18 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation of July 2020)

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my name is alan and this happened a year ago i was at the ninoy aquino international airport and about to check in going to dubai i was standing in the line to check in when i noticed that someone was staring at me it was a girl she seemed like an ordinary girl at first but then i noticed that her eyes were odd they were open very wide she was smiling at me but her smile was kind of annoying and crooked i got creeped out so after i was finished checking in i quickly went through immigration and headed to the flight gates before going to the gates i stopped at the restroom and while i was urinating there i could hear someone faintly whispering outside i could tell that it was a girl's voice when i finally walked outside i encountered the same girl who i had met at the check-in line she was just standing there but then i saw scissors in her pocket i quickly pushed her ran away and hid from her for a while 30 minutes later i barely arrived at the gate and guess who arrived at the gate right the same girl was there again she was literally stalking me the whole time right then i was terrified so when we started boarding i made sure that i didn't make eye contact with her at all fortunately my seat was apart from hers so at least i felt a little relieved during the flight but this story didn't end there when i arrived in dubai i quickly got out of the airport and headed to the currency exchange counter while i was exchanging my money i looked around several times but there was no sign of her anywhere i quickly grabbed my money but the moment i turned around my heart dropped the same girl whom i met at the airport was there she was staring at me holding scissors but this time she started twitching bizarrely her smile became bigger and even scarier and she was walking toward me closer and closer it was almost 2 a.m and there was nobody else around in that area i had no choice but to run so i dashed quickly away and started searching for a taxi to get to the train station just then i realized that the girl started to speed up to chase after me i narrowly found one taxi and when i got in it was a sigh of relief when i glanced out the back window the girl was standing there and was staring straight into my eyes after two weeks i went back to manila of course i didn't see her anymore after that night however the memory of that girl has been haunting me to this day i haven't been able to forget her face this is about a dream i had when i was in middle school in my dream i was standing in a huge empty space with other people and i could see the dim light from afar in fact behind us there were some strange people coming after us they were chasing after us walking on all fours catching and eating people each person ran quickly towards the light i was frightened by those strange beings chasing me from behind but for some reason i couldn't move my legs to run however at one point i suddenly realized it was a dream and felt at ease uh it's a dream i was standing there and at that moment a man in his 30s who was running just stopped next to me are you dreaming too the moment the man spoke to me i got goosebumps how could it be possible to meet another person in a dream while we were standing still looking at each other the people behind us suddenly attacked us at that moment i woke up screaming in my whole 26 years of existence i only have one dream that i vividly remember it's about a nightmare that i had when i was in the eighth grade although i can't remember the whole story the last moment still gives me a chill to this day so i was being chased by someone on a mountain along with some other guy in this stream i could feel how i was gasping for air and the pain on both of my legs i was about to give up on running however all of a sudden the man suddenly grabbed my shoulder and told me to run away and live furthermore he already knew my name that was the weirdest moment as soon as he finished what he was saying the man who was chasing after us appeared from behind and smashed his head in heavily and that's when i woke up being afraid i noticed that i had been bleeding on both sides of my nose when i woke up it was about 5 am i woke up my mom and talked about the dream i know that it was just a dream but i kept feeling uncomfortable so i told my family to be careful to my surprise i heard that my uncle died the next day he just died abruptly even though he wasn't sick at all at that moment when i heard that from my dad i got goosebumps well of course it's just a coincidence but who knows this story is about the creepiest dream i've ever had in my dream i was in middle school and inside of a classroom all of a sudden i noticed that my classmates were rambling on they said that demons had invaded our school and that they could change into humans like monsters from one of those korean horror movies some of my friends were gathering around each other putting their heads together to come up with a plan they wanted to figure out a way to exercise the demons all the doors were locked i was standing in the classroom with an anxious look on my face however the moment they suddenly knocked was the moment i realized that i was dreaming hey isn't this a dream it's just a dream when i asked them while laughing they all turned around and looked at me with empty eyes and then i couldn't believe what i heard you might be but we are not that was the last memory [Music] a few years ago my mom my younger sister and i went out for dinner at a local restaurant one night as we were walking on the sidewalk towards the restaurant i noticed a man walking towards us from the opposite direction well i can say that this was normal but there was sort of a creepy vibe about him he looked like he was in his mid 50s he was tall and had a dirty beard he was also bald