$1K THOUSAND Dollar Coin inside High Risk Coin Pusher.. I HIT HUGE BONUS! MUST SEE!

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today i am playing the most confusing game up here that i've ever played however if you look up in the top right hand corner that is the first ever thousand dollar chip so you're not gonna miss today's video all that and more coming up after this [Music] all right guys so let me try to explain this as best as i possibly can because the rules of today are hard to understand buy-in today was 400 but every 10 minutes the buying goes up so after the first 10 minutes then it's another hundred dollars if you then it doubles each time after that so if it goes to 20 minutes then it's 200 and if it goes to 30 minutes then it's 400 and then from that point everything multiples by two 40 minutes eight hundred dollars however to make up for that there's a thousand dollar chip there's a mystery ship or a bag here that has something in it and there's a few other things in here so there's the opportunity to make a boat load of cash today a boat load except can we afford it they built this tower right here just to be right in the way obviously they would they put the chip on the right the worst place they could possibly be and they put all the stuff in the way but we're going to go ahead and give it a shot they also gave me the first quarter the gold one so an opportunity to try to win the chicken game see if we can get a bonus there so without further ado four hundred dollars so far and our time officially starts now put that right in the middle and let's see if we can do this quickly and try to get over a thousand dollars this game was really confusing it's interesting it's like a progressive but i just don't like all of this stuff also every 10 minutes you get a chance to do a reset but your time still goes meaning that if something is in the way off of the thing it can't be in the field then they will reset it if you're confused join me and i'm right there with you after this confusing election that's been going on they have been closed not available i put a video out that i knew wasn't going to do too well but i put a lot of time and energy into it i wish more people would give it a chance it's about me and bray and [Music] our new pokemon craze [Music] but i knew as soon as i put that video out i put so much time in editing i said this thing is not going to do nothing on the channel so we got to play quickly we got to play smart oh there we go knock all that off and guys these aren't worth any money these are just in the way you win nothing for getting that we got all those quarters right there causing a bunch of weight all right we're starting to win stuff i hope everyone's doing good our winter winter community on facebook is growing great everyone there is tremendous help do me a favor go download winner winner link to win a winner down description my favorite app got some new games out now once you download it use my code bartley15 to get some extra free stuff and then after you do that go to our facebook group and join it and learn some inside secrets how to play the game can't beat that favorite app in the world guys please use the link down in the description also oh there we go if you're not part of our facebook page definitely go to our facebook page and like it we got a video going up every day video every day is going up on the facebook page so i promise you're not going to miss that like having you all there i have like 150 messages i'm trying to get through it slowly also got the new good luck chips came in today um so i had a little delay to send some of the mail out because i didn't have any chips left so they came in so i can get back to those you all that have been sending stuff to the p.o box and all the letters which i love it it's so exciting i appreciate you doing that but uh now i'll be able to start sending back and you'll get one of the new channel chips that's got the clover on it for good luck so i'm hoping that that if you carry it with you it'll be a good look item to have if you're gambling or bedding or whatever i know people have like superstitious things all right there's a thousand bounces on the table all right and this is my last quarter all right so it's just now gotta get past this huge mountain of stuff all right we gotta just keep on keeping on i'm playing even i'm not worried about playing one side to the other see that's what i'm afraid of see how that chips sneaking behind there a thing can disappear relatively easy right in the dealer's slot i wish they wouldn't put it that far over it's almost not even fair but apparently there's other things in here to win oh that fell backwards it's the wrong way to fall man look at that big load of just quarters sitting there so the elections are over but they're not over it's really confusing i uh i'm not 100 sure how to say it they uh this is and obviously i knew it was going to be like this you know obviously we're we're voting during a pandemic so they had to have certain rules but it's crazy i'm pretty much ready to find out who our next president is going to be for the next four years i'm sure anybody else from the states probably feel the same way and if you're not from the states you're probably looking at saying dag i'm glad i don't want to be dealing with that all right so there we go oh oh that was a good one i don't know what that purple chip is for i've never seen one before i don't know if that one has value to it just trying to keep playing smart got to keep an eye on the time so we can keep track how much money we are at and the thousand dollar chip is disappeared so it's underneath that hot mess over there so this video is going to come out a different time because i wasn't able to come up here to record i put the pokemon video out for friday and this one should be a saturday video oh look dude that was a big one all right let's get all this stuff out of the way here yeah i i although it might look cool to have all that stuff it's not so those you all that have been questioning