Don't Need your glasses to see the WINS NOW! Coin Pusher livestream

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[Applause] ah there we go hey joe hey buddy there we go focus looks so much better now live and learn guys live and learn don't make that mistake again no autofocus can't work on a coin pusher too many moving parts joe we uh we started the live stream and i put the autofocus on and that going thing every time the thing would come forward it would blur and come out and everyone said me or don't look like i need glasses so i told them wow we're still knew about it let's go in here and let's uh go ahead and uh restart the stream and i'll change the camera settings all right everybody everybody's coming back now thank you so much for bearing with me got to make the best live stream for you all can't have low quality here my gosh like you said uh for whatever reason yeah you'll see whatever reason youtube makes my if you would see my end i'm shooting in hd but when i go back and re-watch the live streams the quality is terrible it's like a 1998 windows i don't understand why they do that to me i got a nice uh got a nice webcam all right so the 1969 size 13 mark bell is getting ready to come off and there's also another easter egg in here i don't want to give it away see if anybody notices it got some easter eggs mark made it back on his phone oh so we won a bitcoin that was down in the shooter oh there it is come on oh what's going to happen is we're going to have a big pile up look like one of those i-70 snow car crashes coming up here in a second everything is going to get punished everybody said to work the left side i almost forgot that let's work the left side hey mindy here's my neighbor neighbor to the south mindy do you ever go to clearbrook park uh there is no rules dave no rules it's just uh 400 well okay i take that back there is rules they can't remove any of this stuff this stuff is purposely in there to get your way but 200 buy-in no time limit we're just going to have fun today is more about you all this will set up more about you all if i put some else stuff in here say thank you yes so you i meant to say you do that clear book park there's a park right beside where me and mindy live and they do christmas lights and this time of year it's beautiful man because i live pretty close to it so every time i drive past it it's so cool the amount of work that they put into that all right [Music] well i have emotional week she's no emotional oh man from from the kicking of the coin pusher to uh all kind of crazy stuff it's been interesting boy i got a lot of heat on that one i even got heat after i said look it wasn't me i didn't do it people were like i'm sorry you're still cheater and i'm unsubscribing i was like all right man sorry it's their equipment guys they want to come in here baseball back and just whack the thing they can do it he just thought he's being funny yeah so tomorrow is going to be our auction for geek out hangout for john and uh for uh jason we're doing our three what i'm doing is prizes that i have won i mean all the way back to flying jay's time i am going to open them off and instead of paying me you paid them and then i'll ship it out to you okay yeah so if you'd like to get a hold of mma his facebook information this would be a good time to show you this so i brought one of these up here before i collect this so here's his information there's this phone number is bill wow you can't see any of that oh thank you so much brenda wishing you glinda and breaking a merry christmas merry christmas to you as well thank that was so nice thank you so look the color of that matches mark's card merry christmas to you as well this is not one of my favorite weeks i'll put a picture of this because i know you're all having a hard time seeing it but mark's very talented once we win one of these i will show you what it looks like let me go down here and [Music] oh yeah this is a good return another bitcoin wow we haven't got any cash back yet and we got some this is the silliest thing ever i feel silly sitting here like i'm at the movies ah so the bitcoins i will be giving those will be some of the items that i am selling tomorrow along a lot of the stuff in here is stuff that i'm going to be selling tomorrow for the live stream so that was the point of today's live stream was to get stuff that you all seen me win and often at all and guys this is just trying to make i know i've had people in the past say josh you you process you talking too much about sad things and i don't really don't come here for that i get that guys i i hope you get that i promise you i'm not going to but we have people that are part of the channel that came to me and asked me for help and i told them i would and i told them my voice one thing you don't do you got to be a man of your work if you tell somebody you'll do something you do it and christmas being uh whether you celebrate christmas or not it's still the season of giving and least that i can do uh my cousin that's a good uh thank you jen um you know he's they put him in a nursing home which a rehabilitation center and um they came to them and he had been in there for a while which was terrible circumstances and they came to them because they didn't have enough money to keep them so basically no exaggeration they just kicked him out they're like yeah you got to go home you can't afford to stay here and so right before christmas they kicked him out and then they just have a caretaker nurse come over every once awhile and take care of him so it's one of those things man don't want to be a negative nancy here you know it's sad london uk i will go to london i just honestly i don't have an updated passport i need to get a passport it's the only reason why i don't travel outside the state so i'm too lazy to go to the post office and get my passport information taken care of something fell time tomorrow mark that's a good question i'm thinking probably about the same time as my live streams i'll be doing that from the house um i got everything in order so probably about i would say six o'clock would be a good time to say um we're gonna do the street from the house um he's got hangouts gonna help me keep track of everything well just keep in mind this christmas so i might not be able to get everyone's stuff out before christmas but i'll get everything out to everybody the trophy fell oh okay all right well that was my last course let me go down here and see what we won all right well this is the first bit of money that we've got back oh what kind of stuff stuck in there all right finally seeing some green that's good all right so you ready to see the president on one 40 bucks i'd like to thank everybody for their support i couldn't do this without you all that's so stupid there's another 40 and there's a 50. so we finally getting some cash back and we got a popcorn bucket just woke up and one of those good news man sleep you know i don't want to sleep my life away but man it is so nice when you can sleep wake up feel refreshed rejuvenated oh there it is yes yes yes did you all catch out was that quick enough now you have a child to get the cup of cash there we go did you all see it reading cash from the head that's awesome it's one of my favorite things about this thing now rank quarters gotta love that raining cash all right let's keep going keep on keeping on [Music] i don't know if his lights are on or not i can't really tell it's really great inside of there really reminds me of like a 1950 themed