anyway we walked inside the restaurant and the waiter led us to a table then a few minutes later the same man from the sidewalk walked in and sat at a table close to ours which was so uncomfortable i thought this was weird but when our meals came out i just swept away any doubts about him while we were eating i noticed that he was staring at me the whole time i tried to ignore him when my sister and i were almost finished eating the waiter came up to us and said to my mom ma'am don't worry your bill has been paid my mom was confused and asked him what he meant and he said that the man who was sitting next to our table had offered to pay the bill for us although this was a cheap restaurant my mom refused the offer and explained that she was creeped out by that man the waiter soon nodded and went to go get our bill when he left the man slowly walked towards us opened a strange duffel bag he was carrying and pulled out two stuffed animals the shapes of the stuffed animals were totally crushed and i didn't realize that it was an animal at first it was the most disgusting thing that i've ever seen in my life my heart started beating faster when he came over to our table and gave the stuffed animals to me and my sister being a five-year-old girl my sister was going to say yes but my mom and i both interrupted and refused then the man didn't say a word he walked back to his table and sat down after the waiter came back with our bill my mom explained what just happened the waiter said that the man paid for his meal so it wasn't possible to kick him out however the waiter said that he would follow us out of the restaurant to make sure everything was okay later that night when we came back home i tried to fall asleep but it was hard to close my eyes because i was still feeling uncomfortable i just laid there and when i looked at the clock it was around 2 am all of a sudden i heard someone walking outside my window it was the fall season so all the dead leaves would make loud crunching sounds whenever someone walked on them at first i assumed that it might have been some type of animal however i abruptly remembered the man from the restaurant and began to feel scared the sound of footsteps was getting closer and i shut my eyes as tight as i possibly could knock knock knock i heard someone knock on my window three times slowly i froze i knew that it was a red flag and that i shouldn't open my eyes but i opened my eyes cautiously then my heart dropped the man at the restaurant was peeking through my window with his glaring eyes his eyes were fixed on me and looked me up and down i couldn't scream at all i just laid there praying that it must be a dream however he didn't do any harm to me he just stood there watching me and then walked away after a while i didn't get any sleep for the rest of the night the next morning i explained to my mom what happened yesterday and she called the police right away however although the police searched all over the area they couldn't find him they didn't know who that creeper was or what he wanted but i'll never forget that night [Music] my name is eric i'm 31 years old as well as a single dad living in a one-story house with my son named alex it all started the night before christmas when alex was five years old alex was so excited so we decided to go for a walk around our town we were walking down our road listening to the sound of carolers in the distance that led us all the way down to the main street when we came face to face with the three old women singing i took out my phone trying to record a story for my instagram just like other people around us when i looked down i saw my son covering his ears i stopped recording crouched down and asked him what was wrong but he didn't answer out of the corner of my eye i could see the middle woman of the three carolers was giving my son evil grin with a large creepy smile she seemed a little bit weird well it was a chilly december night so i decided we would head back anyway when we reached home my son looked relieved so i thought he just wanted to go watch tv and catch up on his episode he thought that he might miss later as i was cooking in the kitchen i took a glance at my son and i could see that he looked absolutely terrified he was sitting straight up on the couch which faced the tv there was a large window next to the couch that had the curtains slightly open then he sprinted up quickly ran to me and just hugged my leg daddy she's here he told me with a shivering voice and i replied who he exclaimed back the middle woman we saw when we watched the caroling i quickly looked at the window and there really was that old lady we saw not too long ago i closed my eyes for about one second and when i opened my eyes again she completely vanished being freaked out i called 9-1-1 naturally telling them about what had just happened there were three cops that showed up so i explained the incident to them again and one of the cops showed me a photograph that looked kind of old to me she was in there then she pointed to that old lady asking if this was her and i answered yes she started laughing my son looked confused until i asked why she was laughing she stopped and gave us a kind of serious look this time but was still smiling then she said hey um you know what i know this is weird but this woman died three years ago on this exact same day my heart dropped that's when my son looked terrified too i tried to calm him down but i couldn't believe what was going on the other two cops came inside and said they found no trace of anything while searching it made no sense when the cops had left our house i put my son into his bed and went to my room i turned the light on my nightstand that was close to the side grabbed my phone and decided to check instagram thinking that if i could find anything i would just call the cops back i opened my story and to my surprise i couldn't find that old lady