Tower of Cash & Prizes Live Stream | Joshua Bartley

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hey guys hey I think we're hooked up finally so sorry this extremely late I said about six to seven and here it is 844 it goes back with mr. Jeff Clark's Josh will be late for everything but it's good to see everyone here before we go any farther of can you everybody hear me okay make sure the audio is okay hey everybody got a pretty cool set for y'all today no y'all can hear me okay a little oh yes okay good you can hear me all right so we have a special setup and this is obviously this is one of those things that I've pulled y'all before they can only do when it closed down because how some people get those clean pushers stacked like the other people that are extremely high I have no idea I'm like beyond me honest II might get this thing set up it took him forever get fallin this thing bounces but so in here we have staggered quarters was 50s and then bit coins and then on top one of the dice which the dice that he's not going to be anything like an only is normally is set up for there's two dice buy-in today it's just there especially for looks and then outside of that we also did a really cool Titanic coin back there that's a certificate of authenticity for that and that's pretty much it I'm wanting to go ahead because this machine before we get back over to the other one my hope to us for today is to try out what we were doing before where we're stacking it up with quarters and then we'll go back to old reliable and play that's the more well it's still here in this location so but they're both going together so that's good news the only ones not making that journey its own skill will which I'm not that worried about losing that one sorry I see everybody's coming in now another thing else I kind of do as soon as I see my son come up here he's watching from home did a normal $400 hey hey whitey Cody hey buddy Becky G start seeing when it coming in now hey Josh got my many point pushers every month ago play them coins alright everybody so I kind of keep up to I'll do my best to keep up to the the chat it's just a real small screen like I said if you would see and then Mike's standby line already if stuff falls and gets in the way I'm gonna have him come in and move it around or if this falls down it stops everything he's gonna come in and do that around Bri is here all right let me see break bringing the dead there we go I got Paul's this thing real quick oh boy sorry y'all I'm just I gotta do something for break real quick and then I will get on with it and I lost Bray oh boy right here we go all right do this before anything real quick all right all right guys so let me get this Leon hey guys hey everybody all right here we go enough talking so leave me a prediction down below how long do you think it's gonna take for this thing to fall and also what direction do you think this is our Father I think it's gonna fall forward or it's gonna fall backwards it's kind of that ring around the sides that was a nice little touch obviously today's goal was like always to get our money back as fast as possible but I want to see if I can knock this thing down here all right here yeah oh thank you so much Alger Wilson for Bray $5 I'll make sure he gets it thank you so much for the super chat greatly appreciate it and I apologize I have been missing super chats here recently while playing I am so sorry booty sorry alright said most people more safe will fall backwards yeah I think you're right I think it's definite gonna fall backwards to the left oh yeah some people that I'm alive hey hey here's something else I found this things will be a hot mess once it falls if it falls hey Wilson thank you so much I didn't know I make sure I'll indices you said hi to thank you so much for the $5 super Shack thanks again actually [Music] solid moment all right excuse I dropped this queer I'm about to stack it up again I think this is hands-down the best ball player Liza levy thank you so much I will play a quarter for you absolutely the same for me Michael Browns thank you so much love your videos Josh makes you wish the area that's I don't know these things are kind of more available though there's a lot of people that are starting to use these things so keep an eye on you don't even look at businesses share my video if it was oh man share my video today hey did you see that thing - dimin walk hey Jess here okay Mia thank you so much thank you all after Wilson thanks again for Mike thanks for letting Josh make these videos well hopefully we'll get Mike here and shortly get this thing reset but thank you so much I greatly appreciate that are you guys donating everybody maybe we can get this thing all the way up to the edge now it will go into oh it will have to stop here off once it gets to that pump there and that's gonna be the tall tale following there's shaky brands work me out thank you so much how brave I'm gonna be happy about this step I'll make sure he gets it he loves it thank you so much Fred come one big push one any air in Hudson thank you so much for the super check greatly appreciate it can you explain and one of the last live in you did and ended because my kicked too much gets but didn't tell anybody that out you want I'm trying to thank you a cow thank you so much Thomas thank you so much for the super just greatly appreciate it I'm not sure what a hot dog maybe ask him when he gets here to month exactly sure which one you're talking about did I forget to leave a number Oh Mel things that stuck and probably did I do that all the time come one big push Mickey thank you so much how much would it take for you to shout out my tech-talk I'll shout out right now maybe if you leave your tick-tock connection down in there definitely a shout out that's one thing I do not have to take on all right so we're getting low on borders I tell you what it's just an old one unit biggie he gets his bit gonna fall down I don't know I'll tell you what there's a there's some cash in there there's enough cash to Mick back or buy in for those in that second fifties I think James dela Cruz jeez man thank you so much that was way too much I think you James chocolate underscores Thunderer all right Mickey Thank You Derek thank you I'm the biggest fan of Minnesota thank you so much guys Jake oh wow thank you so much from Netherlands guys you're all just overwhelming today all right got to pull oh that was a good push and last quarter all right let's go down here and collect real quick I wasn't as good as what it could be but hey we're in there Linda said you have them binge-watching doing Ruby did you break and pass away what Kyle thank you so much shout out your channel Wow please haha the wyl de Kyle 15 that's the best that could do John's here hey buddy 8:17 teamsters all right thank you similar people have other Teamsters always got a little bit genie in man off party to you for a long time and the aia i AFF they put a green dad is a teamster their whole life peace and love thank you so much greatly appreciate it all right so this one should be a good one Mikey C thank you thank your people over here zing during these difficult Oh hospitals thank