coin pusher you know that's like those old 80 70 christmas lights watching me one tablet josh did brave get my package uh becky not yet but i will say this though i have not been to the post office in like four days um i'm trying to think the reason why i was holding off oh i had something i had to send out and i was waiting that's what it was i was waiting for another thing to come in so i will go to the footballs tomorrow guaranteed and it should be there and thank you so much for doing that those are all just coming in merry christmas week to everybody nutty's 2021 has to be a better year than what 2020 was has to be or i mean it doesn't have to be it could be worse it can be a lot worse i guess the volcano could erupt then [Music] hey you all know my uh my addiction i had to stop at taco bell get some tea for today's livestream that tea is my coffee i couldn't be a mormon my grandmother's a mormon they don't drink tea or coffee i would uh i would not do well with that because i enjoy both of them no money in there yes on my way to be a type 1 diabetic all right so you all told me to play the left side and i just kept running my pie hole that was one of the things people complained about you just don't pay attention so let me pay attention [Music] i only like young sweet tea sweet tea oh man unsweet tea it's like brown water demand can't do it thank you so much rihanna thank you all so much so okay with the whole covered thing the the cups you get your individual cup and i bring mine with me but you can't people can't share cops so i wonder if i could i'm sure i get to take this thing home with me and now i'm going to feel silly carrying out my popcorn now we've got a lot of stuff on the edge waiting to come off yes i agree with y'all jerry sweetie is fantastic that is probably where my sweet tea fetish started when i lived in charlotte i love me some sweet tea i wanted a little too much oh the cup is stuck you see i know they can come down because i think they can come down what you need to have it look huh huh what a rip all right let me go collect oh [Applause] there we go ah from gillette pa love your videos i've been watching for about eight months say hi to brave merry christmas thank you so much cindy merry christmas to you as well i didn't make a mess so we got another bitcoin to sell for tomorrow we've got some more all right so how do we have this thing set up now let's see if i can get this it's kind of a waste but there's another tipping point to get the quarters come out the top but it's really not a good strategy to play it doesn't uh just throws it in the middle and doesn't really do anything and i'll show you what i'm talking about so like look i'm gonna get right third in the top see it doesn't do anything now when it comes down when the thing releases and all you come down like however much money it is that that's effective but the one at a time in is not one josh 10 cups all right [Music] you got to get this thing off here man i'm just not a fan of this stuff oh well was that cheating because that literally happened for me pushing on it but look it's stuck look okay that was cheating guys i'm sorry i did not mean to do that but i mean it's stuck right there on the glass what am i supposed to do and this is plexiglas now i feel bad now i feel like i just did something wrong all right let's uh let's go down here that was well i feel like i feel bad anyway so we got uh we got the 40 and 100 and then one of the chips i should have left that alone and we got that yes i am using the new laptop yes it was such a nice gift so nice of her to do that it looks just like my old laptop it works fantastic i had to go in there's a few things i need no big push let's try to load this thing up a little bit yes yes this thing is super nice it saved me well i wasn't gonna buy one at christmas time anyway and all she asked me was she wants me to find her a puppy and so i've been on the puppy search she lives in virginia and she wants to she was looking for an animal to adopt so if you all know anybody in the virginia area that has a pulp that's up for adoption wants to go to a good home definitely let me know well thank you all i just don't seriously guys i'm really not i'm not that kind of person i don't take the shortcut in life it doesn't feel satisfying to do that so that was literally our last quarter already so let me go down here and collect and see where we are at now this is terrible terrible big holiday push there we go hey john hey everybody all right so there's not a lot in here i don't know that one i think these cups yeah well i gotta quit pushing on that but i think that they're too big i don't think they fit down through there i think that was strategically placed it's a conspiracy theory like frederick county animal shelter there's one charlestown man alright i mean that's what i'll definitely do hey we gotta call the pusher snowplows now because of winter there we go joe get the snowplows i might have to be doing a buy-in already ah some more came down that keeps me in the game oh it's bright here hey buddy there he is little man a little man tried to get me up all day today and i slept all day i was pulling out the old grizzly bear hibernating yeah a little bit [Music] braden is almost ready for santa claus to come almost there christmas christmas is i think just as exciting for parents as it is for for uh the children this isn't for me it [Music] is right so that was my last quarter already but guys i'm not look i got this love your videos josh bargain barons i love it thank you so much bargain baron thank you i'll award you this trophy i was so nice of you thank you so much for the super chat hey there's mike mike's here mindy i agree with you i'm serious man i ain't the same way all right so let's uh let's go through here up in the left corner stuck shoot with quarters in it brenda you're exactly right thank you so much for the super chat as well that's i know look at it it's not going anywhere go home i did win this is this good for anything that's not fair man i think the idea was they would they were wanting it to tip like this is doing and get stuck in there like these so that's a lot of money right there that i'm losing one i don't know if that's considered a win i'll figure that out towards the end but all this is getting i mean if you look i'm trying to be gentle and all this is pushed up against the thing oh i missed the super chat do i very nancy thank you so much nancy because thank you just keep it up i definitely will you're amazing merry christmas all right so let's do this i can remember being little my mom the one thing i remember about being young at christmas is like ben crosby and oh my gosh i mean she it's like she started playing it in july she loves christmas music oh did you join awesome i i like i said i'm like four days a little late on getting it uh but i'll go there tomorrow and uh i got a whole bunch of shipment of stuff that uh i've i got a sample pack because they weren't able to get me the full 100 chip collection in yet but i got 25 of them so i got enough that i can do some back but i definitely got to get the other chips back in i feel like i lost my head here gotta amp up my sweet tea let's see ben crosby who else ah james dean i got no comments for this i can't see it you can't see anything really have them get that cup out of left corner i thank you so much for that i thought actually i can send a message let me when i go do a buying i'll say something but i'm pretty sure they told me that that was