in there i checked another story and then checked another again but in fact it was just two women there singing feeling mixed emotions like scared mad and even more stupid i started checking some other people's stories from around my neighborhood and still she wasn't there but all of a sudden i realized something when i was checking some story feeds i ran into one story of some woman who was standing right next to me during the caroling where my son and i should have been standing was replaced by nothing it was like we weren't even there from the beginning i couldn't believe what i'd just seen i put a hand over my mouth and couldn't say anything that night that christmas day became the most terrible moment for us well i'm 33 now and my son is now 7 years old but even if everybody thinks that it doesn't sound true at all we both still remember it like it was yesterday [Music] my name is samantha i'm just a regular woman with a husband and two kids i met my husband at the high school we both attended and we got married after graduation i got pregnant shortly after and had to get a caesarean section during my delivery luckily both babies and i are in good health we have been living a happy life however something creepy happened to me a few days ago well kate became crazy kate was one of my best friends since high school and i've always known her to be a nice shy and pretty quiet girl a few weeks ago we had our school reunion i met my classmates again after about 10 years since graduation everything went fine and we had a good time until kate joined us when she came in she looked like she hadn't slept in several weeks and smelled really bad everyone just stood there frozen until kate took out a knife from her pocket everyone screamed and then she ran towards my direction samantha you'll die for what you did to me all of a sudden the police entered through the big glass sliding door and jumped on kate the chills hit me as she growled like a dog then the police said that she had some kind of mental problem and just escaped from a mental asylum a few hours ago i had no idea what was wrong with her and i was just wondering what had happened to her and i felt really sorry for her because she had changed so much a few days later someone called me on my phone it was an old lady claiming that she was a nurse at the local mental asylum she wanted to talk to me about something related to kate since i had nothing to do i decided to visit the asylum as soon as i got there the old lady greeted me and she guided me into a room divided by a window like the meeting rooms and jails on the other side there she was kate she was tied up to a chair i could hear her continuously mumble then the old woman walked in and said she is here sweetie as kate slowly looked up and into my eyes she started to scream at me with wide open and bloody big eyes they are mine you stole them you must suffer for it i didn't understand what was happening what was kate talking about then the old lady returned next to me and said miss samantha you have a husband and two kids right i nodded she sighed and then whispered well i have to say this one of them is not yours my heart sank as she continued you said that you had a caesarean section before but half of your memory is not true one boy is her kid to be more specific he's kate and your husband's son just after she gave birth she got a huge shock and threw her baby to the ground which eventually made the workers in the hospital suspect that she was not stable that's why she has been in this room since that very day except for a few days ago when she escaped to the reunion back to the kids since kate was locked in this place your husband took the kid he fooled you to believe that both are your kids kate finally noticed that her baby was gone so she escaped from here and your husband i just stood there in a state of shock just staring at her empty eyes my husband was a kind person but now i finally realized that he lied to me and even cheated on me with my ex-best friend i returned to my home and since then i haven't told anyone about this yet well to be more specific i couldn't both my kids still believe that i'm the real mom if i reveal to my husband the fact that i know all of this my family will be ruined so what should i do this happened when i was around seven years old my parents have been divorced since i was four and i stayed with my mom three years later when my mom got married again we moved out of our small apartment and rented a bigger one it was pretty nice it had a huge living room that was connected to a kitchen with no doors so i could see the inside of the kitchen while i was sitting in the living room as we were about to spend our first night in the new apartment i decided to stay in the living room alone and watch some tv before going to bed one or two hours later i finally got tired and began dozing off however as soon as i began to fall asleep i started hearing noises coming from the kitchen it sounded as if the cabinets were opening the plates were being moved around and knives were being sharpened at first i thought that my mom was in the kitchen but when i opened my eyes and turned around there was no one there i even got up and went to the kitchen and as i turned on the lights everything was in its place so i tried going back to sleep but after all that i kept waking up due to several nightmares sometimes i would even beg my stepdad to stay with me until i fell asleep but he didn't hear any noises coming from the kitchen and didn't take me too seriously well this went on until we started smelling something weird inside the living room it wasn't as bad at first but as the days went by the stench got worse it smelled as if something was rotting we turned the whole house upside down trying to find the source of it until we realized it was coming from the wall we figured that a rat or something died inside the wall so we