$1250 Cash Buy In! Chance to make Double! & 1 ounce Gold Bar Today High Risk Coin Pusher

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if there ever was a video that i put out that's going to be a nail biter that's this one today that you're watching huge eye a whole lot of risk all that more coming up after this [Music] all right guys so here we go this one has so much potential to walk away of being such a huge winner let's just go ahead and point to the back right there is one ounce gold bar worth over eighteen hundred dollars there's also a five gram gold bar on top of here there's hundreds and also this thing is full of chips the kicker for today one buy-in only the buy-in was twelve hundred and fifty dollars i repeat that the behind was twelve hundred and fifty dollars however you will also notice down here in the playing field that there's the two buy-in chips for 200 and then you'll see a roll of quarters on each side those are worth a hundred dollars a piece so if i can get these off that is good for another up to 400 buy-in that i can do but i have to do it by this means i can't do it by any other way all right guys i wanted to correct something that i didn't realize at the time but how this buy-in works is there's up to four chances to get up to four hundred dollars to win however if i decide to use 200 of it at one point i can't use the other 200 after i win it you only get one shot at an extra buy-in i didn't know this at the time but that probably come into play a little bit later on all right guys thank you so much i hope you enjoyed today's video also the front of the field if you notice there's barely any quarters on it so this is going to take a while to get this all up front to win i did it i don't know how i feel about it but i know today is going to be an awesome day there's also some other things in here that i'm trying to look and see but the potential to make the money is in here today i just gotta get it but before we get into today's video today's video is proudly sponsored by winner winner winner winner is my favorite live action claw machine app i have been been teamed up with winner winner for a long time they listen to the issues that i've had and all the people have had they fix them you play from the power of your smartphone whether you have android or iphone you go on play for real prizes that's shipped to you for free also as a bonus go over to our facebook club winner winner fan page joshua bardley and you will have a second chance of winning the prize of your choice all you have to do is post pictures up if you win all you have to do is you have to use the link down in the description to download winner winner go to that link also use my code bartleys15 to get free credits thanks so much to winter winter for keeping this channel afloat and thank you so much for the sponsorship and guys show them some love i'd greatly appreciate it all right guys so we're back so listen that's a lot of quarters it might not look like it that's a lot of quarters 1250 buy-in if there's ever a time that i needed to play strategic that is today right now i just need to get quarters up front so what i'm going to do is just line it up and try to get quarters pushed up as you all say in the live streams i need the ammo ammo is the most important especially today these towers will fall [Music] you all know that but it's not easy not easy fall by any means all right i'm gonna just keep loading this thing up that stuff on the back will eventually come forward usually happens pretty quick man there's a lot of weight look it's not even pushing that oh that was not look i did it twice back to back what what was i thinking also they have fixed the backdrop it should not get quarters stuck in it anymore so that's another plus so that won't hold us up bonus hole is open that is another plus i'm not sure if that thing's over top of the bonus hole or not though but that is another way to get quarters so there's a bunch of avenues to keep staying in the game but it's just going to take a long time to get to that point oh man we haven't got one quarterback yet come on baby big not a push all right let's keep on keep it going let's just go ahead and stack this thing up again [Music] i had another video that was going to come out but there was an issue with the audio and i didn't realize it until i started editing it so this is literally the day after the live stream that we had on sunday i really can't see whether that bonus hole is clear or not i don't think it is oh we got one quarter back [Music] two keep on playing evenly keep on moving that stuff up front oh so if you walk up here you're seeing an 1800 gold bar five grams of gold hundreds but it looked like this would you play 1200 would you pay 1200 to play this leave me a comment let me know what they're doing is one queen pusher set up kind of like a normal as all of them are one is really the high stakes coin pusher you got to pay to play but if you can win you win big if you lose you can lose even bigger there we go all right now we're starting to get stuff up front oh big bush all right [Music] see the gold bar is going to fall behind that tower so we're going to need to get that down oh what am i doing how'd i forget about this i almost forgot i can't believe i did that i have the third surprise today which i completely forgot until now but we have the bonus hole cam back at it today and i almost forgot to turn the camera on oh i thought they had that fixed [Music] jeez not good oh that fell backwards but that did that was one tower to fall how did i forget about the bonus hole [Music] [Music] there we go all right that was a good one there big push oh he went to the right of it which could be a really really good thing or a really really bad thing because that right side is the dead zone oh dropping quarters second wave [Music] ah all right come on baby come on oh all right i gotta go pick up these quarters that i dropped oh see they went on top let's see when i say i gotta play by strategy but this thing is happening more and more often i i really think there's getting high spots in the playing field all right last handful officially haven't done real well with the return the first couple returns is what i'm worried about after that we should start to get [Applause] enough quarters up front to still play good [Music] [Music] all right that was officially my last quarter see a second wave ah nothing let's go down here and collect that was not the best return but again i predicted this much to be true just got to stay positive oh that was a bad bounce you know what i think i'm gonna have to start utilizing this skill stop a lot more because with this