I Can't Believe they put this New Game Inside the Coin Pusher! Thousand's of Dollars in CASH$$$

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i promise to you you're not going to miss today's video this is one of the ones that i hope you watch all the way through to the end because there's so many things that are happening inside today's video i don't want to spoil it and tell you all but all that more coming up after this [Music] all right guys so here we go i've been telling you things are changing up here and you have my word they have this is the first of its kind the first of its kind coin pusher that you will not find anywhere else what makes it that way well i'm not going to tell you because when it happens you'll figure it out real quick you'll see the little tower there inside that tower is another huge surprise it's a huge one now today cost me eight hundred dollars i know that seems crazy but i promise to you the award is there now strategy for today if we were doing like we did on the live stream i'll try to work the sides but i need to get what's inside of there i'm limited on buy-ins especially with the amount of money that's costing me so we need to try to get this thing knocked over with as little money as we possibly can so without further ado let's go ahead and get started after enough quarters fall off the edge of it we will all see first time on youtube [Applause] oh man these things are heavy come on baby big push and uh just another little surprise um i actually yesterday came up here and watched them bring in the brand new game so excited to play this one they're trying to figure out how they're going to work it but the next video i put out i promise i will be on the brand new game oh there we go oh that was perfect that's exactly what i needed that ship is working like a bulldozer so let's just go ahead and keep see now this one especially have a hard time seeing the quarters but we're going to just keep playing the middle it's been a while since i played old reliable good to be back on it there we go come on baby so what i am going to attempt to do today is not throw quarters on top of each other again i have the height disadvantage of not be able to see all the way down but so i was told with the buy-ins you can do one buy-in they promised to me this is a mic deal that i'm not going to want to do too much more than that because i have the potential of losing a lot but 800 buy-in i want to do another one it costs 400 so hopefully we won't get to that point all that thing's already starting to change a little bit the back side's kind of coming down i did not build this one i built the one for the live stream but this one was not me oh big turn [Applause] oh this thing's alright it's gonna come down soon come on baby big push oh the bottom's coming out it's going to come out oh this is going to be huge but the problem is look which way it's leaning it's leaning backwards the other strategy the other strategy that we're playing with today is trying to get as much quarters on that's obvious i play that every game but i want to get enough pressure on this thing to show you the big reveal so today i want to talk to you a little bit talk a little bit during the podcast or the live stream but i want to talk to you a little bit about some new things that are happening how i'm going to conduct this channel for now on truly i took a step back reevaluated i put a thing up towards you all listened to every comment that you gave me and i think i get it oh hold on uh it's going backwards oh all right looks like a 10 flag i'll see that's what exactly what i don't want to do today oh look whoa oh man here it is big push that was huge big bush oh so can you see it yet do you see what's inside of there if you can't i'm not gonna spoil it if we can get this off then we'll have surprise number two all right let's go down here oh come on keep pushing i'm gonna go down here and collect while it's doing that all right so we got a 20 this stuff is just literally not how you get your money back today so i think i'm going to work on trying to get the whole field we got to get chains to come off we got to get quarters to fall off the edge so one of the things i want to talk to you about one of the comments that i got a lot from people was i used to do this for the fun really enjoyed doing it and then you all got the perception that i was all about the money or all about ads and advertising please don't ever think that please i promise to you even in my most denial whatever thinking that is not me that was never on my mind however something i hope you all can respect last month alone i had oh it's going to be big like 6 200 up here recording videos so if i can get sponsors to help sponsor a video it truly helps me out tremendously here's where i think i made my mistake most influencers will say this video is sponsored by or this video is brought to you by say it and then they leave it at that so that's how if i ever do sponsored deals because guys it truly helps and it's not like i'm making beaucoup money off of it but every little bit helps big bush oh perfect look at that but that's how i'm going to do it i want to give you a brief idea of what i'm talking about with the new ads that i'll be putting on here so i'm going to make them brief put them at the beginning but we'll just say winner winner my favorite claw machine app you all know about winter winter i talk about them all the time it is a live virtual game that you play from your smartphone and you play real games and you win real prizes that are sent to you for free after you won them now i've teamed up with a winner winner for a long time so if you'd like to download winner winner link is down in description also if you have an android phone you can use my code bartley 15 to save and get free tokens to play so that's it guys that's that's how i'm going to do advertising from that one so leave me your thoughts down there and let me know what you think [Applause] we gotta get i gotta get this to come down all right let's go let's go down here and collect oh big ones this is working