finally all right now we got to work on getting these stacks to come off all right that was no i still got quarters left man this has changed the whole dynamic you all for staying it was looking bleak there for a little bit but we worked through the storms so those y'all are asking about the dealer holes on this game oh there's another big one these two places right here oh i'm glad you enjoyed the game thank you for this channel enjoy thank you so much fast i greatly greatly appreciate that thank you so much for help supporting it um there's holes on either one of these sides and if you notice quarters will go in there that's the dealer hole which here is kind of unfair to have those because it's not like a regular coin pusher where them getting their quarters back but what it does is it takes pressure off the front so it makes it harder to win the stuff that's why they keep them all right so let's go down here and see how many quarters we just won oh my gosh oh man wow wow wow got some cash in here too check this out so first off let's look at the cash so we've got 20 so there's 40. oh the cup is getting full i can't even move it but check this out how cool is that we loaded it up man there's a lot of quarters in this playing field today yes i'm sold on the towers all that all that that went into building it i'm sold trying to just get nice even pushes because we got all this cash no don't do that again i did wendy nothing yet but thank you so much [Music] i'm going baby dude there's a big stack over there that's what i got oh doing no no no no no um this one's a bitcoin that one other one's like a liberty coin or something it looks like it's getting ready to go to the house [Music] come on baby couldn't get quarters missed everything i said oh i'm sorry is the thing cutting out place slower all right oh that was another big one that was huge all right somebody said this place slower i'm playing too fast because i got a lot of quarters you're probably i think you're right so let's play slower get back to the strategy [Music] what got us here in the first place we got everything bunched up don't better there come one big first excellent getting all those quarters off from that power that was actually my last quarter sorry i'm trying to read what y'all saying uh i think people are having a blur oh my gosh wow wow wow wow wow [Music] it's raining money so first off thank you i am today i'm serious i'm getting back to what i enjoyed about and it was all about the fun of the game and today was just fun the the tower was fun to play against just everything all the dynamics have changed it doesn't look like a lot that's a lot of quarters yes the anytime i get chips i get to catch them in at the end i need to try to get that thing to come off but i'm not going to worry about it i'm just going to uh [Music] yeah you all if it's getting blurry you might need to hit the hd settings i apologize this is the last video that i will be doing on this uh on using their their uh laptop i think that's probably a big some of the reason oh there's actually some cash right under here oh there it is it's almost there let's get that off there i don't know i think we got enough quarters all right come on let's get this off so guys my sweet tea my sweet tea uh addiction has gotten bad i went to christmas shopping um it was yesterday and i ended up going to mcdonald's getting a large sweet tea with the popeyes got a gallon of sweet tea and then on the way home yeah chick-fil-a was closed yup so i came home with loads i'm sure i got to do something man check the golden quarter all right i'll look i'll look see if i can find what you're all talking about [Music] diabetes does run in my family they do have sugar problems so i need to stop getting into my addictions i can't get this thing to come off yeah i know i know we i'm still doing fantastic i'm trying to get this there's a 10. you can't see you see a 20 but there's a 10 underneath it and it's kind of holding up something i'm really trying to see if i can get that to fall off see next oh it's because it's elongated all right i got what you're throwing at me thank good i know you know there's a time of day i used to drink a lot of mountain dew when i was younger but i can't it hurts my stomach like i have a lot of acid reflux issues falling apart i used to drink monster energies oh thank you kim i used to drink monster energies like they were going out of style when we had arcade and my family came to me like josh you're gonna seriously you're gonna overdose oh there it is it fell uh beard beach bomb ass where these are located the casinos are you can find them in both but i will tell you this i've done a lot of research here lately because a lot of people said that they'd like to see me play in different places and there's not many of these out there they're illegal in most of my surrounding states they're legal in virginia they're legal in west virginia pennsylvania does have them but not this style they have just a regular you know win a couple bucks for coinbushers i think they're illegal and uh logan wiggins can i have a shout out you absolutely can have a catch shout out if i can do that right thank you so much for the super chat logan huge shout out to you left a little bit all right let's do that i really like to get that thing done that stack of quarters [Music] i'm trying all right come on all right so that was actually finally my last quarter i i've been that that was a long time so let's go down here and see what kind oh my god this i can't even open it oh man oh i'm gonna waste so many quarters