Because of this I Almost "Lost" my High Risk Coin Pusher Channel!

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it would be easier to tell you what is not inside today's playing field literally anything and everything you could ever want is in here to win today promise to you it's going to be an exciting video you're not going to miss all that more coming up back for this [Music] all right guys anything you could ever want is inside today's playing field thousand dollar huge tower stack we also have all these coin stacks and we have these random prizes random collectible coins we have an i watch we have a samsung watch anything and everything's inside of here today is the time for redemption i've had some bad playing days and also we're doing a charity video so today is a day that hopefully to fill up my pocket also if you look around the playing field you're going to see there's a book right there why is there a random book there's forgotten leaders this is a book published by one of our viewers daniel bowling awesome book for veterans and education also you're going to see only scratch winners i'll put a link to their channel down in there they sent that to me and also from mark you all uh know mark that makes the custom bells got his stuff in there so mike let me put some of their stuff in there as a thank you i thought it was appealing to today's layout and playing field so what we have to do the rules are it's 500 to buy into today's fun and it has to fall off no time limit no stress outside of the fact that it must come off now if you look in here you're going to see a bag full of cash i don't know how that's going to come off once if this tower does fall then you're going to have all those in the way so there's a lot of obstacles working against you but there's a lot of stuff in here to win as well that right there just that alone would double my money back or that would give me you know 500 back with the 500 investment there's also gold and a little bit of everything and everything in here so let's have some fun today i know is today's to be a good one but before we get started guys my favorite app today's video is sponsored by winner winner you all know about winter winter i talk about them all the time link to winner winners down in description go over there have some fun play real calm machines from your smartphone get them shipped to you for free also go over to our facebook page winner winner fan page and get into the awesome competitions that we have right now we have whoever gets the most tickets you get to not only win your tickets that you already have but you also get to win the competition one there and get to pick a free prize of your choice greatly appreciate them being a part of the channel i promise to you guys you're not going to find someone that works on issues that they're having and make sure they get fixed who are worried about customer satisfaction so thanks so much to winter winter for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back to the video all right guys 500 actually got me a great bit of quarters these objectives literally just play strategic and smart but in the same hand obviously win as much more as we possibly can now i can tell you this coin tower is already bouncing but remember last time that wasn't to our advantage some stuff in here was sent from you all to me and this is the way to showcase it and say thank you so much obviously i know what's mine what's not mine to keep track of it but i just want to say thank you so much for all the support that you provide to me this is sort of a viewer appreciation videos along with trying to get money oh and how did i miss this this huge stack right there's another thousand bucks i just noticed there's a thousand bucks and looks like a bunch of 50 chips so there's two thousand dollars right there aimless opportunity but the key is not get anything stuck because it has to fall off plus another buy-in would be a mandatory 500. and that is where you start getting risky so i want to try to avoid that almost forgot again we also have the bonus cam i'm glad i don't get too far into it so we oh there went some quarters so we have your all's favorite loot cam down here at the bottom so you can keep track of what's falling off there we go come on baby look at that thing bouncing back and forth all right oh that little tower is pushing up against that one so guys what do you think which one's going to be the first one to fall which direction is it going to fall [Music] no [Music] i love this setup some of y'all might not like the busy setups but i do i love it because there's prizes that i didn't even see come out from under the bottom there it's always nice to get a little surprise oh this is a good one this is going to knock it oh i don't know how that didn't knock it over come on baby this has got it right here big push yes oh that hurt oh it's making a thing there goes the samsung watch or is that the out watch whatever one of two ah that's a lot of weight pushing up against it and i lost the thousand no i didn't lose the thousand dollar chip it is back there in the very very back as far back as it could possibly fall oh look there's the gold bar i don't even see that there's a gold bar in here whoa anything is in my goodness gracious [Music] so there's so many things the only thing i'm worried about is there's this bag oh man it's making this thing work today