part of the obstacles but it doesn't hurt to ask and i don't mind asking all right we're getting ready to win one of mark's bells custom made made in the us of a in arkansas you too can everyone as well they ever support my buddy all right oh wow we didn't this time oh yeah we did a lot better that's uh that's pretty good newfoundland merry christmas it was making the cookies the red dog thank you so much for your super chat i love the name red dog 42069 thank you so much for supporting the channel you are amazing guys i think i'm gonna get this off here without seriously it's getting well okay i keep i'm gonna do something oh you get myself kicked out of here guys i promise to you you have no worries with me i do not i play by the rules and i tell you why i play about the rules number one it's just who i am and secondly without playing here i would barely have a channel i'd be forced to go up the flying j's and lose 60 bucks each time to win a pocket knife all right so we got some stuff on the right i know you all remember this one is not a good right sided player but ah there we go all right so let's go down here and collect ah i'm gonna do a soundtrack of uh of all my back sounds northern california i want to go northern california i've been up what is the farthest i've been um we were hidden to stand for since san francisco from l.a so we made it about halfway we turned around i'm trying to think where we made it to such a beautiful drive man this mountain oh there we go left side is the best side ah thank you so much mark again just about everything as you see me winning here today will be seen tomorrow for the auction john's in the chat john it's uh dreadful 26. uh jason you don't really see in the chat but he's the guy that did my artwork his son uh was an accident and lost his uh leg or arm sorry his arm and uh then geek out hang out that's the three people that i'm going to auction for i will do it again for another group um what time tomorrow i'm thinking i'm thinking six o'clock i think six o'clock should be a good time i think what we'll do is we'll start at six um and we'll start going over how we're going to conduct the auction and i'll start showing you what's going to go on for auction and then uh you know because you got to bear with me i've never done this before and then we'll go from there and like i said i'll go over it but instead of paying me the winning bidder will pay each time i would go like we'll say okay now now it's uh geek out time so you know we'll bid something and then whoever wins it however geek wants to get her funds etc [Music] hey there's we play you win oh it's my new favorite channel you we play you win has been an educational experience for me it's been self-enlightening i told them the other day on the video the amount of patience that they have to build the stuff that they build is phenomenal like seriously phenomenal guys if you all don't haven't go over to click under the screen name we play you win and check out some of the stuff they build in their coin pusher it's amazing it's truly amazing i've so i've heard people say it talked about them before but it never kicked in and then i found them on youtube and i was like that's how you do it this is crazy this is awesome so they're definitely oh you did you definitely did guys i definitely i'm a big supporter of you all trust me now i love how it's a family thing too it's a family channel family channels are important to me all right let's see i might send a message see i seriously think this can come down ah see if it keeps putting weight on it i could be wrong and why am i trying to get the bell off honestly that's the reason why i keep playing this how they look i love it let's just say i'm dedicated to you guys come on say something all right quick what would you want me to say rick for sure i like we play you pay yeah uh guys you're all funny man oh you haven't missed too much of anything yet i'm gonna have to go get them though i think i don't know i think i'll be alright i'm gonna have to do a buy-in anyways matt snow thank you so much for the super chat you're amazing merry christmas to you all i can't believe it's already here there we go there's mark's information right there i'll be able to give you all i'll be able to give you all a closer look at mark's stuff but they'll be available for uh auction but that's how you get a hold of it i promise to you matt again thank you so much buddy i greatly appreciate it uh yes i did i've sent back everything the only thing i haven't sent back yet is somebody from the uk sent me a package and uh when i went to ship it back there's an issue with customs or something so that's the only thing i've there's only been one person that sent me something that i haven't sent nothing back to and that's because i'm trying to get the custom pick works itself filled out but outside of that everybody has been get but apparently the mail is just slower did you see that uh call your loot cam the wind band instead i like that there we go there's something else i got from them i forgot all about the loot cam what is such a good idea that was another thing they got a very creative mind all right so we got 50 cents left i am going to have to go do it behind there's no way around this oh all right so let me go to the buy-in then i will ask them about moving this cup out so give me a few minutes oh no seriously we play you win i appreciate the fact that you're also a creative that i and i didn't want to steal your stuff i kind of felt bad that y'all's idea i was coming in and taking the idea from you but that's really why i want to definitely give you all full credit for it because very very uh very creative and exactly what this channel needed i need some creative stuff all right guys give me one second i will be right back i'm gonna do a buy in hopefully this thing will no it's not going anywhere now i'll ask them give me one second so so oh sorry guys there's a lot longer than anticipated all right so they're coming give them a few minutes they're coming here we go i'm gonna play until they come watch it knock itself off in the meantime so 250 dollars so we are at 650. oh there we go credit is required do you start the whole coin push your channel cons oh thank you so much we play you win guys i that really means so much to hear you say that truly does well you know like i guess like the ultimate automobile thing and henry ford might have started it but uh other people come in and uh come up with better creative ideas for style stuff so i love i love what you all did and the ideas i uh can really just intrigue me to try to get more creative and do things for here too so mark just said anybody that mentions that gets a hold of him that they mention that they came from this video he'll offer a discount also so that's super nice hey sorry all right guys so we got the help here um so if you don't mind right here this this cup is stuck maybe if there's any way i can hold it open for you if you could just like maybe take that out and the knees off or whatever tell you what how about a bike that you open it up and i'll hold it up and you move it over okay i want a trip of your equipment all right you sure i'm possible all right we'll go ahead okay all right guys give me one second oh there you go guys all right all right thank you i'll put this i'll just try to get that out of there this right here is the big culprit what i'll do is i'll just dump that oh and this sorry i need all right that's perfect that's right there all right all right