playing field being that way it appears that it just bounces straight up on top there we go that's a good one all right [Music] come on baby oh [Music] man it happened again how does that keep happening come on baby big push [Music] and this is officially my last quarter get a nice second wave out of it nothing all right another terrible return as predicted so if i'm anywhere close to being a decent guesser i would assume that we can do better on this one i think so at least i think we have enough quarters pushed up that'll start coming off not like that oh man that went up in the complete wrong way [Music] come on baby come on oh that was a good fall yeah i just got to utilize that skill stop a lot more second wave all right as i was hoping it's uh i'm getting more coins back this time see look that hat spot look and they file from the other one i don't know what they have to do to fix that but they need to fix it because that's that's a huge interference [Music] all right that was my last quarter come on baby come on ah all right let's get in here collect a lot better [Music] there we go come on baby yes all right there's a hundred chip so that's a hundred we can use as a bind if needed [Music] [Music] [Music] come on baby oh look that one lifted up [Music] all right the placard on the right side is getting ready to fall so that'll be a total 200 of buy-ins if needed [Music] [Music] [Music] come on baby [Music] oh there it is there's the second one all right [Music] last quarter guys [Music] and all right let's go collect [Music] so we got 200 for continued buy-ins no cash yet and a whole bunch of quarters baby come on big push [Music] all right slowly getting that gold bar up there eighteen hundred and like sixty dollars in value [Music] hope everyone had a fantastic new years happy 2021 my first official regular video of the year [Music] there we go come on baby second wave nothing all right come on baby well the very soul is officially clear i know it's been clear for a while but i just wanted to make mention of that [Music] that was a bad bad pulse on my part time to redeem myself [Music] there we go come on oh oh that was a big one all right [Music] man that was a good fall right there falls like that i'm glad i do have that uh loot camp [Music] last two quarters [Music] see if anything can come of it push nothing all right so our first return with cash in it and look there we got and 240. so not not anywhere where we need to be but at least we're starting to get cash [Applause] back that's a good one come on baby oh yes technically all i have to get is that gold bar to come positive i don't know about this stuff right here but if i can least get the gold no don't fall was that a bad decision on my part all right i'm not gonna touch it i'm gonna let it do its thing oh no all right now let's see if this works [Music] [Applause] there we go that's a big one [Music] look two of the three got pushed up top [Music] i think all of them got pushed at the end let me explain how that's a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] oh know some of you are probably thinking josh why are you why are you not playing the right side because that's where the gold corner is there's two reasons why if you play just the right side it'll push that thing all the way over to the right and plus we need to stay in there with ammo so i need to continue to make sure that i keep getting quarters so i can continue to play that's my thinking could be right could be wrong i'm not sure that was my last quarter by the way all right let's go collect all right there it is all right that actually benefited me [Music] [Music] there we go come on baby that pushed a whole lot of money up at once [Music] excellent [Music] there we go come on baby and officially my last quarter [Music] i don't see anything happening now that not a real good return this time we need to work on the right side just a little bit yeah i like that josh [Music] i hope everyone oh well let me finish what i was saying i hope everyone's doing well i sure thank you so much if this is your first time watching welcome to the channel [Music] you never know what's going to pop off one of these videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go that's a good one big [Music] [Music] so for me tomorrow is january the 6th which if you're in the united states you know probably exactly what's going on january 6. [Music] go get my popcorn and watch the show i guess [Music] all right that was my last quarter officially [Music] terrible go grab that other one [Music] oh and it pushed itself up top topper [Music] [Music] there we go that's a nice second wave so if that continues to bundle up i will get them to turn it sideways for me and i will do it early [Music] just depends on what happens here [Music] that was officially my last quarter all [Music] right all right so to play it safe i'm going to give this one more try at trying to turn that bill [Music] should have known better oh there we go all right now we're back in it let's kind of just get up over top of that ledge [Music] [Music] so that's my last quarter that should be a good one all right second wave so that was a terrible we got that which is good but we only got that so i'm gonna cash in one of these things real quick before we get any further all right so i got that 200 down i don't want to wait on it i'll use it this time not next time come on baby remember if it's obviously off it is a win [Music] big push [Music] all right so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go ask them if they can turn that sideways for me because it's it's holding up progress and there's too much online today all right guys so here's the deal they gave me this which is 20 bucks and they turned that sideways i don't have the time today to i got to make sure nothing's interfering normally i wouldn't do it so mike is here it's a lot more lenient with stuff like that it's easier to ask them favors i guess but they said a long time ago if it's winnable if it's something they have in there to win it has to be able to fit or fall off so that was just the principle that i'm going to see i wasn't paying attention i dropped a quarter [Music] can't do that again there we go come on baby [Music] and that went on top what is the deal yo oh that's not good all right that was my last quarter all right i'm happy with that i'm happy play from the right side for a little bit that way it doesn't turn unless i get one of these other ones there is no more buy-in so i gotta play extremely smart and right now the smart emmy sees all that cash on the left side but the only way i'm guaranteed to get my money back is get that gold bar off that was