i'm hoping that this doesn't get all called up which i'm pretty sure that's what they were tending for to do and not give me the ability to win that stuff there's always going to be strategy always strategy involved in how they set the fields up believe me and they would be dumb if they did [Music] [Music] you're all probably getting a better idea of what's coming off than i am that sounded like a lot i think the bonus hole's open can't say for sure i can't see it [Music] so if you're not familiar with what i said i said for this entire month i will be doing a video week that will be all the profit and proceeds will go towards a charity our last charity was doctors without a border i'll reveal this week's charity when i played the next video which is something that you all suggested and i'm going to continue for the rest of this month just my little way of giving back and saying thank you oh that was heavy whatever that was so yes that book is about guiding veterans that are fresh out of the military into students it's really informative for anybody that you know that might be freshly out in the military or getting ready to end their time in there and looking for further education all right this is my last quarter all right guys so here we go let's go ahead and start off with the other stuff so this was sent to me by got an awesome channel we've got these custom made i'll put a link to their channel down in the description but thank you so much for that we also got a great britain 1954 is that shielding they pronounce it so there we go we got that we got 100 we got 100 for our next buy-in um now i said i'll tell you what these bags are for so when we get done today each bag that i win out of here is a play on the pirates chest so if you all fans of that we're coming over there and playing that one uh we also got a bitcoin we got a ten dollars so as far as cash there's ten dollars is what oh we got another one no no no that's not okay never mind that's not that that is a collectible coin and it's like wow we did really well and another collectible coin so let me go gather up all right so we had a little audio problem luckily i caught it i accidentally turned off the microphone [Applause] but i do have the other camera rolling so if i need to pick up some extra audio it is there but we're back to it that is a 10 stack could be a couple hundred bucks in there i'm not sure now if you notice this playing field's already starting to get bunched up maybe i'll raise this thing up here shortly and show you so that's not good wow there must be a lot of weight it's causing not to fall off either huh [Music] come on baby all right so that went in the playing field so i'm like 50 50 on this playing field i love it from the aspect that always something falling always something entertaining but then when you're playing it has to fall off this can be a pain because stuff is already getting caught [Applause] [Music] hopefully i don't burn this coin pusher [Music] up i think that thousand dollar chip is right behind there it is sorry it's getting pushed up [Music] oh that was a silly silly move i had someone send me a message that said josh you were literally thrown quarters down into the coin pusher stop being so hard on yourself things happen i gotta tell you that truly meant a lot thank you so much [Music] get so much encouraging things from you all truly appreciate having you all part of this channel all right so this i think is the last yep last round of quarters let's see if anything happens i'm gonna go ahead and collect all right so we got another bitcoin and we also got says fournette i don't know what that is [Music] but terrible than that oh we got another thing look it's at the bottom [Music] that was another thing sent to me by you all [Music] love all the collectible coins i wanted to showcase the video everything you all sent me but i thought this would be a cool way to showcase it [Music] the very open here allow me to do pretty much all kind of crazy stuff as long as it's not cheating [Music] so to win something that i already own it's not cheating man that sounded heavy i don't shoot guys there might be an unforeseen issue that i didn't anticipate and is this playing field getting way too heavy all right i'm already out of quarters got that we got another 10 which honestly and we got another opportunity and we got that so that is terrible [Music] oh man i'm going to have to do a 500 buy-in see that i'm not playing any longer i think you all like that [Music] oh [Music] it just kept falling so what do we have here we have a bear paw air oh okay that's that's nice also we have there's another the fornit for it and look for mark my buddy that makes the custom bells this is one of his chips that he had made up from the same company i have it there's his contact information if you'd like to get a custom bell made thank you so much for sending that and we also got this so that part was bad but i was as i was pulling out ahead a bunch more which i'll probably show that a bunch more chains fall down which was good because literally didn't have much of anything [Music] left again not okay that was better all right so we got a 50 whatever that is those you all know please leave me a comment and let me know uh we got another 100 buy-in so that's 200 we got the only scratch winners we got a 10 so as far as cash i think we're only like at 30 bucks so far not doing