today because there's no way i can oh man this is almost a full cup i have literally got almost a full couple quarters it is it is almost to the top i have never had quarters this much i think i said that backwards never had this one yeah i'm still saying it backwards check this out guys well see for me it seems like it's higher but that's a lot of quarters that really is for here that's a lot of quarters it's like over a thousand dollar buy-in 20 10 20. so there's another 50. check this out the cup is growing john's head whatever happened to me getting someone uh guys there's a bunch of cool stuff getting ready to come up i just spoke to arcade matt yesterday and hopefully before christmas he'll be up we get into the new place i have so many things that i am working trying my best that's within my power to do and i hope like one of the things that i noticed that uh and hey if i see somebody doing things better i'll go to it i'll try and one of the things that people were commenting on is we play you win for the loot cam or you can watch the quarters fall down live and i thought that was a really good idea so i might try a loot can in one of my videos i'm going to try to play with someone to see if i can mix it up so it's not just me going back and forth uh we got the brand new king pusher coming in this week that should be fun i'm super excited to see how that works so those you all have stamps stood with me i promise to you [Music] i don't know what the deal is with that i don't know if that thing's come up lord knows we got enough quarters rather you're right on time never late and that's something else i'm working on too fast i know today i started like 5 45 that's because i was trying to build that tower but i did some afrohall i forget about that yes i i did get the ps5 i haven't opened it up yet obviously not till christmas but i did get the ps5 and yes bray is aware that i got it i can't hide it if he goes on channel because he does watch his videos now if it was a gift for glenda i could have it because she would never watch it find out i actually got it the next day i went up that monday and picked it up i agree justin he said the winning stuff is messing me up and i agree i think i could be playing a lot a lot better strategy if that would just come off i'm trying to pick up see like i'm trying to throw it fast down on it i don't know what happened here i don't know why this is doing this i've seen other cooling pushers do it some of it fell down so what do you all think what what side do you think i should uh oh i missed something joey said i'm sorry um i think i should put it left or right really helps having you all kind of help me yeah that wouldn't be a bad idea to have them come in here straighten it out for me [Music] let's see oh that almost came out that time it's almost there man we're just hammering the quarters i feel like i have so many options all these quarters oh no don't you do that there we go that should be a good one all right i'm gonna play the right side a little bit guys i think i play the left side a lot let me see if i can look at the stick machine there we go if it gets any worse i will have them come clean it out because i don't want to i don't think that's an unreasonable request that's right more quarters well the reason why somebody asked this is frustrating because i'm only putting a couple holders because earlier when i was putting a bunch in somebody said i was playing too fast so this is the part of the issue when you say you can't please everybody i try to listen to one side and the other side comes in and says this is boring so i'll try to play with some more quarters but the other problem is way this thing's playing today is it keeps getting caught up in the shoot too i do agree cam i definitely need a strategy i think today we i think we had a strategy i i do i wasn't real sure at first how to go about it but with your suggestions and stuff i think i mean we were able to get that power off and that is pretty impressive i think it was heavy man all right let's look at me to do see it keeps doing that i feel like that lip has can't there we go knock it out of there all right that was a good push that was a really good push scout hangout since strategy one do not lose josh that's my favorite strategy all right so that finally was my last quarter i mean how long we've been playing all right so let's go down here and collect this massive amount oh oh yeah oh yeah wow can we beat the last record can we get a full couple quarters wow this is close it might be a tower might be the most i've got wow i can say wow check this out it's kind of hard to lift up all right so first and foremost my my back is not bad brian thanks for asking it's always bothering me so we got 30 bucks so added to our loot there we go look at that we have a total 600 actually 700 but i use just that 100 chip but look at this that is filled almost to the brim that's a lot of quarters guys so i'm gonna play a little bit if it doesn't get unjammed i'm gonna ask if they will straighten it out because i don't want to make this boring i can see how that can come boring pretty soon let's uh oh i hope i didn't mess myself up there oh i did there we go all right i got it out it's like i have unlimited ammo to play today and i gotta figure out oh that was a good push that pushed everything oh thank you all so much for everybody that's recognizing that i'm definitely a lot happier a different approach to the game in general nobody wants to come on here and listen to somebody that's down and the funny thing is i knew that but