you so much come on man this is gonna be either a JA gain it fall or it's gonna be a disappointing usually when things look too good to be true here they normally are Mexico City hey thank you so much North Dakota right another close one it's that lip I knew this was gonna happen Colorado State I'm done family pointless if some the other one allowed in here at the courtly they are currently shut down there's no everybody else that's allowed to come up here they don't open up for another couple weeks hi sorry I'm C lost Vegas Nick yeah Oh Marilyn Texas got people from all over the country all new world Thomas cross from my son doing to yours thank you so much time to say your son Thank You Carl thank you much luck big push I hurry thank you so much guys all right well this is last quarter I don't know how are we doing this last one single all right let's get them here to collect oh now you got the hugly quarter chest no kidding sorry am I saying that wrong thank you so much yes in the risk up there all right let's get this ugly quarter though the tours won't scare it all away I can't really say it I'm like work I do a lot of people answering out the last video I didn't get Jeff's quarterback I have that keep it in my pocket I need to break it out a little more on the left sounds real problem is I drop it in the left and it gives everything right see like I had all the left if you wanna win you gotta put Jeff in all right that's all I need to hear I agree with that hey speaking of that let me tell you all hey here's Jeff's quarter after Wilson again order the hunter camp okay shirt backwards Louisiana awesome definitely will here's Jeff quarter so today was a very special moment I was able to take all the donations from previously all the donations you all did back when Jeff first hands away I dropped it off to his oldest daughter Marika she couldn't be any more thankful for every one of you for what you did it was that's one where the celebration of life it's up first team and not to talk about Jeff's new good for me there's Jeff down I had an $800 gold one there and it's already it's over a thousand bucks thanks to each and every one of you all his oldest daughter Maria she does handles the finances and she is the one that has control of that and one person this Eric was a little tough about him a little bit more in the video but he draining $650 we hit $200 donations I mean every situation is amazing but you all I cannot tell you and thank you enough how meeting that was Alex I'm fairly new and loved the context especially the 30 minutes plus videos don't be afraid to show us good night all right all right sounds good we'll cuz I tell you the longer I play this the harder it is to not have a 30 minute video so I'm glad to enjoy well I do have a buying in here ready if I need it but here's the first Bitcoin while I came a super close got Bitcoin number one sends fun factory you make the clean push their phone thank you so much greatly appreciate that wasn't a really days off well that time but and also I actually didn't tell Mike dumb take the tape off I just kind of feel like when you kind of get something heavy on theme you need to have every quarter you possibly can so it's still covered up soberness phone will not be a play a factor today oh man we think still stay in the left left side yeah Hangzhou to get what win me a Bitcoin James you deserve a couple of bitcoins you need a whole stack of bitcoins thank you so much James maybe you are the man absolutely goodness gracious oh there we go there's a big one oh I think we're already gonna have to do thank you so much watch all your videos thank you so much hi guys I cannot tell you so much how much I appreciate each other one of you all I'm so blessed to have you all part of the tale all right come on big push that was my last quarter by the way I did not do it really good look and there's not much down in there guys we're probably going to have to end up doing am I in yeah this is all we were able to get out so we're stuck on the edge there's that 20 right there August this is backwards and then 20 right there which there 40 stacks but get ready to stir these in one is it to the right looks like that's get rainfall our first buy-in and one quarter left Johnny was not fun at all yeah not at all those that you are that winners we started getting all the stuff out to you it's just what a pain alright guys so we are officially out of quarters there's one down here I'm go ahead and drop that in but I'm gonna do it I probably shouldn't do it $200 buy an e that's what I'll do because I can get more bang for my buck there's a 200 400 100 oh and that's stuck in the edge ah just bear with me one second I gotta grab the proper cup here alright so let's go ahead and get this so now we are officially $600 in $600 and we got a Bitcoin back so far not really uh we can do the little pushers I think you're right - it does seem like the little pushes do a better job moving it just like that all right come one I mean we're getting ready to win some bitcoins though thank you all so much for stopping in thank you for locking white locking locking thank you for locking - lobstery jeez why King Day livestream sorry my tongue moves faster than went off yes exactly $200 more bye and thanks to mr. James Delta the cruise amen James do you think you could pay for my new buying thank you so much - I'm stuffing a thing there is Bitcoin drawings only gonna be - one more they actually already beat one that was a percentage of it somebody did clean that one person that could claim there's a bigger percentage of Bitcoin which I know you all that knows stuff about Bitcoin I think what I'm saying it all wrong listen again I love blowing videos longer the better thank you so much so all these bitcoins and I'm winning is literally just for one Bitcoin buying optician which again I say that sometimes if I don't get it this time I think it's a conspiracy theory I think you got duh you got the skullenbones or you got the ball thank you so much kidding me I just get ready to come down the race had won thank you so much helped you get to it all 1k subscribers are a grace in whatever you look at your child in for dinner heroes gift you're selling subscribers amore alright let's see be wise thank you so much we look at our donation you are amazing I'll check that out well yeah it is a wild set on this is only for livestream trust me there's no way they have come in five six times a day and do this sweet second wave alright well that was my last quarter for Brees College oh you don't have to do that booty thank you so much I shouldn't paying you money in baby-killer what does the golden dice do if you win tonight's okay normally there's pairs of this they have a bunch of pairs you should win one you got to keep it and then if you win the matching pair when they're open up which right now they're not open but when they open up you take it up and they buy it back from you now depending on the day is how much money you actually get now lose you all have been watching for a little bit you know I got two matches so when it opens back up which I'm like exactly sure how this wouldn't work that this thing is moving but