good at all come on baby [Music] all right so listen here's where we're at that was my last quarter i have two hundred dollars oh hold on [Music] all right hold on that put us back in i was gonna do a buy in but as long as i can even inch it [Music] every little bit helps [Music] well that was not a good fall [Music] all right so let's deal with what i initially thought i'm gonna take this up here i'm gonna go do a buy-in real quick and we will be right back nice for those that are counting thousand dollars however out of pocket 700 so we really need to get one of these thousand chips or one of these big things come off that's coming up the only problem is that's on a sturdy platform [Music] come on baby there we go [Music] i feel like i need to bring this camera up a little bit more so you can get a little bit better angle of what i'm dealing with so let me let me do that real quick all right there we go maybe a little bit better oh now if it goes down inside of there it's a wind look it's all popsicle stick [Music] [Applause] oh that sounded [Music] sounded heavy i've been having an issue with the audio lately and i think it's because when every one of these coin pushers and other machines on it it's putting a lot of electrical charge in the air and it's messing with the microphone i spent a lot of time cutting out pops and everything else i'm hoping today i switched to a new channel they turned off all but this one so i'm hoping that will help me out hopefully so if you've noticed in the past two videos some crackling and things like that that's why i try to fix it in post but i can't always fix it sometimes it's just too much [Music] the other only other issues only thing i went back is stuff that you all sent me that i've already had uh i was kind of worried about that when i first started i'll let you all know at the end which what is which all right so that was my last quarter come on baby come on oh so the only thing that we won back that time [Music] was those chips there's a whole bunch more up front let's get ready to fall off oh i've accidentally let that drop guys i need a vote some videos i put a hint of music in the background do you all like the hint of music or do you like it where it's just plain coin pusher sound i need to put a vote up on the channel but leave me a comment let me know what you think [Music] sometimes it's so faint you might not even realize it's there i know other people put sounds of uh sounds of machines in the background running i could do that so i might have toss up the aspca humane society or there's another one that i was thinking about for this week i'll definitely have an answer by the time that we get there for saturday's video but not 100 sure depending on what the date is saturday's video might actually come out friday i have to see how that's going to work out [Music] and that was officially my last quarter already all right we got this thing here that i cannot pronounce whatsoever this is something else that was sent to me that was similar to that i appreciate when this stuff show it off but i really need to start wanting stuff that goes in my pocket [Music] oh that was tough man this is rough guys this is really really really rough come on baby oh that's not how we win it don't win by going on top layers do not help me out [Music] come on baby come on see it did it again why there's god i know i've said this so many times but there's got to be a high spot inside of that playing field look it did it again [Music] we did get a chip however that chip was not something that i needed that was one of those other [Music] playing ones i gotta tell you i've been making some bad decisions here lately [Music] either that are just making it tougher on me and i'm not i'm too blind to see [Music] that [Music] already coming up on our last bit of quarters here [Music] come on baby come on give me some quarters give me some ammo oh this is not cool anything on this one no another chip that does me no good so i got to change my strategy up here a little bit i'm gonna start i'm gonna start stopping it and putting it down even come on baby come on oh it's getting stuck [Music] 700 invested and literally i got what 30 bucks back this might come down to how well i do on a pirate's chest seriously i guess it wouldn't be called gambling if it was easy i try to justify these things in my head as i'm playing maybe i just have a problem [Music] come on baby [Music] all right come on there we go big push sorry i knocked the camera come on baby come on [Music] here we go maybe wave nothing let's go collect [Music] [Music] the gold bars in the back it hasn't moved any i got a roll of cash that's stuck there i have the popsicle stick bunch that's not going anywhere [Music] somehow i have a 10 up top there that must have been from when the thing fit oh what was that from i think the tower i guess that was a tower [Music] well the good news is the thousand went into the playing field the bad news is it's on the right side which is a terrible spot to be so i'm thinking the live stream is going to be thursday on facebook i think that's the plan it's going to be a little bit earlier should be fun all right come on baby come on big push you know first off thank you so much for sending me your stuff but i think in a playing field that was already busy enough by me throwing extra stuff in there i literally just shot myself in the foot man i