all this time about what does the inside [Music] of the place i play look at well you're getting ready although i've showed it before but you're getting ready to get a good idea because arcade matt is coming down this upcoming week and he really didn't want to be part of the conspiracy theory that i love so much so he's going to show where i play so i'm not doing it out of spite but i told matt to go ahead and show around when he's here that way people he won't be a part of the conspiracy theory because he's too good of a guy matt's such a good guy and he's got such loyal followers all right so there's that now you will see also these cards in here they mean nothing they're just items in the way just like the tires of cash everything else they're just in the way coming up on our 10 minute mark so that'll officially put us extra hundred dollars so we will be at 500 invested into this thus far we've definitely not made that back but i'm not going to play a game and not play it or see it through i should say getting ready to go to arkansas this upcoming week super excited about that go down there and see my buddy diamond miner ivan go check his channel out he just crossed 10 000 subscribers and a big part of that was thanks to you all he's going to show us the ropes show us how it works so i'm super excited about that first time bray's ever flew in a plane that's another big first exciting and we were flying friday the 13th not a good day to be flying for the first time from ray all right all right so yeah we're officially at 500 investment territory i'll see where we're at coming up because that one's off that can be moved that's actually real cash to win [Applause] so i'm going to try to edit or record and edit this video all in the same day it is friday and that's might not seem like a lot but it takes a long time for me to edit videos so if i can get this done in one day then great if not it'll be out saturday mid midday [Music] i can only do so much man oh that was done that was a bad move there we go all right now we got that big stack of quarters there just being in the way so anybody that was a fan of van halen and i'm sure you heard a few weeks ago that their lead guitarist and one of their founding members uh eddie van halen had passed away from mouth cancer which is absolutely terrible i think he smoked all the way up to that but uh van halen obviously when i was a kid being helen was really big first with david lee roth and then sammy hagar came in picture later on but to honor his film passing away i've looked at a lot of videos and stuff on youtube of him and he was such a just seemed like a really well-rounded person and so talented such a pioneer all right that was my last quarter wow that took a lot longer than what i thought i was hoping for got a lot of good return on that again i have no idea where the thousand dollar chip is at it's funny they use that one too because i know for a fact that they have the chips that go only up to 5000 regular chips and they use kind of a funky one [Music] probably should keep an eye out for that golden quarter i don't know what happened there i very well can put it back in there and not realize it at least i can show you all what that is and maybe we can do well on that too all right yeah so our next time at the 20-minute mark it will be two times the last one so 100 so it'll be 200 buy-in and then if we go to the 30-minute mark then it will be a 400 buy-in and i definitely am not going to go past that made that mistake before and we'll do it again say this all the time guys but thank you so much for the continued support you all mean so much to me i'm being totally serious the stuff that you've been sending to the po box been absolutely amazing mike and uh which i was gonna save this for the video of us doing the opening of the mail but i had so many people sent bray stuff he just got a pretty cool package in i don't want to ruin it but has to do with dinosaurs and then also whoa that was a big one a bunch of pokemon cards guys seriously thank you thank you thank you if you watched that last video i put up you can definitely see about our and it's not just great it's my pokemon addiction down too all right so that's there but that's not really in the way and the problem is the time keeps on going to get them to move that i have no idea where that thousand dollar chip is at i would love to have that [Music] i was going to put a video out that was a lie if you all watched the live stream i said i was just trying to figure out the algorithm whether if the titles that i'm putting out just aren't good enough and if i would put like ten thousand dollar buy-in or something like that that i thought the video would do good but i decided not to do it i'm not a liar and i'm not even going to pretend to be it so i'm not doing that guys look at this it's almost a whole stinking cup full but yeah i decided not to do it guys i'm not going to lie to make this channel for close bait or anything like that this is what the games that they have all up here now if i was going to do that i would have all kind of crazy rules and all kind of crazy buyouts but i'm just i'm not that's i play what i play i can't i can't go to vegas or i can't go to a casino and uh tell them hey uh even though it's supposed to be a 500 buyout i need you to bump it up to 500 000. it's just not gonna happen not for me at least oh places apparently it does [Music] no idea where now remember that live stream i did where i was talking about the red chip and blue chip the red chip popped oh no i did it oh so stupid oh i had it in my hand i can't believe i just did that oh man so i had one of the gold chips and i threw it back in not paying attention shoot man i want to play that chicken game what a bummer what's the chances of me recycling that i'm so afraid i was going to do that they're doing good so guys if you ever get the chance those you all that were around for jeff those videos up on his channel or that memorial video i do there for a while about once a week i was going in and