i'm seriously i'm one of those people that are very vocal about what's on my mind i kind of put it out there to the universe and hoping i can find an answer i think i might get this thing finally come off i don't like that i'm not what the world it's moving oh thank you so much man i seriously y'all mean so much so i hope you all don't feel like i've left you all out from the live stream but yet i still try to focus on not good but i'm still trying to focus on playing try to bounce both worlds they said these stuck coins are getting on your nerves faith they are getting on my nerves seriously it's it's something about it it's almost like a uh i don't know what the word is for it it's like a hitch you can't scratch it gotta come off damn oh look at that i just knocked the thing over uh that's so funny that was a that was a shot right there oh there's a new game that they're starting up here guys i'm so excited they have figured out a way like the bonus hole that is on top they figured out a way or the bonus holes down below that quarters will periodically and prizes drop out of the sky into the playing field seriously how cool is that i haven't played yet but they got quarters will be raining out the top you're right that cash did fall it's stuck but it fell finally see gotta stick with it just like the stinking coin tower i don't do that that's where i get in trouble at yeah oh frank he sounds like a japanese coin pusher this is one that they custom made the plexiglass is this here and i think you're right i think the plexiglas has to be loose but i've never had that problem up here for a long time yeah they custom made this thing it's really cool idea i the only thing is is how it falls and when it falls the system doesn't really make sense yet because it's hooked onto a lever and when a certain amount comes off the edge that pulls that down all right all right so we're having the issue here with the left side because there's a bunch of stuff stuck in the chute now that is my money it's my money and i need it now it's my money and i need it now yes guys seriously i have watched the views stay up i have watched the like button get hammered you all don't know how much that helps me out i think we got something going on with monday monday will be our fun day pusher day oh look at that did i help it or did i hurt it i almost got that off there frank where are we at buddy i get better than all jj there he is elvis having trouble with my computer reason i haven't been on here elvis always a pleasure to have you here buddy i was looking at them getting the coin pusher and the one one of the ones that's in the running is an elvis presley 20 and i thought of you the issue that i'm going to run into that they don't care is it apparently plays elvis's music and that would be hard for copyright reasons but if i randomly have an awesome elvis song come on i will say we'll see in this week which new one i'm playing i can't believe i'm just like seriously it's like i'm playing forever it's my money and i need it now well jj wentworth i'm gonna get ahold of jj wentworth and tell him i want some ad money for that yeah uh i know what the hell does play an elvis one but this is this is not like the one they play the one l uh what the hell's plate is a four-sided one that's just like the one i play at flying james this one is a side by side it's a little bit different game i definitely didn't want to get the exact same one that they had because then everyone won't be like hey they're trying to copy off but what the hell i'm not down for anyone saying i'm popping off someone else uh the buy-in we are up to 700 but only 600 out of pocket and seriously guys this is what we've got back i'm not sure uh frank if you have an idea an estimate about where we're at i know somebody needs to get ahold of jj woodworth and say look i'm perfect every once in a while i can just start singing it's my money and i need it now call jj i can't talk i'm saying too fast oh boy here we go again here's another one oh my goodness gracious this is it this is the most i've won it's already at the top i'm stick i love the tower i love the tower looks like i'm gonna have to be building towers a lot i think this is it i think this is the best one we've done look at that unstinking believable we got a 20 20 20 so there's 60 60 wow look it's coming out the top oh i love it that is seriously see what just happened ah yes i seriously went over to uh we play you win frank has me at -10 there we go we're almost even ah i went over to we play you win i watched them build their tower i bought some pvc pipes at lowe's i came here early and said please i will build it you let me tear it down i can tell you not many places would let you do that i went to the casino and said let me build mine between uh my own uh [Music] machine let them laugh at me yeah they they uh they gave me a lot of inspiration and i made sure i told them too that i've been wanting to know how to build it because they were when they tried they were just building like single quarter things all right got it i really wish i could get that thing i am definitely having fun mark i'd be having a lot more fun though if i could get that thing to fall i need a quarter like shoot like shoot out and knock it over need to go to bed all right hey thank you so much i know it's getting late guys 7 30 eight wow where has the time gone today what an epic battle i might go get them so this doesn't go on for hours and hours i do want to go home and see bray um i might get them to clean this thing over a little bit so we can finish this