thank you so much mike you're welcome welcome to the joy thank you good luck thank you yeah i appreciate it open knock the camera sideways oh guys i'm sorry camera's all off why does it look so crooked is that good is there okay for everybody yeah mike is awesome guys mike i'm serious man and he he helps me out tremendously like i said he was not trying to be do harm that video but he was sitting here waiting for he built that thing and he was waiting for it to come down and he just kept winking at me and he kept like giving a little nudge he kept nudging it and then i think he was getting upset like why is this thing not falling yeah mike mike's good people man i've been very blessed though matt snow again thank you so much merry christmas to you buddy thank you so much for the support all right so now that we got those out of the way heck you let me remove them but i feel every time that they they have me do it i feel bad because like i don't want to cheat so i put stuff farther back so yeah guys so for those of you all that haven't watched we play you win go over check their channel out they they go live all the time they're really interesting um they take coin pusher stuff to a whole new level i promise to you won't be disappointed i'm getting i've got a lot of ideas from them [Applause] again they started with cam they uh just a whole bunch of stuff i mean the stuff that they do they're like little mini architects i don't know how they do it i could see me they started a thing where they let me build stuff but i i just i couldn't build anything like that camera's in a bad angle all right let me see if i can fix it uh up over over ever why does it look crooked what happened i don't understand what happened when it is that better is that better guys yes okay perfect all right yeah it was looking weird when i was looking at it too all right so let's win this mark's bell so i can show you all just exactly how cool these things are and then tomorrow you can have it patience a lot of pain but we really enjoy it cameron was better too thank you so much yes patience i know you gotta have a boatload of them every time i see another video of your pop up and i look at it i'm thinking how in the world looks like there's people that build those uh like the domino thing that goes on forever and just one domino comes down and you know it would ruin everything that's what it rounds me up oh it isn't mark go figure all right where is the one that you made at mark i got a couple of them here so let me i'll show is that one right there the one that you made the one in the circle oh thank you like patience right let's see uh that like button i watch youtube via my video and it doesn't give me the option but i came on my laptop and hit it come on oh thank you so much carol oh so super nice to you yeah i guess i never thought about that if you do watch from your uh your tv or stuff i guess you can't really hit the like button can you come on some reason why i got chestnuts danielle thank you so much for the super chat you are amazing merry christmas to you and guys please i hope if you're celebrating hanukkah whatever you celebrate please don't oh hello big don't think about me just saying that whatever you celebrate happy holidays to you all truly i don't want anybody to feel left out in here but yes i did the more i did i've actually i have the uh i have a tracking number for you jamar i don't know if you do videos but it would be so cool if somehow when you get that if you could send me pictures of what you find but the only thing i ask is i sent you stuff on the diamond mind in there i sent you uh gold and bray put some crystals so be really really careful when you go through that because there's a whole bunch of different options and i hope i didn't confuse it too much but it's all in there it's it's all in there so but if you could send me uh i'll send you the the the tracking number for it oh wow guys we did good this time oh we did good we did really good hey i want another popsicle stick we did it wow feeling the popcorn up oh you all can't tell but it's right there can you see the shadow of it that's a lot of all right so i want to show you all experiment here real quick so i told you you can throw quarters down up top now the popsicle stick was they had like got a bridge in here it was just something in the way honestly so i got these quarters now watch this ready see i've wasted when theirs falls it like drops down like ten dollars a quarters at once so that is not a good strategy to play unless there's something right there that's still pretty cool mark said the one in a container is a coin ring i made all right so we got to get that one out let me look let me look at my bag real quick mark coca rosie as always my favorite hello josh happy holidays to you mate happy holidays to you and your family as well thank you so much for everything thank you for always being loyal i am looking for works i i have to find it so um let me know now listen i know when i do this i'm going to get people telling me that they're unsubscribing from my channel because a lot of things i do i get people to tell me they're my channel but mike told me mike told me that i could do an experiment again and if you remember a long time ago i did it where the paper clips and stuff like that like especially for this i can see run a magnet on this one because this one's plexiglas i can run the magnet across it and see if i how far back i can pull stuff is that something that you want to see the only reason why i haven't done it before again is because i didn't want you all again i don't i know this is i'm being a hypocrite because i did keep that bump in there but i don't want anyone to think that cheating was cool or okay but if you look at it for more of the experiment aspect of it it's pretty interesting yeah because i bought uh yeah i bought a uh the the magnet that people put on fishing lines and they drop them in water and then you pull out stuff and i thought that would be cool um oh we're getting ready to win come on um i thought that would be cool to try to do that like then again around here i got a bunch of rivers around me i'm like pulling out stuff i don't want to find there's quarries and stuff like that scientific research there i like that but i thought about that would be to uh to go to like a quarry or something like that and uh get a strong line and see how far i can take it down and see if i can pull anything out of it i don't know people do that i mean i know there's channels of people that do that i mean i wouldn't do it on the video i think you're right i think that is a tongue depressor i think that's exactly what it is go through the middle all right let's do that that just that thing just dropped oh mark that might be yours right there too i know sweet caliber was talking about the bitcoin prices whoa they skyrocketed man they if i would have got it a little bit sooner oh i would have made bank anybody that paid attention to that those bitcoin prices went through the roof i would have took it and sold sold sold now i do have i still have whatever you want to call it in my wallet and it's went up dramatically too i think what else is went up to is my stock my thoughts went up in a decent amount i wish i had a lot of money to like really invest like how like rich people invest i need a tracking number i love doing a tracking number do i need a tracking number i love doing a tracking number um tesla right that's right yo i did buy a lot of tesla i got it right before the split