this coin pusher i can hear it like uh grinding what happened you know what just looked down where in the world did the the big mega prize go to the thing is hidden huh but this is it this is the machine that started it all this was the first one that i played up here it's still kicking still going strong it's had a few uh cosmetic stuff done to it but i will always be grateful for this queen pusher plays well the shoot is easy to get it to drop so hands down i'm never turn my back on overlap well even with bigger newer and flashier things come in this this has got a special part in my heart of me losing my money it's kind of like if you ever go slot machine and you find that one that you hit hit one time on that's always your go to all right come on all right so let's uh let's take a little second here let's see where we're at so we got 40 50 and 100. so 800 and by in and we are at a hundred of that so we got one eighth of where we need to be we got to get this piece off extremely important all right just keep filling the gaps [Applause] got that right side that's getting ready to drop big so let's kind of fiddle with that a little bit something big's got to happen here there we go come on baby big bush that was i don't know what that was oh no ah come on dude [Applause] there we go come on big bush big yes and unfortunately my last quarter already okay all right so uh officially at 120 and we got that so we're hanging in there not where we need to be yet but we're hanging in there trying to get this field pushed out nice and even we got to get these quarters off the edge i want to see keep on coming so all right so that was my last quarter that we are officially at 140. we're almost there so you see the importance of having to get the which is starting to peek through a little bit but having to get that off the front because if not i'm in trouble big trouble oh come on come on come on come on so told y'all before one of the things i want to start working on a little bit more is collaborating collab with different channels 704 tactical he's been a long time subscriber to this channel has an amazing channel and there is something huge in the works that he's doing this weekend which will turn around to be a giveaway on this channel so when the video is live i'll let you know if you're there check it out then you'll see the details of how you win super excited about that all right look at that come on baby big push that's so close as soon as i get that off then we are throwing in the doe come on baby oh there we go that's what we need come on baby big push that's all it can do to push that big pile big push big push all right let's go down here collect not so good to me mario we have to get this thing off here that's stream importance come on baby big push oh that's so close oh that was the wrong time not what i want don't do it there we go we got to get that off there can you see it yet do you see what's poking through and why this buy-in cost me so much money and why i need to get that to do anything there we go come on baby and that was my last quarter already man the chute was blocked off i had to curse it a little bit but i think some of it got lost to house oh come on baby be pushed there you go it's open now i just heard someone fall down come on come on full i know you can start to see it now how can you mistake that beautiful color of gold oh there it is i thought for sure that was it man it's getting heavy it's getting hard to push off that edge i would almost think that that had to have just about enough come on big push today i'm just in one of those moods to make random sound effects probably driving you all nuts i'm sorry if you can come at one with the coin pusher that was not a really good decision on my part to stop it right once in the middle pushing there we go that's what i need that's exactly what i need [Music] whoa there it is there it is did you see that that was stinking awesome there it is guys i hope you all seen that so now you see the surprise oh did you see that it was raining quarters unbelievable the first ever i know they have some japanese machines that do this but this is the first one i know of in the states that actually when enough weight comes down you get money and i thought you're supposed to get cash too but you get changed to come down and help push it off the edge please give this video a like if you enjoyed that how cool is that all right guys that was my last quarter let's go down here and collect all right i'm still boggled so look we got another 30 bucks or is that that's a 40 you know okay there's 50 bucks right there so that is thinking cool you got to get that look right there so yes it's official that is a gold bar was it a one troy ounce gold bar so in other words getting that thing off is extremely important also apparently once this thing opens up once it's easy for more to fall so we're going to be looking for more money coming out of the sky how cool is that leave me a comment let me know how cool is that to have something like that a lot of work went into designing that thing to get it to work there we go come on baby push off that right side i don't know if you all remember on this one how that race i can get bundled up like that so let's do this let's see if we can get a nice little oomph behind it to get it to come off there we go that's what we needed perfect now it's starting to rain some cash we got to get that off there there's a big mountain of quarters right in front of it too so let's work on that oh there we go oh man i missed the gold month that was some of my favorite playing hands down i loved it and it seems like uh every other place sort of took the idea from them because i started seeing oh there it is there it is look it's on the edge it's going to come off push it a hole it's so stinking close there it is one troy ounce of gold i love it let's see if we can get this thing to i'm a big push nothing all right we got a couple more quarters left and then come on baby come off there come off oh all right let's go down here and collect so close all right so look 20 40. so there's an