we'll figure all that out but I have two matching pairs and it could be 100 bucks they pay you for it or could be you know realistically 300 bucks it's not gonna be much more than that guys we're not going to hot oh I got another Bitcoin and as far as anything cash value I have I this 40 and then there's a 40 stuff down the chute so 80 bucks at work 600 not looking so hot we've got to get this set we got to get this tower off with all those 50s princely punch on Falls beat Wiles again thank you so much such a pleasure to have you party channel I'm glad you enjoy it thank you so much what happened to the hundred dollar bill is there a hundred dollar bill in here if it is I don't know it very well could eat that awesome cool channel thank you so much man you're great thank you there was a hunger I didn't see it buddy it might be going it's probably with the house if it's going because there's two sides right here and right here I get all confused thanks to if that goes back and not away yes that's houses like this I got to be very gentle because I don't want this thing to fall when this place come on big push alright so everything that was holding back the stack is now up front check that out looks cool amaura let's load it up so once they load it up John whether the race vid thank you so much your is YouTube is a race head all right definitely go over helping get to the thousand subscribers really appreciate support last four and that's not gonna do anything guys we got two more bitcoins Mikey thank you and Jeff thank you both so much I feel like winning when I watch this oh well thank you so much your help me win for sure so we've got two more bitcoins remember after the big coin competition goes off these are all bitcoins that I could be giving away and I think what I'm gonna start doing for for future videos and I took some inspiration by a channel called Carson Falls he's a really good guy friends with Joe he's also had someone like whole game to what he does Amazon gift cards that way anything you have to do is just send them the code so I'm thinking for now and that's that the best way for me to do it that way I'll have to mail anything out and also I just ordered something for the channel that should be something that you all really like it's something completely to do with this and I can start to do this now as gifts Alice God thank you well you know thank you so much look at me part of the channel I mean look this look at things starting it yeah it's definitely whoever said going backwards I think you're exactly right me nothing is dancing it's kind of suspicion Jesse well this is small no that's huge just family a little bit to keep what you're doing Josh oh thank you so much Jesse loose loose hook please say Irish wristwatch three times fast oh my gosh are you serious Irish wristwatch Irish wristwatch I can't do it there's no way tweak - thank you so much Timothy Julie you didn't have to do any more come one Tennessee thank you thank you all so much yeah I'm not the person that could say tongue twisters very well not my forte eros wristwatch oh yeah thank y'all so much I appreciate hit the like button then pop it in and set me up the last three wish me good luck this is a good one I didn't know how long this thing's gonna last for it look it's coming to the end looks like I am gonna have to get Mike well it's still in there there's a way what happens it'll start getting more James oh my gosh not again I like Redrum I named my gosh James II you didn't hot oh my god us three hundred bucks man and the awesome cool channel thank you hello for Chicago Jeff thank you all so much man you are just completely overwhelming listen how high-pitched my voice is like I just went reverse and puberty shocked I am all right so that was my last quarter and that was not a good all right so we got 50 over get in there it's getting towards the edge yeah like I'm gonna getting a chipmunk voice now without even doing anything no I'm right thank you so much thanks for making all these videos I love watch them good well thank you so much trust me I couldn't ask for a better people to be a part of the channel I that's the God's honest truth so blessed to have you said wise you all even some of the troubles that come on here by them trolling me they're still putting in here camp stuff what grade is that I can point all right where do you see the great at I don't see anything but yeah I don't see is the grade on the other side of it I'm not hurt than Shore maybe if we win that thing we can see serene be thank you so much Becky Graham love watching your videos thank you so much truly appreciate that yeah and that's that's something I'm gonna have to get you all to you all show me is like or teach me what grades mean and all itself is that I've tried to research you a little bit since I've started winning these things we know much about it um one but here's my concern about this do you all remember that battle I just had for that other Queen well this one is it looks like a little bit smaller but I'm gonna have the same battle time to get this thing off here alright so I gotta go down to collect look thank you so much Becky you were amazing to the edge John thank you so much dang it's army vet 19 kilo and definitely one of my buddies I talked to one nut discord it's been helped me out with a lot of stuff awesome cool a channel to the right all right thank you all so much yeah you can help me out with camera service I appreciate everyone's been sending messages and stuff too because y'all helped me hear it alright so it's moving a little bit Jim Davis thank you so much [Music] I just fell everywhere holy crap did you all see that I totally missed it my god man most of it must have fell backwards looks like I'm stinking real James next Lions on you thank you so much my gosh $4 unbelievable I just lost all my manhood Wow well there's the bitcoins you got one two three four five six Taylor oh my gosh and we got the dice that means absolutely nothing and the fully stacked that was stuck in there so that's good man that was crazy so leaves you all set to the right footing right now all the money thank you jack spot my counselors thank you so much Madison in there and thank you so much so now we got trying to figure a way to get this awesome cool chain off that was right exactly thank you so much timber golden fan said thank you Mike Dee your videos are different to look record main thing thank you so much Mike so what I might have to do is get Mike to come in here and count little at all well unless that happens because a lot of weed and I got to get this 50 ships I sell around a little money back Oh aim for the middle all right I use your all Joseph well thank you so much Brittany appreciate it aim for the middle I'm listening to you all that's gonna help me just supporting my brother phone master oh hey Ron it's good to see you know the travelin man Thank You Carla elf branch 93 stand to a junction I'm trying to get the middle guys it's just so much all right how's my last quarter by the way me and that was that was definitely not yours Chicago Bears fan thank you so much I met family's been keeping up I'd only well there's another 40 whoa sorry