off i just i went from uh i went from a couple quarters at that time so now i have so many that i'm literally gonna have to uh lose quarters today i would be here all night trying to get through all this course look i still got that much [Music] 2 a.m it's actually 7 40 here [Music] that's why i was thinking if i could do the 5 30 start time that might be more advantageous welcome to martinsburg west by god virginia where i was raised up the bird raised up in the bird all right so i'll try let me let me grab some more quarters in my hand here let's try to let's try to put some stuff behind it little baltimore it's turned that way unfortunately yeah i left martinsburg my last year there i was 12. and uh i moved the city virginia i love steven city then we moved to charlestown west virginia and that's where i spent my high school years when i've lived and and i'm going to go on the road with my hubby then we end up there we go get that money see y'all thank you so much that's the second one you are amazing i love the hearts and the yellow thank you so much shiela you are a blessing to have a part of the channel and i thank you for being here oh i messed up maybe not oh oh there's so much stuff look i haven't been paying attention and all this is stuck in a shoot good it's all mine all my money man this court has been wanted on and on now somewhere i haven't been is the charleston downs i've been to the charlestown you see now probably wait to see now i've only been to charleston a couple times uh when i was a kid my dad went to charleston to take the real estate exam and i went down there then and then uh i have family that live across the state and foreign west virginia and i went through charleston when i was going to harvardsville to hang out with them all right no you're not the only one that thinks that's fishy there's a lot of people that think that's fishy believe me that's been the legacy of this channel since i started it believe it and that started part of the mystique behind it because the reality is i haven't said this in a while but we're out there my neighbor has a shed he used to build wood projects and stuff in it and i came to him and i said hey look i got a youtube channel i can't do it at my house because i keep telling wasteland at my house so can i use your i don't even know the guy and he's like yeah sure he's my shed and i've been in his shed ever since hey washington i'm happy with today guys i'm seriously i'm happy frank that was actually after i tried my mom's basement i forgot i forgot important part of the conversation so i started off my mom's face man she was being like every couple minutes i had to clean my room again and changed company over and i had to go entertain them so i was like oh mom i love the fact that you let me use your basement but i seriously i gotta i'm 40 years old i got to move on so that's when i found roger's shed i've been in roger's shed ever since oh boy here we go can we beat the record for our corners yeah joe joe's been here jay's playing in my basement it's so funny when joe came up we were in my house and we were walking out to the garage i said joe you're about ready to see where i play you just can't tell anybody i think i heard him thinking for a minute oh yeah this this might be it i think i might oh wow that's because that's in here oh man we got a lot of footage today oh this definitely beat it let's definitely beat it there we go all right i gotta try to stand up with this big stack of quarters check this out that's it i can just tell by looking at it that's the biggest return we've had yet wow wow wow wow i've seen the basement my therapist encouraged me to talk about it oh hey there it is plus guitars everybody guys you all know i love clutch guitars in his channel so glad that you were able to catch a live stream guys he is the og of the whole gold hunting prospecting evaluate like he totally just a cool guy he's one of those you watch his channel for a few minutes and you you think yourself wow this is the kind of guy i can hang out with he's just all around seems like a really good dude so those you know that aren't a part of his channel go click on it go over there i promise to you if you're anything like me you will binge watch his channel i think a lot of you all know who he is he's addicted right that's why i tried to tell my wife every time that uh i've been in the room watching your videos for like four hours i'm almost done i gotta find out how much is how much gold is in this uh man like this is wow two yeah i was going to say i would imagine i would imagine you probably would see a lot of your subscribers here because you know that's how i found you let's do everybody here oh boy dreadful 26 john he was the one that told me about you actually because you gotta check out question cars you'll love his channel in the philippines 8 47 in the morning wow man thank you you are a trooper rancho cucamongo thank you so much you're the man and guys i'll tell you what's even better if you like the whole paint dirt thing i i didn't try to do it to be like a start a new thing i wasn't going to try to turn my channel it's it's being done it's being done by clash and it's being done right and that's perfect but i just i wanted to break up the monotony a little bit so i did the uh okay i will i definitely will check it um but if you i can tell you right now actually one of my christmas presents to myself that my wife asked me for i asked her to order cautious paper it's like for me and bray it was hands down the best value because there's more than just gold inside of