hired someone to get that thing out of there but what the guy told us was shocking there was no space in the wall it was all brick furthermore the only thing that was behind the wall was the outside at that moment my parents remembered the noises i heard and the nightmares they asked a priest to come visit us and pray for the house so when he arrived at our house he prayed and sprayed some holy water around but it didn't seem to do anything a few weeks later my mom went into labor and had my baby brother he would cry so much in his sleep that his face would often turn blue and red crying at night is usually common behavior for babies but this was more extreme my parents were both sleep deprived and the living room still reeked of something rotten like a dead body so i had to sleep in my step dad's office room we couldn't stand being there anymore so the next day we asked a psychic for help when she came into our house she walked around with one of those aroma sticks the smoke was grayish white as she walked from room to room but as soon as she entered the living room it turned black she then started reading some prayers and spells and told us that someone was killed in this apartment she also said that the ghosts were feeling uncomfortable with our presence and they especially didn't like kids then she pointed at me and my baby brother after she left our home we were all terrified so my parents call the person who we rented the apartment from and confronted him about what we just learned to our surprise he confessed that it was true and apologized for giving us that haunted apartment for a very cheap price after that we moved out and the paranormal activity was not experienced again however this memory gives me chills up to this day it happened a few years ago i was hanging out at the local mall with a couple of my friends just chatting as usual all my friends had social media accounts like facebook or instagram and they would focus on it sometimes when we were goofing around together [Music] drake one of my friends was saying that he met a girl from facebook he also told us that he really liked her and that he was going out with the girl that night we joked with him that he was going to be going out with some 40 year old man like those kind of jokes you know a couple of hours later we had to go back home so we all left the mall when i got back home i went inside my room to watch some tv it was almost midnight when i got a text from my friend saying hey just finished the date so i texted back was he pretty he replied very funny the jokes aside my car broke down and i need you to pick me up then he sent me an address well i'm not the kind of person who ignores when my friend needs a hand so i asked my parents if i could take the car and they said yes i grabbed my phone and texted again on my way soon i got to the address he sent me and parked in the driveway while i was going up the stairs i kind of had a creepy feeling as if i was being watched anyway i rang the doorbell and heard someone say come in at first i didn't recognize the voice it was neither my friend's voice nor a female voice so i just figured that it might be the girl's dad well i was a bit surprised that the door was already open but anyway i walked in and when i closed the door behind me i saw this man watching tv with the girl and my friend i said hey drake however for some reason he didn't respond i had a strange feeling so i slowly walked up to drake and i would never forget what i saw at that moment the girl and my friend drake were stabbed and they were already dead they were put in a position in a way that it looked like they were sitting so i thought they were just watching tv like that i looked over at the man watching tv and i saw that he was holding a bloody knife in one hand and my friend's phone in his other hand he was smiling the man turned his head toward me stood up and said hello young man it's your turn i tried to run out of the door but because he was laughing so loudly i was terrified and i couldn't move but there was no choice when he approached me i abruptly kicked him knocked him down and managed to run outside fortunately he didn't chase after me but i didn't care i just got in my car and drove off straight to my home as soon as i got home i woke my parents and told him about what had happened and of course they contacted the police the police arrived pretty fast and raided the house but didn't find my friend the girl or even the man and to this day they still haven't found any clues now i'm grown up and i'm living on my own with my wife and newborn daughter i always think about what would have happened to me if i was unable to run away that day and my friend drake his face keeps coming up in my mind all the time since then this happened when i was on my way to my grandmother's house on that day i tried to catch the jeepney because the other buses were already full at 12am i finally found a jeepney and there were only a few people inside there was a driver a money collector who was hanging onto the outside of the vehicle two girls a few guys and an old woman we were on the road when we passed by a mental hospital then a lady with a hospital gown on was standing there pointing her finger out which meant she wanted a ride she was bald and her face was pale white the jeepney stopped next to her and the inside of the car went silent the streets were covered in fog and darkness and the light of the jeepney was the only light source at the time i was texting my grandma and said that i was going to be late while glancing at the lady however before she stepped on the stairs of the jeepney the driver abruptly jammed the accelerator and left her behind i was confused it seemed like everyone was too when we looked over at the driver he seemed to be so scared but we didn't know the reason why i asked him why he left the lady behind and he replied with a trembling voice