rewatching his stuff i see his one videos a couple thousand views that his unfortunately his last video jeff when he was heading to get that procedure done and unfortunately he never made it home when he passed away but so that tells me a lot of people still go in there and remember jeff and let his legacy live on and truly that's what jeff wanted with his channel he wanted a diary a real life diary to talk about his life and who he was and his family and grandkids not a day that goes by that i don't think about jeff all right we're coming up on 20 minute mark so that's going to put us at 700.00 in everything's getting bunched up i think this time we'll go ahead and have them move that out of the way because i feel like it's bunching up all the cards guys give this big a video a big thumbs up hammer that thing just hammer it like you're getting your anger out if the person you voted for is not winning hammer it show your aggression that helps me out so much also we're getting close to 130 000 subscribers like just a few away hopefully we can reach that mark by the end of this video so that is awesome so cool 130 a thousand almost that working our gold 150 000 that's amazing i never in a million years would ever thought that i would have that many subscribers thank you so much for helping me achieve that all right guys oh there all right i just missed it all right so we are at the mark i got to go get them so they can move that out of the way i'll be right back all right guys so first off look at this huge returning quarters so they moved both those things out of the way that was super nice of them and if you look in there there is now officially another gold quarter so because of what i did they threw me a bone so we have two go quarters gold quarters we got to get it under under 10 minutes we have 10 minutes i just got to keep playing even and not throw it back in there like we did last time definitely don't want that to happen so if you all watch the live stream looks like i'm not going to get the 500 bonus if you all watched it you know what i'm talking about i don't want to enough for the politic talk but if a certain candidate would have won because the chip that i won which was the red chip i would have got a 500 bonus [Music] it's a 10 minute time frame that's where we're at where we got to stay i can't go over especially the fact that i have no idea where that thousand dollar chip is at i don't know what's in that bag i'd like to get that though wow i'm still a whole cup full of quarters so we're good there honestly i could probably play through and that would help me instead have to bend down to pick anything up so that helps hopefully get those two quarters up oh it's stuck in the chute why does it keep getting stuck like seriously we're just now getting to where a normal buy-in would be at [Music] we're about three minutes in got to keep on keeping on i don't know where that one gold quarter is at oh that one's moving up extremely oh i see it it's under that pin all right so we just got to keep playing even we might be able to redeem ourselves by doing that and plus i'd like to show you what it's all about [Music] come on baby that's the goal right now we got to get that other quarter i would love to find out what was inside that bag the mystery bag although i did find a coin that i've never had before it was in the pile of winnings that i have so that one's cool [Music] all right so i'm going to stop it this time i'm going to try to line this thing up yeah so i'm excited guys leave a like on this video max coming up matt's coming up to play the new high-risk coin pusher and we're gonna go to flying j's like old times and he's gonna play that too so that's super cool matt's just such a good guy all the way around and i really enjoy anytime i get to hang out with him he treats gray braid bray loves him i always enjoy we always go grab some food and just catch up all right there we go it's getting close i have no idea where the one gold quarter is but this one is under there so it could have fell we're five minutes left too so i got to hurry hurry i am not paying another 400 come on baby got five minutes to win it and it's winter bonus oil is open i haven't heard it fall yet but it really doesn't matter because we have so many stinking quarters already all right we're down to a handful i'm having just enough time oh that was huge and there's a quarter right there all right so we got to get that quarter all right i got to go collect real quick five minutes left so we got the gold quarter first one we got to get the other ones right there the bonus hole did fall i'll try to keep that clip in there when i was doing it so we're down to four minutes three minutes something like that i gotta get this other quarter off which is very doable come on baby it's right there finally get to show you the chicken game [Music] there it is all right score got the bonus we got the bonus awesome that is so cool so i'm so excited to show you that right there oh knocking stuff down sorry about that 500 dicks oh i could really use that that's like two two sweatshirts there i love going shopping at dicks we're winding down especially since we got that [Music] take you over and there's no way i'm going to make it through this whole thing there's no way so i'm just going to play up until the end 30 minutes even try to win as much cash as i can there's five dollar bills stuck in the chute and it fell down [Music] so what i'll do is i will play the chicken game record that and then we will come back and we'll do a final tally and see where we're at so we what where are we at now uh 400 500 700 700 in and we are getting ready to get up on our last minute time i don't want to go over any other time i'd wait for them to come get me but i'm not doing at this time because i don't want to be any question if i played even a minute too long because i don't want to put 400 extra dollars into this all right coming up in our last 30 seconds we can do 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23. oh no you got to be