extra 90 towards the 800 goal however check this out and more importantly look what's getting ready to fall off so let's uh let's keep on keeping on here come on baby come on there it is it came down part two whoa that is so cool but it didn't push off the gold bar and that look that cash came down with it wow well josh don't get don't get too excited now phone quarters on top of each other that was so cool i love it [Applause] ah come on baby i need the gold bar to come home in my pocket all right come on baby oh coming in behind it get a little bit extra pushing room all right we got to get this big goliath off here oh more came down whoa whoa it knocked the gold bar off i think did it i can't tell i think the gold bar came off oh i have to go back in editing but i really i think the gold bar came off oh man if so we're in the money how cool would that be i totally missed it my eyes got fixed on all the quarters coming down that i missed it falling i'll just get behind it and make sure i need to verify the coolest thing ever according to me that just made a regular coin pusher into a beast beast all right so this is my last quarter we're going to go down here let's go down and see what we have won all right so now i need build up music here some drum beat here we go guys boom one 20 ounce 100 mil 999 fine gold i guess this is canadian there it is that's that's the video what other cool thing can happen i don't know how much an ounce of uh gold is going for currently maybe i can put it up if i figure out seriously how stinking cool is that so i'm happy i'm seriously from this point when i'm happy so probably what i'll do is i'll speed to the rest of this and we'll see what we end up with oh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh all right so we got c 40 50 70 bucks 70 added to our total and we got this [Applause] all right whoa i am excited so excited for uh for this reveal it's been a long time coming and i am extremely thankful that they're spiking it up now for now on for me to play games that are going to pay out more i need to pay more in for mines that's just the way it goes guys they got to make their money too i'm not trying to be super nice that's just business if i want to keep playing up here they got to make their money however today i flip the script and we're going to go over exactly what i want first and foremost so we had some cash come off some of it was stuck in there they got it out for me so our cash total was 380. then we got another 150 and chips and we also got a bitcoin which these are just ones that i'm giving away it's extra ones i'm hoping that they're going to do another bitcoin competition especially now that they're you know getting settled with the last one but the gram behemoth the one that is all or nothing look at here current price 1845 for that 1845 so let's get a grand total in here let's find out how well we did today so our total and take home from cash was 530 which honestly that would be bad i had 800 buy-in but you take that and plus 1 800 grand total for today is 23 8 is that right our grand total for today is 23.80 i'm serious i thought i was making a mistake 2380 minus 800 15.80 i just made 1580 i can't even talk i can't believe it guys look seriously i'm shaking i just made 1580 up here today not only did i get blessed to see the newest coin pushers come in which i'll be showing that here in the next video i got to see the newest game up here with money just ran out of the sky i have no idea how i'm going to wear this but i got to do something i just made 1500 stinking dollars now granted that's not cash money that's because i have this but it doesn't matter i could sell that right now on ebay or wherever take it to it and get the money for it for spot value or whatever it's called so guys ah what a day see thanks to you all my attitude's changed i'm excited to be here i'm i'm this things and it's just i'm putting it out there to the universe and it's coming back to me guys i hope you enjoyed today's video you could do me a huge favor by hitting that like button share the crap out of this video and also if you're not subscribed i'd love to have you become part of our family we're getting ready to have some cool giveaways coming up we're getting ready to have the auction so for those of you all that don't know what we are doing is we have four people that have gofundmes and other big parts of the channel and obviously with the holidays so what i'm going to do is i am going to auction off my winnings stuff for that like uh some bitcoins and some of the collectible coins and instead of paying me money each auction will go towards a different gofundme and then you just go to their gofundme and once that's taken care of i will ship out whatever you want i thought it was a win-win i get a lot of requests from a lot of people that breaks my heart i wish i was rich i promised you i would be taking care of everybody but this is a way that i figured that uh we could do that for for all the subscribers for our family you're all family guys thank you so much for watching i can't wait for you all to see the new game i wanted to give you a little bit sneak peek but as soon as i do you'll know exactly what it is so all right well thank you so much have a great weekend and remember monday is now our official live stream day it was fantastic had over a thousand viewers had so much fun so monday is our official live stream day starting between 5 30 and 6. let's let's hammer that out but i'll have another video out before then alright guys thanks for watching talk to you soon
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 38,351
Rating: 4.8951468 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, gold bar, gold, silver, quarter, quarter pusher, Logan Paul, andriod, apple, Pokémon, charizard, make money, make money from home, lottery, win lottery, metal detecting, diamond, msi, razer, win, vegas, slot, slot machine, poker, asmr, relax, sleep, help sleep, smooth sounds, stress
Id: yGmng4x17TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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