he said she's not just a lady ma'am at that point the driver looked at the rear-view mirror shut his mouth and then increased the speed when i followed his eyes towards the mirror i saw it the lady was running towards the jeepney with a weird pose and an abnormal speed she was so fast that i couldn't see her face clearly but her dress was visible it was covered with blood the collector who was hanging outside jumped inside and then yelled to the driver faster she's getting closer people inside of the jeepney were getting scared i was the closest to the door and out of nowhere saw the lady jump on the vehicle she then slowly hung onto the door of the jeep me and finally she lifted her face she had bruises all over her face and she was smiling at us with sharp teeth and big deep black eyes my heart almost stopped and everybody in the jeepney screamed i quickly hit her with my bag and she tumbled down from the jeepney however the moment she got off i saw her standing she looked at me and then laughed like a demon not long after the jeepney finally reached the station everyone hurried off the car i got off and handed my payment to the guy then i went to the 7-eleven nearby and bought some snacks to ease my nerves i was at the counter thinking about what just happened and then the cashier suddenly asked me are you okay yeah i'm fine i'll just say that i saw a crazy lady on the road when we were riding on the jeepney i said and then i couldn't believe his response i know her she had cancer and the moment she lost all of her hair she went crazy laughing all the time hurting herself and even threatening to kill people that's why her family eventually moved her out to the mental hospital but after a week she tried to escape got hit by a jeepney and died he said i was shocked and goosebumps were all over my body i asked the cashier if he still remember the plate number of the jeepney well for my privacy i'm not going to mention the number but after he told me i thanked him got my change and looked for the jeepney i was on the moment i found the jeepney again i froze the jeepney that i rode was the same one that hit and killed the lady this happened when i was in middle school my school was kind of old building and some places were almost worn out the school had three main bathrooms two were pretty maintained but the last one was different it was separated from most of the other buildings the floor was always dirty and there were six stalls but only three had doors and even those doors were all broken up i hated ever going there well not just me all the girls hated that gross place anyway one day while i was in the classroom chattering with my friends i had to use the bathroom so bad unfortunately that gross bathroom was the closest and furthermore i didn't want to try my luck to endure it so i went inside and i could say that it was the grossest smell i've ever smelled i entered the last stall which was much cleaner than the others in a hurry and had to keep my pants not touching the floor afterward i went to the sink to wash my hands the inside of the bathroom was silent and all i could hear was the sound of water running from the faucet then i heard tapping sound i turned off the tap and glanced stop at the mirror but i couldn't see anything because the surface of the mirror was so dirty so i looked down washed my hands and started to dry them until i heard a tapping noise again i grabbed some paper towel and slowly wiped off the mirror and at that moment i finally saw it it was visible there was a hand that was out of one of the restroom stall tapping on the surface of the door those fingers were pale white and skinny as a bone however when i quickly turned around the fingers were vanished i couldn't believe what i'd seen so i just thought myself that let's just wash it and leave it as i turned around and stood in front of the mirror then i saw my reflection very clearly that was the worst part in my story i was smiling at me i mean the reflection of me was literally smiling with mouth wide open i couldn't move i just glanced at the mirror and froze in fear and then i heard the tapping noise again to my surprise when i looked closely at the mirror i noticed that my reflection was tapping on the mirror to get my attention and on the other hand it was beckoning to me i screamed in fear through my paper towel and ran away from the bathroom as i came back to the classroom i told my friends what i'd seen but they never believed me after that day i never went into that bathroom again to this day i don't want to know what i saw in there and i'm still a bit paranoid about mirrors well i'll never forget what i saw for the rest of my life this is a story about a dream there was a person who was preparing for a trip after he bought a plane ticket he waited a few days with excitement and finally fell asleep a day before the trip and he had a weird dream he saw a woman in his dream wearing a colorful jacket her eyes and mouth were both wide open then she suddenly shook her body and started to dance like a mad person being surprised he finally woke up he checked the time and then he realized that the boarding time had already passed all of a sudden he received a phone call from his mother while he was thinking about what he should do next as soon as he answered the phone he heard his mother's anxious voice she was worried about him confused he turned on the television and the news made his heart drop the plane that he was supposed to be on had crashed furthermore the airline's logo looked very familiar to him i was bullied when i was in high school one day i fell asleep while in class and when i opened my eyes it was already dark outside during the class no one bothered to wake me up so i had to leave the classroom alone the dark hallway was scary and tears were rolling down my face i was really sad realizing that i was being bullied anyway i was passing by a full-length