I don't mean to holler you Lobster sorry and there's a little bit coin a lot of times when I record a video I'll cut out my excitement just gonna let the camera Mike to blow up alligator games this will be the Titanic under there you go love it what else we got here yeah you got that New York gold dollar see everything that I wanted to do is right there it all fell the wrong way hey brother Teresa stunning Terri Stein thank you so much you're amazing thank you so I'm going to give away I'm going to give away an Amazon gift card tonight what the difference is I'm YS you bash 504 down the middle all right I'm will ask the moderators to help me pick the winner instead of Ming it's just a little bit harder for me included but I'm just want to do like we're done give me your email address and I'll send it over to you here so I can see where you can thank you where's the total number of bitcoins entries not just today but to usually thanks so much I think I am probably around 35 bitcoins I believe today my twist over but injuries well thank you so much just woke up 3:20 a.m. thank you so much and Robert Hart thank you so much Robert greatly greatly appreciate it all right so we won the hug I've got so many of these things and you're really not worth much we don't think about the other ones still down a little bit or melindam XP thank you so much because watch your videos every day just for anything well that means so much to hear that trust me it truly does let's please erase that all right Daniel thank you so much all right so let's all get it big something on here guys I seriously think Timothy thank you so much greatly appreciate it basically push the videos that are levels that mean so much think we might even get Mike to come in here and do something like this cuz guys I just think I'm going to be doing a whole lot of nowhere my order by the way see you see silent salad 35 - sorry Sakhalin 35 thank you so much Oh John you did not have to do that you don't have to give me any money buddy trust me but thank you buddy I greatly greatly appreciate it I will play just a couple more minutes in the nominal text hey Wendy I see you're here now flex Mike and get him to level that out whoa this one was a good one Oh Curtis hey Josh good to see you again silver Bitcoin oh hey thank you so much see you all right so let's well I got stuck on the left so let's get that one still ever heard thank you so much love watching your videos from our walk you so much what the world Eric you got to be kidding me Eric you you absolutely positively have to be kidding me holy crap and bouncing thank you so much well I'm God I'm speechless Eric I'm thinking believable thank you thank you thank you thank you he agrees to help me getting here for my husband's how I am so sorry pansy marker I'm so sorry my condolences with you and your family I got we want imagine God I am one blown away feel like I just got dawn stop my mr. beast when he stopped several people stopped and everything that is unreal thank you off so much Eric you were the one that donated for the 654 Jeff's watch you you're just unbelievable person whoa I might paint a plaintiff anymore okay that's just common this is good thank you so much all right that's my last quarter by the way I'm just blowing away away well outside of me just hit the big outside the clean pusher cut that and we just had some more so that's Bitcoin number like I intend something I don't know I'm here sweating is it I just believe it makes it way left all right here we go come on dick boys 1978's go say looks like a home quarter but also cool to know this is for Jeff from the family thank you so much though turns up greatly greatly appreciate that I'm still a Bitcoin and there's a 50 there too so we don't there's 150 awesome David thank you so much I greatly appreciate here than that surely it was definitely it's been a little over a month to go down it's crazy how far long that's been already 68 or earlier I think you're right that's when they're they're made of whoa pure silver or whatever they are out of meaning like normally by now I thought she lost won't eat him come in misty thank you so much thank you Curtis waterfall there we go was set one up oh this is a really good one oh that's kind of sheisty luck well I thought we had 150 but we got a hundred and a roll tool paper I'd even see that in there I mean if you walked it that's all right hundred and you got the bit crawl the pigeon spinner or the new finish spinners I'm beans a nice collection of these all right then Gerry thank you uncle back thank you so much Ivan our Canadian compadres total pleasure you know still right for a little bit he'll stick around here what a fantastic idea oh yeah thanks Jeff reminded me you all anyone have any questions about the channel or concerns or comments or anything links should be in the description but if you want to do in my fist yeah no one here might think me comes in I'll definitely get back to you wow I'm certain whoa Heather thank you so much thank you don't feel bad about your accident I love it thank you yeah like I said I'm actually pretty up self-conscious of that they come one all right so we're getting our money back but I don't have a choice you're a Porsche oh that's not good I'm like just stuck yeah thank you so much I like I said I seriously uh my accent was one of my big things I was very self-conscious about oh wow this is hurt in just like the battle see that Titanic thing is tasty it's like that's the way searching across the board yeah they aren't there you're right that's getting close oh my last quarter by the way it's the second wave two fifties drop I missed it Eric thank you what I can do is help you out Wisconsin man I tell you what it's hard to have a bad back in not bringing down like that all right so we got no the bitcoin we are definitely doing good a little bit coins and again that's more I can give away once I get them a hundred dollars no TP mark on it you need another 40 stack so that wasn't definitely a fantastic coin Jeff's corner is right there I got a look on the camera when I point because I'm listening so we'll get just quarterback he's definitely been big help put that back in my pocket continue the good luck right side all right good deal is off alright let's let this fall backwards might be thank you so much everyone has access don't be so perfect oh yeah I guess you're right even the first proper speaker people still have an accent alright drink for quick sorry guys it's got a quick drink my mouth is parched already tonight has been just absolutely positively amazing I thank each other's looks so as a caucus coming off so we're definitely gonna focus on getting these fifties off hey everybody by original by animals for $400 but I hate to do another $200 so we are at sorry we are at 600 sorry I'm sorry I was reading as I was trying all look I'm staying here it keeps all it's getting scared off I'm going to collect right here wow thank you so much CW Superman if you don't win a Bitcoin graph or I'll call shenanigans keep that Kentucky accident including in Indiana oh we're late thank you so much let's see Wendy I missed two donations 15 second one was fifty I'll really did