too man that was awesome do this i'm not 100 sure what you mean do you need okay i'll give you a tracking number yeah there you go magnet fishing i think that's what's called magnet fishing mike's good there and they're trying to figure out what days are gonna be open this week people went off christmas eve and christmas and they were planning to be open christmas eve they're he's thinking about coming in working christmas eve and getting everything else i think that's the whole thing but the problem is they got a few stores i'm going to record beforehand so i don't have to worry about that where is brady braden's here there is mark's contact information here in one second now the one that fell off is not his but we're getting ready to win the one that is his give you all an idea of what he's got again mark was gracious enough i like joe's idea of snowplow we need some snowplow he was gracious enough to donate towards the oh there it is all right perfect i'll go down here and show you all hopefully this is one that mark made mark you just have to tell me there we go all right let me get on here and pull this out real quick even uh now i guess that was my last quarter all right now it's raining cash oh my gosh [Music] i do like how easy it is to hold the cores up to it now oh boy here we go okay so now you can't really see where it's at it's about right there that's pretty yeah there we go all right so that's a good return all right so this is one of the things that mark gave me that i will be donating tomorrow or he donated right there and then hopefully this is one of yeah this isn't one of your bells right mark man you all can't see the detail in it ah i wish you all get better angle at it so nice made out of real quarters so this is what mark makes he can you can tell i think what certain quarters or whatever this is in 1981. no wait but this is mine how do i do this this is mine this is the one he made for me anyways i'm glad i won that that was stupid 1981 my birth year 1995 my wife's and 2010 braves such a nice thing i mean i don't know how i did that gee monty well anyways i put that in there myself to advertise for tomorrow they let me put those in there so it's not like somebody else was gonna win it but still that was dumb candle stuff that's a good idea oh man what else is in that tea josh oh that was so dumb if you heard that up on the shelf i must say i was just grabbing stuff getting ready for tomorrow oh geez but anyways that gives you a good idea of what he can do geez i'm a goober man those are guardian bells bikers attach those to motorcycles for protection that's yeah there you go that's exactly it and that's what he was telling me i the only motorcycle i've ever owned was a crotch rocket and almost lost my life in it and i haven't really been on a bike since in my accident so dumb dumb dumb is what i was i was young and thought i was oh there's a big one wow we are still still doing good that's tilting i don't senior moment right i don't know how it got but now i was thinking about doing it on purpose so you all could see the custom one that he made for me but i don't remember thinking that when i did it all right let's load this thing up i have a hard time seeing where the quarters are falling on this one especially because that's not clear backdrop i think that's pretty good jazzy makes rings pendants earrings and bracelets as well so who all went over to 704 tactical and watched that video part two came out today i haven't got those quarters in yet but for those of you all that went over thank you so much those there's money from ever all over the place there's 10 000 of them and i'm going to be giving those away to you all i appreciate you going over supporting him and supporting me he's got a great channel it's uh he's a really good guy i really enjoy talking to him but today he did the part two he used the bigger one to see how much more damage that he could do so all you had to do is just go to the video and say here for my channel and he sent me a boatload of them so i got a boatload on the giveaway that's awesome yes guys make sure the auction tomorrow around 6 p.m benefit my peeps a little extra for christmas i see they um pass that stimulus now i'll set up a little bit 600 bucks now i'll be getting i'll be honest with you i kind of like like 20 grand if they could do that i mean just like one time just give me 20 grand and i don't want to pay it back that's the problem i just would like to have it oh joe i got you he says you get a guardian bell as a gift from a friend that cares for you and then you give it to someone who cares for them huh that's i really like the concept behind that guardian bill well guys i promise to you i care for every one of you all so those you all that go over and do a good deed tomorrow for geek out and all them i will if that's the concept behind them then i promise to you'll be getting that way for me yeah andy well that's the problem i just want one that's uh i don't have to pay back you know just just a free gift i just want to forgive is that too much to ask like dear joshua we are offering you this forty thousand dollar piece of silver just to thank you for being american thank you mark i don't know that's a good question man we are going excellent i gave one of those hearty belts to zoe's aunt when she was pregnant with twins oh if you're going during dream big i always thought it'd be funny like uh like somebody random like uh elon musk elon musk gets hold of me and says you know what i hate to tell you this but i love your videos like every time that i'm thinking about building a rocket to go to space or something i gotta go watch your videos just to unwind all my great ideas have come from your videos josh and here's your trophy for that oh thank you sharon thank you so much for everything [Music] thank you rick oh that's awesome dennis dennis wait this woman yours didn't saw some shirts out a long time ago yours went out with uh with everybody else's i know wendy's got wendy got her package in and i know a few people got some that didn't have the quarters because they got shot out of the back who knew that that was an issue but it should be there i put a nice little little package together for your son wow what the hell is in florida you should play their elvis presley machine yeah i can find out where it's at i'll play it oh boy oh [Music] wow we don't got another popsicle stick tongue depressing holy moly man why do i always some live streams i kill it [Applause] all right look almost to the top and there's a bunch of stuff in here got a hundred dollar slot play and there's other stuff in here i don't know where it's at oh right there got that all right let's get my trophy oh thank you john merry christmas to you and your family as well yeah there's always a lot of love in these live streams they seriously i look forward to it i really like the monday concept too monday fun day yeah i don't guys i don't understand i mean i do kind of understand because you know priority mail is guaranteed three days two to three days and i got stuff that was supposed to be to me last monday that i haven't received yet so i understand that mel is delayed but wow i guess that's something about snail mail i guess it's just the time of year that i sent everything out i sent out like 72 pieces of mail i went up here like i was a business monday monday oh so another one another gif and this one has a backstory to it somebody might know i'll see if anybody figures that out oh there's another one wait a minute