mirror in the middle of the school stairs then as i was walking downstairs with my cell phone's flashlight i saw myself in the mirror by accident and i couldn't take my eyes off of it for a while i was not reflected on the mirror being confused i looked in the mirror straight ahead this time but still i couldn't see myself staring in the mirror for a few more minutes i then screamed and ran out of the school come to think of it now i think they didn't see me in the classroom that day my name is arnie a couple of years ago in the summer we moved into a new house that was much bigger than our old house the inside of the house was very huge everybody was satisfied with the house but for some reason i couldn't get rid of the unnerving feeling one night i stayed up late alone watching some scary movies on my phone all of a sudden i heard what sounded like someone singing at first i thought maybe i was just paranoid or it was coming from the movie i was watching however it kept going for like 15 minutes even though i turned down the volume i looked at my watch and it was almost 3 am it sounded like a woman and her voice would get very close to my room then it would slowly move through our halls and then after a few minutes it vanished i was creeped out but i eventually went back to bed because nothing i could do about it when i woke up in the morning i asked my mother and sister if they had heard someone singing last night they just shook their heads and they even asked me if i was okay i was puzzled by this so the next night i decided to stay up to see if the woman would sing again later that night i was almost falling asleep but then i heard it again the time was exactly 3 am i was so scared too scared to go see who or what it was i was pretty sure that i was the only one who was awake in the house so i went out into the hallway quietly and when i turned my head toward the hallway i froze in fear there was a woman who i've never seen before standing at the end of the long hallway and staring at me with a blank look she was wearing a white dress had long straight black hair and was singing that same bone-chilling song that i heard when i was in my room i wanted to run back to my bed but i couldn't move my legs for some reason then the woman started slowly moving toward me and what i noticed at that moment still gives me a chill to this day she wasn't walking but i could say that she was rather hovering a couple inches off the ground as she was coming closer and closer i could see that her mouth was almost ripping and that was the most horrible thing i've ever seen in my life i eventually passed out and when i woke up in a panic it was 3 30 a.m i looked around the dark hallway but she wasn't there anymore well we still live in that house and i've heard that dreaded singing from that woman moving throughout my house about twice a month i told my friends about it but no one ever believed me i just hope that no one else has to experience this terrifying thing this happened when i was around six years old i was with my mom on the bus we were on our way to my grandmother's house the bus was pretty quiet and empty but there was an old man sitting in front of me the bus soon reached a bus stop and a few passengers got on however suddenly the old man who was sitting in front of me started screaming out of nowhere and then fell flat on his face all the people on the bus were concerned and eventually the bus driver stopped the bus and called the police and an ambulance they came shortly after a moment later something unbelievable happened the police arrested a man who was on the bus to my surprise he turned out to be a serial killer who was wanted for a very long time the old man who had fallen started screaming because he found a woman's head inside of the killer's bag this happened during finals week my friend and i got hungry while studying late at night so we decided to go to a restaurant nearby that was open late at night we ordered food and sat near the window my friend was looking out the window while she was talking to me and then she suddenly stopped she didn't say anything but pointed at the window with a trembling finger what i asked as i turned my head towards the window and as soon as i did my eyes focused on a couple of people outside i instantly froze somehow my friend and i were standing outside staring at us they smiled at us for a while and then they blended in and disappeared with the rest of the people outside our food came out and my friend and i couldn't eat at all we eventually rushed out of the restaurant who were those two people we saw that day and why did they look exactly like us this happened to me when i was young one day i was home alone and i was running the washing machine in the laundry room when the first load was done i took out all the laundry i turned around and then i saw a lady standing right in front of me she was a middle-aged woman and she was smiling at me i almost fainted at that moment thinking that it must have been my imagination but unfortunately the lady was still standing there for some reason i couldn't move my body i was about to cry then the lady suddenly started running around the living room and was laughing out loud it turned out that my home security system wasn't properly locked so the woman managed to sneak inside the woman was caught by a security guard who came to our house after hearing the security alarm go off she was later arrested by the police later on the investigation confirmed that the woman was not caught on the elevator security camera which meant that the woman walked up the stairs all the way to the 15th floor opening each door one by one to see if any were open when i was six years old i went shopping for clothes with my dad i had a good time with him and everything was fine until i noticed that a man was staring at me he was a tall white and kind of weird looking dude who was probably