I miss it so sorry hoping we're gonna see Wendy's keep smiling for me because I hate it when I miss their Nations so let me get on here real quick the farplane you further and see which ones I missed DKK all really deep 10ks thank you so much donated $50 you are absolutely positively amazing and the second one is done for yeah you've done - how about mrs. dean coupled my thing think I can I'm so sorry I swear - I didn't even see it up here but thank you so much for the donation I finally probably appreciated I don't know I didn't see it oh thank you so much you support me here restrain you Bing Del McCoury all of you are just absolutely oh there it is just quarter I didn't even see that Tony Gonzalez thank you so much for the $10 donation so I'm putting Jeff scooter back in my pocket I'm glad I seen that those good dip in I hope we've got 3,000 people watching I think that's probably the Hass amount there's I gotta X these things down I can't see the chat sorry I'm kind of like there we go I couldn't see the chat anymore hey notifications popping up here we go how many pre-1960 filters have you seen well someone told me when I used to own a Family Center they keep an eye out for them and you can understand their I'm with the quarters like no one's business sure thank you so much thank you so I have a total of 15 of them and I say ah that all the coin collection I have is to pray I hit someone that passed away holy moly here I'll pull the right side for a little bit soon as they start falling they should all right oh you know it's so funny because I never like playing this and you all see always played old reliable right now that I've learn to expect this thing up and had somebody else telling me to that I just gonna do it a little indignant awesome all right guys my last chord they push I didn't even notice Thursday off you'll never guess come move over that way a little bit more because Boston thank you so much stay safe thank you you you you as well - buddy thank you so much trying to December see you I can see you off ere we go you got post signs there this is a huge one oh there's a speck of money stuck in three sides that was a huge one please move camera down a bit all right give me one second let me drop these doors with my hands and I'll I'll be there all right stand by one let me uh sorry just bear with me for one second want me to make you all dizzy is that better you can just kind of see both sides is that good let's stick it down with a little bit yes no no all right so you want me to move it down like this later up this way sorry I'm trying see that one's pretty much in the middle I see I can't really zoom out this is just like oh I don't really have all right let me drop these quarters I have in my hand and they're not off yet okay it figure it out I might move it back a little bit all right let's drop this down and then I love this stuff well reset all right so I'm moving back we've over here some brandy thank you so much can you please upload all your videos at fast speed yeah I can do like versions of that all right is that better yeah I don't have a zoom on this perfect that's good all right perfect I can move it back up touch again I just don't know all right lift up one more time I just if I'm moving back to four you can't see the it coming off sorry I probably should have Emily thank you so much so I'm had to read it here in a second I got my hand on the thing but thank you so much Emily I think I should have left it where I had it now I'm just getting all kind of crazy yeah I can't zoom I don't have an option was nude all right let me just take it up a tad all right how about that that's good I will play for a little bit and then maybe I'll move it again why over country thank you so much my fiance will wax my face at 500 subs he's insane so I want to read the little a little right all right let's give you fifties off here all right 6:50 p.m. in Los Angeles public order always keep track somebody had made suggestion to putting multiple color cores in here and that way you can keep track of it I think that might be a good idea oh sorry drop the quarters there's a big one to the right and it's there Oh check this out just notices all kids lined up right there so it'll be y'all I'm down to 75 cents too much get off oh that's alright we're going to get it secondly we're definitely going to get it all right I'm gonna get the ugly quarter out first and walk in on follow it so here's the ugly quarter you know I'm probably going to be ridiculed your cash tenant quarters Laden's matter or something's gonna happen come on the corner ugly get one thing is taking you down I'm not exactly sure how myself one six hundred in so I'm not sure if we are even yet but stuck after James oh my gosh even five hundred James dela Cruz thank you so much you are just absolutely positively amazing I cannot believe it please just absolutely stack it up is that what this six hundred you're right that's what we need to do we need to get it off baby how did Jeff make the red quarter did he use someone to paint no actually we've got a permanent magic marker and I painted one blue and oh so I explained this real quick first of all Liam's Jeff were on two different point pushers he had he was the red corner paid with the magic marker so it could come off and as you can see it's coming off and mine was on the left was a view corner and that's how we were keeping track of whoever's came off first it went as far as competitions go Juliet was kind of make it up as it go oh my head is teaching to hunt down subscribers which was like again if you've seen how much fun they have ship out absolutely amazing today um any my moderators will here have an idea what you can do for a competition to those go month they'll never see that that we have to keep on playing get away up the name is on gift card I'll just email it to you alright so listen let's look this thing out I think we can get it we get one big good push this is definitely the hassle of livestream I've ever had three point three thousand that's an amazing thank you all so much for watching oh here we go get it off for sure that was gonna get it lady learners just thinking alright those my last word by the way let's see if anything happens here now second wave second wave a little G hey thank you so much Gary I really appreciate it you're amazing Vance my man Gary stop all right so that was a good one let's stack this thing up let's get this thing off here what are the balls in the right corner we have the a bit corner you have a 40 you stack and we also have the Titanic Quarter I'm not sure class what's called that's what let's do it oh it's getting ready to fall it's right there alright come on baby wait you went backwards ah nice thinking real let's take it real it's going the wrong way okay so lady ladies said I'm going to say people gasp with the turtle win at the end and Wendy and all okay okay there you go so go ahead and start leaving guesses now of what the total is that you think I'm going to win for this video and then at the end I guess whoever loses forgets it they're going to pick the winner sounds good to me seems bigger wow this is it this has got it yeah all right so we