as i'm moving it this is all yeah i sent it snail mail that's my problem because it was just i don't know but i seriously i've seen stuff that was out prior email and i still haven't got it yeah that's what it's been for me silver strike yeah i guess because my main department or my main uh usps is in harrisonburg pa and i have stuff that has been in harrisonburg for over a week and it's just it has moved and like i said it was priority mail i mean i have no idea i can only imagine they're probably uh overwhelmed i'm a milk here you have no idea how small the fossils we are as well shorthanded because we're doing the best we can give us a break there you go devin i know i said all that and then after i thought about it that's there there you go that's straight from my mail carrier's mouth right there my uncle's a male carrier too i mean it's it's short time for everybody and then they're uh short-handed with the virus and they're out there doing as best as they possibly can but that'll explain to you all that stuff that this stuff that i sent out that's the reason why i took so long he's working up to 16 hours a day oh man my heart goes out to you i'll tell you something i do for my mail carrier i used to do it just for christmas and now i do it all the time is i always will put a uh funny things like i gave her a 50 amazon gift card one time because i said i know you're probably tired of having a delivery whales to hear something for you to order um do a christmas card i really because guys you know it's the government making next to nothing working your butt [Applause] off your son's email uh yeah i can send your son an email for sure i tell you something else about a metal carrier a guy that i've been friends with forever he is such a good dude but he uh i think he started off sorting now and then he got a job delivering and let me tell you he is the hardest working person i've ever met every time you see me he's out working but he's always got a smile on his face he's always happy sorry guys i'm uh hey dallas texas merry christmas angel angel angel angelo terrible names [Music] do almost there my second trophy for the day hey hey av games hey buddy how are you merry christmas to you bud i'm getting ready to get my second treasure for the day this one now donates one of you all second wave monday honestly haven't been paying attention have we been getting into second waves i just keep on talking super ninja push i like joe's the snow plow hey so look here's a positive for a lot of us we had a white christmas somewhat looks like the snow's gonna stay on the ground that's always good i always enjoy a white christmas i always take that little ben crosby i got a fireplace but we don't ever use it come on give me my trophy back on it williamson last week i word practice from california in three days it was in michigan that's awesome just know it's mercy on an open fire i really like to see it i can't tell i think this light's on oh i got it i got my trophy i did it it's my big day oh i gotta go grab my trophy real quick well hold on i just got a couple more no snow there bucks pulled down they don't even pay for gas sharon said celebrity house from virginia i definitely will he plays on here for a little bit i'm so excited for christmas for brad i tell you i've always been proud how bray has never taken anything for advantage i mean he he appreciates everything he if he wants something he earns it he does tours and then he gets his own money that's important for me i mean everyone's different as a parent i know some people say well you just had yourself there playing with your joke oh my gosh travis oh geez oh oh [Music] boy oh all right here we go i'd like to take a moment to thank all of you all again this trophy this award is thanks to each and every one of you all i couldn't have done it without you they didn't put my name on it but that's okay thank you merry christmas i'm just killing it at the enemies this year [Applause] she loved christmas when her kids were little yeah i'm not looking for when bray wakes up yeah that's that's the thing man i never wanted bray to think that you just say stuff a bunch of times and then it happens for you oh that's awesome sylvia thank you i want him to understand that i mean the reality of life like i said i'm still waiting i would love to wake up one day and put a bunch of money in my pocket but that's just not how things work and i'll tell you there's there really is an importance there's a difference when you earn something as opposed to when something's given to you i mean you can be given things and appreciate it but i don't know we need to earn it big push alaska guarantee everything guaranteed white christmas i guarantee it oh i'd love to go to alaska let's go there and do some gold hunting all right wendy i definitely will for sure so guys tune in merry christmas to everybody happy hanukkah whatever you celebrate or if you don't celebrate just good good vibes send it in your way specially all oh almost came down all of us have had a rough year i don't care where you live this has been a rough year man you're living in history right now this this past year will go down in the history books and we're the people that live through it so hopefully we'll never have to worry about that again yeah i don't know what's going on there huh come on frame the tank not a live stream without frank he's my financial advisor give me one second mark i'll check my phone right now i heard my butt vibrate a second ago let's see tell you about some of the bells so you have more information video that was made of uh okay so mark said the bells i send you are 20 20 half dollars and each bell is made with two coins the one that i made is three quarters i've made bells with nickels dimes quarters and half dollars and silver dollars double a recovery coins copper uh or yeah the recovery coins copper coins tokens any kind of coins painted or plated solid metal can stick to the coins put a lot of one in one bell the biggest one i've made so far is eight coins tall wow with putting more than one year it can make it a great uh mother's bet us awesome i've also mixed silver and copper onto the bells i sell most of my bills to harley-davidson bikers guardian bales gremlin bales angel bells if any questions just ask awesome awesome that is so cool tell you what that mark's like i said he's so talented guys you got a little red solo cup we're getting ready to win mark's other bell i hope oh i forgot to tell you well something very important how did i forget this so on this coin pusher they closed up the dealer holes there is no more dealer holes in this thing anymore so money does not go to house anymore on this how did i forget that and honestly i haven't noticed a big difference yet in playing but yeah there is no oh there is a good one watching and wrapping presents oh man i tell you what uh steve poor glenda i'm telling you it's a full-time job she has been doing it until like five o'clock in the morning she says she enjoys it but now it's my turn to wrap her gifts and i ain't gonna lie i'm kind of scared i'm not the best christmas gift rapper [Music] all right i'm not trying to cheat here guys but i am i am curious see same thing with that it's stuck stuck not cool becky says i love wrapping gifts that's awesome you know what geek out seriously glenda asked me not to do it this year but normally that's what i do normally i put everything in gift bags and she said i want you to wrap my gifts this year so i promised her to her i would so this