around in his 30s then he started smiling at me more creepily my head kept saying what's wrong with that man i told my dad right away but he reassured me that it wasn't a big deal so i shrugged it off and soon forgot about him a few minutes later we were at the checkout area and i heard the voice of someone whispering i turned my head back and i saw the same man that i had seen before he was smiling again and tossed me a candy i usually don't accept stuff from strangers because my dad won't let me but this time my dad wasn't looking at me so i took it when we got home i went up to my room sat down and opened the candy wrap however there was a folded note instead of candy it said careful being a young and careless kid i just thought it was some kind of prank and ignored it a few weeks later it was the holidays so my mom went to a party and my dad was busy with work i had to stay home alone but that also meant i could do whatever i wanted to so i was watching youtube eating my snacks until about 9 p.m i started to feel tired watching youtube and then i heard some noises outside i got scared so i took my phone and ran to my parents room as it was the safest room in my house i quickly locked the door my parents room had a monitor where i could check the security cameras so i tried to look who was outside however i could only see red on the screen i thought it was strange so i quickly rewound for about five minutes and what i saw was shocking it was that man who i'd seen at the shopping mall he was just standing there holding a can of spray paint for a minute or so and then he suddenly started spraying all the cameras just then i heard small knocking noises hiding in my parents closet i tried to call my parents but no one answered then i called the police thinking that it might be my last chance and explained to them my current situation completely fortunately the police arrived in just five minutes they searched our whole house and they finally found him hiding in the attic [Music] after they arrested and investigated him it turned out that the man had trailed me that day when i got the candy from him he already knew where i lived so he made a plan to steal some valuables from our house they also found apparent evidence that he was even going to try to do some bad things to me well i'm just glad i survived however to this day it's agonizing just recalling the moment when i saw his face through the camera when i was about 16 i lived in a small town we had this abandoned house in my neighborhood it was huge almost big enough to call it a mansion but it had been an empty house for a while one day on the first day of summer vacation i suggested investigating inside of that house all of my friends agreed a few days later around 7 30 pm we snuck into the house the inside of the house had been burnt pretty badly which we thought was the reason why the house was abandoned everything was kind of cool but old and countrified we started to check all of the upstairs and downstairs of the house even the basement just at that moment i saw something darting across the room i started getting nervous but then i thought to myself it might be a squirrel or a raccoon and brushed away my doubts then i went to the second floor and my friends followed me i opened the door and there was a human-sized teddy bear sitting in the desk chair facing us we were spooked for a moment but it didn't stop us from exploring further we went to the third floor and while we were searching around and taking some stuff someone told us to look up when we looked toward the wall we could see the writing get out however we all laughed we talked about how brave we were and then turned around to head back downstairs all of a sudden one of my friends jay whispered that he saw something moving behind me i turned around with my flashlight but nothing was there feeling weird we went down to the second floor again then when we looked into the second floor room i swear to god the teddy bear was gone everybody in the house said nothing at all we all agreed that we should leave this house as soon as possible there was a door which was connected to the kitchen so we approached the kitchen but just at that moment one of my friends gasped everybody slowly turned around and the teddy bear was there it was sitting at the dinner table looking towards us and when we raised our heads upwards we could see the writing on the walls get out getting caught or not i wanted to leave i wanted to be out of there i ran out of the kitchen but i couldn't take one step further there was a man who was standing there he was blocking our way through the door he was holding a knife he seemed like he was almost in his mid-40s we just stood there staring at him without saying anything or screaming the man was blocking our way and he took a step forward staring at us with a big wide smile then one of my fearless friends that found an old hockey stick from one of the rooms stepped in front of me and shouted to him not to come any closer the man didn't say anything he took a couple of steps back and slowly crawled into a big hole behind a seat chair in the corner of the room we couldn't believe what we had just seen without any hesitation we ran for our lives after he disappeared as soon as we managed to get out everyone started to run away in a hurry as i was following them i turned around and i saw it the man stood in the window and waved to us smiling peacefully like nothing had ever happened when we finally reached a safe place far away from that house we all just stood there thinking that it was the most horrible nightmare we had ever experienced after that night i never sneak into houses especially any abandoned houses
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 945,602
Rating: 4.8874412 out of 5
Id: aVZl91DOlSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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