a bad throw on my part come on baby big push i'm gonna stay on the right because i don't want that thing to turn and it can easily happen there we go that should be do something man doesn't do anything come on baby why is it getting held up [Music] [Music] all right we got the gold coin not a real big money maker but we got one thing down so we just got to get that gold bar off and not run out of quarters [Music] ah then get my fingers in there fast enough [Music] oh it's getting there guys last quarter coming up [Music] all right i'm gonna go down here and collect all right so we've got not worth anything really [Music] huh i think my gosh we only got two about 300 bucks back of a 1250 investment so yeah getting this uh gold bars extremely important [Music] and i might have to start thinking about ammo here coming up too all right that's right there man it's it's on the edge it's going calm [Music] oh just one decent push [Music] there we go this is it oh it's so close second wave yes all right [Applause] [Music] yes we got our money back oh all right let's finish this all what a good way to end it let's get this stuff over here let's just play even [Music] weight lifted off my shoulders [Music] come on baby big push huge weight lifted off my shoulders so we got a 20 stack but we got this awesome [Music] super happy that puts us in the green so now let's see if i can put the cherry on top of sunday [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that one on the left center now we got some more green coming down [Music] hopefully that bonus hole will fall soon too that'll really get us back in the game all right that was my last quarter all right so we got another 20. however we're doing terrible here unless we can get those rolls of quarters to come off we might be in trouble i'm trying to get those quarters that are leaning off there we go that's the ones i was trying to get off oh man we're already down to our last quarter come on big push oh second wave third wave nothing all right again not a very good out of that but staying in the game [Music] so [Music] i don't think we've got a lot of quarters back now that was my last quarter guys oh so this is what it comes down to obviously the left side if i can get it to go over to the left side and it's not i can't get a good spin on it no there we go finally got 75 cents left [Music] all right i'm going to collect both what we have see if anything comes with this no another just a couple quarters and there's a lot of gaps in this playing [Music] field [Music] [Music] oh come on baby oh all right so i gotta go with what i can win the right side is the only thing i can win currently because we're getting down to nothing there we go all right all right perfect a little bit more green that was my last quarter oh all right all right so i got another 40 and we got that so right there on the right side it's leaning try to get that off [Music] oh why does it keep pushing up like that that's gonna fill in the gap [Music] last quarter [Music] nothing i really would like to get those 100 stacks off [Music] i think those rolls of quarters are too heavy to come off because they're all bunched together come on baby second wave anything oh man i really could use a bonus hole to fall [Music] anything come on please one quarter [Music] last quarter give me some more than one two quarters all right all right so i'm playing on the left side [Music] perfect drop oh man i'm just barely staying in this game where do i play now i guess right there on the right [Music] it's the only thing that's close all right well we're staying in there got three quarters left i think i'm gonna play in the same spot [Music] last quarter guys on it bounce a terrible bounce will anything come of it or will this be then come on oh that would have been a perfect time oh sweet let's get ready to say that would have been a perfect time for the burners hole to fall can we stay in there oh man gee my t it doesn't want me to quit guys [Music] oh wow that was huge so let me take this up here real quick but i think i got another 100 i can do a quick buy-in we can empty this thing out i didn't listen to the rules too well it was best to save it up because you could only use one of those buy-ins i can use that for next time i play but i can't use it for this time so that's a bummer that's what happens when i don't i'm paying attention but it's like the little details and i remember them saying that when they said one buy-in i was just thinking only from that but we're not out of the game yet man that thing hit hard when it hit all right so we're getting back in there didn't even buy in [Music] all right come on baby there we go oh no second wave [Music] come on not like this man we've made it so far and i threw that on top like an idiot no let me go double check [Music] nothing down there all right let's uh let's go see where we're at let's tally up here we go so this is what we had in cash counting the three uh two hundred dollars and hundreds cash for today we had five hundred and forty dollars we also got this that i thought i wish i would have paid attention better but you had to save them all up and use it one time so i can use this next time so we got a hundred dollars towards that remember i already used the other 200 we also got the gold kennedy but this right here is it and this what makes me this makes me happy even though i didn't get all that cash because the right there is 1800 like 60 bucks i will definitely take it i'm happy i mean obviously there's still a lot of left from the playing field but it is what it is but you know they did help me out with moving that stuff around so i can't complain but guys i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did you can show me by hitting that like button also if you're new to the channel when you're not subscribed i think like sixty percent of people that watch are over or not subscribe i'd love to have you hit that subscription button become part of our family don't forget about my favorite app winner winner and uh we will have another video out for the weekend hopefully we can uh stay on this winning streak that we've been on i think uh we're i mean even though it's not by much i think we're on like five five at times of winning streak all right guys thanks for watching i'll talk to you soon have a good night [Music]
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 46,107
Rating: 4.8756919 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, high stakes, stimulas, congress, capital building, pokemon, cash, logan paul, floyd
Id: qVe7sdug82U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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