got 100 of it now we just got to get the rest of its kind of make it over that way all right I can win these fifties off here homo baby Michael thank you so much this an idea but hashtag giveaway on your video and you have to be subscribed that's not good yes please giveaway make sure you're subscribed to channel definitely makes me easier times it's my last quarter what happened there baby [Applause] alright so there's another hundred no TP what markings on it so that's good I tell you what I'll do since we don't need Mike for this I'll have Mike come in and just open the machine so you can see what it looks like in the inside I figure out how to Jenna I just read your message oh sorry but I mean if you already a moderator in here can you uh can you make someone else a moderator could you do that though but you know what I'll do is I happen to you inside this machine looks like that way risking that much come on the wrong way oh you can't okay give me one second here in a minute I will [Music] Oh big push and to make it easier for the moderator if you can only got okay Joe I'm going there and maybe we'll make someone to moderated by Joe days trust second Wade needed that but yeah if you can only enter once I make a lot easier for them alright let's go I'm just gonna keep loading it off that's my best hey good night we're good right not good night all right let's stocking up too right [Music] [Music] that was a good one good morning that's up protection evening here in the I think thank you all so much to be everywhere only say we're going a half thousand that's absolutely amazing preciate the support calm down baby ah that was good we stuck there now or this might work oh maybe knock that thing off there [Music] [Music] all right give me one second guys hook this all right sorry about that guys oh we suck those are all just Tony tuning in if the name the power of cash and prizes might not make a lot of sense if you really watch this there was actually an hour's keep okay there we go that worked out good this won't stay yeah they are spreading out Arkansas seems a little backwards man every stinking pound like with what skill do huge horseback efforts or answer kid dishes what was your what was it the question yeah all right we're down to 75 cents thank y'all so much yeah the cookie tips doing the moonwalk you're absolutely right all right guys so give me your any techniques with the new year maybe play from the left make an even its amount of thickness we had you probably know that sometimes to the right come right here aren't this awesome combo one plate the middle left all right sorry I'm this is you always pay my heat up sometimes and try to read it Whitney then lips thank you so much you're amazing thank you so much for the suit sweetheart to chat Oh hold on guys I gotta do something real quick oh my where you go No hold on sorry guys and trying to do something very gay the king of queen of Kings I got you a turn in there all right this thing up again I don't know where this breaks out on both machines seem like stuck just get stuck in it I'm trying to go come on baby it's got to make it back with Oh second wait oh that's so close Wilson thank you so much free gift some good karma besides you were here anyways thank you so much thank you so much put two years at once all right I'm about to do that right now and this is for you it's gotta be very careful well this is line up that doesn't happen [Music] trying to get over to the right there we go that worked all right now let's let this one last for here we go KOMO across your fingers yes yes oh so sick of wait yes we did it got some of it off at least Oh awesome your $2 to 300 last quarter there's the ugly corner oh that is freaking hearing fall alright so that was actually better than what I had thought here's 150 I think did I do that right hold on let me see cling of Kings was I able to get you as a moderator I hit that moderator button I think but are you moderator now I'm not sure if you're still going here I uh okay there we go perfect I just want to make sure I hate this I'm always afraid because there's too many options over there I'm gonna like do the opposite love your videos did you compliment but we can't relaxation routine thank you so much worried man I'm telling you when I I had no idea big fish you said your t-shirt unsticking believable I like it I like it I'm thinking believable I think I've just my brain goes on auto mode when I'm playing this and I just come up and interface you're like so thank you so much I have no idea how to raise a hardcore 11 thank you so much for the donation I'm very cool thank you so much all right so the last quarter all right good we do better this time kiss oh come one big push pick it up all right the right side please absolutely well that was my attempt to do the right side yes thank you so much oh here we go awesome like the mine oh yeah do you need the time so I thought he was a mod John leave me a comment real quick so I cannot put you as a lot I'm sorry I thought you already were mine you just say anything and then I like a mod button dreadful youth everybody gamer 1 thank you so much thank you so much for the $3.00 super chat I see no seed on I'll hit that button oh there you are total one I seen ya your picture looks different sorry buddy up a few already wear one there there we go got to take care of thank you so much for pointing that out I'm so sorry yeah y'all on thank you so much again and clearly really appreciate the fun all super chat you all are amazing help me support this channel I can't tell you how much I appreciate it just we make new videos let's go ahead and load this thing up thank you all for version everybody hit that like button and that's truly that's more than a few ladies uptime subscribers showing me you are doing these videos it's getting so close wait Wow alright thank you so much even Daniel thank you so much alright let's let that go come on one second wait all you got a kid you know all right let's let his sling up so I got to tell you a funny story about the queen of Kings so last night when Jones last trip I was there and she said something about fossils being in West Virginia and I was thinking function like also the store itself watch and stuff like that so you know they got a possum up not Henry County land right near me they sent me like my fossil is do not realize how stupid I was actually talking about Fosters that's right some licks it after I put Jeff in there my luck change your correct winnings all these oh come one second wait maybe Oh get over that hook get those fitted chips thank you so much DKK thank you so much I greatly greatly appreciated held in 22 thank you so much oh you all see you finally came all the 40 stock did this is my last stop last quarter humming girls executed for rocks dead-bolted there you go that's well [Music] Daniel thank you so much geeks whispered Maryland why dude pretty colors this thing is actually getting rehomed let's go into a new location it will not be interesting now ready to work I don't do before they happen alright fifties bring the edge cliffhanger Becky sent me an email if you if you want to get a hold of me try to get a hold of