could be pretty comical i'll try to take a picture for you all oh thank you trav i really appreciate that jason ass does braden know how to wrap gifts well jason he's going to figure it out this year he's going to help you wrap our gifts to glenda it's going to be a father-son lesson we'll do it together christmas camp yeah something i wish i would have done for braid that i've never done is the elephant shelf i know they're pretty popular first thought that would be clean and as it gets older i think it kind of takes out the fun part of a that gift wrapping video story on the red zone you're on the red zone not really that's that day i agree so these solo cups i gotta try to get that to come off all right so i finally emptied out the popcorn bucket i think people would confuse me it doesn't take much for me to get confused hopefully they didn't get her banned past the heart off close yeah merry christmas honey i got you son who said a teller means oh boy well we got a little bit of cash in here oh so we got 20 and we got another buy-in i wish i would have known that earlier so i didn't have this painting and we got that oh fast dude thank you so much merry christmas to you thank you so much yes yes that's right they uh they closed up the dealer slots on this so it makes me want to play this one a lot more there for a while if you all remember i've been playing this for a long time yes yes merry christmas to you thank you so much yeah i don't understand i don't understand the whole cup thing i told you all this before if it was me oh that's awesome bathroom um i i personally i think you all think differently but if it was just me i would have porters and money nothing else the chips i don't mind because they're easier to win i know the other things look cool but it's just to me they're all always in the way and obviously there it's for a reason they do that but it's it's just i just want the cash man just need the cash i don't know what happened last week that second video didn't go up forever apparently i forgot to log out of youtube and i don't know i kept saying processing oh something else in here so this is a royal caribbean international coin so this probably means something somebody i got a lot of easter eggs in here today yeah that is how they're making money and that's true i i try to i'm trying to play devil's advocate or that's probably not the right term i try to understand to respect the fact that look their business they got to make money i mean i can tell you any business that pays out i just don't have understand how you could win every time not unless you own the business cruise ship money i've never been on a royal caribbean cruise now's not the time to go man that just seemed like a total bad idea if i didn't get a copyright strike i would have some christmas songs playing on my phone so i really want to win this other bell right here if i hit that hard enough it'll come out i don't want to do that i'm feeling that if i could get that bill up far enough it's a 1969 size 13. just woke up rory said well hey you're like me i slept the day away literally bray and them said they looked me up told me they were going to target and they woke me up and told me this and that i don't remember any of it i just remember waking up and it was the whole day was gone that's a ring oh that makes more sense mark that's why i said size 13. back to the beginning i'm sorry dennis well uh i don't know today essentially what they did is yesterday i stopped up here and they had like a real big like i think a pyramid built and i was hoping that i when i came up here it would still be here it was played so basically they just built like it's supposed to be like a christmas theme and they put money in the solo cups and they got these little cherokees and stuff like that so it wasn't really the face is one of those kind of odd days but anyway anytime that i don't know if you're playing popping all right i tried i tried hey hey anthony anthony you're going to be the next next video i do buddy the next one we have a thing for you're going to be in it i'm sure my man and that was my last official quarter where's a good one james 69 if i watched live while live or later it's kind of the same because my comments are invisible either way i enjoy the comments if you come back i'm sorry that's literally the first one i've seen from you buddy i'm sorry that i missed it guys if i miss any dolls i'm sorry just keep on saying stuff no sometimes i don't have my head looking down all right come on we are about right there guys i'm not gonna lie the popcorn things are growing on me they are starting to grow on me oregon merry christmas oh thank you oh thank you katherine i'm so glad to get uh could you come over always love our new subscribers guys i couldn't have this channel without your support my life would be boring i'd be up here by myself talking to myself the wind is howling speaking of that my friend of mine that just started that asmr channel guys it has been good for me like i didn't understand the whole asmr like eating and and all that stuff but the uh those noises like with the ocean playing or the uh you just put one out with the rain oh man if i'm in the middle of doing something i play that video in the background and it just helps melt my worries away oh thank you so much i'm 11. you're 11. all right so oh well i don't think i don't i don't know if that's considered cheating or what but that's kind of in the way i could go get them i don't know now i feel bad again like i just did something wrong i should have just went and got mike again and had him lifted up yeah you're right the odds definitely stars are definitely not in your favor i want just the carnival always the worst too they would literally you could because you know carnivals are there for a week and that same 20 bill would be sitting there right on the edge so you know they had to have it taped down such a bummer but the funny thing is i'm still playing thinking i could be the one to get it off i did a video and they just posted on my facebook talking about where can you find coin pushers at and i forgot that i did that video um but i was talking about that about the ones at the oh uh didn't help oh roy yeah i'm glad you get some sleep too but i'm super glad that you made it here let's have a party oh that's not cool you know what they remind me of um what's that beer pong is that what they are the little soul cup for that or they just like little shotguns merry christmas everybody all right so i'll give this a couple more tries and then i'll i'll bother mike one more time i think that's all i need is one more clean out and then i'll be fine for the rest of it what was that the thing fell right what it's stuck everything's stuck in there i'm gonna play the right side a little bit though because maybe that could get it off oh man see this stuff i gotta go back to the cup fell oh that's cool donna said uh she has these popcorn cups they use them for uh movie night that was a cool thing well i know i probably i doubt i'll eat popcorn out of this but [Music] all right would you happen to know if this is big bucks bingo no this is not big bucks bingo but it's right near big box bingo yeah it's in the same camp i don't know is big bucks bingo i don't know if they're still going or not i thought they they're gonna i think i think code shut them down too because you know obviously everybody has to be close to each other big bucks bingo is uh years ago when i was a kid it was a daisy pennies and that was like