kidding me what is that a different one 19 8 7 6 5 4 what happened there two one all right that was i can't believe that happened i seriously can't believe that happened i hope i did not get rid of that last quarter i don't even remember bending down to pick it up i still have this one well let me go down here and check real quick but that is a bummer sweat off my back look all those quarters we had left to play but it's right here in my hand what am i thinking so apparently there was three of them in there because there's that one but we got the two gold quarters right here so what that means is we get to go over and see if we get another surprise over on the chicken game so let's go ahead and hop over to that and let's see and then we'll do a final tally all right guys so the moment that we've waited for so that's in there and all right they're gonna let me push it in so let's see all right let's go down and see whoa oh what what is that what in the world so there's a hundred chip and then what all right so i got 100 bucks extra so let's uh let's go up here and figure out put this back on the stand and we'll see if what actually just one that's that's pretty confusing remember the golden egg is the big one all right guys there we go now we know what the chicken game is like they said they put odd things in there so hey who would have thought of i think they're stick on tattoos so bray might enjoy that so let's go in order here 200 in game play we can use that for next time we also have another bitcoin that i will be sending away to one of you all now keep in mind we're also going to be doing the lab auction forever to benefit everyone's gofundme that i've been talking to for a long time about it so here's a brand new one that i've never got before it's a copper liberty coin i have i used to collect a lot of copper coins so this is nice to get so that one's a good one for the collection it's about the size of a dollar piece or something like that but that's really nice so that's a new one so we got a 22 thousand dollar silver bar to go for our collection we got this one and i believe this is the one that we were trying to win at the live stream so there we go so it's in all official and whatnot so there's another one for the coin collection all right so let's go ahead and go to the cat boy ever since they i hate the fact that they put fives and tens in here now because this looks a lot more but in cash alone our grand total of cash was four hundred dollars even 400 even looks like a lot more cash than that but never fear so we got one three four five six six hundred and fifty seven hundred dollars investment though 650 however we want a mystery egg and inside that mystery egg was a hundred dollar chip and is that skechers like the shoe a skechers stick on tattoo and bray will love this a cupcake and ice cream stick on tattoo so funny i think because they had planned to put this in there for the children and when you walk in that they probably just turned they kept everything in there and then put the random chips so that gives us a grand total of 750 hundred and fifty dollars for today so that only puts us up seven hundred so as you can see it was definitely not worth doing a four hundred dollar buy-in on top of that uh however we came ahead but we also got an extra 200 towards gameplay and we also got a 22 000 silver bar pure silver we got this coin i have no idea what this one's worth uh we got a bitcoin to give away and we also got this copper coin so hey i'm happy anytime that you're ahead i'm happy i think you all could agree with that guys i hope you all enjoyed today's video thank you so much for bearing with me for the last week that i wasn't able to come up and come in here and record let's just push this all this stuff aside i know there's a lot of hatred and separation in the country right now guys but we need to come together we need to come together as a nation love thy neighbor you know respect other people's opinions and and and be true to your own i really think the people that watch this i believe that philosophy but it's time for us to come together no matter who the president is that's just a person that's sitting at temporary seat that's all it is we are people that are here every day hard our backs have built this country so that's the most important part just love thy neighbor but outside of that guys thank you so much for watching with me if you haven't watched the pokemon video please go over and check it out i know it's not might be your cup of tea but i put so much work and editing i shot my with my new camera that i never used in 4k and i just hey give it a shot don't forget to go over to the facebook page a video a day is going up there so don't forget to go over there if you want to see videos and other regular videos regular corn pusher videos some from the past and whatever else and don't forget to send me the mail if you get an opportunity to po box 371 also the winner the official winner of the gold bag from two videos ago is this person so there you go congratulations get a hold of me send me an email and tagline winner i just need to verify that your your screen name and me and bray have a bag of gold and other cool things put together to send to you congratulations anything i need your address and we'll take care of the rest again guys if you're waiting on mail just remember i finally got all my stuff back the new chips so i'll be sending them back out soon keep them coming po box 393 bunker hill west virginia 25413 like the video please just hit it as much as you can subscribe leave a comment and i will see you sunday for the live stream alright guys have a good night
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 51,927
Rating: 4.8996949 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, make money from home, scratch off, powerball, tech reviews, how to, make money, asmr, stimulus check, gold panning, pokemon, election results
Id: zcXzQqvot5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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