me on discord cuz I do not I I got like my facebook I don't even really get on it so please send me on the discord account but you know you can add getting ladybox a discard from the free giveaways really I'm gonna join us pretty much been the person that's been handling the discourse for me he wasn't for him I wouldn't have any of that all right so the 40 stock fell so there's that [Music] hey Josh Colorado Springs good luck awesome Colorado Springs my dad was stationed to fools horses we just went out there come on baby all right get out there yes Herbert stand up all right so we got the 50 and another Bitcoin is still a Bitcoin that time and this one y'all way to talk to the end so Oh gamer one where's the location I live in Hagar sandwich well there's right here let's get ready to change smoking news thank you second way [Music] kamo number 70 that's the great okay if I wind up king I'll check it out and see what it is last order come one knock it all oh it's getting so close soon as I get these fifties off you're out I'll get Michael show you all up inside of it then maybe what we can do is do a count come on baby hey Josh shoot out some stuff for winners of the first lap fee does anyone know I did if you're talking about me I finally got everyone stuff look Jordan some of it came back because thanks to tissue but so does y'all that one you'll be getting all your stuff you're saying thanks for everyone an email to the new email address be a damn baseball that's it I'm sweating come on baby you're hot I hope it's not 666 profit just the honey in my walk all right come on baby it's going backwards all right so you all tell me what you want me to do you want me to keep on for this or you want to see what the inside of this machine looks like what I need [Music] [Music] [Music] knock it off of the course [Music] [Music] alright that 150 is getting close one second okay thank you windy so when he said somebody asked what happens if I still have quarters well you can't refund them for money you can give it to them do and they can keep it for your next time up but essentially that's all I do five still have quarters left I keep it the next time all that was gone but I think I think the way it's supposed to go if you could have fours left you just you didn't play it so get it back but I know with me they let me bring it back oh oh no guys 75 cents all I was able to get all that I'm sticking real Oh No okay if I say I'm would our kid master 1313 human discussing in the last thing thank you so much baby haunted though it's gonna free epic battle man we're just getting old quarters baby I could just get one y'all come be happy there we go oh so close so Mike he doesn't give a dollar cinnamon whiskey Oxley huh pops in and say hi oh wait I'm gonna get into something on the inside of the machine I pay a lot people ask me that all right where's this koala anybody thanks for stopping in if I could clean I would believe me oh of course and thank you so much I appreciate it buddy Nick Carson I'm actually took your idea I heard Joe talk about it last night about how you do the giveaway the Amazon cards I think that'd be a lot easier than trying to ship stuff out man guys I'm trying but this is not in there all right so that's good your wife's name is Tabitha McLean hello it's a bath huh thanks for watching big push oh man what a pow Oh perfect but I haven't done any more bias I can't talk about that Oh get that thing off there see if it starts good backward just a really you know what I see tape on that I wonder I hope that's not a tool of paper one there's tape on the top of it if I spit all this time for a roll tool paper [Music] I just noticed that [Music] yeah I agree there's not enough you know by it what's your favorite pizza - stuffed crust I love me too so gross all right come on that's nuts what's all over to you well we've got an amazing return on this one so that's good you know I just want to say good thank you so much for everybody that is talking just that like button donated you all are absolutely amazing I couldn't do this channel with natural law how long are you I think you're I'm getting close to calling I like to write this little C let me go ahead and text Micronesia I'm sorry just bear with me one second let's see maybe one second here sorry guys I'm sweating seriously like seriously sweating ohit's shout-out to windy Brady said shout out to win this speaking of that brain and me and breeze channel just went live finally bring it and gain vlogs grace got the first podcast and the second podcast up he's going to be he's going to be interview and hitting people just a podcast about setting and other stuff so different check out his blog thank you so much spring dust or or strumming strumming thank you so much for the founder super chat and also to all my favorite people don't pull over let me huh here we go Oklahoma seriously you smelled something smelly to the computer probably that was good Kimberly Rogers thank you so much second way to work it's all thank you so much second way I love my second wave sure we're all done course yeah you can kind of see there's a delay in this thing I can't stop it alright that was a perfect greatly appreciate happen here yo left I think my work is your left is different I think my right is your left alright we got a whole box of cheeses watching this alright this is baby this right there yes I know if I do win this that will be six later Kimberly Rogers I love your channel you usually end up missing the live streams the weight well thank you so much I'm glad you made it until they open up I'm gonna try to do homework one or two more live streams alright this has got it yes awesome whoo man I'm sweating wish you could see me oh my gosh all right well Sue's my gosh I'm playing so mean pop-ups got a 50 all right whoa finally got it now thank you so much yeah that's my discord if you have any uh any questions or anything you'd like to talk to me about Jews got me hooked up with a pretty cool setup do it it's not a creepy one man I don't know what this buyouts gonna be alright there's a good one I'm pretty sure that I think you're right yeah well actually just keep one plate of mic it's here that keeps normally in the other variable Wow wait a minute did you all see that there was another 50 in there did anybody see that fall off Danny happy birthday to ya break can you say happy birthday here's Norman - happy birthday persons so that worked out good we hit another kicking footbal I've even see a fall [Music] all right so let's go here collect oh all right sorry so we have a dollar seventy dollar 25 like here so I know that think so close to God I'm wore out oh no and that was nothing all right guys give me a sec I'm gonna pull this camera back a little bit and I'll let you at least look with the inside of your mind oh I just gotta get this camera all the way see so this is what the inside of it looks like I could just reach in right now this is pretty much it down there that's uh well looks like they got gold eggs and that's where all the money that moves the house that's where it's at right there that's pretty much it it's all around thank you so much appreciate that I'm I'm probably