it and not only is he extremely extremely fair with his goals but there's other cool things in there to find and i had so much fun sticking to it so i ordered it again have fun then so that's one of my christmas presents i want for my wife yes no seriously oh guys go to question and seriously i promise you i have orders from a lot of different places and some are really fair i'm not going to say that the only ones i had bad luck on was amazon those things they called the return uh roi return of the investment and there definitely wasn't much on there but i didn't expect that to be but then that's when john told me about clutch and then i was overwhelmed i honestly thought that in the back of hater you might pull out just a couple small flakes and then there's your prize man i seriously pulled out a decent amount of things he's got like four different options i'm not brave enough to order his uh expert level yet i think i'll be there for a long time but i want to get to the part oh thank you dad he was a man man we this is wow what is today like seriously from knocking towers down though getting the highest amount of quarters that i've ever gone out of the thing that's what i'm hoping for i mean that is so close [Music] ah don't you do that actually you know what i think i might just help myself out or maybe i didn't don't i think it's gonna fall finally i think i need to oh come on baby [Music] i thought for sure i was going to finally get that thing to move just past two hours wow what a live stream even at the most boring part though i'm having fun what is in the corner wendy said there is oh my gosh there's that fifty thousand dollar stinking silver bar how did i miss that that's my retirement fund wendy that's what that is what are silver prices up to now about 14 000 grams towers take hours i like that it rhymes still but it does look look at this i'm getting a pyramid of quarters stuck in here now i am going to get them look at that how's this happening unreal washington california one of my favorite states love california i can see why uh the beverly hillbillies loaded up the family and moved to beverly hills mark you're right it is i can't keep up with some of the prices it's worse than the stock market it just goes up and off and off there's no end of the fight let's do it a few months ago i know guys i'm if i had anything to do with the prices of silver i'd be all over the place all right i gotta go do something because this thing is i got a hot mess going on here now that of course just had it i didn't even think about it i can trade one ounce of silver for a tesla who wouldn't take that deal oh i'm such an idiot i'll never live that down ever in my life like seriously i'm going to let this down the stack of quarters i got going on oh man today's been fun i really i seriously needed this i did i don't need that but i need everything else all right so i think i'm going to go get them and straighten this out so at least have an end in sight for this live stream because oh wait a minute look i think it's falling down hold on i gotta see if i get this thing come down now come on you can do it i believe in you all right it's moving oh it's putting some weight on this game oh there it goes it's all this is almost the power coming down ah jeremy i'm glad you watched it too i'm serious this is this is how i'm going to operate from now on i'm not going to do these hum bomb there we go oh there's coming seriously i believe in you seriously i don't know why this so therapeutic for me it's getting close just honestly my curiosity wants to see if i can get it to come down by myself there we go see that was a good fall oh man what is ah well if i'm going to build a wall for him let me build a wall i'll get a good one i urge you all right becky take care of business there see that i feel like something all right let's go down here and collect real quick oh my gosh whoa this is crazy i think i can open up my own coin pushing this gracious can i beat the last pool let's find out i don't know it's close it might be a tie got some strikers on the ground here no oh man seriously it's hard for me to lift this thing look at that all the way up the top i don't know how much money we've got back all right i'm gonna try just a couple quarters and then i'll go again i'm gonna see if i can i don't know if this is a good strategy or not making them i'm making them earn their money today i'm making it harder harder for them i feel like it's just going to take one big quarter coming down force jason said do i read the comments after i'm seriously uh i'm gonna start doing that in all my videos i gotta get better with i used to go through every video and i'm like a lot i got harder as i grew that's not an excuse and then i was reading negative comments and i was kind of like look the best way to stop that is outside of mind yes but you can you can go back and read comments later on it takes a little bit for it to come up but uh kim glenda is amazing glenda is so much better than i am she's the sweetest girl i have ever been around in my life how i got hers my wife i have no idea all right i'm going to get help i've done piled this thing up enough all right guys let me go go get them i'll be right back so yeah i got a big big right here seriously all right hold on guys we're gonna go for a ride real quick
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 32,442
Rating: 4.8730903 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 59sec (7919 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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