i really don't know what's been up with me lately i'm playing this thing i've just i've really been making some not thought through decisions come on baby believe it or not this would fall if that chip would go away that's what's holding that up [Music] i have one way to get redemption and that is the that pirate's chest i have two entries into it i thought i counted more entries at the beginning of this [Music] oh that was a terrible fall [Music] that was my last quarter already and look some of it's going on top i'm sweating now guys let's face the facts the facts are i cannot do another buy-in there is no way i can afford fifteen hundred dollars invested and not have a guarantee the only way i'm going to win my money back is if i get that thousand dollar [Music] chip this is not looking good come on baby come on oh would i get one quarterback that is not how i stay in this game come on please i sound pathetic oh [Music] [Music] this was supposed to be my redemption day this was supposed to be the day that i get my money back two quarters guys that's what we're down to two stinking quarters all right well there that's that all right so here's where we're at i wonder if i can use these quarters inside of here let me go find out real quick because if i can use these and still get my tries then that would be perfect let's go find out all right everybody so i'm going to save you some boredom time here i can use those coins so i was pretty excited i was thinking something special was going to happen but essentially just with my luck today nothing came of it so what i'm going to do is skip through this and get to us playing the pirates chest and that's hopefully where my redemption comes from because lord knows i'm not getting it on this one all right guys thanks [Applause] all right guys so we officially have two tries to win this two tries so if you look right in here this is where i'm going this is the area i think that i'm gonna have the most bit of luck so let's go ahead and drop this down come on baby come on get something look hold it hold it hold it oh sweet we got that all right we got one more time all right come on come on can i redeem myself all right i think that's going to be come on baby come on grab it oh no did i get it look i'm stinking reel hold on unstinking believable five six seven hundred seven hundred dollars off of that that was pure pure 100 luck what a bad playing day that ended up to be completely awesome now i don't even know if we're still up yet but let's go ahead and count go over here and let's figure out how much we got that saved my stinking butt but yet it didn't so first let me go ahead and show you all thanks so much for sending this stuff in i greatly appreciate it thank you for supporting the channel hope you all go over and watch your channel enjoy it thank you so much thank you for the coins you know who you are we're going to have a facebook unboxing and i'll say a little bit more but these came from you all and last but not least also we've got about these as well and mark the guy that makes the custom bells there is his information if you want a custom bell made thank you so much mark for everything that you do for me but now let's get down to the brass tacks we got this which is like my fourth one i have one from here now cash out of the coin pusher cash out of the coin pusher we had 30 bucks 30 dollars thousand dollars invested 30 bucks but luckily i had one two of the tries the pirate chest i guess i'll go ahead and show you the two bitcoins i got as well which these are gonna be prizes for you all for later on i'm trying to get the collection built up playing that we were able to get a 500 and a 300 so 830 dollars was our total 830. now it was a thousand out of pocket or it was a thousand dollars invested however i had the 200 so all right so i have to do a correction on my amazing math skills here for some reason i thought i was only up by thirty dollars in actuality out of pocket i was up 130. i didn't realize that to later on until actually i was settling up but i figured i'd go ahead and fix this mistake before i go any further all right let's get back to the video i had them put it in there also don't forget about daniel rowland's book and thank you so much for writing that for the veterans that's a really good thing that you're doing so check him out check out his book but guys outside of that i hope you enjoyed not the outcome that i was expecting are hoping just keep the positive vibes out there and we'll make it guys if you enjoyed what you've seen and enjoying this and the mix up and you're not part of the family i'd love to have you become part of the family and hit that subscription button also if you could do me a huge favor and hit that like button let's youtube know let's other people that are watching know that you enjoy what you see and outside of that guys have a wonderful week have a video out probably on friday i'm thinking but uh outside of that let's uh let's back home and uh try not to cry all right guys thanks so much for watching i'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 35,257
Rating: 4.8641276 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, vegas, slots, poker, gold, silver, coins, rare coins, money from home, internet careers, asmr, relax, sleep
Id: HFSWr1UmEm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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