I don't think I have any corners left so if you don't mind I'll just be a couple minutes of that I'll go ahead and get this off get out of here thank you thank you yeah exactly no gold names not what you expect yeah I uh I've seen it before when he opens it up so I can honestly say that I know what they look like in there but yeah it wasn't really uh what I've expected - first time I seen it but that's where it's a underneath is where I guess where they keep well you've seen there's go negs down there so that thing is absolutely positively I never want to see him again thankfully he listened to me and something I'm in there alright guys so uh that uh that was about you know my guy asking a few times and he told me he would never not to show or if I need to get something out in there so but definitely big shout out the life thank you so much for everything that he's done for me here soon oh thank you so much hurting again you are also thank you so much to helmed and everyone else for working with me bare with me also thank you also for the fact that they're going to continue this closure one even though they're not a lot of having the casinos anywhere that means lock that would kill me if I didn't have this to see how that is who prefers to play or so they're gonna continue in a one they just have more slots are alright guys so I'm looking ahead and start doing the cap everyone to put it in and I think a few watery or still here do and I think lady noticing earlier later she had to uh I can't talk that's what happens all right so let's go ahead and count up and see where we're at calculator because I'm horrible math and I say that every video but it's just because it's very true see how I'm confident that we've won 600 thank you all so much thank you all all right guys we did a lot better than when I thought whoa what a good day all right so let's stop with the other things thank you look for bear what we do so let's start off with the bitcoins you got one two three four five six seven holy crap eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 bitcoins let me bring us back a little bit 14 bitcoins move this up that way check this out 14 bitcoins into the new Bitcoin competition so somebody asked me earlier so we're up around 50 now if somebody asks a question I'll give you an answer about that about why they can't be in the same location but look at that look at that huge stack see these when the competition's out with I'll be able to give all these away and we got the gold which happened I'm gonna keep this for another competition because I have a bunch of these but I'm just quoting right now I'm just going to do the big 4 or the games on gift card and the gold dice that means nothing just looks pretty alright so that further ado let's see he got the closest Sam to let you all know we started off with $400 my end then from the $400 by a lead they have another $200 binding so that pushed me at $600 invested our grand total with all the chips and the 40 stacks is $900 even $900 even Alton listen thank you so much quick question he's still working EMS yes I am follows for Glinda okay I will definitely give it to her yes I still am I'm working part-time but I'm still working Oh hopefully we'll be put the county target are so $900 so I guess the first one they got that or whatever which you can do they get 14 600 that's right $300 profit so I'm gonna tell you all I normally don't put videos up of when I lose but I'm gonna start putting them up for a couple reasons one I just want everyone to know that bling me I'm not up here make it bank like you all think I'm trust me I lose just as much as I win but in the same hand on what you want to see that and I think you all just like the battle anyways I don't think it really matters you know if I don't win or if I'm late so I got a few videos prior that one portrait least because I want you know I've seen them sides of it I know Jeff domes when his big things that he would always encourage me to do and I just I'm always worried that you don't like more like so send me if as far as the winner goes I'm trying to think either go of my Joel I think put a link to my discord earlier once they figure out who the winner is if you can send me a message in my discord with your ad or I guess I just need your email or just a name I think that's all you need for the Amazon gift cards ah yeah there you go Joey's got it up there so if you go on discord send me a message I sent you a t-shirt design concept by email or did you real okay I'll check that out hayden thank you so much thank you for the fat out of our nation so somebody asked earlier why can they not have a coin pusher in with the West Virginia State Lottery and this is either a new thing because I don't understand anything about lottery I don't know whether it's new or whatever but due to the way it's operated and get them I'm speaking this secondhand knowledge if there is West Virginia Lottery inside of there which the West Virginia Lottery controller sleep slot machine you cannot have any other sort of gambling in there like get its might be something new so before they open up officially this has to be in an area that is not that doesn't have West Virginia state lottery so they're not to put this location that is just pure this same concept but yeah thank you no thank you Joe yeah I'm Gohar been an EMS and so this is by 22 years counting with volunteer paid I've been there for 2006 or 2007 when I first like paid for the county I went I was paid for a racetrack a few things before that do not have permission to send messages really Joe you know anything about that but anyways to guys so that's the rest of reason why it has to move which it's going to be a little bit farther for me but that's okay I mean it'll all work out in the end as long as I can still play these that's I'm happy but guys what a battle if you've enjoyed today's battle definitely hit that like button I may not hit almost uh thousand and a half likes on this video thank you so much thank you so much for doing this like I will have two videos coming down and then we'll do this again next weekend so we'll be playing this let me know down in the comments if you want to see this machine or you want me to go back to overlap I definitely Michael speak play the the driving game that was just terrible but alright guys well thank you so much thank you so much for all the donations thank you so much for just everything it's you all do you're such a pleasure to have a part of this family in the channel I can't tell you I couldn't do this from that Charles hell so everybody have a good night again next weekend we'll be doing same things and have the two videos coming now all right I'm just very little at this point because I'm so tired hungry but have a great night guys thank you so much we're all staying from old string and I'll see you soon thanks Mike
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 145,644
Rating: 4.8497615 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot
Id: VgrUuCdH9LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 42sec (8082 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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