the main part of town and then they built the mall and they moved everything so it changed hands a bunch of different times but they they have like wrestling matches there and stuff like that obviously a big bingo haul everybody around here loves bingo i don't know if that's like that where you're all at man i've won some bank at big bucks back in the day but yeah they shut down right now yeah that's what i figured they probably were now this this one's used to be run by a fire department the fire departments would have bingos here but then they built a new fire department and they built their own bingo hall well we got some cash guys that's the first time in a while we got some cash all right so we got that and we got uh see 20 not 40 bucks i'm happy we've been playing i'm gonna give it a little bit more i'm gonna see if i can get this to come off and then i'll go get mike yeah i agree i do agree guys i i completely agree josh you're going to be in my husband and jerry bingo one eight hey i'm down for that mindy i don't think glenda's ever played bingo but i'm down for that merry christmas to you crystal see all right i'm gonna try to get this off when we get here it's kind of popcorn to pop right down the street right steve said why is it when you're wrapping presents that tape always disappears right i know exactly what you're talking about even though i don't rap a lot i know exactly what you're talking about you're looking down under your butt like where in the world did it go to so funny [Music] oh it's almost there guys yeah merch is not playing with you're gonna make yourself feel bad again i do want to get this ring off merry christmas to you catherine thank you so much for stopping by hope you and your family have a good christmas i have a couple videos out this week so if you're all off work maybe you can have time to kick back and watch them enjoy it i got one really special uh video coming out and the other one i haven't recorded yet so we'll just hope that it's special but they changed the prices right to be both sides or all quarters now so that's pretty cool so i definitely want to record a video on that oh it's getting so close load it up man that thing is so close it's stuck right there on the edge and it's not that other thing that's uh stopping it it's just trying to get over top of that lift all right let's get a good push this time come on baby get it off yo okay that was cheating but to be fair that was the prize that i put in there i got the ring finally got the ring all right what's up let me i'm gonna start i'm gonna look at this ring real quick i've been trying to get it up oh boy [Music] wait a minute where did the ring go oh no i gotta go get him guys the ring is stuck in the chute let me use a popsicle stick where did you go where are you where are you at trying to use this popsicle stick all right guys i had to go get mike this thing this thing is stuck sideways i i gotta get it out so please bear with me for one second i'm sorry all right i just sent a text to him that's a bummer i would try to just take over and show you but i don't want to lose the angle but it's literally sideways in the chute i'm gonna put a couple quarters while i'm waiting for him to come and see if it'll get it out but it's stuck stuck like a duck and that one has me to blame it's hitting it but it's so maybe while i'm hitting it it's just not coming down maybe while i'm waiting on mike i can sing you all a christmas carol it was the night before christmas all through the house watch this thing i'm utilizing this maybe that's why they put some compressors in here it's not coming out bummer all right i'm gonna keep on playing until he gets here that way there's not dead sounds going on that's actually a good idea put the chilling gum on the popsicle stick i have an opportunity to clean this thing completely out today everything i gotta do is get rid of these rest of these pumps and we can have a successful clearing that would be a good way to end this live stream what is this christmas livestream hey kick your animal all i need is a strand of fishing string a magnet and a c battery i'll get this thing off here oh biff i love being arizona my dad lived in scottsdale love going out there to visit oh thank you so much paul thank you all so much for all the kind kind gestures you really make my christmas special hey there's jason hey buddy so those y'all didn't see jason's gopro 8 took off it's last victory lap of course the gopros are waterproof but it fell in a bucket of water or were you recording and the battery compartment was off oh that was rough man i felt it for you that video jason put out i actually shared it on my facebook that i thought i told him was one of the best videos i've seen with him this is so awesome he shows the whole process of them digging the hole a deep hole and uh put it in the bucket washing it out coming home and cleaning and found the diamond there's such a good video i definitely recommend you haven't watched yet here to launch it all right so i'm gonna have to guys i'm sorry to do this to you but i'm gonna have to go get him he didn't get my text i gotta get this out of here because it's literally there's a pile i don't know if i can i'm gonna try to lean this forward just a little bit now i don't wanna do that all right guys i'm sorry if you can just entertain yourselves for one minute uh maybe something magical will happen here while i'm going let me go get mike and i'll be right back she won the cup that's all right don't dump it back in the field okay all right all right answer wilson that definitely won't so this one's mine and i'll just i'm gonna see if i can just get rid of all this i'm gonna see if i can get rid of that and get that out of there it's gonna be a mess but let me give you one second guys i'll be right back so so all right guys i'm back i'm back go back sorry all right all right so here's the issue um i got a thing stuck inside of here and i want to see if i could just get rid of these so if you can that's fine let's do it the way we did last time all right sorry your equipment all right let me uh i think i'll just uh thank thank you perfect all right sorry about that i won't bother anymore just uh it's a hot mess that's all right i'll be in my office all right thanks mike [Music] guys i'm so sorry i got everything jacked up ah give me a second i gotta try to get this right again well mike got me hooked up there but now i gotta try to hook this back up ah hold on guys hold on this thing's i'll tell you one little thing like this happens and it messes everything up i can get it to stay there all right let me push it all right is everybody good with that all right so is that good right there good okay all right everybody so let's go ahead and show this ring whoa that is nice look at that says liberty on it i don't know if y'all can see that or not that is super nice uh 19 1969. that is really really nice uh and now this happens unstable it's happening guys let me know i don't know it looks like the internet just shut off so shoot can y'all hear me the internet looks down for me sorry guys if you're hearing me i'm sorry i'm trying to figure out it's just twirling on my end that going so you
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 20,041
Rating: 4.8250632 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine
Id: moWRU6F1X-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 45sec (7365 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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